Europaudvalget 2016
KOM (2016) 0864
Brussels, 30.11.2016
SWD(2016) 410 final
PART 1/5
Accompanying the document
Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on common
rules for the internal market in electricity (recast)
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the
electricity market (recast)
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing
a European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (recast)
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on risk
preparedness in the electricity sector
{COM(2016) 861 final}
{SWD(2016) 411 final}
{SWD(2016) 412 final}
{SWD(2016) 413 final}
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
Abstract of the Impact Assessment of the Market Design Initiative
The Energy Union framework strategy puts forward a vision of an energy market 'with
citizens at its core, where citizens take ownership of the energy transition, benefit from
new technologies to reduce their bills, participate actively in the market, and where
vulnerable consumers are protected'.
Well-functioning energy markets that ensure secure and sustainable energy supplies at
competitive prices are essential for achieving growth and consumer welfare in the
European Union and hence are at the heart of EU energy policy.
To live up to this vision, a series of legislative proposals have been prepared, following
the objectives of secure and competitive energy supplies and building on the EU's 2030
climate commitments reconfirmed in Paris last year.
The electricity sector will be one of the main contributors to decarbonise the economy.
Currently, 27.5% of Europe's electricity is produced using renewable energy and the
modelling shows that close to half of our electricity will come from renewables by 2030.
With increasing use of electricity in sectors like transport or heating and cooling,
traditionally dominated by fossil fuels, it is ever more important to further increase the
share of renewable energies in electricity and to unlock flexible demand, generation and
storage solutions.
A new regulatory framework is needed to address these challenges and opportunities.
The new proposals for a revised Renewable Energy Directive and for a new Market
Design will precisely do this, by deepening integration of the internal energy market,
empowering consumers, stepping up regional and EU-wide cooperation and providing
the right signals for investment, thus ensuring secure, sustainable and competitive
electricity systems.
A successful transition of the energy system delivering on the ambition to become world
leader in renewables will require substantial investment in the sector, and in particular
investments in low-carbon generation assets as well as network infrastructure. This
requires a revised Emissions Trading System in order to address the current surplus of
allowances and to deliver a strong investment signal to reach 40% greenhouse gas
emissions reductions by 2030, but also specific rules to complement market revenues if
those are not sufficient to attract investments in renewable electricity. In addition,
measures to promote renewable energies in sectors like transport or heating and cooling
are also crucial. Reaching the 2030 framework targets and achieving an Energy Union
will be underpinned by a strong Energy Union governance, which will ensure the
necessary ambition level in an iterative dialogue between the Commission and all
Member States. Finally, a successful transition of the energy system will also require
continued commitment and support for infrastructure development both locally as well as
across borders.
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At the same time the transition will only be successful if consumers are given the
information, opportunities and rewards to actively participate in it. The availability of
new technologies that allow consumers to both consume electricity in a smarter way as
well as produce it themselves at costs which are more and more competitive opens up
manifold possibilities. What is still needed to fully reap these opportunities is the
appropriate regulatory framework accompanying the digital transformation and
technological development that will empower consumers to take part in the energy
transition by becoming active market participants. Empowering consumers in this way
will also contribute to a more efficient use of energy and is therefore an integral part of
implementing the efficiency first principle.
Finally, the EU will only be able to manage the energy transition successfully and cost-
effectively in a more deeply integrated internal electricity market. Only a more
competitive and better interconnected market will allow Europe to drive cost-efficient
investment and in particular to integrate the rising share of renewable energy production
in a cost-efficient and secure manner into the system, profiting fully from
complementarities between Member States and broader regions.
Such a deeply integrated and competitive market is also a key building block for
guaranteeing security of supply and policies and mechanisms intended to reach this
objective should follow a cooperative logic. National security of supply policies need to
be better coordinated and aligned. This will ensure that Member States are duly prepared
to tackle possible crisis situations, in particular those that affect several countries at the
same time.
The present package of legislative measures directly contributes to the Energy Union
dimensions of energy security, solidarity and trust, a fully integrated internal energy
market as well as decarbonisation of the economy, while also indirectly contributing to
the other two.
Three consecutive legislative packages have transformed what used to be fragmented
energy markets in Europe into a more integrated Internal Electricity Market, thus
increasing competition. However, Europe's energy markets are undergoing further
profound changes.
The transition towards a low-carbon electricity production
poses a number of
challenges for the secure and cost-effective
organisation and operation of Europe’s power
grids and electricity markets. The increasing penetration of variable and decentralised
renewable energy
inter alia
by the EU’s goals for climate change and energy in
line with the 2020 and 2030 targets
requires the electricity sector to be operated
more flexibly and efficiently.
Today, most new installed capacity is based on wind and solar power which are
inherently more variable and less predictable when compared to conventional sources of
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energy (predictable central, large-scale fossil fuel-based power plants) or flexible
renewable energy technologies (e.g. biomass, geothermal or hydropower). By 2030, this
trend is expected to be ever more pronounced. As a result, there will be times when
variable renewables could cover a very large share - even 100% - of electricity demand
and times when they only cover a minor share of total consumption. The overall
electricity supply and demand needs to be in balance in physical terms at any given point
in time (including production or storage of electricity). This balance is a precondition for
the secure operation and stability of the electricity grid, thus avoiding the risk of black-
Current market arrangements do not adequately incentivize all market participants
including renewable energy generation - to adjust their portfolios by revising production
and consumption plans on short notice. The manner in which the trading of electricity is
arranged and in which the methods for allocating the network capacity to transport
electricity are organized, allow only for efficient trading of electricity in timeframes of
one or more days ahead of physical delivery. Yet, the increasing penetration of variable
renewable sources of electricity ('RES E') requires efficient and liquid short-term markets
that can operate as close to real time as possible
until very shortly before the time of
physical delivery (i.e. the moment when electricity is consumed). Indeed, most renewable
generation can only be accurately predicted shortly before the actual production (due to
weather uncertainties). Flexibility is essential to deal effectively with an increased share
of variable renewable generation. Besides, these markets do not fully take into account
possible contribution of cross-border resources.
Retail markets for energy in most parts of the EU suffer from persistently low levels
of competition, consumer choice and engagement.
In spite of falling prices on
wholesale markets, retail prices have risen steadily for households as a result of
significantly increased network charges, taxes and levies in recent years. Market
concentration remains generally high due to persisting barriers to new entrants.
Switching related fees such as contract termination charges continue to constitute a
significant financial barrier to consumer engagement. In addition, the high number of
complaints related to billing suggests that there is still scope to improve the
comparability, clarity and accuracy of billing information.
Despite technical innovations that allow consumers to better and more easily manage
their energy use
smart grids, smart homes, rooftop solar panels and storage, for
consumers are not sufficiently able to actively participate in electricity
markets and match demand with supply during peak times, particularly through demand-
response. This is because households and businesses often have scarce knowledge and
little or no incentive to change the amount of electricity they use or produce in response
to changing prices in the markets. Indeed, a host of issues such as a slow roll out of fully
functional smart metering systems, regulated prices, lacklustre competition between
retailers and an increasing portion of fixed charges in energy bills mean that real-time
price signals are usually not passed on to final consumers.
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In some Member States, up to 90% of renewable electricity generation is connected at
distribution level, putting more pressure on distribution system operators ('DSOs') to
actively manage their grids and to efficiently adjust to the increasing share of variable
and decentralized renewable electricity injected into their networks. However
contrast to transmission system operators ('TSOs')
the current regulatory framework
does not always provide appropriate tools to DSOs to do this, resulting in network
charges that are often higher than they could be for end consumers. Ensuring that all
DSOs become more flexible would create a level playing field for the deployment of
renewable generation that would make attaining the EU's climate and energy objectives
The deployment of information technology offers the possibility to address these issues,
facilitating the development of new services, improving consumer's comfort and making
the market more contestable and efficient. However, to fully benefit from the
digitalisation of the electricity market we need a non-discriminatory data management
framework that makes the right information immediately available to the right market
actors, while at the same time ensuring a high level of data protection.
With regard to consumer protection, there is a need to ensure that the move towards more
efficient retail markets does not lead to any group of consumers being left behind. In
particular, rising energy poverty as well as a lack of clarity on the most appropriate
means of tackling consumer vulnerability and energy poverty can hamper the further
deepening of the internal energy market.
In the current context, wholesale electricity prices have been decreasing
due to
number of coinciding drivers: a decline in primary energy prices, a surplus of carbon
allowances and an overcapacity of power generation facilities in some regions of the EU
caused by a drop in electricity demand, rising investments in renewables driven by EU
policies and increased sharing of resources among Member States through market
For most regions in Europe,
current electricity wholesale prices do not indicate the
need for new investments into electricity generation.
However, in the current market
arrangement, prices often do not reflect the real value of electricity due to regulatory
failures such as the lack of scarcity pricing and inadequately delimited price (or bidding)
zones. These regulatory failures, taken together with the increasing penetration of
electricity generated from renewable sources with low operating costs, affect the
remuneration of conventional electricity generation units that operate less often but
contribute to providing security and flexibility to the system
alongside non-
conventional flexible generation, interconnections, storage and demand response.
In light of the 2030 objective for renewable energy, considerable new investment in
electricity generation capacity will be required. The largest part will be provided by
variable renewable generation, complemented to a certain extent by more predictable,
flexible, less carbon-intensive forms of power generation. Independently of current
overcapacities, there are growing concerns in some areas of Europe that current average
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wholesale prices may not provide appropriate signals for the necessary investments into
future generation or for keeping sufficient capacity in the market. A number of Member
States anticipate inadequate generation capacity in future years and introduce capacity
mechanisms at national level to support investment in capacity and ensure system
adequacy (i.e. the ability of the electricity system to serve demand at all times).
and designed without a proper assessment of the appropriate level of
supply security,
capacity mechanisms may risk affecting cross-border trade,
distorting investment signals,
affecting thus the ability of the market to deliver any new
investments in conventional and low-carbon generation,
and strengthening market
of incumbents by not allowing alternative providers to enter the market.
Despite best efforts to build an integrated and resilient power market, crisis situations can
never be excluded. The potential for crisis situation increases with climate change (e.g.
extreme weather conditions) and the emergence of new areas that are subject to
criticalities such as malicious attacks and cyber-threats. Such crises tend to often have an
immediate cross-border effect in electricity. Where systems are interconnected, incidents
that start locally can rapidly spread beyond borders and crisis situations might also affect
several Member States at the same time (e.g. prolonged heat waves or cold spells).
risk assessments as well as plans and actions for dealing with electricity crisis
situations focus on the national context only
and there is insufficient information-
sharing and transparency across Member States. In addition, there are different views on
what is to be considered as a risk to security of supply. In an increasingly inter-connected
electricity market, the lack of common approach and coordination can seriously imperil
security of supply across borders and dangerously undermine the functioning of the
internal electricity market.
In addition, missing opportunities to exchange energy with neighbours remains a key
obstacle to the internal energy market. Even where interconnectors are in place, they
often remain unused due to a lack of coordination between Member States. Rules are
therefore needed that ensure that the use of interconnection is not unduly limited by
national interventions.
Based on the above-mentioned shortcomings and underlying drivers, the present impact
assessment has identified four key problem areas that are addressed in the proposed
i) the current market design is not fit for integrating an increasing share
of variable, decentralised generation and for reaping the potential of technological
developments; ii) uncertainty about sufficient future generation investments and
uncoordinated capacity mechanisms; iii) Member States do not take sufficient
account of what happens across their borders when preparing for and managing
electricity crisis situations; and iv) as regards retail markets, there is a slow
deployment and low levels of services and poor market performance are wide-
spread in the EU.
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Article 194 of the Treaty of the Functioning of the EU consolidated and clarified the
competences of the EU in the field of energy and is the legal basis of the current
Electricity markets have become more integrated and interdependent physically,
economically and from a regulatory point of view, due to increasing cross-border
electricity trade, growing share of renewable energy sources and more interconnections
in the European electricity grid. The challenges can no longer be addressed as effectively
by individual Member States. New frameworks to further integrate the internal energy
market and improve the conditions for competition while at the same time adjusting to
the decarbonisation targets and ensuring a more coordinated policy response to security
of supply, can most effectively be achieved at European level.
Against this background and in line with the Union's policy on climate change and
energy, the general policy objective of the present initiative is to make electricity markets
more secure, efficient and competitive, while ensuring that electricity is generated in a
sustainable way and remains affordable to all consumers. The present impact assessment
reflects and analyses the need and policy options for a possible revision of the main
framework governing electricity markets and security of supply policies in Europe.
There are four specific objectives: i) adapt the market design for the cost effective
operation of variable and often decentralised generation, taking into account
technological developments; ii) facilitate investments in generation capacity in the right
amount and type of resources for the EU: iii) improve Member States' resilience on each
other in times of system stress and reinforce their coordination and cooperation regarding
crisis situations; and iv) address the root causes of weak competition on energy retail
markets and improve consumer protection and engagement.
Interlinkages with parallel initiatives
The proposed initiative is strongly linked to other energy and climate related legislative
proposals brought forward in parallel, including the renewable energy package which
covers a number of measures deemed necessary to attain the EU binding objective of
reaching a level of at least 27% renewables in final EU energy consumption by 2030.
The renewable energy directive has synergies with the present initiative, which seeks to
adapt the current market design to the increasing share of variable decentralised
generation and technological development and to create an environment conducive for
investments in renewables.
In particular, the reflections on a revised Renewables Energy Directive will include
framework principles on support schemes for market-oriented, cost-effective and more
regionalised support to RES E up to 2030, in case Member States were opting to have
them as a tool to facilitate target achievement. Conversely, measures aimed at the
integration of RES E in the market, such as provisions on priority dispatch and access
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previously contained in the Renewables Directive are part of the present market design
initiative. The Renewable Package also deals with legal and administrative barriers for
self-consumption, whereas the present package addresses market related barriers to self-
Both the market design and renewable energy impact assessments come to the conclusion
that the improved electricity market, supported through a revised Emission Trading
System ('ETS'), could, under certain conditions, by 2030 deliver investments in the most
mature low-carbon technologies (such as PV and onshore wind). However, until such
conditions materialise, market-based support schemes will still be needed in order to
provide investment certainty. Less mature RES E technologies, such as offshore wind,
will likely need some form of support throughout the transitional period.
The Energy Union governance initiative also has synergies with the present initiative and
will contribute to ensure policy coherence and reduce administrative impact. It will also
streamline the reporting obligations by Member States and the Commission that are
presently enshrined in the Third Package.
In general terms, energy efficiency measures also interact with the present initiative as
they affect the level and structure of electricity demand. In addition, energy efficiency
measures can alleviate energy poverty and consumer vulnerability. Besides consumer
income and energy prices, energy efficiency is one of the major drivers of energy
poverty. The provisions previously contained in the energy efficiency legislation on
demand response, billing and metering will be set out in the present initiative.
The present initiative is furthermore consistent with the findings of the sector inquiry on
capacity mechanisms. Pointing out that there is a lack of adequate assessment of the
actual need for capacity mechanisms, the sector inquiry emphasizes that where needed
capacity mechanisms need to be designed with transparent and open rules of participation
that does not undermine the functioning of the electricity market, taking into account
cross border participation.
The Commission Regulation establishing a Guideline on Electricity Balancing
('Balancing Guideline') is also closely related to the present initiative as it aims to
harmonise certain aspects of the EU's balancing markets and to optimise cross-border
usage. Indeed, efficient, integrated balancing markets are an important building block for
the consistent functioning and flexibility of the market which in turn is needed for a cost
effective integration of RES E into the electricity market.
In assessing all possible options (ranging from non-regulatory to legislative policy
options) the following approach was taken:
Identification of a set of high level options for each problem area. Each of these high
level options contains sub-options for specific measures;
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Assessment of each specific measure, comparing a number of options in order to
select the preferred approach.
