Europaudvalget 2003-04
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12. december 2003
Til underretning for Folketingets Europaudvalg vedlægges Formandskabets konklusioner fra
mødet i Det Europæiske Råd i Bruxelles den 12.-13. december 2003.
SN 400/03
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12 DECEMBER 2003
SN 400/03
Presidency Conclusions – Brussels, 12 December 2003
The European Council met in Brussels on 12 December 2003. The meeting was preceded by an
exposé by the President of the European Parliament, Mr Pat Cox, followed by an exchange of
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views concerning the main items on the agenda.
European Action for Growth
The European Council endorses the European Action for Growth, on the basis of the reports
presented by the ECOFIN Council, the Commission and the EIB. The Action covers material as
well as immaterial investments in two broad areas: the trans-European network infrastructure
(TENs) including transport, telecommunications and energy, and innovation and R&D including
environmental technology. It is an important step in the implementation of the Union's Lisbon
agenda to improve competitiveness, employment and the enlarged Union's growth potential
through higher investment in both physical and human capital to complement structural reform.
The European Council welcomes the work carried out by the Commission, the EIB and the
relevant formations of the Council on the establishment of a "quick start programme" and on the
identification, according to a strict set of criteria, of a provisional list of projects for immediate
action; these projects will be considered by the EIB and EIF in accordance with the principles set
out in the ECOFIN Council report. If other projects fulfil the same criteria the list may be
complemented, in accordance with the procedure followed for its establishment, in the
framework of the annual reporting cycle to the Spring European Council.
SN 400/033
Presidency Conclusions – Brussels, 12 December 2003
The Action for Growth rests on close collaboration between the Member States, the Council, the
Commission and the EIB. All relevant actors have to play their role in order for the Action to
succeed, in particular by taking the necessary steps to ensure implementation of the "quick-start
programme", so that the EIB and other relevant actors can provide appropriate financing. The
mobilisation of private resources to finance qualifying projects is the cornerstone of the Action
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for Growth. The Action for Growth assumes the part-financing of projects from national budgets,
in particular by optimising the use of existing public resources, a contribution from the EU and
the EIB and enhanced coordination between all relevant sources of financing. The European
Action for Growth will be consistent with the BEPGs, the Stability and Growth Pact, the
Financial Perspective and the agreed framework for the EIB's capital. The European Council
welcomes the political agreement in the Council on the TENs financial regulation providing for a
higher rate of Community co-financing for some specific projects or sections of projects.
The European Council therefore invites:
0 the EIB, in accordance with the ECOFIN Council report, to implement the financial
instruments aiming at leveraging private capital, and to develop Securitisation Trusts and
within the limits of the Bank's Statutes and subject to Eurostat rules work with the Member
States as they seek to mobilise resources by bringing infrastructure assets to markets,
1 Member States to complement the Action for Growth by national measures and programmes
and, together with the Commission, to act rapidly to eliminate technical, legal,
administrative and accounting obstacles to the implementation of PPPs, TENs and
innovation and R&D projects and improve the non-financial framework conditions for
these projects,
SN 400/034
Presidency Conclusions – Brussels, 12 December 2003
2 the Commission, in accordance with the ECOFIN Council report, to redirect expenditure
where appropriate towards growth-enhancing investment in physical and human capital and
knowledge, and, in cooperation with the Member States, to further examine the necessity of
developing a specific Community guarantee instrument for certain post-construction risks
in TEN transport projects, to report on the results of that examination and, if appropriate, to
present a proposal in this regard,
3 the Commission and the EIB, to provide a mid-term evaluation of the Action for Growth by
the end of 2007, on the basis of the following criteria: (i) effects on growth; (ii) impact on
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the internal market and cohesion in the enlarged EU; (iii) mobilisation of private sector
capital, (iv) acceleration of the implementation of TENs and innovation and R&D projects
including environment projects; (v) progress in reducing regulatory barriers; (vi) the impact
on the environment and employment.
Connecting the Internal Market
Transport TENs
The European Council welcomes the Council's political agreement on the new Community
guidelines for the development of the Trans-European Transport Network, based on the work
carried out by the Van Miert Group. These will allow all Member States of the enlarged Europe
to participate fully in the Internal Market.
