Udvalget for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri 2010-11 (1. samling)
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Videnskabelige studier med Bisphenol A (2007-2010) fra den 22. Juni 20101Tool:ISI Web of Knowledge [v.4.9]Criteria of selection\keywords:1) Topic= (bisphenol a)Refined by:Publication Years=(2009 OR 2008 OR 2007 OR 2010)ANDSubject Areas=(TOXICOLOGY)ANDDocument Type=(ARTICLE)Results: 839Identified the duplicates (35) and discarded:Final list: 804 articlesFound other 20 duplicates, which were removed together with the 5 references without author name).FINAL LIST: 779 references
1. Aalto-Korte, K., L. Ackermann, et al. (2007). "1,2-Benzisothiazolin-3-one in disposablepolyvinyl chloride gloves for medical use." Contact Dermatitis 57: 365-370.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 20102.
2. Abdallah, M. A. E., S. Harrad, et al. (2008). "Hexabromocyclododecanes andtetrabromobisphenol-A in indoor air and dust in Birmingham, UK:Implications for human exposure." Environmental Science & Technology 42(18): 6855-6861.Dettestudie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
3. Abida, T. and N. Ismat (2010). "Analysis of bisphenol A in canned food: a mini review." AsianJournal of Chemistry 22(5): 4133-4135.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
4. Ademollo, N., F. Ferrara, et al. (2008). "Nonylphenol and octylphenol in human breast milk."Environment International 34(7): 984-987.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
Artikler publiseret mellem 22. juni og 30. juli 2010 blev hentet på et senere tidspunkt.Part II of EFSA Panel on food contact materials, enzymes, flavourings and processing aids (CEF). ScientificOpinion on Bisphenol A: evaluation of a study investigating its neurodevelopmental toxicity, review ofrecent scientific literature on its toxicity and advice on the Danish risk assessment of Bisphenol A. EFSAJournal 2010;8(9):1829. [109 pp.] doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2010.1829.2
5. Adewale, H. B., W. N. Jefferson, et al. (2009). "Neonatal Bisphenol-A Exposure Alters RatReproductive Development and Ovarian MorphologyWithout Impairing Activation of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Neurons." Biology ofReproduction 81(4).Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
6. Ahn, Y. G., J. H. Shin, et al. (2007). "Application of solid-phase extraction coupled withfreezing-lipid filtration clean-up for the determination ofendocrine-disrupting phenols in fish." Analytica Chimica Acta 603: 67-75.Dette studie indgik ikke iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
7. Ahrens, W., C. Mambetova, et al. (2007). "Occupational exposure to endocrine-disruptingcompounds and biliary tract cancer among men."Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment & Health 33: 387-396.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
8. Airas, S., M. Leppanen, et al. (2008). "Effects of temperature and oxygen concentration insediment toxicity testing." Ecotoxicology andEnvironmental Safety 70(3): 475-482.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
9. Akgul, Y., R. C. Derk, et al. (2008). "The methoxychlor metabolite, HPTE, directly inhibits thecatalytic activity of cholesterol side-chain cleavage(P450scc) in cultured rat ovarian cells." Reproductive Toxicology 25(1): 67-75.Dette studie indgikikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
10. Alyea, R. A. and C. S. Watson (2009). "Differential Regulation of Dopamine TransporterFunction and Location by Low Concentrations ofEnvironmental Estrogens and 17 beta-Estradiol." Environmental Health Perspectives 117(5): 778-783.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
11. Andersen, K. E., L. P. Christensen, et al. (2009). "Association between positive patch tests toepoxy resin and fragrance mix I ingredients." ContactDermatitis 60(3): 155-157.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
12. Andrady, A. L. and M. A. Neal (2009). "Applications and societal benefits of plastics."Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-BiologicalSciences 364(1526): 1977-1984.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
13. Aneck-Hahn, N. H., M. S. Bornman, et al. (2009). "Oestrogenic activity in drinking waters froma rural area in the Waterberg District, Limpopo
Province, South Africa." Water Sa 35(3): 245-251.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
14. Aniagu, S. O., T. D. Williams, et al. (2009). "Changes in gene expression and assessment ofDNA methylation in primary human hepatocytes andHepG2 cells exposed to the environmental contaminants-Hexabromocyclododecane and 17-betaoestradiol." Toxicology 256(3): 143-151.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
15. Arditsoglou, A. and D. Voutsa (2010). "Partitioning of endocrine disrupting compounds ininland waters and wastewaters discharged into the coastalarea of Thessaloniki, Northern Greece." Environmental Science and Pollution ResearchInternational 17(3): 529-538.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
16. Arditsoglou, A. and D. Voutsa (2008). "Determination of phenolic and steroid endocrinedisrupting compounds in environmental matrices."Environmental Science and Pollution Research 15(3): 228-236.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
17. Arditsoglou, A. and D. Voutsa (2008). "Passive sampling of selected endocrine disruptingcompounds using polar organic chemical integrativesamplers." Environmental Pollution 156(2): 316-324.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
18. Armenti, A. E., A. M. Zama, et al. (2008). "Developmental methoxychlor exposure affectsmultiple reproductive parameters and ovarianfolliculogenesis and gene expression in adult rats." Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 233(2):286-296.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
19. Arossi, G. A., M. Lehmann, et al. (2010). "Induced DNA Damage by Dental Resin Monomersin Somatic Cells." Basic & Clinical Pharmacology &Toxicology 106(2): 124-129.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
20. Arossi, G. A., R. R. Dihl, et al. (2009). "In vivo genotoxicity of dental bonding agents."Mutagenesis 24(2): 169-172.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
21. Asakura, H. and T. Matsuto (2009). "Experimental study of behavior of endocrine-disruptingchemicals in leachate treatment process and evaluationof removal efficiency." Waste Management 29(6): 1852-1859.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
22. Asakura, H., T. Matsuto, et al. (2007). "Analytical study of endocrine-disrupting chemicals inleachate treatment process of municipal solid waste(MSW) landfill sites." Environmental Sciences 14(2): 79-87.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
23. Ashizuka, Y., R. Nakagawa, et al. (2008). "Determination of brominated flame retardants andbrominated dioxins in fish collected from three regionsof Japan." Molecular Nutrition & Food Research 52(2): 273-283.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
24. Auriol, M., Y. Filali-Meknassi, et al. (2007). "Laccase-catalyzed conversion of natural andsynthetic hormones from a municipal wastewater." WaterResearch 41: 3281-3288.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
25. Auriol, M., Y. Filali-Meknassi, et al. (2008). "Removal of estrogenic activity of natural andsynthetic hormones from a municipal wastewater:Efficiency of horseradish peroxidase and laccase from Trametes versicolor." Chemosphere 70(3):445-452.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
26. Aydogan, M., A. Korkmaz, et al. (2010). "Pro-oxidant effect of vitamin C coadministration withbisphenol A, nonylphenol, and octylphenol on thereproductive tract of male rats." Drug and Chemical Toxicology 33(2): 193-203.Dette studie indgikikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
27. Aydogan, M., A. Korkmaz, et al. (2008). "The effect of vitamin C on bisphenol A, nonylphenoland octylphenol induced brain damages of male rats."Toxicology 249(1): 35-39.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
28. Baba, K., K. Okada, et al. (2009). "Bisphenol A Disrupts Notch Signaling by InhibitingGamma-Secretase Activity and Causes Eye Dysplasia ofXenopus laevis." Toxicological Sciences 108(2): 344-355.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
29. Bacaloni, A., L. Callipo, et al. (2009). "Liquid chromatography-negative ion atmosphericpressure photoionization tandem mass spectrometry for thedetermination of brominated flame retardants in environmental water and industrial effluents."Journal of Chromatography A 1216(36): 6400-6409.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
30. Baek, H. J., I. J. Hwang, et al. (2007). "Effects of BPA and DES on longchin goby(Chasmichthys dolichognathus) in vitro during the oocytematuration." Marine Environmental Research 64(1): 79-86.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
31. Baggiani, C., P. Baravalle, et al. (2010). "Molecularly imprinted polymer/cryogel compositesfor solid-phase extraction of bisphenol A from riverwater and wine". Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 397(2).Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
32. Baig, S., G. Hansmann, et al. (2008). "Ozone oxidation of oestrogenic active substances inwastewater and drinking water." Water Science andTechnology 58(2): 451-458.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
33. Balakrishnan, B., K. Henare, et al. (2010). "Transfer of bisphenol A across the human placenta."Am J Obstet Gynecol 202(4): 393.e1-7.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
34. Balest, L., A. Lopez, et al. (2008). "Removal of endocrine disrupter compounds from municipalwastewater using an aerobic granular biomassreactor." Biochemical Engineering Journal 41(3): 288-294.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
35. Ballesteros-Gomez, A., S. Rubio, et al. (2009). "Analytical methods for the determination ofbisphenol A in food." Journal of Chromatography A1216(3): 449-469.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
36. Ballesteros-Gomez, A., S. Rubio, et al. (2009). "Potential of supramolecular solvents for theextraction of contaminants in liquid foods." Journal ofChromatography A 1216(3): 530-539.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
37. Baptista, M. S., T. Stoichev, et al. (2009). "Fate and effects of octylphenol in a Microcystisaeruginosa culture medium." Aquatic Toxicology 92(2):59-64.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
38. Barnes, K. K., D. W. Kolpin, et al. (2008). "A national reconnaissance of pharmaceuticals andother organic wastewater contaminants in the UnitedStates - I) Groundwater." Science of the Total Environment 402(2-3): 192-200.Dette studie indgikikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
39. Bastos, P. M., J. Eriksson, et al. (2008). "A standardized method for assessment of oxidativetransformations of brominated phenols in water."Chemosphere 70(7): 1196-1202.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
40. Baugros, J. B., B. Giroud, et al. (2008). "Multiresidue analytical methods for the ultra-tracequantification of 33 priority substances present in the listof REACH in real water samples." Analytica Chimica Acta 607(2): 191-203.Dette studie indgikikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
41. Bechi, N., F. Ietta, et al. (2010). "Environmental Levels of para-Nonylphenol Are Able to AffectCytokine Secretion in Human Placenta".Environmental Health Perspectives 118(3): 427-431.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
42. Becker, K., T. Goeen, et al. (2009). "GerES IV: Phthalate metabolites and bisphenol A in urineof German children". International Journal of Hygieneand Environmental Health 212(6): 685-692.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
43. Benachour, N. and A. Aris (2009). "Toxic effects of low doses of Bisphenol-A on humanplacental cells." Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology241(3): 322-328.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
44. Benachour, N., S. Moslemi, et al. (2007). "Cytotoxic effects and aromatase inhibition byxenobiotic endocrine disrupters alone and in combination."Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 222(2): 129-140.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
45. Berger, R. G., J. Shaw, et al. (2008). "Impact of acute bisphenol-A exposure upon intrauterineimplantation of fertilized ova and urinary levels ofprogesterone and 17 beta-estradiol." Reproductive Toxicology 26(2): 94-99.Dette studie indgik ikkei EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
46. Berger, R. G., T. Hancock, et al. (2007). "Influence of oral and subcutaneous bisphenol-A onintrauterine implantation of fertilized ova in inseminatedfemale mice." Reproductive Toxicology 23(2): 138-144.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
47. Bergknut, M., P. Persson, et al. (2008). "Molecular characterization of brominated persistentpollutants using extended X-ray absorption fine structure
(EXAFS) spectroscopy." Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 390(3): 921-928.Dette studieindgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
48. Bernard, L., N. Martinat, et al. (2007). "Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane impairs follicle-stimulating hormone receptor-mediated signaling in ratSertoli cells." Reproductive Toxicology 23(2): 158-164.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
49. Beronius, A., C. Ruden, et al. (2010). "Risk to all or none? A comparative analysis ofcontroversies in the health risk assessment of Bisphenol A."Reproductive Toxicology 29(2): 132-146.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
50. Beronius, A., C. Ruden, et al. (2009). "Health risk assessment procedures for endocrinedisrupting compounds within different regulatory frameworksin the European Union." Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 55(2): 111-122.Dette studieindgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
51. Bertolini, M., P. Mazzoni, et al. (2009). "Risk analysis and assessment of packaging material inwater bottling." Industrie delle Bevande 38(221): 13-27.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
52. Biedermann-Brem, S. and K. Grob (2009). "Release of bisphenol A from polycarbonate babybottles: water hardness as the most relevant factor."European Food Research and Technology 228(5): 679-684.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
53. Biedermann-Brem, S., K. Grob, et al. (2008). "Release of bisphenol A from polycarbonate babybottles: mechanisms of formation and investigationof worst case scenarios." European Food Research and Technology 227(4): 1053-1060.Dette studieindgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
54. Bjerregaard, L. B., C. Lindholst, et al. (2008). "Sex hormone concentrations and gonadhistology in brown trout (Salmo trutta) exposed to 17 beta-estradiol and bisphenol A." Ecotoxicology 17(4): 252-263.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
55. Bjerregaard, P., S. B. Andersen, et al. (2007). "Orally administered bisphenol a in rainbow trout(Oncorhynchus mykiss): Estrogenicity, metabolism,and retention." Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26(9): 1910-1915.Dette studie indgikikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
56. Boas, M., K. M. Main, et al. (2009). "Environmental chemicals and thyroid function: anupdate." Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes 16(5): 385-91.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
57. Boehme, K., S. Simon, et al. (2009). "Gene expression profiling in Ishikawa cells: A fingerprintfor estrogen active compounds." Toxicology andApplied Pharmacology 236(1): 85-96.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
58. Bonefeld-Jorgensen, E. C., M. H. Long, et al. (2007). "Endocrine-Disrupting Potential ofBisphenol A, Bisphenol A Dimethacrylate, 4-n-Nonylphenol, and 4-n-Octylphenol in Vitro: New Data and a Brief Review." Environmental HealthPerspectives 115: 69-76.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
59. Bosquiazzo, V. L., J. Varayoud, et al. (2010). "Effects of Neonatal Exposure to Bisphenol A onSteroid Regulation of Vascular Endothelial GrowthFactor Expression and Endothelial Cell Proliferation in the Adult Rat Uterus." Biology ofReproduction 82(1).Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
60. Bouskine, A., M. Nebout, et al. (2009). "Low Doses of Bisphenol A Promote Human SeminomaCell Proliferation by Activating PKA and PKG via aMembrane G-Protein-Coupled Estrogen Receptor." Environmental Health Perspectives 117(7):1053-1058.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
61. Bovet, C., A. Wortmann, et al. (2007). "Estrogen receptor-ligand complexes measured by chip-based nanoelectrospray mass spectrometry: Anapproach for the screening of endocrine disruptors." Protein Science 16(5): 938-946.Dette studieindgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
62. Bradley, B. (2008). "Understanding plastics." Midwifery Today Int Midwife(88): 25, 67.Dettestudie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
63. Bradley, E. L., W. A. Read, et al. (2007). "Investigation into the migration potential of coatingmaterials from cookware products." Food Additivesand Contaminants 24(3): 326-335.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
64. Braniste, V., A. Jouault, et al. (2010)."Impact of oral bisphenol A at reference doses onintestinal barrier function and sex differences after perinatal
exposure in rats." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States ofAmerica 107(1): 448-453.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
65. Braun, J. M., K. Yolton, et al. (2009). "Prenatal Bisphenol A Exposure and Early ChildhoodBehavior." Environmental Health Perspectives 117(12):1945-1952.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
66. Bredhult, C., B. M. Backlin, et al. (2007). "Effects of some endocrine disruptors on theproliferation and viability of human endometrial endothelialcells in vitro." Reproductive Toxicology 23(4): 550-559.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
67. Bredhult, C., L. Sahlin, et al. (2009). "Gene expression analysis of human endometrialendothelial cells exposed to Bisphenol A." ReproductiveToxicology 28(1): 18-25.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
68. Brenn-Struckhofova, Z., C. Fureder, et al. (2009). "Co-isolation of deoxynivalenol andzearalenone with sol-gel immunoaffinity columns for theirdetermination in wheat and wheat products." Journal of Chromatography A 1216(31): 5828-5837.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
69. Brouwers, M. M., M. van Tongeren, et al. (2009). "Occupational exposure to potentialendocrine disruptors: further development of a job exposurematrix." Occupational and Environmental Medicine 66(9): 607-614.Dette studie indgik ikke iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
70. Brown, K. H., I. R. Schultz, et al. (2007). "Reduced embryonic survival in rainbow troutresulting from paternal exposure to the environmentalestrogen 17 alpha-ethynylestradiol during late sexual maturation." Reproduction 134: 659-666.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
71. Brown, K. H., I. R. Schultz, et al. (2008). "Aneuploid sperm formation in rainbow trout exposedto the environmental estrogen 17 alpha-ethynylestradiol." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States ofAmerica 105(50): 19786-19791.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
72. Brown, R. S. and M. J. Wahl (2009). "Bisphenol A toxicity and dentistry: is it panic time ornot?" Dent Today 28(8): 10, 12.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
73. Brugnera, M. F., K. Rajeshwar, et al. (2010)."Bisphenol A removal from wastewater using self-organized TIO2 nanotubular array electrodes."Chemosphere 78(5): 569-575.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
74. Bucher, J. R. (2009). "Bisphenol A: where to now?" Environ Health Perspect 117(3): A96-7.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
75. Bursztyka, J., E. Perdu, et al. (2008). "Biotransformation of genistein and bisphenol A in celllines used for screening endocrine disruptors."Toxicology In Vitro 22(6): 1595-1604.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
76. Buszka, P. M., D. J. Yeskis, et al. (2009). "Waste-Indicator and Pharmaceutical Compounds inLandfill-Leachate-Affected Ground Water nearElkhart, Indiana, 2000-2002." Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 82(6):653-659.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
77. Buteau-Lozano, H., G. Velasco, et al. (2008). "Xenoestrogens modulate vascular endothelialgrowth factor secretion in breast cancer cells through anestrogen receptor-dependent mechanism." Journal of Endocrinology 196(2): 399-412.Dette studieindgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
78. Cabado, A. G., S. Aldea, et al. (2008). "Migration of BADGE (bisphenol A diglycidyl-ether)and BFDGE (bisphenol F diglycidyl-ether) in cannedseafood." Food and Chemical Toxicology 46(5): 1674-1680.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
79. Cabana, H., J. P. Jones, et al. (2007). "Preparation and characterization of cross-linked laccaseaggregates and their application to the elimination ofendocrine disrupting chemicals." Journal of Biotechnology 132: 23-31.Dette studie indgik ikke iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
80. Cabana, H., J. P. Jones, et al. (2009). "Utilization of Cross-Linked Laccase Aggregates in aPerfusion Basket Reactor for the Continuous Eliminationof Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals." Biotechnology and Bioengineering 102(6): 1582-1592.Dettestudie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
81. Cabaton, N., C. Dumont, et al. (2008). "Genotoxic and endocrine activities ofbis(hydroxyphenyl)methane (bisphenol F) and its derivatives in the
HepG2 cell line." Toxicology 255(1/2): 15-24.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
82. Cabaton, N., C. Dumont, et al. (2009). "Genotoxic and endocrine activities ofbis(hydroxyphenyl)methane (bisphenol F) and its derivatives in theHepG2 cell line." Toxicology 255(1-2): 15-24.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
83. Cabaton, N., D. Zalko, et al. (2008). "Biotransformation of bisphenol F by human and rat liversubcellular fractions." Toxicology In Vitro 22(7):1697-1704.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
84. Calafat, A. M., J. Weuve, et al. (2009). "Exposure to Bisphenol A and Other Phenols inNeonatal Intensive Care Unit Premature Infants."Environmental Health Perspectives 117(4): 639-644.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
85. Calafat, A. M., X. Y. Ye, et al. (2008). "Exposure of the US population to bisphenol A and 4-tertiary-octylphenol: 2003-2004." Environmental HealthPerspectives 116(1): 39-44.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
86. Calderon-Preciado, D., C. Jimenez-Cartagena, et al. (2009). "Development of an analyticalprocedure for the determination of emerging and priorityorganic pollutants in leafy vegetables by pressurized solvent extraction followed by GC-MSdetermination." Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry394(5): 1319-1327.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
87. Calza, P., C. Massolino, et al. (2008). "Solar driven production of toxic halogenated andnitroaromatic compounds in natural seawater." Science of theTotal Environment 398(1-3): 196-202.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
88. Canesi, L., C. Borghi, et al. (2008). "Short-term effects of environmentally relevantconcentrations of EDC mixtures on Mytilus galloprovincialisdigestive gland." Aquatic Toxicology 87(4): 272-279.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
89. Canesi, L., L. C. Lorusso, et al. (2007). "Immunomodulation of Mytilus hemocytes byindividual estrogenic chemicals and environmentally relevantmixtures of estrogens: In vitro and in vivo studies." Aquatic Toxicology 81(1): 36-44.Dette studieindgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
90. Cao, X. and J. Corriveau (2008). "Survey of bisphenol A in bottled water products in Canada."Food Additives and Contaminants B, Surveillance1(2): 161-164.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
91. Cao, X. L. and J. Corriveau (2008). "Determination of bisphenol a in water by isotope dilutionheadspace solid-phase microextraction and gaschromatography/mass spectrometry without derivatization." Journal of AOAC International 91(3):622-629.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
92. Cao, X. L. and J. Corriveau (2008). "Migration of bisphenol A from polycarbonate baby andwater bottles into water under severe conditions."Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56(15): 6378-6381.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
93. Cao, X. L. and J. Corriveau (2008). "Survey of bisphenol A in bottled water products inCanada." Food Additives & Contaminants Part B-Surveillance 1(2): 161-164.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
94. Cao, X. L., G. Dufresne, et al. (2008). "Levels of bisphenol a in canned liquid infant formulaproducts in Canada and dietary intake estimates."Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56(17): 7919-7924.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
95. Cao, X. L., J. Corriveau, et al. (2009). "Bisphenol A in Baby Food Products in Glass Jars withMetal Lids from Canadian Markets." Journal ofAgricultural and Food Chemistry 57(12): 5345-5351.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
96. Cao, X., G. Dufresne, et al. (2008). "Levels of bisphenol A in canned liquid infant formulaproducts in Canada and dietary intake estimates." Journalof Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56(17): 7919-7924.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
97. Cao, X., G. Dufresne, et al. (2009). "Levels of bisphenol A diglycidyl ether (BADGE) andbisphenol F diglycidyl ether (BFDGE) in canned liquidinfant formula products in Canada and dietary intake estimates." Journal of AOAC International92(6): 1780-1789.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
98. Cao, X., J. Corriveau, et al. (2009). "Bisphenol A in baby food products in glass jars with metallids from Canadian markets." Journal of Agriculturaland Food Chemistry 57(12): 5345-5351.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
99. Cao, X., J. Corriveau, et al. (2009). "Levels of bisphenol A in canned soft drink products inCanadian markets." Journal of Agricultural and FoodChemistry 57(4): 1307-1311.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
100. Cao, X., J. Corriveau, et al. (2009). "Migration of bisphenol A from can coatings to liquidinfant formula during storage at room temperature." Journalof Food Protection 72(12): 2571-2574.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
101. Cao, X.-L., J. Corriveau, et al. (2009). "Levels of Bisphenol A in Canned Soft Drink Productsin Canadian Markets." Journal of Agricultural andFood Chemistry 57(4): 1307-1311.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
102. Cariou, R., J. P. Antignac, et al. (2008). "Exposure assessment of French women and theirnewborns to tetrabromobisphenol-A: Occurrencemeasurements in maternal adipose tissue, serum, breast milk and cord serum." Chemosphere 73(7):1036-1041.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
103. Carwile, J. L., H. T. Luu, et al. (2009). "Polycarbonate Bottle Use and Urinary Bisphenol AConcentrations." Environmental Health Perspectives117(9): 1368-1372.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
104. Castro, L. F. C., C. Melo, et al. (2007). "The estrogen receptor of the gastropod Nucellalapillus: Modulation following exposure to an estrogeniceffluent?" Aquatic Toxicology 84: 465-468.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
