From Reflection to Action


Organised by

The Parliament of Finland and the European Parliament


European Parliament

PHS 3 C50


4 and 5 December 2006


 Rue Wiertz






Monday, 4 December 2006


From 10.00:                Arrival of delegates

Paul Henri Spaak (PHS) Building, main entrance.


From 11.00:                Opportunity for all 'European political families' wishing to do so to hold meetings, at the invitation of the political groups of the European Parliament.


                                    Lunch hosted by the political groups of the EP


15.00:                          Opening of the meeting by:

Mr Paavo LIPPONEN, President of the Parliament of Finland, and Mr Josep BORRELL FONTELLES, President of the European Parliament.


15.30 to 19.00:            Working groups:


Group 1:      The future financing of the Union (PHS01A02)

Group 2:      Towards a European energy policy (PHS3C50)

Group 3:      The European Union's role in conflict prevention (ASP 5G3)


19.00:                          Buffet dinner hosted by President Josep BORRELL FONTELLES.




Tuesday, 5 December 2006



Plenary session co-chaired by:


Mr Paavo LIPPONEN,                                                President of the Parliament of Finland

Mr Josep BORRELL FONTELLES,                            President of the European Parliament



9.00 to 09.30:              Presentation of the three working group reports in plenary (10 minutes for each report)


09.30 to 10.00:            Introduction by Mr Matti VANHANEN, Prime Minister of Finland, President-in-office of the Council, and by Mr José Manuel BARROSO, President of the European Commission


10.00 to 12.45:            General debate: 'The period of reflection: 18 months on'[1]



12.45 to 13.00:            Closing remarks by Mr Paavo LIPPONEN, President of the Parliament of Finland, and Mr Josep BORRELL FONTELLES, President of the European Parliament.

                                    End of joint parliamentary meeting.


13.00:                          Press conference by the two co-chairmen.



[1] Speaking time limited to two minutes; in the order of two contributions from representatives of national parliaments for one contribution from an MEP; specific requests outside of this order and notified in advance to the chair will be considered at the chair's discretion.