Europaudvalget 2001-02 (2. samling)
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Europaudvalget (2. samling)
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Medlemmerne af Folketingets Europaudvalg
og deres stedfortrædere
31. januar 2002
Til underretning for Folketingets Europaudvalg vedlægges Finansministeriets redegørelse for rådsmøde
(økonomi- og finansministre) den 22. januar 2002.
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Referat af mødet i Rådet (økonomi- og finansministre) den 22. januar 2002
Dagsordenspunkt: Det spanske formandskabs arbejdsprogram
Det spanske formandskabs arbejdsprogram blev hilst velkommen af medlemslandene.
Den danske finansminister lagde - på linje med ministrene fra en række andre medlemslande - blandt andet vægt på behovet
for at styrke den økonomiske reformproces i Europa, herunder liberaliseringen af energimarkederne, gennemførelsen af den
finansielle handlingsplan og særligt skabelsen af et integreret marked for værdipapirer, økonomiske reformer, der får flere i
arbejde, samt vigtigheden af at færdiggøre skatte pakken inden udgangen af 2002. Finansministerens indlæg er vedlagt som
Dagsordenspunkt: Implementering af stabilitets- og vækstpagten:
Opdaterede stabilitets- og konvergensprogrammer for Sverige, Holland,
Belgien, Finland, Østrig og Luxembourg
ECOFIN vedtog udtalelser om stabilitetsprogrammerne for Holland, Belgien, Finland, Østrig og Luxembourg og om
konvergensprogrammet for Sverige.
Dagsordenspunkt: Rapport vedrørende forskning og udvikling
Formanden for Den Økonomisk-Politiske Komité (EPC) præsenterede rapporten vedrørende forskning og udvikling, som
ventes fremlagt for Det Europæiske Råd i Barcelona. Medlemslandene støttede blandt andet, at økonomiske reformer er
afgørende for at fremme forskning, udvikling og innovation.
Dagsordenspunkt: Kommissionens rapport over status for overgangen til
eurosedler og euromønter
Kommissionen afgav en orientering om eurolandenes overgang til eurosedler og –mønter, der forløber som planlagt.
Kommissionen ventes at forelægge en rapport om overgangen til euroen for Det Europæiske Råd i Barcelona.
Endvidere vedtog eurogruppen et kommuniké om overgangen til eurosedler og –mønter, der er vedlagt som bilag.
Dagsordenspunkt: EU’s egne indtægter
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ECOFIN drøftede status for processen vedrørende ratifikation af Rådets beslutning om egne indtægter, der ventes afsluttet
snarest i alle medlemslande.
Dagsordenspunkt: Mandat til EU's Økonomiske og Finansielle Udvalg
for at undersøge mulighederne for en Euro-Middelhavs-bank for
ECOFIN vedtog i opfølgning på konklusionerne fra Det Europæiske Råd i Laeken at lade Den Økonomiske og Finansielle
Komité (EFC) i samarbejde med Kommissionen og EIB overveje mulighederne for en Euro-Middelhavs-bank nærmere med
henblik på fornyede drøftelser i ECOFIN.
assistance til Rumænien
ECOFIN vedtog vedlagte rådskonklusioner vedrørende makrofinansiel assistance til Rumænien.
Dagsordenspunkt: Eventuelt: Beskatning af private renteindtægter i
andre lande: Status for forhandlingerne med tredjelandene
Kommissionen gav en kort status for forhandlingerne med de centrale tredjelande og EU-landenes tilknyttede områder
vedrørende beskatningen af private renteindtægter.
Den økonomiske situation i Argentina
ECOFIN vedtog vedlagte erklæring vedrørende den økonomiske situation i Argentina.
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22. januar 2002
Finansministerens talegrundlag til brug for den åbne debat om det spanske formandskabs ECOFIN-
arbejdsprogram på ECOFIN-mødet den 22. januar 2002
0. Tak til det belgiske formandskab og velkommen til det spanske formandskab. Danmark støtter det spanske
formandskabs prioriteter og ønsker formandskabet held og lykke. Tillykke med indførelsen af euroen. Det er en
historisk begivenhed af betydning for os alle, hvad enten vi er med eller ej.
1. Jeg vil gerne benytte lejligheden til at understrege, at det økonomisk-politiske samarbejde er vigtigt for alle 15
medlemslande. For Danmark er dette meget tydeligt, da vi fører fastkurspolitik over for euroen.