105. Ceccarelli, I., P. Fiorenzani, et al. (2009). "Perinatal exposure to xenoestrogens affects pain inadult female rats." Neurotoxicology and Teratology31(4): 203-209.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
106. Cevasco, A., R. Urbatzka, et al. (2008). "Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC) with(anti)estrogenic and (anti)androgenic modes of action affectingreproductive biology of Xenopus laevis: II. Effects on gonad histomorphology." ComparativeBiochemistry and Physiology C-Toxicology &Pharmacology 147(2): 241-251.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
107. Charles, G. D., C. Gennings, et al. (2007). "Analysis of the interaction of phytoestrogens andsynthetic chemicals: an in vitro/in vivo comparison."Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 218(3): 280-288.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
108. Chen, H., J. Y. Hu, et al. (2010). "Generation of a fluorescent transgenic zebrafish fordetection of environmental estrogens." Aquatic Toxicology96(1): 53-61.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
109. Chen, J. G., K. C. Ahn, et al. (2007). "Antiandrogenic properties of parabens and otherphenolic containing small molecules in personal careproducts." Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 221(3): 278-284.Dette studie indgik ikke iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
110. Chen, M. L., C. C. Chang, et al. (2008). "Quantification of prenatal exposure and maternal-fetal transfer of nonylphenol." Chemosphere 73(1): S239-S245.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
111. Chen, P. J., E. J. Rosenfeldt, et al. (2007). "Biological assessments of a mixture of endocrinedisruptors at environmentally relevant concentrations inwater following UV/H2O2 oxidation." Science of the Total Environment 376(1-3): 18-26.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
112. Chen, P. J., S. W. Kullman, et al. (2007). "Comparisons of polychromatic and monochromaticUV-based treatments of bisphenol-A in water viatoxicity assessments." Chemosphere 68(6): 1041-1049.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.113. Chen, T. C., M. F. Shue, et al. (2009). "Variation, correlation, and toxicity of phenolicendocrine-disrupting compounds in surface water." Journal ofEnvironmental Science and Health Part a-Toxic/Hazardous Substances & EnvironmentalEngineering 44(12): 1244-1250.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
114. Chen, T., M. Shue, et al. (2009). "Variation, correlation, and toxicity of phenolic endocrine-disrupting compounds in surface water." Journal ofEnvironmental Science and Health. Part A, Toxic/Hazardous Substances & EnvironmentalEngineering 44(12): 1244-1250.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
115. Chen, T.-C., M.-F. Shue, et al. (2010)."Bisphenol A occurred in Kao-Pin River and itstributaries in Taiwan." Environmental Monitoring andAssessment 161(1-4): 135-145.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
116. Chen, Y., J. C. Sible, et al. (2008). "Effects of maternal exposure to ammonium perchlorate onthyroid function and the expression of thyroid-responsive genes in Japanese quail embryos." General and Comparative Endocrinology 159(2-3):196-207.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
117. Chey, H. and S. Buchanan (2008). "Toxins in Everyday Life." Primary Care 35(4): 707-+.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
118. Chi, J. (2009). "Phthalate acid esters in Potamogeton crispus L. from Haihe River, China."Chemosphere 77(1): 48-52.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
119. Cho, S. H., M. H. Choi, et al. (2009). "Metabolic significance of bisphenol A-inducedoxidative stress in rat urine measured by liquidchromatography-mass spectrometry." Journal of Applied Toxicology 29(2): 110-117.Dette studieindgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
120. Choi, I. S., J. H. Cho, et al. (2007). "Multiple effects of bisphenol A, an endocrine disrupter, onGABA(A) receptors in acutely dissociated rat CA3pyramidal neurons." Neuroscience Research 59: 8-17.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.121. Chu, W. L., K. Shiizaki, et al. (2009). "Validation of a New Yeast-Based Reporter AssayConsisting of Human Estrogen Receptors alpha/beta andCoactivator SRC-1: Application for Detection of Estrogenic Activity in Environmental Samples."Environmental Toxicology 24(5): 513-521.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.122. Clarke, N., E. J. Routledge, et al. (2009). "Exposure to Treated Sewage Effluent DisruptsReproduction and Development in the Seasonally BreedingRamshorn Snail (Subclass: Pulmonata, Planorbarius corneus)." Environmental Science &Technology 43(6): 2092-2098.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
123. Cobellis, L., N. Colacurci, et al. (2009). "Measurement of bisphenol A and bisphenol B levelsin human blood sera from endometriotic women."Biomedical Chromatography 23(11): 1186-1190.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.124. Corrieri, L., D. Della Seta, et al. (2007). "Developmental exposure to xenoestrogen enhancesspatial learning in male rats." Hormones and Behavior51(5): 620-625.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
125. Coulier, L., W. van Dongen, et al. (2008). "New analytical approaches to investigate the fate ofbisphenol A diglycidyl ether (BADGE) in foods."New Food(4): No. 4, 17-21.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
126. Creusot, N., S. Kinani, et al. (2010). "Evaluation of an hPXR reporter gene assay for thedetection of aquatic emerging pollutants: screening ofchemicals and application to water samples." Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 396(2).Dettestudie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
127. Cuong Ngoc, D., D. Schlenk, et al. (2009). "The effect of particle size on the bioavailability ofestrogenic chemicals from sediments." Chemosphere76(3): 395-401.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.128. Dairkee, S. H., J. Seok, et al. (2008). "Bisphenol A induces a profile of tumor aggressivenessin high-risk cells from breast cancer patients." CancerResearch 68(7): 2076-2080.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
129. Dang, V. H., K. C. Choi, et al. (2007). "Induction of uterine calbindin-D9k through an estrogenreceptor-dependent pathway following singleinjection with xenobiotic agents in immature rats." Journal of Toxicology and EnvironmentalHealth-Part a-Current Issues 70(2): 171-182.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.130. Dang, V. H., T. H. Nguyen, et al. (2007). "A calcium-binding protein, calbindin-D9k, isregulated through an estrogen-receptor-mediated mechanismfollowing xenoestrogen exposure in the GH3 cell line." Toxicological Sciences 98(2): 408-415.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
131. Danzl, E., K. Sei, et al. (2009). "Biodegradation of Bisphenol A, Bisphenol F and Bisphenol Sin Seawater." International Journal of EnvironmentalResearch and Public Health 6(4): 1472-1484.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
132. Darmani, H., A. S. Al-Hiyasat, et al. (2007). "Cytotoxicity of dental composites and theirleached components." Quintessence International 38: 789-795.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
133. Daston, G. P. (2007). "Genomics and developmental risk assessment." Birth Defects ResearchPart a-Clinical and Molecular Teratology 79(1): 1-7.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
134. De Coensel, N., F. David, et al. (2009). "Study on the migration of bisphenol-A from babybottles by stir bar sorptive extraction-thermal desorption-capillary GC-MS." Journal of Separation Science 32(21): 3829-3836.Dette studie indgik ikke iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
135. Deborde, M., S. Rabouan, et al. (2008). "Oxidation of bisphenol A by ozone in aqueoussolution." Water Research 42(16): 4299-4308.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
136. Della Seta, D., F. Farabollini, et al. (2008). "Environmental-Like Exposure to Low Levels ofEstrogen Affects Sexual Behavior and Physiology ofFemale Rats." Endocrinology 149(11): 5592-5598.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
137. Deo, R. P. and R. U. Halden (2010)."Effect of sample filtration on the quality of monitoringdata reported for organic compounds during wastewatertreatment." JEM Journal of Environmental Monitoring 12(2): 478-483.Dette studie indgik ikke iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
138. Do Minh, S., S. Below, et al. (2008). "Novel mammalian cell lines expressing reporter genesfor the detection of environmental chemicals activatingendogenous aryl hydrocarbon receptors (ArhR) or estrogen receptors (ER)." Toxicology In Vitro22(8): 1935-1947.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
139. Dobbins, L. L., R. A. Brain, et al. (2008). "Comparison of the sensitivities of common in vitroand in vivo assays of estrogenic activity: application ofchemical toxicity distributions." Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27(12): 2608-2616.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.140. Dolinoy, D. C., D. Huang, et al. (2007). "Maternal nutrient supplementation counteractsbisphenol A-induced DNA hypomethylation in earlydevelopment." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America104(32): 13056-13061.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
141. Dominguez, M. A., M. A. Petre, et al. (2008). "Bisphenol A concentration-dependentlyincreases human granulosa-lutein cell matrixmetalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) enzyme output." Reproductive Toxicology 25(4): 420-425.Dettestudie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.142. Du, J., M. Hu, et al. (2007). "Experimental observation on the impact of BPA on reproductiveendocrine system of mice." China Tropical Medicine7(6): 891-892.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
143. Duan, Z. H., L. Zhu, et al. (2008). "Individual and joint toxic effects of pentachlorophenol andbisphenol A on the development of zebraftsh (Daniorerio) embryo." Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 71(3): 774-780.Dette studie indgik ikke iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
144. Duan, Z., B. Zhang, et al. (2008). "The toxicity and bioaccumulation of bisphenol A ondevelopmental stages of zebrafish embryo." ChinaEnvironmental Science 28(3): 260-263.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
145. Duan, Z., L. Zhu, et al. (2008). "Individual and joint toxic effects of pentachlorophenol andbisphenol A on the development of zebrafish (Daniorerio) embryo." Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 71(3): 774-780.Dette studie indgik ikke iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
146. Duan, Z., L. Zhu, et al. (2009). "Effects of bisphenol A on the metabolites of zebrafishembryos." China Environmental Science 29(12): 1318-1322.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
147. Duan, Z.-h., L. Zhu, et al. (2010)."Application of Zebrafish Microarray on the ToxicityMechanism Study of Bisphenol A." Huanjing Kexue 31(3):808-814.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
148. Duft, M., C. Schmitt, et al. (2007). "Prosobranch snails as test organisms for the assessment ofendocrine active chemicals - an overview and aguideline proposal for a reproduction test with the freshwater mudsnail Potamopyrgusantipodarum." Ecotoxicology 16(1): 169-182.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
149. Duong, C. N., J. S. Ra, et al. (2010)."Estrogenic chemicals and estrogenicity in river waters ofSouth Korea and seven Asian countries." Chemosphere78(3): 286-293.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
150. Durando, M., L. Kass, et al. (2007). "Prenatal bisphenol A exposure induces preneoplasticlesions in the mammary gland in Wistar rats."Environmental Health Perspectives 115(1): 80-86.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
151. Dutta, P., K. Hill, et al. (2007). "Development of a nanomechanical biosensor for analysis ofendocrine disrupting chemicals." Lab on a Chip 7(9):1184-1191.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
152. Edginton, A. N. and L. Ritter (2009). "Predicting Plasma Concentrations of Bisphenol A inChildren Younger Than 2 Years of Age after TypicalFeeding Schedules, using a Physiologically Based Toxicokinetic Model." Environmental HealthPerspectives 117(4): 645-652.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
153. Ehlert, K. A., C. W. E. Beumer, et al. (2008). "Migration of bisphenol A into water frompolycarbonate baby bottles during microwave heating."Food Additives and Contaminants 25(7): 904-910.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
154. Eichenlaub-Ritter, U., E. Vogt, et al. (2008). "Exposure of mouse oocytes to bisphenol Acauses meiotic arrest but not aneuploidy." MutationResearch-Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis 651(1-2): 82-92.Dette studie indgikikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.155. El-Gawish, R., M. E. Ghanem, et al. (2008). "Effects of low doses of bisphenol A and o , p '-DDT on reproductive function of posthatching maleJapanese quail." Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry 90(6): 1099-1107.Dette studie indgikikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
156. El-Gawish, R., M. E. Ghanem, et al. (2008). "Low doses of bisphenol A and o, p-DDT at earlystage of life delayed sexual maturity in femaleJapanese quail." Livestock Research for Rural Development 20(11): 188.Dette studie indgik ikke iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
157. Eliades, T., H. Pratsinis, et al. (2009). "Cytotoxicity and estrogenicity of Invisalignappliances." American Journal of Orthodontics and DentofacialOrthopedics 136(1): 100-103.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
158. Eliades, T., V. Gioni, et al. (2007). "Oestrogenicity of orthodontic adhesive resins." EuropeanJournal of Orthodontics 29(4): 404-407.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
159. Feng, C. H., F. B. Li, et al. (2010)." "Bio-Electro-Fenton Process Driven by Microbial FuelCell for Wastewater Treatment." Environmental Science& Technology 44(5): 1875-1880.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
160. Feng, Y., Z. Zhang, et al. (2010).""Adsorption behavior of EE2 (17 alpha-ethinylestradiol)onto the inactivated sewage sludge: Kinetics,thermodynamics and influence factors." Journal of Hazardous Materials 175(1-3): 970-976.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.161. Fengran, W., Y. Jinquan, et al. (2009). "Mesoporous silica-based electrochemical sensor forsensitive determination of environmental hormonebisphenol A." Analytica Chimica Acta 638(1): 638 (1) 23-28.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.162. Fenlon, K. A., A. C. Johnson, et al. (2010)." "Gas-liquid chromatography-tandem massspectrometry methodology for the quantitation of estrogeniccontaminants in bile of fish exposed to wastewater treatment works effluents and from wildpopulations." Journal of Chromatography A 1217(1):112-118.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
163. Fernandez, M. P., M. G. Ikonomou, et al. (2007). "An assessment of estrogenic organiccontaminants in Canadian wastewaters." Science of the TotalEnvironment 373(1): 250-269.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
164. Fernandez, M. P., P. M. Campbell, et al. (2007). "Assessment of environmental estrogens andthe intersex/sex reversal capacity for chinook salmon(Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in primary and final municipal wastewater effluents." EnvironmentInternational 33(3): 391-396.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.165. Fernandez, M. P., T. N. Noguerol, et al. (2009). "Toxicity identification fractionation ofenvironmental estrogens in waste water and sludge using gasand liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry and recombinant yeast assay." Analyticaland Bioanalytical Chemistry 393(3): 957-968.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.166. Fernandez, M., M. Bianchi, et al. (2009). "Neonatal Exposure to Bisphenol A AltersReproductive Parameters and Gonadotropin Releasing HormoneSignaling in Female Rats." Environmental Health Perspectives 117(5): 757-762.Dette studie indgiki EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
167. Fernandez, S. V. and J. Russo (2010).""Estrogen and Xenoestrogens in Breast Cancer."Toxicologic Pathology 38(1): 110-122.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
168. Ferrer, I., L. B. Barber, et al. (2009). "Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric fragmentationstudy of phytoestrogens as their trimethylsilylderivatives: Identification in soy milk and wastewater samples." Journal of Chromatography A1216(32): 6024-6032.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
169. Fiamegos, Y. C. and C. D. Stalikas (2007). "In-drop derivatisation liquid-phasemicroextraction assisted by ion-pairing transfer for the gaschromatographic determination of phenolic endocrine disruptors." Analytica Chimica Acta 597(1):32-40.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
170. Fiedler, S., M. Foerster, et al. (2007). "Alkylphenols in sediments of the Atlantic rainforestsouth-west of Sao Paulo, Brazil." Chemosphere 66(2):212-218.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
171. Fini, J. B., S. Le Mevel, et al. (2007). "An in vivo multiwell-based fluorescent screen formonitoring vertebrate thyroid hormone disruption."Environmental Science & Technology 41(16): 5908-5914.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
172. Focazio, M. J., D. W. Kolpin, et al. (2008). "A national reconnaissance for pharmaceuticalsand other organic wastewater contaminants in the UnitedStates - II) Untreated drinking water sources." Science of the Total Environment 402(2-3): 201-216.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
173. Forbes, V. E., H. Selck, et al. (2007). "Does bisphenol a induce superfeminization in Marisacornuarietis? Part I: Intra- and inter-laboratory variabilityin test endpoints." Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 66(3): 309-318.(è UNA LUMACA)Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
174. Forbes, V. E., J. Aufderheide, et al. (2007). "Does bisphenol A induce superfeminization inMarisa cornuarietis? Part II: Toxicity test results andrequirements for statistical power analyses." Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 66(3): 319-325.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
175. Franz, R. and F. Welle (2009). "Can Migration of Endocrine Disruptors from Plastic Bottles bethe Cause of Estrogenic Burden Recently Determinedin Bottled Mineral Water?" Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau 105(5): 315-+.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.176. Fu, K. Y., C. Y. Chen, et al. (2007). "Application of a yeast estrogen screen in non-biomarkerspecies Varicorhinus barbatulus fish with two estrogenreceptor subtypes to assess xenoestrogens." Toxicology In Vitro 21(4): 604-612.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.177. Fu, M. Z., Z. Y. Li, et al. (2007). "Distribution characteristics of nonylphenol in Jiaozhou Bayof Qingdao and its adjacent rivers." Chemosphere 69:
1009-1016.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
178. Fujisawa, S. and Y. Kadoma (2009). "Prediction of the reduced glutathione (GSH) reactivity ofdental methacrylate monomers using NMR spectra -Relationship between toxicity and GSH reactivity." Dental Materials Journal 28(6): 722-729.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.179. Funakoshi, G. and S. Kasuya (2009). "Influence of an estuary dam on the dynamics ofbisphenol A and alkylphenols." Chemosphere 75(4): 491-497.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.180. Fushiki, S. (2009). "Effects of environmental chemicals on brain development, with areference to epigenetic gene regulation." No To Hattatsu 41(3):219-223.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
181. Gabriel, F. L. P., E. J. Routledge, et al. (2008). "Isomer-specific degradation and endocrinedisrupting activity of nonylphenols." EnvironmentalScience & Technology 42(17): 6399-6408.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
182. Gagnaire, B., F. Gagne, et al. (2009). "Development of biomarkers of stress related toendocrine disruption in gastropods: Alkali-labile phosphates,protein-bound lipids and vitellogenin-like proteins." Aquatic Toxicology 92(3): 155-167.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.183. Gagnaire, B., F. Gagne, et al. (2009). "Development of biomarkers of stress related toendocrine disruption in gastropods: Alkali-labile phosphates,protein-bound lipids and vitellogenin-like proteins." Aquatic Toxicology (Amsterdam) 92(3): 155-167.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
184. Gagne, F., L. Poissant, et al. (2009). "Ecotoxicity of Snowpack Collected from Selected Sitesin Quebec, Canada." Water Air and Soil Pollution201(1-4): 121-133.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
185. Garcia-Prieto, A., M. L. Lunar, et al. (2008). "Determination of urinary bisphenol A bycoacervative microextraction and liquid chromatography-fluorescence detection." Analytica Chimica Acta 630(1): 19-27.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
186. Garoma, T. and S. Matsumoto (2009). "Ozonation of aqueous solution containing bisphenol A:Effect of operational parameters." Journal ofHazardous Materials 167(1-3): 1185-1191.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
187. Gasnier, C., C. Dumont, et al. (2009). "Glyphosate-based herbicides are toxic and endocrinedisruptors in human cell lines." Toxicology 262(3): 184-191.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
188. Gasperi, J., S. Garnaud, et al. (2009). "Priority pollutants in surface waters and settleableparticles within a densely urbanised area: Case study ofParis (France)." Science of the Total Environment 407(8): 2900-2908.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
189. Gatidou, G., N. S. Thomaidis, et al. (2007). "Simultaneous determination of the endocrinedisrupting compounds nonylphenol, nonylphenolethoxylates, triclosan and bisphenol A in wastewater and sewage sludge by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry." Journal of Chromatography A1138(1-2): 32-41.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
190. Ge, J., J. Cong, et al. (2010)." "Determination of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in SurfaceWater and Industrial Wastewater from Beijing, China."Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 84(4): 401-405.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.191. Ghisari, M. and E. C. Bonefeld-Jorgensen (2009). "Effects of plasticizers and their mixtures onestrogen receptor and thyroid hormone functions."Toxicology Letters 189(1): 67-77.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
192. Giger, W., F. L. P. Gabriel, et al. (2009). "Environmental fate of phenolic endocrine disruptors:field and laboratory studies." PhilosophicalTransactions of the Royal Society a-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 367(1904):3941-3963.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
193. Ginsberg, G. and D. C. Rice (2009). "Does Rapid Metabolism Ensure Negligible Risk fromBisphenol A?" Environmental Health Perspectives117(11): 1639-1643.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
194. Godejohann, M., L. Heintz, et al. (2009). "Comprehensive Non-Targeted Analysis ofContaminated Groundwater of a Former AmmunitionDestruction Site using 1H-NMR and HPLC-SPE-NMR/TOF-MS." Environmental Science &Technology 43(18): 7055-7061.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
195. Gomez, M. J., A. Aguera, et al. (2007). "Simultaneous analysis of neutral and acidicpharmaceuticals as well as related compounds by gas
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196. Gomez, M. J., M. J. M. Bueno, et al. (2007). "Pilot survey monitoring pharmaceuticals andrelated compounds in a sewage treatment plant located onthe Mediterranean coast." Chemosphere 66(6): 993-1002.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
197. Gong, J., Y. Ran, et al. (2009). "Occurrence and environmental risk of endocrine-disruptingchemicals in surface waters of the Pearl River, SouthChina." Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 156(1-4): 199-210.Dette studie indgik ikke iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
198. Goto, M., Y. Takano-Ishikawa, et al. (2007). "Orally administered bisphenol a disturbedantigen specific immunoresponses in the Naive condition."Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry 71: 2136-2143.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
199. Goyal, H. O., T. D. Braden, et al. (2007). "Estrogen receptor-alpha mediates estrogen-inducible abnormalities in the developing penis." Reproduction133(5): 1057-1067.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
200. Grim, K. C., M. Wolfe, et al. (2007). "Intersex in Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) used asnegative controls in toxicologic bioassays: A review of54 cases from 41 studies." Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26(8): 1636-1643.Dettestudie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
201. Gross, L. (2007). "The toxic origins of disease." PLoS Biol 5(7): e193.Dette studie indgik ikkei EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
202. Grumetto, L., D. Montesano, et al. (2008). "Determination of Bisphenol A and Bisphenol BResidues in Canned Peeled Tomatoes by Reversed-PhaseLiquid Chromatography." Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56(22): 10633-10637.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.203. Guerreiroa, A., A. Soares, et al. (2008). "Preliminary evaluation of new polymer matrix forsolid-phase extraction of nonylphenol from watersamples." Analytica Chimica Acta 612(1): 99-104.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
204. Guo, C., M. Ge, et al. (2010) "Directed Synthesis of Mesoporous TiO2 Microspheres:Catalysts and Their Photocatalysis for Bisphenol ADegradation." Environmental Science & Technology 44(1): 419-425.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
205. Guo, Z. B. and R. Feng (2009). "Ultrasonic irradiation-induced degradation of low-concentration bisphenol A in aqueous solution." Journal ofHazardous Materials 163(2-3): 855-860.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
206. Ha, D., M. Jeong, et al. (2009). "Effects of riboflavin photosensitization on the degradation ofbisphenol A (BPA) in model and real-food systems."Journal of Food Science 74(5): C380-C384.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
207. Ha, M. and J. Choi (2009). "Effects of environmental contaminants on hemoglobin geneexpression in Daphnia magna: a potential biomarker forfreshwater quality monitoring." Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 57(2):330-337.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
208. Ha, M. H. and J. Choi (2008). "Effects of environmental contaminants on hemoglobin oflarvae of aquatic midge, Chironomus riparius (Diptera :Chironomidae): A potential biomarker for ecotoxicity monitoring." Chemosphere 71(10): 1928-1936.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
209. Ha, M. H. and J. Choi (2009). "Effects of Environmental Contaminants on Hemoglobin GeneExpression in Daphnia magna: A Potential Biomarkerfor Freshwater Quality Monitoring." Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology57(2): 330-337.