The following policy options have been considered:
Regarding Problem Area I: the need to adapt the market design to the increasing
share of variable decentralised generation and technological developments,
Option 0+ (Non-regulatory approach) provides little scope for improving the market and
the level-playing field among resources. Indeed, the current EU regulatory framework is
limited in certain areas (e.g., balancing and intraday markets) and even non-existent for
other areas (e.g., role of DSOs in data management). Besides, voluntary cooperation may
not provide for the appropriate levels of harmonisation or certainty to the market and
legislation. This option was therefore discarded.
Two possible paths going beyond the baseline scenario were however identified and
assessed: (i) enhancing current market rules through EU regulatory action in order to
increase the flexibility of the system, retaining to a certain extent the national operation
of the systems (Option 1) and, (2) moving to a fully integrated approach via relatively
far-reaching changing to the current regulatory framework (Option 2).
Option 1 of enhancing the current market rules comprises three different sub-options:
Option 1(a)
Creating a level-playing field among all generation technologies and
resources and remove existing market distortions. It addresses rules that
discriminate between resources and which limit or favour the access of
certain technologies to the electricity grid (such as so-called 'must-run'
provisions and rules on priority dispatch and access). In addition, all
market participants would bear financial responsibility for the imbalances
caused on the grid and all resources would be remunerated in the market
on equal terms. Barriers to demand-response would be removed.
Exemptions from certain regulatory provisions may, in some cases, be
required, notably for certain small-scale installations and emerging
(In addition to sub-option (a)) Strengthening the short-term markets by
bringing them closer to real-time in order to provide maximum
opportunity to meet the flexibility needs and balance the market. The
sizing of balancing reserves and their use would be harmonised in larger
balancing zones in order to optimally exploit interconnections and cross-
border exchange in shorter term markets.
(In addition to sub-option (a) and (b)) Pulling all flexible distributed
resources concerning generation, demand and storage, into the market via
proper incentives and a market framework better adapted to them. This
would be based on smart-metering allowing consumers to directly react to
price signals and measures to incentivise DSOs to manage their networks
in a flexible and cost-efficient way.
Option 1(b)
Option 1(c)
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Option 2 (fully integrated market) considers measures that would aim to deliver a truly
integrated pan-European electricity market through the adoption of far-reaching measures
changing the current regulatory framework.
Regarding Problem Area II: uncertainty about sufficient future generation
investments and uncoordinated capacity mechanisms,
four options were considered.
As regards Option 0+ (Non-regulatory approach), existing provisions under EU
legislation are not sufficiently clear and robust to cope with the challenges facing the
European electricity system. In addition, voluntary cooperation may not provide for
appropriate levels of harmonisation across all Member States or certainty to the market.
Legislation is needed in this area to address the issues in a consistent way. This Option
was therefore discarded.
Various policy options going beyond the baseline scenario were assessed. They differ
according to which extent market participants can rely on energy market payments. Each
policy option also considers varying degrees of alignment and coordination among
Member States at EU-level.
Option 1 (energy-only market without capacity mechanisms) builds upon Option 1(a) to
1(c) under problem area I and would be based on additional measures to further
strengthen the internal electricity market. Under this option, it is assumed that European
markets, if sufficiently interconnected and undistorted, can provide for the necessary
price signals to incentivise investments in new generation thus also reducing the need for
government interventions in support thereof. This option consists of improving price
signals by removing price caps in order to allow scarcity pricing during peak time. At the
same time, price signals could drive the geographical location of new investments and
production decisions, via price zones aligned with structural congestion in the
transmission grid.
Option 2 and 3 include the measures presented in Option 1, but allow capacity
mechanisms under certain conditions and propose possible measures to better align them
among Member States in order to avoid negative consequences for the functioning of the
internal market. These options build on the European Commission's 'EEAG' state aid
Guidelines and the Sector Inquiry on capacity mechanisms. In Option 2, capacity
mechanisms are based on a transparent and EU-wide resource adequacy assessment
carried-out by the European Network of Transmission System Operators for electricity
('ENTSO-E'). Such EU-wide assessment would also allow for effective cross-border
participation. Additionally, Option 3 would provide for common design features for
better compatibility between national capacity mechanisms and harmonised cross-border
Under Option 4 based on regional or EU-wide generation adequacy assessments, entire
regions or ultimately all EU Member States would be required to roll out capacity
mechanisms on a mandatory basis. This option was found to be disproportionate and was
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Regarding Problem Area III: the lack of coordination among Member States when
preparing for and managing electricity crisis situations,
five policy options ranging
from the baseline scenario (Option 0) to the full harmonization and decision making at
regional level have been identified.
Option 0+ (Non-regulatory approach). As current legislative provisions do not prescribe
how Member States should prevent and manage crisis situations nor mandate any form of
cross-border co-operation, better implementation and enforcement actions will be of no
avail. In addition, whilst there is some voluntary cross-border cooperation in this area, it
is limited to a few regional parts of the EU. This option was discarded.
Under Option 1 (Common minimum EU rules), Member States would have to respect a
set of common rules and principles regarding crisis prevention and management, agreed
at the European level ('minimum harmonisation'). Accordingly, non-market measures
should only be introduced as a means of last resort, when duly justified. Member States
would be obliged to address electricity crisis situations, in particular situations of a
simultaneous crisis, in a spirit of co-operation and solidarity. Member States should
inform each other and the Commission without undue delay when they see a crisis
situation coming or when being in a crisis situation. Member States would be obliged to
develop national Risk Preparedness Plans ('Plan') with the aim to avoid or better tackle
crisis situations. Plans could be prepared by TSOs, but need to be endorsed at the
political level. On cyber-security, Member States would need to set out in the Plan how
they will prevent and manage cyberattack situations.
Option 2 (EU rules + regional cooperation) would include all common rules included in
Option 1. In addition, it would put in place rules and tools to ensure that effective cross-
border co-operation takes place in a regional and EU context. Thus, there would be a
systematic assessment of rare/extreme risks at the regional level. The identification of
crisis scenarios would be carried out by ENTSO-E in a regional context and tasks would
be delegated to Regional Operation Centres (ROCs). For cybersecurity, the Commission
would propose the development of a network code/guideline which would ensure a
minimum level of harmonization in the energy sector throughout the EU. The Risk
Preparedness Plans would contain two parts
a part reflecting national measures and a
part reflecting measures to be pre-agreed in a regional context (including regional 'stress
tests', procedures for cooperation in different crisis scenarios and agreement on how to
deal with simultaneous electricity crisis situations).
Option 3 (Full harmonisation) entails full harmonisation and decision-making at regional
level. The risk preparedness plans would be developed on regional level in order to allow
a harmonised response to potential crisis situation in each region. On cybersecurity,
Option 3 would go one step further and nominate a dedicated body (agency) to deal with
cybersecurity in the energy sector. Crisis would have to be managed according to the
regional plans agreed among Member States. A detailed 'emergency rulebook' for crisis
handling would be put in place, containing an exhaustive list of measures that can be
taken by Member States in crisis situations.
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Regarding Problem Area IV: retail markets and the slow deployment and low levels
of services and poor market performance,
four policy options have been considered
ranging from baseline scenario (Option 0) to full harmonization and extensive safeguards
for consumers.
Option 0+ (Improved implementation/enforcement and non-regulatory approach)
consists in sharing of good practices and increasing the efforts to correctly implement the
legislation. This non-regulatory approach addresses competition and consumer
engagement issues by strengthening the enforcement of the existing legislation as well as
through bilateral consultation with Member States to progressively phase-out price
regulation, starting with prices below costs. It also considers developing a
Recommendation on energy bills. However, this option does not tackle the third problem
driver of the market failures that prevent effective data flow between market actors.
Under Option 1 (Flexible legislation), all problem drivers are addressed through new
legislation. To improve competition, Member States progressively phase-out blanket
price regulation by a deadline specified in new EU legislation, starting with prices below
costs, while allowing transitional price regulation for vulnerable consumers. To increase
consumer engagement, the use of contract termination fees is restricted. Consumer
confidence in comparison websites is fostered through national authorities implementing
a certification tool. In addition, high-level principles ensure that energy bills are clear and
easy to understand, through minimum content requirements. A generic adaptable,
definition of energy poverty based on household income and energy expenditure is
proposed in the legislation for the first time. Finally, to allow the development of new
services by new entrants and energy service companies, non-discriminatory access to
consumer data is ensured.
Building on Option 1, Option 2 (Full harmonisation and extensive consumer safeguards)
aims to provide maximum safeguards for consumers and extensive harmonisation of
Member States action throughout the EU. Exemptions to price regulation are defined at
EU level on the basis of either a consumption threshold or a price threshold. A standard
data handling model is enforced and assigns the responsibility to a neutral market actor
such as a TSO. All switching fees including contract termination fees are banned and the
content of energy bills is partially harmonized. Finally, an EU framework to monitor
energy poverty based on an energy efficiency survey done by Member States of the
housing stock as well as preventive measures to avoid disconnections are put in place.
The measures considered in this impact assessment are highly complementary. Most of
the different options considered in each problem area would reinforce the effect of
options in other problem areas, with little trade-offs between the different areas. The
overall beneficial effects will be achieved only if all measures are implemented as a
The measures under Problem Area I and II are strongly linked in that they collectively
aim at improving market functioning, including the delivery of investment by the market.
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Measures under Problem Area I and Option 1 of Problem area II thus reduce the need for
market government intervention by means of capacity mechanisms. The other measures
under Problem Area II reduce their distortive effects if such mechanisms are nonetheless
Scarcity pricing and capacity mechanisms can to a certain degree be seen as alternative
measures to foster investments. With assets remunerated by capacity mechanisms, the
effectiveness of scarcity prices may be reduced. It needs also to be noted that scarcity
prices and market-wide capacity mechanisms incentivise different investment decisions:
whereas such capacity mechanisms may reward any firm capacity, scarcity pricing will
improve remuneration of flexible capacity in particular.
The measures aiming at providing adequate price signals (measures under Problem Area
I and Problem Area Option 1) are no-regret options. Until these conditions are achieved
and under specific circumstances (like energy isolation), State intervention in the form of
some type of capacity mechanism may be necessary. That is why it is essential that such
mechanisms are properly designed, taking into account the wider regional and European
resources and allowing cross-border participation in a technology-neutral manner.
The measures assessed under various options in the impact assessment seek to improve
the overall flexibility of the electricity system. However, they do this by employing
different means. Investment in new interconnection capacity may reduce the need for
new generation and vice-versa, new generation can reduce the incentives for new
interconnector capacity. Similarly, pulling demand response into the market will reduce
the profits of generation capacity. Ultimately, the efficient markets should opt for the
most cost-efficient solutions.
Energy poverty safeguards whose costs directly accrue to suppliers
particularly, the
disconnection safeguards considered in Option 2 (Harmonization and extensive consumer
safeguards) of Problem Area IV (Retail markets)
may act as a barrier to retail-level
competition, and diminish the associated benefits to consumers, including lower prices,
new and innovative products, and higher levels of service. Although the implementation
costs of these safeguards will be passed on to consumers, and therefore socialized,
different energy suppliers may have different abilities to do this, and to deal with the
additional consumer engagement costs. Some may therefore choose not to enter markets
with such safeguards in place.
All options have been compared against each other using, the baseline scenario as a
reference and applying the following criteria:
Effectiveness: the options proposed should first and foremost be effective and thus be
suitable to addressing the specified problem;
Efficiency: this criterion assesses the extent to which objectives can be achieved at
the least cost (benefits versus the costs).
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Policy options regarding the need to adapt the market design to the increasing share
of variable decentralised generation and technological developments (Problem Area
Options 1(a) (level playing field), 1(b) (strengthening short-term markets) and 1(c)
(demand response/distributed resources) represent an interlinked set of measures
regarding the integration of the national electricity markets and present a compromise
between bottom-up initiatives and top-down steering of the market development, without
substituting the role of national governments, regulators and TSOs by a centralised and
fully harmonised system.
However, Option 1(a) (level playing field) and Option 1(b) (strengthening short-term
markets) do not cover measures to pull all distributed flexible resources (demand-
response, renewable electricity and storage) into the market. These options do not take
advantage of the potential offered by these resources to efficiently operate and
decarbonise the electricity market.
In this context, Option 1(c) (demand response/distributed resources) provides a more
holistic, effective and efficient package of solutions. While this option may lead to minor
additional administrative impacts for Member States and competent authorities regarding
the implementation and monitoring of the measures, these impacts will be offset by lower
barriers to entry to start-ups and SMEs, by the benefits to market parties from more
stable regulatory frameworks and new business opportunities as well as by the benefits to
consumers from more competition and access to wider choice.
As regards Option 2 (fully integrated market), while having advantages in terms of less
coordination requirements (i.e., a fully integrated EU-market can be operated more
efficiently), the results of the assessment indicate that the move towards a more
integrated European approach has less significant economic added value since most of
the benefits will have already been reaped under the regional, more decentralised
approach under option. In addition, it has significant impacts on stakeholders, Member
States and competent authorities since it requires significant changes to established
Preferred option for Problem Area I: Option 1(c) (demand
resources, also encompassing options 1(a) (level playing field) and 1(b) (strengthening
short-term markets))
Policy options regarding uncertainty about sufficient future generation investments
and uncoordinated capacity mechanisms (Problem Area II)
Option 1 (reinforced energy only market without capacity mechanisms) can in principle
provide the right signals for market operation and ensure system adequacy and ensure
better utilisation of resources across borders, demand participation and renewable
integration without subsidies. Improving the functioning of electricity markets will
improve the conditions for investment in the electricity market to ensure reliable and
effective supply of electricity, even in times of scarcity. This will in turn decrease the
need for capacity mechanisms.
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However, markets are today still characterised by manifold regulatory distortions today
and removing the distortive effects will not be possible with immediate effects in many
Member States. Besides under such option, uncertainty about future policy directions or
governmental interventions still exists. Such uncertainty may hamper investment and in
turn create the need for mechanisms that address the lack of investments ('missing
It should be noted that undistorted energy price signals are fundamental irrespective of
whether generators are solely relying on energy market incomes or also receive capacity
payments. Therefore the measures aimed at removing distortions from energy-only
markets discussed under Option 1(a) to 1(c) (e.g. scarcity pricing or reinforced locational
signals) are 'no-regrets' and assumed as being integral parts of Options 2, 3 and 4.
Option 2
energy markets
Capacity Mechanisms ('CM's) only when needed,
based on a common EU-wide adequacy assessment can improve the overall cost-
efficiency of the electricity sector through establishing an EU-wide approach to system
adequacy assessments as opposed to national-based adequacy assessments. At the same
time Option 2 does not allow reaping the full benefits of cross-border participation in
capacity mechanisms.
A more coordinate approach to state interventions across Member States is needed and is
a clear priority for reform. Placing capacity mechanisms into a more regional/EU context
is a pre-requisite to reduce market distortions. It is indeed necessary that the schemes
Member States introduce are compatible with internal market rules.
Option 3 (Improved energy market
CMs only when needed, plus cross-border
participation) proposes additional measures to avoid fragmentation of capacity
mechanisms and ensures that foreign resource providers can effectively participate in
national capacity mechanisms and avoids competition and market distortions resulting
from capacity payments which are reserved to domestic participants. As a result, it
reduces investment distortions that might be present in Option 2 because of
uncoordinated approaches to cross-border participation.
Preferred option for Problem Area II: Option 3 (Improved energy market
only when needed, plus cross-border participation)
(encompassing also Options 1 and
Policy options regarding the lack of coordination among Member States when
preparing for and managing electricity crisis situations (Problem Area III)
Based on a set of clear common rules, Option 1 (Common minimum EU rules) would
improve the level of transparency and crisis management across Europe and is likely to
reduce the chances of premature market intervention. The policy tools proposed under
this option would bring economic benefits to businesses and consumers by helping to
prevent costly blackout situations. However, this option does not solve the issue of
uncoordinated planning and preparation ahead of a crisis since Member State are not
required to take into account cross-border risks and crisis.
