Europaudvalget 2014-15 (1. samling), Europarådet 2014-15 (1. samling), Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2014-15 (1. samling)
EUU Alm.del Bilag 429, ERD Alm.del Bilag 7, UPN Alm.del Bilag 165
12 M
, C
Morten Kjærum
Director of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
Ms Chairwoman, Members of Parliament,
Thank you for the invitation to address you all here today.
When we discuss about threats to the fundamental values of the EU, I find it
important not to limit ourselves to the dimension of the rule of law only.
Therefore I am glad that the title of this hearing takes a wider approach.
Against the background of the fact that the EU disposes over a Charter of
Fundamental Rights but not a Charter for democracy or a Charter for the rule
of law, it appears wise to take fundamental rights as the EU’s starting point
when discussing the EU’s fundamental values.
The Charter of Fundamental Rights is putting detailed flesh on the normative
backbone we find in the list of values in Article 2 of the EU Treaty.
And maybe it is also wise not to start by being negative. I would like to remind
us what the EU and its Member States have achieved in the area of
fundamental rights. We have:
a legally-binding Fundamental Rights Charter that run like a common
thread through the EU founding values;
the European Commission’s actions to uphold our fundamental values,
non-discrimination principles, for example;
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“fundamental rights friendly” judgements from the Court of Justice;
And the European Parliament regularly acting as a watchdog on
fundamental rights issues.
Could I stop here and say: Everything is fine?
No, obviously challenges still remain. Take:
The ongoing debates over the right to privacy and data protection, as
illustrated by the European Court of Justice’s decision on the data
retention directive or discussions on the EU Passenger Name Record
Or threats to social and economic rights, including access to health and
Or the rise of extremism and populism throughout Europe, which in
particular targets ethnic and sexual minorities;
Or finally the serious risk of undermining the rule of law in some EU
FRA’s research and large-scale surveys have uncovered and unmasked a
sense of anxiety amongst people living in the EU. Across our different
surveys, victims have reported a lack of trust in law enforcement and other
institutions to address violations of their fundamental rights. Take hate crime:
Large numbers of victims – up to 80% depending on which minority group you
ask - do not report the crime to the police or any other organisation.
So, what can be done? Allow me to start with the conclusion: Let’s use what
we already have, but let’s be smarter and more focussed.
Since 2013, there has been an intensive debate on what more the EU and its
Member States can do to ensure that the values of the Union are promoted,
respected and fulfilled. There are a number of possible avenues open to
ensure that the Union and its Member States live up to their fundamental
rights commitments.
First, we need to promote the understanding of
fundamental rights as a
horizontal issue.
We need to see human rights as an issue, which is not
compartmentalized, but a horizontal obligation, influencing all policy agendas,
from migration to internal security, from child rights to Roma issues.
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Fundamental rights have to be a natural and integral part of everything that
the EU does. After all the EU should be leading by example rather than
lecturing from a podium.
Second, we need
multi-level cooperation
between the EU, national, regional
and local levels. Given the complexity of the challenges we face and the
diversity between Member States, fundamental rights actors at different levels
need to work together and develop joint efforts within their respective
The European Commission’s Annual Colloquium on fundamental rights is a
step in this direction. Also the Council of the EU announced an annual
“dialogue among Member States to promote and safeguard the rule of law”.
I very much hope that these initiatives will advance the debate on how best to
safeguard the values that are shared between the Union and its States.
Given its own network structure and ties to fundamental rights actors at all
levels, FRA is well placed to contribute to such endeavours.
Third, there is a need to zoom in on the
practical implementation
of legal
and political commitments as they appear on paper. Many judges, lawyers
and officials are unaware of EU legislation. This is problematic since EU law is
typically implemented not by EU bodies but by actors at different layers of
For that, simple and practical tools are needed to ensure that fundamental
rights standards are upheld. FRA’s popular series of handbooks on human
rights case law covering asylum, data protection, non-discrimination etc. that
target legal practitioners is one such example.
Fourth, the
exchange of promising practices
can help pool knowledge and
expertise from different Member States. We need to develop more
opportunities for good practice sharing and peer-to-peer support between
Member States. FRA has set up two Working Parties with Member States on
hate crime and on Roma integration. This bears fruits. For example, the Hate
Crime Working Party is developing a simple reporting tool for victims to report
incidents of hate crime. Not addressing hate crime is a factor in the
radicalisation that we see in Europe today.
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The Roma Working Party is drafting a common set of indicators that can be
used to assess national Roma integration strategies. Such indicators, for
example, can tell us whether the existing EU funds do indeed improve the
fundamental rights of Roma or whether the funding stays in Brussels or
disappears into the wrong pockets. These are simple but essential
accountability tools, tools that are so much needed and so much resisted by
many Member States.
Practical support to mainstream fundamental rights at the operational level
should be a priority for the allocation of all EU funds.
Finally, a few words on how FRA could assist the EU institutions and Member
States to ensure that their shared values are upheld. Our
and EU-wide surveys provide detailed evidence on fundamental
rights shortcomings in Member States. Upon request by any EU institution, the
Agency can provide high-level
expert advice
on all relevant draft EU
legislation to ensure that it is compatible with fundamental rights.
Our networks link the Agency to fundamental rights actors at virtually all
levels. And our annual reports include proposals of how the EU and its
Member States could address challenges in selected policy fields. And we
collect promising practices from across the EU which guide Member States on
how to address fundamental rights challenges in very practical ways. This,
finally, is complemented by FRA’s high-level Scientific Committee that brings
together renowned experts with a proven record of solid judgement. Its
experts include members of Constitutional Courts, the former Vice President
of the European Court of Human Rights, as well as members of UN, Council
of Europe and national monitoring bodies. So before creating something new -
why not use what is already there?
To conclude:
As you can see the toolbox for EU and Member States to use is extensive. If
we were to use all these tools, we would not need to reinvent the wheel.
Instead we would demonstrate beyond all doubt to the European citizens that
the EU and its Member States are prepared to protect the fundamental values
that are such an integral part of living in Europe.
Thank you.