210. Ha, M.-H. and J. Choi (2009). "Effects of Environmental Contaminants on Hemoglobin GeneExpression in Daphnia magna: A Potential Biomarkerfor Freshwater Quality Monitoring." Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology57(2): 330-337.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
211. Habauzit, D., J. Armengaud, et al. (2008). "Determination of estrogen presence in water bySPR using estrogen receptor dimerization." Analytical andBioanalytical Chemistry 390(3): 873-883.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
212. Halladja, S., A. Ter Halle, et al. (2007). "Inhihition of humic substances mediatedphotooxygenation of furfuryl alcohol by 2,4,6-trimethylphenol.
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213. Hamelin, G., G. Charest-Tardif, et al. (2008). "Determination of p-tert-octyl phenol in bloodand tissues by gas chromatography coupled with massspectrometry." Journal of Analytical Toxicology 32(4): 303-307.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
214. Hamelin, G., G. Charest-Tardif, et al. (2009). "Toxicokinetics of p-tert-Octylphenol in Maleand Female Sprague-Dawley Rats After Intravenous,Oral, or Subcutaneous Exposures." Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part a-CurrentIssues 72(8): 541-550.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
215. Han, J., M. Park, et al. (2009). "Increased expression of the testicular estrogen receptor alphain adult mice exposed to low doses of methiocarb."Journal of Applied Toxicology 29(5): 446-451.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
216. Han, S. K., P. Bilski, et al. (2008). "Oxidation of flame retardant tetrabromobisphenol A bysinglet oxygen." Environmental Science & Technology42(1): 166-172.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
217. Hanafy, A. M., T. Sasanami, et al. (2007). "Sensitivity of expression of perivitelline membraneglycoprotein ZP1 mRNA in the liver of Japanese quail(Coturnix japonica) to estrogenic compounds." Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C-Toxicology & Pharmacology 144: 356-362.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.218. Hanioka, N., T. Naito, et al. (2008). "Human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase isoforms involvedin bisphenol A glucuronidation." Chemosphere 74(1):33-36.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
219. Hanioka, N., Y. Takeda, et al. (2008). "Interaction of bisphenol A with human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A6 enzyme." EnvironmentalToxicology 23(3): 407-412.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
220. Hao, G. H., X. L. Niu, et al. (2008). "Agonists at PPAR-gamma suppress angiotensin II-induced production of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 andextracellular matrix in rat cardiac fibroblasts." British Journal of Pharmacology 153(7): 1409-1419.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
221. Hashimoto, K., Y. Nakajima, et al. (2010). "An in vitro micronucleus assay with size-classifiedmicronucleus counting to discriminate aneugens fromclastogens." Toxicology In Vitro 24(1): 208-216.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
222. Hashimoto, S., Y. Ueda, et al. (2007). "Comparison of the estrogenic activities of seawaterextracts from Suruga Bay, Japan, based on chemicalanalysis or bioassay." Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26(2): 279-286.Dette studie indgikikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
223. Hauser, R. and R. Sokol (2008). "Science linking environmental contaminant exposures withfertility and reproductive health impacts in the adultmale." Fertil Steril 89(2 Suppl): e59-65.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
224. Haverkamp, J. B., U. Lipke, et al. (2008). "Contamination of semi-solid dosage forms byleachables from aluminium tubes." European Journal ofPharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 70(3): 921-928.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
225. Hayashi, H., A. Nishimoto, et al. (2007). "Expression of the estrogen receptor alpha gene inthe anal fin of Japanese medaka, Oryzias latipes, byenvironmental concentrations of bisphenol A." Journal of Toxicological Sciences 32(1): 91-96.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
226. Hayashi, O., M. Kameshiro, et al. (2008). "Bioaccumulation and Metabolism of [C-14]Bisphenol A in the Brackish Water Bivalve Corbiculajaponica." Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry 72(12): 3219-3224.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
227. Hayashi, Y. (2009). "Scientific basis for risk analysis of food-related substances with particularreference to health effects on children." Journal ofToxicological Sciences 34: SP201-SP207.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
228. He, Y. H., M. H. Miao, et al. (2009). "Bisphenol A levels in blood and urine in a Chinesepopulation and the personal factors affecting the levels."Environmental Research 109(5): 629-633.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
229. He, Y. H., M. H. Miao, et al. (2009). "Occupational Exposure Levels of Bisphenol A amongChinese Workers." Journal of Occupational Health51(5): 432-436.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
230. Heimeier, R. A., B. Das, et al. (2009). "The Xenoestrogen Bisphenol A Inhibits PostembryonicVertebrate Development by Antagonizing GeneRegulation by Thyroid Hormone." Endocrinology 150(6): 2964-2973.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
231. Heindel, J. J. and F. S. vom Saal (2008). "Meeting report: Batch-to-batch variability inestrogenic activity in commercial animal diets - Importanceand approaches for laboratory animal research." Environmental Health Perspectives 116(3): 389-393.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
232. Hellerstedt, W. L., P. M. McGovern, et al. (2008). "Prenatal environmental exposures andchild health: Minnesota's role in the National Children'sStudy." Minn Med 91(9): 40-3.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
233. Hernandez, F., T. Portoles, et al. (2007). "Target and nontarget screening of organicmicropollutants in water by solid-phase microextractioncombined with gas chromatography/high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry." AnalyticalChemistry 79(24): 9494-9504.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
234. Hernandez, J. P., W. Huang, et al. (2007). "The environmental estrogen, nonylphenol, activatesthe constitutive androstane receptor." ToxicologicalSciences 98(2): 416-426.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
235. Hernandez-Rodriguez, G., M. Zumbado, et al. (2007). "Multigenerational study of the hepaticeffects exerted by the consumption of nonylphenol-and4-octylphenol-contaminated drinking water in Sprague-Dawley rats." Environmental Toxicologyand Pharmacology 23(1): 73-81.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
236. Herrero-Hernandez, E., R. Carabias-Martinez, et al. (2009). "Use of a bisphenol-A imprintedpolymer as a selective sorbent for the determination ofphenols and phenoxyacids in honey by liquid chromatography with diode array and tandem massspectrometric detection." Analytica Chimica Acta650(2): 195-201.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
237. Hess-Wilson, J. K., S. L. Webb, et al. (2007). "Unique bisphenol a transcriptome in prostatecancer: Novel effects on ER beta expression thatcorrespond to androgen receptor mutation status." Environmental Health Perspectives 115: 1646-1653.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
238. Hibberd, A., K. Maskaoui, et al. (2009). "An improved method for the simultaneous analysisof phenolic and steroidal estrogens in water andsediment." Talanta 77(4): 1315-1321.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
239. Higashihara, N., K. Shiraishi, et al. (2007). "Subacute oral toxicity study of bisphenol F basedon the draft protocol for the "Enhanced OECD TestGuideline no. 407"." Archives of Toxicology 81(12): 825-832.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
240. Hina Rashid, Firoz Ahmad, Shakilur Rahman, Rizwan Ahmad Ansari, Kanchan Bhatia,Manpreet Kaur , Fakhrul Islam, Sheikh Raisuddin (2009)."Iron deficiency augments bisphenol A-induced oxidative stress in rats." Toxicology 256(1-2): 256(1-2) 7-12.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
241. Hinterthuer, A. (2008). "Safety dance over plastic." Scientific American 299(3): 108-+.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
242. Hirouchi, M., H. Kusuhara, et al. (2009). "Construction of Triple-Transfected Cells [OrganicAnion-Transporting Polypeptide (OATP)1B1/Multidrug Resistance-Associated Protein (MRP) 2/MRP3 and OATP1B1/MRP2/MRP4] forAnalysis of the Sinusoidal Function of MRP3 andMRP4." Drug Metabolism and Disposition 37(10): 2103-2111.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
243. Hofmann, P. J., L. Schomburg, et al. (2009). "Interference of Endocrine Disrupters withThyroid Hormone Receptor-Dependent Transactivation."Toxicological Sciences 110(1): 125-137.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
244. Hohne, C. and W. Puttmann (2008). "Occurrence and temporal variations of the xenoestrogensbisphenol A, 4-tert-octylphenol, and tech. 4-nonylphenol in two German wastewater treatment plants." Environmental Science and PollutionResearch 15(5): 405-416.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
245. Hong, Y. C., E. Y. Park, et al. (2009). "Community level exposure to chemicals and oxidativestress in adult population." Toxicology Letters 184(2):139-144.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
246. Honma, T., M. Suda, et al. (2009). "Alteration of Brain Neurotransmitters in Female RatOffspring Induced by Prenatal Administration of 16 and 64mg/kg of 2,2 ',4,4 ',5,5 '-hexachlorobiphenyl (PCB153)." Industrial Health 47(1): 11-21.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
247. Horikoshi, S., M. Kajitani, et al. (2007). "The microwave-/photo-assisted degradation ofbisphenol-A in aqueous TiO2 dispersions revisited - Re-assessment of the microwave non-thermal effect." Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology a-Chemistry 188(1): 1-4.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
248. Horikoshi, S., T. Miura, et al. (2008). "Microwave discharge electrodeless lamps (MDEL). III.A novel tungsten-triggered MDEL device emittingVUV and UVC radiation for use in wastewater treatment." Photochemical & PhotobiologicalSciences 7(3): 303-310.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
249. Horng, C. Y., H. C. Lin, et al. (2010). "A Reproductive Toxicology Study of Phenanthrene inMedaka (Oryzias latipes)." Archives of Environmental
Contamination and Toxicology 58(1): 131-139.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
250. Howdeshell, K. L., J. Furr, et al. (2008). "Gestational and lactational exposure to ethinylestradiol, but not bisphenol a, decreases androgen-dependentreproductive organ weights and epididymal sperm abundance in the male long evans hooded rat."Toxicological Sciences 102(2): 371-382.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
251. Hu, J. Y., X. Chen, et al. (2007). "Fate of endocrine disrupting compounds in membranebioreactor systems." Environmental Science & Technology41(11): 4097-4102.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
252. Hu, J., X. Li, et al. (2009). "Hybrid silica polymeric monolith-based in-tube microextractionand CE for determination of bisphenol A in beverages."Journal of Separation Science 32(15/16): 2759-2766.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
253. Hu, L., N.-y. Gao, et al. (2007). "Mineralization of BPA by combination of UV/H2O2/Micro-aeration process." Huanjing Kexue 28(7): 1496-1501.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
254. Huang, H. and L. K. Leung (2009). "Bisphenol A downregulates CYP19 transcription in JEG-3 cells." Toxicology Letters 189(3): 248-252.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
255. Huang, Y.-F. and Y.-H. Huang (2009). "Behavioral evidence of the dominant radicals andintermediates involved in Bisphenol A degradation usingan efficient Co2+/PMS oxidation process." Journal of Hazardous Materials 167(1-3): 418-426.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
256. Huff, J., M. F. Jacobson, et al. (2008). "The Limits of Two-Year Bioassay Exposure Regimensfor Identifying Chemical Carcinogens."Environmental Health Perspectives 116(11): 1439-1442.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
257. Hugo, E. R., T. D. Brandebourg, et al. (2008). "Bisphenol A at Environmentally RelevantDoses Inhibits Adiponectin Release from Human AdiposeTissue Explants and Adipocytes." Environmental Health Perspectives 116(12): 1642-1647.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
258. Hung, C. H., S. N. Yangi, et al. (2010). "Modulation of Cytokine Expression in HumanMyeloid Dendritic Cells by Environmental Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals Involves Epigenetic Regulation." Environmental Health Perspectives 118(1):67-72.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
259. Hunt, P. A., M. Susiarjo, et al. (2009). "The Bisphenol A Experience: A Primer for theAnalysis of Environmental Effects on MammalianReproduction." Biology of Reproduction 81(5): 807-813.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
260. Hwang, D. S., J. S. Lee, et al. (2010). "Cloning and expression of ecdysone receptor (EcR)from the intertidal copepod, Tigriopus japonicus."Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C-Toxicology & Pharmacology 151(3): 303-312.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
261. Hyoung, U.-j., Y.-j. Yang, et al. (2007). "Developmental toxicity by exposure to bisphenol Adiglycidyl ether during gestation and lactation period inSprague-Dawley male rats." J Prev Med Public Health 40(2): 155-61.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
262. Ibuki, Y., Y. Tani, et al. (2008). "UVB-exposed chlorinated bisphenol A generatesphosphorylated histone H2AX in human skin cells." ChemicalResearch in Toxicology 21(9): 1770-1776.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
263. Imai, S., A. Shiraishi, et al. (2007). "Removal of phenolic endocrine disruptors by Portulacaoleracea." Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering103(5): 420-426.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.264. Imaoka, S., T. Mori, et al. (2007). "Bisphenol a causes malformation of the head region inembryos of Xenopus laevis and decreases the expression ofthe ESR-1 gene mediated by notch signaling." Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin 30(2): 371-374.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
265. Inadera, H., S. Tachibana, et al. (2008). "Expression profile of liver genes in response tohepatotoxicants identified using a SAGE-based customizedDNA microarray system." Toxicology Letters 177(1): 20-30.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
266. Inoue, A., Y. Seino, et al. (2007). "Comparative profiling of the gene expression for estrogenresponsiveness in cultured human cell lines."Toxicology In Vitro 21(4): 741-752.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
267. Inoue, D., H. Matsui, et al. (2009). "Evaluation of effectiveness of chemical and physicalsewage treatment technologies for removal of retinoic acidreceptor agonistic activity detected in sewage effluent." Water Science and Technology 59(12):2447-2453.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
268. Inoue, M., Y. Masuda, et al. (2008). "Degradation of bisphenol A using sonochernicalreactions." Water Research 42(6-7): 1379-1386.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
269. Inui, H., A. Takehara, et al. (2009). "A scFv Antibody-Based Immunoaffinity ChromatographyColumn for Clean-Up of Bisphenol A-ContaminatedWater Samples." Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 57(2): 353-358.Dette studie indgikikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
270. Ioan, I., S. Wilson, et al. (2007). "Comparison of Fenton and sono-Fenton bisphenol Adegradation." Journal of Hazardous Materials 142(1-2): 559-563.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
271. Ishido, M. and J. Suzuki (2010). "Quantitative Analyses of Inhibitory Effects of Bisphenol Aon Neural Stem-cell Migration Using a NeurosphereAssay in vitro." Journal of Health Science 56(2): 175-181.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
272. Ishido, M., J. Yonemoto, et al. (2007). "Mesencephalic neurodegeneration in the orallyadministered bisphenol A-caused hyperactive rats."Toxicology Letters 173(1): 66-72.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
273. Ishihara, M. and S. Fujisawa (2008). "Quantum-chemical descriptors for estimating hemolyticactivity of aliphatic and aromatic methacrylates."Chemosphere 70(10): 1898-1902.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
274. Iso, T., K. Futami, et al. (2007). "Modulation of the expression of Bloom helicase byestrogenic agents." Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin 30(2):266-271.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
275. Izumi, N., R. Yanagibori, et al. (2008). "Effects of bisphenol A on the development, growth,and sex ratio of the housefly Musca domestica."