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Under Option 2 (EU rules + regional cooperation), the regionally coordinated plans
ensure the regional identification of risks and the consistency of the measures for
prevention and managing crisis situations while respecting national differences and
competences. This significantly improves the level of preparedness (compared to Option
1) at national, regional and EU level, as the cross border considerations are duly taken
into account since the beginning. A regional approach to security of supply results in a
better utilisation of power plants and guarantees risk preparedness at a lesser cost.
Under Option 3 (Full harmonisation), the estimated impact on cost is likely to be high
(notably with the creation of an EU agency on cyber-security) and the measures put
forward appear disproportionate compared to the expected effectiveness. Indeed, this
option represents a highly intrusive approach
with significant administrative impact -
by resorting to a full harmonisation of principles and the prescription of concrete
Preferred option for Problem Area III: Option 2
rules + regional cooperation)
Policy options regarding retail markets and the slow deployment and low levels of
services and poor market performance (Problem Area IV)
Given its low implementation costs, Option 0+ (Non-regulatory approach) is a highly
efficient option. However, the effectiveness of Option 0+ is significantly limited by the
fact that non-regulatory measures are not suitable for tackling the poor data flow between
retail market actors that constitutes both a barrier to entry and a barrier to higher levels of
service to consumers. In addition, shortcomings in the existing legislation make it
impossible to significantly improve consumer engagement and energy poverty
safeguards. They also introduce great uncertainty around the drive to phase out price
regulation which does not provide sufficient incentives to consumers to play an active
role in the market and which also limits competition and new entrants into the market.
Option 1 (Flexible legislation) would lead to substantial economic benefits. Retail
competition would be improved as a result of the progressive phase-out of blanket price
regulation, non-discriminatory access to consumer data, and increased consumer
engagement. In addition, consumers would see direct benefits through improved
In Option 2 (Harmonization and extensive consumer safeguards) there is uncertainty over
the size of the economic benefits. This uncertainty stems from the tension some of the
measures in Option 2 may have with competition (stronger disconnection safeguards, an
outright ban on all switching-related charges), and from the difficulty of prescribing EU-
level solutions in certain areas (defining exceptions to price deregulation, implementing a
standard EU bill design). Besides, a single EU data management model would have high
implementation costs, thus reducing the efficiency of the option.
Preferred option for Problem Area IV: Option 1 (Flexible legislation)
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INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 21
Background and scope of the market design initiative ............................................................21
1.1.1. Context of the initiative ............................................................................................................. 21
The gradual process of creating an internal electricity market ....................................... 21
The Union's policy concerning climate change ................................................................ 21
Paradigm shift in the electricity sector ............................................................................ 22
The vision for the EU electricity market in 2030 and beyond .......................................... 23
1.1.2. Scope of the initiative ................................................................................................................ 29
Current relevant legislative framework ........................................................................... 29
Policy development subsequent to the Third Package .................................................... 30
Scope and summary of the initiative ............................................................................... 32
1.1.3. Organisation and timing ............................................................................................................ 32
Follow up on the Third Package ....................................................................................... 32
Consultation and expertise .............................................................................................. 33
Interlinkages with parallel initiatives ......................................................................................34
1.2.1. The Renewable Energy Package comprising the new Renewable Energy Directive and
bioenergy sustainability policy for 2030 ('RED
................................................................................... 34
1.2.2. Commission guidance on regional cooperation ........................................................................ 35
1.2.3. The Energy Union governance initiative .................................................................................... 35
1.2.4. The Energy Efficiency legislation ('EE') and the related Energy Performance of Buildings
Directive ('EPBD') including the proposals for their amendment. ........................................................... 36
1.2.5. The Commission Regulation establishing a Guideline on Electricity Balancing ('Balancing
Guideline') ................................................................................................................................................ 36
1.2.6. Other relevant instruments ....................................................................................................... 37
PROBLEM DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................ 38
Problem Area I: Market design not fit for an increasing share of variable decentralized
generation and technological developments........................................................................................38
2.1.1. Driver 1: Short-term markets, as well as balancing markets, are not efficiently organised ...... 40
2.1.2. Driver 2: Exemptions from fundamental market principles ...................................................... 42
2.1.3. Driver 3: Consumers do not actively engage in the market and demand response potential
remains largely untapped ........................................................................................................................ 44
2.1.4. Driver 4: Distribution networks are not actively managed and grid users are poorly
incentivised .............................................................................................................................................. 50
Problem Area II: Uncertainty about sufficient future generation investments and
uncoordinated capacity markets..........................................................................................................52
2.2.1. Driver 1: Lack of adequate investment signals due to regulatory failures and imperfections in
the electricity market............................................................................................................................... 55
2.2.2. Driver 2: Uncoordinated state interventions to deal with real or perceived capacity problems
Problem Area III: Member States do not take sufficient account of what happens across their
borders when preparing for and managing electricity crisis situations..................................................63
2.3.1. Driver 1: Plans and actions for dealing with electricity crisis situations focus on the national
context only ............................................................................................................................................. 65
2.3.2. Driver 2: Lack of information-sharing and transparency ........................................................... 67
2.3.3. Driver 3: No common approach to identifying and assessing risks ........................................... 69
Problem Area IV: The slow deployment of new services, low levels of service and questionable
market performance on retail markets ................................................................................................69
2.4.1. Driver 1: Low levels of competition on retail markets .............................................................. 70
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Driver 2: Possible conflicts of interest between market actors that manage and handle data 74
Driver 3: Low levels of consumer engagement ......................................................................... 76
What is the EU dimension of the problem?.............................................................................77
How would the problem evolve, all things being equal? .........................................................78
2.6.1. The projected development of the current regulatory framework........................................... 78
2.6.2. Expected evolution of the problems under the current regulatory framework ....................... 79
Issues identified in the evaluation of the Third Package ..........................................................80
SUBSIDIARITY ................................................................................................................ 81
The EU's right to act ...............................................................................................................81
Why could Member States not achieve the objectives of the proposed action sufficiently by
themselves? ........................................................................................................................................81
Added-value of action at EU-level ..........................................................................................83
OBJECTIVES ..................................................................................................................... 84
Objectives and sub-objectives of the present initiative ...........................................................84
Consistency of objectives with other EU policies.....................................................................85
POLICY OPTIONS ........................................................................................................... 88
Options to address Problem Area I (Market design not fit for an increasing share of variable
decentralized generation and technological developments) .................................................................89
5.1.1. Overview of the policy options .................................................................................................. 89
5.1.2. Option 0: Baseline Scenario
Current Market Arrangements .................................................. 90
5.1.3. Option 0+: Non-regulatory approach ........................................................................................ 91
5.1.4. Option 1: EU Regulatory action to enhance market flexibility .................................................. 92
Sub-option 1(a): Level playing field amongst participants and resources ....................... 94
Sub-option 1(b): Strengthening short-term markets ....................................................... 97
Sub-option 1(c): Pulling demand response and distributed resources into the market 100
5.1.5. Option 2: Fully Integrated EU market ...................................................................................... 104
5.1.6. For Option 1 and 2: Institutional framework as an enabler .................................................... 105
5.1.7. Summary of specific measures comprising each Option ......................................................... 108
Options to address Problem Area II (Uncertainty about sufficient future generation
investments and uncoordinated capacity markets) ............................................................................ 111
5.2.1. Overview of the policy options ................................................................................................ 111
5.2.2. Option 0: Baseline Scenario
Current Market Arrangements ................................................ 112
5.2.3. Option 0+: Non-regulatory approach ...................................................................................... 113
5.2.4. Option 1: Improved energy market - no CMs .......................................................................... 114
5.2.5. Option 2: Improved energy market
CMs only when needed, based on a common EU-wide
adequacy assessment) ........................................................................................................................... 116
5.2.6. Option 3: Improved energy market - CMs only when needed, based on a common EU-wide
adequacy assessment, plus cross-border participation ......................................................................... 117
5.2.7. Option 4: Mandatory EU-wide or regional CMs ...................................................................... 118
5.2.8. Discarded Options ................................................................................................................... 119
5.2.9. Summary of specific measures comprising each Option ......................................................... 119
Options to address Problem Area III (When preparing or managing crisis situations, Member
States tend to disregard the situation across their borders) ............................................................... 121
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5.3.1. Overview of the policy options ................................................................................................ 121
5.3.2. Option 0: Baseline scenario
Purely national approach to electricity crises .......................... 121
5.3.3. Option 0+: Non-regulatory approach ...................................................................................... 123
5.3.4. Option 1: Common minimum rules to be implemented by Member States ........................... 124
5.3.5. Option 2: Common minimum rules to be implemented by Member States, plus regional co-
operation ............................................................................................................................................... 125
5.3.6. Option 3: Full harmonisation and decision-making at regional level ...................................... 129
5.3.7. Discarded Options ................................................................................................................... 129
5.3.8. Summary of specific measures comprising each Option ......................................................... 129
Options to address Problem Area IV (Slow deployment and low levels of services and poor
market performance) ........................................................................................................................ 133
5.4.1. Overview of the policy options ................................................................................................ 133
5.4.2. Option 0: Baseline Scenario - Non-competitive retail markets with poor consumer
engagement and poor data flows .......................................................................................................... 133
5.4.3. Option 0+: Non-regulatory approach to address competition and consumer engagement ... 134
5.4.4. Option 1: Flexible legislation addressing all problem drivers .................................................. 135
5.4.5. Option 2: EU Harmonization and extensive safeguards for consumers addressing all problem
drivers 137
5.4.6. Summary of specific measures comprising each Option ......................................................... 138
Assessment of economic impacts for Problem Area I (Market design not fit for an increasing
share of variable decentralized generation and technological developments ..................................... 140
6.1.1. Methodological Approach ....................................................................................................... 140
Impacts Assessed ........................................................................................................... 140
Modelling and use of studies ......................................................................................... 141
Summary of Main Impacts ............................................................................................. 142
Overview of Baseline (Current Market Arrangements) ................................................. 142
6.1.2. Policy Sub-option 1(a) (Level playing field amongst participants and resources) ................... 145
Economic impacts .......................................................................................................... 145
Who would be affected and how ................................................................................... 148
Administrative impact on businesses and public authorities ........................................ 148
6.1.3. Impacts of Policy Sub-option 1(b) (Strengthening short-term markets) ................................. 148
Economic Impacts .......................................................................................................... 148
Who would be affected and how ................................................................................... 151
Administrative impact on businesses and public authorities ........................................ 151
6.1.4. Impacts of Policy Sub-option 1(c) (Pulling demand response and distributed resources into the
market) 152
Economic Impacts .......................................................................................................... 152
Who would be affected and how ................................................................................... 153
Impact on businesses and public authorities ................................................................. 155
6.1.5. Impacts of Policy Option 2 (Fully integrated EU market) ........................................................ 155
Economic Impacts .......................................................................................................... 155
Who would be affected and how ................................................................................... 156
Impact on businesses and public authorities ................................................................. 156
6.1.6. Environmental impacts of options related to Problem Area I ................................................. 157
6.1.7. Summary of modelling results for Problem Area I .................................................................. 158
Impact Assessment for Problem Area II (Uncertainty about future generation investments and
fragmented capacity mechanisms) .................................................................................................... 166
6.2.1. Methodological Approach ....................................................................................................... 166
Impacts Assessed ........................................................................................................... 166
Modelling ....................................................................................................................... 166
Overview of Baseline (Current Market Arrangements) ................................................. 167
6.2.2. Impacts of Policy Option 1 (Improved energy markets - no CMs ) .......................................... 168
Economic Impacts .......................................................................................................... 168
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Who would be affected and how ................................................................................... 169
Administrative impact on businesses and public authorities ........................................ 170
6.2.3. Impacts of Policy Option 2 (Improved energy markets
CMs only when needed, based on a
common EU-wide adequacy assessment) ............................................................................................. 170
Economic Impacts .......................................................................................................... 170
Who would be affected and how ................................................................................... 171
Impact on businesses and public authorities ................................................................. 172
6.2.4. Impacts of Policy Option 3 (Improved energy market
CMs only when needed, plus cross-
border participation).............................................................................................................................. 172
Economic Impacts .......................................................................................................... 172
Who would be affected and how ................................................................................... 173
Impact on businesses and public authorities ................................................................. 173
6.2.5. Environmental impacts of options related to Problem Area II ................................................ 174
6.2.6. Overview of modelling results for Problem Area II ................................................................. 174
Improved Energy Market as a no-regret option ............................................................ 174
Comparison of Options 1 to 3 ........................................................................................ 176
Delivering the necessary investments ........................................................................... 181
Level and volatility of wholesale prices.......................................................................... 189
Impact Assessment for problem Area III (reinforce coordination between Member States for
preventing and managing crisis situations) ........................................................................................ 191
6.3.1. Methodological Approach ....................................................................................................... 191
6.3.2. Impacts of Policy Option 1 (Common minimum rules to be implemented by Member States)
Economic impacts .......................................................................................................... 191
Who would be affected and how ................................................................................... 192
Impact on businesses and public authorities ................................................................. 193
6.3.3. Impacts of Policy Option 2 (Common minimum rules to be implemented by Member States
plus regional co-operation) .................................................................................................................... 193
Economic impacts .......................................................................................................... 193
Who would be affected and how ................................................................................... 195
Impact on businesses and public authorities ................................................................. 196
6.3.4. Impacts of Policy Option 3 (Full harmonisation and full decision-making at regional level)... 197
Economic impacts .......................................................................................................... 197
Who would be affected and how ................................................................................... 197
Impact on businesses and public authorities ................................................................. 198
Impact Assessment for Problem Area IV (Increase competition in the retail market)............. 198
6.4.1. Methodological Approach ....................................................................................................... 198
6.4.2. Impacts of Policy Option 0+ (Non-regulatory approach to improving competition and
consumer engagement) ......................................................................................................................... 198
Economic Impacts .......................................................................................................... 198
Who would be affected and how ................................................................................... 199
Impact on businesses and public authorities ................................................................. 200
6.4.3. Impacts of Policy Option 1 (Flexible legislation addressing all problem drivers) .................... 200
Economic Impacts .......................................................................................................... 200
Who would be affected and how ................................................................................... 201
Impact on businesses and public authorities ................................................................. 202
6.4.4. Impacts of Policy Option 2 (Harmonization and extensive safeguards for consumers
addressing all problem drivers) ............................................................................................................. 203
Economic Impacts .......................................................................................................... 203
Who would be affected and how ................................................................................... 204
Impact on businesses and public authorities ................................................................. 205
6.4.5. Environmental impacts ............................................................................................................ 206
6.4.6. Impacts on fundamental rights regarding data protection ..................................................... 207
Social impacts ...................................................................................................................... 209
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COMPARISON OF THE OPTIONS ............................................................................ 213
Comparison of options for adapting market design for the cost-effective operation of variable
and often decentralised generation, taking into account technological developments ....................... 213
Comparison of Options for facilitating investments in the right amount and in the right type of
resources for the EU .......................................................................................................................... 215
Comparison of options for improving Member States' reliance on each other in times of system
stress and reinforcing coordination between Member States for preventing and managing crisis
situations .......................................................................................................................................... 218
Comparison of options for addressing the causes and symptoms of weak competition in the
energy retail market .......................................................................................................................... 220
Synergies, trade-offs between Problem Areas and sequencing ............................................. 222
7.5.1. Synergies.................................................................................................................................. 222
7.5.2. Trade-offs ................................................................................................................................ 224
7.5.3. Sequencing of measures .......................................................................................................... 225
MONITORING AND EVALUATION.......................................................................... 225
Future monitoring and evaluation plan ................................................................................ 225
Annual reporting by ACER and evaluation by the Commission .............................................. 226
8.2.1. Annual reporting by ACER ....................................................................................................... 226
8.2.2. Evaluation by the Commission ................................................................................................ 226
Monitoring by the Electricity Coordination Group ................................................................ 227
Operational objectives ......................................................................................................... 227
Monitoring indicators and benchmarks ................................................................................ 228
GLOSSARY AND ACRONYMS.................................................................................... 230
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Background and scope of the market design initiative
1.1.1. Context of the initiative gradual process of creating an internal electricity market
Well-functioning energy markets that ensure secure energy supplies at competitive prices
are key for achieving growth and consumer welfare in the European Union.
