Europaudvalget 2015-16
EUU Alm.del Bilag 754
Denmark´s response to the European Commission´s public con-
sultation with regard to the interim report of the sector inquiry into
capacity mechanisms
June 2016
General remarks
The Danish government
welcomes the interim report of the sector inquiry into ca-
pacity mechanisms. Denmark strongly supports the Commission’s view that the
need for capacity mechanisms should be based on harmonised regional assess-
ments. Denmark believes that the overall aim for the European internal energy
market must be to eliminate the need for capacity mechanisms through a well-
functioning energy-only market that sends appropriate short and long term price
signals to invest in new and existing capacity as well as infrastructure. Capacity
mechanisms should be temporary measures to be employed whilst existing market
design failures in wholesale electricity markets are rectified. The introduction of
capacity mechanisms should, therefore, be accompanied by a roadmap for reme-
dying the underlying market failures that are responsible for the adequacy con-
cerns, including a deadline for when the mechanism should be phased out.
Denmark’s key points are as follows:
The energy-only market should be the main instrument to ensure genera-
tion adequacy; capacity mechanisms or other national initiatives to ensure
generation adequacy should be temporary measures of last resort;
The introduction of a temporary capacity mechanism should be accompa-
nied by a roadmap for removing existing market design failures, including a
deadline for a phase out of the mechanism;
The need for a capacity mechanism should be based on a harmonised re-
gional generation adequacy assessment;
The introduction and choice of capacity mechanism should be based on a
comprehensive regional social welfare economic analysis;
Harmonised principles for capacity mechanisms should be developed, in-
cluding principles for cross-border participation.
Danish Ministry of Energy,
Utilities and Climate
Stormgade 2-6
DK-1470 Copenhagen K
P: +45 3392 2800
E: [email protected]
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EUU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 754: Notat og høringssvar vedrørende Europa-Kommissionens foreløbige sektorundersøgelse af el-kapacitetsmekanismer
The energy only market should be the main instrument to ensure generation ade-
In a well-functioning internal energy market comprising markets for electricity and
markets for ancillary services, investors will receive accurate short and long term
price signals to invest in new transmission or production capacity and/or retrofit
existing capacity. Similarly, the consumers will be confronted with the true costs of
using electricity and thus receive the right incentives to react to the price signal.
Therefore, it is important to identify the market barriers causing the generation ade-
quacy problem with an aim to removing these barriers before introducing new initia-
tives to ensure generation adequacy. Removing barriers entails
inter alia
ing insufficient transmission capacity both across and within borders, developing
efficient short and long term markets, and facilitating a higher level of consumer
participation in the market.
However, as stated in the interim report some barriers may be difficult to remedy or
require time to address properly. Consequently, it can be necessary to introduce
temporary capacity mechanisms in order to ensure generation adequacy as a last
resort when facing challenges of the electricity market. If introduced, Member
States should be obliged to ensure that the design of capacity mechanisms do not
delay the long term ambition of developing a well-functioning, integrated European
electricity market in which market based electricity price signals – rather than sup-
port for capacity - ensure the necessary investments.
The introduction of a temporary capacity mechanism should be accompanied by a
roadmap for removing existing market design failures including a deadline for a
phase out of the mechanism
The interim report mainly focuses on how capacity mechanisms should ideally be
designed in order to address specific types of adequacy problems. The interim
report e.g. presents preliminary conclusions regarding which types of mechanisms
are more appropriate in order to address a
short term
capacity problem in contrast
to a
long term
capacity problem.
In general the report refers to market failures, but it does not define what consti-
tutes a market failure or how the market failure can be removed. The report should
both aim to identify how market failures create short or long term capacity problems
as well as present recommendations on how market failures can be removed. In
order to reach the objective of a well-functioning internal electricity market, the final
report should in addition address how and to what extent capacity markets distort
the energy-only market.
Denmark strongly believes that capacity mechanisms should not be an alternative
to a well-functioning electricity market, as capacity mechanisms distort the energy-
only market. Therefore, it is important that the introduction of capacity mechanisms
is accompanied with a road map for how to remedy the market failures creating the
adequacy problem. This road map should also include a timeline for the phase out
of the capacity mechanism.
