Europaudvalget 2006-07, Udenrigsudvalget 2006-07, Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2006-07
Det Europæiske Råd 14.-15/12-06 Bilag 6, URU Alm.del Bilag 68, UPN Alm.del Bilag 37
Brussels, 9 December 2006
European Council (14 and 15 December 2006)
– Draft conclusions
The Presidency hereby submits to GAERC draft conclusions to be agreed by the European Council
at its meeting on 14-15 December 2006.
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The meeting of the European Council was preceded by an exposé by the President of the
European Parliament, Mr Josep Borrell, followed by an exchange of views. The European
Council thanks Mr Borrell for the work he has accomplished during his tenure as President of
the European Parliament.
The European Council warmly welcomes Bulgaria and Romania as members of the European
Union on 1 January 2007. The accession of Bulgaria and Romania will mark the successful
completion of the fifth enlargement.
Pursuing reform: the Constitutional Treaty
As agreed by the European Council at its meeting in June 2006, the Union has followed a
two-track approach. It has focussed on making best use of the possibilities offered by the
existing treaties to deliver concrete results while preparing the ground for continuing the
reform process. The Presidency provided the European Council with an assessment of its
consultations with Member States regarding the Constitutional Treaty. The outcome of these
consultations will be passed to the incoming German Presidency as part of its preparations of
the report to be presented during the first half of 2007.
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Enlargement strategy
As agreed at the June 2006 European Council and on the basis of the Commission
communication on the enlargement strategy and its special report on the EU's capacity to
integrate new members, the European Council held an in-depth debate on enlargement. The
European Council agrees that the enlargement strategy based on consolidation, conditionality
and communication, combined with the EU's capacity to integrate new members, forms the
basis for a renewed consensus on enlargement. The EU keeps its commitments towards the
countries that are in the enlargement process.
Enlargement has been a success story for the European Union and Europe as a whole. It has
helped to overcome the division of Europe and contributed to peace and stability throughout
the continent. It has inspired reforms and has consolidated common principles of liberty,
democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and the rule of law as well as
the market economy. The wider internal market and economic cooperation have increased
prosperity and competitiveness, enabling the enlarged Union to respond better to the
challenges of globalisation. Enlargement has also added the EU's weight in the world and
made it a stronger international player.
To sustain the continued integration capacity of the EU the acceding countries must be ready
and able to fully assume the obligations of Union membership and the Union must be able to
function effectively and to develop. Both these aspects are essential for ensuring public
support, which should also be promoted through greater transparency and better
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The European Council confirms that the EU keeps its commitments regarding the ongoing
accession negotiations. The recently enhanced rules governing the accession process provide
for strict conditionality at all stages of the negotiations. The European Council agrees with the
improvements suggested by the Commission concerning the management and the quality of
the negotiations. Accordingly, difficult issues such as administrative and judicial reforms and
the fight against corruption will be addressed at an early stage. The pace of the accession
process depends on the results of the reforms in the negotiating country. The Union will
refrain from setting any target dates for accession until the negotiations are close to
The European Council reaffirms its welcome for the Western Balkans to the European Union.
It reminds that each country's progress towards the European Union depends on its individual
efforts to comply with the Copenhagen criteria and the conditionality of the Stabilisation and
Association Process. A country's satisfactory track-record in implementing its obligations
under the Stabilisation and Association Agreements, including trade related provisions, is an
essential element for the EU to consider any membership application.
The European Council stresses the importance of ensuring that the EU can maintain and
deepen its own development while pursuing the enlargement process. The pace of
enlargement must take into account the capacity of the Union to absorb new members. The
European Council invites the Commission to provide impact assessments on the EU's main
policy areas at key stages of the accession process and in particular in the Commission's
Opinion on a country's application for membership. As the Union enlarges, successful
European integration requires that EU institutions function effectively and that EU policies
are developed and financed in a sustainable manner.
[The European Council endorses the conclusions of the GAERC on 11 December 2006.]
