Europaudvalget 2003-04
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Medlemmerne af Folketingets Europaudvalg
og deres stedfortrædere
20. november 2003
Til underretning for Folketingets Europaudvalg vedlægges Finansministeriets
redegørelse for rådsmøde (økonomi- og finansministre) den 4. november 2003.
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Referat af rådsmødet (ECOFIN) den 4. november 2003
Proceduren  for  uforholdsmæssigt  store  underskud
vedr. Frankrig
Der  var  en  drøftelse  af  proceduren  for  uforholdsmæssigt  store  underskud  vedr.
Frankrig  på  baggrund  af  Kommissionens  henstillinger  med  henblik  på  dels  en
rådsbeslutning om, at Frankrig ikke har iværksat virkningsfulde foranstaltninger som
reaktion på Rådets henstilling af 3. juni 2003, dels en rådsbeslutning om at rette pålæg
til  Frankrig  om  at  træffe  foranstaltninger  for  at  bringe  situationen  med  et
uforholdsmæssigt stort budgetunderskud til ophør.
Sagen blev udskudt til fornyet behandling på rådsmødet (ECOFIN) den 25. november
EPC’s  rapport  vedr.  indvirkningen  på  offentlige
finanser af befolkningens aldring
Rådet  endosserede  Den  Økonomisk-Politiske  Komité  (EPC)’s  rapport  vedr.
indvirkningen  på  offentlige  finanser  af  befolkningens  aldring,  idet  Rådet  samtidig
bekræftede  mandatet  til  EPC  vedr.  næste  runde  af  fremskrivninger  i  2005  over
befolkningens størrelse og alderssammensætning og afledte konsekvenser heraf for de
offentlige  finanser.  Endvidere  bad  Rådet  EPC  om  at  gennemføre  en  supplerende
analyse  af  de  økonomiske  incitamenter  til  tilbagetrækning  eller  forbliven  på
Finansielle tjenesteydelser:
Der  var  en  drøftelse  af  forslaget  til  direktiv  om  oplysningsforpligtelser,  herunder
spørgsmålet om obligatorisk offentliggørelse af kvartalsmeddelelser for aktieudstedere.
Sagen blev henvist til videre drøftelser i Coreper. Direktivet ventes vedtaget i første
halvdel af 2004.
Toldens rolle i en integreret forvaltning af de ydre grænser
Rådet  vedtog  konklusioner  (vedlagt),  hvori  Kommissionens  meddelelse  om
toldvæsenets rolle i den integrerede forvaltning af EU’s ydre grænser hilses velkommen,
og Kommissionen opfordres til at fremsætte konkrete forslag til udmøntning af idéerne
i meddelelsen.
Strukturelle indikatorer
Formandskabet  tilføjede  på  mødet  et  nyt  dagsordenspunkt  vedr.  strukturelle
indikatorer. Punktet blev ikke drøftet. Formandskabet konkluderede efterfølgende, at
ECOFIN-ministrene  finder,  at  Kommissionens  forslag  til  den  korte  liste  over
strukturelle  indikatorer  bør  forbedres  med  indikatorer,  der  måler  fremskridt  med
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økonomiske reformer.
Sagen ventes på dagsordenen for rådsmødet (ECOFIN) den 25. november 2003.
Makroøkonomisk dialog med kandidatlandene
Der  blev  i  forbindelse  med  rådsmødet  afholdt  dialog  med  tiltrædelses-  og
kandidatlandene som led i forberedelsen af landene på den kommende deltagelse i
koordinationen af det økonomisk-politiske samarbejde i EU.