Since 1996, the European Union has put in place legislation to enable the transition from
an electricity system traditionally dominated by vertically integrated national incumbents
that owned and operated all the generation and network assets in their territories to
competitive, well-functioning and integrated electricity markets. The first step was the
adoption of the First Energy Package (1996 for the electricity sector and 1998 for the gas
sector), which allowed for the partial opening of the market where the largest consumers
were given the right to choose their supplier. The Second Energy Package (2003)
introduced changes concerning the structure of the vertically integrated companies (legal
unbundling), the preparation of the full opening of the market by 1 July 2007 and the
reinforcement of the powers of the national regulators. The most recent comprehensive
reform of European energy market rules, the Third Internal Energy Market Package
('Third Package') has principally aimed at improving the functioning of the
internal energy market and resolving structural problems.
Since the adoption of the Third Package, electricity policy decisions have enabled
competition and increasing cross-border flows of electricity, notably with the
introduction of so called "market coupling"
and "flow-based" capacity allocation. In
spite of significant differences in the maturity of markets in Europe, overall electricity
wholesale markets are increasingly characterised by fair and open competition, and
though still insufficient
competition is also taking root at the retail level. Union's policy concerning climate change
The decarbonisation of EU economies is at the core of the EU’s agenda for climate
change and energy. The targets in the Climate and Energy Package (2007) require
Member States to cut their greenhouse gas emissions by 20% (from 1990 levels), to
produce 20% of their energy from renewable energy sources (RES), and to improve
energy efficiency by 20 % (the
'2020 targets').
In 2011, the European Union committed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 80-95%
below 1990 levels by 2050. For this purpose, the European Commission adopted an
Section provides a more detailed explanation of the Third Energy Package.
A mechanism that manages cross-border electricity flows in an optimal way, smoothing out price
differences between Member States.
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
Energy Roadmap
and a roadmap for moving to a competitive low carbon economy
exploring the transition of the energy system in ways that would be compatible with this
greenhouse gas reductions target while also increasing competitiveness and security of
supply. The 2050 roadmap will require a higher degree of decarbonisation from the
electricity sector compared to other economic sectors.
These ambitions were reaffirmed by the European Council of October 2014, which
endorsed targets for 2030 of at least 40 % for domestic greenhouse gas emissions
reduction (compared to 1990 levels), at least 27 % for the share of renewable energy
consumption, binding at EU level and at least 27 % energy savings, to be reviewed by
2020, having in mind an EU level of 30% (the
'2030 targets').
At the Paris climate conference (COP21) in December 2015, 195 countries adopted the
first-ever legally binding global climate deal. The European Council of March 2016
confirmed the EU's commitment to implement the 2030 targets. The Paris Agreement
was ratified by the European Union and entered into force on 4 November 2016.. shift in the electricity sector
The Union's goals for climate change and energy have led to a paradigm shift in the
means employed to generate electricity: since the adoption of the Third Package, there
has been a move towards the deployment of capital-intensive low marginal cost, variable
and often decentralised electricity from RES E (mostly from solar and wind
technologies) that is expected to become more pronounced by 2030.
The increasing penetration of RES E is driven
inter alia
by the objective to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions in line with the 2020 and 2030 targets. The 2030 greenhouse
gas emission reduction target is to be delivered through reducing emissions by 43%
compared to 2005 for the sectors in the EU's ETS
(including the electricity sector and
industry) and by 30% compared to 2005 for the sectors outside the ETS. Within the
electricity sector, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is supported by the
Renewable Energy Directive
, the ETS and the additional national policies by Member
States to increase the share of renewables in the energy mix.
The Renewable Energy Directive established a European framework for the promotion of
renewable energy, setting mandatory national renewable energy targets for achieving a
20% EU share of renewable energy in the final energy consumption and a 10% share of
energy from renewable sources in transport by 2020. These objectives have translated
COM (2011) 112;
The ETS works on the
'cap and trade'
principle. A
or limit, is set on the total amount of certain
greenhouse gases that can be emitted by the factories, power plants and industrial installations in the
system. The cap is reduced over time so that total emissions fall. This policy instrument equally fosters
penetration of RES E as it renders production of electricity from non- or less-emitting generation
capacity comparatively more economical in relation to more carbon intensive capacity.
Directive 2009/28/EC on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources, OJ L 140/16,
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
into a need to foster the increased production of electricity from reneweble energy
In parallel with the increased deployment of variable and decentralized RES E, the
increasing digitalisation of electricity networks and the environment behind the meter
now enables many elements of the electricity system to be operated more flexibly and
efficiently in the context of RES E generation. It also allows smaller actors to play an
increasingly important part in the market on both the supply side and
demand side, potentially untapping a vast new system resource.
From the consumer's perspective, increasingly intelligent grids unlock a host of other
possibilities, including innovative new products and services, lower entry barriers for
new suppliers, and improved billing and switching. This promises to unlock value and
improve the consumer experience
provided the legislative framework adapts to the
changing needs and possibilities. Indeed, fully engaging end consumers will be essential
to realizing the full benefits that the digital transformation can bring in terms of grid
Moreover, electricity demand will progressively reflect the increasing electrification of
transport and heating.
The challenges the EU's electricity systems face are reflected in the European
Commission Communication of February 2015 on
“A Framework
Strategy for a
Resilient Energy Union with a Forward-Looking
Climate Change Policy”
where the
Commission announced a new electricity market design linking wholesale and retail
markets. As part of the legislative reform process needed to establish the Energy Union,
it also announced new legislation on security of electricity supply.
In the light of the Energy Union Framework Strategy, the present impact assessment
reflects and analyses the need and policy options for a possible revision of the main
framework governing electricity markets and security of electricity supply policies in
Europe. The new electricity market design contributes strongly to the overall Energy
Union objectives of securing low carbon energy supplies to the European consumers at
least costs. vision for the EU electricity market in 2030 and beyond
The Energy Union Framework Strategy sets out the vision of an Energy Union "with
citizens at its core, where citizens take ownership of the energy transition, benefit from
new technologies to reduce their bills, participate actively in the market, and where
vulnerable consumers are protected".
Well-functioning energy markets that ensure
secure energy supplies at competitive prices are important for achieving growth and
Moreover, following the 2030 targets set by the European Council in October 2014, the Commission
published a Communication on A Framework Strategy for a Resilient Energy Union with a Forward-
Looking Climate Change Policy of February 2015 confirming the political commitment for the
European Union to become the world leader in renewable energy.
EC (2015a) - COM(2015) 80 final
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
consumer welfare in the European Union. The future of the entire energy sector will, to a
significant extent, be shaped by the evolution of the electricity sector, which is key to
addressing climate change. With the quick ratification of the global Paris Agreement on
climate change and its subsequent entry into force, it becomes clear how important it is
for all parties to the agreement, including the EU, to deliver on the clean energy
transition on the ground. In fact, amongst all sectors that make up our energy system,
electricity is the most cost-effective to decarbonise. Currently 27.5% of Europe's
electricity is produced from renewable energy sources. The share of RES E in electricity
generation needs to almost double by 2030 in order for the EU to meet its 2030 energy
and climate targets cost-effectively. This will require creating the right conditions for the
massive amount of investment needed for this energy transition to come about. At the
same time electricity markets will have to adapt to the radical change in the structure of
the generation pattern which will foremost require creating a more flexible market, going
across borders, that is able to allow more active participation of a much wider range of
The EU's vision of the electricity system in 2030 is therefore based on a functioning
market that is adapted to implementing the decarbonisation agenda at least cost together
with a revised EU ETS. A well-functioning electricity market is also the most efficient
tool to ensure secure electricity supplies at the lowest reasonable cost.
The transition of the energy system towards the 2030 vision
The starting point is the existing reality, which dates back to an era with large-scale,
centralised power plants, largely fuelled by fossil fuels, had the key aim of supplying
every home and business in a delineated area
typically a Member State
with as much
electricity as they wanted, and in which consumers
households, businesses and industry
were passive users.
However, the electricity market is undergoing profound change and requires a new set of
rules to ensure secure supplies, competitiveness while enabling cost-effective
decarbonisation. The electricity market of the next decade will be characterised by more
variable and decentralised electricity production, an increased interdependence between
Member States and new technological opportunities for customers to reduce their bills
and actively participate in electricity markets through demand response, self-
consumption or storage.
The electricity market design initiative aims to improve the functioning of the internal
electricity market in order to allow electricity to move freely to where and when it is
most needed, empower consumers, reap maximum benefits for society from cross-border
competition and provide the right signals and incentives to drive the right investments
compatible with climate change, renewable energy and energy efficiency ambitions.
The proposed initiative constitutes a next-step in a wider and longer evolutionary process
that will guide the EU's electricity markets towards the 2030 vision.
The 2030 electricity market is highly flexible and provides a level playing field amongst
all forms of generation as well as demand response…
The bulk of the new generation capacity is likely to come from renewable sources,
mainly wind and sun that are variable and predictable only to a limited extent. The future
electricity market will therefore need to be more flexible and liquid than today and allow
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
for integrated short-term trading. This would also set the ground for renewable energy
who will over time acquire increasing share in generation - to equally access
energy wholesale markets and to compete on an equal footing with conventional energy
producers. Short-term markets will also allow Member States to share their resources
across all "time frames" (forward trading, day-ahead, intraday and balancing), taking
advantage of the fact that peaks and weather conditions across Europe do not occur at the
same time. This would provide maximum opportunity to meet the flexibility needs and
balance the market. The sequence of forward markets and spot markets - day-ahead,
intraday and balancing - will optimise prices and the system in the short-run and will
reveal the true value of electricity and, therefore, provide appropriate investments signals
in the long-run.
The closer to real time electricity is traded (supply and demand matched), the less the
need for costly interventions by TSOs to maintain a stable electricity system. Although
TSOs would have less time to react to schedule deviations and unexpected events and
forecast errors, the liquid, better interconnected balancing markets, together with the
regional procurement of balancing reserves and more balancing actors and products
available from both demand and supply side, would be expected to provide them
adequate and more efficient resources in order to manage the grid and facilitate RES E
All this will help to create a level playing field not only among all modes of generation
but also the demand side. At the same time market distortions and rules that artificially
limit or favour the access of certain technologies to the grid would be removed. All
market participants would become gradually responsible for balancing their position in
the market, bearing financial responsibility for the imbalances they cause and would,
therefore, be incentivised to reduce the risk of such imbalances. The most cost-efficient
sources of electricity would be used first, curtailment of generation due to limited
transmission and distribution infrastructure would be a measure of last resort and
confined to situations in which no market-based responses (including storage and
demand response) are available, and subject to transparent rules known in advance to all
market actors and adequate financial compensation. All resources would be remunerated
in the market on equal terms.
…and active consumers.
Ensuring that all consumers
big and small
can actively participate in the energy
market would unlock a vast system resource that could play an important role in reducing
system costs. Technology
including smart grids and smart homes - is already available
and will further develop to enable consumers to modulate their demand while
maintaining comfort and reducing costs.
In the future, consumers would be sufficiently incentivised to benefit from these
opportunities and thus demand response would be provided by all willing consumer
groups, including residential and commercial consumers either directly or through
intermediaries (like aggregators). This would further increase the flexibility of the
electricity system and the resources for the TSOs and DSOs to manage it. At the same
time it should lead to a much more efficient operation of the whole energy system.
Consumers would be able to react to price signals on electricity markets both in terms of
consumption and production; they would consume when prices are low, when there is
plenty of electricity available, and reduce their consumption at times of low electricity
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
production and high prices. To make this possible, consumers have access to a fit-for-
purpose smart metering system, smart homes and storage as well as electricity supply
contracts with prices linked dynamically to the wholesale markets.
More and more consumers would produce their own electricity. Such decentralised
production further strengthens security of supply and helps to implement the
decarbonisation agenda as most of this production comes from renewable sources. If
combined with local storage solutions, consumers could significantly contribute to
balancing the distribution grids at local level. Analysis suggests that this development
will be progressive, and that most consumers would still remain connected to the
distribution grid to use it as back-up for when the prosumers' own generation is
inadequate (e.g. for sustained periods of low sunlight) or for the opportunity to sell
excess electricity to the market (e.g. during prolonged sunny periods when their installed
storage is at full capacity).
Reducing barriers to market entry for electricity suppliers and consumer engagement
notably phasing out price regulation
results in increased competition at the retail level
allowing consumers to save money through better information and a wider choice of
action. This also helps drive the uptake of innovative new products and services that
increase system flexibility through demand response whilst catering to consumers'
changing needs and abilities.
In addition, DSOs would be enabled and incentivised, without compromising their
neutrality as system operators, to manage their networks in a flexible and cost-efficient
inter alia through revised tariff structures.
Increased cross-border trade is a pillar of the electricity market.
Competition and cross-border flows of electricity would further increase, with fully
coupled markets where price differences between Member States are smoothened out.
Electricity wholesale markets will be characterised by fair and open competition,
including across borders. Cooperation between TSOs will be enhanced by regional
operational centres. The cross-border cooperation of TSOs would be accompanied by an
increased level of cooperation between regulators and governments. An adequate cross-
border infrastructure remains crucial to underpin a well-functioning electricity market.
Increasingly investments are triggered by the market with a decreasing need for state
The enhanced market design, the revised renewables directive and the strengthened ETS
will all help to improve the viability of RES E investments, in particular as follows:
Where the marginal producer is a fossil fired power plant, a higher carbon price
translates into higher average wholesale prices. The existing surplus of
allowances is expected to decrease due to the implementation of the Market
Stability Reserve and the higher Linear Reduction Factor, reducing the current
imbalance between supply and demand for allowances;
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greater system flexibility will be critical for better integration of RES E in the
system, reducing their hours of curtailment and the related forgone revenues;
improving overall system flexibility is equally essential to limit the merit-order
and thus in avoiding the erosion of the market value of RES E
produced electricity;
the revision of priority dispatch rules, removal of must-run units, increasing
demand response and storage, together with the better functioning of the short-
term markets will strongly reduce or even eliminate the occurrence of negative
leading again to higher average wholesale prices (especially during the
hours with significant variable RES E generation);
improved rules for intraday and balancing markets will increase their liquidity
and allow access to those markets for all resources, thus helping generators
reduce their balancing costs;
removing existing (explicit or implicit) restrictions for the participation of all
resources to the reserve and ancillary services markets will allow RES E to
generate additional revenues from these markets;
price signals reflecting the actual value of electricity at each point of time, as
well as the value of flexibility, will ensure that the flexible assets most needed
for the system are invested in or, at least, are less likely to be decommissioned.
Low exit barriers to facilitate exit of overcapacities.
The above mentioned changes will all help to improve the competitive situation of RES
E and reduce the need for dedicated support.
The results of the modelling for this Impact Assessment indicate that investments in the
most mature renewable technologies could be driven by the market by 2030 (such as
certain solar PV and onshore wind). At the beginning of the period, generation over-
capacity in certain areas, weaker investment signal from the ETS and low wholesale
market prices and still high RES E technology costs, make the case for investments in
RES E technologies more difficult. The underpinning modelling and analysis, points that
the RES E funding gap in 2020 is gradually reducing towards 2030 as the market
conditions improve. Less mature RES E technologies, needed for meeting the 2030 and
2050 energy and climate objectives, such as off-shore wind, will likely need some form
of support to cover at least a fraction of total project costs (complementing the revenues
obtained from the energy markets) throughout the 2021-2030 period.
The picture also depends on regions. RES E technologies could be more easily financed
by the market in the regions with the highest potential (e.g. onshore wind in the Nordic
region or solar in Southern Europe), while RES E could continue to require support in the
British Isles and in Central Europe. Conditions however also depend on the cost of
At the same time it has to be acknowledged that whether and what point in time
financing of RES E through markets alone will actually take off remains difficult to
predict. This is because financing of capital intensive technologies such as most RES E
Also occasionally referred to as the 'cannibalisation effect'.
