Europaudvalget 2011-12
Det Europæiske Råd 23/10-11 Bilag 9
Brussels, 23 October 2011
EUCO 52/11
from :
General Secretariat of the Council
to :
Subject :
23 OCTOBER 2011
Delegations will find attached the conclusions of the European Council (23 October 2011).
EUCO 52/11
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Conclusions – 23 October 2011
In addition to addressing the immediate challenges posed by the financial crisis, it is essential to
intensify efforts to secure sustainable and job-creating growth. Budgetary consolidation and debt
reduction are of crucial importance in order to ensure the sustainability of public finances and
restore confidence. At the same time, determined action is required to strengthen the economy
already in the short run. It is therefore crucial for the European Union to implement all aspects of
the Europe 2020 strategy. The Member States will accelerate structural reforms in line with the
recommendations made in the context of the European semester. Within this framework, the
European Council identified today a number of priorities which should be fast-tracked because of
their significant impact on jobs and growth in the short to medium term. It also called for a
stronger focus to be given to the growth-enhancing aspects of the European Union's external
policies in order to maximise their contribution to growth in Europe and to shape the conditions to
attract more foreign investment. The European Council set the Union's position for the G20
Summit, giving top priority to maintaining financial stability and restoring growth. It also discussed
the preparations for the Durban conference on climate change, stressing the need to take ambitious
steps towards a global and comprehensive legally-binding framework for the post-2012 period.
In the light of the Commission's report on
growth-enhancing areas
and further to the
outcome of the political conference on the sources of growth held on 6 October 2011, the
European Council identified a limited number of key priorities for internal economic policy
that need to be pursued in the short term in order to achieve smart, sustainable and inclusive
and green growth:
The Single Market has a key role to play in delivering growth and employment. All
efforts should be made to ensure agreement by the end of 2012 on the 12 priority
proposals set out in the Single Market Act, giving utmost priority to those which can
bring the most benefits to growth and jobs. The full implementation of the Services
Directive will also deliver significant economic gains; Member States should complete
its implementation by the end of this year and ensure that the points of single contact are
fully operational and that economic operators are fully informed of the new
opportunities it offers. The Commission will report on this issue by the end of 2011.
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Conclusions – 23 October 2011
The European Council invites the Commission to rapidly present the roadmap on the
completion of the Digital Single Market by 2015, giving priority to proposals aimed at
promoting a fully integrated Digital Single Market through the facilitation of e-
commerce and the cross-border use of online services. Particular attention should be
paid to ensuring rapid progress in achieving the broadband coverage objectives set out
in the Digital Agenda, facilitating secure electronic identification and authentication and
modernising Europe's copyright regime with a view to ensure the EU’s competitive
edge and unleash possibilities for new business models, while ensuring a high level of
protection of intellectual property rights and taking into account cultural diversity. The
European Council calls for rapid agreement on the Radio Spectrum Policy programme.
Momentum should be maintained in implementing the 2007 Action Programme for the
reduction of administrative burden in order to meet the objective of a 25% reduction by
2012; more rapid progress should be made regarding annual accounts, company law,
taxation and customs. The European Council calls for the rapid adoption of the
simplification proposals pending before Council and Parliament.
The Commission is invited to further concentrate efforts to reduce the overall regulatory
burden, in particular for SMEs, including by proposing concrete working methods
within the context of the Smart Regulation agenda. It has committed to assess the
impact of future regulations on micro-enterprises and to screen the acquis to identify
existing obligations from which micro-enterprises could be excluded. The European
Council looks forward to the Commission's forthcoming report in order to return to
these issues at its December 2011 meeting.
Member States will ensure that the country-specific recommendations are fully reflected
in national decisions as regards budgetary policy and structural reforms, given their
crucial importance for ensuring sustainable public finances and creating jobs and
growth. In support of this, the European Council calls for steps to be taken by the
Council, working with the Commission, to ensure that all actions at the European Union
level fully support economic growth and job creation.
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Conclusions – 23 October 2011
Energy, including energy efficiency, as well as research and innovation are key areas for the
promotion of growth. The European Council will track progress made in those areas in
December 2011 and in March 2012 respectively, further to the concrete orientations set in
February 2011. It calls for the swift implementation of those measures which will have a
direct impact on growth.
Since the crisis has increased pressure on national budgets, it is important to optimise the use
of available resources, in particular in countries implementing an adjustment programme. The
European Council calls for the adoption before the end of the year of the proposals to
temporarily increase cofinancing rates for EU funds, accompanied by a targeting of those
funds on growth, competitiveness and employment. The EIB is invited to examine in close
cooperation with the Commission the possibilities of further contributing to boosting
investment in Europe, including for countries implementing an adjustment programme.
