Europaudvalget 2002-03
EUU Alm.del Bilag 113
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Det Europæiske Råd
Medlemmerne af Folketingets Europaudvalg
og deres stedfortrædere
23. oktober 2002
Til underretning for Folketingets Europaudvalg vedlægges formandskabets hyrdebrev til det ekstraordinære
møde i Det Europæiske Råd den 24.-25. oktober 2002 i Bruxelles.
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President of the European Council
Dear Colleague,
I look forward to seeing you on 24-25 October in Brussels for our autumn meeting of the European Council.
I intend to organize a meeting "in the spirit of Seville" with a focused agenda as prepared by the General Affairs and External
Relations Council. I refer to the cover note and annotated agenda forwarded by GAERC, which will form the basis for our
We will start our meeting on 24 October at 19.30 with a report by the Chairman of the Convention on the Future of Europe
on progress of the Convention’s proceedings. This will be followed by a brief exchange of views as was the case in Seville.
At 20.45 Heads of State and Government and Foreign Ministers will have separate dinners.
The main topic for the dinner of Heads of State and Government will be the outstanding financial issues in the accession
negotiations. It is of paramount importance that we come to a decision on these issues in Brussels in order to be able to
communicate all the items lacking in the financial package to the Candidate Countries and be able to meet the deadline for
conclusion of the negotiations in Copenhagen in December. That is why I suggest that we commence with these, the most
difficult issues in order to facilitate agreement on conclusions on Friday.
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During their dinner, Foreign Ministers will discuss the fight against terrorism and the issue of North Korea.
We resume our meeting on Friday 25 October at 9.30 with an exchange of views with the President of the European
Our first working session will start at 10.00 on the basis of the Presidency’s draft conclusions. We will start by discussing the
overall assessment in light of the Commission’s regular reports and strategy paper as well as the issue of monitoring and
safeguards. Once we have come to a decision on this part of the conclusions, we will continue with the budgetary and
financial issues. I expect this discussion to take up the whole morning session.
At 13.00 there will be separate lunches for Heads of State and Government and Foreign Ministers.
Heads of State and Government will discuss any outstanding enlargement issues from the morning session.
Foreign Ministers will discuss the situation in the Middle East and Iraq during their lunch.
The second working session will start at 15.15. If we have finalized the conclusions on enlargement, we will then have a
discussion on Kaliningrad and endorse the conclusions adopted by the GAERC on 22 October in view of the upcoming EU-
Russia Summit. This will end our adoption of the conclusions.
Before our meeting finishes we can briefly touch on any other business that needs to be discussed.
At an appropriate time, the Greek Prime Minister will give a status report concerning the development of the European
Defence Dimension (ESDP/Berlin+). In this context the question of Amber Fox could also be raised.
I hope to conclude the meeting at 18.00 on Friday, but intend to continue the meeting if needed.
I look forward to meeting you in Brussels.
Yours sincerely
Anders Fogh Rasmussen
President of the European Council