Europaudvalget 2001-02 (1. samling)
EUU Alm.del Bilag 53
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Medlemmerne af Folketingets Europaudvalg
og deres stedfortrædere
11. oktober 2001
Til underretning for Folketingets Europaudvalg vedlægges Fødevareministeriets notat om forslag til
Kommissionens forordning om ændring af bilag III i Rådets forordning (EØF) Nr. 2092/91 af 24. juni 1991
om økologisk produktionsmetode for landbrugsprodukter og om anvendelse heraf på landbrugsprodukter og
levnedsmidler, AGRI/01/52004/_en1.
Forslaget forventes at ville blive sat til afstemning ved et møde i Den Stående Komité for Økologisk Landbrug
den 18.-19. oktober 2001.
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Notat til Folketingets Europaudvalg
om forslag til Kommissionens forordning om ændring af bilag III i Rådets forordning (EØF) Nr. 2092/91 af 24.
juni 1991 om økologisk produktionsmetode for landbrugsprodukter og om anvendelse heraf på landbrugsprodukter
og levnedsmidler.
Dokument AGRI/01/52004/_en1
Forslaget forventes at ville blive sat til afstemning ved et møde i Den Stående Komité for Økologisk Landbrug den 18. -
19. oktober 2001.
Forslaget behandles i en III a-procedure. Hvis der er kvalificeret flertal, udsteder Kommissionen forordningen. Opnås
der ikke kvalificeret flertal, forelægger Kommissionen sagen for Rådet, der kan vedtage forslaget uændret med
kvalificeret flertal eller ændre det med enstemmighed. Handler Rådet ikke inden en frist på højst tre måneder, kan
Kommissionen udstede forordningen.
Der er med det foreliggende forslag tale om mange fortrinsvis små ændringer af forordningens bilag III. Det er hensigten
at foretage en større ændring af bilag III, når denne ændring er færdigforhandlet.
Det foreslås, at kravet ved transport af produkter direkte mellem to økologiske bedrifter/virksomheder skal skærpes,
således at produkterne enten skal transporteres i lukke containere eller lignende, eller alternativt skal
bedrifterne /virksomhederne orientere kontrolorganet, inden varen transporteres.
Forslaget om, at kontrolorganer eller myndigheder skal foretage uanmeldt inspektion, især på virksomheder, hvor der
forekommer forøget risiko for svindel eller udveksling med ikke-økologiske produkter kan betyde, at de danske
myndigheder skal gennemføre yderligere økologikontrolbesøg, end dem der i dag udføres integreret med
kontrolbesøgene i henhold til den almindelige fødevarelovgivning. De statsfinansielle konsekvenser af denne del af
forslaget kan ikke vurderes på det foreliggende grundlag. Forslaget i øvrigt skønnes ikke at have statsfinansielle
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Forslaget indeholder flere krav, som allerede er indført på fødevareområdet i Danmark og det vil forbedre kontrollen, at
disse krav udvides til at gælde for hele EU. Det gælder f.eks. kravet om balanceopgørelser af regnskabet og kontrol af
virksomheder, der udfører lønarbejde ("subcontractors").
Forslaget berører ikke beskyttelsesniveauet.
Regeringen agter på denne baggrund at tilslutte sig forslaget, idet man vil arbejde for
• at betingelserne for transport direkte mellem to økologiske bedrifter/virksomheder lempes og
• at kravet om fuld sporbarhed præciseres.
Aktuelt notat til Folketingets Europaudvalg
om forslag til Kommissionens forordning om ændring af bilag III i Rådets forordning (EØF) Nr. 2092/91 af 24.
juni 1991 om økologisk produktionsmetode for landbrugsprodukter og om anvendelse heraf på landbrugsprodukter
og levnedsmidler.
Dokument AGRI/01/52004/_en1
Kommissionen foreslår en række skærpede kontrolforanstaltninger i relation til dels den økologiske
jordbrugsproduktion, dels den videre forarbejdning og forhandling af økologiske fødevarer. Der foreslås bl.a.
skærpede krav til
dokumentation af regnskabsdata og balance mellem input/output af økologiske varer,
transport mellem økologiske bedrifter/virksomheder,
parallelavl af økologiske og ikke-økologiske afgrøder,
lønarbejde, samt
forholdsregler ved mistanke om overtrædelser af økologireglerne
Forslaget berører ikke beskyttelsesniveauet.
Kommissionen har den 3. oktober 2001 fremsendt forslag til Kommissionens forordning om ændring af bilag III i Rådets
forordning (EØF) Nr. 2092/91 af 24. juni 1991 om økologisk produktionsmetode for landbrugsprodukter og om anvendelse
heraf på landbrugsprodukter og levnedsmidler. Der er tale om en revideret udgave af et tidligere forslag med samme
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Forslaget er fremsat med hjemmel i Rådets forordning nr. 2092/91 af 24. juni 1991 om økologisk produktionsmetode for
landbrugsprodukter og om angivelse heraf på landbrugsprodukter og levnedsmidler (herefter "økologiforordningen"), særligt
artikel 13, anden tankestreg.
Forslaget behandles i en III a-procedure i Den Stående Komité for Økologisk Landbrug. Hvis der er kvalificeret flertal,
udsteder Kommissionen forordningen. Opnås der ikke kvalificeret flertal, forelægger Kommissionen sagen for Rådet, der kan
vedtage forslaget uændret med kvalificeret flertal eller ændre det med enstemmighed. Handler Rådet ikke inden en frist på
højst tre måneder, kan Kommissionen udstede forordning en.
Nærheds- og proportionalitetsprincippet
Der redegøres ikke for nærheds- og proportionalitetsprincippet, da der er tale om gennemførelsesbestemmelser til en allerede
vedtaget retsakt.
Formål og indhold
Der er med det foreliggende forslag tale om mange fortrinsvis små ændringer af forordningens bilag III. Det er hensigten at
foretage en større ændring af bilag III, når denne ændring er færdigforhandlet.
I den foreslåede forordning, der fastlægger indholdet af økologiforordningens bilag III, er der i den indledende artikel 2 anført, at bilag III fastlægger minimumkrav, som kontrolinstanserne, når
nødvendigt, skal udbygge med henblik på at sikre fuld sporbarhed gennem hele produktionskæden.
Bilag III omhandler minimumsbetingelser for kontrolforanstaltninger.
Bilaget er i forslaget delt op i "del I. Generelle bestemmelser" og "del II. Specifikke bestemmelser". Del II er
delt op i del A for primærproducenter, del B for virksomheder, der tilbereder fødevarer, og del C for
importører af produkter og fødevarer fra tredjelande.
I det gældende bilag er der blot en opdeling i del A, B og C. Den nye opdeling i del I og II, betyder, at de
fælles bestemmelser, der tidligere var gentaget under del A, B og C, er samlet i del I.
I del I, punkt 5, er der foreslået krav om, at regnskabsdata skal dokumenteres med relevante bilag, og at regnskabet skal demonstrere balancen mellem indgående og udgående økologiske produkter.
Dette krav har ikke tidligere været præciseret.
I del I, punkt 6 foreslås det, at kravet ved transport af produkter direkte mellem to økologiske
bedrifter/virksomheder skal skærpes, således at produkterne enten skal transporteres i lukkede containere
eller lignende, eller alternativt skal bedrifterne/virksomhederne orientere kontrolorganet, inden varen
Herudover er under punkt 6 om transport foreslået, at produkter, der forlader virksomheden, udover de
allerede nævnt oplysninger når det er relevant skal være mærket med lotidentifikationsmærke, som kan
henføres til regnskabet. Lotidentikationsmærkningen skal være aftalt med kontrolorganet/myndigheden.
I del I, punkt 8, om kontrolbesøg foreslås tilføjet, at kontrolorganer eller myndigheder skal foretage uanmeldt
inspektion især på virksomheder, hvor der forekommer forøget risiko for svindel eller udveksling med ikke-
økologiske produkter.
I del A, B og C, under del II, foreslås mindre ændringer til de fleste punkter samt enkelte ændringer omtalt
nedennævnt, som skønnes at kunne have større betydning.
I punkt A foreslås, at reglerne for parallelavl skærpes, således at der kun kan dyrkes samme afgrøde på en
økologisk og en ikke-økologisk mark, hvis der anvendes forskellige sorter, der let kan kendes fra hinanden.
For økologisk mælk, æg og ægprodukter forslås det, at en samtidig indsamling må foregå, når der er truffet
de nødvendige foranstaltninger til sikring mod sammenblanding.
I del C fastsættes krav om, at første modtager af et importparti skal have udarbejdet en økologirapport. Hvis
importøren og første modtager er den samme, skal der kun udarbejdes en rapport. Der foreslås også her, at
regnskabet skal demonstrere balancen mellem indgående og udgående mængder.
Der foreslås en ny del D:
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Del D skal omhandle enheder involveret i produktion, tilberedning eller import af økologiske produkter, som
via kontrakt får en tredjepart til at foretage dele eller alle aktuelle operationer. Det slås herved fast, at disse
tredjeparter også skal være underlagt økologikontrol.
Europa-Parlamentet skal ikke udtale sig.
Gældende dansk ret
Området er reguleret ved økologiforordningen samt suppleret i bekendtgørelse nr. 761 af 14. august 2000 om økologiske
fødevarer m.v. og bekendtgørelse nr. nr. 697 af 16. juli 2000 om økologisk jordbrugsproduktion.
Forslaget har ikke lovgivningsmæssige konsekvenser.
Forslaget om, at kontrolorganer eller myndigheder skal foretage uanmeldt inspektion, især på virksomheder, hvor der
forekommer forøget risiko for svindel eller udveksling med ikke-økologiske produkter kan betyde, at de danske
myndigheder skal gennemføre yderligere økologikontrolbesøg, end dem der i dag udføres integreret med
kontrolbesøgene i henhold til den almindelige fødevarelovgivning. De statsfinansielle konsekvenser af denne del af
forslaget kan ikke vurderes på det foreliggende grundlag. Forslaget i øvrigt skønnes ikke at have statsfinansielle
Forslaget indeholder flere krav, som allerede er indført på fødevareområdet i Danmark og det vil forbedre kontrollen, at
disse krav udvides til at gælde for hele EU. Det gælder f.eks. kravet om balanceopgørelser af regnskabet og kontrol af
virksomheder, der udfører lønarbejde ("subcontractors").
Forslaget berører ikke beskyttelsesniveauet.
Fødevaredirektoratet sendte et tidligere arbejdsdokument i høring til en række organisationer.
Landbrugsrådet, Mejeriforeningen, Landboforeningerne, Økologisk Landscenter, Landsforeningen
Økologisk Jordbrug, Danske Slagterier, Dansk Familie Landbrug og Det Danske Fjerkræråd bemærker i en
fælles skrivelse, at organisationerne generelt støtter sporbarhed i produktionen fra jord til bord. De fælles EU
bestemmelser vedrørende kontrol bør i højere grad baseres på dokumentation og oplysninger med henblik på
mæ ;ngde (im- og eksport fra en enhed) og ikke sporbarhed ned i de mindste detaljer. Der opfordres til, at der
arbejdes med egenkontrolprogrammer, og der henvises til de drøftelser, der har været med Plantedirektoratet
omkring elitekontrolordinger. Total sporbarhed for produkter, der handles i løs vægt som korn og mælk
findes urealistisk. Foreningerne finder, det bør være muligt at transportere økologiske og ikke-økologiske æg
på samme last bil, under den forudsætning, at der ikke sker sammenblanding.
Organisationerne finder videre, at de krav der stilles ved transport i ikke-lukkede containere er urealistiske.
FDB finder, at regler, der vedrører registrering af sporbarhed, bør afvente et horisontalt regelsæt i EU. FDB
finder, at for en virksomhed som FDB, der har mange centrale funktioner i forhold til detailbutikker og
særligt producerende enheder i butikken, så som bogholderi, visse kontrolfunktioner (godkendelse af
råvarer, udarbejdelse af deklarationer osv.) er det væsentligt, at det bliver muligt for enhederne at udarbejde
procedurer, som gør, at en del a f dokumentationen kan opbevares centralt og elektronisk, men tilgængeligt
for kontrolmyndigheden. FDB finder, at det skal medtages, at detailbagerier og detailslagtere i
supermarkedskæder, der sælger direkte til den endelige forbruger, ikke kan registrere modtager af varen.
Mejeriforeningen foreslår, at der indbygges en dispensationsmulighed således at der kan afhentes mælk og
æg af samme lastbil, hvis der er tale om særlige omstændigheder f.eks. særlig lang afstand mellem de enkelte
primærproducenter. Foreningen finder, at sporbarhedsafsnittet hører hjemme i den generelle lovgivning og
ikke i økologilovgivningen specifikt.
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FødevareIndustrien bemærker, at formuleringerne vedrørende forurening med ikke-økologiske ingredienser
er overflødige, da fødevareindustrien altid tager de nødvendige forholdsregler for at undgå sammenblanding
af forskellige produkter, uanset om disse er økologiske eller ej. Fuldstændig sporbarhed anses for meget
vanskeligt at efterleve for især producenter af sammensatte varer. Der bør i stedet fokuseres på en trov&ael
ig;rdig massebalance hos den enkelte producent. Endelig findes forbudet mod samtidig afhentning af
økologisk og ikke-økologiske mælk og æg hæmmende for økologiens udvikling. Efter FødevareIndustriens
opfattelse kan indsamlingen fuldt forsvarligt finde sted, som det sker i dag, hvor råvarerne er fysisk separeret
i samme transportkøretøj, eller klart mærket.
Kaffe- og Teimportørforeningen fandt et tidligere krav om desinficering uhensigtsmæssig.
SID har ingen bemærkninger til forslaget.
Den Danske Dyrlægeforeningen bemærker, at når reglerne skal implementeres i Danmark, skal det sikres, at
producenterne kun skal indberette til én myndighed.
Den tidligere udgave af forslaget har været i høring i § 2-udvalget (landbrug) og Det Rådgivende
Fødevareudvalg. I forbindelse hermed er modtaget følgende høringssvar:
Landbrugsraadet, Landboforeningerne og Dansk Familielandbrug (organisationerne) bemærker i en fælles
skrivelse, at forslaget om skærpede regler for parallelavl om, at der kun kan dyrkes samme afgrøde på
tilstødende økologiske og ikke-økologiske marker, såfremt der anvendes sorter, som let kan skelnes fra
hinanden, i princippet er udmærket. Organisationerne finder, at spørgsmålet er, hvad der let kan skelnes fra
hinanden, og orga nisationerne finder det nødvendig med en uddybning af, hvad der menes.
