Europaudvalget 2009-10, Erhvervsudvalget 2009-10
EUU Alm.del Bilag 119, ERU Alm.del Bilag 73
"Chairman's Headed Paper"
Dear Colleague,
There is overwhelming evidence that, despite the entry into force of Directive
2000/35/EC on late payment in commercial transactions is still a general problem
within the EU. Given the importance of public procurement in the EU (more than 1
943 billion euro per year), late payment by public authorities has a strong negative
impact on enterprises. Moreover, diverging payment attitudes across the EU might
hamper business participation in public tenders, which distorts competition and
undermines the functioning of the internal market.
I also believe that this is issue which we as parliamentarians acting as legislators and
public representatives recognise as of direct concern to our respective electorates
Consequently, my Committee proposes to organise a Hearing with National
Parliaments on "Combating Late Payment" particularly as covered by the proposal
for a Directive on combating late payment in commercial transactions (Recast)
(COM(2009) 126 final). The proposed event would be on
Tuesday 26 January
from 15:00 to 18:30 at the European Parliament in Brussels.
I would like to invite a maximum of two representatives from National Parliaments to
participate at the event and to make a short presentation of your Committee's views on
the proposal. Should you be unable to attend, we would welcome any written
contribution which can be distributed to the participants.
Please find attached the draft programme for the Hearing. The practical details
Representatives/Services directly responsible for relations with the European
I look forward to your participation in our discussions.
Yours faithfully
Malcolm Harbour