The European Union now has more powerful tools to enhance its
economic governance
to ensure that the required measures are taken to pull Europe out of the crisis: the Europe
2020 strategy continues to guide the Union and the Member States in promoting the delivery
of growth-enhancing structural reforms; the European semester will help ensure that they
remain on track in implementing these reforms in a coordinated manner; and the Euro Plus
Pact will achieve a new quality of economic policy coordination amongst the participating
Member States. The package of six legislative acts on economic governance agreed last
month will allow a much higher degree of surveillance and coordination, necessary to ensure
sustainable public finances and avoid the accumulation of excessive imbalances. The
European Council emphasises its determination to implement this new framework in order to
ensure that it is fully and effectively applied. In this context, we welcome the intention of the
Commission to strengthen, in the Commission, the role of the competent Commissioner for
closer monitoring and additional enforcement.
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Conclusions – 23 October 2011
The next European semester should be as ambitious as possible and draw fully on the lessons
of the past. The European Council welcomes the Commission's intention to bring forward its
Annual Growth Survey to December 2011, which will allow the Council to prepare
thoroughly the Spring 2012 European Council. Heads of State or Government will return to
some themes of the Euro Plus Pact in December 2011; they will also be informed of progress
made in structured discussions on tax policy coordination issues. Legislative work on the
Commission proposals for a common consolidated corporate tax base is ongoing. The
European Council takes note of the Commission proposal for a financial transaction tax.
Strengthening financial regulation remains a key priority at the EU and the global level. Much
has been achieved since 2008 with the reform of our regulatory and supervisory framework,
but efforts need to be maintained to address the weaknesses of the financial system and
prevent future crises. The European Council welcomes the agreement reached on short selling
and calls for the speedy adoption of other important legislative proposals such as those
relating to OTC derivatives and deposit guarantee schemes by the end of this year, and the
ones on capital requirements by summer 2012. It welcomes the proposals on markets in
financial instruments and market abuse and looks forward to the proposals the Commission
will make on credit rating agencies and bank crisis management and resolution.
The European Council welcomes progress made by the Council (ECOFIN) on measures for
the banking sector and invites the Council to finalise this work at its meeting of 26 October.
These measures will be an essential component of a broader package whose other elements
will be agreed by the Euro Summit of 26 October.
EUCO 52/11
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Conclusions – 23 October 2011
The President informed the European Council on the state of preparations regarding the Euro
Summit of 23 and 26 October. The European Council agreed on the need for coherence of the
activities of the Euro area and the European Union, in full respect of the integrity of the
European Union as a whole and its operation at 27. In this context, the European Commission
has the responsibility to ensure compliance by all 27 Member States with EU legislation,
including that relating to the internal market, and to safeguard a level playing field among all
Member States including those not participating in the euro. The President of the Euro
Summit will be designated by the Heads of State or Government of the euro area at the same
time the European Council elects its President and for the same term of office. Pending the
next such election, the current President of the European Council will chair the Euro Summit
meetings. The President of the Euro Summit will keep the non euro area Member States
closely informed of the preparation and outcome of the Summits. The European Council notes
the intention of the Heads of State or Government of the euro area to reflect on further
strengthening of economic convergence within the euro area, on improving fiscal discipline
and deepening economic union, including exploring the possibility of limited Treaty changes.
The European Council recalls that any Treaty change must be decided by the 27 Member
States. The European Council will revert to the issue in December on the basis of a report by
the President of the European Council in close collaboration with the President of the
Commission and the President of the Eurogroup.
As regards the
external aspects of economic policy,
Europe will continue to promote free,
fair and open trade whilst at the same time asserting its interests, in a spirit of reciprocity and
mutual benefit in relation to the world's largest economies. The European Union can take a
number of measures in its external relations that can contribute to boosting its growth
potential, both in the short and longer term:
EUCO 52/11
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Conclusions – 23 October 2011
Whilst strengthening and widening the multilateral system and concluding the WTO
Doha Round remain crucial objectives given their expected benefits in terms of growth
and job creation, renewed emphasis should be given to bilateral and regional
agreements, particularly with strategic partners and those whose markets are expanding
at a significant pace. Such efforts should in particular be geared to the removal of trade
barriers, better market access, appropriate investment conditions, the protection of
intellectual property, access to raw materials and the opening up of public procurement
markets. Concerning the latter, the European Council looks forward to the forthcoming
Commission proposal for an EU instrument.
