Europaudvalget 2015-16
Rådsmøde 3422 - RIA
Council of the
European Union
(OR. en)
PR CO 58
3422nd Council meeting
Justice and Home Affairs
Brussels, 9 November 2015
Jean Asselborn
Minister for Immigration and Asylum of Luxembourg
Rue de la Loi 175 B – 1048 BRUSSELS Tel.: +32 (0)2 281 6319 / 6319 Fax: +32 (0)2 281 8026
[email protected]
Rådsmøde nr. 3422 (retlige og indre anliggender) den 9. november 2015 - Bilag 1336809:
9 November 2015
Migration crisis .................................................................................................................................... 3
European Migration Liaison Officers ...................................................................................................................... 7
Common Agenda on Migration EU-Ethiopia .......................................................................................................... 7
Mobility Partnership EU-Lebanon .......................................................................................................................... 7
Where declarations, conclusions or resolutions have been formally adopted by the Council, this is indicated
in the heading for the item concerned and the text is placed between quotation marks.
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Documents for which references are given in the text are available on the Council's Internet site
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Acts adopted with statements for the Council minutes which may be released to the public are indicated by
an asterisk; these statements are available on the Council's Internet site or may be obtained from the Press
Rådsmøde nr. 3422 (retlige og indre anliggender) den 9. november 2015 - Bilag 1336809:
9 November 2015
Migration crisis
Home affairs ministers were debriefed on the latest information on migratory flows and the
situation on the ground, and held a wide-ranging discussion on progress in implementing the most
recent EU measures.
Ministers also decided on a number of further measures to handle the refugee and migration crisis
as set out in a set of conclusions adopted by the Council.
These conclusions focus in particular on the following issues: speeding up the ongoing relocation
process; strengthening the EU's external borders; fighting human trafficking and smuggling; return
and readmission.
The Council also expressed support in its conclusions for the Presidency's decision to upgrade the
activation of the
Integrated Political Crisis Response (IPCR)
from information-sharing to full
activation mode.
Council conclusions on measures to handle the refugee and migration crisis
'The Council, in full cooperation with the Commission, having in mind the necessity to safeguard
the functioning of the Schengen area and to reduce migratory pressures, agreed the following
measures to implement fully the orientations already agreed by the European Council and the
Council in compliance with EU
It decided:
to encourage Member States and relevant third countries to intensify ongoing efforts to
substantially increase reception capacities, for which the Council welcomes rapid
identification by the Commission of additional financial support for affected countries and
for the UNHCR;
that the establishment of hotspots in Italy and Greece will be intensified, with support of
the Member States, the Commission, Frontex and EASO, so that all of these function by
end of November 2015 as previously agreed;
Rådsmøde nr. 3422 (retlige og indre anliggender) den 9. november 2015 - Bilag 1336809:
9 November 2015
that all participating Member States will speed up the relocation process, notably by
communicating their capacities for first relocations and by nominating as appropriate
relocation liaison officers to Italy and Greece, preferably by 16 November 2015. In
parallel, Italy and Greece will substantially accelerate the preparatory steps necessary for
relocation. The Council and the Commission support Italy and Greece in their decisions to
register migrants before further handling their case on the mainland, in particular with
Eurodac machines provided by Member States. Member States endeavour to fill by 16
November 2015 the remaining gaps in the calls for contribution from Frontex and EASO,
which will simplify the profiles required and the appointing procedures;
that Member States, with the full support of the Commission and Frontex, will
substantially improve the return rate. Member States should also provide return experts for
the pool of European Return Liaison Officers for rapid deployment;
that Member States, to overcome the potential lack of cooperation of migrants as they
arrive into the European Union and while fully respecting the fundamental rights and the
principle of non-refoulement, will make use of possibilities provided by the EU
such as (1) asylum procedures at borders or transit zones; (2) accelerated procedures; (3)
non-admissibility of subsequent asylum applications by the individuals concerned; (4)
coercive measures, including, as a last resort, detention for a maximum period necessary
for the completion of underlying procedures. In addition to existing guidelines on
systematic fingerprinting, the Commission is invited to issue, in cooperation with EASO
and Frontex, further practical guidance on the consequences of the registering obligations
in the light of the Dublin rules, the relocation decisions and the international readmission
Furthermore, the Council agrees to explore the concept of processing centres in countries
where the hotspot approach has not been implemented, supported by the Commission and
relevant EU agencies, in order to organise access to international protection and/or for the
purpose of return;
to fully support the Commission in pursuing contingency planning of humanitarian
assistance for the Western Balkans, in light of the approaching winter. The Union civil
protection mechanism should be used to the maximum possible extent. The Council
encourages Member States to provide further assistance through this mechanism;
as regards controls for entry and exit at external borders, to assist the Member States
concerned in respecting their legal obligation to perform adequate controls, to manage and
to regain controls of the external borders and increase coordination of actions relating to
border management. This will involve a range of supporting measures by Frontex,
gradually extending, as necessary, to the deployment of Rapid Border Intervention Teams
(RABITs) in accordance with EU rules;
Rådsmøde nr. 3422 (retlige og indre anliggender) den 9. november 2015 - Bilag 1336809:
9 November 2015
to support the upscaling by 1 December 2015 of the Poseidon Sea Joint Operation in
Greece within the current operational plan;
to conduct at the December Justice and Home Affairs Council, on the basis of the 8th bi-
annual reporting by the Commission, a thorough debate on the functioning of the Schengen
area (1 May 2015 - 31 October 2015) and on the lessons learned from temporary
reintroductions of controls at internal borders;
to invite Europol to accelerate the establishment of the European Migrant Smuggling
Centre (EMSC) to strengthen its capacity to support Member States in better preventing
and fighting against migrant smuggling. The EMSC will encompass the Joint Operational
Team (JOT) Mare initiative and further extend Europol actions, including with a focus on
the Western Balkans area, in close cooperation with all relevant EU agencies, and in
particular Frontex and Eurojust. The swift and effective deployment of officers at the
hotspots on key migratory routes should be a component of this approach;
to invite Member States, in coordination with the Commission, to set up by 1 December
2015 a network of single operational contact points on migrant smuggling, as set out in the
EU Action Plan against Migrant Smuggling 2015-2020, while stepping up their efforts to
intensify investigation and prosecution of migrant smugglers and traffickers;
to continue examining pending legislative proposals on a crisis relocation mechanism and
on safe countries of origin as already planned, as well as on other priority actions such as
on the adaptation of the Dublin system and on the gradual establishment of an integrated
management system for external borders;
to invite the Commission and the High Representative to press for practical results on
return and readmission in their bilateral dialogues, notably during the upcoming high-level
meetings with Afghanistan, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Tunisia and Turkey. By its next
meeting on 3-4 December, the Council expects a first progress report on these dialogues.
