Europaudvalget 2011-12, Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2011-12
Det Europæiske Råd 9/12-11 Bilag 6, UPN Alm.del Bilag 63
Brussels, 6 December 2011
&form of address
It is my pleasure to invite you to the meeting of the European Council on 9 December 2011 in
The European Council will be preceded by an informal dinner on Thursday 8 December, during
which we will discuss the latest developments in financial markets and the economic and financial
crisis. It is imperative that we build on the important measures taken so far and agree on a wider
approach, encompassing the strengthening of our short term crisis management tools as well as a
determination to adopt in the medium term further measures to bolster our economic union. The
discussion will take place on the basis of draft conclusions based on the interim report I prepared in
close cooperation with the President of the Commission and the President of the Eurogroup and
which sets out possible moves towards a stronger economic union. I have invited the President of
the ECB to join us for this discussion.
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On Friday, after the ceremony for the signature of the Accession Treaty with Croatia, we will start
with the traditional exchange of views with President Buzek who will share with us his thoughts at
the end of his mandate as President of the European Parliament. We will then discuss more widely
how our economic policies can pull Europe out of the crisis. Over the past months we have taken
important decisions, to strengthen our economic governance, to boost growth and create jobs, and to
ensure safe, secure, sustainable and affordable energy. Now has come the time to fully implement
them. This is the signal we should give in our conclusions, which I understand have been largely
agreed by the General Affairs Council.
Towards the end of our meeting, we will address the enlargement questions, in the light of the
discussion held at the General Affairs Council on Monday. We will also discuss the issue of
Bulgaria's and Romania's accession to Schengen. Finally, we will briefly exchange views on the
situation in Iran.