Europaudvalget 2011-12, Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2011-12
Det Europæiske Råd 1-2/3-12 Bilag 4, UPN Alm.del Bilag 132
Ref. Ares(2012)223167 - 27/02/2012
Annex: Overview of state of play on initiatives referred to in the letter 'A Plan for
Growth in Europe'
Single Market
a) Commission
to the June European Council
This will present recommendations on how to make better use of the existing tools for
improving and monitoring implementation of the Single Market, proposals on how to organise
annual reporting on the Single Market, including on network industries and proposals on how
to improve infringement/enforcement policy.
b) Commission report
the Services Directive and efforts to
open up
services markets,
with recommendations for additional measures
The Commission is currently assessing the quality of the implementation of the Services
Directive in all Member States, from an economic and legal point of view and on the
operation of the Points of Single Contact and will report on this in the coming months.
c) Commission report on the outcome of sectoral performance checks
We are processing performance checks in 3 key sectors: Tourism, Construction and Business
Services, to assess how different pieces of EU legislation applying to services work in
practice when taken together.
2. Digital Single Market
a) Confidence to trade on-line
The Action Plan on e-commerce proposed by the Commission on 11 January 2012 sets out its
vision for using the potential of online services for growth and employment. It identifies the
main obstacles to the development of e-commerce and online services and establishes five
priorities. The Commission will publish Annual Reports on the development of e-commerce
in Europe and will present a mid-term evaluation in 2013.
b) Simplifying licensing and building an efficient framework for copyright
The Commission proposal on collective management of copyright is scheduled for adoption
before the June European Council. This proposal will aim at stimulating the legal offer by
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simplifying multi-territorial licensing and at modernising the governance and transparency of
collecting societies.
c) Providing
a secure
and affordable system for cross-border on-line payments
On 11 January 2012 the Commission published a Green Paper that assesses the current
landscape of card, internet and mobile payments in Europe, identifies the gaps in the current
situation and sets out a vision of a fully integrated payments market and the barriers which
have created these gaps. On the basis of a thorough analysis of the consultation feedback
(which is due by 11 April 2012), the Commission will announce the next steps to be taken
before the summer of 2012.
d) Establishing on-line dispute resolution mechanisms for cross-border on-line payments
The Directive on Alternative Dispute Resolution for Consumers proposed by the Commission
on 29 November 2011 will ensure that quality out-of-court entities exist to deal with any
contractual dispute between a consumer and a business however they purchase (online or
The Regulation on Online Dispute Resolution ('ODR Regulation') will create a single EU-
wide online platform for online shoppers buying from another EU country and traders to
resolve their contractual disputes online.
The Commission has called on the co-legislator to fast-track this proposal, which forms part
of the Single Market Act.
d) Amending the EU framework for electronic signatures
The adoption of a legislative proposal for electronic identification, authentication and
signatures is scheduled for second semester 2012.
e) Providing better broadband coverage
As part of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), the Commission proposes to dedicate at
least €7 billion to investment in high-speed broadband infrastructure. This proposal is
currently being discussed by the co-legislators.
The Commission is also considering further ways of reducing the cost of rolling out high
speed broadband.
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f) Е-government services to simplify the start up and running of businesses and aid the
mobility of workers
The Commission is actively encouraging the deployment in Member States of e-Govemment
services. This is one of the targets of the "Digital Agenda for Europe" flagship initiative. The
Single Points of Contacts to be established under the Services Directive and to be monitored
by the Commission are a good example. However, only a third of Member States have so far
implemented the points of single contact in full. Some Member States have extended them to
a broader eGovemment portal for companies, simplifying the start up and running of
3. Energy
Commission communication on the Internal Energy Market
By June 2012, the Commission plans to publish a Communication on the Internal Energy
Market assessing the degree of its liberalisation, and integration, assessing or announcing
new initiatives on possible adjustments to the market architecture and promoting the
efficiency of distribution systems.
the natural gas transmission networks.
b) Energy interconnection
Energy interconnection has been addressed by the proposed Regulation on energy
infrastructures (TEN-Е Guidelines), which was adopted by the Commission in October 2011.
