Europaudvalget 2007-08 (2. samling)
2847 - økofin Bilag 4
26. februar 2008
6. kontor, MIJ
Referat af rådsmødet (ECOFIN) den 12. februar 2008
Stabilitets- og konvergensprogrammer
Rådet vedtog udtalelser om de opdaterede stabilitetsprogrammer for Finland,
Frankrig, Luxembourg, Nederlandene, Italien og Tyskland samt om de opdaterede
konvergensprogrammer for Rumænien, Slovakiet, Storbritannien, Sverige og Un-
Rådet drøftede Kommissionens vurderinger af programmerne – særligt i relation
til landenes mellemfristede mål for de offentlige finanser og opfyldelse heraf. Der
var enighed om, at medlemslandene fortsat bør gennemføre strukturelle forbed-
ringer og sikre den langsigtede holdbarhed af de offentlige finanser samt undgå
procyklisk finanspolitik.
Key Issues Paper
Rådet godkendte, som led i forberedelserne af Det Europæiske Råds (DER) for-
årstopmøde den 13.-14. marts, et Key Issues Paper.
I Key Issues papiret fremhæves bl.a. følgende emner: Den generelle økonomiske
situation i lyset af den aktuelle turbulens på de finansielle markeder, strukturre-
former for vækst og beskæftigelse – både implementering i medlemslandene og
tiltag på fælleskabsniveau – offentlige finanser og deres potentiale til at bidrage til
makroøkonomisk stabilitet, efficiensen af og stabiliteten på de finansielle marke-
der samt den økonomiske og monetære union (ØMU) i EU.
De økonomiske instrumenter til opnåelse af energi-
og klimamålene
ECOFIN drøftede en rapport fra Den Økonomisk-Politiske Komité (EPC) om
de økonomiske instrumenter til opnåelse af energi- og klimamålene og vedtog
rådskonklusioner herom,
jf. vedlagte bilag.
I konklusionerne fokuseres bl.a. på om-
kostningseffektivitet i valget af policyinstrumenter i energi- og klimapolitikken.
Konklusionerne ventes at indgå som led i drøftelsen af emnet på DER i marts.
Bedre regulering
ECOFIN havde en udveksling af synspunkter om Kommissionens meddelelse om
den anden strategiske gennemgang af bedre regulering i EU. Meddelelsen indeholder
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en status for det hidtidige arbejde med bedre regulering (forenkling af lovgivning
og konsekvensvurderinger) samt en oversigt over de næste skridt i arbejdet. Nogle
lande argumenterede for, at EU’s mål om reduktion af de administrative byrder
med 25 pct. bør opfattes som et nettomål.
Revisionsrettens årsberetning for 2006
Rådet havde en drøftelse af Revisionsrettens årsberetning for 2006. Flere lande,
herunder Danmark, fremhævede det utilfredsstillende i, at Revisionsretten endnu
en gang må give en revisionserklæring med væsentlige forbehold, selvom der er
betydelige fremskridt at spore. Rådet vedtog en henstilling til Europa-Parlamentet
om meddelelse af decharge til Kommissionen for gennemførelse af budgettet for
I marginen af mødet drøftede ministrene den økonomiske og finansielle situation
og formanden for eurogruppen orienterede ministrene om gruppens møde den
11. februar. Ministrene drøftede endvidere sager i relation til Den Europæiske
Bank for Genopbygning og Udvikling (EBRD), herunder mulighederne for en
eventuel udvidelse af bankens udlånsaktiviteter.
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Rådskonklusioner vedr. de økonomiske instrumenter til opnåelse af energi- og
"Tackling climate change is an economic as well as environmental issue. The mac-
roeconomic impacts of unmitigated climate change are potentially significant and
there are also substantial economic and fiscal implications from the implementa-
tion of policies to mitigate and adapt to climate change. However, the costs of
action at the global level – at up to 3 per cent of global GDP by 2030 – are esti-
mated to be far lower than the costs of inaction, as long as both global solutions
and cost-effective measures are implemented. A key challenge will be to ensure
that the transition to a low-carbon economy is handled in a way that is consistent
with EU competitiveness, sound and sustainable public finances and that contrib-
utes positively to broader growth objectives consistent with the Lisbon Strategy
for Growth and Jobs.
The Council welcomes the Economic Policy Committee's report which reviews
Member States' experience of policy instruments to address energy and climate
policy objectives. The choice and design of mitigation and adaptation policies will
substantially affect the overall costs of action. As contribution to the upcoming
European Council discussions on energy and climate change policy, which will
discuss the Commission's recently published Climate Action and Renewable En-
ergy package, the Council:
NOTES that there are a wide range of costs per tonne of CO
abated asso-
ciated with different measures across EU countries. Typically, measures to
improve energy efficiency come at least cost, while increasing the share of
renewables is more expensive in the short term, even if the cost of renewa-
bles energies can be reduced in the longer term as new technology develops.
Although a variety of instruments will be needed to achieve energy and cli-
mate change targets for 2020, their relative costs should be taken into ac-
UNDERLINES the importance of market based policy instruments such as
the Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) and environment taxes to deliver least
cost policy options for meeting energy and climate change targets. Given
that policy instruments are often applied in combination, the Council EM-
PHASISES the need for careful consideration of the interaction between
different instruments to avoid reduced efficiency and excessive costs and to
deliver a consistent price on greenhouse gases – both at national and Euro-
pean level.
