Europaudvalget 2004-05 (1. samling)
2613 - RIA Bilag 3
Medlemmerne af Folketingets Europaudvalg
og deres stedfortrædere
14. oktober 2004
Til underretning for Folketingets Europaudvalg vedlægges EU-for-
mandskabets udkast til et flerårigt program: ”Haager-programmet til styrkelse
af frihed, sikkerhed og retfærdighed i Den Europæiske Union”, 13302/04.
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Brussels, 11 October 2004
JAI 370
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Subject :
Draft multiannual programme: "The Hague Programme, strengthening fre
security and justice in the European Union"
As requested by the European Council on 17 and 18 June 2004, the
Presidency has drafted, in close cooperation with the Commission, the
multiannual programme for the area of freedom, security and justice, called
"The Hague Programme, strengthening freedom, security and justice in the
European Union".
The draft programme is based on in-depth discussions at the meeting of JHA
Ministers within the Council on 19 July 2004 and at the informal meeting of
JHA Ministers on 30 September and 1 October 2004. Substantive and
detailed written contributions of the Member States received by the
Presidency have been used as well. However, not all the suggestions have
been included in The Hague Programme because they are better suited for
the action plan to be based on this programme.
It is the intention of the Presidency to reach political agreement on the
programme at the meeting of JHA Ministers within the Council on 25 and 26
October 2004.
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Over the past years the European Union has increased its role in securing
police and judicial cooperation and in developing a coordinated policy with
regard to asylum, immigration and external border controls. This
development will continue with the firmer establishment of a common area
of freedom, security and justice by the Treaty establishing a Constitution for
Europe, signed in Rome on 29 October 2004. This Treaty and the preceding
Treaties of Maastricht, Amsterdam and Nice have progressively established a
common legal framework for the development of cooperation and
coordination in the field of justice and home affairs, and the integration of
this cooperation with other policy areas of the Union.
Since the Tampere European Council in 1999, the Union's policy in the area
of justice and home affairs has been developed in the framework of a general
programme. Even if not all the original aims were achieved, comprehensive
and coordinated progress has been made, as is confirmed by the
Commission's Communication on the assessment of the Tampere
. In the first five-year period, the foundations for a common
asylum and immigration policy have been laid, the harmonisation of border
controls has been prepared, police cooperation has been improved, and the
groundwork for judicial cooperation on the basis of the principle of mutual
recognition of judgments has been accepted.
The European Council welcomes the results that have been achieved so far.
It considers the strengthening of the area of freedom, security and justice an
essential priority of the Union in the coming years. The further development
of this common area should once again be coordinated in the single overall
framework of a comprehensive programme covering the coming years.
COM (2004) 401.
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The objective of this new programme is the improvement of the common
capability of the Union and its Member States: to guarantee fundamental
rights, minimum procedural safeguards and the access to justice, to regulate
migration flows and to control the external borders of the Union, to fight
organised cross-border crime and repress the threat of terrorism, to realise
the potential of Europol and Eurojust; to further realise the mutual
recognition of judicial decisions and certificates both in civil and in criminal
matters, to eliminate legal and judicial obstacles in cross-border litigation in
civil and family matters. This is an objective that has to be achieved in the
interests of our citizens by improving access to the courts, practical police
and judicial cooperation, the approximation of law and the development of
common policies.
A key element in the near future will be the prevention and repression of
terrorism. A common approach in this area should be based on the principle
that preserving national security is only possible in the framework of the
Union as a whole.
The European Council considers the common project of strengthening the
area of freedom, security and justice quintessential in securing safe
communities, mutual trust and the rule of law throughout the Union.
Freedom, justice, control at the external borders, internal security and the
prevention of terrorism should henceforth be considered indivisible within
the Union as a whole.
General principles
The programme set out below seeks to respond to the challenge and the
expectations of our citizens. It is practical and builds on ongoing work arising
from the Tampere programme, current action plans and an evaluation of first
generation measures. It is also grounded in the general principles of the need for
European added value and respect for the principles of subsidiarity,
proportionality and solidarity. The Treaty establishing a Constitution of Europe
(hereinafter the Constitutional Treaty) served as a guideline for the level of
ambition, but the existing Treaties provide the legal basis for Council action
until such time as the Constitutional Treaty takes effect. Accordingly, the
various policy areas have been examined to determine whether preparatory work
or studies could already commence, so that measures provided for in the
Constitutional Treaty can be taken as soon as it enters into force.
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Fundamental rights, as guaranteed by the European Convention on Human
Rights and the Charter of Fundamental Rights in Part II of the Constitutional
Treaty and the explanatory notes, as well as the Geneva Convention on
Refugees, must be fully observed. At the same time, the programme aims at real
and substantial progress towards enhancing mutual confidence and promoting
common policies to the benefit of all our citizens.
