Europaudvalget 2007-08 (2. samling), Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2007-08 (2. samling)
Det Europæiske Råd 19-20/6-08 Bilag 4, UPN Alm.del Bilag 81
Brussels, 10 June 2008
from :
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Subject :
European Council (19 and 20 June 2008)
– Draft conclusions
The Presidency hereby submits a revised draft of the conclusions to be agreed by the European
Council at its meeting on 19 and 20 June 2008.
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The meeting of the European Council was preceded by an exposé by Mr Hans-Gert Pöttering,
President of the European Parliament, followed by an exchange of views.
Strengthening the EU as an area of freedom, security and justice is a key priority for citizens.
The European Council calls on the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission to
make every effort to ensure the rapid adoption of important legislative proposals still pending
in this field before the end of the current legislature.
Last December the European Council underlined the need for a renewed political commitment
for the purpose of developing a comprehensive European migration policy. Since then,
important progress has been achieved, in particular on the development of an integrated
border management strategy and the enhancement of cooperation with third countries. Efforts
in the area should be strengthened in the coming months.
The European Council emphasises the interlinkages between migration, employment and
development as well as the importance of combating the major pull factors of illegal
migration. It calls on the Council to intensify work with a view to the rapid adoption of the
proposals on the admission of third country nationals for the purpose of highly qualified
employment, on sanctions against employers of illegal immigrants, and on a single
application procedure and a common set of rights for third country workers.
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The European Council welcomes the conclusions of the Council of April 2008 on practical
cooperation in the field of asylum and invites the Commission to present the Policy Plan as
soon as possible. It underlines the need to continue with progress on the future Common
European Asylum System with a view to its realisation by 2010.
The European Council underlines the importance of continuing work on the further
development of the integrated border management strategy, including addressing particular
pressures faced by some Member States. Rapid progress is needed on the future development
of FRONTEX, including through the enhancement of operational coordination. The use of
modern technologies to improve the management of external borders needs to be swiftly and
thoroughly examined, including entry/exit and registered traveller systems. The European
Council looks forward to the forthcoming studies on the feasibility and added value of an
electronic system for travel authorisation and on the creation of a European Border
Surveillance System. The European Council invites the Commission to step up efforts on
these issues and to rapidly report back on progress achieved and further possible steps.
The European Council reiterates the need for an effective return and readmission policy. It
welcomes the progress made on the proposal on common standards in this area and underlines
the importance of enhancing cooperation in readmission with third countries and consequently
stresses the need to conclude urgently readmission agreements with all major countries of
origin and transit.
The European Council underlines the importance of continuing the dialogue, partnership and
cooperation with third countries on migration issues in a geographically balanced manner.
The Global Approach needs to be further developed, in particular through the development of
concrete instruments such as migration missions, cooperation platforms, mobility partnerships
and migration profiles. In this respect, the European Council welcomes the launching of Pilot
Mobility Partnerships with Cape Verde and the Republic of Moldova and looks forward to the
opening of the dialogue on such Partnerships with Georgia and Senegal. The Commission is
invited to evaluate the Pilot Mobility Partnerships and report on the results by no later than
June 2009.
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Noting the important progress achieved over the past months in implementing the Union's
Counter Terrorism Strategy, the European Council stresses that efforts to fight terrorism must
be stepped up, while fully respecting the rule of law and human rights. In this context the
European Council welcomes the recommendations contained in the EU's Counter-Terrorism
Coordinator's report. It invites the Commission to come forward with its communication on
the prevention of radicalisation and recruitment for terrorism as soon as possible. In its
cooperation with third countries the Union should usefully contribute to the prevention of
recruitment for terrorism, particularly through the delivery of technical assistance in the fields
of education, human rights, rule of law, civil society and governance. The Commission is
invited to focus efforts in particular on countries in the North African region and the Sahel, as
well as countries in the South Asia region.
