Europaudvalget 2011-12, Beskæftigelsesudvalget 2011-12
EUU Alm.del Bilag 308, BEU Alm.del Bilag 109
Difficulties with the enforcement of
the Directive on the Posting of workers
On behalf of EPP, ALDE, S&D and
the Danish Confederation of Trade Unions,
we hereby invite you to a public hearing in:
The European-Parliament,
Room A5G-2,
Thursday 22 March 2012 at 10 a.m. – 1p.m.
Welcome by the Danish Confederation of Trade Unions
1st theme (10:00-10:55)
Working conditions - The development of working
conditions for posted workers in the EU in the past few years.
CHAIR: MEP Bendt Bendtsen, EPP
INPUT: Niklas Bruun, Law Professor, Hanken School of Economics(TBC),
Isabella Biletta, Researcher, Eurofond and
Eric Aubin, Trade Union CGT Representative at construction site
2nd theme (10:55-11:50)
Enforcement – The problems due to failure to enforce the
Directive on the Posting of Workers.
CHAIR: MEP Anne E. Jensen, ALDE
INPUT: Prof. Keith Ewing, Law professor, King’s College London (TBC),
Prof. dr. Aukje van Hoek, Professor, Private International Law,
Amsterdam University (TBC) and
Jens Peter Bostrup, Vice President, NNF (The Danish Food and
Allied Workers Union).
3rd theme (11:50 -13:00)
The assessment of the Commission, the Council and the social
partners on these issues.
CHAIR: MEP Ole Christensen, S&D
INPUT: László Andor, Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and
Inclusion, (TBC),
Nicolai Wammen, The Danish Minister for European Affairs (TBC),
Maxime Cerutti, Director of Social Affairs, Business Europe (TBC) and
Veronica Nilsson, Confederal Secretary, ETUC.
There will be translation into and from:
EN, FR, DE and DK.
To register and receive an entrance badge,
please contact the secretary of MEP
Ole Christensen, Mr Thomas W. Larsen
([email protected]) by
19 March 2012 giving your full name, date of
birth, nationality and number of identity card.
We are looking forward to welcoming you,
Bendt Bendtsen
Anne E. Jensen
Ole Christensen
The Danish Confederation of Trade Unions