Europaudvalget 2015-16
Rådsmøde 3398 - beskæftigelse m.v.
Council of the
European Union
(OR. en)
PR CO 35
3398th Council meeting
Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs
Luxembourg, 18 and 19 June 2015
Uldis Augulis
Minister for Welfare of Latvia
Guntis Belēvičs
Minister for Health of Latvia
Rue de la Loi 175 B – 1048 BRUSSELS Tel.: +32 (0)2 281 6319 Fax: +32 (0)2 281 8026
[email protected]
Rådsmøde nr. 3398 (beskæftigelse, socialpolitik, sundhed og forbrugerbeskyttelse) den 18.-19. juni 2015 - Bilag 1335992:
18 and 19 June 2015
EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL POLICY ......................................................................................... 4
European Semester 2015 ...................................................................................................................... 4
Employment policies of the member states ......................................................................................... 5
Youth employment ............................................................................................................................... 6
Women on company boards ................................................................................................................. 7
Equal treatment directive ..................................................................................................................... 8
Gender gap in pensions ........................................................................................................................ 8
Any other business ............................................................................................................................... 9
Current legislative proposals ................................................................................................................................... 9
Transitional arrangements on free movement of workers from Croatia .................................................................. 9
Conferences organised by the Latvian Presidency .................................................................................................. 9
Programme of the incoming Presidency .................................................................................................................. 9
HEALTH ............................................................................................................................................ 10
Medical devices.................................................................................................................................. 10
Any other business ............................................................................................................................. 10
EU alcohol policy .................................................................................................................................................. 10
Health dimension in the European agenda on migration ....................................................................................... 11
Diphteria ................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Work programme of the incoming presidency ...................................................................................................... 11
In the margins of the Council ............................................................................................................. 11
Signing ceremony of the joint procurement agreement ......................................................................................... 11
Where declarations, conclusions or resolutions have been formally adopted by the Council, this is indicated
in the heading for the item concerned and the text is placed between quotation marks.
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Documents for which references are given in the text are available on the Council's Internet site
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Acts adopted with statements for the Council minutes which may be released to the public are indicated by
an asterisk; these statements are available on the Council's Internet site or may be obtained from the Press
Rådsmøde nr. 3398 (beskæftigelse, socialpolitik, sundhed og forbrugerbeskyttelse) den 18.-19. juni 2015 - Bilag 1335992:
18 and 19 June 2015
Rådsmøde nr. 3398 (beskæftigelse, socialpolitik, sundhed og forbrugerbeskyttelse) den 18.-19. juni 2015 - Bilag 1335992:
18 and 19 June 2015
European Semester 2015
The Council held a
policy debate
on the 2015 European Semester, as part of EPSCO's contribution
to the European Council on the employment/social policy aspects of the country-specific
recommendations (CSRs).
Ministers acknowledged that, despite an improving economic situation, serious challenges remain,
in particular in the areas of employment and social policy. Risks and challenges are particularly
acute regarding poverty, inequality, social cohesion and social inclusion. A strengthening of the
social dimension of EMU is required; employment and social considerations must be treated as a
priority in order to guarantee the stability of the Eurozone. Implementation of CSRs is key. CSRs
concerning employment and social issues must be maintained within the EPSCO remit and should
not systematically become a part of the MIP process.
In terms of process, Ministers gave a positive evaluation of the streamlining of the Semester, in
particular the extended timelines which allowed for a broader analysis and more extensive
consultations with all stakeholders, as well as the increased relevance and focus of the CSRs.
For the 2015
European Semester,
annual growth survey
proposes a three-pillar response to
exit the crisis:
boosting investment,
accelerating structural reforms and
pursuing responsible, growth-friendly fiscal consolidation.
In the
employment and social protection
area, the 2015 CSRs aim at the promotion of job
creation, labour market participation, activation and effective income support combined with
employability. They also put a focus on skills development, advocating quality apprenticeships and
lifelong learning.
Rådsmøde nr. 3398 (beskæftigelse, socialpolitik, sundhed og forbrugerbeskyttelse) den 18.-19. juni 2015 - Bilag 1335992:
18 and 19 June 2015
The sustainability challenge and the current and projected adequacy of future
need to be
addressed in a comprehensive way. Increasing the statutory as well as the effective retirement ages
remains an important issue in the 2015 Semester cycle.
In the area of
the main focus is on ensuring cost-effectiveness and sustainability while
ensuring universal access for all to adequate and quality healthcare.
In the context of the policy debate, the Council endorsed
of the Employment Committee
(EMCO) and the Social Protection Committee (SPC) on the examination of the 2015 national
reform programmes and the 2014 CSR implementation .
It also endorsed the
employment performance monitor
of the EMCO.
Employment policies of the member states
The Council agreed a general approach on a decision on the
employment guidelines
of the member
The set of integrated guidelines for 2015 reflect the new approach to economic policy making, built
on investment, structural reform and fiscal responsibility.
The four employment guidelines can be summarised as follows:
Boosting demand for labour
Member states should facilitate the creation of quality jobs, reduce the barriers that businesses face
in hiring people, and promote entrepreneurship. The tax burden should be shifted away from labour
to other sources of taxation less detrimental to employment and growth, while protecting revenue
for adequate social protection and growth-enhancing expenditure.
Enhancing labour supply, skills and competences
Member states, in cooperation with social partners, should promote productivity and employability
through an appropriate supply of relevant knowledge, skills and competences. Structural
weaknesses in education and training systems should be addressed to ensure quality learning
outcomes, and to reduce the number of young people leaving school early. Youth unemployment
and the high number of young people neither in employment, education, nor training (NEETs),
should be comprehensively addressed, through a structural improvement in the school-to-work
transition, including through the full implementation of the youth guarantee.
Rådsmøde nr. 3398 (beskæftigelse, socialpolitik, sundhed og forbrugerbeskyttelse) den 18.-19. juni 2015 - Bilag 1335992:
18 and 19 June 2015
Enhancing the functioning of labour markets
Member states should reduce and prevent segmentation within labour markets and fight undeclared
work. Employment protection rules, labour law, and institutions should all provide a suitable
environment for recruitment, whilst offering adequate levels of protection to all those in
employment and those seeking employment. Member states should promote inclusive labour
markets open to all men and women, putting in place effective anti-discrimination measures, and
employability by investing in human capital.
Fostering social inclusion, combatting poverty and promoting equal opportunities
Member states should modernise social protection systems to provide effective, efficient, and
adequate protection throughout all stages of an individual’s life, fostering social inclusion,
promoting equal opportunties, including for women and men, and addressing inequalities.
The Council general approach will need to be reconsidered once all the opinions required under
article 148(2) of the Treaty have been received.
Youth employment
The Council adopted conclusions
on the European
Court of Auditor's special report
the EU
youth guarantee.
The member states are in the middle of implementing the youth guarantee, with the help of funds
earmarked for that purpose under the youth employment initiative.
At the beginning of this year, the Court of Auditors issued a special report on "EU youth guarantee:
first steps taken but implementation risks ahead" assessing the implementation of the youth
guarantee. It based its findings on the Commission figures and input.
The Court identified three potential risks to the effective implementation, namely the adequacy of
total funding, the lack of a definition on good-quality offer and the lack of a comprehensive
monitoring system.
The Council took note of a Commission presentation on the state of play in the implementation of
measures to
youth unemployment
(9301/15). In particular, the pre-financing regulation was
published on 21 May in the OJ. This regulation increases the initial pre-financing under the youth
employment initiative to about EUR 1 billion.
Rådsmøde nr. 3398 (beskæftigelse, socialpolitik, sundhed og forbrugerbeskyttelse) den 18.-19. juni 2015 - Bilag 1335992:
18 and 19 June 2015
Women on company boards
The Council took note of a progress report on a directive improving the
gender balance in
Aiming to address the serious problem of women's under-representation in economic decision-
making at the highest level, the proposed directive would set a quantitative objective for the
proportion of the under-represented sex on the boards of listed companies of 40 % by 2020
(by 2018 in the case of public undertakings). The companies would be obliged to work towards that
objective, inter alia, by introducing procedural rules on the selection and appointment of non-
executive board members.
Companies which have not reached the 40 % target would be required to continue to apply
the procedural rules, as well as to explain what measures they had taken and intended to take in
order to reach it. For member states that choose to apply the objective to both executive and non-
executive directors, a lower target (33 %) would apply.
Discussions under the Latvian presidency
Discussions in the relevant working party of the Council have confirmed member states' broad
consensus on the need to improve the gender balance on company boards. However, while many
member states support EU-wide legislation, others continue to prefer national measures (or non-
binding measures at EU level). Thus, further work and political reflection will be required before a
compromise can be reached.
During the discussions under the Latvian Presidency, the target date has been revised so that
member states have an additional twelve months to reach the quantitative objectives, i.e. until the
end of 2020. In addition, the flexibility clause has been fine-tuned to allow member states to choose
their gender balance methods.
The position of the European Parliament
The European Parliament has strongly supported legislative action in this area, advocating binding
quotas to improve the gender balance in boardrooms. It adopted its position at first reading on 20
November 2013, broadly endorsing the Commission's proposal.
Rådsmøde nr. 3398 (beskæftigelse, socialpolitik, sundhed og forbrugerbeskyttelse) den 18.-19. juni 2015 - Bilag 1335992:
18 and 19 June 2015
Equal treatment directive
The Council took note of a progress report on a directive implementing the principle of
between persons, irrespective of religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation.
The proposed directive has been on the Council's agenda since 2008. Discussions in the EPSCO
Council last December showed a strong political will in favour of continuing this work.
The Latvian presidency has sought to clarify the scope of the proposal as well as the division of
competences between the EU and its member states.
The work mainly focused on the issues of social protection and education, with the presidency
endeavouring to define the scope in such a way as to spell out, as clearly as possible, the member
states' competence for the organisation and funding of their social protection systems and
educational systems.
Since the adoption of the directive requires Council unanimity, work will continue.
Gender gap in pensions
The Council adopted conclusions on equal income opportunities for women and men: Closing the
gender gap in pensions (9302/15).
The conclusions call on the member states and the Commission to:
promote research into the causes and effects of the gender gap in pensions;
develop an indicator within the framework of the SPC; and to
pursue measures to tackle the causes of the gender gap in pensions.
Since pension issues are for the most part a matter of national competence, the member states are
separately called upon to address the problem in a number of different ways.
Rådsmøde nr. 3398 (beskæftigelse, socialpolitik, sundhed og forbrugerbeskyttelse) den 18.-19. juni 2015 - Bilag 1335992:
18 and 19 June 2015
These conclusions will enable the member states to make progress towards de facto equality
between women and men in terms of economic independence.
According to the latest figures published by the Commission, the average gender gap in pensions in
the EU is 38.5 %, substantially higher than the gender pay gap (16.5 %). The causes of the gender
gap in pensions are complex, as shown by research undertaken by the Social Protection Committee
and the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE).
Any other business
Current legislative proposals
The presidency informed ministers on the following current legislative proposals: Seafarers,
undeclared work platform, EURES and maternity leave.
National Roma integration strategies
The Commission informed the Council about its forthcoming 2015 report on the implementation of
the EU framework on national Roma integration strategies.
Transitional arrangements on free movement of workers from Croatia
The Commission informed the Council about the
on the functioning of the transitional
arrangements regarding Croatia.
Conferences organised by the Latvian Presidency
The presidency informed the Council about the outcome of different conferences.
Programme of the incoming Presidency
The Luxembourg delegation informed the Council about its work programme.
Rådsmøde nr. 3398 (beskæftigelse, socialpolitik, sundhed og forbrugerbeskyttelse) den 18.-19. juni 2015 - Bilag 1335992:
18 and 19 June 2015
Medical devices
The Council agreed the substance of its negotiating stance on two draft regulations aimed at
modernising EU rules on medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices.
The two draft regulations on medical devices cover a wide range of products, from sticking plasters
to hip replacements, pacemakers and laboratory tests for assessment of medical interventions.
The main objective of the two draft regulations is to ensure that medical devices are safe. This
would be achieved by strengthening the rules on placing devices on the market and tightening
surveillance once they are available. The draft regulations also seek to provide patients more
transparency on the available devices, and increase their traceability.
The Council tasked its preparatory bodies to finalise some outstanding technical work concerning
the preamble of the two draft regulations to allow negotiations with the European Parliament to
For details, see
press release
Any other business
EU alcohol policy
A majority of ministers backed a call of the Slovenian delegation to present a new framework for
the EU's alcohol policy. This framework would help member states to tackle the abuse of alcohol
and alcohol related harm. According to the WHO, alcohol is the third leading risk factor for disease
and mortality in Europe (9286/15).
Rådsmøde nr. 3398 (beskæftigelse, socialpolitik, sundhed og forbrugerbeskyttelse) den 18.-19. juni 2015 - Bilag 1335992:
18 and 19 June 2015
Health dimension in the European agenda on migration
The Cyprus, Greek, Italian and Maltese delegations, supported by several other delegations, stressed
the importance of the health dimension being properly reflected in the European agenda on
migration (9479/15). Migration is one of the items on the agenda of the European Council meeting
on 25 and 26 June 2015.
The Council took note of information provided by the Spanish on a recent case of diphteria which
will be addressed in the health security committee meeting on 25 June 2015.
Work programme of the incoming presidency
The Luxembourg delegation informed ministers on its work programme in the field of health and
consumer affairs as the incoming Presidency of the Council of the EU.
In the margins of the Council
Signing ceremony of the joint procurement agreement
The Irish delegation signed the joint procurement agreement for pandemic vaccines and other
medical countermeasures. This brought the number of signatories to 21.
The aim of the agreement is to help member states to ensure that pandemic vaccines and medicines
are available in sufficient quantities and at an advantageous price in the event of the emergence of a
cross-border health threat.
Until now the joint procurement agreement has been signed by Denmark, Lithuania, Hungary,
Ireland, Italy, Romania, Luxembourg, Belgium, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Estonia,
Greece, Latvia, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain andnd the United
Following the pandemic vaccines shortage in 2009 in the wake of the H1N1 swine flu, the Council
and the European Parliament agreed on a legal basis for a joint procurement procedure for medical
countermeasures, provided for by decision 1082/2013 on serious cross-border threats to health. The
joint procurement agreement entered into force on 5 July 2014.
Rådsmøde nr. 3398 (beskæftigelse, socialpolitik, sundhed og forbrugerbeskyttelse) den 18.-19. juni 2015 - Bilag 1335992:
18 and 19 June 2015