Access to relevant information by the competent authorities of the Member States and EU
agencies is a necessity for an efficient prevention of terrorism and serious crime. The
European Council therefore stresses the need for a coordinated and coherent approach to the
implementation of the principle of availability, aiming for an effective use of information
technology and information networks. Agreement has been reached on the integration of the
provisions on exchange of information in the Prüm Treaty into the Union's legal framework,
but further initiatives to enhance the exchange of information should be examined, taking due
account of the protection of personal data.
In March 2008, the enlargement of the Schengen area by 9 Member States was finalised with
the abolition of controls at internal air borders. This contributes to a higher level of mobility
without affecting the security of EU citizens. The European Council urges the Member States
and the Commission to allocate sufficient resources to ensure that SIS II becomes operational
in September 2009. It invites the Commission to present possible solutions for the long term
management of large scale IT systems in the area of Freedom, Security and Justice.
The European Council welcomes an initiative to progressively establish a uniform EU
E-justice portal by the end of 2009.
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The European Council welcomes the agreement reached on the Directive on the protection of
the environment through criminal law and the progress made with regard to the Directive
against ship source pollution. The European Council reiterates the importance of achieving a
high level of environmental protection throughout the EU. It also welcomes the continuation
of work in the field of procedural guarantees in criminal law, especially the rapid adoption of
the framework decision for enhancing procedural rights in trials in the absence of the person,
and calls for work to be continued in this area.
Efforts to enhance judicial cooperation in civil law matters, including family law, need to
continue, considering the positive impact such cooperation can have on citizens in their
everyday lives. Important legal acts concerning mediation in civil and commercial matters,
the law applicable to contractual obligations and parental responsibility and the protection of
children have been adopted; nevertheless, further work is needed. The European Council
therefore calls for the Regulation on maintenance obligations to be adopted before the end
of 2008 and for a political solution concerning the Regulation on jurisdiction and applicable
law in matrimonial matters to be found promptly. The Commission is invited to submit its
proposal on succession and wills before the end of the year.
The European Council underlines the need to rapidly follow up on the project to establish a
common frame of reference for European contract law.
The roles of Eurojust and Europol need to be strengthened, and the cooperation between these
two agencies enhanced, with a view to reinforcing the fight against serious cross-border
crime. The European Council stresses the importance of the agreement reached at the
April 2008 Council on the Decision on establishing Europol and calls for its swift formal
adoption in line with the timetable agreed in June 2007. The European Council calls on the
Council to rapidly conclude its work with a view to formally adopting the draft Council
Decision establishing Eurojust before the end of 2008.
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The European Council emphasises the need to strengthen the cooperation with third countries
and international organisations (especially the Hague Conference on Private International
Law, the Council of Europe and the United Nations).
The European Council strongly supports the aim of having all EU Member States
participating as quickly as possible in the U.S. Visa Waiver Programme in order to ensure full
reciprocal visa free travel and equal treatment for all EU citizens as is already the case for
U.S. citizens entering the territory of the Member States.
The European Council welcomes ongoing efforts to reinforce the Union's disaster response
capacities and stresses the need for an integrated approach to managing disasters. It invites the
Council, the Commission and Member States to take this work forward rapidly.
The recent surge in commodity prices raises concerns, both internally, especially as regards
low income households, and abroad, particularly for developing countries which are net food
importers. It is a complex phenomenon with many root causes and consequences, affecting
EU policies across the board. The European Council welcomes the Commission's
Communication on this issue.
Rising oil prices have also partly contributed to higher food prices through higher input prices
for farmers as well as higher costs for transport and food processing. These developments
underscore the need to foster energy efficiency and promote competition in energy markets,
increase the transparency of oil markets, including as regards oil stocks, as well as promote
modernisation of transport systems and renewable energy sources, while enhancing the
dialogue with oil producing countries. The European Council recalls the agreement reached in
Manchester in 2005 that distortionary fiscal and other policy interventions should be avoided
as they prevent the necessary adjustment by economic agents.