Implementation and evaluation
The evaluation by the Commission of the Tampere programme showed a
clear need for adequate and timely implementation and evaluation of all types
of measures in the area of freedom, security and justice.
It is vital for the European Council to develop in 2005 practical methods to
facilitate timely implementation in all policy areas: measures requiring
national authorities' resources should be accompanied by proper plans to
ensure more effective implementation, and the length of the implementation
period should be more closely related to the complexity of the measure
concerned. Regular progress reports by the Commission to the Council
during the implementation period should provide an incentive for national
action by Member States.
Evaluation of the implementation as well as of the effects of all measures is,
in the European Council's opinion, essential for the effectiveness of Union
action. The evaluations undertaken as from 1 July 2005 must be systematic,
objective, impartial and efficient, while avoiding too heavy an administrative
burden on national authorities. Their goal should be to address the
functioning of the measure and to suggest solutions for problems
encountered in its implementation and/or application. The Commission
should prepare a yearly evaluation report to inform the Council, the
European Parliament and the national parliaments.
The European Commission is invited to prepare proposals to be tabled as
soon as the Constitutional Treaty has entered into force about the role of the
European Parliament and the national parliaments in the evaluation of
Eurojust's activities and the scrutiny of Europol's activities.
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Since the programme will run for a period in which the Constitutional Treaty
will enter into force, a review of its implementation is considered to be
useful. To that end, the Commission is invited to report in the second half of
2006 to the European Council on the progress made and to propose the
necessary additions to the programme, taking into account the changing legal
basis as a consequence of the imminent entry into force of the Constitutional
The right of all EU citizens to move and reside freely in the territory of the
Member States is the central right of citizenship of the Union. Practical
significance of citizenship of the Union will be enhanced by full implementation
of Directive 2004/38, which codifies Community law in this field and brings
clarity and simplicity. The Commission is asked to submit in 2008 a report to the
Council and the European Parliament, accompanied by proposals for allowing
EU citizens to move between Member States on the same terms as nationals of a
Member State moving around or changing their place of residence in their own
The European Council encourages the Union’s institutions, within the
framework of their competences, to maintain an open, transparent and regular
dialogue with representative associations and civil society. In particular, the
European Council invites the Council and the Commission to give special
attention to the fight against anti-semitism, racism and xenophobia.
International migration will continue. A comprehensive approach, involving
all stages of migration, is needed. This implies an integrated approach, with
respect to the root causes of migration, the entry and admission policies and
integration and return policies.
To ensure a comprehensive and integrated approach, the European Council
urges the Council, the Member States and the Commission to pursue
coordinated, strong and effective working relations between those
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responsible for migration and asylum policy and those responsible for other
policy fields relevant to these areas.
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The development of the European asylum and migration policy should be
based on a common analysis of migratory phenomena in all their aspects.
Reinforcing the collection, provision and exchange of up-to-date information
and data on all relevant migratory developments is of key importance.
The second phase in the field of asylum, migration and borders started on 1
May 2004. It should include closer practical cooperation between Member
States, including technical assistance and exchange of information,
monitoring of the adequate and timely implementation and application of
instruments as well as further harmonisation of legislation.
The European Council, taking into account the assessment by the
Commission and the strong views of the European Parliament, asks the
Council to adopt a decision based on Article 67(2) TEC immediately after
formal consultation of the European Parliament and no later than 1 April
2005 to apply the procedure provided for in Article 251 TEC to all Title IV
measures to which this procedure will apply under the Constitutional Treaty.
A Common European Asylum System
The aims of the Common European Asylum System in its second phase will
be the establishment of a common asylum procedure and a uniform status
for those who are granted asylum or subsidiary protection. It will be based
on the full and inclusive application of the Geneva Convention on Refugees
and other relevant Treaties, and be built on a thorough and complete
evaluation of the legal instruments that have been adopted in the first phase.
The European Council urges the Member States to fully implement the first
phase without delay. In this regard the Council should adopt the Asylum
Procedures Directive by 1 March 2005 at the latest. The Commission is
invited to conclude the evaluation of first-phase legal instruments in 2007.
The second-phase instruments and measures should be submitted to the
Council and the European Parliament with a view to their adoption before
the end of 2010. In this framework, the European Council invites the
Commission to present a study on the legal and practical implications of joint
processing of asylum applications within the Union, also taking into account
the feasibility of the joint processing of asylum applications outside EU
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The European Council invites the Council and the Commission to establish
an asylum unit for the coordination of practical cooperation between the
asylum services of the Member States in 2005. The asylum unit should assist
Member States, inter alia, in achieving a single procedure for the assessment
of applications for international protection, and in jointly compiling,
assessing and applying information on countries of origin. It should also
assist Member States in addressing particular pressures on the asylum
systems and reception capacities resulting, inter alia, from their geographical
location. When a common asylum procedure has been established by the end
of 2010, the asylum unit will be transformed into a European office
concerned with all forms of cooperation relating to the Common European
Asylum System.