The Union should capitalise on the special relationships it enjoys with its neighbouring
regions in order to foster closer economic ties and open up new trade and investment
opportunities, including by pursuing where appropriate deep and comprehensive free
trade agreements. Promoting a more business-friendly environment throughout the EU
neighbourhood is an essential investment in wider regional prosperity. The Union
should pursue the integration of specific sectors which have a significant impact on
growth and employment, such as energy and aviation.
The Union should also seek to reap full benefits from a regulatory environment applied
in an expanding economic space and take the lead in the setting of standards. It should
develop a comprehensive investment policy, aimed at achieving effective two-way
investment liberalisation and protection as an integral part of the Union's overall
common commercial policy. It should also ensure increased coherence between the
external aspects of sectoral policies such as energy, transport and visas, within the
overall balance of its economic interests and foreign policy objectives.
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Conclusions – 23 October 2011
Work will be taken forward on these issues as a matter of priority, with the required resources
and instruments being devoted to that end. The Commission is invited to report on progress
achieved by next Spring. Whenever required, EU summits with third countries and regions
will be more focused on settling outstanding issues in agreements under negotiation with
The European Council discussed the preparations for the Cannes G20 Summit. It confirmed
the orientations agreed by the Council in preparation for the G20 Finance, Agriculture,
Employment and Development ministerial meetings.
Determined action is necessary to maintain financial stability, restore confidence and support
growth and job creation. The G20 should approve an ambitious action plan containing
specific commitments and measures from all G20 countries to respond to the serious
challenges emanating from the current economic slowdown and to ensure strong, sustainable
and balanced growth while implementing credible fiscal consolidation.
The Cannes Summit should also achieve real progress on the following:
reforming the international monetary system (IMS), in particular by reinforcing
surveillance and crisis management tools and better coordinating economic and
monetary policies; sound macroeconomic policies should be the first line in responding
to capital flow shocks and the G20 should continue to promote open capital markets and
avoid financial protectionism; further progress is expected on a criteria-based path to
broaden the special drawing rights basket, as a contribution to the evolution of the IMS,
based on the existing criteria. The G20 should ensure that the IMF has adequate
resources to fulfil its systemic responsibilities and should explore possible contributions
to the IMF from countries with a large external surplus.
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Conclusions – 23 October 2011
strengthening the regulation and supervision of the financial sector, by ensuring the full
and consistent implementation of past commitments, implying the timely and consistent
implementation of Basel II, II-5 and III, the reform of OTC derivatives, and
remuneration principles and standards. Progress is needed on achieving internationally
consistent frameworks for all systemically important financial institutions, on
identifying and publically listing non-cooperative jurisdictions, on the convergence of
accounting standards, on strengthening the regulation of the shadow banking system, on
combating the existence of tax havens and on reducing overreliance on credit ratings.
To keep pace with ambitious financial reform, the Financial Stability Board's
institutional footing, resources and governance will be strengthened. The introduction of
a global financial transaction tax should be explored and developed further;
tackling the excessive volatility of commodity prices, notably by enhancing
transparency in commodity markets and improving the functioning and regulation of
derivative markets; the G20 Action Plan on food price volatility and agriculture
constitutes an important further step towards providing an internationally coordinated
response to the food security challenge;
promoting global recovery and sustainable and inclusive growth by supporting an active
WTO negotiating agenda, including for the least developed countries, and by fully
implementing the G20 Development Agenda through concrete measures; the social
dimension of globalisation should also be enhanced;
advancing international trade liberalisation and resisting protectionism in particular by
agreeing a credible plan as a basis for concluding the Doha Development round and
considering innovative approaches to strengthen the multilateral trading system;
combating climate change, in particular by mobilising sources for climate change
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Conclusions – 23 October 2011
The European Council endorses the conclusions of the Council of 4 and 10 October 2011
which outline the EU position for the Durban conference on climate change in detail. It
underlines that an ambitious international regime to combat climate change is crucial if we are
to reach the agreed objective of maximum 2°C increase of global temperatures. The European
Union will work towards an ambitious and balanced outcome at the Durban conference,
building upon what was agreed last year in Cancun. It is urgent to agree on a process towards
a comprehensive legally binding framework and a clear time line, ensuring global
participation, including from major economies. The European Council confirms the openness
of the European Union to a second commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol as part of a
transition to such a framework, as set out by the Council on 10 October 2011.
The European Council welcomes the ongoing work of the High-level Panel on Global
Sustainability, established by the UNSG, to find new effective ways to promote global
sustainable development.