Økonomiske reformer
• Vi lægger stor vægt på økonomiske reformer, der styrker konkurrencen og effektiviteten. Som formandskabet har nævnt,
forstærkes behovet for reformer af den internationale vækstafmatning. Vi hilser det derfor velkomment, at det spanske
formandskab har sat økonomiske reformer højt på den politiske dagsorden og ser meget frem til forårstopmødet i Barcelona,
der bør
styrke reformprocessen i Europa.
• Når det gælder reformer af netværksindustrierne, håber jeg, at der på forårstopmødet i Barcelona kan sættes skub i
liberaliseringen af energimarkederne i Europa.
El- og gas-markederne skal liberaliseres, så der sikres fuld markedsadgang for alle
typer kunder effektivt - og ikke mindst med lige konkurrencevilkår. Den danske regering vil selv liberalisere det danske el- og
gasmarked og forberede privatiserin ger på området.
• Der bør ske parallelle fremskridt med gennemførelsen af
det indre marked for energi
samarbejdet om energibeskatning.
skal nås på den økonomisk mest effektive måde.
Det indre marked for finansielle tjenester
• Vi støtter formandskabets indsats for at holde et højt tempo i gennemførelsen af
den finansielle handlingsplan
med vægt på
skabelsen af
et integreret marked for værdipapirer.
På forårstopmødet i Barcelona bør der udstikkes de retningslinjer, der vil
genskabe tilliden til, at vi når de aftalte tidsfrister. Som andre har nævnt, er det afgørende, at Lamfalussy-problematikken er
afklaret i god tid inden Barcelona. Så held og lykke med mødet i eftermiddag i Parlamentet.
Flere i arbejde – det skal kunne betale sig at arbejde
Velstanden i fremtidens Europa afhænger af vores vilje til at lave økonomiske reformer, der får
flere i arbejde
Det skal kunne betale sig at arbejde
og yde en ekstra indsats. Den nye danske regering er fast besluttet på at
stoppe stigningen i skatterne
og vil tilrettelægge en
økonomisk politik, der skal skabe det fornødne råderum til at lette skatten på arbejde.
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0. Den danske regering lægger stor vægt på, at medlemslandene som aftalt får vedtaget den samlede
ved udgangen af 2002. Det er derfor vigtigt, at vi under det spanske formandskab når de fremskridt, som vi er
forpligtet til ifølge tidsplanen.
1. Det vil gøre en vanskelig opgave lidt lettere for det danske formandskab
2. Vi ønsker det spanske formandskab al mulig held og lykke og tilsiger dansk støtte til samarbejdet.
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The Eurogroup
The European Central Bank
The Commission
The changeover to euro notes and coins
21 January 2002
Almost ten years after the signing of the Maastricht Treaty, euro notes and coins have smoothly made their way into the
daily lives of 300 million people. The operation, conducted on an unprecedented scale and warmly welcomed by the
public, has gone remarkably well.
The general public was provided very rapidly with euro banknotes and coins:
By the end of 2001 more than 70% of ba
and coins expected to be in circulation by the end of February 2002 had been
distributed to banks.
Frontloading through the sale of mini-kits distributed over 4 billion coins to the public in the final two weeks of 2001.
80% of ATMs were converted to euro, and by 4 January virtually all cash machines dispensed only
euro. Withdrawals were remarkably high during the first ten days and people were also eager to exchange old national
currency for euro at banks.
On 1 January 2002 about
Therefore, by the end of the first week of January, almost everyone in the euro area had euro notes and coins in their
The proportion of cash payments in euro averaged around 20% at the end of 2 January. By the end of the first week
about three quarters of cash payments were in euro, and this figure was well over 90% by the end of the second week. A
steep increase in euro payments, coupled with exceptional measures taken by most shops, ensured that queues did not
lengthen unduly. Thanks to the efforts of all those involved, there were only isolated cases of shortages of certain
denominations of not es and coins, and these did not interfere with normal trading. Since cash is now circulating freely in
euro, priority can now be given to the secure withdrawal of old national notes and coins and to maximum vigilance by
consumers and the competent bodies with respect to price developments.
Ministers of the Eurogroup, the European Central Bank and the European Commission are highly satisfied with the
success of the operation, made possible by the careful and thorough preparations made by all economic actors, the
European institutions, and the national authorities, including the national central banks of the Eurosystem. They thank all
who contributed to this success, in particular the financial institutions, post offices, the cash-operated industry, cash
transport companies and sales outlets for their efforts. They stress that this outstanding success would not have been
possible without the active and enthusiastic participation of the general public.