The priority projects identified by the guidelines are crucial to the strengthening of Internal Market
cohesion, especially in view of the forthcoming enlargement of the European Union and of the
need to remove bottlenecks and/or complete missing links in the circulation of goods (transit)
across natural or other barriers or across borders.
SN 400/035
Presidency Conclusions – Brussels, 12 December 2003
As far as transport TENs in the context of the Action for Growth are concerned, the European
Council takes note with satisfaction of the political agreement by the ECOFIN Council to
increase the upper EU contribution from 10% to 20% for cross-border projects, and emphasises
how the Action for Growth, in the case of transport, is entirely in line with the transport priority
projects proposed by the Commission and approved by the Council on 5 December.
The European Council welcomes the presentation by the Commission of a proposal for a new
Eurovignette Directive. It urges the Council to speed up its work in order to allow agreement on
the Community-wide framework by March 2004 and, subsequently, to find an agreement with the
European Parliament.
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The European Council invites the Commission to propose in its telecommunications report to the
Spring 2004 European Council concrete actions to be taken by the Member States to improve the
conditions of 3G mobile communications and broadband development in Europe.
The European Council takes note with interest of progress on defining an integrated horizontal
approach to competitiveness, i.a. through coherence, synergies and complementarities between
policies, and invites the Council to assess further the Commission's communication, in particular
identifying, in cooperation with the Commission, proposals having a significant impact on
competitiveness or creating an excessive burden for certain sectors of industry. In this context
further cost-effective ways of implementing EU decisions in the field of climate change and the
potential cost of inaction should be considered. Conscious of the importance of the industrial
sector for the competitiveness of the European economy and in view of the objectives set by the
Lisbon strategy, the European Council looks forward to receiving the Commission's report on
de-industrialisation in the first half of 2004.
SN 400/036
Presidency Conclusions – Brussels, 12 December 2003
10 The European Council welcomes the important agreement on a general approach on take-over bids,
which is an essential component of the Financial Services Action Plan for the integration of
European financial markets by 2005. The European Council also recalls the need to approve the
Community patent on the basis of the common political approach already reached in March 2003.
It stresses the need to develop broadband telecommunications and for the full and effective
transposition of the new regulatory framework for electronic communications.
11 In view of the forthcoming international meeting in Washington on 19 December 2003 the
European Council welcomes the decisions reached in the Competitiveness Council on the
European candidate site for hosting ITER and supports the efforts to ensure the success of this
12 The European Council welcomes the report on "Creating more employment in Europe" presented
by the Task Force chaired by Mr. Kok as well as the results of the work of the extraordinary
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Social Summit for Growth and Employment of 11 December on this issue.
13 The Task Force Report underlines the need to accelerate the implementation of the necessary
reforms on employment. Europe has a large gap to bridge to achieve the employment objectives
set at Lisbon. Economic growth is insufficient and unemployment is much too high. This is all
the more urgent in the light of the wider, longer-term challenges Europe faces, such as
globalisation, worldwide economic transformation and the consequences of the ageing society.
14 The European Council stresses that, in accordance with the view of the Task Force, improving the
EU's employment performance in the context of the Employment Strategy depends on meeting
four essential requirements:
4 increasing adaptability of workers and enterprises,
5 attracting more people to the labour market,
6 more and more effective investment in human capital,
7 ensuring effective implementation of reforms through better governance.
SN 400/037
Presidency Conclusions – Brussels, 12 December 2003
15 The European Council underlines that employment will be one of the central aspects of the 2004
Spring European Council. It therefore invites the Commission and Council to consider the Task
Force report in the preparation of the Joint Employment Report.
Managing the Union's common borders
16 The European Council welcomes the political agreement reached by the Council on the main
elements of the Commission proposal for a Council Regulation establishing a European Agency
for the Management of operational cooperation at the common borders. It also invites the JHA
Council to finish examining this important proposal as soon as possible so that it can be adopted
in time to allow the Agency to become operational by 1 January 2005.
17 The European Council also welcomes the adoption of the programme of measures to combat illegal
immigration across the maritime borders, which takes into account the results of the feasibility
study carried out for the Commission on maritime borders. It calls on the JHA Council, in close
cooperation with the Commission and the Member States, to ensure the implementation of the
measures set out in the programme in order for the European Council to evaluate the results.