RECOGNISES the need to fully consider the impacts of climate change
measures on income distribution, fiscal policy, and public finances, includ-
ing possible impacts of an increase in the use of auctioning of greenhouse
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gas emission allowances (EUA) on revenue streams. The Council therefore
EMPHASIZES that any policies that have significant budgetary implica-
tions should be considered by Finance Ministers. For reasons of subsidiarity
and sustainable public finances, revenues from auctioning should be used in
line with sound budgetary principles and, specifically, not be subject to
mandatory earmarking or hypothecation at EU level. The use of such reve-
nues by Member States should not be inconsistent with EU efforts to tackle
climate change.
CONSIDERS that the full cost of the Commission's energy and climate
change proposals must be evaluated and taken into account, AGREES ON
the need for appropriate ex-ante cost-benefit analysis and post-
implementation evaluation of policy instruments and sub-targets and
CALLS FOR reporting on the budgetary, microeconomic and macroeco-
nomic costs of compliance. The reporting requirements should be in line
with the efforts to reduce administrative burden. This information should
be collated and presented to ECOFIN on a regular basis.
UNDERLINES the importance of flexibility mechanisms in order to meet
the targets in a cost-effective manner. For example, this could include flexi-
bilities in the design and implementation of renewable targets, the use of
Kyoto project based credits and the possibility of virtual or physical renew-
able trading within and outside the Union, while taking into account interac-
tions with existing effective national support schemes. The Council
NOTES that adding sub-targets could create additional costs and should
not unnecessarily restrict the flexibility of implementation.
REITERATES that the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU-ETS) is the
centrepiece of the EU’s long-term efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emis-
sions and meet its international climate change commitments and CALLS
FOR further work on market related issues linked to the ongoing develop-
ment of the EU-ETS such as the conditions under which different emission
trading schemes may be effectively and efficiently linked, expansion to in-
clude other sectors, market monitoring, regulatory supervision and the pro-
vision of information.
CONSIDERS that within the EU-ETS, auctioning appears to be, in princi-
ple, the most efficient allocation method. The Council RECOGNISES the
need to take into account competitiveness considerations and to manage the
risk of carbon leakage to countries with lower environmental standards out-
side the EU. Any necessary measures will be considered to this end. Exist-
ing evidence suggests that risks will be concentrated in energy sectors and
energy-intensive sectors of the EU economy, which vary across Member
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STRESSES the importance of clear and credible long-term signals for in-
vestors and the need for overall policy frameworks to be designed to sup-
port and generate private-sector investment in energy infrastructure and
safe and new clean technologies. The Council EMPHASISES the im-
portance of ensuring that policy proposals for 2020 and beyond provide the
private sector with a clear view of the level of carbon constraint, including
the conditions under which those constraints may be liable to change in the
RECALLS that well functioning energy markets may help to improve price
signals and reduce the costs of policies used to reach energy and climate
changes objectives, as well as security of energy supply, based on diversified
energy supply networks, including the external dimension. In this context,
more efforts are needed to achieve a truly competitive, interconnected and
single Europe-wide internal market for electricity and gas.
HIGHLIGHTS the importance of co-ordinated international action for
achieving economically-efficient and environmentally-effective action and
REAFFIRMS the importance of a new comprehensive international agree-
ment on climate change under the United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change no later than 2009. The Council UNDERLINES the
importance of achieving cost-effective abatement through building a global
carbon market and continuing to use existing flexible international mecha-
nisms. In this context, there is a need to find solutions, create new instru-
ments and funnel private sector investment to incentivise cost-effective
abatement in developing countries (e. g. through the abolition of energy
subsidies) and enhanced national measures, with the aim of reaching a glob-
al climate agreement.
The Council INVITES the EPC to continue its work on the economic dimension
of energy and climate change and the EFC to consider the international financing
aspects of global action, with a view to receiving an update on both streams of
work by Autumn 2008."
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Rådskonklusioner vedr. det fælles eurobetalingsområde, SEPA
“The Council
- EMPHASISES its support for the aim of the Single Euro Payments Area
(SEPA): to achieve an integrated market for payment services in euro which is
subject to effective competition and where there is no distinction between cross-
border and national payments in euro within the EU;
- WELCOMES the substantial progress achieved by industry to achieve the
- RECOGNISES that the SEPA project has now moved from the preparatory to
the operational stage and therefore calls upon industry to redouble its efforts and
complete work, in particular in relation to the outstanding standards required in
the cards market and in the customer to bank and bank to customer space;
- ENCOURAGES industry to develop attractive SEPA payment products and
market them actively so that there is a natural momentum for customers to mi-
grate from existing payment instruments to the new SEPA payment products in a
market driven process;
- CALLS for rapid and smooth SEPA migration so that dual payment processing
costs are kept to the minimum; and highlights the need for timely and complete
transposition and implementation of the Payment Services Directive at national
level to facilitate the migration process;
- RECOGNISES the importance of finding a workable solution to ensure the
continued legal validity of existing direct debit mandates, where needed;
- ACKNOWLEDGES the important catalytic role that can be played by public
authorities in helping drive forward the migration process;
- ENCOURAGES public authorities to be early adopters of SEPA payment in-
struments subject to the principle that there should be no deterioration as com-
pared to the existing national characteristics for product performance and price,
given the positive contribution SEPA can make to the modernisation of public
administration and the e-Government Action Plan as well as the substantial bene-
fits of SEPA to the wider European economy, including through value-added-
services such as e-invoicing;
- INVITES Finance Ministries of Member States in cooperation with national
Central Banks to continue monitoring progress on SEPA at national level, in par-
ticular, as regards the adoption of SEPA by public authorities; and INVITES the
Commission in cooperation with the ECB to provide an annual progress report
on the state of migration, including where relevant the pricing of SEPA instru-
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ments and the enhancement of competition within the SEPA area as well as other
SEPA related developments at the end of each year until the successful migration
of a critical mass of payment instruments has been achieved and at the end 2008,
2009 and 2010 in any event.”