Rådet og ministrene fra tiltrædelses- og kandidatlandene vedtog fælles udtalelser om
hvert  af  de  tiltrædende  landes  økonomiske  før-tiltrædelsesprogrammer  samt  fælles
konklusioner (vedlagt) vedr. de økonomisk-politiske udfordringer for tiltrædelses- og
Rådskonklusioner  vedr. Toldens  rolle  i  en  integreret  forvaltning  af  de  ydre
· the Laeken European Council Conclusions of 14 and 15 December 2001
inviting the Council and the Commission "to work out arrangements for
cooperation between services responsible for external border control and to
examine the conditions in which a mechanism to control external borders
could be created";
the strategic goal set by the Lisbon European Council on 23 and 24 March
2000 for the Union "to become the most competitive and dynamic
knowledge-based economy in the world, capable of sustainable economic
growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion";
2. WELCOMES the Commission Communication on the role of customs in the
integrated management of external borders which complements the earlier
communication of May 2002 on the control of persons at external borders;
3. RECOGNISES the central role of customs and the importance of customs
cooperation in the control of all kinds of goods crossing EU borders;
4. STRESSES the need to fully integrate safety and security aspects in the daily
work of customs and RECOGNISES that this represents a new challenge which
requires important adaptations to both the organisational and the legislative
framework governing the tasks of customs. Meeting this challenge represents, at the
same time, a valuable contribution to the worldwide efforts to secure the supply
5. EMPHASISES the importance, with regard to the management of the external
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borders and considering the forthcoming enlargement of the European Union, trade
ensuring optimal, facilitated conditions for a rapid flow of international of
without prejudice to the need for society and the economy to be effectively
protected against unfair or illegal operations. Such a balance can only be achieved
through well-organised control mechanisms that are based on the concepts of risk
analysis and risk selection, on security criteria, and on simplification of customs
6. RECALLS that the strategic goal set by the Lisbon European Council can only be
achieved through a well-functioning internal market. An enhanced legal framework
and effective external border controls of movements of goods are therefore essential
to protect Community interests and to counter the risk of distortion of competition,
in particular resulting from the introduction of harmful or counterfeit goods or other
practices incompatible with international trade rules;
7. RECOGNISES the importance of measures to combat fraud against the financial
interests of the European Union and the Member States in the context of achieving
the objective of ensuring equal conditions of competition in the internal market;
8. EXPRESSES its support for
· strengthening the cooperation and the information exchange between all
administrations or agencies and operators involved in international trade
whilst simplifying procedures, inter alia by implementing a single window,
and promoting the electronic transmission of data related to the movement of
increasing cooperation with third countries, in particular those in
neighbouring areas;
maximising the effectiveness of the external border controls of goods by
concentrating them on consignments that pose a risk to safety and security.
Other controls that do not put into question the admissibility of goods into
the EU or other Community or national interests should be carried out by the
customs office where customs clearance can best be effected;
ensuring an equivalent level of protection at all entry and exit points of the
European Union through the development of common risk criteria for the
selection of controls. Such an approach should, however, leave room for the
application of appropriate national or regional criteria and, for its effective
application, be supported by the full range of facilities available to a modern
customs administration;
further developing and adapting the necessary legal and regulatory
framework governing customs control;
9. INVITES the Commission urgently to present all necessary proposals to
implement the approach outlined above paying special attention to strengthening the
information exchange between all administrations or agencies and operators
involved in international trade;
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10. INVITES the Commission and the Member States, within their respective
spheres of competence, to
· work towards an integrated management of external borders, ensuring close
cooperation between the services responsible for the control of persons and
those responsible for the control of goods at the external border in order to
fulfil the request from the Laeken European Council;
assess what control tools are considered to be appropriate for the efficient
management of external borders and to explore ways in which they could be
financed, including aspects of possible burden sharing;
take the necessary complementary legal, regulatory and operational
measures to accomplish the aforementioned objectives in order to ensure a
better management of EU external borders.”
Fælles konklusioner vedr. de økonomisk-politiske udfordringer for tiltrædelses-
og kandidatlandene
“Joint conclusions of the Ministerial dialogue between the Economic and Finance
Ministers of the EU and the acceding and candidate countries on 4 November 2003
On 4 November 2003, the Economic and Finance Ministers of the EU and of the
acceding and candidate countries, along with representatives of the Commission and
the ECB, met for their fifth economic policy dialogue.
For the ten acceding countries
Ministers endorsed the Joint Opinions on the 2003 Pre-accession Economic
Programmes of the ten acceding countries. On the whole, the programmes
describe an ambitious but credible medium-term macro-economic and fiscal
framework conducive to strong and sustainable economic growth.
