Europaudvalget 2012-13, Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2012-13
Det Europæiske Råd 18-19/10-12 Bilag 10, UPN Alm.del Bilag 15
Brussels, 16 October 2012
&form of address
It is my pleasure to invite you to the meeting of the European Council on 18 and 19 October 2012 in
Further to our June 2012 European Council meeting, I sent you last week the interim report on the
Economic and Monetary Union which I prepared in close cooperation with the Presidents of the
Commission, the Eurogroup and the European Central Bank. The report constitutes a second step on
the way to setting out our vision to complete a genuine EMU and contains several ideas which need
to be explored further. After our traditional meeting with the President of the European Parliament,
I intend to use our first working session to discuss the report. The President of the ECB will join us
for this discussion as well as for the dinner.
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Over dinner, we should look more specifically at our draft conclusions on the EMU. The aim is to
give an impulse to ongoing work on important legislative proposals, in particular as regards the
Single Supervisory Mechanism for the banking sector. But we should also give guidance on the
work ahead as regards further integration of our budgetary and economic policy frameworks as well
as the strengthening of democratic legitmacy and accountability which must accompany this
process. My objective is to reach agreement on that section of the conclusions already Thursday
On Friday morning, in the context of our discussion on the EU's relations with its strategic partners,
I will debrief you on the recent summit we held with China. We will also adopt conclusions on
Syria, Iran and Mali prepared in the light of discussions at the Foreign Affairs and General Affairs
We will then approve the rest of our draft conclusions. These should help provide momentum where
required in the implementation of the Compact for Growth and Jobs we decided last June. As I
explained in my recent letter to you, there are indeed some areas where there is a risk of progress
lagging behind. This was in fact discussed at the General Affairs Council on Tuesday. All members
of the European Council should ensure that the content of the Compact is rapidly implemented, both
at the level of the EU and at the national level.