Organisationerne mener, at man i høj grad bør tilgodese de landbrugsfaglige hensyn, der ligger i et bredt
sortsvalg; landmanden bør således kun være forpligtiget til at vælge forskellige sorter. Det vil i praksis stort
set altid være muligt at tilgodese kontrollen af sorter ved tekniske analyser.
Organisationerne er i princippet enige i forslaget om uafhængig indsamlling af produkter, men finder dog, at
der er et behov for, at praktiske forhold vedrørende indsamling af mælk og æg belyses nærmere.
Organisationerne finder, at formuleringen bør efterlade mulighed for blandet transport, hvor der ud fra et
kontrolsynspunkt ikke er nævneværdig risiko for svindel med sammenblanding af konventionelle og
økologiske produkter. Indsamling af f.eks. m& aelig;lk kan foregå uden risiko for sammenblanding, hvis der
er adskilte rum i tankbilerne eller hvis der benyttes flere vogne. Der er dokumentation for leverede og
indvejede mængder, og det forekommer således unødvendigt at skærpe kravet til indsamling.
Organisationerne finder, at en skærpelse af kravet vil betyde flere lastbiler på vejene, mælkeproduktionen
samles på stadig færre bedrifter og den øgede transport vil give større for urening, hvilket er i strid med de
økologiske principper. De samme miljøforhold og logistiske forhold gælder indsamling af æg.
Organisationerne anfører, at man kan forestille sig, at de økologiske produkter f.eks. æg bliver mærket hos
primærproducenten, således at forveksling ikke er mulig.
FødevareIndustrien finder de konkrete forslag til ændringer generelt fornuftige, og det er glædeligt at
konstatere, at der fokuseres på massebalancer, risikovurderinger og sporbarhed fremfor tekniske detaljer, der
reelt ikke styrker kontrolkonceptet. FødevareIndustrien finder imidlertid forslaget vedrørende krav om
uafhængig indsamling af økologisk mælk, æg og ægprodukter meget uheldigt, og det forudses at ville give
betydelige logisti ske problemer. Efter FødevareIndustriens opfattelse kan indsamlingen fuldt forsvarligt
finde sted, som det sker i dag, hvor råvarerne er fysisk separeret i samme transportkøretøj eller klart mærket.
Mejeriforeningen finder, at forslaget, om at økologisk mælk skal indsamles uafhængigt af ikke-økologisk
mælk, vil medføre store logistiske problemer i forbindelse med indsamlingen af mælken. Hvis der ikke er
mulighed for indsamling af økologisk mælk og ikke-økologisk mælk i samme lastbil, kan det få den
konsekvens, at økologisk mælk i ydredistrikterne eventuelt ikke kan indsamles på grund af, at det bliver for
omkostningstungt. Endvidere kan det betyde, at der skal bruges flere lastbiler til indsamlingen, hvilket
udover øget omkostninger vil betyde øget forurening og trafik af lastbiler.
De samvirkende Købmænd (DSK) er interesserede i, at kontrollen med økologiske varer, både danske og
importerede, er så effektiv, at man kan stole på, at de produkter, der sælges som økologiske, også er det. DSK
vil dog afstå fra at kommentere de foreslåede ændringer i de detaljerede regler for kontrol.
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Økonomaforeningen kan tilslutte sig forslaget, idet foreningen finder det væsentligt med både skærpelse af
sporbarheden og kontrollen i forbindelse med salg af økologiske fødevarer, og foreningen finder det
væsentligt, at der arbejdes med at opbygge et system, der er med til at sikre troværdigheden omkring de
økologiske fødevarer.
Specialarbejderforbundet i Danmark kan støtte ændringerne i forordningen.
Nærings- og Nydelsesmiddelarbejder Forbundet finder, at ændringerne i forordningen er acceptable.
HORESTA har ikke umiddelbart bemærkninger til forslaget.
Tidligere forelæggelse for Folketingets Europaudvalg
Forslaget har ikke tidligere været forelagt Folketingets Europaudvalg
Grundnotat er oversendt den 5. juli 2001.
elagt Folketingets Europaudvalg
elagt Folketingets Europaudvalg
amending Annex III of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91 on organic production of agricultural products and
indications referring thereto on agricultural products and foodstuffs
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,
Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91 of 24 June 1991 on organic production of agricultural products and
indications referring thereto on agricultural products and foodstuffs, as last amended by Commission Regulation (EC) No
436/2001, and in particular Article 13, first and second indent thereof,
Annex III of Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91 lays down minimum inspection requirements and precautionary measures
under the inspection scheme referred to in Articles 8 and 9 of that Regulation.
Organic production of agricultural products has developed significantly in recent years. In many cases the organic
production is not anymore limited to single local productions and local trade. Currently, on the contrary, production of
organic agricultural products and foodstuffs involves very often several operators and operations, such as import,
transport, storage and packaging.
