Retsudvalget 2005-06
KOM (2005) 0280 Bilag 5
Menninga H. [mailto:[email protected]]
17. november 2005 15:15
Menninga H.
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the committee on European Cooperation Organisations of the Dutch Senate we would
like to ask you to forward/distribute the enclosed press release to the committee on European
Affairs of your parliament. We would look forward to receiving reactions from your parliament,
Kind regards,
Hester Menninga
Europees Bureau Eerste Kamer (EBEK)
European Office Dutch Senate
0031-(0)70-3129 228
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Dutch Senate opposes establishment of a European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
In deliberations with the Dutch Government about the European proposal to extend the mandate of
the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC) to become a Human Rights
Agency, the Dutch Senate has not been convinced of the necessity of this proposal and therefore
sent a very clear message to the government to prevent the establishment of the Human Rights
Agency. The Agency as proposed will unnecessarily double the activities of existing institutions
and organisations, specifically the Council of Europe, the Organisation for Security and Co-
operation in Europe and the European Court of Human Rights. The Agency will also make an
undesired distinction between the EU 25 and the other 21 European countries.
At the end of the meeting on Tuesday November 15
the political parties of the Senate concluded
that there is a very big risk that the whistle will be blown on the ministers if they continue the
negotiations. The ministers asked the Senate for some negotiating space but since the ministers
were very reluctant to make specific promises to the members of the Senate, the Senate did not
change his point of view.