Europaudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
EUU Alm.del Bilag 179
Parliament of the Czech Republic
Chamber of Deputies
election term - 2011
Committee on the Budget
from 10
meeting held on January 12, 2011
on the request of the Chairwoman of the “Special Committee on the Policy Challenges and
Budgetary Resources for a Sustainable European Union after 2013 (SURE committee)
Following the invitation of the Chairwoman of the “Special Committee on the Policy
Challenges and Budgetary Resources for a Sustainable European Union after 2013 (SURE
committee) Mrs. Jutta Haug and recommendation of the President of European Parliament Mr.
Jerzy Buzek the Committee on the Budget of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the
Czech Republic considered political and financial priorities which the Czech Republic foresees
on the parliamentary level for the next multiannual financial framework of the EU for the period
following the year 2013 (MFF).
Having heard the initial explanation of the Chairperson of the Committee on the Budget
and member of the Chamber of Deputies Mr. Pavel Suchánek and having discussed the issue
the Committee on the Budget of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech
Republic adopts the following position which is in accord with already adopted resolution of the
Chamber of Deputies No. 181 from 9
plenary session held on December 9, 2010 on the
Communication of the Commission to the European Parliament, the European Council, the
European Economic and Social Committee, the Committee on Regions and Parliaments of
Member States – EU Budget Review /document code 15285/10, KOM(2010) 700 in the final
wording/ /Parliamentary print 191-E/:
The Committee on the Budget
as far as time perspective is concerned, recommends
to conclude political negotiations about the upcoming EU financial framework within
the framework of the Council and European Parliament in June 2012 at the latest so as
to provide satisfactory time frame for adoption of related legislation, which in most of
the cases will be adopted by means of the co-decision procedure;
as far as the financial framework and budget structure is concerned, it is of the
opinion that
the duration of period for which the multiannual financial perspective is to be adopted,
shall be maintained, i.e. it shall be maintained at 7 years. The seven-years-long period
provides sufficient certainty with respect to the aforementioned resources available and
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conditions applicable to drawing the funds. Any shortening of the period would decrease
the efficiency of the programme as well as its consequent implementation in the area of
investment programs such as the cohesion policy in particular;
the current flexibility mechanisms embedded in the European budget are sufficient
and allow for adequate reaction to unforeseeable events. We do not support any
eventual proposals for creation of new flexibility tools nor relaxing the current rules
for the use of such rules;
as far as budget volume and strategy is concerned, it wishes to
maintain the future European budget approximately at its current level of 1 % EU´s
make sure the sum of EU´s budget expenses provides the European added value in
view of the Europe 2020 strategy goals fulfilment;
as far as budget revenues are concerned
a) it proposes to
make sure the EU´s budget has the simplest and most transparent system of capital
and reserves with individual member countries contributing according to the level of
their development. Furthermore, the budget shall be funded by traditional own
resources and by a source based on GNI;
abandon the VAT based source because it is in contradiction with the principles of
just contributions and simplicity;
remove all rebates in the EU budget revenues;
b) it disagrees with
introducing new budgetary sources that would only make the system more complex
and at the same cause danger to the sole responsibility of member states in the area of
tax policies;
as far as expenditures are concerned, it insists on
making sure the EU´s cohesion policy remains one of the main expenditure items of
EU´s budget and that the cohesion policy funds shall be concentrated and directed to
the less developed member states and regions – i.e. the current goal no. 1. The EU
cohesion policy in our opinion represents a key solidarity tool in the EU and at the
same time it is a significant tool for support of growth and real convergence of less
developed areas towards the EU average;
making sure the main priority of the cohesion policy is reducing deficiency of less
developed member states and regions and support of their approximation to the level
of development of wealthier member states. Therefore, we do not consider the current
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endeavour of the Commission to link the cohesion policy with the Europe 2020
strategy goals to the maximum possible extent to be optimal and seek to provide as
much opportunities for the member states to make sure the needs of their regions are
taken into consideration;
keeping the European social fund an integral part of the EU Cohesion Policy in the
common calculation of allocations for all Cohesion Policy funds;
as far as Common Agricultural Policy is concerned, it supports
performing a real and substantial reform of CAP with significantly better market
orientation. We put the emphasis on removing persisting differences in direct
payments between the EU member states and abandonment of the link between the
amount of payments and the level of production more than ten years ago;
maintaining the CAP a common policy also in the future. Direct payments should
continue to be funded from EU budget exclusively and such payments shall not be co-
financed from national budgets;
continuation of gradual CAP expenditure reductions in view of keeping the EU budget
on the level of 1% GNI and the need for strong cohesion policy and new priorities
a) authorises
the Chairperson of the Committee to communicate this position to the
Chairwoman of the “Special Committee on the Policy Challenges and Budgetary
Resources for a Sustainable European Union;
b) requests
the Permanent Representative of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament
of the Czech Republic Mrs. Klára Urbanová to mediate contacts between the secretariat
of the Committee on the Budget of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the
Czech Republic and the secretariat of the Committee on the Policy Challenges and
Budgetary Resources for a Sustainable European Union of European Parliament.
Jiří DOLEJŠ m.p.
Pavel SUCHÁNEK m.p.