Annex III already comprises provisions for the main operators and different stages involved in the organic production of
agricultural products. However, in order to ensure the traceability of organic agricultural products throughout the
different stages of the trade chain, and finally the compliance of these products with the provisions laid down in
Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91 in the light of these recent developments, it is necessary to adapt the provisions in Annex
Article 9(12)(c) of the above Regulation, provides that in any event the measures taken under Article 9 shall ensure that
consumers are given guarantees that the products have been produced in accordance with Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91.
In addition, Article 9(3), states that the inspection system shall comprise at least the application of the precautionary and
inspection measures defined in Annex III. It is therefore necessary to provide that Member States and inspection bodies
shall com plete the measures of Annex III to ensure that the requirement of Article 9(12)(c), is satisfied.
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The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Committee referred to in Article
14 of Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91.
Article 1
Annex III to Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91 is replaced by the Annex to this Regulation.
Article 2
Annex III lays down minimum requirements, which the Member States' competent authority and/or the inspection body or
authority shall, where necessary, complete by any measures to ensure complete traceability of the products during the entire
production chain and to ensure that the provisions of this Regulation, and in particular Article 9(12)(c) thereof are satisfied.
Article 3
This Regulation shall enter into force on the seventh day following that of its publication in the
Official Journal of the European
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.
Done at Brussels,
and directly applicable in all Member States.
For the Commission
Member of the Commission
1. Minimum inspection requirements
The inspection requirements of this Annex apply without prejudice to Article 2 of the present Regulation.
2. Initial inspection
When the inspection arrangements are first implemented, the operator responsible must draw up:
• a full description of the unit and/or premises and/or activity;
• all the practical measures to be taken at the level of the unit and/or premises and/or activity to ensure compliance
with this Regulation, and in particular with the requirements in this Annex.
The description and practical measures concerned must be contained in a declaration, signed by the responsible operator.
In addition, this declaration must include an undertaking by the operator to perform the operations in accordance with
Articles 5, 6 and 6a and to accept, in the event of infringement or irregularities, the enforcement of the measures referred
to in Article 9 (9) and, where relevant, in Article 10 (3) and to accept to inform in writing the buyers of the product in
order to ensure that the indications referring to the organic production method are removed from this production.
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This declaration must be verified by the inspection body or authority that issues a report identifying the possible
deficiencies and non-compliances with the provisions of this Regulation. The operator must countersign this report and
take the necessary corrective measures.
3. Communications
The operator responsible must notify any change in the description or of the practical measures referred to in point 2 to
the inspection body or authority in due time.
4. Inspection visits
The inspection body or authority must make a full physical inspection, at least once a year, of the production/preparation
units or other premises. The inspection body or authority may take samples for testing of products not authorised under
this Regulation or for checking production techniques not in conformity with this Regulation. Samples may also be taken
and analysed for detecting possible contamination by unauthorised products. However, such analysis must be carried out
where the use of unauthorised products is suspected. An inspection report must be drawn up after each visit,
countersigned by the responsible person of the unit or his representative.
Moreover, the inspection body or authority shall carry out inspection visits, announced or not, covering in particular
those holdings or situations where fraudulent practices or exchange of products from organic production with other
products may exist.
5. Documentary accounts
The unit or premises must keep stock and financial records enabling the operator and the inspection body or authority to
• The supplier and, where different, the seller, or the exporter of the products;
• The nature and the quantities of agricultural products as referred to in Article 1 delivered to the unit and, where
relevant, of all materials bought and the use of such materials;
• In the case of import, the nature and the quantities of the consignment concerned;
• The nature, the quantities and the consignees and, where different, the buyers of any products as referred to in
Article 1, which have left the unit or the first consignee’s premises or storage facilities.
The data in the accounts must be documented with appropriate justification documents.
The accounts must demonstrate the balance between the input and the output.
6. Packaging and transport of products to other production/preparation units or premises
The units shall ensure that products as referred to in Article 1 may be transported to other units, including wholesalers
and retailers, only in appropriate packaging, containers or vehicles closed in such a manner that substitution of the
content cannot be achieved without manipulation or damage of the seal and provided with a label stating, without
prejudice to any other indications required by law:
a. the name and address of the operator and, where different, of the owner or seller of the product;
b. the name of the product, including a reference to the organic production method, in accordance with Article 5;
c. the name and/or the code number of the inspection body or authority to which the producer is subject and,
d. where relevant, the lot identification mark according to a marking system either approved at national level or agreed
with the inspection body or authority and which permits to link the lot with the accounts referred to in point 5.
The information under (a), (b), (c) and (d) can also be presented on an accompanying document, if such document can be
undeniably linked with the packaging, container or vehicle of the product.
However, the closing of packaging, containers or vehicles is not required where:
a) transportation is direct between a producer and another operator who are both subject to the inspection system referred to
in Article 9, and
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b) the products are accompanied by a document giving the information required under the previous subparagraph, and
c) the inspection body or authority of both the expediting and the receiving operators have been informed of such transport
operations and have agreed thereto.