This will allow to exchange views on the appropriate incentive packages to be used vis-à-
vis third countries;
that the first European Migration Liaison Officers (EMLOs) should be deployed as a
matter of priority to Ethiopia, Niger, Pakistan and Serbia by the end of January 2016;
to reiterate the importance of Member States' resettlement activities to address the
migration crisis, noting progress on this so far including at EU level. The Council agrees
that further efforts should be made to enhance resettlement opportunities with an emphasis
on certain priority third countries. It invites the Commission to continue its work on
resettlement as a matter of priority;
Rådsmøde nr. 3422 (retlige og indre anliggender) den 9. november 2015 - Bilag 1336809:
9 November 2015
in order to secure concrete steps on border control, on the prevention of irregular migration
and on the fight against trafficking and smuggling of migrants, to support accelerating the
fulfilment of the visa liberalisation roadmap with Turkey towards all participating Member
States and the full implementation of the readmission agreement, in the context of the
enhanced cooperation foreseen in the action plan;
to define, as a matter of urgency, a common information strategy addressed to asylum
seekers, migrants, smugglers and traffickers aiming at (1) discouraging migrants to embark
on perilous journey and to have recourse to smugglers, (2) explaining how EU rules on the
management of external borders and international protection operate, including
resettlement, relocation and return, (3) disseminating counter-narratives to the ones being
used by the traffickers and smugglers of migrants, (4) informing about criminal
prosecutions against traffickers and smugglers and (5) informing about return operations.
As part of an information strategy geared at reducing pull factors, it should be clearly
explained that migrants must register in their first Member State of arrival; that, under EU
law, asylum seekers have no right to choose the Member State responsible for examining
their application; and that migrants without a need of protection will be swiftly returned.
Furthermore, a clear message should be passed that migrants cannot refuse to cooperate
with the relevant national authorities. Henceforth, all necessary measures will be taken by
Member States to prevent, deter and draw the consequences of such movements and non-
cooperation. The Commission will pull together in the coming days a dedicated team from
all relevant institutional actors to deliver on these objectives and will inform about the
implementation at the Council meeting on 3-4 December 2015;
to support the Presidency's decision to upgrade the activation of the Integrated Political
Crisis Response (IPCR) from information-sharing to full activation mode including by
providing information to feed the ISAA process, by contributing to the identification of
operational gaps and by supporting communication activities, thereby improving political
coordination and decision-making process at EU level. In this framework, on the basis of
the needs and gaps identified in the ISAA reports, roundtables will be convened regularly
for the management of the migration crisis, bringing together appropriate expertise in order
to allow a timely policy coordination and response at EU level, in particular on the
implementation of interlinked measures on borders, reception capacities, hotspots and
returns, on financial and human resources pledges and on operational and logistical
Rådsmøde nr. 3422 (retlige og indre anliggender) den 9. november 2015 - Bilag 1336809:
9 November 2015
European Migration Liaison Officers
The Council took note of the concept paper on the deployment of European Migration Liaison
Officers (EMLOs) prepared by the Commission and EEAS. The paper outlines initial proposals on
the main characteristics and tasks of the EMLOs.
The main aim behind the creation and deployment of EMLOs is to step up coordination to
maximise the impact of EU action on migration in third countries and to enhance the engagement of
key countries of origin and transit regarding the entire spectrum of migration issues.
EU-Ethiopia Common Agenda on Migration
The Council confirmed the agreement on the Joint Declaration on a Common Agenda on Migration
and Mobility between Ethiopia and the European Union and its member states, to be signed on 11
November 2015 in the margins of the Valletta Summit on migration.
Mobility Partnerships are established in cases where they can bring added value both to the EU and
the third country concerned on the management of migration flows.
EU-Lebanon Mobility Partnership
The Council endorsed the text of the draft Joint Declaration establishing a Mobility Partnership
between the Republic of Lebanon and the European Union and its participating member states, with
a view to submitting it to the Lebanese authorities and starting negotiations.
Mobility Partnerships are established in cases where they can bring added value both to the EU and
the third country concerned on the management of migration flows