Europaudvalget 2011-12
Det Europæiske Råd 1-2/3-12 Bilag 6
Brussels, 2 March 2012
EUCO 4/12
from :
General Secretariat of the Council
to :
Subject :
1/2 March 2012
Delegations will find attached the conclusions of the European Council (1/2 March 2012).
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Conclusions – 1/2 March 2012
The European Council discussed the implementation of the EU's economic strategy. This strategy
pursues both continued fiscal consolidation and determined action to boost growth and jobs;
sustainable growth and jobs cannot be built on deficits and excessive debt levels. The measures
taken to stabilize the situation in the euro area are bearing fruit.
The European Council endorsed the five priorities for 2012 set out in the Commission's Annual
Growth Survey. It looked at action that has to be taken at national level. Member States must make
faster progress towards the targets of the Europe 2020 Strategy and step up efforts on the reforms
taken up in the 2011 Country-Specific Recommendations. They are expected to indicate the
measures they intend to take to that effect in their National Reform Programmes and their Stability
of Convergence Programmes. The European Council also discussed action required at the EU
level, pushing ahead with completing the Single Market in all its aspects, both internal and
external, and boosting innovation and research.
In the margins of the European Council the participating Member States signed the Treaty on
stability, coordination and governance in the EMU.
The European Council set the EU's priorities for the forthcoming G20 meeting and UN Rio+20
Conference, with a particular emphasis on growth-enhancing measures and reforms. It took stock
of developments concerning the Arab Spring and set guidance for future EU action to support that
The European Council granted candidate status to Serbia.
It agreed that the Council should revert to the issue of Bulgaria and Romania's accession to the
Schengen area in order to adopt its decision in September
Finally, the European Council re-elected Herman Van Rompuy as its President.
The European Union is taking all necessary measures to put Europe back on the path to
growth and jobs. This requires a two-pronged approach, covering both measures to ensure
financial stability and fiscal consolidation and action to foster growth, competitiveness and
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Conclusions – 1/2 March 2012
"Europe 2020" is Europe's strategy for jobs and growth and its comprehensive response to the
challenges it is facing. In particular, the five targets set out for 2020 remain fully relevant and
will continue to guide the action of Member States and the Union to promote employment;
improve the conditions for innovation, research and development; meet our climate change
and energy objectives; improve education levels and promote social inclusion in particular
through the reduction of poverty.
However, efforts undertaken to date remain insufficient to meet most of these targets. It is
therefore urgent to concentrate on the implementation of reforms, with a particular attention
to measures which have a short-term effect on jobs and growth.
For 2012, the European Council endorses the five priorities set out in the Commission's
Annual Growth Survey for action taken at the EU and national level to:
– pursue differentiated, growth-friendly, fiscal consolidation,
– restore normal lending to the economy,
– promote growth and competitiveness,
– tackle unemployment and the social consequences of the crisis, and
– modernise public administration.
Action at the national level
The European Council discussed preliminary findings and best practices relating to the
implementation of the 2011 Country-Specific Recommendations and commitments under the
Euro Plus Pact.
While important measures have been taken by all Member States, reforms in certain areas are
lagging behind and implementation is uneven, as is described in the Commission's Annual
Growth Survey and the Presidency's report on the European semester.
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Conclusions – 1/2 March 2012
Furthermore, the Commission's recent Alert Mechanism Report, which constitutes the first
step of the new procedure on the prevention and correction of macroeconomic imbalances,
points to certain challenges and potential risks raised by macroeconomic imbalances in some
Member States. The Council will examine the report closely. The European Council invites
the Council and the Commission to fully, effectively and swiftly implement the procedure and
Member States to act accordingly.
