Europaudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
Det Europæiske Råd 28-29/10-10 Bilag 4
Brussels, 26 October 2010
SN 32/10
&form of address
It is my pleasure to invite you to the meeting of the European Council in Brussels on 28 and
29 October 2010.
After our traditional meeting with the President of the European Parliament, we will begin our
afternoon meeting by looking at the results of the Task Force on economic governance. I will first
report to you on the recommendations and proposals it has agreed. These recommendations will
make the European economies more crisis-proof and constitute a great leap forward in
strengthening the economic pillar of EMU. We should therefore call for the effective
implementation of the new surveillance arrangements as soon as possible, including by reaching
agreement on the Commission's legislative proposals by summer 2011. We should then focus on the
issues raised in the Task Force which require further work. I have invited the President of the ECB
to attend this part of our meeting.
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The second subject for Thursday afternoon is the preparation of the G20 Seoul Summit. Finance
Ministers have already conducted important preparatory work, including on the IMF. For our part,
we should focus on the key issues, such as the responses to be brought to global macroeconomic
imbalances and financial regulatory reform. The discussion will help me, together with
José Manuel Barroso, as well as the other EU members of the G20, get a sense of the issues the
European Union should defend as a matter of priority.
Over dinner, we will also discuss the preparations of forthcoming bilateral summits, in line with our
decision last September to set strategic orientations in advance of key events. I will start by sharing
with you my assessment of the summit with China. We will then focus mainly on the upcoming
meeting with President Obama, but if you have points to make on the meetings with Russia or
Ukraine or on other summits you are welcome to do so.
On Friday morning, we will go through and approve our draft conclusions. This will provide an
opportunity for those of you who would like to say a word about the preparation of the Cancún
Conference to do so.