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The European Council takes particular note of the Commission's intention to monitor food
price developments in Europe and internationally, and looks forward to the Commission's
report on the evolution of the situation ahead of the December 2008 European Council.
Acknowledging the importance of devising a policy response to the global and domestic
effects of the price surge, the European Council agrees on the following:
Short term measures
In the agricultural sector the Union has already acted to moderate the pressure on food prices
through the sale of intervention stocks, the reduction in export refunds, the removal of the
set-aside requirement for 2008, the increase of milk quotas, and the suspension of import
duties for cereals, thus improving supply and helping to stabilise agricultural markets.
It is also important to note the distributional effects of increasing commodity prices. A
number of Member States have envisaged short term measures to alleviate the impact of
recent commodity price developments on low income households. However, it is important to
ensure that price signals are not distorted and to avoid broad-based second round effects on
wages and prices (including through indexation schemes). Any measures should be short term
and targeted, and should avoid distortionary effects.
A number of Member States are also planning to reform restrictive regulation in the retail
sector in order to improve the functioning and the competition at various stages of the food
supply chain. The European Council welcomes the Commission's initiative to examine this
issue in the context of the Single Market Review. The European Council also welcomes the
Commission's intention to monitor closely activities in commodity-related financial markets
and their impact on price movements as well as any policy implications. It invites the
Commission to report back on this issue in advance of the December 2008 European Council.
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Mid and long term measures
Successive reforms of the CAP have enhanced its market orientation, reduced the number of
supply management measures and made EU farmers more responsive to price developments.
It is important to continue to improve the market orientation of agriculture and thus enable EU
farmers to better respond to market signals. In the context of the CAP Health Check, the
Council will also consider further steps with the aim of abolishing supply restraints.
It is important to ensure the sustainability of bio-fuel policies, notably by encouraging the
development of the second generation bio-fuels made from by-products that do not compete
with food production. There is also a need to rapidly assess possible impacts on agricultural
products for food and take action, if necessary, to address shortcomings. Further assessment
should also be made of the environmental as well as social consequences of the production of
There is a need to pursue work on innovation, research and development of agricultural
production, notably to enhance its energy efficiency, productivity growth and ability to adapt
to climate change.
Initiatives at the international level
High food prices are generally putting a strain on most developing countries. They are
severely affecting the situation of the world's poorest populations and are putting at risk
progress towards all MDGs. Action is therefore required from the European Union from a
development and humanitarian assistance perspective. In its efforts, the Union will work in
close liaison with the United Nations and other international organisations and in the
framework of partner countries' own policies and strategies.
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In view of the high food prices experienced globally, the European Council stresses the
importance of fostering coordination with the EU's international partners, in particular in
promoting the sustainable production of bio-fuels and the efficient use of energy at
international level and in working to increase as required the assistance to the most affected
The EU is already providing important food aid and humanitarian assistance in many of the
most critical areas and will mobilise resources to finance, beyond food aid, safety nets for
poor and vulnerable population groups.
The EU will promote a more coordinated and longer term international response to the current
food crisis, in particular in the UN, in international financial institutions and in the context of
the G8. It accordingly welcomes the establishment by the UNSG of the High-Level Task
Force on the Global Food Security Crisis. The EU is determined to play its full part in
implementing the Declaration agreed in Rome on 5 June 2008 at the FAO High Level
Conference on World Food Security.
The EU will use its policy dialogue with third countries in a transparent manner to discourage
food export restrictions and export bans. It will also raise this issue in the WTO and other
relevant international fora. Furthermore, the EU will continue to strive for a comprehensive,
ambitious and balanced conclusion of the Doha Round.