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18 In the context of enlargement, the European Council welcomes the measures aimed at easing
control procedures at the borders between Member States and acceding States, as well as those
aimed at supporting the latter in their process of alignment with the acquis on external borders.
Controlling migratory flows
19 The European Council welcomes the general approach reached by the Council on the two
Commission proposals for Council Regulations on biometric identifiers in visas and residence
permits and invites the Commission to submit in due time a proposal for the introduction of
biometric identifiers in passports. On the basis of the forthcoming Commission communication, it
invites the Council to take the necessary decisions on the development of the Visa Information
System (VIS) as soon as possible.
SN 400/038
Presidency Conclusions – Brussels, 12 December 2003
20 The European Council calls for more rapid progress in the field of return. Moreover, confirming the
request it made in Thessaloniki, it invites the Commission to present at the beginning of 2004 a
proposal for a financial instrument aimed at supporting a common approach in the area of return
21 The European Council welcomes the significant progress achieved in the negotiations on the
adoption of the two Council Directives on asylum qualification and procedures. It takes note of
the persisting political obstacles that have been delaying the conclusion of these negotiations. On
the other hand, it reaffirms the importance of developing a common European policy on asylum
and invites the JHA Council to complete its work as soon as possible to ensure that the first phase
of the establishment of a European Asylum system is fully implemented within the deadline set in
22 Finally, the European Council reaffirms the importance of the dialogue with third countries of
origin and transit of migratory flows and underlines the importance of continuing to assist those
countries in their own efforts to stem such migratory flows. This was also emphasised at the
meeting of five Western Mediterranean EU Member/Acceding States and the five countries of
the Maghreb Union held in Tunis on 5 December 2003. It welcomes the interinstitutional
agreement reached by the European Parliament and the Council on the Regulation establishing
the new financial instrument relating to cooperation with third countries in the area of asylum and
migration. It also welcomes the adoption by the Council of the mechanism for monitoring and
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evaluating third countries in the area of the fight against illegal migration and invites the
Commission to present the first report on its implementation by the end of 2004 at the latest.
Judicial and Police Cooperation
23 The European Council welcomes further progress achieved by the Council in the area of police
cooperation, taking into special consideration the signature of the Protocol amending the Europol
Convention. On this basis, Europol will assume an increasingly important role in the action
carried out by Member States in fighting organised crime and terrorism.
SN 400/039
Presidency Conclusions – Brussels, 12 December 2003
24 The European Council urges the Council to invite the competent authorities of the Member States
to use more effectively the existing instrument of judicial and police cooperation, including joint
investigation teams. It also welcomes progress in the intensification of police cooperation with
several third countries of strategic importance for the EU as far as the fight against organised
crime is concerned.
25 The European Council also welcomes the political agreement reached by the Council on the
Commission proposal for a Council Framework Decision laying down minimum provisions on
the constituent elements of criminal acts and penalties in the field of drug trafficking. The
European Council welcomes the adoption of the Resolution on the importance of the role of the
family in preventing drug abuse by adolescents, the Resolution on the posting of liaison officers
with particular expertise in drugs to Albania, the Resolution on combating the impact of
psychoactive substances use on road accidents and the Decision concerning control measures and
criminal sanctions in respect of new synthetic drugs.
Interfaith Dialogue
26 The Heads of State or Government were informed of the results of the Conference on Interfaith
Dialogue which took place in Rome on 30 and 31 October 2003 and took note with satisfaction
of the Statement on Interfaith Dialogue and Social Cohesion adopted by Ministers of the Interior.
Conscious of the importance of this issue, they encourage the relevant Ministers to support a
sustained, open and transparent dialogue with the different religions and philosophical
communities as an instrument of peace and social cohesion in Europe and at its borders.
27 The Heads of State or Government reaffirm the EU's firm commitment to oppose any form of
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extremism, intolerance and xenophobia, which undermine peaceful and democratic coexistence,
and their condemnation of any type of violence and terrorism.
28 The Heads of State or Government underline its deep concern at the increase in instances of
anti-semitic intolerance and strongly condemns all manifestations of anti-semitism, including
attacks against religious sites and individuals.