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27(6): 1343-1353.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
276. Izzotti, A., S. Kanitz, et al. (2009). "Formation of adducts by bisphenol A, an endocrinedisruptor, in DNA in vitro and in liver and mammary tissueof mice." Mutation Research 679(1-2): 28-32.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
277. Jackson, J. and R. Sutton (2008). "Sources of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in urbanwastewater, Oakland, CA." Science of the Total Environment405(1-3): 153-160.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
278. Jao, B. W., E. K. C. Yeung, et al. (2008). "Establishment of a Transgenic Yeast ScreeningSystem for Estrogenicity and Identification of the Anti-Estrogenic Activity of Malachite Green." Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 105(6): 1399-1409.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
279. Jenkins, S., N. Raghuraman, et al. (2009). "Oral Exposure to Bisphenol A IncreasesDimethylbenzanthracene-Induced Mammary Cancer in Rats."Environmental Health Perspectives 117(6): 910-915.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
280. Ji, G. L., H. B. Zhang, et al. (2009). "Effects of nonionic surfactant Triton X-100 on thelaccase-catalyzed conversion of bisphenol A." Journal ofEnvironmental Sciences-China 21(11): 1486-1490.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.281. Ji, J. A., O. Borisov, et al. (2009). "Compatibility of a Protein Topical Gel with WoundDressings." Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 98(2): 595-605.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
282. Ji, Y., J. Yin, et al. (2009). "Preparation of magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer for rapiddetermination of bisphenol A in environmental waterand milk samples." Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 395(4): 1125-1133.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
283. Jiang, M., Y. Shi, et al. (2009). "Selective molecularly imprinted stationary phases forBisphenol A analysis prepared by modified precipitationpolymerization." Journal of Separation Science 32(19): 3265-3273.Dette studie indgik ikke iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
284. Jin, S., F. Yang, et al. (2008). "Seasonal variations of estrogenic compounds and theirestrogenicities in influent and effluent from a municipal sewagetreatment plant in China." Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27(1): 146-153.Dette studieindgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
285. Johnson, G. E. and E. M. Parry (2008). "Mechanistic investigations of low dose exposures tothe genotoxic compounds bisphenol-A and rotenone."Mutation Research-Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis 651(1-2): 56-63.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
286. Jolly, C., I. Katsiadaki, et al. (2009). "Detection of the anti-androgenic effect of endocrinedisrupting environmental contaminants using in vivo and invitro assays in the three-spined stickleback." Aquatic Toxicology 92(4): 228-239.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
287. Jones, D. C. and G. W. Miller (2008). "The effects of environmental neurotoxicants on thedopaminergic system: A possible role in drug addiction."Biochemical Pharmacology 76(5): 569-581.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
288. Jonkers, N., H. P. E. Kohler, et al. (2009). "Mass flows of endocrine disruptors in the GlattRiver during varying weather conditions." EnvironmentalPollution 157(3): 714-723.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
289. Joy, A., E. Anim-Danso, et al. (2009). "Simple, rapid, and highly sensitive detection ofdiphosgene and triphosgene by spectrophotometric methods."Talanta 80(1): 231-235.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
290. Jung, K. K., S. Y. Kim, et al. (2007). "Differential regulation of thyroid hormone receptor-mediated function by endocrine disruptors." Archives ofPharmacal Research 30(5): 616-623.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
291. Kabil, A., E. Silva, et al. (2008). "Estrogens and genomic instability in human breast cancercells - involvement of Src/Raf/Erk signaling inmicronucleus formation by estrogenic chemicals." Carcinogenesis 29(10): 1862-1868.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.292. Kaddar, N., C. Harthe, et al. (2008). "Cutaneous penetration of bisphenol A in pig skin."Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part a-Current Issues 71(8): 471-473.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
293. Kaddar, N., N. Bendridi, et al. (2009). "Development of a radioimmunoassay for themeasurement of Bisphenol A in biological samples." AnalyticaChimica Acta 645(1-2): 1-4.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
294. Kadoma, Y., S. Ito, et al. (2009). "Mechanisms of cytotoxicity of 2-or 2,6-di-tert-butylphenolsand 2-methoxyphenols in terms of inhibition rateconstant and a theoretical parameter." Chemosphere 74(5): 626-632.Dette studie indgik ikke iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
295. Kaichouh, G., N. Oturan, et al. (2008). "Mineralization of herbicides imazapyr and imazaquinin aqueous medium by, Fenton, photo-Fenton andelectro-Fenton processes." Environmental Technology 29(5): 489-496.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
296. Kalia, M. (2008). "Brain development: anatomy, connectivity, adaptive plasticity, andtoxicity." Metabolism-Clinical and Experimental 57(10): S2-S5.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
297. Kamei, S., J. Miyawaki, et al. (2008). "Perinatal and postnatal exposure to 4-tert-octylphenolinhibits cortical bone growth in width at the diaphysis infemale mice." Toxicology 252(1-3): 99-104.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.298. Kang, J. H., T. Niidome, et al. (2009). "Role of Estrogenic Compounds (Diethylstibestrol, 17beta-Estradiol, and Bisphenol A) in the Phosphorylationof Substrate by Protein Kinase C alpha." Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology 23(5):318-323.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
299. Karmaus, W., J. R. Osuch, et al. (2009). "Maternal levels of dichlorodiphenyl-dichloroethylene(DDE) may increase weight and body mass index inadult female offspring." Occupational and Environmental Medicine 66(3): 143-149.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
300. Kausch, U., M. Alberti, et al. (2008). "Biomarkers for exposure to estrogenic compounds:Gene expression analysis in zebrafish (Danio rerio)."Environmental Toxicology 23(1): 15-24.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
301. Kawaguchi, M., K. Irie, et al. (2009). "Maternal isobutyl-paraben exposure alters anxiety andpassive avoidance test performance in adult male rats."Neuroscience Research 65(2): 136-140.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
302. Kawaguchi, M., K. Morohoshi, et al. (2009). "Maternal Isobutyl-Paraben Exposure decreasesthe Plasma Corticosterone Level in Dams andSensitivity to Estrogen in Female Offspring Rats." Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 71(8):1027-1033.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
303. Kawaguchi, M., R. Ito, et al. (2008). "Miniaturized hollow fiber assisted liquid-phasemicroextraction with in situ derivatization and gaschromatography-mass spectrometry for analysis of bisphenol A in human urine sample." Journal ofChromatography B-Analytical Technologies inthe Biomedical and Life Sciences 870(1): 98-102.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
304. Kawai, K., S. Murakami, et al. (2007). "Changes in estrogen receptors alpha and betaexpression in the brain of mice exposed prenatally to bisphenolA." Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 47(2): 166-170.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
305. Kawamoto, Y., W. Matsuyama, et al. (2007). "Development of a physiologically basedpharmacokinetic model for bisphenol A in pregnant mice."Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 224: 182-191.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
306. Kawamura, A., I. Westwood, et al. (2008). "Mouse N-acetyltransferase type 2, the homologueof human N-acetyltransferase type 1." BiochemicalPharmacology 75(7): 1550-1560.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
307. Kawasaki, H., N. Takahashi, et al. (2009). "Functionalized pyrolytic highly oriented graphitepolymer film for surface-assisted laserdesorption/ionization mass spectrometry in environmental analysis." Rapid Communications inMass Spectrometry 23(20): 3323-3332.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
308. Keum, Y. S., Y. H. Lee, et al. (2009). "Metabolism of Methoxychlor by Cunninghamellaelegans ATCC36112." Journal of Agricultural and FoodChemistry 57(17): 7931-7937.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
309. Khalaf, H., A. Larsson, et al. (2009). "Diastereomers of the Brominated Flame Retardant 1,2-Dibromo-4-(1,2 dibromoethyl)cyclohexane InduceAndrogen Receptor Activation in the HepG2 Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Line and the LNCaPProstate Cancer Cell Line." Environmental HealthPerspectives 117(12): 1853-1859.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
310. Kim, J. Y., E. H. Han, et al. (2010). "Bisphenol A-induced aromatase activation is mediated bycyclooxygenase-2 up-regulation in rat testicularLeydig cells." Toxicology Letters 193(2): 200-208.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
311. Kim, K. Y., J. H. Ahn, et al. (2007). "Apoptotic action of peroxisome proliferator-activatedreceptor-gamma activation in human non-small-cell lungcancer is mediated via proline oxidase-induced reactive oxygen species formation." MolecularPharmacology 72(3): 674-685.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
312. Kim, K., T. G. Son, et al. (2007). "Suppressive effects of bisphenol a on the proliferation ofneural progenitor cells." Journal of Toxicology andEnvironmental Health-Part a-Current Issues 70(15-16): 1288-1295.Dette studie indgik ikke iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
313. Kim, K., T. G. Son, et al. (2009a). "Potencies of Bisphenol a on the Neuronal Differentiationand Hippocampal Neurogenesis." Journal of Toxicologyand Environmental Health-Part a-Current Issues 72(21-22): 1343-1351.Dette studie indgik ikke iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
314. Kim, S. D., J. Cho, et al. (2007). "Occurrence and removal of pharmaceuticals and endocrinedisruptors in South Korean surface, drinking, and wastewaters." Water Research 41(5): 1013-1021.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
315. Kim, S. E., N. S. Park, et al. (2008). "Modeling of decomposition characterisitics of estrogenicchemicals during ozonation." EnvironmentalTechnology 29(3): 287-296.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
316. Kim, S. J., H. W. Park, et al. (2009b). "Genomic Alteration of Bisphenol A Treatment in theTestis of Mice." Molecular & Cellular Toxicology 5(3):216-221.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
317. Kim, S. J., M. J. Oh, et al. (2008). "Gene expression profiles of nonylphenol as representativeEDCs in normal human kidney HK-2 cells." BiochipJournal 2(2): 135-140.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
318. Kim, S. J., W. I. Lee, et al. (2009). "Effective relief of neuropathic pain by adeno-associatedvirus-mediated expression of a small hairpin RNA
against GTP cyclohydrolase I." Molecular Pain 5.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
319. Kim, S. K., J. H. Kim, et al. (2007). "Octylphenol reduces the expressions of steroidogenicenzymes and testosterone production in mouse testis."Environmental Toxicology 22(5): 449-458.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
320. Kim, Y. S., J. Min, et al. (2007). "Analysis of the stress effects of endocrine disruptingchemicals (EDcs) on Escherichia coli." J Microbiol Biotechnol17(8): 1390-3.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
321. Kinani, S., S. Bouchonnet, et al. (2010). "Bioanalytical characterisation of multiple endocrine-and dioxin-like activities in sediments from referenceand impacted small rivers." Environmental Pollution 158(1): 74-83.Dette studie indgik ikke iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
322. Kinani, S., S. Bouchonnet, et al. (2010)."Bioanalytical characterisation of multiple endocrine-and dioxin-like activities in sediments from referenceand impacted small rivers." Environmental Pollution 158(1): 74-83.Dette studie indgik ikke iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
323. Kinani, S., S. Bouchonnet, et al. (2008). "Extraction and purification procedures forsimultaneous quantification of phenolic xenoestrogens andsteroid estrogens in river sediment by gas chromatography/ion trap mass spectrometry." RapidCommunications in Mass Spectrometry 22(22): 3651-3661.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
324. Kita, K., Y. H. Jin, et al. (2009). "Increase in the levels of chaperone proteins by exposure tobeta-estradiol, bisphenol A and 4-methoxyphenol inhuman cells transfected with estrogen receptor alpha cDNA." Toxicology In Vitro 23(4): 728-735.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
325. Kitada, Y., H. Kawahata, et al. (2008). "Distribution of pesticides and bisphenol A insediments collected from rivers adjacent to coral reefs."Chemosphere 71(11): 2082-2090.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
326. Klecka, G. M., C. A. Staples, et al. (2009). "Exposure Analysis of Bisphenol A in SurfaceWater Systems in North America and Europe."Environmental Science & Technology 43(16): 6145-6150.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
327. Klinglmayr, C., K. Nobauer, et al. (2010). "Determination of deoxynivalenol in organic andconventional food and feed by sol-gel immunoaffinitychromatography and HPLC-UV detection." Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologiesin the Biomedical and Life Sciences 878(2): 187-193.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
328. Kochukov, M. Y., Y. J. Jeng, et al. (2009). "Alkylphenol Xenoestrogens with Varying CarbonChain Lengths Differentially and Potently ActivateSignaling and Functional Responses in GH(3)/B-6/F10 Somatomammotropes." EnvironmentalHealth Perspectives 117(5): 723-730.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
329. Koda, T., M. Morita, et al. (2007). "Retinoic acid inhibits uterotrophic activity of bisphenol ain adult ovariectomized rats." Journal of NutritionalScience and Vitaminology 53: 432-436.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
330. Kohler, H. R., W. Kloas, et al. (2007). "Sex steroid receptor evolution and signalling in aquaticinvertebrates." Ecotoxicology 16(1): 131-143.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
331. Kohrle, J. (2008). "Environment and endocrinology: The case of thyroidology." Annales DEndocrinologie 69(2): 116-122.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
332. Koponen, P. S., A. Tuikka, et al. (2007). "Effects of ultraviolet-B radiation and larval growthon toxicokinetics of waterborne bisphenol A in commonfrog (Rana temporaria) larvae." Chemosphere 66(7): 1323-1328.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
333. Koulaouzidou, E. A., M. Helvatjoglou-Antoniades, et al. (2009). "Effect of dual-curedadhesive resin cements on cell proliferation of pulp and humanfibroblasts." American Journal of Dentistry 22(5): 273-277.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
334. Kruger, T., M. Long, et al. (2008). "Plastic components affect the activation of the arylhydrocarbon and the androgen receptor." Toxicology 246(2-3): 112-123.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
335. Kubwabo, C., I. Kosarac, et al. (2009). "Migration of bisphenol A from plastic baby bottles,baby bottle liners and reusable polycarbonate drinkingbottles." Food Additives and Contaminants Part a-Chemistry Analysis Control Exposure & RiskAssessment 26(6): 928-937.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
336. Kuch, B., F. Kern, et al. (2010). "Effect-related monitoring: estrogen-like substances ingroundwater." Environmental Science and Pollution Research17(2): 250-260.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
337. Kuester, R. K. and I. G. Sipes (2007). "Prediction of metabolic clearance of bisphenol a (4,4 '-dihydroxy-2,2-diphenylpropane) using cryopreservedhuman hepatocytes." Drug Metabolism and Disposition 35: 1910-1915.Dette studie indgik ikke iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
338. Kuiper, R. V., E. J. van den Brandhof, et al. (2007). "Toxicity of tetrabromobisphenol A(TBBPA) in zebrafish (Danio rerio) in a partial life-cycletest." Archives of Toxicology 81(1): 1-9.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
339. Kuiper, R. V., R. F. Canton, et al. (2007). "Long-term exposure of European flounder(Platichthys flesus) to the flame-retardants tetrabromobisphenolA (TBBPA) and hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD)." Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety67(3): 349-360.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
340. Kumar, V., A. Chakraborty, et al. (2009). "Alteration of testicular steroidogenesis andhistopathology of reproductive system in male rats treated withtriclosan." Reproductive Toxicology 27(2): 177-185.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
341. Kuruto-Niwa, R., Y. Tateoka, et al. (2007). "Measurement of bisphenol A concentrations inhuman colostrum." Chemosphere 66(6): 1160-1164.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
342. Kwack, S. J., K. B. Kim, et al. (2009). "Risk Assessment of Soybean-Based Phytoestrogens."Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Parta-Current Issues 72(21-22): 1254-1261.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
343. Kwintkiewicz, J., Y. Nishi, et al. (2010). "Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-gammaMediates Bisphenol A Inhibition of FSH-StimulatedIGF-1, Aromatase, and Estradiol in Human Granulosa Cells." Environmental Health Perspectives118(3): 400-406.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
344. Kwon, J. H., L. E. Katz, et al. (2007). "Modeling binding equilibrium in a competitive estrogenreceptor binding assay." Chemosphere 69: 1025-1031.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
345. Kwon, S., Y. Yang, et al.(2010). "Expression of clusterin on rat epididymis exposed tobisphenol A diglycidyl during in utero and lactation."Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry 92(2): 315-325.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
346. Laessig, S. A., A. P. Auger, et al. (2007). "Effects of prenatal chlordecone on sexuallydifferentiated behavior in adult rats." Neurotoxicology andTeratology 29(2): 255-263.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
347. Lakind, J. S. and D. Q. Naiman (2008). "Bisphenol A (BPA) daily intakes in the United States:Estimates from the 2003-2004 NHANES urinary BPAdata." Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 18(6): 608-615.Dette studieindgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
348. Lang, I. A., T. S. Galloway, et al. (2008). "Association of urinary bisphenol A concentrationwith medical disorders and laboratory abnormalities inadults." Jama-Journal of the American Medical Association 300(11): 1303-1310.Dette studieindgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
349. Laurent, F., C. Canlet, et al. (2007). "Metabolic fate of [C-14]-2,4-dichlorophenol in tobaccocell suspension cultures." Environmental Toxicologyand Chemistry 26: 2299-2307.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
350. Lazaro Martinez, J. M., M. F. Leal Denis, et al. (2009). "Development and characterization ofa new polyampholyte-surfactant complex applied to thesolid phase extraction of bisphenol-A." Talanta 80(2): 789-796.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
351. Le, H. H., E. M. Carlson, et al. (2008). "Bisphenol A is released from polycarbonate drinkingbottles and mimics the neurotoxic actions of estrogen indeveloping cerebellar neurons." Toxicology Letters 176(2): 149-156.Dette studie indgik ikke iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
352. Lee, H. S. N., M. T. Sng, et al. (2007). "Determination of degradation products of chemicalwarfare agents in water using hollow fibre-protectedliquid-phase microextraction with in-situ derivatisation followed by gas chromatography-massspectrometry." Journal of Chromatography A 1148(1):8-15.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
353. Lee, S. B. and J. Choi (2007). "Effects of bisphenol A and ethynyl estradiol exposure onenzyme activities, growth and development in the fourthinstar larvae of Chironomus riparius (Diptera, Chironomidae)." Ecotoxicology and EnvironmentalSafety 68: 84-90.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
354. Lee, S., K. Suk, et al. (2008). "Signaling pathways of bisphenol A-induced apoptosis inhippocampal neuronal cells: Role of calcium-induced reactiveoxygen species, mitogen-activated protein kinases, and nuclear factor-kappa B." Journal ofNeuroscience Research 86(13): 2932-2942.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
355. Lee, S., M. Cha, et al. (2009). "Mutual synergistic toxicity between environmental toxicants: Astudy of mercury chloride and 4-nonylphenol."Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 27(1): 90-95.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
356. Lee, Y. M., J. S. Rhee, et al. (2008). "p53 gene expression is modulated by endocrinedisrupting chemicals in the hermaphroditic fish, Kryptolebiasmarmoratus." Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C-Toxicology & Pharmacology 147(2):150-157.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
357. Lee, Y. M., M. J. Seong, et al. (2007). "Estrogen receptor independent neurotoxic mechanismof bisphenol A, an environmental estrogen." Journal ofVeterinary Science 8(1): 27-38.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
358. Lee, Y. M., S. Raisuddin, et al. (2008). "Modulatory effect of environmental endocrinedisruptors on N-ras oncogene expression in thehermaphroditic fish, Kryptolebias marmoratus." Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C-Toxicology & Pharmacology 147(3): 299-305.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
359. Leeder, J. S. (2009). "Developmental Pharmacogenetics: A General Paradigm for Applicationto Neonatal Pharmacology and Toxicology." ClinicalPharmacology & Therapeutics 86(6): 678-682.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
360. Lemos, M. F. L., A. C. Esteves, et al.(2010). "Protein differential expression induced byendocrine disrupting compounds in a terrestrial isopod."Chemosphere 79(5): 570-576.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
361. Lemos, M. F. L., C. A. M. v. Gestel, et al. (2010). "Reproductive toxicity of the endocrinedisrupters vinclozolin and bisphenol A in the terrestrialisopod Porcellio scaber (Latreille, 1804)." Chemosphere 78(7): 907-913.Dette studie indgik ikke iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
362. Lenie, S., R. Cortvrindt, et al. (2008). "Continuous exposure to bisphenol A during in vitrofollicular development induces meiotic abnormalities."Mutation Research-Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis 651(1-2): 71-81.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
363. Leranth, C., K. Szigeti-Buck, et al. (2008). "Bisphenol a prevents the synaptogtenic responseto testosterone in the brain of adult male rats."Endocrinology 149(3): 988-994.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
364. Lewis, S. and M. Byrne (2009). "Financial disclosure and toxic products: encouraging wallstreet to anticipate product risk and exercise precaution."New Solut 19(1): 31-58.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
365. Li, C. M., S. Taneda, et al. (2007). "Effects of 3-methyl-4-nitrophenol in diesel exhaustparticles on the regulation of testicular function in immaturemale rats." Journal of Andrology 28(2): 252-258.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.366. Li, C., X. Z. Li, et al. (2008). "The aqueous degradation of bisphenol A and steroid estrogensby ferrate." Water Research 42(1-2): 109-120.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
367. Li, D. H., W. J. Shim, et al. (2007). "Application of nonylphenol and coprostanol toidentification of industrial and fecal pollution in Korea." MarinePollution Bulletin 54(1): 101-107.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
368. Li, D. P. and J. H. Qu (2009). "The progress of catalytic technologies in water purification: Areview." Journal of Environmental Sciences-China21(6): 713-719.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
369. Li, D., Z. Zhou, et al. (2010). "Occupational exposure to bisphenol-A (BPA) and the risk ofSelf-Reported Male Sexual Dysfunction." HumanReproduction 25(2): 519-527.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
370. Li, F. B., X. Z. Li, et al. (2007). "Effect of alumina on photocatalytic activity of iron oxides forbisphenol A degradation." Journal of HazardousMaterials 149: 199-207.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
371. Li, J. H., B. X. Zhou, et al. (2008). "Influence of the coexisting contaminants on bisphenol asorption and desorption in soil." Journal of HazardousMaterials 151(2-3): 389-393.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
372. Li, J., M. Ma, et al. (2010). "In vitro profiling of endocrine disrupting effects of phenols."Toxicology In Vitro 24(1): 201-207.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
373. Li, J., M. Ma, et al. (2008). "A two-hybrid yeast assay to quantify the effects of xenobiotics onretinoid X receptor-mediated gene expression."Toxicology Letters 176(3): 198-206.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
374. Li, J., N. Li, et al. (2008). "In vitro profiling of the endocrine disrupting potency oforganochlorine pesticides." Toxicology Letters 183(1-3): 65-71.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.375. Li, L., J. B. Wang, et al. (2008). "Development and characterization of an immunoaffinitymonolith for selective on-line extraction of bisphenol Afrom environmental water samples." Analytica Chimica Acta 620(1-2): 1-7.Dette studie indgik ikkei EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
376. Li, M. W. M., D. D. Mruk, et al. (2009a). "Disruption of the blood-testis barrier integrity bybisphenol A in vitro: Is this a suitable model for studyingblood-testis barrier dynamics?" International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 41(11): 2302-2314.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
377. Li, Q. L., M. H. W. Lam, et al. (2010). "Rapid magnetic-mediated solid-phase extraction andpre-concentration of selected endocrine disruptingchemicals in natural waters by poly(divinylbenzene-co-methacrylic acid) coated Fe3O4 core-shellmagnetite microspheres for their liquidchromatography-tandem mass spectrometry determination." Journal of Chromatography A 1217(8):1219-1226.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
378. Li, R., G. Z. Chen, et al. (2009). "Toxicity of bisphenol A and its bioaccumulation and removalby a marine microalga Stephanodiscus hantzschii."Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 72(2): 321-328.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
379. Li, R., Y. Liu, et al. (2008). "Physiological responses of the alga Cyclotella caspia to bisphenolA exposure." Botanica Marina 51(5): 360-369.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
380. Li, T. G., X. F. Li, et al. (2007). "Treatment of landfill leachate by electrochemical oxidationand anaerobic process." Water Environment Research79(5): 514-520.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
381. Li, X. L., L. Lin, et al. (2008). "Effects of landfill leachate effluent and bisphenol A onglutathione and glutathione-related enzymes in the gills anddigestive glands of the freshwater snail Bellamya purificata." Chemosphere 70(10): 1903-1909.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
382. Li, X. L., T. G. Luan, et al. (2007). "Distribution patterns of octylphenol and nonylphenol inthe aquatic system at Mai Po Marshes Nature Reserve, asubtropical estuarine wetland in Hong Kong." Journal of Environmental Sciences-China 19(6): 657-662.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
383. Li, Y. J., T. B. Song, et al. (2009b). "Bisphenol A Exposure Induces Apoptosis andUpregulation of Fas/FasL and Caspase-3 Expression in the Testesof Mice." Toxicological Sciences 108(2): 427-436.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
384. Li, Y., N. Li, et al. (2009). "Bisphenol A Adsorption Onto Metals Oxides and OrganicMaterials in the Natural Surface Coatings Samples (NSCSs)and Surficial Sediments (SSs): Inhibition for the Importance of Mn Oxides." Water Air and SoilPollution 196(1-4): 41-49.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
385. Liang, H., X. Wu, et al. (2008). "A three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity analysis ofa new class of bisphenol topoisomerase II alphainhibitors." Molecular Pharmacology 73(3): 686-696.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
386. Liedtke, A., J. Muncke, et al. (2008). "Molecular multi-effect screening of environmentalpollutants using the MolDarT." Environmental Toxicology23(1): 59-67.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
387. Liedtke, A., R. Schonenberger, et al. (2009). "Internal exposure of whitefish (Coregonuslavaretus) to estrogens." Aquatic Toxicology 93(2-3): 158-165.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
388. Lien, G. W., C. Y. Chen, et al. (2009). "Comparison of electrospray ionization, atmosphericpressure chemical ionization and atmospheric pressurephotoionization for determining estrogenic chemicals in water by liquid chromatography tandemmass spectrometry with chemical derivatizations."Journal of Chromatography A 1216(6): 956-966.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
389. Lilienthal, H., C. M. Verwer, et al. (2008). "Exposure to tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) inWistar rats: Neurobehavioral effects in offspring from aone-generation reproduction study." Toxicology 246(1): 45-54.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
390. Lim, D. S., S. J. Kwack, et al. (2009). "Potential Risk of Bisphenol a Migration FromPolycarbonate Containers After Heating, Boiling, andMicrowaving." Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part a-Current Issues 72(21-22):1285-1291.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
391. Lim, D. S., S. J. Kwack, et al. (2009). "Risk Assessment of Bisphenol a Migrated from CannedFoods in Korea." Journal of Toxicology andEnvironmental Health-Part a-Current Issues 72(21-22): 1327-1335.Dette studie indgik ikke iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
392. Lim, H., J. W. Nam, et al. (2009). "(-)-Nyasol (cis-hinokiresinol), a norneolignan from therhizomes of Anemarrhena asphodeloides, is a broadspectrum inhibitor of eicosanoid and nitric oxide production." Archives of Pharmacal Research32(11): 1509-1514.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
393. Lin, K. D., W. P. Liu, et al. (2009). "Reaction of Tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) withManganese Dioxide: Kinetics, Products, and Pathways."Environmental Science & Technology 43(12): 4480-4486.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
394. Lin, Y., Y. Shi, et al. (2008). "Removal of phenolic estrogen pollutants from different sourcesof water using molecularly imprinted polymericmicrospheres." Environmental Pollution 153(2): 483-491.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
395. Lindblom, E., K. Press-Kristensen, et al. (2009). "Dynamic experiments with high bisphenol-Aconcentrations modelled with an ASM modelextended to include a separate XOC degrading microorganism." Water Research 43(13): 3169-3176.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
396. Liscio, C., E. Magi, et al. (2009). "Combining passive samplers and biomonitors to evaluateendocrine disrupting compounds in a wastewatertreatment plant by LC/MS/MS and bioassay analyses." Environmental Pollution 157(10): 2716-2721.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
397. Liu, G. B., H. Y. Zhao, et al. (2009). "Zn dust mediated reductive debromination oftetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA)." Journal of HazardousMaterials 169(1-3): 1150-1153.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
398. Liu, G. F., J. Ma, et al. (2009). "Adsorption of bisphenol A from aqueous solution ontoactivated carbons with different modification treatments."Journal of Hazardous Materials 164(2-3): 1275-1280.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
399. Liu, G.-f., J. Ma, et al. (2008). "Study on adsorption of bisphenol A from aqueous solution onmodified activated carbons." Huanjing Kexue 29(2):349-355.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
400. Liu, H., X. Z. Li, et al. (2007). "Kinetic modeling of electro-Fenton reaction in aqueoussolution." Water Research 41(5): 1161-1167.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.401. Liu, H.-l., X.-h. Liu, et al. (2007). "Toxicity of BPA land TBBPA to Daphnia magna andzebrafish Brachydanio rerio." Huanjing Kexue 28(8): 1784-1787.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
402. Liu, X. Y., Y. S. Ji, et al. (2008). "Elimination of matrix effects in the determination ofbisphenol A in milk by solid-phase microextraction-high-performance liquid chromatography." Food Additives and Contaminants 25(6): 772-778.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
403. Liu, Y. L., J. X. Shi, et al. (2009). "Activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma potentiates pro-inflammatory cytokineproduction, and adrenal and somatotropic changes of weaned pigs after Escherichia colilipopolysaccharide challenge." Innate Immunity 15(3): 169-178.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
404. Liu, Y. X., L. Deng, et al. (2007). "Simultaneous photocatalytic reduction of Cr(VI) andoxidation of bisphenol A induced by Fe(III)-OH complexesin water." Journal of Hazardous Materials 139(2): 399-402.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
405. Liu, Z. H., M. Ito, et al. (2009). "Profile and removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals byusing an ER/AR competitive ligand binding assay andchemical analyses." Journal of Environmental Sciences-China 21(7): 900-906.Dette studie indgikikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
406. Llorca-Porcel, J., M. Martinez-Parreno, et al. (2009). "Analysis of chlorophenols, bisphenol-A,4-tert-octylphenol and 4-nonylphenols in soil bymeans of ultrasonic solvent extraction and stir bar sorptive extraction with in situ derivatisation."Journal of Chromatography A 1216(32): 5955-5961.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
407. Long, D. and D. Wu (2009). "Effects of perinatal exposure to bisphenol A on expression ofNT-3 of weaning male offspring in rats." Medical Journalof National Defending Forces in Southwest China 19(12): 1165-1167.Dette studie indgik ikke iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
408. Loos, R., G. Hanke, et al. (2007). "LC-MS-MS analysis and occurrence of octyl- andnonylphenol, their ethoxylates and their carboxylates in Belgianand Italian textile industry, waste water treatment plant effluents and surface waters." Chemosphere66(4): 690-699.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
409. Lopez-Doval, J. C., M. Ricart, et al. (2010). "Does Grazing Pressure Modify Diuron Toxicityin a Biofilm Community?" Archives of EnvironmentalContamination and Toxicology 58(4): 955-962.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
410. Lopez-Espinosa, M. J., A. Granada, et al. (2007). "Oestrogenicity of paper and cardboardextracts used as food containers." Food Additives andContaminants Part a-Chemistry Analysis Control Exposure & Risk Assessment 24(1): 95-102.
Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
411. Lopez-Espinosa, M. J., C. Freire, et al. (2009). "Nonylphenol and octylphenol in adipose tissueof women in Southern Spain." Chemosphere 76(6):847-852.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
412. Lutz, I., W. Kloas, et al. (2008). "Development, standardization and refinement of proceduresfor evaluating effects of endocrine active compoundson development and sexual differentiation of Xenopus laevis." Analytical and BioanalyticalChemistry 390(8): 2031-2048.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
413. Lv, X., Q. F. Zhou, et al. (2007). "Vitellogenic responses of 17 beta-estradiol and bisphenol Ain male Chinese loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus)."Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 24(2): 155-159.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
414. Lv, Y. Q., Z. X. Lin, et al. (2007). "Selective recognition and large enrichment of dimethoatefrom tea leaves by molecularly imprinted polymers."Biochemical Engineering Journal 36: 221-229.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
415. Mahalingaiah, S., J. D. Meeker, et al. (2008). "Temporal variability and predictors of urinarybisphenol a concentrations in men and women."Environmental Health Perspectives 116(2): 173-178.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
416. Maragou, N. C., A. Makri, et al. (2008). "Migration of bisphenol A from polycarbonate babybottles under real use conditions." Food Additives andContaminants 25(3): 373-383.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
417. Maranghi, F., R. Tassinari, et al. (2008). "Effects of a low oral dose of diethylstilbestrol (DES)on reproductive tract development in F1 female CD-1mice." Reproductive Toxicology 26(2): 146-150.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
418. Mariscal-Arcas, M., A. Rivas, et al. (2009). "Dietary exposure assessment of pregnant womento bisphenol-A from cans and microwave containers inSouthern Spain." Food and Chemical Toxicology 47(2): 506-510.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
419. Markman, S., I. A. Guschina, et al. (2007). "Endocrine disrupting chemicals accumulate inearthworms exposed to sewage effluent." Chemosphere70(1): 119-125.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
420. Martin, M. D. (2007). "Exposure to Bisphenol A (BPA) from dental sealants is detectable insaliva and urine, and varies significantly between sealantformulations." J Evid Based Dent Pract 7(2): 79-80.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
421. Martinez, J. M. L., M. F. L. Denis, et al. (2009). "Development and characterization of a newpolyampholyte-surfactant complex applied to the solidphase extraction of bisphenol-A." Talanta 80(2): 789-796.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
422. Maruyama, H., H. Seki, et al. (2008). "Adsorption behavior of bisphenol-A and diethylphthalate onto bubble surface in nonfoaming adsorptivebubble." Chemical Engineering Journal 141(1-3): 112-118.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
423. Masuda, M., Y. Yamasaki, et al. (2007). "Isolation of bisphenol A-tolerant/degradingPseudomonas monteilii strain N-502." Extremophiles 11(2):355-362.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
424. Mathews, E., T. D. Braden, et al. (2009). "Mal-Development of the Penis and Loss of Fertilityin Male Rats Treated Neonatally with FemaleContraceptive 17 alpha-Ethinyl Estradiol: A Dose-Response Study and a Comparative Study with aKnown Estrogenic Teratogen Diethylstilbestrol."Toxicological Sciences 112(2): 331-343.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
425. Matsuda, S., S. Saika, et al. (2010). "Changes in brain monoamine levels in neonatal ratsexposed to bisphenol A at low doses." Chemosphere 78(7):894-906.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
426. Matsumoto, J., H. Iwano, et al. (2007). "Metabolic barrier against bisphenol a in rat uterineendometrium." Toxicological Sciences 99(1): 118-125.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
427. Matsumura, Y., C. Hosokawa, et al. (2009). "Isolation and Characterization of NovelBisphenol - A-Degrading Bacteria from Soils." Biocontrol
Science 14(4): 161-169.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
428. Mazellier, P., L. Meite, et al. (2008). "Photodegradation of the steroid hormones 17 beta-estradiol (E2) and 17 alpha-ethinylestradiol (EE2) in diluteaqueous solution." Chemosphere 73(8): 1216-1223.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
429. Meeker, J. D., A. M. Calafat, et al. (2010). "Urinary Bisphenol A Concentrations in Relation toSerum Thyroid and Reproductive Hormone Levels inMen from an Infertility Clinic." Environmental Science & Technology 44(4): 1458-1463.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
430. Meeuwen, J. A. v., W. t. Burg, et al. (2007). "Mixture effects of estrogenic compounds onproliferation and pS2 expression of MCF-7 human breastcancer cells." Food and Chemical Toxicology 45(11): 2319-2330.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.431. Mehranjani, M. S., A. Noorafshan, et al. (2009). "Stereological study of the effects of vitaminE on testis structure in rats treated with para-nonylphenol." Asian Journal of Andrology 11(4): 508-516.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
432. Mendez-Arriaga, F., R. A. Torres-Palma, et al. (2008). "Ultrasonic treatment of watercontaminated with ibuprofen." Water Research 42(16): 4243-4248.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
433. Mercado-Feliciano, M. and R. M. Bigsby (2008). "Hydroxylated metabolites of thepolybrominated diphenyl ether mixture DE-71 are weak estrogenreceptor-alpha ligands." Environmental Health Perspectives 116(10): 1315-1321.Dette studieindgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
434. Mercado-Feliciano, M. and R. M. Bigsby (2008). "The polybrominated diphenyl ether mixtureDE-71 is mildly estrogenic." Environmental HealthPerspectives 116(5): 605-611.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
435. Miao, S., Z. X. Gao, et al. (2008). "Influence of bisphenol A on developing rat estrogenreceptors and some cytokines in rats: A two-generationalstudy." Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part a-Current Issues 71(15): 1000-1008.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
436. Michelangeli, F., O. A. Ogunbayo, et al. (2008). "Endocrine disrupting alkylphenols:Structural requirements for their adverse effects on Ca2+pumps, Ca2+ homeostasis & Sertoli TM4 cell viability." Chemico-Biological Interactions 176(2-3):220-226.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
437. Midoro-Horiuti, T., R. Tiwari, et al. (2010). "Maternal Bisphenol A Exposure Promotes theDevelopment of Experimental Asthma in Mouse Pups."Environmental Health Perspectives 118(2): 273-277.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
438. Mielke, H. and U. Gundert-Remy (2009). "Bisphenol A levels in blood depend on age andexposure." Toxicology Letters (Shannon) 190(1): 32-40.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
439. Mihaich, E. M., U. Friederich, et al. (2009). "Acute and chronic toxicity testing of bisphenol Awith aquatic invertebrates and plants." Ecotoxicologyand Environmental Safety 72(5): 1392-1399.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
440. Mihi, Y., L. Ho-Sun, et al. (2008). "Proteomic biomarkers for prenatal bisphenol A - exposurein mouse immune organs." Environmental andMolecular Mutagenesis 49(5): 49 (5) 365-373.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
441. Minh, S. D., S. Below, et al. (2008). "Novel mammalian cell lines expressing reporter genesfor the detection of environmental chemicals activatingendogenous aryl hydrocarbon receptors (ArhR) or estrogen receptors (ER)." Toxicol In Vitro 22(8):1935-47.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
442. Minier, C., J. Forget-Leray, et al. (2008). "Multixenobiotic resistance, acetyl-choline esteraseactivity and total oxyradical scavenging capacity of theArctic spider crab, Hyas araneus, following exposure to bisphenol A, tetra bromo diphenyl etherand diallyl phthalate." Marine Pollution Bulletin56(8): 1410-1415.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
443. Minoia, C., E. Leoni, et al. (2008). "[Bisphenol A]." G Ital Med Lav Ergon 30(3): 214-24.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
444. Mita, D. G., A. Attanasio, et al. (2007). "Enzymatic determination of BPA by means oftyrosinase immobilized on different carbon carriers."
Biosensors & Bioelectronics 23: 60-65.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
445. Mitsui, N., O. Tooi, et al. (2007). "Vitellogenin-inducing activities of natural, synthetic, andenvironmental estrogens in primary cultured Xenopuslaevis hepatocytes." Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C-Toxicology & Pharmacology146: 581-587.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
446. Miyagawa, K., M. Narita, et al. (2007). "Memory impairment associated with a dysfunction ofthe hippocampal cholinergic system induced byprenatal and neonatal exposures to bisphenol-A." Neuroscience Letters 418(3): 236-241.Dettestudie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
447. Miyakoshi, T., K. Miyajima, et al. (2009). "The Influence of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicalson the Proliferation of ER alpha Knockdown-HumanBreast Cancer Cell Line MCF-7; New Attempts by RNAi Technology." Acta Histochemica EtCytochemica 42(2): 23-28.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
448. Miyawaki, J., K. Sakayama, et al. (2007). "Perinatal and postnatal exposure to bisphenol aincreases adipose tissue mass and serum cholesterol levelin mice." Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis 14: 245-252.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
449. Miyawaki, J., S. Kamei, et al. (2008). "4-tert-octylphenol regulates the differentiation ofC3H10T1/2 cells into osteoblast and adipocyte lineages."Toxicological Sciences 102(1): 82-88.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
450. Mlynarcikova, A., E. Nagyova, et al. (2009). "Effects of selected endocrine disruptors onmeiotic maturation, cumulus expansion, synthesis ofhyaluronan and progesterone by porcine oocyte-cumulus complexes." Toxicology In Vitro 23(3):371-377.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
451. Moder, M., P. Braun, et al. (2007). "Determination of endocrine disrupting compounds andacidic drugs in water by coupling of derivatization, gaschromatography and Negative Chemical ionization mass Spectrometry." Clean-Soil Air Water35(5): 444-451.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
452. Moens, L. N., K. van der Ven, et al. (2007). "Gene expression analysis of Estrogeniccompounds in the liver of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) usinga custom cDNA Microarray." Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology 21: 299-311.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
453. Mohapatra, D. P., S. K. Brar, et al. (2010). "Physico-chemical pre-treatment andbiotransformation of wastewater and wastewater Sludge - Fate ofbisphenol A." Chemosphere 78(8): 923-941.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
454. Moharamzadeh, K., I. M. Brook, et al. (2008). "Mucotoxicity of dental composite resins on atissue-engineered human oral mucosal model." Journalof Dentistry 36(5): 331-336.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
455. Moharamzadeh, K., R. Van Noort, et al. (2007). "Cytotoxicity of resin monomers on humangingival fibroblasts and HaCaT keratinocytes." DentalMaterials 23(1): 40-44.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
456. Monje, L., J. Varayoud, et al. (2007). "Neonatal exposure to bisphenol A modifies theabundance of estrogen receptor alpha transcripts withalternative 5 '-untranslated regions in the female rat preoptic." Journal of Endocrinology 194(1):201-212.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
457. Monje, L., J. Varayoud, et al. (2009). "Neonatal exposure to bisphenol A alters estrogen-dependent mechanisms governing sexual behavior in theadult female rat." Reproductive Toxicology 28(4): 435-442.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
458. Montano, M., E. J. Bakker, et al. (2010). "Meta-analysis of Supramaximal Effects in In VitroEstrogenicity Assays, 2010." Toxicological Sciences115(2): 462-474.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
459. Moral, R., R. Wang, et al. (2008). "Effect of prenatal exposure to the endocrine disruptorbisphenol A on mammary gland morphology and geneexpression signature." Journal of Endocrinology 196(1): 101-112.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
460. Morisseau, C., O. Merzlikin, et al. (2009). "Toxicology in the Fast Lane: Application of High-Throughput Bioassays to Detect Modulation of KeyEnzymes and Receptors." Environmental Health Perspectives 117(12): 1867-1872.Dette studieindgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
461. Mottaleb, M. A., S. Usenko, et al. (2009). "Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry screeningmethods for select UV filters, synthetic musks,alkylphenols, an antimicrobial agent, and an insect repellent in fish." Journal of Chromatography A1216(5): 815-823.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
462. Muhlhauser, A., M. Susiarjo, et al. (2009). "Bisphenol A Effects on the Growing MouseOocyte Are Influenced by Diet." Biology of Reproduction80(5): 1066-1071.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
463. Muijs, B. and M. T. O. Jonker (2009). "Temperature-Dependent Bioaccumulation ofPolycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons." Environmental Science &Technology 43(12): 4517-4523.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
464. Muncke, J., M. Junghans, et al. (2007). "Testing estrogenicity of known and novel (xeno-)estrogens in the MolDarT using developing zebrafish(Danio rerio)." Environmental Toxicology 22(2): 185-193.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
465. Munro, I. C., L. A. Haighton, et al. (2009). "Technological challenges of addressing new andmore complex migrating products from novel foodpackaging materials." Food Additives and Contaminants A 26(12): 1534-1546.Dette studie indgikikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
466. Murray, T. J., M. V. Maffini, et al. (2007). "Induction of mammary gland ductal hyperplasiasand carcinoma in situ following fetal bisphenol Aexposure." Reproductive Toxicology 23(3): 383-390.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
467. Murugananthan, M., S. Yoshihara, et al. (2008). "Mineralization of bisphenol A (BPA) byanodic oxidation with boron-doped diamond (BDD)electrode." Journal of Hazardous Materials 154(1-3): 213-220.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
468. Musolff, A., S. Leschik, et al. (2007). "Xenobiotics in groundwater and surface water of thecity of Leipzig." Grundwasser 12(3): 217-231.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
469. Mutou, Y., Y. Ibuki, et al. (2008). "Induction of apoptosis by UV-irradiated chlorinatedbisphenol A in Jurkat cells." Toxicology In Vitro 22(4): 864-872.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
470. Myers, J. P., F. S. vom Saal, et al. (2009). "Why public health agencies cannot depend on goodlaboratory practices as a criterion for selecting data:the case of bisphenol A." Environ Health Perspect 117(3): 309-15.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
471. Myers, J. P., R. T. Zoeller, et al. (2009). "A Clash of Old and New Scientific Concepts inToxicity, with Important Implications for Public Health."Environmental Health Perspectives 117(11): 1652-1655.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
472. Naciff, J. M., Z. S. Khambatta, et al. (2010). "The genomic response of Ishikawa cells tobisphenol A exposure is dose- and time-dependent."Toxicology 270(2-3): 137-149.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
473. Naciff, J. M., Z. S. Khambatta, et al. (2009). "The Genomic Response of a Human UterineEndometrial Adenocarcinoma Cell Line to 17 alpha-Ethynyl Estradiol." Toxicological Sciences 107(1): 40-55.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
474. Naik, P. and K. K. Vijayaaxmi (2009). "Cytogenetic evaluation for genotoxicity of Bisphenol-A in bone marrow cells of Swiss albino mice."Mutation Research 676(1-2): 106-112.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
475. Nakada, N., H. Shinohara, et al. (2007). "Removal of selected pharmaceuticals and personalcare products (PPCPs) and endocrine-disruptingchemicals (EDCs) during sand filtration and ozonation at a municipal sewage treatment plant."Water Research 41: 4373-4382.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
476. Nakagami, A., T. Negishi, et al. (2009). "Alterations in male infant behaviors towards itsmother by prenatal exposure to bisphenol A in cynomolgusmonkeys (Macaca fascicularis) during early suckling period." Psychoneuroendocrinology 34(8):1189-1197.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
477. Nakagawa, Y., T. Suzuki, et al. (2007). "Biotransformation and cytotoxicity of a brominatedflame retardant, tetrabromobisphenol A, and itsanalogues in rat hepatocytes." Xenobiotica 37(7): 693-708.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
478. Nakajima, N., T. Teramoto, et al. (2007). "Glycosylation of bisphenol A by freshwatermicroalgae." Chemosphere 69: 934-941.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
479. Nakamura, D., Y. Yanagiba, et al. (2010). "Bisphenol A may cause testosterone reduction byadversely affecting both testis and pituitary systemssimilar to estradiol." Toxicology Letters 194(1-2): 16-25.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
480. Nakamura, K., K. Roh, et al. (2007). "Prenatal exposure to bisphenol A affects adult murineneocortical structure." Neuroscience Letters 420(2): 100-105.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
481. Nakamura, T., Y. Katsu, et al. (2008). "Estrogen receptor subtypes selectively mediate femalemouse reproductive abnormalities induced by neonatalexposure to estrogenic chemicals." Toxicology 253(1-3): 117-124.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
482. Nakashima, K., R. Ikeda, et al. (2009). "Analytical Studies on the Development of High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Methods withFluorescence or Chemiluminescence Detections and Their Practical Applications." AnalyticalSciences 25(1): 21-31.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
483. Narita, M., K. Miyagawa, et al. (2007). "Changes in central dopaminergic systems andmorphine reward by prenatal and neonatal exposure tobisphenol-A in mice: evidence for the importance of exposure period." Addiction Biology 12(2):167-172.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
484. Nau, J.-Y. (2008). "[What do we know about the toxic effects of dietary exposure to bisphenolA?]." Rev Med Suisse 4(157): 1233.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
485. Neale, P. A., B. I. Escher, et al. (2008). "Quantification of solute-solute interactions usingnegligible-depletion solid-phase microextraction:Measuring the affinity of estradiol to bulk organic matter." Environmental Science & Technology42(8): 2886-2892.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
486. Nepomnaschy, P. A., D. D. Baird, et al. (2009). "Within-person variability in urinary bisphenolA concentrations: Measurements from specimensafter long-term frozen storage." Environmental Research 109(6): 734-737.Dette studie indgik ikke iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
487. Newbold, R. R., E. Padilla-Banks, et al. (2009). "Environmental estrogens and obesity."Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 304(1/2): 84-89.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