Fiscal consolidation is an essential condition to return to higher growth and employment. It
must be differentiated according to Member States' conditions. All Member States should
continue to respect their commitments according to the rules of the Stability and Growth Pact,
which allow the automatic stabilisers to work around the agreed path of structural fiscal
adjustment, while ensuring the long term sustainability of public finances. Countries under an
assistance programme should stick to the targets and structural reforms agreed in the
programme. Similarly, Member States under market pressure should meet agreed budgetary
targets and stand ready to pursue further consolidation measures if needed. While pursuing
consolidation efforts, particular care must be given to prioritising expenditure that constitutes
an investment in future growth, with a particular emphasis on education, research and
Tax policy can contribute to fiscal consolidation and growth. In line with the Council
conclusions of 21 February, and recognising Member States' competences in this area, the
European Council invites Member States, where appropriate, to review their tax systems with
the aim of making them more effective and efficient, removing unjustified exemptions,
broadening the tax base, shifting taxes away from labour, improving the efficiency of tax
collection and tackling tax evasion. The Council and the Commission are invited to rapidly
develop concrete ways to improve the fight against tax fraud and tax evasion, including in
relation to third countries and to report by June 2012.
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Conclusions – 1/2 March 2012
Bringing the employment rate to 75% by 2020 requires resolute action. The orientations set
by the Heads of State or Government on 30 January provide further specific guidance to
Member States, particularly on youth unemployment and the elaboration of their National Job
Plans in the framework of their NRPs. Tackling poverty and social exclusion requires the
implementation of active inclusive strategies encompassing labour market activation
measures. In line with the Council conclusions of 17 February 2012, and respecting the role of
social partners and national systems for wage-formation, Member States should :
increase efforts to make it easier and more attractive for employers to hire people,
where necessary by improving wage-setting mechanisms;
remove barriers to the creation of new jobs;
and implement active labour market policies, notably with a view to strengthening the
participation of young people, women and older workers.
The European Council looks forward to the Commission's forthcoming "employment
package", focusing on strengthening growth through the mobilisation of Europe's workforce,
promoting job creation in key sectors of the economy, improving management of skills needs,
promoting labour market transitions and improving geographic mobility. It stresses the
importance of making progress on enhancing the mutual recognition of professional
qualifications, reducing the number of regulated professions and removing unjustified
regulatory barriers.
It is of the utmost importance that Member States fully reflect these priorities and challenges
through more precise, operational and measurable commitments in their National Reform
Programmes and Stability or Convergence Programmes. The Member States that participate
in the Euro Plus Pact should also include further commitments focused on a small number of
essential, timely and measurable reforms to achieve the objectives of the Pact.
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Conclusions – 1/2 March 2012
In this process, in which social partners and regions have an important role to play, full use
will be made of the tools offered by the European Union's new economic governance. The
European Council calls for the adoption by June of the two outstanding proposals aimed at
further strengthening euro area surveillance.
Action at the EU level
In its meetings of October and December 2011, the European Council set out a clear
framework for a series of growth-enhancing proposals. The informal meeting of 30 January
2012 looked at some particularly urgent measures on which the Council will report next June.
Work must continue on all fronts to press ahead with this package of measures.
In particular, efforts will continue in order to:
bring the Single Market to a new stage of development by strengthening its governance
and improving its implementation and enforcement; in this connection the European
Council looks forward to the presentation next June of the Commission's
communication on the Single Market and its report on the Services Directive as well as
its report on the outcome of sectoral performance checks. It welcomes the Commission's
intention to propose in the second half of this year a new round of measures designed to
open up new growth areas in the Single Market. In this connection, the European
Council stresses the importance of completing the Single Market and removing
remaining barriers;
complete the Digital Single Market by 2015, in particular by adopting measures to boost
confidence in on-line trade and by providing better broadband coverage, including by
reducing the cost of high-speed broadband infrastructure; the European Council looks
forward to the forthcoming Commission proposals on copyright;
reduce the administrative and regulatory burdens at EU and national level; the European
Council welcomes the Commission's intention to present a communication on further
steps towards minimising regulatory burdens, including measures to support micro-
enterprises. It invites the Commission to consider sectoral targets;
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Conclusions – 1/2 March 2012
to remove trade barriers and ensure better market access and investment conditions in
line with the conclusions of October 2011 and the statement of January 2012; the
European Council welcomes the Commission's new report on trade and investment
barriers. The European Council will next June review progress and discuss how the
Union can deepen its trade and investment relationships with key partners.
The European Council considers that enhanced "peer pressure" can help raise the ownership
and responsibility at the level of Heads of State or Government as regards the Council's and
individual Member States' role in developing the Single Market and complying with its rules.
