Europaudvalget 2015-16
Uformelt Det Europæiske Råd 16/9-16 Bilag 2
Bratislava, 16 September 2016
(OR. EN)
SN 73/16
The Bratislava Declaration
Today we meet in Bratislava at a critical time for our European project. The Bratislava Summit of
27 Member States has been devoted to diagnose together the present state of the European Union
and discuss our common future. We all agreed on the following general principles.
Although one country has decided to leave, the EU remains indispensable for the rest of us. In the
aftermath of the wars and deep divisions on our continent, the EU secured peace, democracy and
enabled our countries to prosper. Many countries and regions outside still only strive for such
achievements. We are determined to make a success of the EU with 27 Member States, building on
this joint history.
The EU is not perfect but it is the best instrument we have for addressing the new challenges we are
facing. We need the EU not only to guarantee peace and democracy but also the security of our
people. We need the EU to serve better their needs and wishes to live, study, work, move and
prosper freely across our continent and benefit from the rich European cultural heritage.
SN 73/16
Uformelt møde i Det Europæiske Råd den 16. september 2016 i Bratislava - Bilag 2: Erklæring fra det uformelle EU-27 møde i Bratislava 16/9-16
We need to improve the communication with each other – among Member States, with EU
institutions, but most importantly with our citizens. We should inject more clarity into our
decisions. Use clear and honest language. Focus on citizens’ expectations, with strong courage to
challenge simplistic solutions of extreme or populist political forces.
We committed in Bratislava to offer to our citizens in the upcoming months a vision of an attractive
EU they can trust and support. We are confident that we have the will and the capacity to achieve it.
We welcomed the State of the Union speech of the President of the Commission.
We held a broad debate on the key priorities for the coming months. On this basis, the President of
the European Council, the Presidency of the Council and the Commission proposed the following
work programme (the "Bratislava roadmap"):
SN 73/16
Uformelt møde i Det Europæiske Råd den 16. september 2016 i Bratislava - Bilag 2: Erklæring fra det uformelle EU-27 møde i Bratislava 16/9-16
The Bratislava Roadmap
General diagnosis and objective
Determined to make a success of the EU at 27
Many common challenges ahead of us: people concerned by a perceived lack of control
and fears related to migration, terrorism, and economic and social insecurity. Need to
tackle these issues as a matter of priority over the coming months
Working together, the EU27 have the means to tackle these challenges. We are determined
to find common solutions also as regards issues where we are divided; priority here and
now to show unity and ensure political control over developments in order to build our
common future
Need to be clear about what the EU can do, and what is for the Member States to do, to
make sure we can deliver on our promises
Migration and external borders
Never to allow return to uncontrolled flows of last year and further bring down number of
irregular migrants
Ensure full control of our external borders and get back to Schengen
Broaden EU consensus on long term migration policy and apply the principles of
responsibility and solidarity
Concrete measures
full commitment to implementing the EU-Turkey statement as well as continued
support to the countries of the Western Balkans
commitment today by a number of Member States to offer immediate assistance to
strengthen the protection of Bulgaria's border with Turkey, and continue support to
other frontline States
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Uformelt møde i Det Europæiske Råd den 16. september 2016 i Bratislava - Bilag 2: Erklæring fra det uformelle EU-27 møde i Bratislava 16/9-16
before the end of the year, full capacity for rapid reaction of the European Border and
Coast Guard, now signed into law
migration compacts for cooperation and dialogue with third countries to lead to reduced
flows of illegal migration and increased return rates, to be assessed by the December
European Council
work to be continued to broaden EU consensus in terms of long term migration policy,
including on how to apply the principles of responsibility and solidarity in the future
Internal and external security
Internal Security
Do everything necessary to support Member States in ensuring internal security and
fighting terrorism
Concrete measures
intensified cooperation and information-exchange among security services of the
Member States
adoption of the necessary measures to ensure that all persons, including nationals from
EU Member States, crossing the Union's external borders will be checked against the
relevant databases, that must be interconnected
start to set up a Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) to allow for
advance checks and, if necessary, deny entry of visa-exempt travellers
a systematic effort against radicalisation, including through expulsions and entry bans
where warranted as well as EU support to Member States' actions in prevention
SN 73/16
Uformelt møde i Det Europæiske Råd den 16. september 2016 i Bratislava - Bilag 2: Erklæring fra det uformelle EU-27 møde i Bratislava 16/9-16
External Security and Defence
In a challenging geopolitical environment, strengthen EU cooperation on external security
and defence
Concrete measures
December European Council to decide on a concrete implementation plan on security
and defence and on how to make better use of the options in the Treaties, especially as
regards capabilities
start implementing the joint declaration with NATO immediately
Economic and social development, youth
Create a promising economic future for all, safeguard our way of life and provide better
opportunities for youth
Concrete measures
in December: decision on extension of the European Fund for Strategic Investment in
light of evaluation
Spring 2017 European Council: review progress as regards delivering on the different
Single Market strategies (including Digital Single Market, Capital Markets Union,
Energy Union)
October European Council to address how to ensure a robust trade policy that reaps the
benefits of open markets while taking into account concerns of citizens
in December - decisions on EU support for Member States in fighting youth
unemployment and on enhanced EU programmes dedicated to youth
SN 73/16
Uformelt møde i Det Europæiske Råd den 16. september 2016 i Bratislava - Bilag 2: Erklæring fra det uformelle EU-27 møde i Bratislava 16/9-16
Way ahead
Deliver on promises: strengthen the mechanism for reviewing the implementation of
decisions taken. Loyal co-operation and communication of Member States and institutions
Bratislava is the beginning of a process. The coming formal European Council meetings
will allow for concrete follow up on the themes mentioned here. The Heads of the 27 will
meet informally at the beginning of 2017 in Valletta. The March 2017 celebrations of the
60th anniversary of the Rome Treaties will bring together Heads in Rome and will be used
to round off the process launched in Bratislava, and set out orientations for our common
future together.
SN 73/16