7. Products not satisfying the requirements of the Regulation
Where an operator considers or suspects that a product which he has produced, prepared, imported or been delivered
from another operator, is not in compliance with this Regulation, he shall initiate procedures either to withdraw from this
product any reference to the organic production method or to separate and identify the product. He only may put it into
processing or packaging or on the market after elimination of that doubt, unless it is placed on the market without ind
ication referring to the organic production method. In case of such doubt, the operator shall immediately inform the
inspection body or authority. The inspection body or authority may decide that the product cannot be placed on the
market with indications referring to the organic production method until it is satisfied, by the information received from
the operator, that the doubt has been eliminated.
Where an inspection body or authority has a substantiated suspicion that an operator has placed on the market a product
not in compliance with the Regulation, it can decide that the operator must withdraw from this product any reference to
the organic production method until the operator can demonstrate to the inspection body’s authority’s satisfaction that
the product is in compliance with the this Regulation.
8. Access to facilities
The operator must give the inspection body or authority, for inspection purposes, access to all parts of the unit and all
premises, as well as to the accounts and relevant supporting documents. He must provide the inspection body or authority
with any information deemed necessary for the purposes of the inspection.
When requested by the inspection body or authority, the operator shall submit the results of its own voluntary inspection and
sampling programmes.
In addition, importers and first consignees must submit any import authorisations under Article 11(6) and certificates of
inspection for import from third countries.
A. Production of plants, plant products, livestock and/or livestock products at farm level.
This section applies to any unit involved in production as defined in Article 4(2) of products referred to in Article 1(1)
for its own account or for account of a third party.
Production must take place in a unit of which the production area, land parcels, pasturage, open-air exercise areas, open
air runs, livestock buildings, and, where applicable, the premises for the storage of crops, crop products, livestock
products, raw materials and inputs, are clearly separate from those of any other unit not producing in accordance with the
rules laid down in this Regulation.
Processing, packaging and/or marketing may take place at the production unit, where these activities are limited to its
own agricultural produce.
Quantities sold directly to the final consumer shall be accounted on a daily basis.
Storage, in the unit, of input products other than those permitted by Articles 6(1) (b) and 7, is prohibited.
Plants and plant products from farm production or collection
1. Initial inspection
The full description of the unit referred to under point 2 of Part I of this Annex must
• be drawn up even where the producer limits his activity to the collection of wild plants,
• show the storage and production premises and land parcels and/or collection areas and, where applicable, premises
where certain processing and/or packaging operations take place and
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• specify the date of the last application on the parcels and/or collection areas concerned of products, the use of which
is not compatible with Article 6 (1) (b).
In case of collection of wild plants, the practical measures referred to under point 2 of Part I of this Annex must include
the guarantees given by third parties which the producer can provide to ensure that the provisions of Annex I, section A,
point 4, are complied with.
2. Communications
Each year, before the date indicated by the inspection body or authority, the producer must notify the body or authority
of its schedule of production of crop products, giving a breakdown by parcel.
3. Several production units run by the same operator
Where an operator runs several production units in the same area, the units producing crops or crop products not covered
by Article 1, together with storage premises for input products (such as fertilisers, plant protection products, seed) must
also be subject to the general inspection arrangements laid down in Part I of this Annex as well as to the specific
inspections provisions as regards points 1, 2, 3 and 5.
The same variety as, or a variety that cannot be easily differentiated from those produced at the unit referred to in the
second paragraph of section A, may not be produced at these units.
However, producers may derogate from the rule referred to in the last sentence of the preceding subparagraph:
1. in the case of the production of perennial crop products (edible fruit bearing trees, vines and hops) provided the
following conditions are met:
1. the production in question forms part of a conversion plan in respect of which the producer gives a firm
undertaking and which provides for the beginning of the conversion of the last part of the area concerned to
organic production in the shortest possible period which may not in any event exceed a maximum of five years,
1. appropriate measures have been taken to ensure the permanent separation of the products obtained from each
unit concerned,
1. the inspection body or authority is notified of the harvest of each of the products concerned at least 48 hours in
1. immediately upon completion of the harvest, the producer informs the inspection body or authority of the exact
quantities harvested on the units concerned together with any particular distinguishing features (such as quality,
colour, average weight, etc. ) and confirms that the measures taken to separate the products have been applied,
1. the conversion plan and the measures referred to in point 1 and in point 2 of Part I have been approved by the
inspection body or authority. This approval must be confirmed each year after the start of the conversion plan.
1. in the case of areas intended for agricultural research agreed by the Member States' competent authorities, provided
that conditions 2, 3 and 4 and the relevant part of condition 5 referred to in (a) are met;
1. in the case of production of seed, vegetative propagating material and transplants, provided that conditions 2, 3 and 4
and the relevant part of condition 5 referred to in (a) are met;
1. in the case of grassland exclusively used for grazing.
A.2 Livestock and livestock products produced by animal husbandry
1. Initial inspection
When the inspection system applying specifically to livestock production is first implemented, the full description of the
unit referred to under point 2 of Part I of this Annex must include:
• a full description of the livestock buildings, pasturage, open-air exercise areas, open air runs, etc., and, where
applicable, the premises for the storage, packaging and processing of livestock, livestock products, raw materials
and inputs,
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• a full description of the installations for the storage of livestock manure.