The European Council welcomes the establishment of the new European
Refugee Fund for the period 2005-2010 and stresses the urgent need for
Member States to maintain adequate asylum systems and reception facilities
in the run-up to the establishment of a common asylum procedure. It invites
the Commission to designate Community funds to assist Member States in
the processing of asylum applications and in the reception of specific
categories of third-country nationals. It invites the Council to designate these
categories on the basis of a proposal to be submitted by the Commission in
Legal migration, free movement and integration of third-country
1.2.1. Legal migration and the fight against illegal employment
Legal migration should play a role in partnerships with third countries,
notably in cases of temporary labour migration. It can also play an important
role in enhancing the knowledge-based economy in Europe, and in
advancing economic development, and thus contribute to the
implementation of the Lisbon strategy.
The European Council invites the Commission to present an action plan on
legal migration before the end of 2005. This action plan should include
debates on the Green Paper on labour migration which the Commission is
preparing and on the Commission Communication on legal and illegal
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The European Council invites the Commission and the Council to develop
flexible admission procedures capable of responding promptly to fluctuating
demands for migrant labour in the European labour market. When such
procedures are devised, it should be borne in mind that determination of
volumes for the admission of labour migrants falls within the sphere of
competence of Member States.
As the informal economy can act as a pull factor for illegal immigration and
can lead to exploitation and insecurity, the European Council calls on
Member States to reach the targets for reducing the informal economy set
out in the European employment strategy.
1.2.2. Integration of third-country nationals
Stability and cohesion within our societies benefit from the
integration of third-country nationals and their descendants.
policies can sustain this process, while preventing the isolation
groups. A comprehensive approach involving stakeholders at
national, and EU level is therefore essential.
of certain
the local,
While recognising the progress that has already been made in respect of the
fair treatment of third-country nationals in the EU, the European Council
calls for the creation of equal opportunities to fully participate in society,
leading to civic citizenship. Obstacles to integration need to be actively
The European Council underlines the need for greater coordination of
national integration policies and EU initiatives in this field. In this respect,
the common basic principles underlying a coherent European framework on
integration should be established.
These principles, connecting all policy areas related to integration, should
include at least the following aspects. Integration:
is a continuous, two-way process involving both legally-resident
third-country nationals and the host society;
includes, but goes beyond, anti-discrimination policy;
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implies respect for the basic values of the European Union and
fundamental human rights;
requires basic skills for participation in society;
relies on frequent interaction between all members of society;
extends to a variety of policy areas, including employment and education.
A framework, based on these common basic principles, will form the
foundation for future initiatives in the EU, relying on clear goals and means
of evaluation. The European Council invites Member States, the Council,
and the Commission to promote the structural exchange of experience and
information on integration, supported by the development of a broadly
accessible website on the Internet.
The external dimension of asylum and migration
1.3.1. Partnership with third countries
Asylum and migration are by their very nature international issues. EU policy
should aim at assisting third countries, in full partnership, in their efforts to
improve their capacity for migration management and refugee protection,
prevent and combat illegal immigration, promote legal channels for
migration, resolve refugee situations by providing better access to durable
solutions, build border-control capacity, enhance document security and
tackle the problem of return.
The European Council recognises that insufficiently managed migration
flows can result in humanitarian disasters and wishes to express its utmost
concern about the human tragedies that take place as a result of attempts to
enter the EU illegally. It calls upon all States, inside and outside the EU, to
cooperate in preventing further loss of life.
The European Council calls upon the Council and the Commission to
continue the process of fully integrating migration in the EU's existing and
future relations with third countries. It invites the Commission to complete
the integration of migration into the Country and Regional Strategy Papers
for all relevant third countries by the spring of 2005.
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The European Council acknowledges the need for the EU to contribute to a
more accessible, equitable and effective international protection system in
partnership with third countries, to provide access to protection and durable
solutions at the earliest possible stage. Countries in regions of origin and
transit will be encouraged in their efforts to strengthen capacity for the
protection of refugees and thus to act as countries of first asylum.
1.3.2. Partnership with countries and regions of origin
The European Council welcomes the Commission Communication on
improving access to durable solutions
and invites the Commission to
develop EU-Regional Protection Programmes in partnership with the third
countries concerned and in close consultation with UNHCR. These
programmes will build on experience gained in pilot protection programmes
to be launched before the end of 2005. These programmes will incorporate a
variety of relevant instruments, primarily focused on capacity building, and
include a joint resettlement programme for Member States willing to
participate in such a programme.
In partnership and dialogue with countries and regions of origin, specific
attention should be given to the need for coherence of policy on the linkage
between migration, development cooperation and humanitarian assistance
policies. The European Council welcomes the progress already made, invites
the Council to develop these policies further, with particular emphasis on
root causes and push factors, and urges the Commission to present concrete
and carefully worked out proposals on these subjects by the spring of 2005.