The measures in the regulation are there to provide further certainty to private investors.
c) Single European Transport Area
The Commission has recently proposed a number of initiatives, including proposals on the EU
Infrastructure network (TEN-Т); the new funding framework for transport infrastructure (the
Connecting Europe Facility); the improvement of capacity and quality of airports; and
Common Principles applicable to passengers' rights in all transport modes or as part of the
Social Maritime Agenda (training of seafarers).
e) Connecting Europe Facility
The Commission has recently referred a number of
Member States to the European Court of Justice, for failure to ensure conditions for access to
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As part of the next Multiannual Financial Framework, the Commission has proposed a
Connecting Europe Facility to help fill the gaps in Europe's transport, energy and digital
infrastructure. This proposal is under consideration by the co-legislator.
4. Innovation
Establishing the European
Research Area
The European Research Area Framework is one of the commitments of the Innovation Union
flagship initiative. These measures are supported through the Seventh Framework Programme
and support for researchers' mobility and attractive career development will continue under
Horizon 2020. The Commission will adopt a Communication on the European Research Area
in June 2012.
b) Improving investment opportunities
by creating an effective EU-wide
venture capital
The Commission proposal for a Regulation on European Venture Capital Funds of 7
December 2011 sets out a new "European Venture Capital Fund" label and includes a
passport to allow venture capital fund managers to grow and to market their funds across the
EU using a single set of rules.
c) Assessing a proposal for an EU venture capital scheme building on the EIF and other
financial institutions
On 30 November 2011, the Commission proposed venture capital fund-of-funds investing
across borders in the "Programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and SME", and
Horizon 2020 for the period 2014-2020. The Commission is working on detailed
implementation plans for these programmes in order to ensure a smooth implementation with
the EIF, other financial intermediaries and beneficiaries.
d) New EU-wide programme, to promote more effective use of pre-commercial public
procurement to support innovative and high tech businesses
In 2011, the Commission opened the first calls for proposals to co-finance consortia of public
procurers undertaking pre-commercial procurement that is of cross-border interest. Such
projects, that receive 50% co-financing from the EU, will start in 2012. Moreover, the recent
Commission proposals to revise the Public Procurement Directives include a new procedure
where the contracting authority can cooperate with a company to develop an innovative
product, work or service.
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e) Reforms to create an effective and business-friendly system of intellectual property
The participating Member States have undertaken to reach agreement by June 2012 at the
latest on a final agreement on the last outstanding issue (the location of the patent court). The
Commission is committed to facilitating an agreement as soon as possible.
5. External dimension of growth
Trade Agreements (FTAs)
The Commission is very actively engaged in trade negotiation on behalf of the EU with a
wide range of countries and regional groups.
Negotiations on a Deep and Comprehensive
Free Trade Area (DCFTA) with Ukraine were concluded last December, together with the
negotiations for an Association Agreement. This is the first of its kind to have been concluded
with a country from the Eastern Partnership. Negotiations for a DCFTA with
authorised in February 2012 and are expected to take place in the first semester of 2012.
Technical negotiations were held with Moldova on 18 January and with Georgia on 31
January 2012 and formal negotiations will be launched shortly. Mandates for negotiating
DCFTAs with
Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco and Jordan
were agreed in December 2011. If
partners are supportive, negotiations could start in the autumn with Tunisia, Morocco and
Negotiations with
are approaching the final phase with a realistic prospect of
completion during the first half of 2012. It would seem possible to conclude negotiations with
Malaysia in the second half of 2012. Scoping exercises for both an FTA and a comprehensive
framework agreement covering political and sectoral cooperation with
are progressing
well. Similar exercises for
Vietnam and Indonesia
may be completed in 2012. The
Commission has been engaged in very informal exchanges with
concerning a
possible future scoping exercise.
The 12th
Summit was held on 10 February. There was a shared interest in
concluding negotiations for a FTA this year. A Ministerial will be held in June with the aim of
concluding negotiations in early autumn. The EU and
launched negotiations for a
Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) at the EU-Canada Summit in May
2009. The CETA aims to go beyond WTO commitments generally, with a maximum degree
of liberalisation of trade in goods and services. Both sides want to finalise the negotiation
process this year.
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The last round of negotiations with
took place on 7-11 November 2011 and the
next is scheduled for 12-16 March 2012.
b) Trade relations with the USA, Russia and China
With regard to the USA, the High-Level Working Group on Jobs and Growth established in
the last Summit at the initiative of the EU will analyse all scenarios, ranging from enhanced
regulatory cooperation to a fully-fledged FTA. The Working Group is tasked to deliver
recommendations by the end of 2012 and an interim report by June.
