Europaudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
Det Europæiske Råd 23-24/6-11 Bilag 7
Brussels, 24 June 2011
EUCO 23/11
from :
General Secretariat of the Council
to :
Subject :
23/24 JUNE 2011
Delegations will find attached the conclusions of the European Council (23/24 June 2011).
EUCO 23/11
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Conclusions – 23/24 June 2011
The European Council welcomed the near completion of the implementation of the comprehensive
package of measures it agreed last March to put Europe back on the path towards sustainable and
job-creating growth and strengthen economic governance. It welcomed in particular the agreement
reached on the future ESM and the amended EFSF as well as the substantial progress made on the
legislative proposals on economic governance. It concluded the first European semester by
collectively assessing Member States' programmes on the basis of the Commission's evaluation and
by endorsing the country-specific recommendations to be taken into account in upcoming national
decisions on budgets and structural reforms. In this context it noted the pledge of Member States
taking part in the Euro Plus Pact to enhance the ambition and precision of their commitments in
next year's exercise. The European Council assessed the situation of those Member States with an
adjustment programme. Regarding Greece, the euro area Heads of State or Government agreed on
a way forward and called on their Finance Ministers to complete work to allow the necessary
decisions to be taken by early July.
After an extensive debate, the European Council set orientations for the development of the EU's
migration policy, as regards the governance of the Schengen area, the control of external borders,
the development of partnerships with the countries of the Southern Neighbourhood and the
completion of the Common European Asylum System by 2012.
The European Council agreed that the accession negotiations with Croatia should be concluded by
the end of June 2011, thus confirming its strong commitment in terms of the enlargement
perspective of the Western Balkans.
The European Council discussed developments in its Southern Neighbourhood and adopted a
separate Declaration on this subject.
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Conclusions – 23/24 June 2011
This European Council marks the conclusion of the first
European semester,
allowing for a
collective EU assessment of national measures foreseen by Member States. In the light of this
first experience, the European Council considers that the European semester can become an
effective governance method to support EU and national policy-making in an integrated,
transparent and timely manner. The simultaneous presentation of Stability and Convergence
Programmes and National Reform Programmes enables the EU to assess national growth and
fiscal strategies together and to address possible, risks, imbalances or trade-offs.
Based on the assessment provided by the Commission, the European Council discussed the
policies and measures presented by Member States. These constitute a good starting point for
sustaining Europe's recovery, for addressing fiscal challenges and for driving more ambitious
reforms at national level. The European Council notes the clear determination of all Member
States to do everything that is required to fully implement the Stability and Growth Pact.
Member States have made good progress in defining action to attain the headline targets and
goals of the Europe 2020 Strategy for jobs and sustainable growth. Some of the targets are on
track but others (concerning employment, energy efficiency, R&D, poverty and tertiary
education) require additional efforts. Priority should also be given to ensuring a sound
macroeconomic environment, restoring fiscal sustainability, correcting macroeconomic
imbalances and strengthening the financial sector.
The European Council endorses the country-specific recommendations approved by the
Council and invites all Member States to reflect them in their national decisions as regards
their budgets and structural reforms and to address the shortcomings revealed by this exercise.
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Conclusions – 23/24 June 2011
National efforts must be supported by action at European Union level, particularly with the
aim of unlocking Europe's full potential for
economic growth and job creation.
In this
context, work should accelerate to deliver the Europe 2020 flagship initiatives and the Single
Market Act, focusing on the priorities identified by the Council on 30 May 2011. In
particular, the regulatory burden on SMEs needs to be further reduced and where appropriate
micro-enterprises should be exempted from certain future regulations or at least be subject to
a lighter regime. In this context, the European Council welcomes the commitment of the
Commission to assess the impact of future regulations on micro enterprises and to screen the
acquis to identify existing obligations from which micro enterprises could be excluded. It
agreed to return to these issues at its December 2011 meeting. The Commission is also invited
to prepare a roadmap on the completion of the digital Single Market by 2015. The
Commission is invited to report in October 2011 on these growth-enhancing areas with a view
to progress being achieved by the time of the Spring 2012 European Council.
Member States participating in the
Euro Plus Pact
have presented commitments representing
over 100 separate measures in total.
These commitments constitute a good first step towards
achieving the objectives of the Pact and must now be implemented at the national level.
Heads of State or Government will return to some themes of the Pact in December 2011
before the launch of the next European semester.