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
through markets based on marginal cost pricing will remain challenging. In the absence
of measures that address system flexibility, higher penetration of RES with low marginal
cost could reduce the market value that such RES E can actually achieve. Removing
barriers to the flexibilisation of demand and improving the responsiveness of demand and
supply to price signals stands out as a key measure in this regards in order to further
stabilise the revenue of RES E producers from the market.
On the other hand the future capacity of RES to be financed through the market will also
depend on certain conditions outside of the market design and ETS prices, such as
continued decrease in the costs of technologies, availability of capital at a reasonable
price, social acceptance and sufficiently high and stable fossil fuel prices.
While the market reforms described above are therefore no regret options to facilitate
RES investment, support schemes will still be needed at least for a transitional period. It
is therefore essential to further reform such schemes to make them as market-oriented as
… with a market-based
and more Europeanised approach to support schemes to cover
any investment gap .
Where needed, support will be (i) cost-effective and kept to a minimum, and (ii) will
create as little distortions as possible to the functioning of electricity markets, and to
competition between technologies and between Member States. The legal frame for RES
E support schemes would ensure sufficient investor certainty over the 2021-2030 period
and require the use (where needed) of market-based and cost-effective schemes, based on
the design of emerging best practices. Auctions could introduce competitive forces to
determine the level of support needed on top of market revenues and incentivise RES E
producers to develop business models that maximise market-based revenues. The use of
tenders would imply a natural phase-out mechanism for support, determining the
remaining level of support required to bridge any financing gap. The continued
participation of small and local actors, including energy communities, in the energy
transition should be ensured in this process.
The market should also provide, as a principle, security of supply.
By 2030, the market, as described above, could in principle successfully attract the
required investments to ensure adequate matching of supply and demand.
Today, most of the EU's power markets have more capacity than needed. However, with
demand increasing, e.g. due to E-Mobility and heat pumps, and older power plants
retiring supply margins are likely to get tighter. Therefore, a legal framework needs to be
in place to allow for the formation of electricity prices that send the signals for
tomorrow's investments. In this context, scarcity prices will become more and more
important to provide the right incentives for the operation of resources (including for
demand response) when they are most needed. Hedging products which suppliers can
buy to protect themselves against peaks are already available now and more innovative
tools are expected to be brought forward by market participants without the need for
additional intervention by national authorities. This will also provide opportunities for
generators (who will be natural provider of such hedging tools) to secure further
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In the new market framework capacity mechanisms might only be considered if a
residual risk to security of supply can be proven after underlying market distortions have
been removed and the contribution of market integration to security of supply has been
taken into account.
The legal framework will provide tools to facilitate an objective case-by-case judgement
on whether the introduction of capacity mechanisms is needed and set out measures to
ensure that their potentially distortive effects are kept at a minimum, while placing them
in a more regional context. Accordingly, their need would have to be proven against an
EU-wide system adequacy assessment and they would have to allow for cross-border
participation to minimise distortions of investment incentives across the borders.
Capacity mechanisms would be designed in a way as to not discriminate against different
generation technologies and demand side capacities. Additionally, where need has been
demonstrated for such mechanisms, Member States should take into account how such
mechanisms would impact the achievement of the decarbonisation objectives.
Member States should regularly review their resource adequacy
situation and phase out
capacity mechanisms once the underlying market or regulatory concerns have been
Despite best efforts to build an integrated and resilient power market, crisis situations can
never be excluded. The potential for crisis situation increases with climate change (i.e.
extreme weather conditions) and with the emergence of new areas that are subject to
criticalities (i.e. malicious attacks, cyber-threats). Such crises tend to often have an
immediate cross-border effect in electricity. The legal framework would provide tools to
ensure that national security of supply policies are better coordinated and aligned to
tackle possible crisis situations, in particular those that affect several countries at the
same time.
1.1.2. Scope of the initiative relevant legislative framework
EU's electricity markets are currently regulated at EU level by a series of acts collectively
referred to as the "Third Package"
As not only generation, but also demand response or storage can solve problems of situations in which
demand exceeds production, this Impact Assessment uses the term "resource adequacy" instead of
"generation adequacy" (other authors refer to "system adequacy").
The relevant elements of the Third Package as regards electricity are Directive 2009/72 of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 concerning common rules for the internal
market in electricity and repealing Directive 2003/54/EC, OJ L 211, 14.8.2009, p. 55–93; Regulation
(EC) No 714/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 on conditions for
access to the network for cross-border exchanges in electricity repealing Regulation (EC) No
1228/2003. OJ L 211, 14.8.2009, p. 15–35 and Regulation (EC) No 713/2009 of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 establishing an Agency for the Cooperation of Energy
Regulators. OJ L 211, 14.8.2009, p. 1–14. The Third package also covered other acts, in particular acts
related to the regulation of gas markets. However, only one of these acts is pertinent for the present
impact assessment
the Gas Directive.
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The main objectives of the Third Package were:
Improving competition through better regulation, unbundling and reducing
asymmetric information;
Improving security of supply by strengthening the incentives for sufficient
investment in transmission and distribution capacities; and,
Improving consumer protection and preventing energy poverty.
The Third Package mainly focused on improving the conditions for competition as
resulting from previous generations of legislation by improving the level playing field.
The most important root cause for the lack of competition identified at the time
was the
existence of vertically integrated companies, which not only controlled essential facilities
(such as electricity transmission systems) but also enjoyed significant market power in
the wholesale and, often, retail markets. Many of the measures associated with the Third
Package sought to directly or indirectly address this issue, such as by improving the
unbundling regime, strengthening regulatory oversight, improving the conditions for
cross-border market integration and lowering entry barriers such as by improving
The Third Package also created the possibility to enact secondary legislation concerning
cross-border issues, often referred to as network codes or guidelines ('network codes')
and provided a mandate for developing these network codes (as well as other tasks
related to the EU's electricity markets) to transmission system operators within the
and to national regulatory authorities, within the Agency for the
Cooperation of Energy Regulators ('ACER')
The main framework for electricity security of supply in the Union is currently Directive
2005/89/EC ("Security
of Electricity Supply Directive'
'SoS Directive'")
. This
SoS Directive requires Member States to take certain measures with the view to ensuring
security of supply, but leaves it by and large to the Member States how to implement
these measures. The Third Package complemented the SoS Directive and superseded
some of its provisions. development subsequent to the Third Package
The present initiative builds on previous related policy initiatives and reports that
intervened since the adoption of the Third Package and the Security of Electricity Supply
Directive, in particular:
In the impact assessment for the Third Package (SEC(2007) 1179/2
For an overview of these network codes and guidelines and their pertinence to the present initiative,
please refer to Annex VII.
Directive 2005/89/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 January 2006 concerning
measures to safeguard security of electricity supply and infrastructure investment, OJ L 33, 4.2.2006,
p. 22–27.
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
"Report on the progress concerning measures to safeguard security of electricity
supply and infrastructure investment"
COM (2010) 330 final
"Delivering the internal electricity market and making the most of public
(C(2013) 7243). This Communication was accompanied
inter alia
by a Commission Staff working document (SWD(2013)438) entitled
Adequacy in the internal electricity market
guidance on public intervention";
Communication on the "Progress
towards completing the Internal Energy
COM(2014) 634 final. This Communication emphasized that energy
market integration has delivered many positive results but that, at the same time,
further steps are needed to complete the internal market;
"Communication on Energy Security"
(COM(2014)330). This Communication
inter alia
the need achieve a better functioning and a more integrated
energy market;
Special Report by the European Court of Auditors
"Improving the security of
energy supply by developing the internal energy market: more efforts needed".
This special report made nine recommendations to reap the benefits of market
"Communication on energy prices and costs in Europe"
(COM(2014) 21 /2) and
the accompanying "Energy
prices and costs report"
(SWD(2014)020 final 2)
inter alia
the competiveness of the EU's retail electricity markets, the
missing link between wholesale and retail prices and the need for EU cooperation
by DSOs as well as the Energy prices and costs report (SWD(2016)XX
, this
inter alia
that shed light on the drivers of retail and wholesale price
"Delivering a new deal for energy consumers"
(COM(2015) 339). This
Communication laid out the Commission's intention to enable all consumers to
fully participate in the energy transition, taking advantage of new technologies
that enable wholesale and retail markets to be better linked.
The Commisison published a study on
"Investment perspectives in electricity
Technical Report
by the European Commission on "The
economic impact of
enforcement of competition policies on the functioning of EU energy markets".
The report includes an assessment of the intensity of competition in the energy
(both wholesale and retail) and points out that, between 2005 and 2012,
the intensity of competition in European energy markets may have declined
The Commission Staff working document (SWD(2015)249) entitled
Consumer Trends 2010 - 2015"
presents market research into the problems that
energy consumers continue to be confronted with.
Report to be published in conjunction with the present impact assessment..
"Energy Economic Developments, Investment perspectives in electricity markets".
Institutional paper
003, 1 July 2015
Published on 16.11.2015, at
Section 3.3 of the non-technical summary at p. 23.
Based on the productivity dispersion and the Boone indicator over this period,
Section 3.4
of key findings"
at p. 25.
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
The Commission launched a a sector inquiry into national capacity mechanisms,
The resulting
"Interim Report of the Sector Inquiry on Capacity Mechanisms"
(SWD SWD(2016) 119 final)
points out that there is a lack of adequate
assessment of the actual need for capacity mechanisms. It also appears that some
capacity mechanisms in place could be better targeted and more cost effective. It
emphasizes the need to design capacity mechanisms with transparent and open
rules of participation and a capacity product that does not undermine the
functioning of the electricity market, taking into account cross-border
participation. and summary of the initiative
In line with the Union's policy on climate change and energy, the proposed initiative
aims at deepening energy markets and setting a framework governing security of supply
policies that enables the transition towards a low carbon electricity production.
The transition towards a low carbon electricity sector as well as technical progress will
have profound implications on the manner in which the electricity sector is organised and
the roles of market actors and consumers, not all of which can be foreseen with accuracy
today. As it cannot be predicted how the electricity markets and progress of innovation
will look like in a few decades from now, the proposed initiative constitutes a next step in
a wider and longer evolutionary process that will guide the EU's electricity markets
towards the future. The initiative will consequently not address the challenges that might
arise when operating a fully decarbonised power system.
This initiative also aims at improving consumer protection and engagement for both
electricity and gas consumers
1.1.3. Organisation and timing up on the Third Package
Full and timely transposition of the Directives of the Third Package has been a challenge
for the vast majority of the Member States. In fact, by the end of the transposition
deadline (March 2011), none of the Member States had achieved full transposition.
However, progess has been made and at present all of the infringement proceedings
partial transposition of the Electricity Directive have been closed as the Member States
achieved full transposition in the course of the proceedings.
For some of the arising issues and challenges see Chapter 2.3 in Investment Perspectives in Electricity
Markets, European Commission, DG EFCIN, 2015
With regards to gas consumers, only the consumer-related provisions of the Gas Directive are
concerned: Article 3 and Annex I. These address issues such as public service obligations, metering,
billing and a broad range of consumer rights that Member States shall ensure.
The Commission opened 38 infringement cases against 19 Member States for not transposing or for
transposing only partially the Directives.
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
In addition to ensuring compliance of national rules with the Third Package, the
Commission has carried out assessments to identify and resolve problems concerning
incorrect transposition or bad application of the Third Package. On this basis, the
Commission has opened EU Pilot cases against a number of Member States. As of 7th
July 2016, 8 of these EU Pilot cases have resulted in infringement procedures where,
inter alia,
the violation of the EU electricity market rules is at stake.
In January 2014 the Directorate General for Energy of the European Commission ('DG
ENER') launched a public consultation on retail markets for energy.
Whilst preparing the single market progress report (COM(2014) 634 final), published on
13 October 2014, DG ENER decided to study a number of changes to the current
The Commission (DG ENER) started in 2015 the preparatory work for the present impact
assessment to assess policy options related to the internal energy market for electricity
and to security of electricity supply and consulted in July 2015 the public on a new
energy market design (COM(2015) 340 final)
In April 2015, the Commission (DG Competition) launched a sector inquiry into national
capacity mechanisms. The Commission interim report and the accompanying
Commission staff working document, adopted on 13 April 2016 have provided a
significant input for the proposed initiative. This will be further completed by the final
report. and expertise
The Commission has conducted a number of wide public consultations on the different
policy areas covered by the present Impact assessment which took place between 2014
and 2016. In addition to the public consultations, it has organised a number of targeted
consultations with stakeholders throughout 2015 and 2016
Given the cross-cutting nature of the planned impact assessment work, the Commission
set up an inter-service steering group which included representatives from a selected
number of Commission Directorate Generals. The inter-service steering group held
regular meetings to discuss the policy options of the proposed initiatives and the
preparation of the impact assessment
In parallel, the Commission has also conducted a number of studies mainly or
specifically for this impact assessment
For more information on the consultation process, please refer to Annex 3
For more information on inter-service steering group, please refer to Annex 1.
For the list of studies and a summary description, please refer to Annex 5.
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Interlinkages with parallel initiatives
The proposed initiatives are strongly linked to other energy and climate related
legislative proposals brought forward in parallel with the present initiative equally aimed
at delivering upon the five dimensions of the Energy Union, namely energy security,
solidarity and trust, a fully integrated European energy market, energy efficiency
contributing to moderation of demand, decarbonisation, research, innovation and
competitiveness. These other energy related legislative proposals include:
1.2.1. The Renewable Energy Package comprising the new Renewable Energy Directive
and bioenergy sustainability policy for 2030 ('RED
The RED II covers a number of measures deemed necessary to attain the EU binding
objective of reaching a level of at least 27% RES in final energy consumption by 2030
across the electricity, heating and cooling, and transport sectors. As regards electricity in
particular, the Renewables Directive proposes a framework for the design of support
schemes for renewable electricity, a framework for renewable self-consumption and
renewable energy communities, as well as various measures to reduce administrative
costs and burden.
Conversely, measures aimed at the integration of RES E in the market, such as provisions
on priority dispatch and access previously contained in the renewables directive are part
of the present market design initiative. The reflections on a revised Renewables Energy
Directive will include specific initiatives on support schemes for market-oriented, cost-
effective and more regionalised support to RES up to 2030 in case Member States were
opting to have them as a tool to facilitate target achievement. The Renewable Package is
expected to deal with legal and administrative barriers for self-consumption, whereas the
present package will address market related barriers to self-consumption.
The Renewable Energy package has synergies with the present initiative as it seeks to
adapt the current market design, optimised for large-scale, centralised power plants, to a
suitable one for the cost-effective operation of variable, decentralised generation of
electricity whilst taking into account technological progress creating the conditions for a
cost efficient achievement of the binding EU RES target in the electricity sector.
The enhanced market design will improve the viability of RES E investments, but
electricity market revenues alone might not prove sufficient in attracting renewable
investments in a timely manner and at the required scale to meet EU's 2030 targets. The
MDI and RED II impact assessments thus jointly come to the conclusion that the
improved electricity market, in conjunction with a reformed EU ETS could, under certain
conditions, deliver investments in the most mature renewable technologies (such as solar
PV and onshore wind). The underpinning modelling and analysis, points that the RES E
funding gap in 2020 is gradually reducing towards 2030 as market conditions improve.
Less mature RES E technologies, needed for meeting the 2030 and 2050 energy and
climate objectives, such as off-shore wind, will likely need some form of support to
cover at least a fraction of total project costs (complementing the revenues obtained from
the energy markets) throughout the 2021-2030 period. These technologies are required if
RES E technologies are to be deployed to the extent required for meeting the 2030 and
2050 energy and climate objectives, and provide an important basis for the long-term
competitiveness of an energy system based on RES E.
