Europaudvalget 2013-14
EUU Alm.del Bilag 145
Draft Programme
European Parliamentary WeekInterparliamentary Conference onEconomic Governance of the European Union(Article 13 Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance (TSCG))The European Semester Cycles 2013 and 2014Monday 20 January 2014 16.00-Wednesday 22 January 2014 13.30
Monday 20 January 201416.00 - 18.00Opening plenary session: Towards the path of EMU deepening
16.00 – 16.10 Address byMartin Schulz,President of the European Parliament16.10 – 16.20 Address byVangelis Meimarakis,Speaker of the Hellenic Parliament16.20 – 16.30 Address byJosé Manuel Barroso,President of the European Commission (TBC)16.30 – 16.40 Address byHerman Van Rompuy,President of the European Council16.40 – 18.00Exchange of views
18.0019.30 Plenary session:Addressing macroeconomic imbalances in Europe18.00 – 18.10Angel Gurria,Secretary General of the OECD (TBC)18.10 – 19.3019.30Exchange of viewsMeetings of the political groups
Tuesday 21 January 2014 (until 16.30)09.3011.30 Plenary session:The democratic legitimacy of economic adjustment programmes09.30 – 09.40 Intervention byJeroen Dijsselbloem,President of the Eurogroup (TBC)09.40 – 10.00 Intervention byOthmar KarasandLiêm Hoang Ngoc,EP co-rapporteurs on the INI report on‘TheECB’s, the Commission’s and the IMF’s actions in euro area programme countries’10.00 – 10.10 Intervention by a representative of a national Parliament10.10 – 11.30 Exchange of views11.30 - 13.00Plenary session:Promoting growth and jobs in Europe through financing the real economy
11.30 – 11.40 Intervention byEdward Scicluna,Chairman of the Board of Governors of the EIB (TBC)11.40 – 11.50 Intervention byGuy Ryder,Director General of the International Labour Organisation (TBC)11.50 – 13.00 Exchange of views13.0014.30 Cocktail – Sandwich lunch15.00 – 16.30 Plenary session:Enhanced fiscal surveillance in EMU15.00 – 15.10 Intervention byOlli Rehn,European Commission Vice-President responsible for Economic andMonetary Affairs15.10 – 16.30 Exchange of views
THEEUROPEANSEMESTERCYCLES2013AND2014Tuesday 21 January (from 16.30)16.3018.30 Plenary session: Implementation of the 2013 European Semester cycle and priorities for201416.30 – 16.40 Intervention byOlli Rehn,European Commission Vice-President responsible for Economic andMonetary Affairs16.40 – 16.50 Intervention byLászló Andor,European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs andInclusion16.50 – 18.30Exchange of views
Dinnerin the Members' Dining Room (by invitation only)Opening addresses byMartin Schulz,President of the European Parliament andVangelisMeimarakis,Speaker of the Hellenic ParliamentKey note address byChristine Lagarde,Managing Director of the IMF (TBC)Discussion between all participants
Wednesday 22 January09.0011.30 Interparliamentary committee meetings(in parallel)InterparliamentarycommitteeEconomic and Monetary AffairsInterparliamentarycommitteeEmployment and Social Affairsmeetingorganisedbythecommitteeon
Interparliamentary committee meeting organised by the committee on Budgets11.3013.30 Concluding plenary session11.30 – 12.00Conclusions by the Chairs/session rapporteurs, following the exchange of views in the Inter-parliamentary committee meetings
12.00 – 12.20 Address byYannis Stournaras,President of the ECOFIN12.20 – 13.10 Exchange of views13.10 – 13.20 Address byOthmar Karas,Vice-President of the European Parliament13.20 – 13.30 Address byIoannis Tragakis,Vice-President of the Hellenic Parliament