At the EU-China Summit on 14 February 2012 both parties reconfirmed their commitment to
the possible fixture launch of negotiations on an investment agreement. The Commission is
conducting its impact assessment which should be completed in June 2012.
Russia's accession to the WTO has just been accepted by the latest Ministerial meeting and
we will build on this momentum to add a meaningful and rich in substance trade dimension to
our future Framework agreement currently under negotiations.
c) Doha development agenda (DBA)
The Commission will focus its efforts on progress at the technical level in order to build
positive momentum. This will help to set the stage for further progress in 2013.
6. Reduction of administrative burden
a) Further and faster progress across the EU institutions
The Commission's report of 23 November 2011 on minimising regulatory burden identified
13 possible future exemptions or lighter regimes for micro-enterprises. The Commission has
already made proposals which would reduce burdens by more than €40 billion (33%). So far,
the Council and Parliament have only adopted proposals amounting to a reduction of 22 %.
b) Assessing the scope for ambitious new EU sectoral targets and support for micro-
The Commission has reversed the burden of proof for micro enterprises so that they are only
included in the scope of new proposals if there is a compelling justification. The priority must
be to address specific problems reported by businesses, particularly smaller companies. The
Commission will expand on its approach to minimising regulatory burdens in an upcoming
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d) Annual Commission statement identifying and explaining the total net cost to
business of regulatory proposals issued
the preceding year
The Commission takes full account of the potential costs of legislation as part of its impact
assessment process and assesses these alongside the benefits of the proposed legislation. This
analysis is contained systematically in our impact assessment reports.
7. Employment
a) Vulnerable groups having been absent from the labour market for long periods
Following the informal European Council in January, urgent action is being taken to support
Member States with the highest youth unemployment rates through the establishment of
action teams. These teams are identifying practical steps to tackle youth unemployment,
including through the use of financial support from the EU budget. The recently adopted
Commission White Paper on Pensions highlights priorities for ensuring adequate and
sustainable pension systems. In the framework of the European Social Dialogue, the
Commission will call on the social partners to develop ways of adapting workplace and labour
market practices so as to facilitate longer working lives. Building on the proposal for the
European Social Fund (ESF) in the 2014-2020 programming period, Member States should
support active and healthy ageing. The Commission will closely monitor whether ESF
programmes effectively support the reform needs identified in this area in the forthcoming
Country Specific Recommendations.
b) Portability of pension rights
The Commission's amended proposal from 2007 is still under consideration in the Council.
The Commission would like to see this work accelerated and will consider the possibility of
an amended proposal.
c) Reducing the number of regulated professions - proportionality test
In the Commission's 19 December 2012 proposal on professional qualifications, it is proposed
that Member States review their regulations to decide whether regulated professions are still
necessary. The Commission will report on the outcome of the review and make the
appropriate proposals if necessary. The existence of unjustified or disproportionate
restrictions to the access to or the exercise of regulated professions features prominently in the
Annual Growth Survey and in the subsequent country specific recommendations.
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d) Professional qualifications
In December 2011, Commission proposed an amendment of the Directive on professional
qualifications. The legislative proposal includes the introduction of a European professional
card, aimed at simplifying the mobility of professionals across the EU. Further action will be
considered on the basis of the ongoing performance checks.
8. Financial sector legislation
Bank resolution
The Commission is following a two-pronged approach: by reducing the probability of
banking failure through stronger supervision, better corporate governance and tighter
regulatory standards, and by appropriate tools and resources available for orderly and timely
resolution. The Commission will be making a proposal for a new system of bank resolution.
b) EU legislation compatible with Basel III standards.
Whereas Basel III applies to 'internationally active banks', in the EU it has always applied to
all banks (more than 8,300) as well as investment firms. The Commission has taken these
particular circumstances into account when transposing Basel III into EU law. Nevertheless,
the proposal delivers a faithful implementation of Basel III standards in EU law.
c) Regulatory capital
To qualify for inclusion in the highest quality category of regulatory capital, a capital
instrument must be of extremely high quality and must absorb losses fully as they arise. The
criteria agreed in Basel III are extremely strict and are transposed exactly in the Commission's
proposal. This is not a matter of the origin of capital.
d) Implementation of the G20 principles on banking sector remuneration in line with
existing EU legislation
Rules have already been introduced, on the basis of Commission proposals, for banks and
alternative investment fund managers. Forthcoming Commission proposals will extend these
rules to other parts of the financial sector.