1.3.3. Partnership with countries and regions of transit
As regards countries of transit, the European Council emphasises the need
for intensified cooperation and capacity-building, both on the southern and
the eastern borders of the EU, to enable these countries to better manage
migration and to provide adequate protection for refugees. Support for
capacity-building in national asylum systems, border control and wider
cooperation on migration issues will only be given to those countries that
fulfil their obligations under the Geneva Convention on Refugees.
COM (2004) 410 def.
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The European Neighbourhood Policy provides a strategic framework for
intensifying cooperation and dialogue on asylum and migration with
neighbouring countries, and for initiating new measures. The European
Council requests a report on progress and achievements before the end
of 2005.
Return and re-admission policy
Migrants who do not or no longer have the right to stay legally in the EU are
urged to return on a voluntary basis. If necessary they should be returned
involuntarily. The European Council calls for the establishment of an
effective removal and repatriation policy based on common standards of
protection for repatriated persons.
The European Council considers it essential that the Council start
discussions on minimum standards for return procedures early in 2005. The
proposal should also take into account special concerns as regards
safeguarding public order and security.
The European Council calls for:
closer cooperation and mutual technical assistance;
the launch of the preparatory phase of a European return fund;
common integrated country and region specific return programmes;
the establishment of a European Return Fund by 2007;
the timely conclusion of Community readmission agreements;
a coherent approach between return policy and all other aspects of
the Community's relations with third countries;
the prompt appointment by the Commission of a Special
Representative for a common readmission policy.
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Management of migration flows
1.4.1. Border checks and the fight against illegal immigration
The European Council stresses the importance of a swift abolition of internal
border controls, the further gradual establishment of the integrated
management system for external borders and the strengthening of controls at
and surveillance of the external borders of the Union. In this respect the
need for solidarity between the Member States is underlined.
The European Council urges the Council, the Commission and Member
States to take all necessary measures to allow the abolition of controls at
internal borders as soon as possible after the Schengen Information System
(SIS II) has become operational, provided all requirements to that end have
been fulfilled.
The European Council welcomes the establishment of the European Agency
for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders, on
1 May 2005. It requests the Commission to submit an evaluation of the
Agency to the Council before the end of 2007. The evaluation should contain
a review of the tasks of the Agency and an assessment of whether the
Agency should concern itself with other aspects of border management.
The control and surveillance of external borders is primarily a task for
national border authorities. However, in order to support Member States
with specific requirements for control and surveillance of long or difficult
stretches of external borders, and where Member States are confronted with
special and unforeseen circumstances due to exceptional migratory pressures
on these borders, the European Council:
invites the Council to establish a rapid reaction force of national
experts that should provide increased technical and operational
assistance to Member States requiring it, following proper risk analysis
by and in the framework of the Border Management Agency, on the
basis of a proposal by the Commission on the appropriate powers and
funding for such a force, to be submitted in 2005;
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invites the Council and the Commission to establish a Community
border management fund by the end of 2006 at the latest;
invites the Commission to submit a proposal, simultaneously with the
evaluation of the Border Management Agency, to convert the
Schengen evaluation mechanism into an objective and impartial
supervisory mechanism linked to the Agency, ensuring a role for
Member States experts; this mechanism should also be given the
power to carry out inspections unannounced.
Particular attention will have to be paid to cooperation between Member
States and with third countries in intercepting and rescuing illegal immigrants
at sea. The question of whether the rapid reaction force of national experts
can ultimately be converted into European corps of border guards should be
examined as part of the mid-term review envisaged above.
The European Council invites Member States to improve their joint analyses
of migratory routes and smuggling and trafficking practices, inter alia within
the framework of the Border Management Agency and in close cooperation
with Europol. It also calls on the Council and the Commission to ensure the
firm establishment of immigration liaison networks in relevant third
With a view to the development of common standards, best practices and
mechanisms to prevent and combat trafficking in human beings, the
European Council invites the Council and the Commission to develop a
plan in 2005.
1.4.2. Biometrics and information systems
The management of migration flows is strengthened by establishing a
continuum of security measures that effectively links visa application
procedures and entry and exit procedures at external border crossings. Such
measures are also of importance for the prevention and control of crime, in
particular terrorism. In order to achieve this, a coherent approach and
harmonised solutions in the EU on biometric identifiers and data are
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The European Council requests the Council to examine maximising the
effectiveness and interoperability of EU information systems in tackling
illegal immigration and improving border controls as well as the management
of these systems on the basis of a communication by the Commission on the
interconnecting of the Schengen Information System (SIS II), the Visa
Information System (VIS) and EURODAC to be released in 2005, taking
into account the need to strike the right balance between law enforcement
purposes and safeguarding the fundamental rights of individuals.