SN 400/0310
Presidency Conclusions – Brussels, 12 December 2003
29 The European Council welcomes the findings and recommendations of the Commission contained
in its Comprehensive Monitoring Reports, the Strategy Paper and the Regular Reports presented
on 5 November 2003.
New Member States
30 The Union looks forward to welcoming the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania,
Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia as full members of the Union on 1 May 2004.
Integrating the new Member States into the European family will fulfil the aspirations of
European citizens throughout our continent.
31 The European Council invites the new Member States in the run-up to accession to intensify and
complete their final preparations for membership. The European Council endorses the Council
conclusions of 17 November 2003 on monitoring their state of preparedness for EU membership.
In this context, it notes the Commission's determination to take, wherever necessary, all
appropriate measures to safeguard the smooth functioning of all EU policies in the enlarged
32 The European Council also notes with satisfaction the advanced state of the ongoing process of
ratification of the Accession Treaty and looks forward to its timely completion.
Bulgaria and Romania
33 The European Council underscores the continuity and irreversibility of the ongoing enlargement
process of which Bulgaria and Romania form an integral part. Over the past year, these countries
have significantly brought forward their preparations for membership, which is reflected in the
well-advanced state of their accession negotiations.
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SN 400/0311
Presidency Conclusions – Brussels, 12 December 2003
34 Welcoming Bulgaria and Romania in January 2007 as members of the Union, if they are ready, is
the common objective of the Union of 25. Negotiations will be concluded on the same basis and
principles applied to the ten acceding States. Bulgaria and Romania should continue energetically
their preparations and make further progress on the ground, so that the accession negotiations can
be brought to a successful conclusion in 2004 on the basis of own merits, and the Accession
Treaty can be signed as soon as possible in 2005. The European Council underlines the
determination of the Union to facilitate this time line. To this end, it is crucial for both countries
to bring their administrative and judicial capacity up to the required level.
35 Furthermore, the European Council encourages Bulgaria and Romania to continue on the path of
economic and structural reform in order to take full advantage of the benefits offered by the
accession process. Close monitoring by the Union of the commitments undertaken and of the
effective implementation of the acquis will continue to guide Bulgaria and Romania in their
membership preparations.
36 Regarding the financial framework for Bulgaria and Romania, the Commission is invited to submit
its proposal at the beginning of 2004, so as to enable the Council to give the necessary guidance
for the Commission to present draft Common Positions on the relevant negotiating chapters in
Spring 2004. In this context, the European Council takes note of the Commission's intention to
base its proposal on the principles and methodology developed for the negotiations with the ten
acceding States. The European Council restates its resolve that discussions or agreement on
future policy reforms, or the new financial perspective, will neither impede the pursuit and
conclusion of accession negotiations nor be prejudged by the outcome of those negotiations.
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SN 400/0312
Presidency Conclusions – Brussels, 12 December 2003
37 The European Council welcomes the considerable and determined efforts by the Turkish
government to accelerate the pace of reforms, many of which are significant in political and legal
terms. The legislative packages so far adopted, the first important steps taken to ensure effective
implementation, as well as the progress in addressing many priorities under the Copenhagen
political criteria and in the revised Accession Partnership have brought Turkey closer to the
Union. Turkey has also made significant progress in meeting the Copenhagen economic criteria.
However, further sustained efforts are needed, in particular as regards strengthening the
independence and functioning of the judiciary, the overall framework for the exercise of
fundamental freedoms (association, expression and religion), the further alignment of
civil-military relations with European practice, the situation in the Southeast of the country and
cultural rights. Turkey also has to overcome macro-economic imbalances and structural
38 The European Council underlines the importance of Turkey's expression of political will to settle
the Cyprus problem. In this respect a settlement of the Cyprus problem, based on the principles
set out in section IV. below, would greatly facilitate Turkey's membership aspirations.
39 The European Council encourages Turkey to build on the substantial progress achieved so far in its
preparations for launching accession negotiations and underlines its commitment to working
towards full implementation of the pre-accession strategy with Turkey, including the revised
Accession Partnership, in view of the decision to be taken by the European Council in December
2004 on the basis of the report and recommendations of the Commission.