The practical measures referred to under point 2 of Part I of this Annex must include:
• plan for spreading manure agreed with the inspection body or authority, together with a full description of the
areas given over to crop production,
• where appropriate, as regards the spreading of manure, the arrangements with other holdings complying with the
provisions of this Regulation.
• management plan for the organic-production livestock unit (e.g. management for feeding, reproduction, health,
2. Identification of livestock
The livestock must be identified permanently using techniques adapted to each species, individually in the case of large
mammals and individually or by batch in the case of poultry and small mammals.
3. Livestock records
Livestock records must be compiled in the form of a register and kept available to the inspection authorities or bodies at
all times at the address of the holding.
Such records, which are to provide a full description of the herd or flock management system, must contain the following
• by species, as regards livestock arriving at the holding: origin and date of arrival, conversion period, identification
mark and veterinary record;
• as regards livestock leaving the holding: age, number of heads, weight in case of slaughter, identification mark and
• details of any animals lost and reasons;
• as regards feed: type, including feed supplements, proportions of various ingredients of rations and periods of
access to free-range areas, periods of transhumance where restrictions apply;
• as regards disease prevention and treatment and veterinary care: date of treatment, diagnosis, type of treatment
product, method of treatment and practitioner’s prescription for veterinary care with reasons and withdrawal
periods applying before livestock products can be marketed.
4. Several production units run by the same operator
Where a producer, in accordance with point 1.6. of Annex I, section B, manages several production units, the units
which produce livestock or livestock products not covered by Article 1 must also be subject to the inspection system as
regards point 1 of this subsection on livestock and livestock products and as regards the provisions on livestock
management, livestock records and the principles governing storage of animal husbandry products used.
A derogation with regard to the requirement of different involved species in point 1.6 of Annex I, part B, may be granted
to holdings carrying out agricultural research by the inspection body or authority in agreement with the competent
authority of the Member State, where the following conditions are met:
• appropriate measures, agreed with the inspection body or authority have been taken in order to guarantee the
permanent separation between livestock, livestock products, manure and feedingstuffs of each of the units;
• the producer informs the inspection body or authority in advance of any delivery or selling of the livestock or
livestock products;
• the operator informs the inspection body or authority of the exact quantities produced in the units together with all
characteristics permitting the identification of the products and confirms that the measures taken to separate the
products have been applied.
5 . O t h e r r e q u i r e me nt s
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By way of a derogation from those rules, the storage of allopathic veterinary medicinal products and antibiotics is
permitted on holdings provided that they have been prescribed by a veterinarian in connection with treatment as referred
to in Annex I, that they are stored in a supervised location and that they are entered in the farm register.
B. Units for preparation of plant and livestock products and foodstuffs composed of plant and livestock products
This section applies to any unit involved in the preparation, as defined in Article 4(3), of products referred to in Article 1(1),
for its own account or for account of a third party, and including in particular also:
• units involved in packaging and/or re-packaging of such products;
• units involved in labelling and/or re-labelling of such products.
1. Initial inspection
The full description of the unit referred to under point 2 of Part I of this Annex must show the facilities used for the
reception, the processing, packaging, labelling and storage of agricultural products before and after the operations
concerning them, as well as the procedures for the transport of the products.
1. Documentary accounts
The documentary accounts referred to in point 5 of Part I shall include the verification referred to in point 5 of this
Preparation units handling also products not from organic production
Where products not referred to in Article 1 are also processed, packaged or stored in the production unit concerned:
• the unit must have areas separated by place or time within the premises for the storage of products as referred to in
Article 1, before and after the operations; these areas must be managed in order to ensure identification of lots and to
avoid any mixing with or contamination by products and/or substances not in compliance with this Regulation,
• operations must be carried out continuously until the complete run has been dealt with, separated by place or time
from similar operations performed on products not covered by Article 1,
• if such operations are not carried out at regular times or on a fixed day, they must be announced in advance, with a
deadline agreed on with the inspection body or authority,
• every measure must be taken to ensure identification of lots and to avoid mixtures with products not obtained in
accordance with the rules laid down in this Regulation,
• operations on products in accordance with the rules laid down in this Regulation must be carried out only after
complete cleaning of the production equipment. The effectiveness of the cleaning measures must be checked and
4. Packaging and transport of products to other preparation units
Milk, eggs and egg-products from organic farming shall be collected independently from products not produced in
accordance with this Regulation. Simultaneous collection may occur where appropriate measures are taken to prevent any
possible contamination with products not produced in accordance with this Regulation and to ensure the identification of the
products produced in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation. The operator keeps the information relating to
collec tion days, hours, circuit and date and time of reception of the products available to the inspection body or authority.