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While the cash changeover has represented the concluding act of the move to a single currency, many of the benefits of
the euro materialised even before the introduction of notes and coins. The smooth changeover will reinforce these
positive effects.
Thanks to the convergence process during the 1990s, and continued efforts in accordance with the Stability and Growth
Pact, the euro area can now count on sound economic fundamentals. There are no major imbalances in either the public
or the private sector, and the ECB has successfully established its credibility in maintaining price stability. Economic
stability encourages investment and consumption, providing a favourable climate for growth and employment.
The euro is contributing to greater efficiency of the European economy, notably by acting as a catalyst for the integration
of financial markets, and by stimulating reforms in product, services and labour markets. The euro has removed the most
important remaining barrier in the EU single market: the co-existence of multiple national currencies. The cash
changeover, by intensifying cross-country price comparisons, will increase price transparency, encourage more intense
competition and pro mote the more efficient allocation of resources, to the benefit of all consumers.
Over the last four years the euro area and EU economies have been hit by several serious external shocks (the terrorist
attacks on 11 September in the US being a recent example). It is currently affected by the synchronised slowdown of the
world economy. However, the euro has eliminated exchange rate tensions between participating Member States, which
often in the past had aggravated the consequences of negative external events. At the same time, economic policy co-
ordination at euro are a level has kept economic policies geared towards economic growth and stability. Thanks to the
appropriate policy response and good fundamentals, growth and employment should strengthen in the coming months.
The euro is also demonstrating its value for third countries. The Eurozone offers valuable investment and financing
opportunities to foreign borrowers and investors. Monetary integration in Europe will also contribute to stability in the
international monetary system.
Macro-Financial Assistance to Romania
Draft Conclusions for the ECOFIN Council
The Council welcomes Romania's recent progress in macroeconomic stabilisation and the agreement reached late last
year with the International Monetary Fund on a comprehensive economic programme, supported by a new stand-by
credit. In this context, the Council takes note of the Commission's intention to make available to Romania EU 100
million, pursuant to Council decision 99/732/EC of 8 November 1999, in two sub-tranches, subject to the satisfactory
implementation of the stand-by arrangem ent and adequate progress in the country's structural adjustment process.
Ministers of Finance and Economy
of the Member States of the EU
22 January 2002
The EU fully supports the ongoing co-operation between the Argentinean government and the International Monetary
Fund, directed towards designing a sustainable, consistent and credible economic programme. The immediate challenge
faced by the new government is to lay the basis for sound economic growth with low inflation, while easing social
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The economic programme under negotiation needs to be strong, viable and credible, both to the domestic and the
international community. It should also be sustainable over the medium term to support a lasting recovery of the
Argentinean economy and should pay due attention to the growing social problems. In addition to restoring sound
macroeconomic policies and addressing the main structural deficiencies, the programme should promote a legal and
regulatory framework conducive to a resumpti on of domestic and foreign investment.
The key areas of focus should be the monetary and fiscal policy framework, the banking system and the exchange rate
It is very important for the programme to adhere to the principles of a market-based economy and to avoid
discriminating against foreign direct investors and creditors.
Over the recent period the burden of the resolution of Argentina’s debt problems has largely been provided by domestic
private creditors including overseas bank subsidiaries and branches. A deep and fair international debt restructuring
should be based on an appropriate involvement of the private sector to secure sustainability of Argentina's debt service,
which is an utmost priority.
Attention should also be paid to the social consequences of the current crisis. We encourage the World Bank and the
Inter-American Development Bank, in close co-operation with the IMF, to examine with the Argentinean government
measures aimed at alleviating the social impact of the current crisis.
A properly functioning financial system will play a key role in overcoming the economic crisis. The financial sector in
Argentina should not bear an unreasonable amount of the costs of the devaluation as a result of administrative rulings. In
this context, the Argentinean government should take into account the negative consequences of any possible bankruptcy
bill, which could have serious impact on the banking system.
We stand ready to offer technical co-operation to the Argentinean government for the design and implementation of
monetary, exchange rate and financial policies.
We are confident that a strong and credible strategy can be defined and it is essential that it is implemented promptly so
as to overcome the current difficulties. This will have a positive impact not only on Argentina’s economic prospects but
also for the long-term economic prospects of the whole Latin American region.