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Similarly, the progressive reform of RES E support schemes as proposed by the RED II
initiative, building on the Guidelines on State aid for environmental protection and
energy 2014-2020 ('EEAG'), is a prerequisite for the results of the present initiative to
come about. In order to ensure that a market can function, it is necessary that market
participants are progressively exposed to the same price signals and risks. Support
schemes based on feed-in-tariffs prevent this and would need to be phased-out
limited exemptions
and replaced by schemes that expose all resources to price signals,
as for instance by means of premium based schemes. Such schemes would be made even
more efficient by setting aid-levels through auctioning as RES E investments projects
will then be incentivised to develop business models that optimise market based
The issue is explored in more detail in section 6.2 of the present impact assessment and,
in particular, the RED II impact assessment.
1.2.2. Commission guidance on regional cooperation
The forthcoming guidance on regional cooperation may set out general principles for
regional cooperation across all five dimensions of the Energy Union, described how these
principles are being addressed in this initiative and other legislative proposal for
Renewables and Energy Union governance, and will offer suggestions on how regional
co-operation, where it applies, can be made to work in practice.
The present initiative seeks to improve market functioning, and calls for a more regional
approach to system operation and security of supply. The guidance document should help
Member States best achieve regional co-operation, including in areas where the present
initiative mandates effective co-operation (e.g. the initiative calls on Member States to
prepare risk preparedness plans in a regional context, cf. infra).
1.2.3. The Energy Union governance initiative
The Energy Union governance initiative aims at ensuring a coordinated and coherent
implementation of the Energy Union Strategy across its five dimensions with emphasis
on the EU's energy and climate targets for 2030. This is established through a coherent
combination of EU-level and national action, a strengthened political process and with
reduced administrative burden.
With these objectives in mind, the draft Regulation is based on two pillars:
Streamlining and integration of existing planning, reporting and monitoring
obligations in the energy and climate fields, in order to reduce unnecessary
administrative burden;
A political process between Member States and the Commission with close
involvement of other EU institutions to support the achievement of the Energy
See Box 7 and Annex IV for more information
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Union objectives, including notably the 2030 targets for greenhouse gas emission
reductions, renewable energy and energy efficiency.
In relation to this initiative the governance initiative will also streamline reporting
obligations by Member States and the Commission that are presently enshrined in the
Third Package.
1.2.4. The Energy Efficiency legislation ('EE')
and the related Energy Performance of
Buildings Directive ('EPBD')
including the proposals for their amendment.
In general terms, energy efficiency measures interact with the present initiative as they
affect the level and structure of electricity demand. In addition, energy efficiency
measures can alleviate energy poverty and consumer vulnerability. Besides consumer
income and energy prices, energy efficiency is one of the major drivers of energy
The provisions currently still in the current energy efficiency legislation concerning
metering and billing (to the extent related to electricity) may become part of the present
initiative as these relate to consumer conduct and their participation in the market which
are important issues in the context of the present initiative. This logic is reinforced by the
fact that the Third Package already contains closely related provisions on smart metering
deployment and fuel mix and comparability provisions in billing.
Similarly, all provisions on priority dispatch for Combined Heat and Power ('CHP')
previously contained in the energy efficiency legislation will be set out in the present
initiative as these provisions relate to the integration of these resources in the market and
as they are very similar to the priority dispatch provisions for RES E, also dealt with in
the present initiative.
The provisions previously contained in the energy efficiency legislation on demand
response will be set out in the present initiative
because these relate to incentivising
flexibility in the market and participation of consumers in the market, both core subjects
of the present initiative. This logic is reinforced by the fact that the Third Package
already contains related provisions on demand response.
1.2.5. The Commission Regulation establishing a Guideline on Electricity Balancing
('Balancing Guideline')
The Balancing Guideline constitutes an implementing act that will be adopted using the
Electricity Regulation as a legal basis. The Balancing Guideline is closely related to the
present initiative. This is because efficient, integrated balancing markets are an important
Directive 2012/27/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 on energy
efficiency, amending Directives 2009/125/EC and 2010/30/EU and repealing Directives 2004/8/EC
and 2006/32/EC; OJ L 315, 14.11.2012, p. 1–56.
Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy
performance of buildings. OJ L 153, 18.6.2010, p. 13–35.
In a manner that will preserve DG Energy's ability to continue infringing Member States that have not
correctly implemented what is now Article 15(8) of the Energy Efficiency Directive.
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building block for the consistent functioning of wholesale markets which in turn are
needed for a cost effective integration of RES E into the electricity market.
The Balancing Guideline aims at harmonising certain aspects of the EU's balancing
markets, with a focus on optimising the cross-border usage that TSOs make of the
balancing reserves that each have decided to contract individually, such as harmonisation
of the pricing methodology for balancing; standardisation of balancing products and
merit-order activation of balancing energy.
The present initiative seeks in contrast to focus on a more integrated approach to
deciding and contracting of the balancing reserves, as opposed to their usage, which
touches upon the optimal allocation of the cross-border transmission capacities and a
regional approach to balancing reserves.
Thus, the Balancing Guideline deals principally with exchanges of balancing energy
whereas the present initiative focusses on the exchange and sharing of balancing
capacity. The latter issue is much more political than the exchange of balancing energy
and closely related to other questions dealt with in the present initiative, such as regional
TSO cooperation or the reservation of transmission capacities. The assessments of the
two initiatives are fully coherent. Indeed, the implementation of the guidelines on
electricity balancing is part of the baseline for the present impact assessment
1.2.6. Other relevant instruments
Other relevant instruments are the Commission proposal for setting national targets for
2030 for the sectors outside the EU's ETS, the revision of the EU's ETS for the period
after 2020, EU's competition instruments and the EU state aid rules applicable to the
energy sector and clarified in the EEAG. and the decarbonisation of the transport sector
initiative. The manner in which this policy context is interacting with the present
initiative is explored further in section 4.2.
See also Section 5.1.2 of the present impact assessment and in the Annex IV on the modelling
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Problem Area I: Market design not fit for an increasing share of variable
decentralized generation and technological developments
The European Union's policy to fight global warming will require the electricity systems
to shift from a generation mix that is mostly based on fossil fuels to a virtually
decarbonised power sector by 2050. Indeed, with the 2030 targets agreed by the October
2014 European Council (EuCo 169/14) the share of electricity generated from renewable
sources is projected to be close to 49% of total electricity produced, while their share in
total net installed capacity is projected to be 62.45%
Table 1: RES E % share in total net electricity generation
RES E total (TWh)
Total net generation (TWh)
Source: PRIMES; based on EUCO27 scenario
Whereas renewable electricity can be produced by a variety of technologies, most new
installed capacity today is based on wind and solar power. By 2030, this is expected to be
even more pronounced.
Table 2: Share of variable RES E (solar and wind power) in RES E and total net
Variable RES E (TWh)
Total RES E (TWh)
Variable RES E in RES E
Variable RES E in total net generation
Source: PRIMES; based on EUCO27 scenario
The patterns of electricity production from wind and sun are inherently more variable and
less predictable when compared to conventional sources of energy (e.g. fossil-fuel-fired
power stations) or flexible RES E technologies (e.g. biomass, geothermal or
hydropower). Weather-dependent production also implies that output does not follow
demand. Consequently, there will be times when renewables could cover a very large
even 100%
of electricity demand and times when they only cover a minor share
of total consumption. While the demand-side and decentralized power storage could in
theory react to the availability of renewable energy sources and even to extreme
variations, current market arrangements do not enable most consumers to actively
participate in electricity markets either directly through price signals or indirectly through
These figures are based on the PRIMES EUCO27 results.
Problem Description
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While renewable technologies and individual projects differ significantly in size (from
rooftop solar on households with 5 to 20 kW to several hundreds of MW for large
offshore wind parks), the majority of renewable investments are developed at
comparatively small scale. Given that the typical installation size of an onshore wind
farm or a solar park is generally multiple
times smaller than of a conventional power
station, the number of power producing units and operators will increase significantly.
Consequently, the transition towards more renewables implies that more and more power
will be generated in a decentralised way. Market roles and responsibilities will have to be
Finally, these new installations will not necessarily be located next to consumption
centres but where there are favourable natural resources. This can create grid congestion
and local oversupply.
The transition towards a low carbon electricity production poses a number of challenges
for the cost-effective organisation and operation of Europe's power system and its
electricity markets. The existing market framework was designed in an era in which
large-scale, centralised power stations, primarily fired by fossil fuels, supplied passive
customers at any time with as much electricity as they wanted in a geographically limited
typically a Member State. This framework is not fit for taking up large amounts of
variable, often decentralised electricity generation nor for actively involving more
consumers in electricity markets.
The main underlying drivers are: (i) the inefficient organisation of short-term electricity
markets and balancing markets, (ii) exemptions from fundamental market principles, (iii)
consumers that do not actively engage in the market, (iv) consumers do not actively
engage in the market and demand response potential remains largely untapped; and (v)
distribution networks that are not actively managed and grid users are poorly
The largest solar PV park in the EU is the 300 MW Cestas Park in France,
The largest wind farm is the offshore farm "London array"
with 630 MW distributed over 175 turbines. By comparison, the largest nuclear power plant in Europe
is the Gravelines plant in France, with a net capacity of 5460MW. The largest coal-fired power station
in Europe is the Polish Bełchatów plant with a capacity of 5420 MW.
Problem Description
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2.1.1. Driver 1: Short-term markets, as well as balancing markets, are not efficiently
Today's short-term markets are not efficiently organised, because they do not give all
conventional power, renewables, the demand-side, storage
opportunities to access these markets and because they do not fully take into account the
possible contribution of cross-border resources. The latter problem often originates from
a lack of coordination between national entities and a lack of harmonisation of rules,
while the former relates to the trading products themselves, e.g. their commitment period,
which sometimes are too restrictive to allow for a level playing field of all kinds of
Short-term markets play a major role in any liberalised power system due to the
characteristics of electricity as a product. Electricity must be generated and transmitted as
it is consumed. The overall supply and demand needs to be in balance in physical terms
at any given point in time. This balance guarantees the secure operation of the electricity
grid at a constant frequency. Imbalances between injections and withdrawals of
electricity render the system unstable and, ultimately, may give rise to a black-out.
As a consequence, market participants need to be incentivised to have a portfolio of
electricity injections into and withdrawals from the network that net-out. Market
participants can adjust their portfolio by revising production and consumption plans and
selling or buying electricity
. Efficient and liquid markets with robust price signals are
crucial to guide these decisions
The fact that the production patterns from weather dependent RES E can only be
predicted with acceptable accuracy within hours, creates challenges for market parties
and for system operation. In the absence of efficient and liquid short-term electricity
wholesale markets, system operators have to take actions to balance the system and
manage network congestions once the production forecasts become more precise.
Moreover, operators of RES E are unable to adjust their portfolios once the production
forecasts become more precise, leaving them exposed to risks and costs, when they
deviate from their plans. An increasing penetration of RES E thus requires efficient and
liquid short-term markets that can operate until very shortly before the time of physical
delivery i.e. the moment when electricity is consumed. The entire electricity system must
become more flexible, also through the progressive introduction of new flexible
resources such as storage, to accommodate variations in RES E production.
EPRG Working paper 1614 (2016) "Overcoming
barriers to electrical energy storage: Comparing
California and Europe"
by F. Castellano Ruz and M.G. Pollitt concludes: "In
Europe, there is a need
to clarify the definition of EES, create new markets for ancillary services, design technology-neutral
market rules and study more deeply the necessity of EES."
Depending on the delivery period, bulk electricity can be traded on "spot markets" or "forward
markets". Spot markets are currently mainly "day-ahead markets" on which electricity is traded up to
one day before the physical delivery takes place. On "forward markets", power is traded for delivery
further ahead in time.
IEA "Re-powering
(2016) suggests:
"A market design with a high temporal and geographical
resolution is therefore needed".
Problem Description
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Current trading arrangements are however not optimised for a world in which market
participants have to adjust portfolios on short notice. The manner in which the trading of
electricity is arranged and the methods for allocating the network capacity to transmit
electricity are organised, allow for efficient trading of electricity in timeframes of one or
more days ahead of physical delivery. These arrangements befit well a world of
conventional electricity production that can be predictably steered but not the new
electricity landscape with a high share of renewables with limited forecasting abilities in
a day-ahead timeframe.
The current market framework already envisages that these short-term adjustments can
be made in intraday markets to correct. However, whilst liquidity has increased over the
past few years, there remains significant scope for further increases in these markets
As way of illustration, in 2014, in the intraday timeframe, only five markets in Europe
had a ratio of traded energy to demand of greater than 1%
. Further, progress remains in
connecting ('coupling') national intraday markets in the same way as day-ahead markets.
This can lead to a low level of cross-border competition in intraday markets. In 2014
only 4.1% of available interconnection capacity at the intraday stage was used, compared
to 40% at day-ahead.
Improving liquidity of intraday markets requires addressing various issues, including
removing the barriers that today exist for trading power across borders as well as
providing proper incentives to rebalance portfolios by trading until short notice before
markets close. In addition, technical rules of the market (i.e. products, bid sizes, gate
closure times) are often not defined with renewables or demand response in mind
de facto
barriers for its participation.
Specific issues include a variation in commitment periods across Europe, with some
Member States choosing 15-minute and other Member States choosing 60-minute
products, and the time to which market participants can trade, which can be as short as 5
minutes or, in some instances, upto several hours before real time. There is also a
difference in how markets are organised: in continuously traded markets, transactions are
concluded throughout the trading period every time there is a match between bids and
offers. Transactions are concluded differently in auction markets, where previously
collected bids and offers are all matched at once at the end of the trading period.
The last market-based measure to net out imbalances between injections and withdrawals
of electricity is the balancing market. As such, the balancing market is not solely a
technicality ensuring system stability but has significant commercial implications and, in
turn, implications for competition. Procurement rules often fit large, centralised power
stations but do not allow for equal access opportunities for smaller (decentralised)
resources, renewables, demand-side and batteries. ACER's market monitoring reports
revealed high levels of concentration within national balancing markets. TSOs are often
faced with few suppliers or (in case of vertically integrated TSOs) procure balancing
reserves from their affiliate companies. This, combined with a low degree of integration,
See Annex 2.2 for further details.
Spain (12.1%) Portugal (7.6%), Italy (7.4%) Germany (4.6%) Great Britain (4.4%). ACER,
Monitoring Report 2015
Problem Description
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enables a limited number of generators to influence the balancing market outcome.
Moreover, the procurement rules can lower the overall economic efficiency of the power
system by creating so-called must-run capacity, i.e. capacity that does not (need to) react
to price signals from other markets, because it generates sufficient revenues from
balancing markets.
Beside procurement
there is a potential issue with procurement
due to
national sizing of reserves. Possible contributions of neighbouring resources are not
properly taken into account, thus over-estimating the amount of reserves to be procured
2.1.2. Driver 2: Exemptions from fundamental market principles
Two fundamental principles of today's market framework are that (i) market participants
should be financially responsible for any imbalance in their portfolio and that (ii) the
operation of generation facilities should be driven by market prices. For a number of
reasons a wide range of exceptions from these principles exist today which could lead to
distortions, thus diminishing market efficiency.
The principle of financial responsibility for imbalances is often referred to as balancing
obligation. In many Member States, some market participants are fully or partly
exempted from this obligation, notably many renewable energy but also CHP generators.
Exemptions are typically granted on policy grounds, e.g. the existence of policy targets
for renewables. Such a special treatment constitutes a challenge for the cost-effective
functioning of electricity markets, because these technologies represent a significant
share in total power generation already and are expected to further grow in importance in
the forthcoming decade. For RES E, exemptions from balancing responsibility were
initially justified on the basis of significant errors in production forecasts being
unavoidable (as production for many RES E technologies is based on wheather) and on
the absence of liquid short-term markets which would have allowed RES E generators to
trade electricity closer to real time, thus reducing the error margin. Significant
improvements have been made in wheather forecasts, reducing the error margin. Part of
these improvements was based on financial incentives from increased balancing
. Furthermore, cross-border integration and liquidity of short-term
markets has improved over the last years, with further progress expected over the coming
years, such as through the progressive penetration of storage, and following the present
proposal. Thus, the underlying reasons for the exemption of RES E from this principle
have to be revisited.