In preparing their next commitments, participating Member States will ensure:
a broader scope: the commitments should focus more on frontloading growth-enhancing
reforms to foster competitiveness, for instance in network industries and the service
sector, and more attention should be paid to the reinforcement of financial stability;
a more concrete approach: Member States should strive to make their future
commitments as specific and measurable as possible, giving details on how and when
commitments will be met, in order to render progress measurable over time and
facilitate benchmarking with other Member States as well as Europe's strategic partners;
See EUCO 24/11.
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Conclusions – 23/24 June 2011
a higher degree of ambition: Member States should announce where forward-looking
reform projects have been initiated as a reaction to the Pact and take account of best
pragmatic coordination of tax policies: the Commission and the Finance Ministers of the
participating Member States are invited to report back by December 2011 on progress
made in their structured discussions on tax policy issues, notably to ensure the
exchanges of best practices, avoidance of harmful practices, and proposals to fight fraud
and tax evasion. In line with the Pact, the Commission has made a proposal on a
common consolidated corporate tax base.
Progress made by Member States in implementing the Council's country-specific
recommendations and their commitments under the Pact will be assessed by the European
Council in March 2012 on the basis of the Annual Growth Survey of the Commission.
The conclusion of the Doha Development Round would substantially boost economic growth
and promote competitiveness. The European Council reiterates the EU's commitment to
advance the process of trade liberalization and rule-making to strengthen the multilateral
system, and its readiness to explore all negotiating options to bring the Doha round to a
conclusion including with regard to the priorities of least developed countries in line with the
Doha mandate.
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Conclusions – 23/24 June 2011
comprehensive package
approved by the European Council last March has now been
almost fully implemented. Agreement has been reached on the European Stability Mechanism
Treaty and on the amendment to the EFSF. Member States should take all steps required to
ensure the ratification of the ESM Treaty by the end of 2012 and for the rapid entry into force
of the amended EFSF. The legislative work on the package for the strengthening of economic
governance has progressed substantially and its adoption in first reading is within reach.
Stress tests are being conducted in the banking sector. It is of key importance that they are
fully credible and transparent and concluded in full compliance with the methodology and
guidelines issued by the European Banking Authority and that all participants ensure the
highest quality of the outcome. All necessary measures fully consistent with international
standards must be rapidly taken to address any possible banking vulnerabilities brought to
light by these stress tests.
The European Council welcomes the progress made in Ireland in the implementation of its
reform programme, which is well on track. It also welcomes the strong commitment by the
newly elected Portuguese government to fully implement its programme of reforms. Building
on a cross-party consensus on the need to reform, strict implementation of those programmes
will ensure debt sustainability and will support the return of Ireland and Portugal to the
financial markets.
Euro area Heads of State or Government reiterate their commitment to do whatever is
necessary to ensure the financial stability of the euro area as a whole.
The recovery in the euro area is well on track and has reached a sustainable path of solid
growth. The euro is based on sound fundamentals, and we are deeply satisfied with the track
record of price stability achieved since the inception of the euro.
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Conclusions – 23/24 June 2011
As regards Greece, the European Council recognises the considerable progress achieved over
the last year, particularly in the area of fiscal consolidation. It welcomes the Greek
government's continued strong commitment to implementing the adjustment programme.
The European Council calls on the national authorities to continue implementing with resolve
the necessary adjustment efforts to put the country on a sustainable path. A comprehensive
reform package agreed upon with the Commission, in liaison with the ECB and the IMF, and
adoption by the Greek Parliament of the key laws on the fiscal strategy and privatization must
be finalized as a matter of urgency in the coming days. Following the request by the Greek
government announced by the Greek Prime Minister, this will provide the basis for setting up
the main parameters of a new programme jointly supported by its euro area partners and the
IMF, in line with current practices, and at the same time for allowing disbursement in time to
meet Greece's financing needs in July.
The euro area Heads of State or Government agree that required additional funding will be
financed through both official and private sources. They endorse the approach decided by the
Eurogroup on 20 June as regards the pursuit of voluntary private sector involvement in the
form of informal and voluntary roll-overs of existing Greek debt at maturity for a substantial
reduction of the required year-by-year funding within the programme while avoiding a
selective default.
The euro area Heads of State or Government call on Finance Ministers to complete work on
outstanding elements to allow the necessary decisions to be taken by early July.
The European Council calls on all political parties in Greece to support the programme's main
objectives and key policy measures to ensure a rigorous and expeditious implementation.
Given the length, magnitude and nature of required reforms in Greece, national unity is a
prerequisite for success.
