Folketinget — Europaudvalget

Christiansborg, den 4. juni 2007








udvalgets medlemmer og stedfortrædere.



Henvendelse af 4/6-07 fra Pioneer, Tyskland om GMO majs


Hermed omdeles henvendelse fra Pioneer, Tyskland vedrørende deres ansøgning om EU-godkendelse af 2 typer af GMO majs.



Med venlig hilsen

Niels Yde,



Dear Jacob Heltoft,

according to our knowledge there is a vote on approval for import (food/feed use and processing) for 3 genetically modified products scheduled for the meeting of the standing committee on plants (DG SANCO) on June 8th. We are interested to get approval for our 2 corn products

a) 1507 x NK603 and
b) 59122.

As the Committee for EU affairs of the parliament (Danish Folketinget) might be in the decision making process to prepare the vote of Denmark  we want to provide information on our products with the factsheets attached. Please distribute the information to the parlamentarians of that group and politicians involved in the decision making process.

We would be more than happy to answer your question by phone and also in a face to face meeting as well as in the discussion of Committee for EU affairs of the parliament.

Please don't hesitate to contact me for any question you might have.

Kind regards,
Heinz Degenhardt

Dr. Heinz Degenhardt
Manager Governmental-, Public- and Regulatory Affairs
PIONEER Hi-Bred Northern Europe Sales Division GmbH
Apensener Str. 198
21614 Buxtehude / Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 4161 - 737 226
Fax:  +49 (0) 4161 - 737 100
Mobile: +49 (0) 171 - 6829375