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[The European Council endorses the conclusions of the GAERC on 11 December 2006.]
Western Balkans
The European Council notes that the candidate country status of the former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia was recognition of the country's reform achievements. The European
Council calls for accelerating the pace of reforms in key areas in order to progress towards the
goal of moving ahead in the accession process.
The European Council welcomes the launch of visa facilitation and readmission negotiations
with all the countries of the region with a view to concluding the negotiations as soon as
possible. The conclusion of such agreements will promote people-to-people contacts between
the EU and the Western Balkan countries and will increase the opportunities for travelling,
especially for the younger generation. The European Council underlines the desirability of
promoting people-to-people contacts by also making available more scholarships for the
students of the region.
The European Council welcomes progress made in the Central European Free Trade
Agreement and looks forward to a regional and inclusive trade agreement. The new CEFTA
will be a substantial step forward both economically and politically.
Serbia remains welcome to join the European Union. Recalling its Declaration on the Western
Balkans of June 2006, the European Council reaffirms its continued engagement with and
support to Serbia's European course. In this context, it encourages the Serbian authorities to
accelerate their efforts in meeting the necessary conditions, notably full cooperation with
ICTY. In view of Serbia's considerable institutional capacity, the European Council is
confident that Serbia will be able to catch up rapidly with the other countries of the region on
the way towards the EU once the SAA negotiations are resumed.
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The European Council took stock of the implementation of the Hague Programme and
reiterated its commitment to the further development of the area of freedom, security and
In that context the European Council discussed migration and the improvement of
decision-making in the area of freedom, security and justice.
Council is conscious that, in the process of creating an area of Freedom,
Security and Justice, the Union is faced with constant and growing expectations from citizens,
who wish to see concrete results in matters such as cross-border crime and terrorism as well
as migration. At the same time, more and more concerns are raised that responding to these
expectations is difficult within the framework of existing decision-making procedures.
It was against this background, and in the context of the review of the Hague Programme, that
the European Council, in its conclusions of June 2006, called upon the Presidency to explore,
in close
with the Commission, the possibilities of improving decision-making
and action in the area of Freedom, Security and Justice on the basis of existing treaties.
Drawing upon the analysis and reflection carried out, notably in the Justice and Home Affairs
ministers´ meeting at Tampere in September, the European Council considers first of all that
practical progress could be achieved by intensifying operational cooperation between
competent authorities of the Member States. The European Council invites the Council to
make progress in the light of the options that have been presented. At the same time, the
European Council is convinced that the framework for pursuing the Union's policies aimed at
enhancing the
of Freedom, Security and Justice will need to be genuinely strengthened in
order to meet present challenges. Solutions to this end have been put forward notably in the
Constitutional Treaty.
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The European Council reaffirms the principles acknowledged in the context of the
which constitute the most balanced basis for future work in the area of
Freedom, Security and Justice. These principles will be taken into account when decisions
regarding on the continuing of the reform process are made.
A comprehensive European Migration Policy
The European Council underlines the importance of migration issues for the EU and its
Member States. Addressing both challenges and opportunities of migration for the benefit of
all is one of the major priorities for the EU at the start of the 21
The European migration policy builds on the conclusions of the Tampere European Council
in 1999, the Hague Programme of 2004 and the Global Approach to Migration adopted
in 2005. It is based on the solidarity, mutual trust and shared responsibility of the European
Union and its Member States. It is also based on respect for human rights and fundamental
freedoms of migrants, the Geneva Convention and due access to asylum procedures. It
requires a genuine partnership with third countries and must be fully integrated into the
Union's external policies.
Events in 2006 and the progress made in implementing the Global Approach have
demonstrated that migration needs to be addressed in a comprehensive manner and that efforts
made so far now need to be strengthened. Future work should take into account the
Commission's Communications and broaden the scope of action to other policy areas and
apply lessons learnt to other regions.