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Conclusions – 23/24 June 2011
The European Council welcomes the Commission's intention to enhance the synergies
between the loan programme and the EU funds. The European Council supports all efforts to
increase Greece's capacity to absorb EU funds in order to stimulate growth and employment.
This can be done by refocusing them on improving competitiveness and employment creation.
Moreover, the European Council welcomes and supports the preparation by the Commission,
together with the Member States, of a comprehensive programme of technical assistance to
Heads of State or Government are conscious of the efforts that the adjustment measures entail
for the Greek citizens, and are convinced that these sacrifices are indispensable for economic
recovery and will contribute to the future stability and welfare of the country.
free movement of persons,
as established in the Treaty, is one of the most tangible and
successful achievements of European integration as well as being a fundamental freedom.
Political guidance and cooperation in the Schengen area need to be further strengthened,
enhancing mutual trust between Member States, which are equally responsible for
guaranteeing that all Schengen rules are applied effectively in accordance with the agreed
common standards and with fundamental principles and norms. Europe’s external borders
must be effectively and consistently managed, on the basis of common responsibility,
solidarity and increased practical cooperation.
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Conclusions – 23/24 June 2011
In line with the Council conclusions of 9/10 June 2011, the enforcement of common rules, in
particular through the Schengen evaluation system, should be further improved and deepened
so as to be able to give an efficient response to future challenges. An effective and reliable
monitoring and evaluation system is necessary to ensure that this is the case. The future
Schengen evaluation system will provide for the strengthening, adaptation and extension of
the criteria based on the EU acquis. The evaluation should be EU-based and involve experts
from the Member States, the Commission and competent agencies. The Commission is
invited to regularly report on the results of evaluations and where necessary propose measures
to respond to any deficiencies which are identified.
A mechanism should be introduced in order to respond to exceptional circumstances putting
the overall functioning of Schengen cooperation at risk, without jeopardising the principle of
free movement of persons. It should comprise a series of measures to be applied in a gradual,
differentiated and coordinated manner in order to assist a Member State facing heavy pressure
at the external borders. These could include inspection visits and technical and financial
support, as well as assistance, coordination and intervention from Frontex.
As a very last resort, in the framework of this mechanism, a safeguard clause could be
introduced to allow the exceptional reintroduction of internal border controls in a truly critical
situation where a Member State is no longer able to comply with its obligations under the
Schengen rules. Such a measure would be taken on the basis of specified objective criteria
and a common assessment, for a strictly limited scope and period of time, taking into account
the need to be able to react in urgent cases. This will not affect the rights of persons entitled to
the freedom of movement under the Treaties.
The Commission is invited to submit a proposal for such a mechanism in September.
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Conclusions – 23/24 June 2011
Responsibility for the control and surveillance of the
external borders
lies with the Member
States which, in performing this function, are also acting in the common interest of all
Member States. In order to ensure that Europe's external borders are effectively managed and
that the same standards apply everywhere, all relevant instruments must be used in an optimal
manner and be adapted where necessary. The European Border Surveillance System will be
further developed as a matter of priority in order to become operational by 2013 and allow
Member States' authorities carrying out border surveillance activities to share operational
information and improve cooperation.
These efforts will also be strengthened by pushing forward rapidly with work on “smart
borders”, to ensure that new technologies are harnessed to meet the challenges of border
control. In particular, an entry/exit system and a registered travellers' programme should be
introduced. The European Council welcomes the agreement reached on the agency for the
operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice.
The functioning of Frontex and other agencies needs to be continuously monitored to ensure
their continued efficiency in assisting Member States in managing external borders, in
fighting illegal immigration and in dealing with refugees. Frontex will cooperate with the
third countries concerned. The European Council welcomes the agreement reached on the
revision of the Frontex Regulation, which will increase the effectiveness of that Agency's
operational capacities. In line with the Stockholm Programme, the framework for cooperation
between national border guards will be further developed, notably by promoting common
training and the sharing of capacities and standards. The Commission, in close cooperation
with Frontex, is invited to present further ideas in that respect by the end of the year.
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Conclusions – 23/24 June 2011
Noting the difficult situation currently faced by some Member States, the European Council
reaffirms the need for genuine and practical solidarity towards the Member States most
affected by migratory flows. The EU and Member States will continue to provide the
necessary operational and financial support as the situation evolves, building on the measures
agreed by the Council on 11 April 2011. The necessary funds and technical and human
resources will be provided in order to continue and, where required, step up activities in
support of those Member States. The European Council welcomes the extension of the pilot
project on a voluntary basis for beneficiaries of international protection in Malta. It looks
forward to the Commission communication on intra-EU solidarity later this year.