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The need for capacity mechanisms should be based on harmonised regional gen-
eration adequacy assessment
The applied methodologies, models and assumptions when carrying out generation
adequacy assessments varies greatly between Member States. In order to develop
a fully integrated internal energy market, a harmonised methodology to assess
generation adequacy is needed. The harmonised methodology should be applied
on a regional level in order to fully account for the contribution of interconnectors
and capacity in neighbouring countries. A harmonised method to assess system
adequacy must eliminate the current bias towards thermal, domestic generating
capacity that is often found in existing generation adequacy assessments. When
evaluating system adequacy, it is at present common practice to reduce the availa-
bility of interconnector capacities and for sensitivity analysis to be performed on the
assumption that interconnectors are not available. These tendencies contribute to a
perception that import is a less reliable source of supply than domestic generation.
This leads to overestimation of the level of domestic capacity required to maintain
the desired level of adequacy which ultimately results in market distortions. Moreo-
ver, the contribution of renewable energy to system adequacy is similarly underes-
timated, which reduces the value of renewable energy for the system and can re-
sult in the retention of generating capacity that is often not competitive in the mar-
A harmonised methodology should be based on a probabilistic method. A probabil-
istic method provides a more accurate picture of the probability of having sufficient
power to satisfy consumption than current methodologies. A probabilistic method
ensures that the intermittent nature of wind and solar based production, small-scale
hydro, small and large power plants, combined heat and power, demand side re-
sponse, transmission lines as well as interconnectors are represented in the calcu-
lation in a manner that more accurately reflects their contribution to system ade-
quacy. A probabilistic method would also make it easier to analyse the potential for
more shared security of supply across borders. Consequently, a probabilistic meth-
od would provide a better basis for decisions on new investments to improve secu-
rity of supply.
The introduction and choice of capacity mechanism should be based on a compre-
hensive regional social welfare economic analysis
The introduction of capacity mechanisms in Member States can have a great im-
pact on the markets in neighbouring countries. If one country decides to implement
a capacity market, there is a risk that neighbouring countries are forced to also
implement a capacity market, since the introduction of a capacity market in one
country can potentially have a negative effect on electricity prices in neighbouring
countries, which in turn reduces the incentive to invest based on electricity price
signals. Furthermore, if two neighbouring countries decide to implement different
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types of capacity mechanisms it will most likely be inefficient and make the market
less transparent.
Member States should retain the prerogative to determine national reliability stand-
ards. However, to ensure a cost effective solution and minimise the distortion on
the internal energy market the choice of capacity mechanism should be based on a
regional social welfare economic analysis, which takes the effects the introduction
of a capacity mechanism will have on the neighbouring countries into account. This
requires a higher level of coordination between TSOs.
Harmonised principles for capacity mechanisms should be developed, including
principles for cross-border participation
To ensure that capacity mechanisms distort the market to a minimum the Commis-
sion should develop harmonised principles for the design of capacity mechanisms.
In general capacity mechanisms should be time-limited, technology neutral and
allow for cross-border participation and demand response.
Annex 2 in the interim report highlights important considerations which should be
taken into account when developing general principles of cross-border participation
in capacity mechanisms. We agree with the working group that the need for cross-
border participation in a strategic reserve is limited, as strategic reserves should not
be activated before all possibilities for imports have been exhausted. However, as
the markets become more integrated and TSO-cooperation intensifies it could be
beneficial to develop regional strategic reserves. This would most likely ensure a
more cost effective solution than introducing separate national capacity mecha-
Factual comments to the interim report
In the report the Danish reserve is referred to as abandoned, however Den-
mark has not abandoned the plan to introduce a strategic reserve in 2017-
2018. The implementation of the strategic reserve has been postponed until it
can be clarified whether it fulfils the state aid guidelines.
General remark to figure 2, 4, 11, 12, 13 and 19: In Denmark a high share of
our power plants uses biomass as main fuel. We therefore suggest separating
biomass and fossil fuels.
Figure 13: Denmark has a large share of combined heat and power (CHP)
plants. Consequently, the drop in the level of Danish capacity utilisation of
combustible fuels is limited compared to other Member States with high pene-
tration of wind, due to the dual function of CHPs (heat and electricity). In addi-
tion, a large share of thermal production uses biomass rather than fossil fuels.
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