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SN 400/0313
Presidency Conclusions – Brussels, 12 December 2003
40 In line with its relevant conclusions, the European Council reiterates its preference for a reunited
Cyprus to join the Union on 1 May 2004, in order to allow all Cypriots to enjoy a secure and
prosperous future and the benefits of EU accession. It considers that there is a good prospect of
reaching a just, viable and functional settlement by 1 May 2004, consistent with the relevant UN
Security Council resolutions. The European Council therefore again urges all parties concerned,
and in particular Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot leadership, to strongly support the UN Secretary
General's efforts and, in this context, calls for an immediate resumption of the talks on the basis
of his proposals. The Union reiterates its willingness to accommodate the terms of a settlement in
line with the principles on which the EU is founded. In this context, the European Council
welcomes the Commission's willingness to offer assistance for a speedy solution within the
framework of the acquis. Following a settlement, the Union is ready to provide financial
assistance for the development of the northern part of Cyprus and the Commission would be
called upon to prepare all necessary steps for lifting the suspension of the acquis, in accordance
with Protocol 10 to the Act of Accession.
External Relations
Western Balkans
41 The European Council takes note of the positive developments since the EU-Western Balkans
Summit in Thessaloniki on 21 June 2003. The future of the Western Balkans lies within the
European Union and the speed of movement ahead lies in the hands of the countries of the
region. The Commission's report on the preparedness of Bosnia and Herzegovina to negotiate a
Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) has been presented and a similar feasibility
report for Serbia and Montenegro is being prepared. The negotiations on an SAA with Albania
continue. The SAAs with the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and with Croatia are
under ratification. The Croatian application for EU membership is currently under examination
by the Commission, whose opinion is expected in Spring 2004. Concrete progress has been made
in promoting regional cooperation, particularly in the areas of free trade, energy and
SN 400/0314
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Presidency Conclusions – Brussels, 12 December 2003
42 In certain cases, however, the pace of the reform process remains slow. The European Council
therefore calls on the countries of the region to intensify their reform efforts, especially in areas
which are essential for EU integration, in particular public administration, the judicial system and
the fight against organised crime and corruption. It also expects all countries of the region and
parties concerned to cooperate fully with the ICTY. In this respect, the European Council
welcomes the Joint Conclusions of the meetings of Foreign Ministers and of Ministers
responsible for Justice and Home Affairs, held on 9 December and on 28 November 2003 within
the framework of the EU-Western Balkans Forum, and expects the relevant commitments to be
rapidly translated into concrete actions.
43 Recalling its conclusions in Thessaloniki, the European Council reiterates its determination to fully
support the European perspective of the Western Balkan countries. It welcomes progress already
made in enriching the Stabilisation and Association Process with elements drawn from the
enlargement experience: a draft Council regulation for individual European Partnerships during
Spring 2004 is under examination; preparations for the participation of the Western Balkan
countries in Community programmes and agencies are ongoing; twinning is about to be extended
to the entire region; economic dialogue will start in early 2004; political dialogue and
cooperation in CFSP matters have been enhanced.
Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
44 The European Council reaffirms the strategic importance of the Mediterranean for the European
Union, and confirms its resolute determination to reinforce cooperation significantly with the
Mediterranean partners.
45 The European Council notes with satisfaction the successful outcome of the VIth Conference of
Euro-Mediterranean Foreign Ministers recently held in Naples and welcomes the results of the
Euro-Mediterranean Conferences held in Palermo (trade), Venice (agriculture) and Rome
(energy, infrastructures and investment).
SN 400/0315
Presidency Conclusions – Brussels, 12 December 2003
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46 In particular, the European Council emphasises the spirit of cooperation displayed by all
participants at the Naples Conference and notes that following the establishment of the
Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly and the Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the
Dialogue of Cultures, and the reinforcement of the Euro-Mediterranean Facility for
Euro-Mediterranean Investment and Partnership, the Barcelona Process now has more effective
instruments for pursuing its objectives. The achievements of Palermo, Venice, Rome and Naples
open up new avenues for cooperation between the Euro-Mediterranean partners and help to bring
the civil societies in the region closer to the Barcelona Process.