A consistent and strategic policy is required to manage mobility in a secure environment. The
objective must be to address the root causes of migration at a structural level. To that end, and
in the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy,
will be developed
with the countries of the Southern and Eastern Neighbourhood.
As a first step, as proposed in the Commission’s recent communication, a wide-ranging
structured dialogue on migration, mobility and security will be established with those
countries, with the aim of delivering tangible benefits for them as well as for the European
Union. Such dialogues should begin as a matter of urgency with partner countries willing and
able to engage constructively on these matters. Mobility Partnerships will be differentiated
according to partner countries' individual merits; be agreed with each partner country
separately; be conditional on efforts and progress made in all areas (migration, readmission,
mobility and security); and include an efficient monitoring mechanism. Ways should be
sought to increase the share of funding devoted to those areas, within the existing envelopes.
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Conclusions – 23/24 June 2011
The Commission is invited to present its evaluation of the Global Approach to Migration,
setting the path towards a more consistent, systematic and strategic policy framework for our
relations with all relevant third counties, and including concrete proposals for the
development of the Union's key partnerships, giving priority to the Union's neighbourhood as
a whole.
Recent developments have put European asylum policy under strain. Safe and efficient
procedures are needed for people in need of protection. This requires in turn that the
EU acquis in this field be fully applied. It is crucial that the Common European Asylum
System (CEAS) be completed by 2012, based on high protection standards combined with fair
and effective procedures capable of preventing abuses and allowing for rapid examination of
asylum applications in order to ensure the sustainability of the system. The recent presentation
by the Commission of modified proposals relating to the asylum procedures directive and to
the reception conditions directive should provide a new basis for negotiations to begin on two
important building blocks of the CEAS. Changes should not, as a result, encourage the
submission of unfounded claims or increase overall costs for Member States. These
negotiations should now be taken forward with diligence on the basis of a balanced overall
approach encompassing all proposals on the table in order to meet the key objectives set out
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Conclusions – 23/24 June 2011
The European Council commends Croatia for its intensive efforts, which have allowed
accession negotiations to reach their final stage. The ongoing examination of the remaining
negotiating chapters by the Council is being conducted in full respect of strict conditionality
and in line with the negotiating framework. In the light of the progress made and the
Commission's positive assessment, the European Council invited the Council to take all
necessary decisions for the conclusion of the accession negotiations with Croatia by the end
of June 2011 on the basis of the draft common positions recently presented by the
Commission, with a view to the signing of the Accession Treaty before the end of the year.
Croatia should continue its reform efforts with the same vigour, in particular as regards the
judiciary and fundamental rights, so as to be able to assume fully the obligations of
membership from the date of accession. Monitoring up to accession of these reform efforts
will give the necessary assurance to Croatia and current Member States. The Council, acting
by qualified majority on a proposal from the Commission, may take all appropriate measures.
These developments bring a new momentum to the European perspective of the Western
Balkans, provided these countries continue on the path of reform. The European Council will
return to this matter at its December 2011 meeting. In this context, it welcomes the arrest and
transfer to the Hague Tribunal of Ratko Mladic, which constitutes a positive step for
international justice as well as for Serbia's EU perspective.
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Conclusions – 23/24 June 2011
The European Council:
appointed Mr Mario Draghi
President of the European Central Bank
1 November 2011 to 31 October 2019;
adopted a declaration on the
Southern Neighbourhood
(Annex); endorsed the new approach
to relations with the
European Union's neighbourhood
as set out in the Council's
conclusions of 20 June 2011 and stressed the importance of the Eastern Partnership Summit in
Warsaw on 29/30 September 2011;
endorsed the
EU Strategy for the Danube Region
and called on all relevant actors to
implement it without delay, as outlined in the Council's conclusions of 13 April 2011;
Member States are invited to continue work in cooperation with the Commission on possible
future macro-regional strategies, in particular as regards the Adriatic and Ionian region;
noting its major importance, endorsed the Presidency's report on
Roma inclusion
and called
for the rapid implementation of the Council's conclusions of 19 May 2011 on the EU
framework for national Roma integration strategies up to 2020, in particular as regards the
preparation, updating or development of Member States' national Roma inclusion strategies,
or integrated sets of policy measures within their broader social inclusion policies for
improving the situation of the Roma, by the end of 2011;
welcomed the annual report on EU
aid targets, noting that whilst the EU
remains by far the largest donor in the world in 2010, the intermediate collective target for
2010 has not been reached; it reaffirmed its commitment to achieve development aid targets
by 2015 as set out in its June 2005 conclusions.