The EU will support a strong agricultural supply response in developing countries, providing
in particular the necessary financing for agricultural inputs and assistance in using
market-based risk management instruments. It will enhance its support to public and private
investments in agriculture and more generally encourage developing countries to develop
better agriculture policies, especially to support food security and reinforce regional
integration. Particular attention will be paid to small-scale farmers and enhancing energy
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Considering the wide range of policy sectors affected by the high food prices, the European
Council invites the GAERC to follow closely the work conducted in the relevant Council
formations on this issue and report back by December 2008.
On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the historic decision to launch the euro and the
creation of the European Central Bank, the European Council salutes the remarkable success
of the first decade of economic and monetary union. This success must be built upon to meet
the economic challenges that lie ahead. The European Council calls on the Council to reflect
on the means of strengthening the economic framework for EMU, in the light of the
Commission's communication on "EMU@10", so as to ensure that the full potential and
benefits of the single currency are realised.
The European Council congratulates Slovakia on the convergence achieved since its accession
to the EU, based on sound economic and financial policies, and welcomes Slovakia's
fulfilment of all the convergence criteria as set out in the Treaty. In this context, the European
Council welcomes the Commission's proposal that Slovakia should adopt the euro on 1
January 2009.
The EU remains committed to maintaining international leadership on climate change and
energy. The European Council welcomes the progress made on a global and comprehensive
post-2012 agreement on climate change at the negotiations in Bangkok in April and in Bonn
in June 2008. The pace of negotiations needs to accelerate in order to come to an agreement in
Copenhagen in 2009. With the aim of agreeing on an EU position concerning scaled-up
finance and investment flows for both mitigation and adaptation according to the Bali Action
plan on time, the Commission is invited to present a comprehensive strategy on mechanisms
for low carbon technology research and development, dissemination and transfer, as well as
financing and investment with the aim of agreeing on an EU position at the Spring European
Council 2009.
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In order to maintain international leadership and credibility the European Union must reach
rapidly an agreement on its climate and energy package. The European Council therefore
welcomes the progress achieved to date on the different proposals of the climate and energy
legislative package and urges the Council to work in close cooperation with the European
Parliament towards an agreement in line with the time targets set at its March 2008 meeting.
The European Council welcomes broad agreement reached on essential elements of the
internal energy market legislative package, and in particular on the issue of effective
separation of supply and production activities in the gas and electricity sectors. It invites the
Council and the European Parliament to reach final agreement on the package before the end
of the current legislative term.
The European Council warmly welcomes the political agreements reached by the Council on
the Directive on working time and on the Directive on working conditions for temporary
workers, which represent important steps towards legal certainty in these areas. It calls on the
Council and the European Parliament to reach a balanced final agreement on both Directives
before the end of the current legislative term.
[The European Council is expected to welcome the decision on the EIT seat and in that
context to recall the conclusions of the representatives of the Member States, meeting at Head
of State or Government level in Brussels on 13 December 2003, on the distribution of the
seats of Community offices or agencies.]
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The European Council reaffirms its full support for the European perspective of the Western
Balkans, as set out in the Thessaloniki Agenda. Recalling its conclusions of December 2006,
the European Council stresses that by making solid progress in economic and political reform
and by fulfilling the necessary conditions and requirements as set out in the Accession and
European Partnerships, the remaining potential candidates in the Western Balkans should
achieve candidate status, according to their own merits, with EU membership as ultimate
goal. The EU perspective remains essential for the stability, reconciliation and the future of
the Western Balkans.
The Stabilisation and Association Process remains the framework for the European course of
the Western Balkans. The progress achieved in recent years in this context, in particular
through the conclusion of Stabilisation and Association Agreements (SAAs), now needs to be
further consolidated.
The European Council welcomes the significant progress in facilitating the people-to-people
contacts for the countries of the region. In this regard the European Council welcomes the
successful launching of the dialogue on visa liberalisation with all countries concerned, based
on the roadmaps containing clear and realistic benchmarks. The European Council also
endorses the Declaration on the Western Balkans as set out in the Annex.