5. Reception of products from other preparation units
On receipt of a product as referred to in Article 1, the operator shall check the closing of the packaging or container where it
is required and the presence of the indications referred to in point 6 of Part I of this Annex. The operator shall crosscheck
the information on the label referred to in point 6 of Part I with the information on the accompanying documents. The result
of this verification shall be explicitly mentioned in the documentary accounts referred to in point 5 of Part I.
C. Imports of plants, plant products, livestock, livestock products and foodstuffs composed of plant products
and/or livestock products from third countries.
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This section applies to any production unit involved, as importer and/or as first consignee, in the import and/or reception,
for its own account or for account of another operator, of products referred to in Article 1(1). For the purpose of this
- the importer shall mean the natural or legal person within the European Community who presents a
consignment for release for free circulation into the European Community, either on its own, or through a
- the first consignee shall mean the natural or legal person referred to in Article 11 (3) a) to whom the
consignment is delivered and who will accept it for further preparation and/or marketing.
1. Initial inspection
1. Importers:
1. The full description of the unit referred to under point 2 of Part I of this Annex must include the importer’s
premises and of his import activities, indicating the points of entry of the products into the Community and any
other facilities the importer intends to use for the storage of the imported products pending their delivery to the
first consignee.
1. In addition, the declaration referred to under point 2 of Part I must include an undertaking by the importer to
ensure that any facilities that the importer will use for storage of products are submitted to inspection, to be
carried out either by the inspection body or authority or, when these storage facilities are situated in another
Member State or region, by an inspection body or authority approved for inspection in that Member State or
1. First consignee:
2. The full description of the unit referred to under point 2 of Part I must show the facilities used for the reception and
storage, and, where relevant, the processing, packaging, labelling and storage of agricultural products before and after
the operations concerning them, as well as for the transport of the products.
When the importer and the first consignee are the same legal person and operating in one single unit, the reports
referred to in point 2 of Part I can be formalised within one single report.
1. Documentary accounts
When the importer and the first consignee are not operating in one single unit, both of them must keep stock
and financial records.
On request of the inspection body or authority, any details on the transport arrangements from the exporter in
the third country to the first consignee and, from the first consignee’s premises or storage facilities to the
consignees within the EC must be provided.
1. Information on imported consignments
The importer shall, at the latest by the time that the certificate is submitted to the relevant Member State's authority in
accordance with Article 4 point 1 of Commission Regulation (EC) N° 1788/2001 of 7 September 2001 laying down
detailed rules for implementing the provisions concerning the certificate of inspection for imports from third countries
under Article 11 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91 on organic production of agricultural product s and
indications referring thereto on agricultural products and foodstuffs, inform the inspection body or authority of each
imported consignment into the Community, giving:
◦ the name and address of the first consignee,
◦ any details this body or authority may require, such as a copy of the inspection certificate for the importation of
organic products. On the request of the inspection body or authority of the importer, the latter must pass the
information to the inspection body or authority of the first consignee.
1. Importers and first consignees handling also products not from organic production
When imported products referred to in Article 1 are stored in storage facilities where also other agricultural products
or foodstuffs are stored:
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◦ the products as referred to in Article 1 must be kept separate from the other agricultural products and/or
◦ every measure must be taken to ensure identification of consignments and to avoid mixtures with products not
obtained in accordance with the rules laid down in this Regulation.
5. Inspection visits
The inspection body or authority shall inspect the stock and financial records mentioned in section C, point 2 and the
certificates referred to in Article 11 (1) (b) and (3).
Where the importer performs the import operations by different units or premises, he must make available on request, the
reports foreseen under point 2 and 4 of Part I of this Annex for each of these facilities.
6. Reception of products from a third country
Products as referred to in Article 1 shall be imported from a third country in appropriate packaging or containers, closed in a
manner preventing substitution of the content and provided with identification of the exporter and with any other marks and
numbers serving to identify the lot with the certificate of inspection for import from third countries.
On receipt of a product as referred to in Article 1, imported from a third country, the first consignee shall check the closing
of the packaging or container and the correspondence of the identification of the consignment with the certificate referred to
in Regulation (EC) N° 1788/2001. The result of this verification shall be explicitly mentioned in the accounts referred to in
section C, point 2.
D. Units involved in the production, preparation or import of products referred to in Article 1(1) and which have
contracted out to third parties in part or in total the actual operations concerned.
Initial inspection
With regard to the operations, which are contracted out to third parties, the full description referred to in point 2 of Part I
shall include
• a list of the subcontractors with a description of their activities and the inspection bodies or authorities to which they
are subject; these subcontractors must have agreed to have their holding being subject to the inspection regime of
Article 9, in accordance with the relevant sections of Annex III;
• all the practical measures, including inter alia an appropriate system of documentary accounts, to be taken at the level
of the unit to ensure that the products the operator places on the market can be traced to their suppliers, and, where
different, their sellers, as well as to their consignees and, where different, their buyers.
Where the operator and the subcontractors are inspected by different inspection bodies or authorities, the inspection report
referred to in point 2 of Part I must include the provision that the different inspection bodies can exchange information on
the operations under their inspection and on the way this exchange of information can be implemented.