Europaudvalget 2017-18
EUU Alm.del Bilag 414
Sofia, 23 February 2018
Dear colleagues,
During our meeting in Sofia on 22 January 2018, and as discussed during the LVIII
COSAC, a COSAC working group was established. Its aim will be to facilitate regular
and comprehensive discussions related to the work of the Task Force on
Subsidiarity, Proportionality and “Doing Less More Efficiently”, chaired by the First
Vice-President of the Commission, Mr Frans Timmermans. Input from the working
group could be used by the members of the Task Force, and, in addition, will be
included in the LIX COSAC Contribution.
As agreed in Sofia, I have the pleasure to invite up to two representatives of each
national Parliament to participate in the first meeting of the working group, which
will take place on 26 March 2018, from 10:00 until 13:00, on the premises of the
European Parliament in Brussels. The delegate(s) may be accompanied by one
staff member per Parliament, as well as their national representative at the
European Parliament.
Practical details about the registration process, as well as additional background
materials that can help steer the discussion will be sent to you via the network of
the national representatives in Brussels. In the meantime, please find attached a
draft agenda for the meeting.
I am looking forward to a fruitful debate and I am confident that with joint efforts
we can strengthen the role of national Parliaments in setting up the European
Yours sincerely,
Kristian VIGENIN
Chair of the Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the
European Funds
National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria