Europaudvalget 2015-16
EUU Alm.del Bilag 761
The Hague, the Netherlands, 12 June 2016
CO-CHAIRS: Mr Tuur ELZINGA, Chair of the Committee for European Affairs, Dutch
Mr Malik AZMANI, Chair of Committee for European Affairs, Dutch
Tweede Kamer.
�½uboš BLAHA, Chair of the Committee on European Affairs, Slovak
Národná rada,
Katarína CSÉFALVAYOVÁ and Mr Martin KLUS, Vice-Chairs of the Committee on European
Affairs, Slovak
Národná rada;
Mr Marc ANGEL, Chair of the Committee on Foreign and
European Affairs, Defence, Cooperation and Immigration, Luxembourg
Chambre des Députés;
Ramón Luis VALCÁRCEL SISO, Vice-President and Ms Danuta HÜBNER, Chair of the
Committee on Constitutional Affairs, European Parliament.
1. Adoption of the agenda of the meeting of the Presidential Troika meeting of COSAC
2. Approval of the draft programme of the meeting of the LV COSAC meeting
3. Presentation of the 25th Bi-annual Report of COSAC
4. Debate on the draft Contribution of the LV COSAC meeting
5. Letters received by the Presidency
6. Any other business
1. Adoption of the agenda of the meeting of the Presidential Troika meeting of COSAC
Mr Malik AZMANI welcomed, also on behalf of Mr Tuur ELZINGA, the delegations of the
Presidential Troika of COSAC (hereinafter referred to as "the Troika"). In the absence of any
objection, the agenda of the meeting of the Troika was adopted without amendment.
2. Approval of the draft programme of the meeting of the LV COSAC meeting
Mr AZMANI gave a brief outline of the programme of the LV COSAC meeting, and informed the
Troika members about the use during the upcoming plenary meeting of the same innovative tools
that were used during the Chairpersons meeting in February 2016. The LV COSAC would focus on
five topics each of which would be debated under the guidance of a moderator in five different
Session I: Parliamentary scrutiny, an exchange of best practices;
Session II: The role of Parliaments in Protecting the Rule of Law within the EU
Session III: Exchange of best practices and experiences in Parliamentary Diplomacy
Session IV: European Court of Auditors
Session V: Migration
The draft programme of the LV COSAC was approved without amendment.
EUU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 761: Referat fra Trojka-møde og COSAC-møde 12-14/6-16 i Haag
3. Presentation of the 25th Bi-annual Report of COSAC
Mr AZMANI invited the Permanent Member of the COSAC secretariat, Ms Christiana FRYDA, to
give an outline of the presentation of the 25th Bi-annual Report of COSAC, which was based on
Parliaments' replies to the related questionnaire circulated to delegations on 29 February 2016 with
a deadline of 29 March 2016 for submitting replies.
Ms FRYDA briefly referred to the three chapters of the 25th Bi-annual Report of COSAC. The first
one dealt with modes and experiences of national scrutiny; the second one focused on the rule of
law and the role of Parliaments; and the third one concentrated on parliamentary diplomacy in the
framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy. As Ms FRYDA explained, in her presentation
the following day, she would focus on the first chapter, while the other two chapters would be
presented under each relevant session by the moderators.
4. Debate on the draft Contribution of the LV COSAC meeting
The draft text of the contributions was, as Mr AZMANI explained, circulated to delegations on 30
May 2016. Amendments received from delegations were, together with the initial text of the draft
contributions and a number of compromise proposals elaborated by the Presidency, included in a
table that was submitted to the Troika.
Following a detailed examination of each amendment proposed, the Troika, on the basis of the
Presidency's compromise proposals, drafted a modified text of the contributions. The European
Parliament agreed to the compromise text with the exception of paragraph 6.4. Mr AZMANI then
proposed that this text would be presented as the basis for further deliberations to the Chairpersons
of COSAC the following day. The amendments received by delegations that had been included in
the Troika's modified text would not be put to a vote. Delegations, still supporting their initial
amendment submitted or proposing new amendments, would be asked to submit these as new
amendments before noon the following day.
5. Letters received by the Presidency
The Chair referred to the following letters:
Letter from Mr Kalle PALLING, Chair of the European Union Affairs Committee of the
with a request for assistance in facilitating an informal session in the
margins of the plenary COSAC on collaborative economy.
Letter from Mr Carles ENSENAT, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Andorra
Consell General,
regarding participation at COSAC. After consultation with the Troika, a
letter of invitation had been sent out.
With regard to the request of Mr PALLING, the Presidency had sent a letter with a positive
response to the request. The side session mentioned in the programme would take place on Monday
during the lunch break. Furthermore, Mr AZMANI informed the Troika about an additional side
session on the implementation of the Single European Sky that was taking place during the lunch
break on Monday; the meeting was organised on the request of two members of the Dutch
who were rapporteurs on the dossier.
6. Any other business
No other business.