Folketinget — Europaudvalget

Christiansborg, den 15. marts 2007







udvalgets medlemmer og stedfortrædere.



Besøg af Albaniens parlamentsformand


Albaniens parlamentsformand Jozefina Topalli har i forbindelse med sit besøg i Danmark udtrykt ønske om at mødes med Europaudvalget.


Det er aftalt, at mødet finder sted


onsdag den 25. april 2007 kl. 14.00-15.00 i værelse 2-133




CV for Jozefina Topalli er vedlagt.



Interesserede medlemmer og stedfortrædere kan tilmelde sig på vedlagte tilmeldingsblanket og returnere denne til Europaudvalgets sekretariat (Att.: Mia Dehnhardt-Larsen) senest onsdag den 18. april kl. 12.00.



Med venlig hilsen

Mia Dehnhardt-Larsen,




Jozefina Topalli

Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi (


Josefina Topalli (Coba) er en albansk politiker. Hun er født 26. november 1963 i Shkodra.

Hun er uddannet i matematik og jura og har været på studieophold på Universitetet i Padova i 1995.

Hun har været ansat i Handelskammeret i Shkodra, og har senere været lærer ved og kansler for Universitetet i Shkodra.


Hun er et fremtrædende medlem af Demokraterne og blev næstformand efter Genc Pollo. Hun har været næstformand for Parlamentet og blev parlamentsformand efter valget i 2005.


CV – taget fra det albanske parlaments hjemmeside:








Mrs. Jozefina ÇOBA TOPALLI



Mrs. Jozefina Çoba Topalli, is the first Woman Speaker of the Parliament in the Albanian Parliamentary history and the sixth Speaker in the Multi-party system since 1991. She was elected to that position in September 2005, while having served as Deputy Speaker in the two previous parliamentary sessions, 1997-2001, 2001-2005.


Born in Shkodra, in November 1963, she graduated from the Faculty of Exact Sciences, Mathematics branch, and the School of Law of “Luigj Gurakuqi” University, studies International Affairs at the University of Padova in Italy and graduated with a Masters’s Degree in “Public Administration” at Tirana University. She is currently a graduate candidate in “European studies”.

During 1992-1995 she worked at the Chamber of Commerce in the city of Shkodra and from 1995-1996 she was chancellor and Lecturer at “Luigj Gurakuqi” University.


The year 1996 marks the beginnings of her political career. As a member of the Democratic Party, she became member of the Albanian Parliament, and in 1997 she was elected Deputy Speaker of the Albanian Parliament.


A member of the Council of Europe since 2002, she is actively engaged in the efforts of Albania for membership to EU and other Euro-Atlantic structures.

As a former member of social work, health and family committee and Deputy President of the Children’s committee, Mrs. Topalli is actively engaged in protecting the causes of women and children.


Mrs. Jozefina Topalli has been a member of the monitoring missions of general elections held in Ukraine and Palestine in 2004-2005 and holds a respectable international profile among various political circles.


Actively supporting the media and civil society, she is an active participant in the campaigns for the Objectives of the Millennium Development.

Mrs. Topalli speaks English, Italian, French and Russian. She is married and has two children.



Besøg af Albaniens parlamentsformand Jozefina Topalli


onsdag den 25. april 2007



}                                Ja, jeg ønsker at deltage i mødet

}                                Nej, jeg er desværre forhindret i at deltage i mødet


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Europaudvalgets Sekretariat,

(Att.: Mia Dehnhardt-Larsen, lokal 3629)


Tilmeldingsfrist onsdag den 18. april 2007

senest kl. 12.00