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The European Council accordingly agrees on the following next steps to be taken during the
course of 2007:
strengthen and deepen
international cooperation and dialogue with third countries
of origin and transit, in a comprehensive and balanced manner. In particular:
the partnership between the European Union and African and Mediterranean
countries will be deepened by broadening dialogue and strengthening practical
cooperation; this partnership will build in particular on the joint commitments
made in the Ministerial conferences in Rabat and Tripoli in 2006 as well as on the
work underway in the framework of the EU/Africa dialogue on migration and
development, on the basis of article 13 of the Cotonou Agreement, and the
Euromed process, including the Ministerial Conference on migration in 2007. In
order to strengthen the migration dialogue, specific EU missions will be sent to
key African countries during 2007,
the migration and development agenda will be intensified by increasing coherence
between the Union's various policies, including their financial instruments, with a
view to addressing the root causes of migration,
Member States and the Commission will integrate migration and development
issues in aid policies and programming, encourage the countries of origin and
transit to incorporate migration issues in their national development plans,
including poverty reduction strategies, and support capacity building for effective
migration management, including through establishment of country-specific
migration profiles. The new generation of regional and country strategy papers
will fully incorporate, where relevant, the connection between migration and
development. In this regard, the Commission's initiative for an EU Programme on
Migration and Development in Africa provides a way to address this issue in the
short and medium-term. Member States are also encouraged to enhance
coordination and to develop joint programming,
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country-specific cooperation platforms on migration and development will be
established to bring together the partner country concerned, EU Member States
and the Commission as well as relevant international organisations to manage
migration in a more coherent manner; the Commission is invited to consider
capacity-building measures in favour of countries of origin and transit,
a coherent EU follow-up to the September 2006 UN High Level Dialogue on
International Migration and Development will be ensured; the EU will take a lead
in placing migration and development issues on the agenda of the international
community. The first meeting of the Global Forum on Migration and
Development in July 2007 in Belgium will be a vital step in this respect,
measures will be taken to improve cooperation on return and readmission with
third countries, including effective identification and documentation; special
emphasis will be giving to the reintegration of returned migrants. Negotiations on
EC readmission agreements need to be stepped up; to this end the Council should
explore further ways and means by which Member States could support the
Commission in its efforts to conclude such agreements at EC level and to ensure
their effective implementation,
stepping up concrete work along migratory routes in partnership with third
countries in particular with a view to preventing and combating trafficking and
smuggling of human beings, while ensuring effective international protection for
persons who may need it as well as for vulnerable groups such as women and
providing specific measures for unaccompanied minors,
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while respecting the competences of Member States in this area, consideration
will be given to how legal migration opportunities can be incorporated into the
Union's external policies in order to develop a balanced partnership with third
countries adapted to specific EU Member States' labour market needs; ways and
means to facilitate circular and temporary migration will be explored; the
Commission is invited to present detailed proposals on how to better organize and
inform about the various forms of legal movement between the EU and third
countries by June 2007,
the Global Approach will be applied to the eastern and south eastern regions
neighbouring the European Union. The Commission is invited to make proposals
on enhanced dialogue and concrete measures by June 2007;
cooperation among Member States in the fight against illegal
taking account of the Commission communication on policy priorities in
this regard. In particular:
measures against illegal employment will be intensified at Member State and EU
level; the European Council invites the Commission to present proposals by
April 2007 in this regard,
existing and new technological possibilities will be fully utilised to enhance
border control and to allow persons to be identified reliably; in particular, the
Commission is invited to report before the end of 2007 on how to improve access
control, including on the feasibility of establishing a generalised and automated
entry-exit system for this purpose. Applicable provisions on data protection will
be respected in this regard,
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the Commission is invited to study the possibilities of developing policies for
extended European solidarity in immigration, border control and asylum policies,
taking into account the initiative made to this end;
the management of the European Union's external border
on the basis of
the integrated border management strategy adopted by the Council in 2006. In
the capacity of Frontex will be rapidly enhanced in order for it to be able to meet
