Præsentation af deltagerne i EMHRNs delegation


Miri Weingarten, B’tselem - :


“Until now, I was the director of international advocacy and of the Occupied Palestinian Territory department for Physicians for Human Rights-Israel. However, I am currently beginning my work in a new position initiated by three Israeli human rights organizations – B'Tselem, Hamoked, and Physicians for Human Rights-Israel. The position aims to lay the foundations for direct EU advocacy by the three organizations in Brussels, that is, campaigning and briefing of EU parties on common agendas.


As regards the work that I can speak of, I would be able to talk about preliminary testimonies on human rights violations that occurred in Gaza in the course of the most recent attack, as well as information regarding human rights violations collected by the three organizations on an ongoing basis (medical human rights violations, access issues, prisoners and detainees, etc.).”


Fatmeh El-Ajou, Adalah - :


Advocate, specialized in international humanitarian law, working with Adalah since 2007. Received an L.L.B. in Law from Bar Ilan University and completed her studies for an L.L.M. in International Human Rights Law, Essex University (England) (Recipient of the Chevening Scholarship of the British Council) during 2005-2006. Worked for five years at a private civil-commercial law firm, and for two years with the Association for Civil Rights in Israel as a staff attorney in charge of the protection and promotion of human rights in the OPTs.


Wesam Ahmad, Al-Haq - :


Juridisk researcher og involveret i mange af Al-Haq’s forskellige projekter (se organisationens hjemmeside). Repræsenterer desuden Al-Haq i EMHRN’s Israel/Palæstina arbejdsgruppe.