A consequence of this lack of balancing obligation is that plant operators have no
incentive to maintain a balanced portfolio. The balancing obligation is typically passed
on to the responsible system operator, a regulated party, meaning that their balancing
costs will be socialised. This represents a market distortion and lowers the liquidity and
ENTSO-E provided figures that following the introduction of balancing responsibility in one Member
States, the average hourly imbalance of PV installations improved from 11.2 % in 2010 to 7.0 % in
March 2016, and the average hourly imbalance of wind improved from 11.1 % to 7.4 % over the same
Problem Description
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efficiency of short-term markets as the concerned market operators do not become active
on the short-term market to balance their portfolio. So the absence of full balancing
responsibility is in fact a major driver preventing the emergence of liquid and efficient
short-term markets. Moreover, costs arising from forecast errors for renewables are likely
higher than necessary due to a lack of incentive to minimise them by short-term market
operations. This creates a higher than necessary burden on consumers' electricity bills.
The principle that the operation of generation facilities should be driven by market prices
is also referred to as economic dispatch. When a unit's variable production costs are
below market price, it is economically efficient to dispatch it first, because the operator
generates (gross) profits from selling electricity. This principle guarantees that power is
produced at the lowest cost to reliably serve consumers, while taking into account
operational limits. However, priority dispatch deviates from this principle, by giving
certain technologies priority independent of their marginal cost. This represents a market
distortion and leads to a sub-optimal market outcome.
Given the expected massive increase in share of wind and solar technologies, it is likely
that unconditional dispatch incentives for these technologies will aggravate the situation,
as will the fact that certain RES E technologies and often CHP have positive variable
production costs. The review of priority dispatch rules for RES E is thus closely related
to the review of rules on public support in the RED II. Compared to the impact on RES E
from low marginal cost technologies, fully merit order-based dispatch has more
significant impact on conventional generation (CHP and indigenous fuels) and high
marginal cost RES E (e.g. RES E based on biomass), as these technologies will not be
dispatched first under the normal merit order. Achieving merit order based dispatch will
in these cases allow to use flexibility resources to their maximum extent, creating e.g.
incentives for CHP to use back-up boilers or heat storage to satisfy heat demand in case
of low electricity demand, and use flexible biomass generation to satisfy demand peaks
rather than producing as baseload generation.
Similarly, the principle of priority access reduces system efficiency in situations of
network congestion. When individual grid elements are congested, the most efficient
solution is often to change the dispatch of power generation or demand located as closely
as possible to the congested grid element. Priority rules deviate from this principle,
forcing the use of other, potentially much less efficient resources. With sufficient
transparency and legal certainty on the process for curtailment and redispatch, and
financial compensation where required, priority access should be limited to where it
remains strictly necessary.
Problem Description
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R&D results
In relation to dispatching and curtailment, the Integral project showed that load-shedding
based on software tools and remote control can be a useful tool to manage grid constraints and prevent
network problems. It demonstrated that load-shedding can be done on a procurement basis by the grid
operator and is a viable alternative to RES E curtailment. Thus, the grid operator can find the most cost-
efficient solution on market based terms as opposed to taking recourse to simply curtailing certain sources
of generation.
2.1.3. Driver 3: Consumers do not actively engage in the market and demand response
potential remains largely untapped
The active participation of consumers in the market is currently not being promoted,
despite technical innovation such as smart grids, self-generation
and storage equipment
that allow consumers
even smaller commercial and residential consumers
to generate
their own electricity, store it, and manage their consumption more easily than ever. While
more and more consumers have access to smart meters and distributed renewable energy
resources such as roof-top solar panels, heat pumps and batteries, a minor share manages
their consumption and these resources actively.
Large-scale industrial consumers already are active participants in electricity markets.
However, the vast majority of other consumers neither has the ability nor the incentive to
take consumption, production and investment decisions based on price signals that reflect
the actual value of electricity and grid infrastructure. The metering and billing of
consumers does not allow them to react to prices within the time frames in which
wholesale markets operate. And even where technically possible, many electricity
suppliers appear reluctant to offer consumer tariffs that enable this. This leads to the
overconsumption/underproduction of electricity at times when it is scarce and the
underutilisation/overproduction of electricity at times when it is abundant.
Indeed, current markets do not enable us to reap the full benefits of technological
progress in terms of reducing transaction costs, reducing information asymmetries, and
(thereby) reducing barriers to market participation for smaller commercial and residential
Periods of abundance and scarcity will increasingly be driven by high levels of RES E
generation. To deal with an increased share of variable renewables generation in an
efficient way, flexibility is key. Traditionally, almost all flexibility was provided in the
electricity systems by controlling the supply side. However, it is now possible to provide
demand side flexibility cost effectively. New technological developments such as smart
metering systems, home automation, etc. but also new flexible loads such as heat pumps
and electric vehicles allow for the reduction of demand peaks and, hence, significantly
reduce system costs.
Technological developments are both part of the drivers that affect the present initiative and part of the
solutions of the identified problems they affect. Therefore reference is made to finding of various
research and development projects that provide insights where these are pertinent. A list of the
research and development projects mentioned in this box and their findings relevant to the present
impact assessment is provided in Annex 8.
The specific issue of self-generation and self-consumption is analysed in detail in the Impact
Assessment for the RED II.
Problem Description
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The current theoretical potential of demand response adds up to approximately 100,000
MW and is expected to increase to 160,000 MW in 2030. This potential lies mainly with
residential consumers, and its increase will greatly depend on the uptake of new flexible
loads such as electric vehicles and heat pumps.
Figure 1: Theoretical demand response potential 2016 (in MW)
Source: Impact Assessment support Study on downstream flexibility, demand response
and smart metering, COWI, 2016
For the industrial sector demand response is mainly related to flexible loads in electric
steel makings. In the commercial sector, a high theoretical potential exist for ventilation
of commercial buildings while in the residential sector mainly freezers and refrigerators,
and the electric heater with storage capacity show a high theoretical potential.
Problem Description
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Figure 2: Theoretical potential of demand response per appliance
Theorertical potential of demand response per
Residential heat circulation pumps
Electric storage heater residential sector
Storage hot water residential sector
Residential AC
Dish washers
Laundry driers
Washing machines
Residential refrigerators/freezers
Waste water treatment
Pumps in water supply
Electric storage heater commercial sector
Storage hot water commercial sector
AC Commercial Buildings
Ventilation Commercial Buildings
Cooling Hotels/Restaurants
Cold storage houses
Cooling Retail
Industrial Building Ventilation
Industrial Cooling
Air Seperation
Calcium Carbide
Electric Steel
Paper Recycling
Paper Machines
Mechanical Pulp
Source: Impact Assessment support Study on downstream flexibility, demand response
and smart metering, COWI, 2016
Approximately 30-40% of this potential can be considered technically and economically
viable and, hence, can expected to be activated if the right technologies, incentivising
mechanisms and market arrangements are in place. Demand response service providers
(often referred to as aggregators) can play an important role in activating this potential by
enabling smaller consumers and distributed generation in general to interact with the
market and have their resources being managed based on price signals, or provide
balancing or grid congestion services. These aggregators effectively reduce transaction
Problem Description
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costs and information asymmetries in the market, enabling a large number of smaller
and/or distributed resources to praticipate.
Of this potential, currently only around 21,000 MW demand response is used in the
market. Approx. 15,000 MW are contracted from large industrial consumers through
direct participation in the market while approx. 6,000 MW come from residential
consumers who are on traditional time of use tariff (usually just differentiating between
day and night). Only in the Nordic markets a slow uptake of dynamic price contracts
linked to the wholesale market is taking place. This shows that especially in the
residential and commercial sector with a theoretical potential of more than 70,000 MW
the uptake of deman dresponse is slow.
The main reasons for residential and commercial consumers not taking part in the
demand response schemes are mostly technical but can also be explained by currently
relative small benefits for those consumer groups:
The technological prerequisites are not yet installed and even where smart meters
are being rolled out they do not always have the functionalities necessary for
consumers to take active control of their consumption;
Dynamic electricity price contracts are only available for commercial/residential
consumers in very few Member States and hence consumers do not have a
financial incentive to shift consumption;
In many Member States, third-party service providers helping consumers to
manage their consumption can not freely engage with consumers and do not have
full access to the markets;
In many European markets price spreads are reletively small and price peaks
either not incur often or only lead to peak prices that are slightly higher than the
average price which makes demand response currently not very interesting from
a financial point of view. However, with an increase in renewables generation
this price spreads are likely to increase and participating in demand response will
become more profitable for consumers in the future. Variable network tariffs can
equally contribute to increasing the price spread;
Consumers are more likely to participate in demand response when they have
significant single loads such as electric heating or electric boilers that are easy to
shift. In that respect the uptake of electric vehicles and heat pumps will also open
new opportunities for consumers to engage in demand response;
Finally, automatisation is key to untap the full potenial of demand response in
the residential and commercial sector. Considering the relatively small economic
benefit residential consumers are likley to realise by participating in demand
response it is essential that theparticipation does not require active efforts but
devices can react automatically to price signals. Hence, interoperability of smart
metering systems will be crucial for the uptake of demand response.
In addition, the current design of the electricity market has not evolved to fully
accomodate demand side flexibility. It was meant for a world where consumers are
passive consumers of electricity that do not actively participate in the market. Hence,
current market arrangements at both the wholesale and retail level often make it very
difficult for demand-side flexibility to compete on a level playing field with generation:
Problem Description
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Similar to RES E, consumption is variable and subject to forecast errors. As a
consequence, it is often infeasible for most individual customers to offer
demand-response many days ahead of the moment when electricity is actually
The liquidity of intraday markets
where demand response at short notice can
fetch a high price
is currently limited, providing little incentive to offer
demand-side flexibility;
Procurement timeframes for balancing reserves capacity have generally long lead
times (week-, month- or year-ahead) for which demand response cannot always
secure firm capacity.
Balancing markets often require that units can offer both upward regulation (i.e.
increasing power output) and downward regulation (i.e. reducing power output;
offering demand reduction) at the same time, making it difficult for demand
response to participate in those markets;
And finally, product definitions make it difficult for aggregated loads to compete
in many markets.
The table below summarizes in which Member States markets are open to demand
response and the volume of demand response contracted. While demand response is
allowed to participate in most Member States, volumes of more than 100MW can only be
found in 13 Member States.
Problem Description
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Table 3: Participation of explicit Demand Response in different markets
Member State
Demand Response
in energy markets
Demand Response
in balancing
Response in
Response for
2016 (in MW)
No market
No market
Czech Republic
No (2015)
No information
No information
No market
No market
Source: Impact Assessment support Study on downstream flexibility, demand response and smart metering,
COWI, 2016
R&D results:
VSync demonstrated that PV or wind generation, if equipped with a technology as
demonstrated in the VSync project, can replace the inertia that large power plants possess that is needed to
reduce frequency variations. Therefore, such technologies could in principle be used to provide balancing
services to the TSO.
EvolvDSO has identified and worked-out the details of future roles for actors active in the management of
power systems at the distribution level. The project identifies ways in which flexibility of resources
connected at distribution level could be revealed, valorised, contracted and exploited by various actors of
the power system. It identified roles that could be fulfilled by DSOs and by market parties and asks that
these are clarified
Several European demonstration projects such as ECOGRID-EU, Integral, EEPOS, V-Sync and S3C have
provided evidence that demand response is sufficiently mature from a technical point of view, while
stressing the need to removing market related barriers to its deployment.
In particular, Integral and ECOGRID-EU show that valuing flexibility through price signals is possible and
easy, that local assets can participate and earn money in the wholesale market, and that the economic
viability depends on the value of flexibility. Integral also demonstrated that flexibility of a household's
energy consumption (and hence the ability to provide demand response) was higher than initially expected,
probably due to the automated response that did not require active consumer participation. ECOGRID-EU
showed that a customer with manual control gave a 60 kW total peak load reduction while automated or
semi-automated customers gave an average peak reduction of 583 kW
Problem Description
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RES E and flexible electricity systems
Demand response, like other measures that improve the degree of flexibility in the
system, have an connection to the ability of RES E to finance itself in the market,
through what is often referred to as the 'merit order effect'.
During windy and sunny
days the additional electricity supply reduces the prices. Because the drop is larger with
more installed capacity, the market value of variable renewable electricity falls with
higher penetration rate, translating into a gap to the average market value of all electricity
generators over a given period. Inflexible markets where demand and generation are non-
responsive to price signals (including through measures such as priority dispatch or
'must-run' obligations) render this effect more pronounced. This effect is already visible
today in certain Member States, and in the absence of measures, can be expected to
become even more relevant as renewables penetration increases further.
At the one hand, this implies that as renewables are further gaining market shares in the
coming decade, the regulatory framework should not only incentivise the deployment of
renewables where costs are low (e.g. due to abundant wind or solar resources), but also
where and when the value of the produced electricity is the highest. On the other hand,
by improving the market framework in which RES E operates by rendering it more
flexible, unnecesarry erosion of the value of RES E assets can be prevented.
Reference is made to the box in Section and Section for further
2.1.4. Driver 4: Distribution networks are not actively managed and grid users are
poorly incentivised
Most of the time, the present regulatory framework does not provide appropiate tools to
distribution network operators to actively manage the electricity flows in their networks.
It also does not provide incentives to customers connected to distribution grids to use the
network more efficiently. Because smaller consumers have historically participated in the
broader electricity system only to a limited extent, currently no framework exists that
puts such incentives in place. This has led to fears over the impact that the deployment of
distributed resources could have at system-level (e.g. that the costs of upgrading the
network to integrate them would outweigh their combined benefits in other terms).
Moreover, the regulatory framework for DSOs, which most of the times is based on cost-
plus regulation, does not provide proper incentives for investing in innovative solutions
which promote energy efficiency or demand-response and fails to recognise the use of
flexibility as an alternative to grid expansion.
See Hirth, Lion,
"The Market Value of Variable Renewables",
Energy Policy, Volume 38, 2013, p.
218-236). The merit order effect is occasionally also referred to as the 'cannibalisation effect'.
Problem Description
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
With RES E being a source of electricity generation that is often decentralised in nature,
DSOs are gradually being transformed from passive network operators primarily
concerned with passing-on electricity from the transmission grid to end-consumers, to
network operators that, not unlike TSOs, actively have to manage their grids. At the same
time, technological progress allows distribution system operators to reduce network
investments by managing locally the challenges that more decentralised generation
brings about. However, outdated national regulatory frameworks may not incentivise or
even permit DSOs to make these savings by operating more innovatively and efficiently
because they reflect the technological possibilities of yesteryear. The resulting
inflexibility of distribution networks significantly increases the cost of integrating more
RES E generation, particulary in terms of investment.
R&D results:
Reduced network investment by managing locally decentralised generation is demonstrated
in European projects like: SuSTAINABLE, MetaPV, evolvDSO, PlanGridEV, BRIDGE and REServices
According to EvolvDSO, flexibility procurement and activation by DSOs are not addressed in the
regulatory framework in most Member States: they are not excluded in principle but not incentivised either
and, because they are not explicitly addressed, this creates uncertainty for the DSO to apply them.
The REServices study has analysed the possible services that wind and solar PV energy can provide to the
grid in theory but concludes that they are not able to (in the Member States analysed) due to the way the
market rules are defined.
The project SuSTAINABLE demonstrated that intelligent management supported by more reliable load
and weather forecast can optimise the operation of the grid. The results show that using the distributed
flexibility provided by demand-side response can bring an increase of RES E penetration while, at the same
time, avoid investments in network reinforcement, and this leads to a decrease in the investment costs of
distribution lines and substations.
The BRIDGE project recommended that products for ancillary services should be consistent and
standardized from transmission and down to the local level in the distribution network. Such harmonization
will facilitate the participation of demand-side response and small-scale RES in the markets for these
services, and thereby increase the availability of the services, enable cross-border exchanges and lower
system costs.