Although the growth of GDP in 2002 in most acceding countries was higher than in
the EU, continued sustainable high growth performance will remain necessary for
the process of further catching up in income levels. In this respect, Ministers
emphasised the continued importance of sound and credible public finances, also to
further enhance their long-term sustainability of public finances in the light of the
ageing populations and further structural reforms in the acceding countries. This
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would and sustainable growth, in the context of the Lisbon strategy.stability and
strong allow a strengthening of the foundation for macro-economic Ministers also
welcomed the progress that most acceding countries have continued to make in the
area of disinflation, thus entrenching macro-economic stability and providing an
environment for sustained economic growth. To anchor inflation expectations
inflation should be kept at low levels. In particular, some acceding countries are still
facing the challenges stemming from the ongoing processes of price deregulation
and increases in regulated prices. Ministers noted that in some acceding countries
current account deficits remain high and might pose a challenge for the medium
term. In several countries the relatively high unemployment rate indicate a need for
urgent further structural adjustment.
Ministers took note of the plans stated by the authorities of acceding
countries in their Preaccession Economic Programmes regarding the future
monetary integration process and pointed out that such plans would be
assessed on a case-by-case basis and in accordance with the Treaty
provisions and the approach agreed in Athens in April 2003.
Ministers also underlined that acceding countries have now entered a
decisive phase of their final preparations regarding the transposition and
implementation of the
In accordance with the conclusions of the
European Council in Copenhagen and in Thessaloniki, they repeated the
great importance attached to the monitoring process and to respect for the
commitments made by acceding countries, including the deadlines fixed in
the negotiations. They underlined their hope that the Commission’s
Comprehensive Monitoring Reports will serve as a catalyst for incoming
countries to solve all outstanding issues regarding the proper implementation
of EU legislation by the date of accession, in particular in the economic and
financial field, and that no safeguard clauses will prove necessary.
In particular, Ministers noted the importance of complying with the acquis in
the area of capital movements. In a number of acceding countries some
residual restrictions on cross-border operations still remain to be lifted in the
period before 1 May 2004. Compliance with the acquis concerns not only
the abolition of exchange controls per se, but also of restrictions on the
underlying operations. Any remaining restrictions must be covered by the
exceptions provided for by the Treaty or be justified by overriding
requirements of the general interest.
Ministers reiterated their commitment to include Collective Action Clauses
in all their international sovereign bond issues and stated that they would
expect new Member States to follow up on this commitment.
Ministers noted that further progress has been made regarding the
implementation of the Action Plan on Economic, Monetary and Financial
Statistics for the acceding countries, which helped to identify six priority
areas where countries have to concentrate their efforts in the run-up to
accession. However, several countries should urgently complete their efforts
if the agreed goals are to be met by 1 May 2004. Substantial efforts are
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required in the areas of government debt and deficit (all countriesnational
improve compliance with ESA 95 accounting rules), annual should
accounts (notably by Poland, Cyprus and Malta), the Harmonised Index of
Consumer Prices (notably by Slovakia), balance of payments and
international investment position (notably by Hungary, Cyprus, Estonia,
Poland, Slovenia and Malta), and external trade statistics (notably by
Cyprus). It is also very important that all acceding countries devote
sufficient resources to the compilation of all other statistics needed for the
Convergence Reports. The acceding countries are invited to urgently step up
their efforts in these respects, and the EFC is invited to continue to monitor
closely progress made.
For the three candidate countries
Ministers welcomed the 2003 Pre-accession Economic Programmes of the three
candidate countries. The programmes describe a medium-term macro-economic and
fiscal framework with strong economic growth.
Ministers endorsed the following conclusions as regards the assessment of these
The macro-economic performance in 2002, with high growth, low inflation
and a low government deficit was welcomed. The public finance scenario of
the PEP reflects the government’s awareness of the importance of a prudent
fiscal policy in a currency board environment.