To this effect, the European Council invites :
the Commission to provide transparent scoreboards as a basis for appropriate bench-
the President of the European Council to promote regular monitoring by the European
Council of progress achieved on key Single Market proposals in the various Council
Promoting a more resource-efficient, greener and more competitive economy is crucial. The
European Council calls for agreement to be reached on the Energy Efficiency Directive by
June. Recalling its conclusions of December 2011, it also calls for rapid progress on the low-
carbon 2050 strategy and on the implementation of the roadmap towards a resource-efficient
Innovation and research are at the heart of the Europe 2020 strategy. Europe has a strong
science base but the ability to transform research into new innovations targeted to market
demands needs to be improved. On the basis of a report presented by the Presidency, the
European Council took stock of the progress achieved in implementing its conclusions of
February 2011 and agreed that efforts must be stepped up with a view to:
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Conclusions – 1/2 March 2012
– completing the European Research Area by 2014; in this connection the European Council
welcomed the Commission's intention to propose an ERA framework in June 2012;
– improving the mobility and career prospects of researchers;
– rapidly establishing and implementing the inventory of EU-funded R&D and the single
innovation indicator;
– an intellectual property rights valorisation instrument at the European level;
– the participating Member States reaching a final agreement in June 2012 at the latest on
the last outstanding issue in the patent package;
– creating the best possible environment for entrepreneurs to commercialise their ideas and
create jobs and putting demand-led innovation as a main driver of Europe's research and
development policy; in particular, creating an effective EU-wide venture capital regime,
including an "EU passport", a financing scheme in support of innovative SMEs,
considering a "fund of funds" to provide cross-border risk capital and making more
effective use of pre-commercial public procurement to support innovative and high tech
– strengthening key enabling technologies which are of a systemic importance for the
innovativeness of industry and the whole economy.
As regards energy, it is important to implement the orientations agreed in February and
December 2011, delivering on the commitment to complete the internal energy market by
2014, including through the full implementation of the Third Energy Package in recognition
of agreed deadlines, and to interconnect networks across borders. The European Council
looks forward to the Commission's communication expected by next June assessing the
degree of liberalisation and integration of the internal energy market.
The European Council stresses the important role played by industry for European growth,
competitiveness, exports and job creation and as a driver for productivity and innovation.
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Conclusions – 1/2 March 2012
Work and discussions should be carried forward on the Commission proposals on energy
taxation, on the common consolidated corporate tax base, on the financial transactions tax and
on the revision of the Savings Tax Directive. The negotiating directives for savings taxation
agreements with third countries should be rapidly adopted. The Council and the Commission
will regularly report on the state of play in this field, starting in June 2012.
It is likewise important to rapidly complete the regulatory reform of the financial sector.
Building on the political agreement recently achieved, the European Market Infrastructure
Regulation should now be adopted as rapidly as possible. Furthermore, the proposals relating
to bank capital requirements and to markets in financial instruments should be agreed,
respectively by June and December 2012, bearing in mind the objective of having a single
rule book, and ensuring timely and consistent implementation of Basel III. The amendments
to the Regulation on Credit Rating Agencies should be adopted as soon as possible. The
European Council looks forward to the outcome of the Commission's ongoing review of
mandatory references to the ratings from credit rating agencies in EU legislation.
It is important to restore investor confidence in the EU banking sector and to ensure the flow
of credit to the real economy, in particular through the strengthening of banks' capital
positions without excessive deleveraging and, where required, measures to support bank
access to funding. The Council will closely monitor the implementation of decisions taken
last October in this regard. The Commission is invited to consider the possible strengthening
of the current framework relative to executives pay.
Given the need to stimulate the private financing of key infrastructure projects, work on the
pilot phase of the Europe 2020 project bond initiative should be stepped up with a view to
reaching agreement by June.
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Conclusions – 1/2 March 2012
G20 and G8
The European Council agreed that the following priorities should be pursued with a view to
the G20 summit:
– ensure effective coordination at the global level for strong, sustainable and balanced
growth and progress in the implementation of the Cannes Action Plan;
– implement the G20 commitments on financial market reform, including strict monitoring,
to ensure a global level playing field;
– implement the 2011 Action Plan on Food Price Volatility and Agriculture; enhance
transparency in commodity markets; further implement the Seoul Development Action
plan focusing on infrastructure and green growth;
– promote green growth and sustainable development; combat climate change in particular,
and mobilise sources for climate change finance;
– fight protectionism and support an active WTO negotiation agenda, including for the least
developed countries;
– address the social dimension of globalisation, in particular youth unemployment.
