Europaudvalget 2003-04
EUU Alm.del Bilag 1202
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emmerne af Folketingets Europaudvalg
res stedfortrædere
8. september 2004
Til underretning for Folketingets Europaudvalg vedlægges Miljøministeriets notat samt grundnotat
om Kommissionens forslag til direktiv om tilpasning til den tekniske udvikling af bilag II og III til
Rådets direktiv 76/768/EØF om indbyrdes tilnærmelse af medlemsstaternes lovgivning om
kosmetiske midler (CMR-stoffer – 34. tilpasning).
Medlemslandenes skal skriftligt afgive deres stemme om forslaget inden den 8. september 2004.
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EU-koordinationen D 346-0002
Notat til Folketingets Europaudvalg vedrørende Kommissionens forslag til direktiv om
tilpasning til den tekniske udvikling af bilag II og III til Rådets direktiv 76/768/EØF om
indbyrdes tilnærmelse af medlemsstaternes lovgivning om kosmetiske midler
(CMR-stoffer – 34. tilpasning)
Kommissionen har den 3. september 2004 oversendt ovennævnte forslag til forvaltningskomiteen
for direktiv 76/786/EØF om indbyrdes tilnærmelse af medlemsstaternes lovgivning om
kosmetiske midler med henblik på skriftlig afstemning den 8. september 2004.
Kommissionen anvender den såkaldte hasteprocedure med en fem dages frist, uden at der
tilsyneladende er særlig grund til dette.
Regeringen har tilsluttet sig forslagene.
Miljøministeren har i forlængelse af Kommissionens anvendelse af hasteproceduren sendt vedlagte
brev til nuværende og kommende Kommissær for DG ”enterprise”, som har ansvaret for
6. september 2004
Forslag til Kommissionens direktiv om tilpasning til den tekniske udvikling af bilag II og III til
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Forslaget har hjemmel i artikel 95 i TEF. Forslaget skal vedtages på skriftligt grundlag efter
komité-proceduren (art. 5).
Medlemslandenes skal skriftligt afgive deres stemme om forslaget inden den 8. september  2004.
2. Formål og indhold
Formålet  med  forslaget  er  at  gennemføre  de  ændringer  af  kosmetikdirektivet,  som  er
nødvendiggjort  af  nye  videnskabelige  vurderinger  fra  Den  Videnskabelige  Komité  for
Forbrugerprodukter (SCCP).
Forslaget er en opfølgning på den seneste ændring af kosmetikdirektivet (7. ændring) som blev
forhandlet på plads under dansk formandskab. Forslaget gennemfører det generelle forbud mod
CMR-stoffer  (stoffer  som  er  kræftfremkaldende  eller  som  skader  forplantningsevne  eller
arveanlæg) som blev vedtaget under 7. ændring.
Med forslaget forbydes de stoffer, der i bilag I til Rådets direktiv 67/548/EØF af 27. juni 1967 om
tilnærmelse af lovgivning om klassificering, emballering og etikettering af farlige stoffer
klassificeret som CMR-stoffer i kategori 1, 2 eller 3, såfremt de ikke allerede er forbudte i medfør
af bilag 2 til kosmetikdirektivet. Samtidig fjernes et enkelt stof, blyacetat, der er klassificeret som et
CMR stof i kategori 1 fra bilag III til kosmetikdirektivet, hvormed stoffet fra at have et begrænset
anvendelsesområde bliver helt forbud. Dog tillades anvendelsen af stoffer, der er klassificeret i
kategori 3, såfremt de på grundlag af en vurdering godkendes af EU’s videnskabelige komité for
forbrugerprodukter, SCCP.
3. Nærheds- og proportionalitetsprincippet
Forslaget har til formål at tilpasse det eksisterende kosmetikdirektiv og er derfor ikke i konflikt
med nærheds- og proportionalitetsprincippet.
4. Konsekvenser for Danmark
Lovgivningsmæssige konsekvenser:
Det er Miljøstyrelsens vurdering, at direktivforslaget skal implementeres ved udstedelse af en dansk
bekendtgørelse. Reglerne skal efter forslagene være gennemført i dansk ret senest 11.  september
Økonomiske og administrative konsekvenser:
Forslaget  forventes  ikke  at  have  væsentlige  økonomiske  konsekvenser,  da  forslaget  er  en
opfølgning på det generelle forbud der blev indført med 7. ændring. Hertil kommer, at forslaget
retter  sig  mod  produktionsvirksomheder,  hvoraf  der  i  Danmark  kun  findes  få  og  mindre
Forslaget forventes at medføre en forbedring af beskyttelsesniveauet i Danmark.
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5. Høring
har ikke været sendt i høring.
Günter Verheugen
Commissioner for Enterprise and Industry
Rue de la Science 15
B-1049 Bruxelles
Ministry of Environment
Højbro Plads 4
DK-1200 København K
Phone + 45 33 92 76 00
Fax + 45 33 32 22 27
E-mail (Internet): [email protected]
CVR-no.: 12-85-43-58
The Committee procedure and the Cosmetics Directive
Dear Günter Verheugen
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I am writing to you in order to draw your attention to certain problems pertaining to the great
haste in which several proposals to amend the Cosmetics Directive has been forwarded to
Member States.