The European Council stresses again the importance of regional cooperation and good
neighbourly relations. It welcomes the transition from the Stability Pact to the Regional
Cooperation Council.
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Steps towards the opening of accession negotiations with the
former Yugoslav Republic of
are possible as soon as all the conditions set out in the December 2005 European
Council conclusions are met and the key priorities identified in the Accession Partnership in
February 2008 implemented. To reach the next stage in its relations with the EU,
must continue its efforts to meet the objectives set out in the European Partnership. The EU
welcomes the commitment to ensure the conditions for free, fair and democratic elections
which must take place in 2009. Further efforts with regard to institutional capacities in public
administration, the fight against corruption and organised crime as well as in the judiciary will
be of similar importance. The European Council takes note of the progress
made and encourages the country to further focus on building administrative capacity,
pursuing the fight against corruption and organised crime, creating national consensus around
issues related to state-building, consolidating the institutions as well as reforms of the
judiciary in accordance with the Constitution.
European Council welcomes the recent
signature of the SAA with
Bosnia and Herzegovina,
which constitutes an important step in
that country's European course]. Bosnia and Herzegovina must continue with the
implementation of the reform process without delay, particularly with the view of fulfilling
the objectives and conditions for the transition from the Office of the High Representative to
the European Union Special Representative. The European Council looks forward to a new
Government in Belgrade with a clear European agenda to push forward with necessary
reforms. Building on the recent signature of a Stabilisation and Association Agreement with
the EU,
can accelerate its progress towards the EU, including candidate status, as soon
as all necessary conditions are met. Recalling the European Council's conclusions of
December 2007 and the GAERC conclusions of 18 February 2008 the European Union
remains committed to play a leading role in ensuring the stability of
also through
EULEX Kosovo, EUSR and its contribution to an international civilian office. [p.m.
to be adapted according to the agreement at the UNSC meeting on 10 June on possible
reconfiguration of the international presence and on possible gradual deployment of the EU
mission throughout Kosovo.]
The European Council also welcomes the commitments taken
by the Kosovo authorities, in particular with regard to the protection of the rights of
communities, decentralisation and preservation of religious and cultural heritage as well as the
future role of the international presence.
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The European Council expresses its support to the forthcoming Donors' Conference and calls
for intensified preparations. The EU recalls its willingness to assist the economic and
institutional development of Kosovo, in line with the European perspective of the region.
Millennium Development Goals
The year 2008 should mark a turning point in enhancing the collective efforts to eradicate
poverty in the context of sustainable development, in order to ensure that by 2015 all the
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) will be achieved worldwide. In the light of progress
made in some countries and areas, the European Council is convinced that all MDGs can still
be attained in all regions of the world, provided that concerted action is taken immediately
and in a sustained manner until 2015. However, it is seriously concerned about the trend in
many countries and regions, in particular sub-Saharan Africa, in terms of achievement of the
The EU will keep on playing a leading role as the world's largest donor and will make all
necessary efforts to ensure an ambitious action-oriented response before, during and after the
key events to be held in the second half of this year: the third High Level Forum on Aid
Effectiveness (Accra, 2-4 September), the UN High Level Event on the MDGs (New York,
25 September) and the International Conference on Financing for Development (Doha,
29 November-2 December).
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The Council conclusions of May 2008 provide a strong collective EU response to the global
development challenge. In particular, with a view to attaining all MDGs, the EU strongly
reaffirms its commitment to achieve a collective ODA target of 0,56% GNI by 2010 and 0,7%
GNI by 2015, as set out in the May 2005 Council conclusions, the June 2005 European
Council conclusions and the European Consensus on Development. These commitments
should see annual EU ODA double to over EUR 66 billion in 2010. At least half of this
collective increase will be allocated to Africa.
The EU will undertake radical reforms to improve aid effectiveness, building on the full
implementation of the 2005 Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, the 2005 European
Consensus on Development and the 2007 EU Code of Conduct on complementarity and
division of labour.