The European Council invites the Council, the Commission and Member
States to continue their efforts to integrate biometric identifiers in travel
documents, EU citizens' passports and information systems, without delay.
In anticipation of the entry into force of the Constitutional Treaty, the
European Council requests the Council and Commission to prepare for the
development of minimum standards for national identity cards.
1.4.3 Visa policy
The European Council underlines the need for further development of the
common visa policy as part of a multi-layered system aimed at facilitating
legitimate travel and tackling illegal immigration through further
harmonisation of national legislation and handling practices at local consular
missions. Visa policy should also play a role in the EU's relations with third
countries. Common visa offices should be established in the long term,
taking into account discussions on the establishment of an EU external
action Service.
The European Council:
invites the Commission, as a first step, to propose necessary
amendments to further enhance visa policies and to submit in 2005 a
proposal on the establishment of common application centres, to
review the Common Consular Instructions and table the appropriate
proposal by early 2006 at the latest;
stresses the importance of the swift implementation of the VIS
starting with the incorporation of alphanumeric data and photographs
by the end of 2006 and biometrics by the end of 2007 at the latest;
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calls on the Commission to continue its efforts to ensure that within a
reasonable time period the citizens of all Member States can travel
without a short-stay visa to all third countries whose nationals can
travel to the EU without a visa;
invites the Council and the Commission to examine whether it would
be possible to facilitate the issuance of short-stay visas to third-
country nationals, if appropriate, as part of a real partnership in
external relations, including migration-related issues.
Improving the exchange of information
The European Council is convinced that strengthening freedom, security and
justice requires an innovative approach to the cross-border exchange of
law-enforcement information. The mere fact that information crosses
borders should no longer be relevant.
With effect from 1 January 2008 the exchange of such information should be
governed by the principle of availability, which means that, throughout the
Union, a law enforcement officer in one Member State who needs
information in order to perform his duties can obtain this from another
Member State and that the law enforcement agency in the other Member
State which holds this information will make it available for the stated
The Commission is requested to submit proposals by 1 July 2006 at the latest
for the implementation of the principle of availability, in which the following
key conditions should be strictly observed:
the exchange may only take place in order that legal tasks may be
the integrity of the data to be exchanged must be guaranteed;
the confidentiality of the data at all stages of and after the exchange must
be secured;
common standards for access to the data and common technical
standards must be applied;
individuals must be protected from abuse of data and have the right to
seek correction of incorrect data.
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The methods of exchange of information should make full use of new
technology and must be adapted to each type of information, preferably
through mutual access or the interconnection of national databases based on
their interoperability, or direct (on-line) access to existing central EU
databases such as the SIS. The creation of new centralised European
databases should be based on studies that have shown their added value.
The European Council underlines that effective prevention and combating of
terrorism requires Member States not to confine their activities to
maintaining national security, but to focus also on the security of the Union
as a whole.
As a goal this means that:
Member States use the powers of their intelligence and security services
not only to counter threats to internal security within their own
territories, but also, as the case may be, to protect the internal security of
the other Member States;
information available to services of one Member State, concerning threats
to the internal security of another Member State, is immediately brought
to the attention of that Member State; and
in cases where persons are under surveillance by security services in
connection with terrorist threats, no gaps occur in their surveillance as a
result of their crossing a border.
In the short term all the elements of the European Council's declaration of
25 March 2004 and the EU action plan on combating terrorism must
continue to be implemented in full, and the EU Counter Terrorism
Coordinator is encouraged to promote progress.
Exchange of information between security services should further be
improved by 1 July 2005, taking into account the principle of availability as
described above in paragraph 2.1 and giving particular consideration to the
need to secure the sources of information and the continued confidentiality
of the data after the exchange.
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With effect from 1 January 2005, SitCen will provide the Council with
strategic analysis of the terrorist threat based on intelligence from Member
States' intelligence and security services and, where appropriate, on
information provided by Europol.
The EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator should, by 1 January 2006, together
with the Commission and experts of the Member States, develop best
practices to prevent radicalisation and recruitment.
All the instruments available to the EU should be used in a consistent
manner so that the key concern – the fight against terrorism – is fully
addressed. To that effect the JHA ministers within the Council should have a
coordinating role. The Commission should review Community legislation in
sufficient time to be able to adapt it in parallel with measures to be adopted
in order to combat terrorism.
The European Union will further strengthen its efforts in the external
dimension of the area of freedom, security and justice towards the fight
against terrorism. In this context, the Council is invited to set up in
conjunction with Europol and the European Border Agency a network of
national experts on preventing and combating terrorism and on border
control, who will be available to respond to requests from third countries for
technical assistance in the training and instruction of their authorities.
The European Council calls upon the Commission to provide, with the
assistance of the EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator, a flexible and
horizontal mechanism for the financing of projects in third countries instead
of the present financing from regional funds.