47 In this context the European Council welcomes the ECOFIN Council decision to develop further
the Facility for Euro-Mediterranean Investment and Partnership (FEMIP) by reinforcing the
FEMIP within the European Investment Bank. In line with the Barcelona European Council
remit, the decision was taken on the basis of the performance of the FEMIP, which was evaluated
positively, and consultation with Mediterranean partner countries. The European Council invites
the ECOFIN Council to assess the incorporation of an EIB majority-owned subsidiary dedicated
to the Mediterranean partner countries in December 2006, on the basis of an evaluation of the
reinforced Facility's performance, and taking into account the outcome of consultations with the
Barcelona Process partners.
48 The European Council reaffirms that the stability of Iraq is a shared interest and reiterates the
Union's commitment to supporting the political as well as the economic reconstruction of the
country, within the framework of the relevant UNSC Resolutions. It stresses that an adequate
security environment and a strong and vital UN role are essential elements for success. The
European Council underlines the need for full implementation of UNSC Resolution 1511.
49 The European Council repeats its wholehearted condemnation of terrorist attacks on Iraqis,
multinational forces, and international organisations and staff, designed to undermine the
political and economic reconstruction processes in Iraq.
SN 400/0316
Presidency Conclusions – Brussels, 12 December 2003
50 The European Council welcomes the agreement establishing a timeline and a programme for an
accelerated transfer of sovereignty to a transitional Iraqi government, and calls on all parties
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involved to keep the political process moving forward in an orderly and peaceful manner. It
stresses the importance of ensuring the widest popular participation in the political and
constitutional process.
51 The European Council recognises and encourages the efforts under way by the Iraqi Governing
Council and its Ministries to assume more direct responsibilities and executive powers,
particularly in the security field.
52 The European Council urges all countries in the region to contribute actively to the stability and
economic reconstruction of Iraq. A free, democratic and prosperous Iraq, whose territorial
integrity is preserved, will be essential for the stability of the region and beyond.
53 The European Council unequivocally condemns all recent terrorist attacks, including in Istanbul,
which killed or injured many people of different nationalities and faiths. The Union reiterates its
solidarity with Turkey and reaffirms its determination to defeat terrorism together with others in
the international community and to provide a common response to this global threat.
SN 400/0317
Presidency Conclusions – Brussels, 12 December 2003
Middle East Peace Process
54 The European Council remains firmly committed to the clear objective of two States, Israel and a
viable and democratic Palestinian State, living side by side in peace and security, in the
framework of a comprehensive peace in the Middle East, as laid out in the Road Map drawn up
by the Quartet. The European Council welcomes the international support for the Road Map, as
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expressed by the unanimous adoption of UNSCR 1515. The European Council therefore calls
again on both parties, Israel and the Palestinian Authority, to immediately and simultaneously
fulfil their obligations and responsibilities under the Road Map. The European Council stresses
the importance of establishing a credible and effective monitoring mechanism including all
members of the Quartet. The European Council also welcomes initiatives from civil societies on
both sides, including the Geneva Peace Initiative, and is ready to further assist in the efforts to
promote rapprochement, confidence building and the search for a lasting peace.
55 The European Council stresses the importance of partnership and mutual understanding, as
demonstrated at the Euromed Conference of Foreign Ministers in Naples on 2 and 3 December
2003, and it welcomes the results of the donors' meeting (Ad Hoc Liaison Committee) that took
place in Rome on 10 December 2003, followed by a meeting of the Quartet Reform Task Force.
56 The European Council urges the Palestinian Authority to concretely demonstrate its determination
in the fight against terrorism and extremist violence. The EU welcomes the Palestinian
Government's efforts to achieve a lasting cease-fire, and the support given by the Egyptian
Government in this respect. It strongly urges all Palestinian movements to effectively support this
approach. It calls on the Palestinian Government under Prime Minister Qorei to reorganise all
security services, and to restore effective control in areas under its responsibility. The reform of
the Palestinian Authority must continue. These efforts deserve to be supported by all.
SN 400/0318
Presidency Conclusions – Brussels, 12 December 2003
57 The EU also urges the Israeli Government to reverse its settlement policy and to dismantle
settlements built after March 2001. This policy, together with the departure of the so-called
security fence in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem from the Green Line, could
prejudge future negotiations and make the two-State solution physically impossible to implement.
In this context, the EU is alarmed by the creation of a closed zone between this "fence" and the
Green Line. The European Council recalls the importance of open and unhindered channels of
communication for all EU interlocutors.