the migration challenges at the EU's external borders next year, by ensuring
adequate economic and personnel resources and their effective use, establishing
procedures for emergency situations, strengthening operational means, reinforcing
links with the Immigration Liaison Officer Network and completing the planned
review of the Agency and its tasks in 2007,
Frontex is invited urgently to finalise its ongoing work on creation of a centralized
record of technical equipment offered by Member States which could be put at the
disposal of another Member State; and to report on the progress made to the
Council by the end of April 2007. The Member States are invited to contribute
actively to this process with national means and resources,
priority will also be given to examining the creation of a European Surveillance
System for the southern maritime borders; Frontex is invited to establish as soon
as possible, together with the Member States of the region, of a permanent Coastal
Patrol Network at the southern maritime borders,
the efficiency of cooperation on search and rescue will be enhanced and work will
be taken forward to assist in developing guidelines on the legal scope for action to
be taken to counter illegal migration by sea,
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the European Parliament and the Council are invited to reach rapid agreement on
the Regulation on the establishment of Rapid Border Intervention Teams in the
first semester of 2007 and to study this model in other border-related functions,
such as humanitarian assistance;
develop, as far as
legal migration
is concerned, well-managed migration policies, fully
respecting national competences, to assist Member States to meet existing and future
labour needs while contributing to the sustainable development of all countries; in
particular, the forthcoming Commission proposals within the framework of the Policy
Plan on Legal Migration of December 2005 should be rapidly examined; Member States
are invited to exchange information on measures taken in the areas of asylum and
migration, in line with the mutual information mechanism established by the Council
last October;
and intercultural dialogue and the fight against all forms of
discrimination at Member State and EU level, strengthen integration policies and agree
on common goals and strategies; the Ministerial conference on integration to be held in
May 2007 will be of particular importance in that respect;
realise the
Common European Asylum System
by the end of 2010, starting with a
preliminary evaluation of its first phase in 2007. The development of its second phase
will be accompanied by a strengthening of practical cooperation in the area of asylum,
in particular through the creation of asylum expert teams and the setting up of an
asylum cooperation network; the possible creation of a European Support Office will
also be examined;
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adequate resources
available for implementing the comprehensive migration
policy by full use of the substantial funds which are available if all the existing budget
lines are brought fully into play and all possibilities available used consistently and
coherently. In that respect the External borders, Integration, Return and Refugee Funds
will bring important resources to underpin the comprehensive migration policy, as will
the ENPI and the Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI). The EDF will also, in
agreement with ACP partners, help address root causes of migration through long-term
development policies, as well as by assistance to ACP partners in capacity building in
the framework of the EU Governance Initiative.
The Commission is invited to report back on the implementation of the comprehensive
migration policy in good time before the December 2007 European Council.
Schengen enlargement
The European Council endorses the conclusions reached by the Council (Justice and Home
Affairs) on 4/5 December 2006 and looks forward to the lifting of controls at internal borders
as of December 2007 and by March 2008 at the latest provided all requirements for applying
the Schengen acquis have been fulfilled.
As discussed at the informal meeting of Heads of State or Government in Lahti,
crucial to Europe's ability to respond effectively to the challenges and opportunities of
globalisation. Europe needs a strategic approach aimed at creating an innovation-friendly
environment where knowledge is converted into innovative products and services. Strategic
priorities for stimulating innovation at EU level have been defined by the Council
(Competitiveness) on 4 December.
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The European Council emphasises in particular the following:
the Commission is invited to present a comprehensive Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
Strategy, in the course of 2007, addressing issues such as quality of the IPR system; due
to the need for developing the patent system in Europe, the Commission is invited to
present its Communication on patents as a matter of priority;
the Council and the European Parliament should act swiftly on the Commission's
proposal to set up a European Institute of Technology;
the Commission is invited to rapidly make proposals for the setting up of Joint
Technology Initiatives, which are open to wide participation by industry, including
SMEs, with a view to launching the most advanced ones in 2007;
the Commission is invited, in consultation with all relevant stakeholders, to propose
action for the improvement of the working methods and overall resources of European
standardisation bodies. Standards must be developed quickly enough to meet the needs
of fast-moving markets, whilst ensuring interoperability.