488. Newbold, R. R., W. N. Jefferson, et al. (2007). "Long-term adverse effects of neonatalexposure to bisphenol A on the murine female reproductivetract." Reproductive Toxicology 24: 253-258.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
489. Newbold, R. R., W. N. Jefferson, et al. (2009bis). "Prenatal Exposure to Bisphenol A atEnvironmentally Relevant Doses Adversely Affects theMurine Female Reproductive Tract Later in Life." Environmental Health Perspectives 117(6): 879-885.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
490. Niklasson, I. B., K. Broo, et al. (2009). "Reduced Sensitizing Capacity of Epoxy ResinSystems: A Structure-Activity Relationship Study." ChemicalResearch in Toxicology 22(11): 1787-1794.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
491. Nomiyama, K., T. Tanizaki, et al. (2007). "Oxidative degradation of BPA using TiO2 in water,and transition of estrogenic activity in the degradationpathways." Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 52(1): 8-15.Dette studieindgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
492. Nose, T., T. Tokunaga, et al. (2009). "Exploration of endocrine-disrupting chemicals onestrogen receptor alpha by the agonist/antagonist differential-docking screening (AADS) method: 4-(1-Adamantyl)phenol as a potent endocrine disruptorcandidate." Toxicology Letters 191(1): 33-39.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
493. Ogunbayo, O. A., P. F. Lai, et al. (2008). "Tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA), induces celldeath in TM4 Sertoli cells by modulating Ca2+ transportproteins and causing dysregulation of Ca2+ homeostasis." Toxicology In Vitro 22(4): 943-952.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
494. Ogura, Y., K. Ishii, et al. (2007). "Bisphenol A induces permanent squamous change in mouseprostatic epithelium." Differentiation 75: 745-756.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
495. Oh, J. H., M. J. Oh, et al. (2009). "Analysis of Gene Expression in the Testes of Mice Exposedto Bisphenol A and Nonylphenol." Biochip Journal3(1): 12-20.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
496. Oh, P. S. and K. T. Lim (2008). "Blocking of intracellular ROS production byphytoglycoprotein (30 kDa) causes anti-proliferation in bisphenol A-stimulated Chang liver cells." Journal of Applied Toxicology 28(6): 749-758.Dette studie indgikikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
497. Oh, S. M., H. R. Kim, et al. (2009). "In vitro estrogenic and antiestrogenic potential ofchlorostyrenes." Toxicology In Vitro 23(7): 1242-1248.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
498. Ohnishi, T., T. Yoshida, et al. (2008). "Effects of possible endocrine disruptors on MyD88-independent TLR4 signaling." Fems Immunology andMedical Microbiology 52(2): 293-295.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
499. Ohshima, Y., A. Yamada, et al. (2007). "Transmaternal exposure to bisphenol a modulates thedevelopment of oral tolerance." Pediatric Research62(1): 60-64.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
500. Oishi, K., T. Sato, et al. (2008). "Effect of probiotics, Bifidobacterium breve and Lactobacilluscasei, on bisphenol A exposure in rats." BioscienceBiotechnology and Biochemistry 72(6): 1409-1415.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
501. Oka, T., O. Tooi, et al. (2008). "Effect of atrazine on metamorphosis and sexual differentiationin Xenopus laevis." Aquatic Toxicology 87(4): 215-226.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
502. Okada, H., T. Tokunaga, et al. (2008). "Direct evidence revealing structural elements essentialfor the high binding ability of bisphenol A to humanestrogen-related receptor-gamma." Environmental Health Perspectives 116(1): 32-38.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.503. Okada, K., S. Hashimoto, et al. (2009). "Hydroxylated Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)Interact with Protein Disulfide Isomerase and Inhibit ItsActivity." Chemical Research in Toxicology 22(5): 899-904.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
504. Okada, K., S. Imaoka, et al. (2007). "Over-expression of protein disulfide isomerase reducesthe release of growth hormone induced by bisphenol Aand/or T-3." Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 278(1-2): 44-51.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
505. Olsvik, P. A., K. K. Lie, et al. (2009). "Transcriptional effects of nonylphenol, bisphenol A andPBDE-47 in liver of juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadusmorhua)." Chemosphere 75(3): 360-367.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
506. Ono, N., S. Oshio, et al. (2007). "Prenatal exposure to diesel exhaust impairs mousespermatogenesis." Inhalation Toxicology 19(3): 275-281.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
507. Osenbruck, K., H. R. Glaser, et al. (2007). "Sources and transport of selected organicmicropollutants in urban groundwater underlying the city ofHalle (Saale), Germany." Water Research 41: 3259-3270.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
508. Owens, C. V., C. Lambright, et al. (2007). "Identification of estrogenic compounds emittedfrom the combustion of computer printed circuit boards inelectronic waste." Environmental Science & Technology 41(24): 8506-8511.Dette studie indgikikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
509. Ozlem, C. A. and P. Hatice (2008). "Effects of bisphenol A on the embryonic development ofsea urchin (Paracentrotus lividus)." EnvironmentalToxicology 23(3): 387-392.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
510. Pacchierotti, F., R. Ranaldi, et al. (2008). "Evaluation of aneugenic effects of bisphenol A insomatic and germ cells of the mouse." MutationResearch-Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis 651(1-2): 64-70.Dette studie indgiki EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
511. Pan, B., D. H. Lin, et al. (2008). "Adsorption and hysteresis of bisphenol A and 17 alpha-ethinyl estradiol on carbon nanomaterials." EnvironmentalScience & Technology 42(15): 5480-5485.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
512. Panzica, G. C., E. Mura, et al. (2009). "Effects of xenoestrogens on the differentiation ofbehaviorally relevant neural circuits in higher vertebrates."Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1163: 271-278.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
513. Pardo, O., V. Yusa, et al. (2007). "[Optimization of the purification stage in the analsis ofresidues of bisphenol A and F through ASE and LC-MS-MS in canned foods.]." Alimentaria(386): No. 386, 86-88.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
514. Park, B. C., D. Thapa, et al. (2009). "Troglitazone Inhibits Vascular Endothelial GrowthFactor-Induced Angiogenic Signaling via Suppression ofReactive Oxygen Species Production and Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase Phosphorylation inEndothelial Cells." Journal of PharmacologicalSciences 111(1): 1-12.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
515. Park, H. W., S. J. Kim, et al. (2010). "Gene expression profiling of HepG2 cells treated withendocrine disrupting chemicals using the HazChemhuman array V3." Molecular & Cellular Toxicology 6(1): 57-63.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
516. Park, J. Y., B. C. Lee, et al. (2008). "Effect of copper complexation on the estrogenic activitiesof endocrine-disrupting compounds using E-screenbioassay." Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27(3): 535-541.Dette studie indgik ikke iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
517. Park, S. Y. and J. Choi (2007). "Cytotoxicity, genotoxicity and ecotoxicity assay using humancell and environmental species for the screening of therisk from pollutant exposure." Environment International 33(6): 817-822.Dette studie indgik ikke iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
518. Park, S. Y. and J. Choi (2009). "Genotoxic Effects of Nonylphenol and Bisphenol A Exposurein Aquatic Biomonitoring Species: FreshwaterCrustacean, Daphnia magna, and Aquatic Midge, Chironomus riparius." Bulletin of EnvironmentalContamination and Toxicology 83(4): 463-468.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
519. Pascal-Lorber, S., S. Despoux, et al. (2008). "Metabolic fate of [C-14] chlorophenols in radish(Raphanus sativus), lettuce (Lactuca sativa), andspinach (Spinacia oleracea)." Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56(18): 8461-8469.Dettestudie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
520. Passos, A. L. S., P. I. S. Pinto, et al. (2009). "A yeast assay based on the gilthead sea bream(teleost fish) estrogen receptor β for monitoring
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521. Patisaul, H. (2010). "Assessing Risks from Bisphenol A Evaluating human health risks fromendocrine disruptors' such as BPA is difficult, but animalstudies suggest trouble is afoot." American Scientist 98(1): 30-39.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
522. Patisaul, H. B., A. E. Fortino, et al. (2007). "Differential disruption of nuclear volume andneuronal phenotype in the preoptic area by neonatalexposure to genistein and bisphenol-A." Neurotoxicology 28(1): 1-12.Dette studie indgik ikke iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
523. Patisaul, H. B., K. L. Todd, et al. (2009). "Impact of neonatal exposure to the ER alpha agonistPPT, bisphenol-A or phytoestrogens on hypothalamickisspeptin fiber density in male and female rats." Neurotoxicology (Amsterdam) 30(3): 350-357.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
524. Pelis, R. M., R. C. Hartman, et al. (2007). "Influence of estrogen and xenoestrogens onbasolateral uptake of tetraethylammonium by opossum kidneycells in culture." Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 323: 555-561.Dettestudie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.525. Peng, X. Z., Y. J. Yu, et al. (2008). "Occurrence of steroid estrogens, endocrine-disruptingphenols, and acid pharmaceutical residues in urbanriverine water of the Pearl River Delta, South China." Science of the Total Environment 397(1-3):158-166.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
526. Peng, X. Z., Z. D. Wang, et al. (2007). "Temporal trends of nonylphenol and bisphenol Acontamination in the Pearl River Estuary and the adjacentSouth China Sea recorded by dated sedimentary cores." Science of the Total Environment 384(1-3):393-400.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
527. Perez Bendito, M. D., S. Rubio Bravo, et al. (2009). "Determination of bisphenol A in cannedfatty foods by coacervative microextraction, liquidchromatography and fluorimetry." Food Additives and Contaminants A 26(2): 265-274.Dettestudie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
528. Peters, R. J. B., H. Beeltje, et al. (2008). "Xeno-estrogenic compounds in precipitation."Journal of Environmental Monitoring 10(6): 760-769.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
529. Petersen, H., A. Biereichel, et al. (2008). "Bisphenol A diglycidyl ether (BADGE) migratingfrom packaging material 'disappears' in food: reactionwith food components." Food Additives and Contaminants 25(7): 911-920.Dette studie indgik ikkei EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
530. Petrier, C., R. Torres-Palma, et al. (2010). "Enhanced sonochemical degradation of bisphenol-A by bicarbonate ions." Ultrason Sonochem 17(1): 111-5.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
531. Pettersson, M., E. Hahlbeck, et al. (2007). "Survey of estrogenic and androgenic disruption inSwedish coastal waters by the analysis of bile fluidfrom perch and biomarkers in the three-spined stickleback." Marine Pollution Bulletin 54(12):1868-1880.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
532. Poimenova, A., E. Markaki, et al. (2010) "Corticosterone-regulated actions in the rat brain areaffected by perinatal exposure to low dose of bisphenola." Neuroscience 167(3): 741-749.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
533. Pojana, G., A. Gomiero, et al. (2007). "Natural and synthetic endocrine disrupting compounds(EDCs) in water, sediment and biota of a coastallagoon." Environment International 33: 929-936.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
534. Poncin, S., A. C. Gerard, et al. (2008). "Oxidative stress in the thyroid gland: Fromharmlessness to hazard depending on the iodine content."Endocrinology 149(1): 424-433.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
535. Ponten, A., E. Zimerson, et al. (2009). "Sensitizing capacity and cross-reactivity of phenylglycidyl ether studied in the guinea-pig maximization test."Contact Dermatitis 60(2): 79-84.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
536. Pothitou, P. and D. Voutsa (2008). "Endocrine disrupting compounds in municipal andindustrial wastewater treatment plants in Northern Greece."Chemosphere 73(11): 1716-1723.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
537. Press-Kristensen, K., A. Ledin, et al. (2007). "Identifying model pollutants to investigatebiodegradation of hazardous XOCs in WWTPs." Science ofthe Total Environment 373(1): 122-130.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
538. Press-Kristensen, K., E. Lindblom, et al. (2007). "Modelling as a tool when interpretingbiodegradation of micro pollutants in activated sludgesystems." Water Science and Technology 56(11): 11-16.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
539. Press-Kristensen, K., E. Lindblom, et al. (2008). "Examining the biodegradation of endocrinedisrupting bisphenol A and nonylphenol in WWTPs."Water Science and Technology 57(8): 1253-1256.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
540. Prins, G. S., W.-Y. Tang, et al. (2008). "Developmental exposure to bisphenol A increasesprostate cancer susceptibility in adult rats: epigenetic modeof action is implicated." Fertil Steril 89(2 Suppl): e41.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
541. Pyo, M. Y., H. J. Kim, et al. (2007). "Downregulation of peritoneal macrophage activity inmice exposed to bisphenol a during pregnancy andlactation." Archives of Pharmacal Research 30: 1476-1481.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
542. Qin, Z. F., X. F. Qin, et al. (2007). "Feminizing/demasculinizing effects of polychlorinatedbiphenyls on the secondary sexual development ofXenopus laevis." Aquatic Toxicology 84: 321-327.
543. Quednow, K. and W. Puttmann (2008). "Endocrine disruptors in freshwater streams of Hesse,Germany: Changes in concentration levels in the timespan from 2003 to 2005." Environmental Pollution 152(2): 476-483.
544. Quednow, K. and W. Puttmann (2009). "Temporal concentration changes of DEET, TCEP,terbutryn, and nonylphenols in freshwater streams ofHesse, Germany: possible influence of mandatory regulations and voluntary environmentalagreements." Environmental Science and PollutionResearch 16(6): 630-640.
545. Quitmeyer, A. and R. Roberts (2007). "Babies, bottles, and bisphenol a: The story of ascientist-mother." Plos Biology 5(7): 1399-1402.
546. Rad, G., S. I. Hoehle, et al. (2010). "In Vitro Glucuronidation of 2,2-Bis(bromomethyl)-1,3-propanediol by Microsomes and Hepatocytes from Ratsand Humans." Drug Metabolism and Disposition 38(6): 957-962.
547. Ramakrishnan, S. and N. L. Wayne (2008). "Impact of bisphenol-A on early embryonicdevelopment and reproductive maturation." ReproductiveToxicology 25(2): 177-183.
548. Rankin, S. M. and E. M. Grosjean. (2010). "Effects of bisphenol A in the ring-legged earwig,Euborellia annulipes." Ecotoxicology 19(4): 635-642.
549. Rashid, H., F. Ahmad, et al. (2009). "Iron deficiency augments bisphenol A-induced oxidativestress in rats." Toxicology 256(1-2): 7-12.
550. Rasier, G., A. S. Parent, et al. (2008). "Mechanisms of interaction of endocrine-disruptingchemicals with glutamate-evoked secretion ofgonadotropin-releasing hormone." Toxicological Sciences 102(1): 33-41.Dette studie indgik ikke iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
551. Raymond-Whish, S., L. P. Mayer, et al. (2007). "Drinking water with uranium below the USEPA water standard causes estrogen receptor-dependentresponses in female mice." Environmental Health Perspectives 115(12): 1711-1716.Dette studieindgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
552. Reichl, F. X., M. Seiss, et al. (2008). "Distribution and excretion of BisGMA in guinea pigs."Journal of Dental Research 87(4): 378-380.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
553. Reichl, F. X., M. Seiss, et al. (2008). "Toxicity potentiation by H2O2 with components ofdental restorative materials on human oral cells." Archivesof Toxicology 82(1): 21-28.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
554. Reinstorf, F., G. Strauch, et al. (2008). "Lass fluxes and spatial trends of xenobiotics in thewaters of the city of Halle, Germany." EnvironmentalPollution 152(2): 452-460.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
555. Rhee, J. S., J. S. Seo, et al. (2008). "Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor (GnRHR) geneexpression is differently modulated.in gender types ofthe hermaphroditic fish Kryptolebias marmoratus by endocrine disrupting chemicals." ComparativeBiochemistry and Physiology C-Toxicology &
Pharmacology 147(3): 357-365.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
556. Rhee, J. S., S. Raisuddin, et al. (2009). "Heat shock protein (Hsp) gene responses of theintertidal copepod Tigriopus japonicus to environmentaltoxicants." Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C-Toxicology & Pharmacology 149(1): 104-112.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
557. Rhee, J. S., Y. M. Lee, et al. (2009). "Expression of R-ras oncogenes in the hermaphroditic fishKryptolebias marmoratus, exposed to endocrinedisrupting chemicals." Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C-Toxicology & Pharmacology149(3): 433-439.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
558. Rhee, J., H. Kang, et al. (2009). "Endocrine disruptors modulate expression of hepaticchoriogenin genes in the hermaphroditic fish, Kryptolebiasmarmoratus." Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. C, Toxicology & Pharmacology 150(2):170-178.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
559. Rhee, J., S. Raisuddin, et al. (2009). "Heat shock protein (Hsp) gene responses of the intertidalcopepod Tigriopus japonicus to environmentaltoxicants." Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. C, Toxicology & Pharmacology 149(1):104-112.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
560. Ribeiro, C., M. A. Pardal, et al. (2009). "Distribution of endocrine disruptors in the MondegoRiver estuary, Portugal." Environmental Monitoring andAssessment 149(1-4): 183-193.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
561. Ribeiro, C., M. A. Pardal, et al. (2009). "Spatial distribution and quantification of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in Sado River estuary, Portugal."Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 159(1-4): 415-427.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
562. Ribeiro, C., M. E. Tiritan, et al. (2009). "Seasonal and Spatial Distribution of SeveralEndocrine-Disrupting Compounds in the Douro River Estuary,Portugal." Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 56(1): 1-11.Dette studieindgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
563. Richter, C. A., J. A. Taylor, et al. (2007). "Estradiol and bisphenol A stimulate androgenreceptor and estrogen receptor gene expression in fetalmouse prostate mesenchyme cells." Environmental Health Perspectives 115(6): 902-908.
Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
564. Rinwa, P., B. Kaur, et al. (2010). "Involvement of PPAR-gamma in curcumin-mediatedbeneficial effects in experimental dementia." Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archives of Pharmacology 381(6): 529-539.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
565. Riu, A., P. Balaguer, et al. (2008). "Characterisation of bioactive compounds in infantformulas using immobilised recombinant estrogen receptor-alpha affinity columns." Food and Chemical Toxicology 46(10): 3268-3278.Dette studie indgikikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
566. Rivas, F. J., A. Encinas, et al. (2009). "Mineralization of bisphenol A by advanced oxidationprocesses." Journal of Chemical Technology andBiotechnology 84(4): 589-594.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
567. Robinson, B. J. and J. Hellou (2009). "Biodegradation of endocrine disrupting compounds inharbour seawater and sediments." Science of the TotalEnvironment 407(21): 5713-5718.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
568. Robinson, B. J., J. P. M. Hui, et al. (2009). "Estrogenic Compounds In Seawater And SedimentFrom Halifax Harbour, Nova Scotia, Canada."Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(1): 18-25.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
569. Roh, H., N. Subramanya, et al. (2009). "Biodegradation potential of wastewatermicropollutants by ammonia-oxidizing bacteria." Chemosphere77(8): 1084-1089.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
570. Rosenfeldt, E. J., P. J. Chen, et al. (2007). "Destruction of estrogenic activity in water usingUV advanced oxidation." Science of the TotalEnvironment 377(1): 105-113.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
571. Rouleau, C. and J. Kohli (2008). "Distribution of 14C-labelled atrazine, methoxychlor,glyphosate, and bisphenol-A in goldfish studied by whole-body autoradiography (WBARG)." Water Quality Research Journal of Canada 43(4): 265-274.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
572. Rubin, B. S. and A. M. Soto (2009). "Bisphenol A: perinatal exposure and body weight."Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 304(1/2): 55-62.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
573. Ruhlen, R. L., K. L. Howdeshell, et al. (2008). "Low phytoestrogen levels in feed increasefetal serum estradiol resulting in the "Fetal EstrogenizationSyndrome" and obesity in CD-1 mice." Environmental Health Perspectives 116(3): 322-328.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
574. Rykowska, I., W. Wasiak, et al. (2008). "Chemically bonded phases for the analysis of traceamounts of organic pollutants." Toxicology Mechanismsand Methods 18(6): 537-542.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
575. Sahambi, S. K., A. Pelland, et al. (2010). "Oral p-Tert-Octylphenol Exposures Induce MinimalToxic or Estrogenic Effects in Adult Female Sprague-Dawley Rats." Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part a-Current Issues 73(9): 607-622.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
576. Sajiki, J., F. Miyamoto, et al. (2007). "Bisphenol A (BPA) and its source in foods in Japanesemarkets." Food Additives and Contaminants 24(1):103-112.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
577. Sakurai, K., N. Sugaya, et al. (2007). "Simultaneous analysis of residual 4-alkylphenols insynthetic resin products for drug and food use using head-space gas chromatography-mass Spectrometry (HS-GC/MS)." Journal of Health Science 53(3):263-270.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
578. Sala, M., Y. Kitahara, et al. (2010). "Effect of atmosphere and catalyst on reducing bisphenolA (BPA) emission during thermal degradation ofpolycarbonate." Chemosphere 78(1): 42-45.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
579. Salian, S., T. Doshi, et al. (2009). "Impairment in protein expression profile of testicularsteroid receptor coregulators in male rat offspring perinatallyexposed to Bisphenol A." Life Sciences 85(1-2): 11-18.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
580. Salian, S., T. Doshi, et al. (2009). "Neonatal exposure of male rats to Bisphenol A impairsfertility and expression of sertoli cell junctional proteins inthe testis." Toxicology 265(1-2): 56-67.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
581. Salian, S., T. Doshi, et al. (2009). "Perinatal exposure of rats to Bisphenol A affects thefertility of male offspring." Life Sciences 85(21-22): 742-752.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
582. Salinas, K. A., M. J. Hemmer, et al. (2008). "A simple and rapid matrix-assisted laserdesorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry methodto screen fish plasma samples for estrogen-responsive biomarkers." Environmental Toxicology andChemistry 27(5): 1175-1183.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
583. Sambe, H., K. Hoshina, et al. (2007). "Molecularly imprinted polymers for triazine herbicidesprepared by multi-step swelling and polymerizationmethod - Their application to the determination of methylthiotriazine herbicides in river water."Journal of Chromatography A 1152(1-2): 130-137.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
584. Sanchez-Avila, J., J. Bonet, et al. (2009). "Determination and occurrence of phthalates,alkylphenols, bisphenol A, PBDEs, PCBs and PAHs in anindustrial sewage grid discharging to a Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant." Science of theTotal Environment 407(13): 4157-4167.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
585. Sanchez-Brunete, C., E. Miguel, et al. (2009). "Determination of tetrabromobisphenol-A,tetrachlorobisphenol-A and bisphenol-A in soil byultrasonic assisted extraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry." Journal ofChromatography A 1216(29): 5497-5503.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
586. Santos, M. M., M. A. Reis-Henriques, et al. (2008). "Anti-androgenic effects of sewagetreatment plant effluents in the prosobranch gastropodNucella lapillus." Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C-Toxicology & Pharmacology148(1): 87-93.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
587. Sarmah, A. K. and G. L. Northcott (2008). "Laboratory degradation studies of four endocrinedisruptors in two environmental media." EnvironmentalToxicology and Chemistry 27(4): 819-827.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
588. Sasaki, M., T. Tsuchido, et al. (2008). "Molecular cloning and characterization of cytochromeP450 and ferredoxin genes involved in bisphenol Adegradation in Sphingomonas bisphenolicum strain AO1." Journal of Applied Microbiology 105(4):1158-1169.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
589. Sato, T., H. Saito, et al. (2009). "Effects of synthetic para-nonylphenol isomers administeredchronically throughout pregnancy and lactation onreproductive system of mouse pups." Archives of Toxicology 83(12): 1097-1108.Dette studieindgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
590. Satoh, K., R. Nonaka, et al. (2008). "Endocrine disruptive effects of chemicals eluted fromnitrite-butadiene rubber gloves using reporter gene assaysystems." Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin 31(3): 375-379.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
591. Schafer, S., U. Bickmeyer, et al. (2009). "Measuring Ca2+-signalling at fertilization in the seaurchin Psammechinus miliaris: Alterations of thisCa2+-signal by copper and 2,4,6-tribromophenol." Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C-Toxicology & Pharmacology 150(2): 261-269.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
592. Schirmer, M., G. Strauch, et al. (2007). "Urban hydrogeology - Challenges in research andpractice." Grundwasser 12(3): 178-188.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
593. Schmutzler, C., A. Bacinski, et al. (2007). "The ultraviolet filter benzophenone 2 interfereswith the thyroid hormone axis in rats and is a potent invitro inhibitor of human recombinant thyroid peroxidase." Endocrinology 148(6): 2835-2844.Dettestudie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
594. Schramm, K. W., W. Jaser, et al. (2008). "Impact of 17 alpha-ethinylestradiol on the planktonin freshwater microcosms-I: Response of zooplanktonand abiotic variables." Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 69(3): 437-452.Dette studie indgikikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
595. Sebok, A., A. Vasanits-Zsigrai, et al. (2009). "Multiresidue analysis of pollutants as theirtrimethylsilyl derivatives, by gas chromatography-massspectrometry." Journal of Chromatography A 1216(12): 2288-2301.Dette studie indgik ikke iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
596. Senesi, N. and E. Loffredo (2008). "The fate of anthropogenic organic pollutants in soil:adsorption/desorption of pesticides possessing endocrinedisruptor activity by natural organic matter (humic substances)." Revista de la Ciencia del Suelo yNutricion Vegetal 8(special): 92-94.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
597. Seok, K. Y., J. H. Min, et al. (2007). "Analysis of the stress effects of endocrine disruptingchemicals (EDCs) on Escherichia coli." Journal ofMicrobiology and Biotechnology 17(8): 1390-1393.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
598. Shao, B., H. Han, et al. (2007). "Analysis of alkylphenol and bisphenol A in meat byaccelerated solvent extraction and liquid chromatography withtandem mass spectrometry." Food Chemistry 105(3): 1236-1241.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
599. Shao, X.-l., J. Ma, et al. (2008). "Investigation of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in aDrinking Water Work Located in Songhua River Basin."Huanjing Kexue 29(10): 2723-2728.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
600. Sharma, B. and R. Patino (2008). "Exposure of Xenopus laevis tadpoles to cadmium revealsconcentration-dependent bimodal effects on growth andmonotonic effects on development and thyroid gland activity." Toxicological Sciences 105(1): 51-58.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
601. Sharma, V. K., G. A. K. Anquandah, et al. (2009). "Nonylphenol, octylphenol, and bisphenol-A in the aquatic environment: a review on occurrence,fate, and treatment." Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part A, Toxic/HazardousSubstances & Environmental Engineering 44(5): 423-442.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
602. Sharma, V. K., N. J. D. Graham, et al. (2010). "Ferrate(VI) enhanced photocatalytic oxidationof pollutants in aqueous TiO2 suspensions."Environmental Science and Pollution Research 17(2): 453-461.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
603. Shaw, J. and D. Decatanzaro (2009). "Estrogenicity of parabens revisited: Impact of parabenson early pregnancy and an uterotrophic assay in mice."Reproductive Toxicology 28(1): 26-31.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
604. Shi, Z. X., Y. N. Wu, et al. (2009). "Dietary Exposure Assessment of Chinese Adults andNursing Infants to Tetrabromobisphenol-A andHexabromocyclododecanes: Occurrence Measurements in Foods and Human Milk." EnvironmentalScience & Technology 43(12): 4314-4319.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
605. Shin, E. H., H. T. Choi, et al. (2007). "Biodegradation of endocrine-disrupting bisphenol a bywhite rot fungus Irpex lacteus." Journal ofMicrobiology and Biotechnology 17: 1147-1151.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
606. Shin, J. H., H. J. Moon, et al. (2007). "Calbindin-D-9k mRNA expression in the rat uterusfollowing exposure to methoxychlor: A comparison of oraland subcutaneous exposure." Journal of Reproduction and Development 53(2): 179-188.Dettestudie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
607. Shiratani, H., M. Katoh, et al. (2008). "Species differences in UDP-Glucuronosyltransferaseactivities in mice and rats." Drug Metabolism andDisposition 36(9): 1745-1752.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
608. Soeborg, T., L. H. Basse, et al. (2007). "Risk assessment of topically applied products."Toxicology 236(1-2): 140-148.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
609. Solis, M. E., C. C. Liu, et al. (2007). "Occurrence of organic chemicals in two rivers inhabitedby Ozark Hellbenders (Cryptobranchus alleganiensisbishopi)." Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 53(3): 426-434.Dette studieindgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
610. Somm, E., V. M. Schwitzgebel, et al. (2009). "Perinatal Exposure to Bisphenol A Alters EarlyAdipogenesis in the Rat." Environmental HealthPerspectives 117(10): 1549-1555.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
611. Song, R. F., Y. H. He, et al. (2008). "Effects of fifteen PBDE metabolites, DE71, DE79 andTBBPA on steroidogenesis in the H295R cell line."Chemosphere 71(10): 1888-1894.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
612. Sousa, A., R. Schonenberger, et al. (2010). "Chemical and Biological Characterization ofEstrogenicity in Effluents from WWTPs in Ria de Aveiro(NW Portugal)." Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 58(1): 1-8.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.613. Stackelberg, P. E., J. Gibs, et al. (2007). "Efficiency of conventional drinking-water-treatmentprocesses in removal of pharmaceuticals and otherorganic compounds." Science of the Total Environment 377(2-3): 255-272.Dette studie indgik ikkei EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
614. Stahlhut, R. W., W. V. Welshons, et al. (2009). "Bisphenol A Data in NHANES SuggestLonger than Expected Half-Life, Substantial NonfoodExposure, or Both." Environmental Health Perspectives 117(5): 784-789.Dette studie indgik iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
615. Staples, C., U. Friederich, et al. (2010). "Estimating Potential Risks To TerrestrialInvertebrates And Plants Exposed To Bisphenol A In SoilAmended With Activated Sludge Biosolids." Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 29(2): 467-475.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
616. Stasinakis, A. S., A. V. PetalaS, et al. (2008). "Application of the OECD 301F respirometrictest for the biodegradability assessment of variouspotential endocrine disrupting chemicals." Bioresource Technology 99(9): 3458-3467.Dette studieindgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
617. Stasinakis, A. S., G. Gatidou, et al. (2008). "Occurrence and fate of endocrine disrupters inGreek sewage treatment plants." Water Research 42(6-7):1796-1804.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
618. Stavrakakis, C., R. Colin, et al. (2008). "Analysis of endocrine disrupting compounds inwastewater and drinking water treatment plants at thenanogram per litre level." Environmental Technology 29(3): 279-286.Dette studie indgik ikke iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
619. Stiles, R., I. Yang, et al. (2008). "Measurement of drinking water contaminants by solid phasemicroextraction initially quantified in source watersamples by the USGS." Environmental Science & Technology 42(8): 2976-2981.Dette studieindgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
620. Stoh, K., R. Nonaka, et al. (2008). "The Effects of in Utero Exposure to a Migrant, 4,4 '-Butylidenebis(6-t-butyl-m-cresol), from Nitrile-ButadieneRubber Gloves on Monoamine Neurotransmitter in Rats." Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin31(12): 2211-2215.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
621. Strauch, G., M. Moder, et al. (2008). "Indicators for assessing anthropogenic impact on urbansurface and groundwater." Journal of Soils andSediments 8(1): 23-33.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
622. Stump, D. G., M. J. Beck, et al. (2010) "Developmental Neurotoxicity Study of DietaryBisphenol A in Sprague-Dawley Rats." Toxicological
Sciences 115(1): 167-182.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
623. Sun, H., O. X. Shen, et al. (2008). "Carbaryl, 1-naphthol and 2-naphthol inhibit the beta-1thyroid hormone receptor-mediated transcription in vitro."Toxicology 249(2-3): 238-242.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
624. Sun, H., O. X. Shen, et al. (2009). "Anti-thyroid hormone activity of bisphenol A,tetrabromobisphenol A and tetrachlorobisphenol A in an improvedreporter gene assay." Toxicology In Vitro 23(5): 950-954.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
625. Sun, H., X. L. Xu, et al. (2008). "4-Alkylphenols and related chemicals show similar effect onthe function of human and rat estrogen receptor alphain reporter gene assay." Chemosphere 71(3): 582-588.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
626. Sun, L. W., J. M. Zha, et al. (2009). "Interactions between estrogenic chemicals in binarymixtures investigated using vitellogenin induction andfactorial analysis." Chemosphere 75(3): 410-415.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
627. Sun, Q. F., S. B. Deng, et al. (2008). "Contributors to estrogenic activity in wastewater from alarge wastewater treatment plant in Beijing, China."Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 25(1): 20-26.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
628. Sun, Z. H., L. Mao, et al. (2008). "Effects of dissolved organic matter from sewage sludge onsorption of tetrabromobisphenol A by soils." Journal ofEnvironmental Sciences-China 20(9): 1075-1081.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
629. Sun, Z. H., Y. J. Yu, et al. (2008). "Sorption behavior of tetrabromobisphenol A in two soilswith different characteristics." Journal of HazardousMaterials 160(2-3): 456-461.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
630. Sun, Z., Z. Bai, et al. (2009). "Toxicity of systematic bisphenol A to mice kidney tissue."Journal of Northwest A & F University - Natural ScienceEdition 37(9): 23-26.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
631. Susiarjo, M. and P. Hunt (2008). "Bisphenol A exposure disrupts egg development in themouse." Fertil Steril 89(2 Suppl): e97.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
632. Tachibana, T., Y. Wakimoto, et al. (2007). "Effects of bisphenol A (BPA) on placentation andsurvival of the neonates in mice." Journal ofReproduction and Development 53(3): 509-514.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010
633. Tadkaew, N., M. Sivakumar, et al. (2010). "Effect of mixed liquor pH on the removal of traceorganic contaminants in a membrane bioreactor."Bioresource Technology 101(5, Sp. Iss. SI).Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
634. Takamiya, M., N. Magan, et al. (2008). "Impact assessment of bisphenol A on lignin-modifying enzymes by basidiomycete Trametes versicolor."Journal of Hazardous Materials 154(1-3): 33-37.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010
635. Takamiya, M., S. Lambard, et al. (2007). "Effect of bisphenol A on human chorionicgonadotrophin-stimulated gene expression of cultured mouseLeydig tumour cells." Reproductive Toxicology 24: 265-275.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010
636. Takao, Y., M. Oishi, et al. (2008). "Bisphenol a incorporated into eggs from parent fishpersists for several days." Journal of Health Science 54(2):235-239.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
637. Talsness, C. E., A. J. M. Andrade, et al. (2009). "Components of plastic: experimental studiesin animals and relevance for human health."Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences364(1526): 2079-2096.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
638. Tan, B. L. L., D. W. Hawker, et al. (2007). "Modelling of the fate of selected endocrinedisruptors in a municipal wastewater treatment plant in SouthEast Queensland, Australia." Chemosphere 69: 644-654.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010
639. Tan, B. L. L., D. W. Hawker, et al. (2008). "Stir bar sorptive extraction and trace analysis ofselected endocrine disruptors in water, biosolids andsludge samples by thermal desorption with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry." WaterResearch 42(1-2): 404-412.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
640. Tan, F., H. X. Zhao, et al. (2009). "Preparation and evaluation of molecularly imprinted solid-phase microextraction fibers for selective extraction ofbisphenol A in complex samples." Journal of Chromatography A 1216(30): 5647-5654.Dette studieindgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
641. Tando, S., K. Itoh, et al. (2007). "Effects of pre- and neonatal exposure to bisphenol A onmurine brain development." Brain & Development 29(6):352-356.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
642. Tanida, T., K. Warita, et al. (2009). "Fetal and neonatal exposure to three typicalenvironmental chemicals with different mechanisms of action:Mixed exposure to phenol, phthalate, and dioxin cancels the effects of sole exposure on mousemidbrain dopaminergic nuclei." Toxicology Letters189(1): 40-47.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
643. Tayama, S., Y. Nakagawa, et al. (2008). "Genotoxic effects of environmental estrogen-likecompounds in CHO-K1 cells." Mutation Research-Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis 649(1-2): 114-125.Dette studie indgik ikke iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
644. Taylor, J. A., W. V. Welshons, et al. (2008). "No effect of route of exposure (oral;subcutaneous injection) on plasma bisphenol A throughout 24 hafter administration in neonatal female mice." Reproductive Toxicology 25(2): 169-176.Dettestudie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
645. Teitelbaum, S. L., J. A. Britton, et al. (2008). "Temporal variability in urinary concentrationsof phthalate metabolites, phytoestrogens and phenolsamong minority children in the United States." Environmental Research 106(2): 257-269.Dettestudie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
646. ter Veld, M. G. R., E. Zawadzka, et al. (2008). "Food-associated estrogenic compounds induceestrogen receptor-mediated luciferase gene expressionin transgenic male mice." Chemico-Biological Interactions 174(2): 126-133.Dette studie indgikikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
647. ter Veld, M. G. R., E. Zawadzka, et al. (2009). "Estrogenicity of food-associated estrogeniccompounds in the fetuses of female transgenic mice uponoral and IP maternal exposure." Reproductive Toxicology 27(2): 133-139.Dette studie indgik ikke iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
648. Terasaki, M., F. Shiraishi, et al. (2007). "Occurrence and estrogenicity of phenolics in paper-recycling process water: Pollutants originating fromthermal paper in waste paper." Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26: 2356-2366.Dettestudie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
649. Tian, Y. H., J. H. Baek, et al. (2010). "Prenatal and Postnatal Exposure to Bisphenol A InducesAnxiolytic Behaviors and Cognitive Deficits in Mice."Synapse 64(6): 432-439.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
650. Torres, R. A., C. Petrier, et al. (2007). "Bisphenol A mineralization by integrated ultrasound-UV-iron (II) treatment." Environmental Science &Technology 41: 297-302.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
651. Toyama, T., Y. Sato, et al. (2009). "Biodegradation of bisphenol A and bisphenol F in therhizosphere sediment of Phragmites australis." Journal ofBioscience and Bioengineering 108(2): 147-150.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010
652. Toyoizumi, T., Y. Deguch, et al. (2008). "Genotoxicity and estrogenic activity of 3,3 '-dinitrobisphenol a in goldfish." Bioscience Biotechnology andBiochemistry 72(8): 2118-2123.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
653. Trenholm, R. A., B. J. Vanderford, et al. (2008). "Determination of household chemicals usinggas chromatography and liquid chromatography withtandem mass spectrometry." Journal of Chromatography A 1190(1-2): 253-262.Dette studie indgikikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
654. Trzcinski, A. P. and D. C. Stuckey (2010). "Treatment of municipal solid waste leachate usinga submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor atmesophilic and psychrophilic temperatures: Analysis of recalcitrants in the permeate using GC-MS." Water Research 44(3): 671-680.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
655. Tsai, W. T., K. J. Hsien, et al. (2009). "Adsorption of organic compounds from aqueoussolution onto the synthesized zeolite." Journal of HazardousMaterials 166(2-3): 635-641.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
656. Tsai, W. T., M. K. Lee, et al. (2009). "Photodegradation of bisphenol-A in a batch TiO2suspension reactor." Journal of Hazardous Materials 168(1):
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657. Tyl, R. W. (2009). "Basic Exploratory Research versus Guideline-Compliant Studies Used forHazard Evaluation and Risk Assessment: Bisphenol Aas a Case Study." Environmental Health Perspectives 117(11): 1644-1651.Dette studie indgik ikke iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
658. Tyl, R. W., C. B. Myers, et al. (2008). "Two-generation reproductive toxicity study of dietarybisphenol A in CD-1 (Swiss) mice." ToxicologicalSciences 104(2): 362-384.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
659. Uchida, M., H. Hatayoshi, et al. (2009). "Polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gelelectrophoresis analysis of microbial communitystructure in landfill leachate." Journal of Hazardous Materials 164(2-3): 1503-1508.Dette studieindgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
660. Uhnakova, B., A. Petrickova, et al. (2009). "Biodegradation of brominated aromatics bycultures and laccase of Trametes versicolor." Chemosphere76(6): 826-832.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
661. Umano, T., K. Miyata, et al. (2010). "Enhanced OECD TG 407 in detection of endocrine-mediated effects of 4,4'-(octahydro-4,7-methano-5H-inden-5-ylidene)bisphenol." Archives of Toxicology 84(3): 175-182.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010
662. Urbatzka, R., A. van Cauwenberge, et al. (2007). "Androgenic and antiandrogenic activities inwater and sediment samples from the river Lambro,Italy, detected by yeast androgen screen and chemical analyses." Chemosphere 67(6): 1080-1087.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
663. Urcan, E., H. Scherthan, et al. (2010). "Induction of DNA double-strand breaks in primarygingival fibroblasts by exposure to dental resincomposites." Biomaterials 31(8): 2010-2014.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010664. Urcan, E., U. Haertel, et al. (2010). "Real-time xCELLigence impedance analysis of thecytotoxicity of dental composite components on humangingival fibroblasts." Dent Mater 26(1): 51-8.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010
665. Vajda, A. M., L. B. Barber, et al. (2008). "Reproductive disruption in fish downstream from anEstrogenic wastewater effluent." EnvironmentalScience & Technology 42(9): 3407-3414.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
666. Van der Ven, L. T. M., T. V. de Kuil, et al. (2008). "Endocrine effects of tetrabromobisphenol-A (TBBPA) in Wistar rats as tested in a one-generationreproduction study and a subacute toxicity study." Toxicology 245(1-2): 76-89.Dette studie indgikikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
667. van Larebeke, N. A., A. J. Sasco, et al. (2008). "Sex ratio changes as sentinel health events ofendocrine disruption." International Journal ofOccupational and Environmental Health 14(2): 138-143.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010
668. van Meeuwen, J. A., M. van den Berg, et al. (2007). "Estrogenic effects of mixtures of phyto-and synthetic chemicals on uterine growth ofprepubertal rats." Toxicology Letters 170(2): 165-176.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010
669. van Meeuwen, J. A., W. ter Burg, et al. (2007). "Mixture effects of estrogenic compounds onproliferation and pS2 expression of MCF-7 humanbreast cancer cells." Food and Chemical Toxicology 45: 2319-2330.Dette studie indgik ikke iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
670. Van Vleet, T. R., J. W. Rhodes, et al. (2008). "Comparison of technicians' ability to detectclinical signs in rats housed in wire-bottom versus solid-bottom cages with bedding." Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science47(2): 71-75.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
671. Vandenberg, L. N., M. V. Maffini, et al. (2007). "Exposure to environmentally relevant dosesof the xenoestrogen bisphenol-A alters development ofthe fetal mouse mammary gland." Endocrinology 148(1): 116-127.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010
672. Vandenberg, L. N., M. V. Maffini, et al. (2008). "Perinatal exposure to the xenoestrogenbisphenol-A induces mammary intraductal hyperplasias inadult CD-1 mice." Reproductive Toxicology 26(3-4): 210-219.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010
673. Varayoud, J., J. G. Ramos, et al. (2008). "Developmental Exposure to Bisphenol A Impairs theUterine Response to Ovarian Steroids in the Adult."Endocrinology 149(11): 5848-5860.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
674. Varayoud, J., L. Monje, et al. (2008). "Endosulfan modulates estrogen-dependent genes like anon-uterotrophic dose of 17 beta-estradiol."Reproductive Toxicology 26(2): 138-145.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
675. Veld, M. G. R. t., E. Zawadzka, et al. (2009). "Estrogenicity of food-associated estrogeniccompounds in the fetuses of female transgenic mice uponoral and IP maternal exposure." Reproductive Toxicology 27(2): 133-139.Dette studie indgik ikke iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
676. Verliefde, A., E. Cornelissen, et al. (2007). "Priority organic micropollutants in water sourcesin Flanders and the Netherlands and assessment ofremoval possibilities with nanofiltration." Environmental Pollution 146(1): 281-289.Dette studieindgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
677. Vigano, L., E. Benfenati, et al. (2008). "Estrogenicity profile and estrogenic compoundsdetermined in river sediments by chemical analysis, ELISAand yeast assays." Chemosphere 73(7): 1078-1089.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010
678. Vitrac, O., B. Challe, et al. (2007). "Contamination of packaged food by substances migratingfrom a direct-contact plastic layer: Assessment using ageneric quantitative household scale methodology." Food Additives and Contaminants Part a-Chemistry Analysis Control Exposure & RiskAssessment 24(1): 75-94.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
679. Vitral, J. C. D., M. R. Fraga, et al. (2010). "In-vitro study of the cellular viability and nitricoxide production by J774 macrophages with ceramic,polycarbonate, and polyoxymethylene brackets." American Journal of Orthodontics and DentofacialOrthopedics 137(2): 247-253.