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58 The European Council urges again all sides in the region to immediately implement policies
conducive to dialogue and negotiations and actively to combat any incitement to racial or
religious hatred. It reiterates that the relationship with those who take steps to the contrary will be
inevitably affected by such behaviour.
59 The European Council reiterates that the fight against terrorism in all its forms remains one of the
priorities of the entire international community and that it is the duty of all countries, in particular
of those in the region, to actively cooperate in the fight against terrorism and to abstain from all
support, direct or indirect, to terrorist organisations.
60 The European Council recalls that a comprehensive peace must also include Syria and Lebanon and
the relevance of the Arab Peace Initiative adopted by the Beirut Arab League Summit of 28
March 2002.
Arab world
61 The European Council welcomes the report on relations with the Arab world formulated by the
Secretary-General/High Representative and the Commission as a contribution to the development
of an overall approach. It invites the GAERC, in consultation with the SG/HR and the
Commission, to pursue its work on the basis of a joint report, within the implementation of the
European Security Strategy and taking into account existing policies and programmes, notably
the Barcelona Process and the New Neighbours Initiative. A report is envisaged at the GAERC in
March 2004.
SN 400/0319
Presidency Conclusions – Brussels, 12 December 2003
Transatlantic relations
62 The European Council adopted the Declaration set out at Annex.
63 As regards Canada, the European Council welcomes the progress made on the review of
EU-Canada relations and looks forward to the next EU-Canada Summit's endorsement of a final
report by Ministers. The outcome of this review will lend new depth to a close and valued
Russian Federation
64 The European Council took stock of the Union's relations with the Russian Federation and
welcomes the close and effective working relationship established with Russia across a wide
range of policy areas. It reaffirms the Union's determination to build a balanced and reciprocal
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strategic partnership with Russia, based on the values of the rule of law, democracy, human rights
and fundamental freedoms and a free market economy.
65 The European Council reiterates the principal objective of creating, in the medium-long run, four
Common Spaces on the basis of the St. Petersburg Declaration. In this sense the Rome Summit
held on 6 November 2003 marked an important step forward with the adoption of the Common
Economic Space concept and with fundamental decisions that lay the ground for the creation of
the three other Spaces.
66 The European Council therefore invites the Council and the Commission to draw up, in good time
before the next EU-Russia Summit, an assessment report on all aspects of the Union's
relationship with Russia and to propose measures aimed at strengthening the strategic partnership
and respect of the values on which it is based. In this context, and emphasising the opportunities
offered to Russia by the impending enlargement of the European Union, the European Council
stresses that the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement, which has to be extended to the new
EU Member States by 1 May 2004, will remain the cornerstone of its relations with Russia.
SN 400/0320
Presidency Conclusions – Brussels, 12 December 2003
67 The European Council welcomes progress made in cooperation within the framework of ESDP, as
evidenced by the Russian participation in the joint EU-NATO crisis management exercise
CME/CMX 03. Practical cooperation in specific situations will be brought forward as
appropriate. In this regard, it highlights the opportunities for the EU and Russia to jointly
promote stability, democracy and prosperity in their common neighbourhood.
68 The European Council welcomes the recent agreement to expand EIB activities in Russia and the
WNIS and invites the Council to assess Russia's inclusion in the general mandate in December
69 The European Council took note of the report on the implementation of the Common Strategy on
Ukraine and agreed to extend the period of its application by one year.
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70 The European Council invites the General Affairs and External Relations Council to re-examine the
question of the embargo on the sale of arms to China.
Latin America and the Caribbean
71 The European Council welcomes with satisfaction the impetus recently given to negotiations for a
EU-Mercosur Association Agreement and calls for this to be finalised as soon as possible.
72 The Council furthermore expresses satisfaction at the conclusion of negotiations for the two
Agreements on Political Dialogue and Cooperation with the Andean Community and Central
American Countries which will be signed in Rome on 15 December 2003.
73 Both these developments and the recently started political dialogue between the EU and the
Organisation of American States are a concrete sign of the attention the EU continues to pay to
Latin and Caribbean America and of its will to strengthen bi-regional relations.
SN 400/0321
Presidency Conclusions – Brussels, 12 December 2003
74 The European Council reaffirms the importance of the partnership with Africa and welcomes the
strengthening of the EU-Africa dialogue as indicated by the positive and constructive outcome of
the EU-Africa Ministerial Troika in Rome on 10 November 2003.