The European Council was informed of the discussions at the G20 level on the substantial
increase in the IMF's resources. It recalled that euro area Member States have already
committed to provide EUR 150 billion through bilateral loans to IMF General Resources, and
that other EU Member States have also indicated their willingness to take part in the process
of reinforcing IMF resources. It encouraged G20 Finance Ministers to continue their work
with a view to reaching agreement on an increase in the IMF's resources at their next meeting
in April, in order to enhance the IMF's capacity to fulfil its systemic responsibilities in support
of its global membership.
The European Council was informed of the state of play regarding preparations for the G8
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Conclusions – 1/2 March 2012
Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development
The European Council underlined its strong support for an ambitious outcome at the Rio+20
UN Conference on Sustainable Development. It stressed the need for a strong participation
from the private sector and civil society at the Conference. It set out some key principles that
will guide the EU in its preparations:
– the Conference should advance the global transition towards a green economy, thus
promoting environmental protection, contributing to poverty eradication and stimulating
low carbon and resource-efficient growth;
– it should work towards clear operational targets and concrete actions at national and
international level within agreed time frames;
– it should contribute to a strengthened global institutional framework for sustainable
development which should include the upgrade of UNEP to a specialised agency;
– it should advance the work on global and coherent post-2015 goals for sustainable
development, also having regard to the review process of the Millennium Development
One year after the start of the Arab Spring, the European Council discussed emerging trends
and lessons learnt from developments in the region and assessed the implementation of EU
support to date. The EU is promoting and supporting the democratic transformation in its
Southern Neighbourhood
and across the wider Middle East and Gulf region. It remains
committed to developing partnerships with the Southern Neighbourhood countries, based on
differentiation, mutual accountability and the adherence to universal values, including the
protection of religious minorities (including Christians). In line with the principles and
objectives defined in its earlier declarations and in the Council conclusions of 20 June 2011,
the European Council agreed that the following orientations will guide the EU's further
engagement and contribution to the process:
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Conclusions – 1/2 March 2012
– the EU encourages all countries in its Southern Neighbourhood to undertake significant
political reforms designed to build and consolidate democracy, establish and strengthen
the rule of law and to uphold respect for human rights and civil liberties with particular
attention to women's and minorities' rights.
– bearing in mind the context of the economic and financial challenges facing many
countries in the region, the EU will continue to mobilise its instruments, placing greater
emphasis on assistance focused on governance and job creation and continue its efforts in
the framework of the "Task Force" meetings, including business stakeholders; the
European Council called in this connection for a swift ratification of the extension of the
EBRD's mandate;
– in this context the EU is determined to match support to the level of democratic reform,
offering more support to those partners that make progress towards inclusive democratic
systems, while reconsidering support to governments in cases of oppression or grave or
systematic violations of human rights;
– the EU will continue to strengthen its partnership with civil society, including through the
launch of the Neighbourhood Civil Society Facility;
– rapid progress is needed in the ongoing trade negotiations and in the preparation of
negotiations for Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreements that will progressively
integrate partners' economies into the EU Single Market and increase market access
– the dialogues on migration, mobility and security will be extended with a view to fostering
people-to-people contacts, business contacts and mutual understanding; in this context,
joint efforts will be pursued also to prevent illegal immigration, in line with the EU's
Global Approach to Migration.
The European Council invites the Commission and the High Representative to present by the
end of this year a roadmap to define and guide the implementation of the EU policy vis à vis
our Southern Mediterranean partners, listing its objectives, instruments and action, focusing
on the synergies with the Union for the Mediterranean and other regional initiatives.