Police cooperation
The effective combating of cross-border organised and other serious crime
and terrorism requires intensified practical police cooperation between
Member States and with Europol and better use of existing instruments in
this field.
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The European Council urges the Member States to enable Europol in
cooperation with Eurojust to play a key role in the fight against cross-border
(organised) crime and terrorism by:
ratifying and effectively implementing the necessary legal instruments by
the end of 2004
providing all necessary good quality information to Europol in good time;
encouraging good cooperation between their competent national
authorities and Europol.
With effect from 1 January 2006, Europol must have replaced its "crime
situation reports" by yearly "threat assessments" on serious forms of
organised crime, based on information provided by the Member States and
input from Eurojust and the Chiefs Police Task Force. The Council should
use these analyses to establish yearly strategic priorities, which will serve as
guidelines for further action. This should be the first step towards the goal of
setting up and implementing a methodology for intelligence-led law
enforcement at EU level.
The Council should adopt the European law on Europol, provided for in
Article III-276 of the Constitutional Treaty, as soon as possible after the
entry into force of the Constitutional Treaty and no later than 1 January
2008, taking account of all tasks referred to Europol.
Until that time, Europol must improve its functioning by making full use of
the cooperation agreement with Eurojust. Europol and Eurojust should
report annually to the Council on their common experiences and about
specific results. Furthermore Europol should encourage the use of and its
participation in Member States' joint investigation teams.
Europol Protocols: the Protocol amending Article 2 and the Annex to
the Europol Convention of 30 November 2000, OJ C 358 13.12.00, p.
1, the Protocol on the privileges and immunities of Europol, the
members of its organs, its Deputy Directors and its members of
28 November 2002 OJ C 312 16.12.2002, p.1 and the Protocol
amending the Europol Convention of 27 November 2003, OJ C 2
6.1.2004. The Convention of 29 May 2000 on mutual assistance in
criminal matters between the Member States, OJ C 197, 12.7.00, p. 1
and its accompanying Protocol of 16 October 2001 OJ C 326, 21.11.01,
p. 2 and Framework Decision 2002/465/JHA of 13 June 2002 on Joint
Investigation Teams, OJ L 162, 20.6.02, p. 1.
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Experience in the Member States with the use of joint investigation teams is
limited. With a view to encouraging the use of such teams and exchanging
experiences on best practices, each Member State should designate a national
The Council should develop common principles with a view to cross-border
police cooperation.
Member States should engage in improving the quality of their law
enforcement data with the assistance of Europol. Furthermore, Europol
should advise the Council on methods to improve the data. The Europol
information system should be up and running without delay.
The Council is invited to encourage the exchange of best practices on
investigative techniques as a first step to the development of common
investigative techniques, envisaged in Article III-257 of the Constitutional
Treaty, in particular in the area of forensic investigations.
Police cooperation between Member States is in a number of cases made
more efficient and effective by facilitating cooperation on specified themes
between Member States concerned, where appropriate by establishing joint
investigation teams and, where necessary, supported by Europol and
Eurojust. In specific border areas, closer cooperation and better coordination
is the only way to deal with crime and threats to public security and national
Strengthening police cooperation requires focused attention on mutual trust
and confidence-building. In an enlarged European Union, an explicit effort
should be made to improve the understanding of the working of Member
States' legal systems and organisations. The Council and the Member States
should develop by the end of 2005 in cooperation with CEPOL standards
and modules for training courses for national police officers with regard to
practical aspects of EU-police cooperation.
The Commission is invited to develop by the end of 2005 systematic
exchange programmes for police authorities aimed at a better understanding
of the working of Member States' legal systems and organisations.
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Management of internal crises
The European Council adopted on 12 December 2003 the European security
strategy, which outlines global challenges, key threats, strategic objectives and
policy implications for a secure Europe in a better world. An essential
complement thereof is providing internal security within the European
Union, especially in the event of major internal cross-border crises affecting
our citizens, our vital infrastructure and our public order and security. Only
then can optimum protection be provided to European citizens and our vital
infrastructure in the case of, for example, a NBRC accident.
Effective management of internal crises requires not only the strengthening
of the current actions on civil protection and vital infrastructure but also
addressing effectively the public order and security aspects of such crises and
the coordination between these areas.
Therefore the European Council calls for the Council and the Commission
to set up within the existing structures an integrated EU internal crisis
management arrangement addressing this coordination, to be implemented at
the latest by 1 July 2006. For this purpose a temporary EU internal security
working group will be established within the existing structures under the
JHA Council by 1 January 2005, with the task of submitting to the Council
by the end of 2005 at the latest a proposal setting out the details and terms of
reference of the arrangement. This proposal should at least address the
following issues: further assessment of Member States' capabilities,
stockpiling, training and joint exercises.
Operational cooperation
Coordination of operational activities by law enforcement agencies in all
segments of the area of freedom, security and justice
as well as the
monitoring of the strategic priorities set by the Council
must be ensured.