75 The European Council welcomes the developing partnership between the EU, the UN, the African
Union and sub-regional African organisations in the field of conflict prevention, conflict
management and development, in particular through NEPAD.
76 In this context the European Council recognises the importance of restoring peace and security in
Africa as a pre-requisite for development and welcomes the establishment of a Peace Facility for
the financing of African peace-supporting operations, which will provide a significant boost to
Africans' own ability to bring peace to their continent.
77 The European Council reiterates that the European Union remains committed to supporting the
peace processes in the continent such as in the Great Lakes, Liberia, Côte d'Ivoire, Sudan,
Somalia, Ethiopia-Eritrea. It stresses the need to make use in a coherent and coordinated manner
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of all the instruments available to the EU, inter alia as regards reconstruction, development and
ESDP. It welcomes the growing role played by the African Union and the African sub-regional
organisations (ECOWAS, IGAD, SADC) in this regard as well as in the field of regional
integration and development.
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
78 The European Council remains gravely concerned at the DPRK's nuclear programme, which poses
a serious threat to regional and global security. It urges the DPRK to return to full compliance
with the NPT and completely, verifiably and irreversibly dismantle its nuclear programme.
SN 400/0322
Presidency Conclusions – Brussels, 12 December 2003
79 The recent visit to the DPRK by a European Union Troika delegation demonstrates the
commitment of the Union to actively contribute to a peaceful solution to the current tense
situation. The European Council strongly supports the continuation of the six-party talks with the
aim of finding such a solution. The European Union will continue to follow developments in the
Peninsula closely and review the EU's policy towards the DPRK as appropriate. The European
Council reiterated that enhancing the EU's cooperation with the DPRK will only be possible
when the DPRK fully complies with its international non-proliferation obligations. In this
context, the EU recalls its unequivocal commitment to maintaining the authority and the integrity
of the NPT.
Green Diplomacy
80 The European Council welcomes the definition of the scope of activity and the modus operandi of
the "Green Diplomacy Network" as contained in the conclusions of the ad hoc meeting in Rome
following the conclusions of the Thessaloniki European Council and looks forward to the full
implementation of its tasks. To this end the European Council invites the incoming Presidency to
carry on the work done by the Greek and Italian Presidencies.
Olympic Truce
81 The European Council supports the idea of an Olympic Truce and welcomes the relevant resolution
agreed unanimously by the United Nations General Assembly.
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Security Strategy
82 The European Council adopted the European security strategy and warmly congratulated SG/HR
Javier Solana for the work accomplished.
SN 400/0323
Presidency Conclusions – Brussels, 12 December 2003
83 The European security strategy reaffirms our common determination to face our responsibility for
guaranteeing a secure Europe in a better world. It will enable the European Union to better deal
with the threats and global challenges and realise the opportunities facing us. An active, capable
and more coherent European Union would make an impact on a global scale. In doing so, it
would contribute to an effective multilateral system leading to a fairer, safer and more united
84 In order to draw all the consequences of those strategic orientations and to mainstream them into all
relevant European policies, the European Council asked the incoming Presidency and the
SG/HR, in coordination with the Commission, to present, as appropriate, concrete proposals for
the implementation of the European security strategy. Initial work would include effective
multilateralism with the UN at its core, the fight against terrorism, a strategy towards the region
of the Middle East and a comprehensive policy towards Bosnia-Herzegovina.
85 In this context, the European Council adopted the EU strategy against the proliferation of weapons
of mass destruction, which is a crucial element of the security strategy.
86 The European Council also endorsed the regular report on ESDP as well as the work programme
for the incoming Presidency. It welcomed the progress achieved in the development of military
and civilian capabilities for crisis management. It expressed satisfaction at the positive conduct of
ESDP operations undertaken so far.
87 The European Council confirmed the EU's readiness for an ESDP-mission in Bosnia-Herzegovina,
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including a military component based on the agreed Berlin Plus arrangements. The European
Council welcomed NATO's readiness to start consultations with the EU.It invited the incoming
Presidency and the SG/HR to take the matter forward in accordance with agreed procedures.
SN 400/0324