To be more specific I am addressing the procedure that has been used on four different proposals
by the Commission to adapt to technical progress the Cosmetics Directive. The first proposal was
forwarded on 10. August 2004 and subsequently 3 other proposals have been forwarded. All four
proposals has been forwarded for adoption by Member States by written procedure, and
furthermore the procedure envisaged by the Commission is the procedure that leaves only 5 days
for Member States to give their vote on the proposals.
The internal governmental procedure that has to be used in Denmark when preparing the Danish
vote on the four proposals mentioned above entails a substantial consultation conducted by the
Ministry of Environment vis a vis a large number of government bodies and organisations and of
the Danish Parliament. This procedures ensures both the co-ordination required to secure a
cohesive policy as well as the democratic mandate needed to give the Danish vote on the
It is therefore of immense importance for Denmark’s possibilities to use the internal Danish
procedure that there is a sufficient amount of time to do so. The time limit of 5 days however
makes it very difficult to complete the internal procedure. It is therefore my unambiguous
expectation, that the time limit of 5 days will only be used in exceptional cases.
Concerning the four proposals mentioned above I therefore find it very hard to understand, that
the Commission in all four cases has deemed it necessary to use the very short time limit of 5 days.
As an example it seems unlikely to me, that the use of the short time limit is justified in the cases
of the first two proposals that were forwarded to Member States on the 10. and 11. of August
2004. These two proposals concerns the prolongation of time limits that were introduced into the
directive already in 2001. In my opinion it is reasonable to expect, that these two proposals could
have been introduced at an earlier stage and with a time limit for Member States to give their vote
that could have been substantially longer than just 5 days.
To summarise my request to you, I will very strongly encourage the Commission only to use the
short time limit of 5 days in exceptional cases when amending the Cosmetics Directive in the
future. I will also call upon you to ensure, that the Commission Services in these cases will inform
Member States well ahead of time if and when such a short time limit will be used, and to give
exact account of the reasons to
do so.
Kind regards
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Erkki Liikanen
Commissioner for Enterprise, Competitiveness, Innovation and
Information Society
Rue de la Scien
ce 15
B-1049 Bruxelles
Ministry of Environment
Højbro Plads 4
DK-1200 København K
Phone + 45 33 92 76 00
Fax + 45 33 32 22 27
E-mail (Internet): [email protected]
CVR-no.: 12-85-43-58
The Committee procedure and
osmetics Directive Date   
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Dear Erkki Liikanen
I am writing to you in order to draw your attention to certain problems pertaining to the great
haste in which several proposals to amend the Cosmetics Directive has been forwarded to
Member States.
To be more specific I am addressing the procedure that has been used on four different proposals
by the Commission to adapt to technical progress the Cosmetics Directive. The first proposal was
forwarded on 10. August 2004 and subsequently 3 other proposals have been forwarded. All four
proposals has been forwarded for adoption by Member States by written procedure, and
furthermore the procedure envisaged by the Commission is the procedure that leaves only 5 days
for Member States to give their vote on the proposals.
The internal governmental procedure that has to be used in Denmark when preparing the Danish
vote on the four proposals mentioned above entails a substantial consultation conducted by the
Ministry of Environment vis a vis a large number of government bodies and organisations and of
the Danish Parliament. This procedures ensures both the co-ordination required to secure a
cohesive policy as well as the democratic mandate needed to give the Danish vote on the
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It is therefore of immense importance for Denmark’s possibilities to use the internal Danish
procedure that there is a sufficient amount of time to do so. The time limit of 5 days however
makes it very difficult to complete the internal procedure. It is therefore my unambiguous
expectation, that the time limit of 5 days will only be used in exceptional cases.
Concerning the four proposals mentioned above I therefore find it very hard to understand, that
the Commission in all four cases has deemed it necessary to use the very short time limit of 5 days.
As an example it seems unlikely to me, that the use of the short time limit is justified in the cases
of the first two proposals that were forwarded to Member States on the 10. and 11. of August
2004. These two proposals concerns the prolongation of time limits that were introduced into the
directive already in 2001. In my opinion it is reasonable to expect, that these two proposals could
have been introduced at an earlier stage and with a time limit for Member States to give their vote
that could have been substantially longer than just 5 days.
To summarise my request to you, I will very strongly encourage the Commission only to use the
short time limit of 5 days in exceptional cases when amending the Cosmetics Directive in the
future. I will also call upon you to ensure, that the Commission Services in these cases will inform
Member States well ahead of time if and when such a short time limit will be used, and to give
exact account of the reasons
o do so.
Kind regards
EFT 196 af 16.8.1967, s. 1. Senest ændret ved Rådets forordning (EF) nr. 807/2003 (EUT
L 1
22 af 16.5.200
3, s. 36
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