Europe remains committed to supporting the democratic transformation of its Southern
Neighbourhood through the European Neighbourhood Policy. Democratic transition and
economic development in the whole region remains essential for the establishment of
democracy, fully respecting the rule of law and human and civil rights. The rapid launch of
concrete projects within the Union for the Mediterranean can contribute much to this process.
The death of Muammar Gaddafi marks the end of an era of despotism and repression from
which the Libyan people have suffered for too long. Today Libya can turn a page in its
history, pursue national reconciliation, and embrace a new democratic future.
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Conclusions – 23 October 2011
The European Council pays tribute to the courage and determination of the people of
It looks forward to the formation of an inclusive and broad-based government, to the launch
of a democratic, peaceful and transparent transition that reaches out to all Libyans and to the
preparation of free and fair elections in accordance with the Constitutional Declaration by the
National Transitional Council. It reaffirms the commitment of the European Union to support
the emergence of a democratic Libya. The European Council reiterates its support for a
democratic, pluralist and stable
as a key partner to the EU. The interim authorities have
the crucial task of organising the first democratic and transparent elections, while ensuring
law and order in a manner respectful of human rights. The European Council is
concerned about the recent tragic clashes in Egypt and underlines the importance of the
promotion and protection of freedom of religion or belief, including the protection of religious
minorities as an essential component of any democratic society. The European Council
welcomes the holding of the first free elections in
today. The European Union will
support the new authorities in their effort in favour of democratisation and sustained
economic development, including through the EU/Tunisia Task Force.
The European Council fully endorses the Council conclusions on
adopted on 10
October. The Syrian people must be able to define the future of their country without the fear
of repression. The European Council welcomes the efforts of the political opposition to
establish a united platform. The creation of the Syrian National Council is a positive step
forward. It remains gravely concerned about the current situation in Syria and stresses its
strong support to the Syrian people as they express their legitimate aspirations for a life in
freedom and dignity. It condemns in the strongest terms the ongoing brutal repression led by
the Syrian regime against its population as well as the widespread human rights
violations. President Assad must step aside to allow a political transition to take place in
Syria. The EU has decided to place restrictive measures aimed at those responsible for or
associated with the violent repression and those who support or benefit from the regime, not
at the civilian population. The EU will impose further and more comprehensive measures
against the regime as long as the repression of the civilian population continues. The
European Council urges all members of the UN Security Council to assume their
responsibilities in relation to the situation in Syria.
EUCO 52/11
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Conclusions – 23 October 2011
The European Council welcomes the reinforcement of EU restrictive measures against
due to unacceptable human rights violations and the adoption of restrictive measures against
five individuals following the foiled plot to assassinate the Ambassador of the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia to the United States. It urges Iran to respect all obligations under international
law. It expresses its continued concern over the expansion of Iran's nuclear and missile
programmes, in violation of UNSC and IAEA Resolutions, as well as its lack of cooperation
with the IAEA in addressing outstanding issues, including those pointing to possible military
dimensions to its nuclear programme.
We urge Iran to enter into constructive and substantial talks with the E 3+3 in a way to arrive
at a comprehensive, negotiated, long-term solution of the nuclear question in order to avoid
possible further restrictive measures. At the same time the European Council invites the
Foreign Affairs Council to prepare new restrictive measures to be decided upon and to be
implemented at the appropriate moment in the case that Iran continues not to co-operate
seriously nor to meet its obligations. It endorses the statement delivered by the High
Representative on 21 September. It reiterates the commitment of the European Union to work
for a diplomatic solution of this issue.
The European Council welcomes the second
Eastern Partnership
Summit held in Warsaw
on 29-30 September and welcomes the intention of the High Representative and the European
Commission to propose a roadmap that would list the objectives, instruments and actions with
a view to the next Eastern Partnership Summit in the second half of 2013. The pace and depth
of these countries' political association and economic integration with the EU will depend on
their upholding of the democratic principles and rule of law which are the basis of the
EUCO 52/11
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Conclusions – 23 October 2011
The European Council welcomes with great satisfaction the announcement of the cessation of
ETA’s terrorist activity made on 20 October. This is undoubtedly the victory of democracy and
freedom in Spain and throughout the Union, and in this respect the European Council wishes to
express its appreciation to the Government, political parties, security forces, the Law Enforcement
authorities and the whole of Spanish society for their steadfastness and determination in the long
struggle against terrorist violence. Recognition is also due to the invaluable European cooperation
and solidarity received, with special thanks to the people and Government of France. And we retain
a very special memory for the victims of this violence, a memory that must endure so that such
violence, which should never have occurred, may never return.
EUCO 52/11