Information and communication technologies are crucial for innovation and competitiveness;
immediate priorities include the development of spectrum allocation models meeting all
objectives, the fast promotion of advanced mobile services and to the extent possible a
coordinated approach for the use of spectrum capacity becoming available as a result of
digital switch-over. The 2008 Spring European Council will review the challenges of the next
generation of internet and networks within the framework of the Lisbon Strategy.
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In view of the extraordinary Social Summit held in October, the European Council calls for a
comprehensive debate on flexicurity in order to promote flexibility combined with
employment security, reduce labour market fragmentation and improve the functioning of the
European labour market. It stresses the importance of raising labour productivity in Europe,
inter alia by enhancing innovation and quality of working life. It welcomes the intention of
the European social partners to contribute to the ongoing work on flexicurity before the
Spring 2007 European Council.
The European Council urges the Council to continue its efforts to revise the Working Time
The European Council recognises that there is a strong link between the EU's climate change
policy and its energy policy as well as its jobs and growth and sustainable development
strategies, and that all of these policies can and should be mutually reinforcing.
With regard to the development of the
Energy Policy for Europe,
and with reference to the
conclusions of the 2006 Spring European Council, significant progress has been achieved
especially on strengthening the coherence between its external and internal aspects and
between energy policy and other policies. The informal meeting of Heads of State or
Government in Lahti was an important step towards strengthening the consistency of the
Union's energy messages to third countries.
The Union will work to ensure long-term security of energy supply through:
improved cooperation with major producer, transit and consumer countries,
the realisation of an inter-connected, transparent and non-discriminatory internal energy
the development of cooperation to meet emergencies, in particular in the case of
disruption of supply,
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the extension of its internal energy market principles to neighbouring countries, in
particular on the basis of the Energy Community of South Eastern Europe and the
European Neighbourhood Policy,
the development of domestic energy sources, including renewables, as well new energy
Energy efficiency and energy savings contribute concurrently to the main objectives of the
European energy policy. The European Council therefore welcomes the Commission's Action
Plan on energy efficiency and calls for priority measures to be taken rapidly.
The European Council endorses the setting up of a network of energy security correspondents
in early 2007. This will be an important tool for collecting and processing existing
geopolitical and energy related information. It will also provide an early warning tool to
support the Union's overall strategy with the aim of ensuring the security of energy supply.
The Spring 2007 European Council is due to adopt a prioritised Action Plan as part of an
overall Energy Policy for Europe. The external aspects of energy security will be included
within the Action Plan. The European Council looks forward to the imminent presentation by
the Commission of its Strategic Energy Review as part of the preparations for the adoption of
that Plan. European energy policy will be discussed by the European Council on a regular
basis in the future.
Given the urgent need for energy investments in the coming years, the upcoming Spring
European Council will discuss an integrated approach for a secure, environmentally friendly
and competitive energy policy. This would demonstrate the European Union's leadership in
integrating climate change objectives into other sectoral policies and measures.
The challenge of
climate change
is assuming ever greater importance as its long-term
consequences become clearer and new information from recent studies shows that the costs of
inaction for the global economy will significantly outweigh the costs of action.
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In this context, the European Council welcomes the outcome of the UN climate sessions held
in Nairobi which includes important steps towards developing a broadly-based post-2012
agreement and addressing a number of immediate concerns on mitigation and adaptation
requirements. It also notes with satisfaction the progress made in innovative financing
initiatives to support a widespread shift to new and improved technology.