It was noted that a currency board regime poses particular challenges to the
external viability of the Bulgarian economy. It was welcomed that, although
total foreign debt and foreign borrowing remain high, they are projected to
fall further, and that the share of public foreign debt is declining.
The programme also suitably stresses the importance of continuing structural
reforms to reinforce the conditions allowing high and sustained economic
growth and sound public finance.
Considerable progress has recently been made in this respect, such as the
completion of the privatisation and restructuring of the banking sector.
However, delays occurred in areas with important fiscal implications, such
as privatisation and healthcare reform.
As regards labour markets, the programme relies mainly on active labour
market policies. It puts limited emphasis on measures aiming to increase the
flexibility of labour markets, which could be one of the main tools for
further reducing unemployment and enhancing necessary structural change
in the economy.
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The macro-economic performance in 2002 with high growth, falling
inflation, a decrease in the current account deficit and a moderate
government deficit was welcomed. The PEP in general restates the
macro-economic projections and policy targets of the 2002 programme.
However, reflecting ongoing trends, GDP growth for this year is projected to
be slightly lower (4,8%) than previously envisaged and less balanced. In
contrast to the 2002 PEP, the negative contribution of net exports to growth
will imply a widening of the current account deficit. Moreover, the
authorities now target a larger government deficit in 2004 so as to allow for
a temporary increase in expenditures while preserving the goal of reducing
the tax burden.
The macro-economic framework is, also in the light of the progress achieved
so far, broadly in line with recent economic trends in the country and
abroad. However, it should pay more attention to the extent and causes of
the ongoing deterioration in the external accounts. Additionally, a larger
fiscal deficit might also cause further widening in the external accounts.
The recent successful disinflation has been welcomed, although the level of
inflation is still too high. The authorities’ fiscal policy has been supportive
in bringing down inflation, but may be less so as of next year when the
government deficit is targeted to increase. Furthermore, the recent
considerable wage increases might also pose some risk for bringing inflation
down further. A further clarification of the current and future framework of
monetary and exchange rate policy would be appreciated, especially since
the authorities envisage a change of monetary policy towards inflation
targeting from 2005 onwards, with an envisaged transition towards a free
floating regime for the currency from 2005/2006.
The PEP is yet to illustrate the full picture of the state of enterprise reforms.
It would have benefited from more complete information and an attempt to
quantify the impact of planned reforms on issues such as the quasi-fiscal
deficit and the volume of arrears. This still needs to be developed. The PEP
properly identifies the accumulation of arrears as an important budgetary
risk factor, but this is not analysed for its macro-economic impact.
The improvement of this year’s programme was welcomed as it incorporates
many of the suggestions made in the assessment of the 2002 PEP. It
demonstrates the Turkish administration’s improving technical and
analytical capacities in preparing such a programme. Also the major
achievements with reducing inflation and macro-economic volatility have
allowed the government to better provide for a more credible medium-term
scenario and planning framework.
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The macro-economic performance in 2002 with high growth, falling
inflation and a moderate government deficit was welcomed. The
macro-economic scenario is, in contrast to last year’s PEP, more realistic
and broadly consistent with current and likely future trends, assuming a
more moderate growth contribution from private and public consumption.
The programme correctly stresses as key priorities: to ensure a sustainable
growth environment, to reduce inflation and to bring down the government
deficit and debt ratios to sustainable levels. Full compliance with the
IMF-programme is essential for maintaining the confidence of markets,
further lowering interest rate levels and ensuring the sustainability of the
A strict fiscal approach is key to achieving these ends. The PEP offers a
good overview of the Turkish authorities’ intentions to rebalance public
finances and to achieve fiscal sustainability in the medium term. However, a
more detailed presentation of expenditure and revenue categories in line
with ESA 95 accounting standards would have been helpful.
Structural reforms are centred on strengthening market forces, completing
the reform of the financial sector and modernising public finances and public
administration. Further progress is also needed in the area of privatisation of
enterprises and, in the light of persisting high unemployment levels, reform
of the labour market.
Ministers invited the Economic Policy Committee to look into the structural policies
in Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey and to present a report on this in due course in
2004, also with a view to discussing that report at next year’s Joint Ministerial
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