Police and judicial cooperation, civil protection and border control.
On the basis of analyses by Europol, SITCEN and/or EBA.
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To that end, the Council is invited to prepare for the setting up of the
committee on internal security, envisaged in Article III-261 of the
Constitutional Treaty, in particular by determining its field of activity, tasks,
competences and composition, with a view to its establishment as soon as
possible after the Constitutional Treaty has entered into force.
To gain practical experience with coordination in the meantime, the Council
is invited to organise a joint meeting every six months between the
chairpersons of the Strategic Committee on Immigration, Frontiers and
Asylum (SCIFA) and the Article 36 Committee (CATS) and representatives
of the Commission, Europol, Eurojust, the EBA, the Police Chiefs' Task
Force, the SitCEN and a temporary working group to be established on EU
internal security.
The Union needs an effective tool to support the efforts of Member States in
preventing crime, in particular juvenile, urban and drug-related crime. To that
end, the European Crime Prevention Network should be professionalised
and strengthened. Since the scope of prevention is very wide, it is essential to
focus on measures and priorities that are most beneficial to Member States.
The European Crime Prevention Network should assist the Commission in
developing effective crime prevention policies.
In this respect we welcome the initiative of the Commission to establish
European instruments for collecting, analysing and comparing information
on crime and victimisation and their respective trends in Member States,
using national statistics and other sources of information as agreed
It is important to protect public organisations and private companies from
organised crime through administrative and other measures. Private/public
partnership is an essential tool. The Commission is invited to present
proposals to this effect in 2006.
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Protection of rights and access to justice
Protection of rights
Incorporating the Charter into the Constitutional Treaty and accession to the
European Convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental
freedoms will place the Union, including its institutions, under a legal
obligation to ensure that in all its areas of activity, fundamental rights are not
only respected but also actively promoted.
In that perspective the Commission is invited to present a communication by
2005 that will serve as a basis for a discussion on the extension of the
mandate of the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia
towards a Human Rights Agency in order to develop a human rights data
collection and analysis with a view to defining Union policy in this field.
3.1.2 European Court of Justice
The European Council underlines the importance of the European Court of
Justice in the relatively new area of freedom, security and justice and is
satisfied that the Constitutional Treaty greatly increases the powers of the
European Court of Justice in that area.
To ensure, both for European citizens and for the functioning of the area of
freedom, security and justice, that questions on points of law brought before
the Court are answered quickly it is necessary to enable the Court to respond
quickly as demanded by Article III-369 of the Constitutional Treaty.
In this context and in the perspective of the future Constitutional Treaty,
thought should be given to setting up a more formal solution to handle
requests for preliminary rulings concerning the area of freedom, security and
justice, in particular by amending the Statute of the Court in accordance with
the procedure laid down in Article III-381 of the Constitutional Treaty.
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Confidence-building and mutual trust
Judicial cooperation both in criminal and civil matters could be further
enhanced by strengthening mutual trust. In an enlarged European Union,
mutual confidence shall be based on the certainty that all European citizens
have access to a judicial system meeting high standards of quality.
In order to facilitate full implementation of the principle of mutual
recognition, a system providing for objective and impartial evaluation of the
quality of justice, consistent with all the existing European mechanisms, shall
be established.
Strengthening mutual confidence requires an explicit effort to improve
mutual understanding among judicial authorities and different legal systems.
In this regard, networking of judicial organisations and institutions, notably
the network of the Councils for the Judiciary, should be supported by the
Exchange programmes for judicial authorities will facilitate cooperation and
help develop mutual trust. An EU component should be systematically
included in the training of judicial authorities. The Commission is invited to
prepare a proposal aimed at creating an effective European training network
for judicial authorities for both civil and criminal matters, as envisaged by
Articles III-269 and III-270 of the Constitutional Treaty.
Judicial cooperation in criminal matters
Judicial cooperation should be simplified and facilitated by reducing existing
legal obstacles and by strengthening the coordination of investigations and
possible concentration of prosecutions in cross-border multilateral cases.
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Mutual recognition
The comprehensive programme of measures to implement the principle of
mutual recognition of judicial decisions in criminal matters
should be
completed and further attention should be given to additional proposals in
that context, in particular on the recognition of final decisions. The further
realisation of mutual recognition as the cornerstone of judicial cooperation
must be accompanied by the development of common standards for
procedural rights in criminal proceedings
The Council should adopt by the end of 2005 the Framework Decision on
the European Evidence Warrant
. The Commission is invited to present its
proposals on mutual access to national records of convictions and
disqualifications by December 2004 with a view to adoption by the Council
by the end of 2005.
Approximation of law
The European Council reiterates that in conformity with the existing and
future Treaty approximation of procedural and substantive criminal law
should not be undertaken as an independent exercise, but, where necessary,
as an accompanying measure, in order to facilitate judicial cooperation and
mutual recognition of judicial decisions in criminal matters.