Bearing in mind the crucial role of a global carbon market and the need to provide long-term
certainty, the European Council looks forward to the forthcoming revision of the Emissions
Trading Directive, which should take effect at the start of the third trading period beginning
in 2013. It confirms the crucial role and the long-term ambition of the EU Emissions Trading
Reiterating that climate change is a global problem that requires global solutions and
encouraged by the EU's recent meetings with third countries, the European Council will
consider at its Spring 2007 meeting options for a global post-2012 agreement consistent with
the EU's objective of a maximum global temperature increase of 2ºC above pre-industrial
In light of the political, economic and external impact of energy and climate change policy,
the European Council looks forward to an integrated debate on these issues at its Spring 2007
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The European Council welcomes the Progress Report on the implementation of the EU
"The EU and Africa: Towards a Strategic Partnership",
to reflect a step change
in Europe's relationship with Africa, and calls for the implementation of the priority actions
for 2007 identified in the report. The Progress Report outlines a comprehensive way forward
for strengthening the EU partnership with Africa in consolidating peace, democracy and good
governance, growth, investment in people and supporting broad-based sustainable
development on the continent.
The European Council reaffirms its commitment to working towards a Joint EU-Africa
Strategy to be adopted at the second EU-Africa Summit in the second half of 2007 in Lisbon.
The Council will continue to monitor progress towards the EU's commitments to Africa,
including fully implementing the decision by the Council on 24 May 2005 to increase EU aid
to 0.56% of EU GNI by 2010, and ensuring that 50% of the additional aid goes to Africa.
The European Council expressed its full support to the UN Special Envoy Martti Ahtisaari
and his efforts in conducting the political process to determine
future status. The
future status settlement must promote a multi-ethnic and democratic society based on the
rule-of-law with a future for all of its citizens and contribute to increasing regional stability.
The settlement must also ensure that Kosovo can develop in a way which is both
economically and politically sustainable, and set a vision for this which provides for the
realisation of Kosovo's European perspective.
The EU stands ready to play a significant role in the implementation of the status settlement.
The European Council emphasised the importance of taking forward the preparations for the
future EU and international presence in Kosovo in coordination with other international
actors. The European Council stressed the importance of clarity in the future status settlement,
to allow for an timely and unified response from the European Union. In this context, the
European Council emphasised the need to ensure the necessary funding for the EU's
comprehensive engagement in Kosovo.
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The European Council reaffirms its resolve to strengthen the
European Neighbourhood
(ENP) in order to consolidate a ring of prosperity, stability and security based on
human rights, democracy and the rule of law in the Union's neighbourhood. In this context,
the European Council welcomes the recent adoption of the ENP Action Plans for Armenia,
Azerbaijan and Georgia, as well as the progress in negotiations with Egypt and Lebanon.
Referring to the latest Commission Communication on the ENP, the European Council
endorses the conclusions of the GAERC of 11 December 2006 and invites the incoming
Presidencies to take the work forward.
Encouraged by the prospects for closer cooperation and political dialogue with Central Asian
States the European Council invites the incoming German Presidency to take forward the
work on an EU strategy on
Central Asia
with a view to its adoption at the European Council
meeting in June 2007.
The European Council stresses the importance of the multilateral trading system and the need
for an ambitious, comprehensive and balanced agreement on the
Doha Development
It therefore welcomes the resumption of informal negotiations. The EU remains
committed to the DDA and calls on key partners to act in the same spirit of constructive
commitment in order to bring the negotiations to a successful close.
Measures have been developed with view to enhancing strategic planning,
coherence in the use of different external relations policy instruments,
coordination in international organisations, including the United Nations, and furthering
cooperation between the EU institutions and between the latter and the Member States.
The European Council welcomes the progress made and invites the future Presidencies to take
work forward together with the Secretary-General/High Representative and the Commission
to ensure the continuity of the process.
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Concrete steps to improve the coherent integration of development objectives are to be
continued, along the lines of EU's Policy Coherence for Development commitments. The
European Council is looking forward to the joint EU's Aid for Trade Strategy as an important
component in fostering the trade and development agenda.
[PM – there will be a separate declaration on the
Middle East]
[PM – there will be a separate declaration on
[PM – there will be a separate declaration on