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Conclusions – 1/2 March 2012
The European Council is appalled by the situation in
and endorses the Council
Conclusions of 27 February 2012. In line with the United Nations Human Rights Council
resolution of 1 March, it demands that Syrian authorities immediately stop the massive
violence and human rights abuses inflicted to the civilian population. The European Council
remains determined to ensure that those responsible for the atrocities being committed in
Syria are held accountable for their actions and will coordinate closely with and assist those
working to document these appalling crimes. The European Council confirms its commitment
to further increasing the pressure on the Syrian regime as long as the violence and human
rights abuses continue, and invites the Council to prepare further targeted restrictive measures
against the regime. It calls on president Assad to step aside to make room for a peaceful
transition for the sake of the country. As soon as a democratic transition begins, the EU is
ready to develop a new partnership and provide assistance.
The European Council reiterates the importance of full and unhindered access for independent
humanitarian agencies so that assistance may be provided to those in need in line with
humanitarian principles. The Union has already mobilised humanitarian funding and stands
ready to step it up as soon as conditions on the ground will allow humanitarian organisations
to expand relief operations.
The European Council recalls its support for the efforts by the League of Arab States to end
the violence in Syria, and lends its full support to the missions undertaken by former UN
Secretary General Kofi Annan as the Joint Special Envoy of the United Nations and League
of Arab States on the Syrian crisis. It supports the launching of the Group of the Friends of the
Syrian People and the conclusions of its first meeting on 24 February 2012.
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Conclusions – 1/2 March 2012
The European Council calls once more on all members of the United Nations Security
Council, particularly Russia and China, to work together in an effort to stop the violence. The
European Union supports the Syrian opposition in its struggle for freedom, dignity and
democracy, recognises the Syrian National Council as a legitimate representative of Syrians
and calls upon all members of the Syrian opposition to unite in its peaceful struggle for a new
Syria, where all citizens enjoy equal rights. The European Union calls on all parties to
promote a process aiming at a political solution.
The European Council stresses the responsibility of the Syrian authorities regarding the
security of foreign nationals in Syria, including journalists, in particular by facilitating the
evacuation of those who need it.
The European Council welcomes the
Conference held in London on 23 February
2012. The European Council recalls the EU's Strategic Framework for the Horn of Africa
adopted by the Council on 14 November 2011 and, building on the outcome of the London
Conference, invites the Council, the Commission and the High Representative to maintain
comprehensive engagement with Somalia. In line with the EU Strategic Framework, the
Foreign Affairs Council should report back to the European Council in October on the
implementation of agreed actions.
The European Council welcomes the progress the
Eastern Partnership
achieved in
furthering political association and economic integration with the EU. The partnership is
based on a commitment to common values, where those most engaged in reforms will benefit
more from their relationship with the EU. The European Council looks forward to the Eastern
Partnership Roadmap with a view to the next Eastern Partnership Summit in the second half
of 2013.
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Conclusions – 1/2 March 2012
The European Council expresses its serious and deepening concern over the further
deterioration of the situation in
It welcomes the decision reached at the Council to
extend the list of those responsible for serious human rights violations or the repression of
civil society and the democratic opposition or supporting or benefitting from the Lukashenko
regime to be targeted by a travel ban and an asset freeze. The European Council invites the
Council to proceed with its work on further measures. It reiterates the Union's commitment to
strengthening its engagement with the Belarusian civil society and to supporting the
democratic aspirations of the Belarusian people.
The European Council endorses the Council conclusions of 28 February 2012 on Enlargement
and the Stabilisation and Association Process, and agrees to grant
the status of
candidate country.
The European Council, recalling its discussions in 2011, reiterates that all legal conditions
have been met for the decision on Bulgaria's and Romania's accession to the
area to
be taken.
The European Council also acknowledges the continuous efforts undertaken by Bulgaria and
The European Council requests the Council, during the intervening period, to identify and
implement measures which would contribute to the successful enlargement of the Schengen
Area to include Romania and Bulgaria.
The European Council asks the Council to revert to this issue in order to adopt its decision at
the meeting of the JHA Council in September 2012.
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Conclusions – 1/2 March 2012
The European Council recalls its conclusions of June 2011, on the strengthening of the
Schengen area governance and underlines, in particular, the importance of reaching a swift
agreement on the Regulation on the establishment of an evaluation and monitoring
mechanism to verify the application of the Schengen acquis. This mechanism should also
address the required functioning of the institutions involved in the application of the Schengen
The European Council re-elected Mr
Herman Van Rompuy
President of the European
Council for the period from 1 June 2012 until 30 November 2014.
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