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Conclusions – 23/24 June 2011
1. The European Council confirms the principles and objectives defined in its declaration and
conclusions on the Southern neighbourhood adopted on 11 March 2011 and 25 March 2011,
respectively. It welcomes the Joint Communication by the High Representative and the
European Commission on a new response to a changing Neighbourhood, issued on 25 May
2011. It fully endorses the Council conclusions on the European Neighbourhood Policy adopted
on 20 June 2011, and calls for rapid progress in the implementation of concrete measures in line
with the principles and objectives agreed by the Council.
2. The European Council welcomes the G8 support for the democratic transformation of Europe’s
Southern neighbourhood. It underlines once again the importance of the Union for the
Mediterranean, and the importance of rapidly launching concrete and significant projects within
the framework of the UfM.
3. The European Council welcomes the steps which are currently being taken towards a
democratic transformation in the region, particularly in Egypt and in Tunisia. It praises the
announcement of the main elements of the new Constitution in Morocco, welcomes the renewed
commitment to political reforms, including a review of the Constitution, in Jordan, and takes
positive note of the lifting of the state of emergency and planned constitutional reform in
Algeria. It underlines the need for inclusiveness and dialogue in the reform process, and will
closely follow the implementation of these reforms.
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Conclusions – 23/24 June 2011
The European Council confirms its full support to UN Security Council Resolutions 1970 and
1973 on Libya and to the efforts Member States of the EU are taking for their implementation.
It fully endorses the Council conclusions on Libya adopted on 20 June 2011, and reiterates its
call to Kadhafi to relinquish power immediately. Libya's democratic transformation remains a
primary interest of the European Union. The European Council stresses the essential role
played by the Transitional National Council (TNC) in this process as a representative of the
aspirations of the Libyan people.
5. The European Council condemns in the strongest possible terms the ongoing repression and
unacceptable and shocking violence the Syrian regime continues to apply against its own
citizens. It notes with grave concern reports of Syrian military activity close to the Turkish
border at Khirbet al-Jouz and reiterates previous calls for maximum restraint. By choosing a
path of repression instead of fulfilling its own promises on broad reforms, the regime is calling
its legitimacy into question. Those responsible for crimes and violence against civilians shall be
held accountable. Endorsing the conclusions on Syria adopted by the Council on 20 June 2011,
the European Council welcomes the adoption of new sanctions. It also lends its full support to
diplomatic efforts aimed at ensuring that the UN Security Council can assume its responsibility
and give adequate response to the situation in Syria.
6. The European Council remains concerned about the situation in Yemen and urges all parties to
stop violence, respect human rights and abide by a permanent cease-fire, and welcomes the
commitment of the Vice President to this end. It reiterates the urgency of an orderly and
inclusive transition in line with the Gulf Cooperation Council initiative. The European Council
is concerned about the process surrounding the trials and sentencing of opposition members in
Bahrain. It encourages Bahrain to ensure full respect for human rights and fundamental
7. The European Council notes that the situation in Gaza remains of concern. Humanitarian
assistance delivered to the population in Gaza should be in accordance with the relevant
framework and decisions of the UN and should take care not to endanger human lives.
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Conclusions – 23/24 June 2011
8. Fundamental changes across the Arab world highlight the need for progress on the Middle East
Peace Process and to overcome the current stalemate, while respecting previous agreements and
obligations. The European Council calls on all parties to engage urgently in negotiations. Only
the resumption of direct negotiations could provide a realistic chance of improving the situation
on the ground, thus leading to a lasting and comprehensive solution. Stressing the central role of
the Quartet, the European Council commends the efforts in this regard by EU Member States
and the High Representative, and welcomes President Obama's recent proposals, in line with
previous EU positions. It fully supports the High Representative's call for the Quartet to create a
credible perspective for the re-launching of the peace process as a matter of urgency. The
European Council calls on all parties to abstain from unilateral actions that are not conducive to
a comprehensive solution. It also supports the initiative to call a Conference in Paris to provide
economic support for the construction of the Palestinian State in the framework of a re-launched
peace process. The European Council expresses its grave concern on the fate of Gilad Shalit
held prisoner by Hamas in clear contravention to universal international humanitarian law. On
the fifth anniversary of his capture, the European Council demands Gilad Shalit's immediate
EUCO 23/11