The EU will continue to improve policy coherence for development (PCD) in the twelve areas
identified in 2005, ensuring furthermore that the PCD principles are part of the international
agenda for the MDGs and aid effectiveness.
The EU will fully implement the 2007 EU Strategy on Aid for Trade, striving to achieve its
collective target of EUR 2 billion spending on EU trade-related assistance annually by 2010
(EUR 1 billion from the Member States and EUR1 billion from the European Community)
and to increase overall Aid for Trade in coherence with the increases in overall ODA. In the
range of 50% of the increase in the collective EU trade-related assistance will be available for
ACP countries.
[p.m. EU Agenda for Action. Language to be adapted according to the discussions in
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The EU is determined to provide an effective collective response to the new challenges to
development posed in particular by climate change and high food prices. With regard to
climate change, the EU is determined to help where relevant developing countries,
particularly poor developing countries most vulnerable to climate change, to move towards
sustainable economic growth and to adapt to climate change, in line with the agreement
reached in Bali to launch negotiations aimed at securing a global agreement on climate
change in Copenhagen in 2009. It will work for the effective implementation of the 2007
"Global Climate Change Alliance" and will explore ways to mobilise new financial resources
to tackle climate change and combat its negative impact. In this respect, the EU will work,
inter alia, on the basis of the Commission proposal for a global financing mechanism.
European Neighbourhood Policy
"Barcelona Process: Union for the Mediterranean"
The Mediterranean region is an area of vital strategic importance to the European Union in
both political and economic terms. The Barcelona Process has been the central instrument for
Euro-Mediterranean relations since 1995 and has allowed the strong promotion of multilateral
and bilateral cooperation. Building on and reinforcing previous successes, the "Barcelona
Process: Union for the Mediterranean" will inject further momentum in the Union's relations
with the Mediterranean. It will complement ongoing bilateral relations which will continue
within existing policy frameworks.
The European Council welcomes the Commission's Communication of 20 May 2008 and, in
particular, the proposals to provide an enhanced political dimension to the EU's relations with
Mediterranean partners through a new political impetus, notably by holding biennial summits,
and to reinforce the shared ownership of the Partnership.
On this basis, the EU shall conduct necessary consultations with all Euromed partners with a
view to preparing a joint declaration to be adopted by the Paris Summit on 13 July 2008.
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Eastern Partnership
The European Council welcomes the proposals for developing the eastern dimension of the
European Neighbourhood Policy, which will aim at enhancing EU policy towards eastern
ENP partners in bilateral and multilateral formats.
The European Council agrees on the need to further promote regional cooperation among the
EU's eastern neighbours, and cooperation between the EU and each of these countries
respectively, on the basis of differentiation and an individual approach, respecting the
character of the ENP as a single and coherent policy framework. Furthermore, such
cooperation should bring added value and be complementary to the already existing and
planned multilateral cooperation schemes under the ENP, in particular the Black Sea Synergy
and the Northern Dimension.
In line with this, the European Council invites the Commission to take the work forward and
to present to the Council a proposal for modalities of the "Eastern Partnership", on the basis of
relevant initiatives with a view to the Spring European Council in 2009.
Other issues
The European Council reconfirms that the promotion and protection of the rights of the child,
in particular the children affected by armed conflict, is a priority of the EU's external action.
The European Council calls on the Commission and Member States to continue ensuring
coherence, complementarity and coordination of human rights, security and development
policies and programmes, in order to efficiently and sustainably address the short, medium
and long term impacts of armed conflict on children in an effective and comprehensive
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The European Council acknowledges efforts to promote the European Year of Intercultural
Dialogue. In this context it recognises the value of culture as an integral part of all relevant
external policies, in line with the recommendations of the conference "New Paradigms, New
Models & Culture in the EU External Relations". The European Council underlines the
importance of cultural cooperation, based on dialogue with civil society, in promoting
people-to-people contacts and fostering good neighbourly relations.