680. Vogel, S. A. (2009). "The politics of plastics: the making and unmaking of bisphenol a"safety"." Am J Public Health 99 Suppl 3: S559-66.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010
681. Volkel, W., M. Kiranoglu, et al. (2008). "Determination of free and total bisphenol A in humanurine to assess daily uptake as a basis for a valid riskassessment." Toxicology Letters 179(3): 155-162.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010
682. vom Saal, F. S. (2007). "Could hormone residues be involved?" Human Reproduction 22(6):1503-1505.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
683. von Goetz, N., M. Wormuth, et al. (2010). "Bisphenol A: how the most relevant exposuresources contribute to total consumer exposure." RiskAnalysis 30(3): 30 (3) 473-487.
684. Votavova, L., J. Dobias, et al. (2009). "Migration of Nonylphenols from Polymer PackagingMaterials into Food Simulants." Czech Journal of FoodSciences 27(4): 293-299.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
685. Wadia, P. R., L. N. Vandenberg, et al. (2007). "Perinatal bisphenol A exposure increasesestrogen sensitivity of the mammary gland in diverse mousestrains." Environmental Health Perspectives 115(4): 592-598.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
686. Waechter, J., J. Domoradzki, et al. (2007). "Factors affecting the accuracy of bisphenol a andbisphenol A-monoglucuronide estimates in mammaliantissues and urine samples." Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods 17(1): 13-24.Dette studie indgiki EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
687. Walker, C. C., K. A. Salinas, et al. (2007). "A proteomic (SELDI-TOF-MS) approach toestrogen agoinst screening." Toxicological Sciences 95(1):74-81.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
688. Walker, D. B., N. V. Paretti, et al. (2009). "Changes in reproductive biomarkers in anendangered fish species (bonytail chub, Gila elegans) exposedto low levels of organic wastewater compounds in a controlled experiment." Aquatic Toxicology95(2): 133-143.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
689. Wanda, G., S. Starcke, et al. (2007). "Estrogenic activity of Griffonianone C, an isoflavonefrom the root bark of Millettia griffoniana: Regulation ofthe expression of estrogen responsive genes in uterus and liver of ovariectomized rats." PlantaMedica 73(6): 512-518.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
690. Wang, F. G., J. Q. Yang, et al. (2009). "Mesoporous silica-based electrochemical sensor forsensitive determination of environmental hormonebisphenol A." Analytica Chimica Acta 638(1): 23-28.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
691. Wang, J., H. F. Pan, et al. (2009). "Ultra-high-pressure liquid chromatography-tandem massspectrometry method for the determination ofalkylphenols in soil." Journal of Chromatography A 1216(12): 2499-2503.Dette studie indgik ikke iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
692. Wang, J., M. H. Dong, et al. (2007). "Improved cleanup technique for gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric determination of alkylphenols fromiota extract." Journal of Chromatography A 1171: 15-21.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
693. Wang, L., B.-z. Dong, et al. (2007). "Removal of EDCs(BPA)by ultrafiltration and impactfactors." Huanjing Kexue 28(2): 329-334.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
694. Wang, L., X. Z. Jiang, et al. (2008). "Degradation of bisphenol A and formation of hydrogenperoxide induced by glow discharge plasma in aqueoussolutions." Journal of Hazardous Materials 154(1-3): 1106-1114.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
695. Wang, W.-Z., W. Guo, et al. (2008). "The risk assessment of bisphenol A in baby bottles andfood packaging materials." Food Science andTechnology(1): No. 1, 197-199.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
696. Wang, X.-j., N.-y. Gao, et al. (2007). "Influencing factors and kinetics of oxidation ofbisphenol A in water with sodium hypochlorite." HuanjingKexue 28(11): 2544-2549.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
697. Wang, Y. D., Y. Z. Zhao, et al. (2008). "Experimental study on the estrogen-like effect of boricacid." Biological Trace Element Research 121(2):160-170.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.698. Warner, K. E. and J. J. Jenkins (2007). "Effects of 17 alpha-ethinylestradiol and bisphenol a onvertebral development in the fathead minnow(Pimephales promelas)." Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26(4): 732-737.Dette studieindgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
699. Webster, L., P. Walsham, et al. (2009). "Halogenated persistent organic pollutants in Scottishdeep water fish." Journal of Environmental Monitoring11(2): 406-417.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
700. West, R. J., J. W. Davis, et al. (2007). "Biodegradability relationships among propylene glycolsubstances in the organization for economiccooperation and development ready- and seawater biodegradability tests." EnvironmentalToxicology and Chemistry 26(5): 862-871.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
701. Wilson, N. K., J. C. Chuang, et al. (2007). "An observational study of the potential exposuresof preschool children to pentachlorophenol, bisphenol-A, and nonylphenol at home and daycare." Environmental Research 103(1): 9-20.Dette studieindgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
702. Wise, L. A., J. R. Palmer, et al. (2007). "Secondary sex ratio among women exposed todiethylstilbestrol in utero." Environmental HealthPerspectives 115(9): 1314-1319.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
703. Wolf, J. C., I. Lutz, et al. (2010). "Effects Of 17 Beta-Estradiol Exposure On Xenopus LaevisGonadal Histopathology." Environmental Toxicologyand Chemistry 29(5): 1091-1105.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
704. Wolff, M. S., J. A. Britton, et al. (2008). "Environmental exposures and puberty in inner-citygirls." Environmental Research 107(3): 393-400.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010.
705. Wolff, M. S., S. M. Engel, et al. (2008). "Prenatal phenol and phthalate exposures and birthoutcomes." Environmental Health Perspectives 116(8):1092-1097.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
706. Woo, G. H., M. Shibutani, et al. (2007). "A repeated 28-day oral dose toxicity study ofnonylphenol in rats, based on the 'Enhanced OECD TestGuideline 407' for screening of endocrine-disrupting chemicals." Archives of Toxicology 81(2): 77-88.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
707. Wu, T., W. Y. Wang, et al. (2008). "Determination of natural and synthetic endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in sewage based on SPE and
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708. Wu, Y.-Y., W.-X. Shi, et al. (2009). "[Determination of beta-estradiol, bisphenol A,diethylstilbestrol and salbutamol in human urine by GC/MS]."Zhejiang Da Xue Xue Bao Yi Xue Ban 38(3): 235-41.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
709. Xiaoyan, L., J. Yongsheng, et al. (2008). "Elimination of matrix effects in the determination ofbisphenol A in milk by solid-phase microextraction-high-performance liquid chromatography." Food Additives and Contaminants 25(6): 25 (6) 772-778.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
710. Xiaoyan, L., Z. Xiaoyun, et al. (2008). "A chemometric strategy for optimization of solid-phase microextraction: determination of bisphenol A and 4-nonylphenol with HPLC." Journal of Chromatographic Science 46(7): 46 (7) 596-600.Dette studieindgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
711. Xibiao, Y., F. H. Pierik, et al. (2009). "Levels of metabolites of organophosphate pesticides,phthalates, and bisphenol A in pooled urine specimensfrom pregnant women participating in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa)."International Journal of Hygiene and EnvironmentalHealth 212(5): 212 (5) 481-491.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
712. Xie, Z. Y., R. Ebinghaus, et al. (2007). "Trace determination of the flame retardanttetrabromobisphenol A in the atmosphere by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry." Analytica Chimica Acta 584(2): 333-342.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
713. Xing, L. N., Y. J. Xu, et al. (2010). "Embryotoxic and Teratogenic Effects of the Combinationof Bisphenol A and Genistein on In Vitro CulturedPostimplantation Rat Embryos." Toxicological Sciences 115(2): 577-588.Dette studie indgik ikke iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
714. Xu, B., N. Y. Gao, et al. (2009). "Ametryn degradation by aqueous chlorine: Kinetics andreaction influences." Journal of Hazardous Materials 169(1-3): 586-592.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
715. Xu, H., W. L. Kraus, et al. (2008). "Development of a Stable Dual Cell-Line GFP ExpressionSystem to Study Estrogenic Endocrine Disruptors."Biotechnology and Bioengineering 101(6): 1276-1287.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
716. Xu, J., L. S. Wu, et al. (2008). "Simultaneous determination of pharmaceuticals, endocrinedisrupting compounds and hormone in soils by gaschromatography-mass spectrometry." Journal of Chromatography A 1202(2): 189-195.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
717. Xu, J., L. Wu, et al. (2009). "Degradation and adsorption of selected pharmaceuticals andpersonal care products (PPCPs) in agricultural soils."Chemosphere 77(10): 1299-1305.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010.
718. Xu, J., W. P. Chen, et al. (2009). "Leachability Of Some Emerging Contaminants InReclaimed Municipal Wastewater-Irrigated Turf Grass Fields."Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(9): 1842-1850.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010.
719. Xu, X. H., Y. M. Wang, et al. (2010). "Perinatal Exposure To Bisphenol-A Changes N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor Expression In TheHippocampus Of Male Rat Offspring." Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 29(1): 176-181.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
720. Xu, X. R., Y. X. Wang, et al. (2008). "Sorption behavior of bisphenol A on marine sediments."Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part a-Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering 43(3): 239-246.Dette studie indgik ikkei EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
721. Xue, Y., X. Gu, et al. (2009). "The hydroxyl radical generation and oxidative stress for theearthworm Eisenia fetida exposed to tetrabromobisphenolA." Ecotoxicology 18(6): 693-699.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
722. Yamada, M. and K. Hashimoto (2008). "DNA-Cyclodextrin Composite Material forEnvironmental Applications." Biomacromolecules 9(12): 3341-3345.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
723. Yamamoto, M., N. Tase, et al. (2007). "Monitoring of gene expression in differentiation ofembryoid bodies from cynomolgus monkey embryonic
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724. Yamanaka, H., K. Moriyoshi, et al. (2008). "Efficient microbial degradation of bisphenol a inthe presence of activated carbon." Journal of Bioscienceand Bioengineering 105(2): 157-160.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
725. Yamano, Y., S. Miyakawa, et al. (2008). "Long-term study of urinary bisphenol A inelementary school children." Environmental Health andPreventive Medicine 13(6): 332-337.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
726. Yamauchi, R., H. Ishibashi, et al. (2008). "Effects of synthetic polycyclic musks on estrogenreceptor, vitellogenin, pregnane X receptor, andcytochrome P450 3A gene expression in the livers of male medaka (Oryzias latipes)." AquaticToxicology 90(4): 261-268.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
727. Yan, H. M., M. Takamoto, et al. (2008). "Exposure to bisphenol a prenatally or in adulthoodpromotes T(H)2 cytokine production associated withreduction of CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells." Environmental Health Perspectives 116(4): 514-519.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
728. Yan, W., Y. Li, et al. (2009). "Determination of estrogens and bisphenol A in bovine milk byautomated on-line C-30 solid-phase extraction coupledwith high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry." Journal of Chromatography A1216(44): 7539-7545.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
729. Yang, J. Y., Y. F. Zhang, et al. (2010). "Toxic effects of T-2 toxin on reproductive system inmale mice." Toxicology and Industrial Health 26(1): 25-31.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
730. Yang, M., H. S. Lee, et al. (2008). "Proteomic biomarkers for prenatal bisphenol A - Exposurein mouse immune organs." Environmental andMolecular Mutagenesis 49(5): 368-373.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
731. Yang, M., J. H. Ryu, et al. (2009). "Effects of bisphenol A on breast cancer and its riskfactors." Archives of Toxicology 83(3): 281-285.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
732. Yang, W. H., X. H. Liu, et al. (2010). "Molecular Docking And Comparative MolecularSimilarity Indices Analysis Of Estrogenicity Of
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733. Yang, Y. J., Y. C. Hong, et al. (2009). "Bisphenol A exposure is associated with oxidativestress and inflammation in postmenopausal women."Environmental Research 109(6): 797-801.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
734. Yan-xiang, L. I. U., Z. Xu, et al. (2008). "Influence of cyclodextrins on the photodegradationof bisphenol a induced by Fe (III)." Huanjing Kexue29(3): 638-642.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
735. Yao, G. H., L. J. Ling, et al. (2007). "Nonylphenol induces apoptosis of Jurkat cells by acaspase-8 dependent mechanism." InternationalImmunopharmacology 7(4): 444-453.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
736. Yaoi, T., K. Itoh, et al. (2008). "Genome-wide analysis of epigenomic alterations in fetalmouse forebrain after exposure to low doses of bisphenolA." Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 376(3): 563-567.Dette studie indgik iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
737. Ye, X. B., F. H. Pierik, et al. (2008). "Urinary metabolite concentrations of organophosphorouspesticides, bisphenol A, and phthalates amongpregnant women in Rotterdam, the Netherlands: The Generation R study." Environmental Research108(2): 260-267.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
738. Ye, X. B., F. H. Pierik, et al. (2009). "Levels of metabolites of organophosphate pesticides,phthalates, and bisphenol A in pooled urine specimensfrom pregnant women participating in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa)."International Journal of Hygiene and EnvironmentalHealth 212(5): 481-491.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
739. Ye, X. Y., A. M. Bishop, et al. (2007). "Identification of metabolites of 4-nonylphenol isomer4-(3',6'-dimethyl-3'-heptyl) phenol by rat and humanliver microsomes." Drug Metabolism and Disposition 35(8): 1269-1274.Dette studie indgik ikke iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010740. Ye, X. Y., A. M. Bishop, et al. (2007). "Temporal stability of the conjugated species ofbisphenol A, parabens, and other environmental phenols inhuman urine." Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 17(6): 567-572.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
741. Ye, X. Y., A. M. Bishop, et al. (2008). "Automated on-line column-switchning HPLC-MS/MSmethod with peak focusing for measuring parcabens,triclosan, and other environmental phenols in human milk." Analytica Chimica Acta 622(1-2): 150-156.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
742. Ye, X., L.-Y. Wong, et al. (2009). "Stability of the conjugated species of environmentalphenols and parabens in human serum." EnvironmentInternational 35(8): 1160-1163.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
743. Yeo, M. K. and M. Kang. (2010). "The effect of nano-scale Zn-doped TiO2 and pure TiO2particles on Hydra magnipapillata." Molecular & CellularToxicology 6(1): 9-17.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
744. Yeo, S., M. K. Kim, et al. (2008). "Increased expression of laccase by the addition ofphthalates in Phlebia tremellosa." Fems Microbiology Letters278(1): 72-77.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
745. Yin, D. Q., S. Q. Hu, et al. (2007). "Immunotoxicity of bisphenol A to Carassius auratuslymphocytes and macrophages following in vitro exposure."Journal of Environmental Sciences-China 19(2): 232-237.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010
746. Yin, H., Y. Zhou, et al. (2010). "Sensitivity and selectivity determination of BPA in real watersamples using PAMAM dendrimer and CoTe quantumdots modified glassy carbon electrode." Journal of Hazardous Materials 174(1-3): 236-243.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010747. Ying, G. G., R. S. Kookana, et al. (2008). "Fate of estrogens and xenoestrogens in four sewagetreatment plants with different technologies."Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27(1): 87-94.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010
748. Ying, G. G., R. S. Kookana, et al. (2009). "Occurrence and implications of estrogens andxenoestrogens in sewage effluents and receiving watersfrom South East Queensland." Science of the Total Environment 407(18): 5147-5155.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010749. Ying, G. G., S. Toze, et al. (2008). "Decay of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in aerobic andanoxic groundwater." Water Research 42(4-5): 1133-1141.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
750. Yokosuka, M., R. Ohtani-Kaneko, et al. (2008). "Estrogen and environmental estrogenicchemicals exert developmental effects on rat hypothalamicneurons and glias." Toxicology In Vitro 22(1): 1-9.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’s risikovurdering2010
751. Yonekubo, J., K. Hayakawa, et al. (2008). "Concentrations of bisphenol A, bisphenol Adiglycidyl ether, and their derivatives in canned foods inJapanese markets." Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56(6): 2041-2047.Dette studieindgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
752. Yoshitake, J., K. Kato, et al. (2008). "Suppression of NO production and 8-nitroguano sineformation by phenol-containing endocrine-disruptingchemicals in LPS-stimulated macrophages: Involvement of estrogen receptor-dependent or -independent pathways." Nitric Oxide-Biology andChemistry 18(3): 223-228.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
753. Yu, C. P. and K. H. Chu (2009). "Occurrence of pharmaceuticals and personal care productsalong the West Prong Little Pigeon River in eastTennessee, USA." Chemosphere 75(10): 1281-1286.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010
754. Yu, I. T., J. S. Rhee, et al. (2008). "Characterization of the glutathione S-transferase-Mu(GSTM) gene sequence and its expression in thehermaphroditic fish, Kryptolebias marmoratus as a function of development, gender type andchemical exposure." Chemico-Biological Interactions174(2): 118-125.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
755. Yu, J. C. C., A. Hrdina, et al. (2007). "Molecularly imprinted polypyrrole encapsulated carbonnanotubes in stainless steel frit for micro solid phaseextraction of estrogenic compounds." Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 7: 3095-3103.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
756. Zafra-Gomez, A., J. C. Morales, et al. (2009). "Sensitive gas chromatographic-massspectrometric (GC-MS) method for the determination ofbisphenol A in rice-prepared dishes." Food Additives and Contaminants Part a-Chemistry AnalysisControl Exposure & Risk Assessment 26(8):1209-1216.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
757. Zarzycki, P. K., E. Wlodarczyk, et al. (2009). “Determination of endocrine disruptingcompounds using temperature-dependent inclusion
chromatography I. Optimization of separation protocol." Journal of Chromatography A 1216(44):7602-7611.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
758. Zhang, D., B. Pan, et al. (2010). "Contribution of Different Sulfamethoxazole Species to TheirOverall Adsorption on Functionalized CarbonNanotubes." Environmental Science & Technology 44(10): 3806-3811.Dette studie indgik ikke iEFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
759. Zhang, H., F.-x. Kong, et al. (2008). "Mixture effects to vitellogenin induction by fourenvironmental estrogens in freshwater fish." Huanjing Kexue29(7): 2005-2011.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
760. Zhang, H.-c., L.-y. Chen, et al. (2009). "Jointed Estrogenic Activities of Bisphenol A andThree of Its Analogs." Huanjing Kexue 30(1): 260-265.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010
761. Zhang, S. Y., Q. A. Zhang, et al. (2007). "Simultaneous quantification of polycyclic aromatichydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs), and pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in Mississippi river water, in NewOrleans, Louisiana, USA." Chemosphere 66(6):1057-1069.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
762. Zhang, X., Q. Z. Li, et al. (2009). "Levels of estrogenic compounds in Xiamen Bay sediment,China." Marine Pollution Bulletin 58(8): 1210-1216.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010
763. Zhang, Y. P. and J. L. Zhou (2008). "Occurrence and removal of endocrine disruptingchemicals in wastewater." Chemosphere 73(5): 848-853.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010
764. Zhang, Z. L., A. Hibberd, et al. (2008). "Analysis of emerging contaminants in sewage effluentand river water: Comparison between spot and passivesampling." Analytica Chimica Acta 607(1): 37-44.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010
765. Zhang, Z., Z. B. Wu, et al. (2008). "The accumulation of alkylphenols in submersed plants inspring in urban lake, China." Chemosphere 73(5): 859-863.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
766. Zhao, J. L., G. G. Ying, et al. (2009). "Determination of phenolic endocrine disruptingchemicals and acidic pharmaceuticals in surface water of thePearl Rivers in South China by gas chromatography-negative chemical ionization-massspectrometry." Science of the Total Environment 407(2): 962-974.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
767. Zhao, J. M., Y. M. Li, et al. (2008). "Sorption and degradation of bisphenol A by aerobicactivated sludge." Journal of Hazardous Materials 155(1-2):305-311.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
768. Zhao, J., G. Ying, et al. (2009). "Determination of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicalsand acidic pharmaceuticals in surface water of the PearlRivers in South China by gas chromatography-negative chemical ionization-mass spectrometry."Science of the Total Environment 407(2): 962-974.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010
769. Zhao, X. L., Y. L. Shi, et al. (2008). "Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide-coated magneticnanoparticles for the preconcentration of phenoliccompounds from environmental water samples." Environmental Science & Technology 42(4):1201-1206.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
770. Zhao, X. L., Y. L. Shi, et al. (2008). "Preparation of silica-magnetite nanoparticle mixedhemimicelle sorbents for extraction of several typicalphenolic compounds from environmental water samples." Journal of Chromatography A 1188(2):140-147.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
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772. Zhou, H., X. Huang, et al. (2010). "Behaviour of selected endocrine-disrupting chemicals inthree sewage treatment plants of Beijing, China."Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 161(1-4): 107-121.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010
773. Zhou, J., Z. H. Cai, et al. (2010). "A proteomics based approach to assessing the toxicity ofbisphenol A and diallyl phthalate to the abalone (Haliotisdiversicolor supertexta)." Chemosphere 79(5): 595-604.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010
774. Zhou, L., B. Yang, et al. (2010). "Determination of phenolic environmental estrogens in eggsby high performance liquid chromatography and samplepreparation with matrix solid phase dispersion." Asian Journal of Chemistry 22(2): 1141-1145.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010775. Zhou, R., Z. Zhang, et al. (2009). "Deficits In Development Of Synaptic Plasticity In RatDorsal Striatum Following Prenatal And Neonatal ExposureTo Low-Dose Bisphenol A." Neuroscience 159(1): 161-171.Dette studie indgik i EFSA’srisikovurdering 2010
776. Zhou, Y. Q., Z. J. Wang, et al. (2007). "Formation of multiple trimethylsilyl derivatives in thederivatization of 17 alpha-ethinylestradiol with BSTFAor MSTFA followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry determination." Journal ofEnvironmental Sciences-China 19: 879-884.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
777. Zhu, H. T., J. C. Zheng, et al. (2010). "Environmental endocrine disruptors promote invasionand metastasis of SK-N-SH human neuroblastomacells." Oncology Reports 23(1): 129-139.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
778. Zhu, Z. Y., R. J. Edwards, et al. (2008). "Proteomic analysis of human breast cell lines usingSELDI-TOF MS shows that mixtures of estrogeniccompounds exhibit simple similar action (concentration additivity)." Toxicology Letters 181(2): 93-103.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010
779. Zhu, Z. Y., R. J. Edwards, et al. (2009). "Increased Expression of Histone Proteins duringEstrogen-Mediated Cell Proliferation." EnvironmentalHealth Perspectives 117(6): 928-934.Dette studie indgik ikke i EFSA’s risikovurdering 2010