To ensure more effective implementation within national systems, JHA
ministers should be responsible within the Council for defining criminal
offences and determining penalties in general.
Effective combating of cross-border organised and other serious crime and
terrorism requires the cooperation and coordination of investigations and,
where possible, concentrated prosecutions by Eurojust, in cooperation with
OJ C 12, 15.1.2001, pages 10-22.
COM (2004) 328.
COM(2003) 688
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The European Council urges the Member States to enable Eurojust to
perform its tasks by:
effectively implementing the Council Decision on Eurojust by the end of
with special attention to the judicial powers to be conferred upon
their national members; and
ensuring full cooperation of their competent national authorities with
The Council should adopt on the basis of a proposal of the Commission the
European law on Eurojust, provided for in Article III-273 of the
Constitutional Treaty, after the entry into force of the Constitutional Treaty
but no later than 1 January 2008, taking account of all tasks referred to
Until that time, Eurojust will improve its functioning by focusing on
coordination of multilateral, serious and complex cases. Eurojust should
include in its annual report to the Council the results and the quality of its
cooperation with the Member States. Eurojust should make maximum use of
the cooperation agreement with Europol.
Judicial cooperation in civil matters
3.4.1 Facilitating civil law procedure across borders
Civil law, including family law, concerns citizens in their everyday lives.
Therefore the European Council attaches great importance to the continued
development of judicial cooperation in civil matters and the completion of
the programme of mutual recognition adopted in 2000. The main policy
objective in this area is that borders between countries in Europe should no
longer constitute an obstacle to the settlement of civil law issues or to the
bringing of court proceedings and the enforcement of decisions in civil
OJ L 63, 6.3.2002, pages 1-3.
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3.4.2 Mutual recognition of decisions
Mutual recognition of decisions is an effective means of protecting citizens'
rights and securing the enforcement of such rights across European borders.
Continued implementation of the programme of measures on mutual
must therefore be a main priority in the coming years. Work
concerning the following projects should be carried on with energy: the
conflict of laws regarding non-contractual obligations ("Rome II") and
contractual obligations ("Rome I"), a European Payment Order and
instruments concerning alternative dispute resolution and concerning small
claims. In timing the completion of these projects, due regard should be had
to current work in related areas.
The effectiveness of existing instruments on mutual recognition should be
increased by standardising procedures and documents and developing
minimum standards for aspects of procedural law, such as the service of
judicial and extra-judicial documents, the commencement of proceedings,
default, enforcement of judgments and transparency of costs.
The Commission is invited to submit the following proposals:
a draft regulation on the recognition and enforcement of decisions on
maintenance in 2005;
a Green Paper on the conflict of laws in matters of succession and a
European certificate of inheritance in 2005; and
a Green Paper on the conflict of laws in matters concerning matrimonial
property regimes in 2006.
Instruments in these areas should be completed by 2011. Such instruments
should cover matters of private international law and should not be based on
harmonised concepts of "family", "marriage", etc. Rules of uniform
substantive law may be introduced only as an accompanying measure, insofar
as is necessary to effect mutual recognition of decisions.
Implementation of the programme of mutual recognition should be based on
a careful review of the operation of instruments that have recently been
adopted. The outcome of such a review should provide the necessary input
for the preparation of new measures.
OJ C 12, 15.1.2001, page 1-9.
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3.4.3. Enhancing cooperation
With a view to achieving smooth operation of instruments involving
cooperation of judicial or other bodies, Member States should be required to
designate liaison judges based in their own country. The Commission is
invited to organise EU workshops on the application of EU law and
promote cooperation between members of the legal professions (such as
bailiffs and notaries public) with a view to establishing best practices.
3.4.4 Ensuring coherence and upgrading the quality of EU legislation
The quality of existing Community law should be improved by developing a
common frame of reference on contract law. A forum should be created for
drawing up EU-wide standard terms and conditions of contract law which
could be used by companies and trade associations in the Union.
Measures should be taken to enable the Council to effect a more systematic
scrutiny of the quality and coherence of all Community law instruments
relating to cooperation on civil law matters.
3.4.5. International legal order
The Commission and the Council are urged to ensure coherence between the EU
and the international legal order and to engage in closer relations and
cooperation with international organisations such as the Hague Conference on
Private International Law, particularly in order to coordinate initiatives and to
maximise synergies between these organisations' activities and instruments and
the EU instruments. Accession of the Community to The Hague Conference
should be concluded as soon as possible.
The European Council calls on the Commission and the Secretary-General /
High Representative to issue, in the first half of 2006, a communication on the
external aspects of the Union policy on freedom, security and justice, closely
linked to the measures developed in this programme and taking into account
existing measures in the area of asylum and migration. In this communication
special attention is to be given to the relationship with the USA in the field of
combating terrorism.
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