Tests in the project PlanGridEV with controllable loads (demand response, electric vehicles) performed in
a large variety of grid constellations have shown that peak loads could be reduced (up to 50%) and more
renewable electricity could be transported over the grid compared to scenarios with traditional distribution
grid scenarios. As a result, critical power supply situations can be avoided, and grids, consequently, do not
call for reinforcement
Both MetaPV and EvolvDSO suggest that a DSO makes a multiannual investment plan that takes into
account flexibility it can purchase from connected demand-side response or self-producers and consumers
(MetaPV suggests to do this through a cost-based analysis)
MetaPV also demonstrated that remotely controllable inverters connecting PV-panels to the distribution
grid can offer congestion management services to the distribution grid (in the form of voltage control
obtained via reactive power modulation). This increases the capacity of the distribution grid to integrate
intermittent RES by 50%, at less than 10% of the costs of ‘traditional’ investments in hardware such as
A list of the research and development projects mentioned in this box and their findings relevant to the
present impact assessment is provided in Annex 8.
Problem Description
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
Problem Area II: Uncertainty about sufficient future generation investments
and uncoordinated capacity markets
In light of the 2030 objectives, considerable new investment in electricity generation
capacity will be required. The power sector is likely to play a central role in the energy
transition. First, it has been the main sector experiencing decarbonisation since the last
decade and its challenges still remain high. Second, in the near future, the power sector is
expected to support the economy in reducing its dependence on fossil fuels, notably in
the transport and heating and cooling sectors.
Generation capacity in the EU increased sharply from 2009 onwards due to the addition
of new renewables technologies to the already existing capacity. The composition of the
capacity mix progressively changed. Nuclear capacity started declining in recent years
(2010-2013) due to phasing out decisions in some Member States. Other conventional
capacity showed a decline in 2012-2013 as well
The largest part of the required new capacity will be variable wind and solar based,
complemented by more firm, flexible and less carbon-intensive forms of power
generation. At the same time, in light of the ageing power generation fleet in Europe with
more than half of the current capacity expected to be decommissioned by 2040
, it is
important to maintain sufficient capacity online to guarantee security of supply. The
modelling results nevertheless indicate that investment needs in additional thermal
capacity will be limited especially in the period 2021-2030. According to PRIMES
EUCO27, about 81% of net power capacity investments will be in low-carbon
technologies, of which 59% in RES E and 22% in nuclear generation
See on this and for further information,
European Commission, Investment perspectives in electricity
World Energy Outlook 2015, IEA
The challenge to attract sufficient investment in RES E is examined in detail in the RED II impact
Problem Description
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Table 4: Investment Expenditure (including new construction, life-time extension
end refurbishment) in generation capacity by technology (average over 5 year
period) in MEuro'13
2000-2005 2005-2010
Renewable energy
Hydro (pumping
Other renewables
Geothermal heat
Solids fired
Oil fired
Gas fired
Hydrogen plants
Total (incl. CHP)
Source: PRIMES; based on EUCO27 scenario
At the same time, short-term market prices at wholesale level have decreased
substantially over the past years. In parallel with high fossil fuel prices, European
wholesale electricity prices peaked in the third quarter of 2008; then fell back as the
economic crisis broke out, and slightly recovered between 2009 and 2012. However,
since 2012 wholesale prices have been decreasing again. Compared to the average of
2008, the pan-European benchmark for wholesale electricity prices were down by 55% in
the first quarter of 2016, reaching 33 EUR/MWh on average, which was the lowest in the
last twelve years
See the "main findings" of Section 1.1 on Wholesale electricity prices from the 2016 Commission
Staff Working Document accompanying the forthcoming
'Report on energy prices and costs in
Problem Description
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
Figure 3 on pan-European wholesale market prices
Source: Platts and European power exchanges
Prices declined for a number of reasons
including (i) a decrease in primary energy
prices (e.g. coal, and more recently also natural gas), (ii) an increasing imbalance
between the supply and demand for carbon allowances, leading to a surplus of over 2
billion allowances by 2012 and a corresponding decrease in carbon allowance prices
and (iii) an overcapacity of power generation facilities
, putting a downward pressure on
wholesale prices.
The influence of each market factor might strongly very across different regions. For example, the
share of renewables and carbon prices have strong impact on wholesale price evolution in North
Western Europe, while in Central and Eastern Europe the main price driver is the share of coal and gas
in the generation mix.
Between April 2011 and May 2013 carbon emission allowance contracts underwent a significant price
fall (decreasing from 17 EUR/tCO2e to 3.5 EUR/tCO2e) reflecting the fall in demand for allowances
due to the recession. Since April 2013 carbon prices have increased, reaching an average auction
clearing price of €7,62/tCO2e in 2015.
The extent to which the carbon price impacts the wholesale power price depends on the carbon
intensity of the marginal power producer.
In parallel with decreasing fossil fuel and carbon prices (resulting in decreasing marginal costs of
electricity generation(, and the generation overcapacity, the share of renewable energy sources (wind,
solar, biomass, also including hydro) has been gradually increasing over the last few years. In most of
the EU countries fossil fuel costs set the marginal cost of electricity generation, being decisive for the
wholesale electricity price. However, increasing share of renewables in the electricity mix, together
with significant baseload generation capacities, shifted the generation merit order curve to the right,
resulting in lower equilibrium price set by supply and demand. Consequently, we can say that
increasing share of renewable energy sources, in an already oversupplied market, have significantly
contributed to low wholesale electricity prices in the EU markets.
Problem Description
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Overcapacity was, in turn, caused by: (i) a drop in electricity demand as electricity
consumption decoupled from an already low economic growth
, (ii) over-investments in
thermal plants
, (iii) the increasing proportion of renewables with low marginal costs
driven by EU policies, (iv) barriers to decommission capacity
, and (v) continuing
improvement in the field of coupling national electricity markets
, leading to an
increased sharing of resources among Member States
As a result, for most regions in Europe current electricity wholesale prices do not indicate
the need for new investments into generation capacity. There are, however, doubts
whether the market, as currently designed, would be able to produce investment signals
in case generation capacities were needed. Independently of current overcapacities of
most regions in Europe, a number of Member States anticipate inadequate generation
capacity in future years and introduce capacity mechanisms at national level.
2.2.1. Driver 1: Lack of adequate investment signals due to regulatory failures and
imperfections in the electricity market
The internal energy market is built on competitive (short and long-term) wholesale power
markets where price signals are central to guide market participants production and
consumption decisions. Short-term prices signal prevailing supply and demand
Consumption of electricity in the EU decoupled from economic growth during the last few years due
to energy efficiency gains.
Investment decisions in the electricity sector are typically taken long before returns on investment are
effectively earned, due to the time to construct new power plants. At the same time, the decentralised
nature of investment decision-making means that each generator has limited information about the
generation capacity that competitors will make available in the coming years. The result is what has
been referred to as boom-bust cycles: alternate periods of shortages and overcapacity resulting from
lack of coordination in the investment decisions of competing generators.
In some Member States, there is an overcapacity situation that is in fact artificially extended by clear
regulatory exit barriers, which in the short-term depress market prices and in the mid/long-term ruin
the investment incentives.
In parallel, progressing market integration decreased price divergence within the EU. Indeed in the
first quarter of 2008 the price difference between the most expensive and the cheapest European
wholesale electricity market was 44 EUR/MWh, eight years later this difference has shrunk to 24
EUR/MWh. Based on "main findings" from 2016 costs and prices report and underlying studies,
published in conjunction with the present impact assessment
See also Box 9 behind section 6.4.6 for more on overcapacity, market exit and prices
Problem Description
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conditions while long-term prices are formed according to expectations about future
supply and demand. Conditions, such as for example shortages or oversupply that are
expected to prevail in the future will not only determine short-term (spot) prices but also
impact long-term (forward, futures) prices.
In around half of Member States sales achieved at short and long term markets determine
the bulk of generators' income
. This income is required to cover their full costs, mainly
fuel, maintenance and amortisation of assets (i.e. investments). These arrangements are
often referred to as energy-only markets. In the other half of Member States there are
also measures (either market based or non-market based) in place to pay generators for
keeping their capacity available (capacity mechanisms or 'CM's), regardless as to
whether they are producing electricity or not
. For generators who operate on the market
these payments represent an additional income next to their earnings on the wholesale
markets for energy. Capacity payments, thus, represent additional support to maintain
and/or develop capacity.
Irrespective whether generators are expected to earn their investments solely on the
'energy-only' market or whether they can also rely on additional payments for capacity,
wholesale power prices are central to provide the right signals for efficient market
operations. For the EU-target model
to function properly, prices need to be able to
properly reflect market conditions
Price signals and long-term confidence that costs can be recovered in reasonable payback
times are essential ingredients for well-functioning market. In a market which is not
distorted by external interventions, the variability of the spot price on the wholesale
market, plays a role in signalling the need of investment in new resources. In the absence
of the right short- and long-term price signals, it is more likely that inappropriate
investment or divestment decisions are taken, i.e. too-late decisions or technology
choices that turn out to be inefficient in the long run. Price differentials between different
See below, figure 1 and ACER Market Monitoring Report 2014; generators may also collect additional
income from offering their capabilities, including the availability of (short-term) electricity to TSO's
who rely on them to manage the system (i.e. short-term balancing and ancillary Services)
mechanisms exist worldwide both in regulated and in non-regulated markets":
paper C5-213, "Capacity
Mechanisms: Results from a World Wide Survey",
H. Höschle, G. Doorman
The "Electricity
Target Model"
aims at integrating wholesale power markets by harmonising the way
how transmission capacity is allocated between Member States. Central to it is market coupling which
is based on the, so-called, "flow based" capacity calculation, a method that takes into account that
electricity can flow via different paths and optimises the representation of available capacities in
meshed grids. The implementation of the target models in gas and electricity is equivalent to achieving
the completion of the internal energy market.
Evidently, efficient market outcome also presumes that all assets are treated equally in terms of the
risks and costs to which they are exposed and the opportunities for earning revenues from producing
electricity i.e. they operate on a level playing field as is esually fostered by the present intiative.
Problem Description
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bidding zones should determine where generation and demand should ideally be
In 2013 the Commission published an assessment identifying reasons why the market
may fail to deliver sufficient new investment to ensure generation adequacy
. These
reasons are a combination of market failures and regulatory failures. For example when
consumers cannot indicate the value they place on uninterrupted electricity supply, the
market may not be effective performing its coordination function. Equally however,
regulatory interventions, as well as the fear of such interventions, such as price caps and
bidding restrictions (regardless as to whether effectively restricting price formation at
that moment or only later) limit the price signal for new investments. Likewise the prices
on balancing markets operated by TSOs should not undermine the price signals from
wholesale markets.
Power generators and investors have argued that regulatory uncertainty and the lack of a
stable regulatory framework undermine the investment climate in the Union compared to
other parts of the world and to other industries.
In fact, current market arrangements often do not allow prices to reflect the real value of
electricity, especially when supply conditions are tight and when prices should reflect its
scarcity, affecting the remuneration of electricity generation units that operate less often
but provide security and flexibility to the system.
These regulatory failures are amplified by the increasing penetration of RES E. RES E is
capacity that often has a cost structure typified by low operational costs
, resulting in
more frequent periods with low wholesale prices. The variability of RES E production
moreover decreases the number and predictability of the periods when conventional
electricity generators are used, thereby increasing the risk profile and risk premiums of
all investments in electricity resources
. Whereas market participants are used to
hedging risks, and market trading arrangements are adapting to allow more risks to be
covered, the risk profile of investments will become more pronounced. This increases the
need to ensure that prices reflect the real value of electricity to ensure plants can cover
their full costs, even if they are operating less frequently.
See on price signals, European Commission,
Investment perspectives in electricity markets,
See also SWD(2013) 438 "Generation
Adequacy in the internal electricity market - guidance on public
Section 3 .
Cost structures vary according to the underlying technology deployed. In general, wind and solar
technologies have very low operational costs whereas the opposite is true for biomass fuelled
Generators' expectations about future returns on their investments in generation capacity are affected
not only by the expected level of electricity prices, but also by several other sources of uncertainty,
such as increasing price volatility. The increasing weight of intermittent renewable technologies makes
prices more volatile and shortens the periods of operation during which conventional technologies are
able to recoup their fixed costs. In such circumstances, even slight variations in the level, frequency
and duration of scarcity prices have a significant impact on the expected returns on investments,
increasing the risk associated to investing in flexible conventional generation technologies.
Problem Description
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
The current market arrangements are constructed around the notion of price zones
delimited by network constraints. The price differences between such zones should drive
investments to be located where they relieve congestion by rewarding investments in
areas typified by high prices. The congestion rents collected by network operators to
transport electricity from low to high price zones are meant to be used to relieve
congestion by maintaining and constructing interconnection capacity.
However, today the delineation of price zones in practice does not reflect actual
congestion, but national borders. This prevents the establishment of prices that reflect
local supply and demand, which leads to the phenomenom of loop flows, which can
reduce the interconection capacity made available for cross-border trading and leads to
expensive out-of-market redispatching and significant distortions to prices and
investment signals in neighbouring bidding zones. To illustrate this, ACER has
estimated, in their Market Monitoring Report
, that reductions in cross-border capacity
due to loop flows resulted in a welfare loss of EUR 445 million in 2014. Further, the
costs of re-dispatch and countertrading to deal with inaccurate dispatch can be high. In
2015 the total cost for redispatching within the German-Austria-Luxembourg bidding
zone was approximately EUR 930 million
. There is also evidence that cross-border
capacity is being limited in order to deal with internal contraints, again limiting cross-
border trading opportunities. The impacts of this can be significant. For example, when
looking at the capacity between Germany and the Nordic power system, the Swedish
regulatory authority noted significant capacity limitations, concluding that these were
mostly due to internal contraints, and found that losses amounted to a total of EUR 20
million per annum in Norway and Sweden
A further issue that can potentially distort investment is that of network charges on
generators. This includes charges for use of the network, both at distribution-level and
transmission-level (tariffs), as well as the charges applied to generators for their
connection (connection charges). There is significant variation across the EU on the
structure of these charges, which are set at Member State-level. For instance, some
Member States do not apply any tariffs to generators, others apply them based on
connected capacity and others based on the amount of electricity produced. Some include
locational signals within the tariff, some do not. With regards to connection charges,
some calculate them based only on the direct costs of accessing the system (shallow) and
others include wider costs, such as those of any grid reinforecement required (deep).
Such variations can serve to distort both investment and dispatch signals.
2.2.2. Driver 2: Uncoordinated state interventions to deal with real or perceived capacity
The uncertainty on whether the market will bring forward sufficient investment, or keep
existing assets in the market, has, in a number of Member States, fuelled concerns about
system adequacy, i.e. the ability of the electricity system to serve demand at all times.
Monitoring report 2014"
(2015) ACER, Section 4.3.2 on unscheduled flows and loop flows.
ENTSO-E Transparency Platform, at
"Capacity limitations between the Nordic countries and Germany"
Swedish Energy Markets
Inspectorate (2015)
Problem Description
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
Certain Member States have reacted by introducing CMs designed to support investment
in the capacity that they deem necessary to ensure a secure and acceptable level of
system adequacy.
These measures often take the form of either dedicated generation assets kept in reserve
or a system of market wide payments to generators for availability when needed.
Figure 4: Capacity Mechanisms in Europe
Strategic reserves for DK2
region from 2016-2018 (and
potentially from 2019-2020)
Strategic reserve (since 2007)
Capacity auction
(since 2014 - first delivery in
Capacity payment
(since 2007)
considering reliably options
Capacity requirements
(certification started 1 April
Capacity payment (since 2008)
Tendering for capacity
considered but no plans
Strategic reserve
(since 2004 ) - gradual phase-
out 2020 and considering a
permanent market system
after 2020
Debate pending
Strategic reserve
(from 2016 on, for 2 years,
with possible extension for 2
Strategic reserve
(since 1 November 2014)
Reliability option
(first auction end 2016, first
delivery contracted capacity is
expected in 2021)
New Capacity Mechanism
under assessment by COMP
(Capacity payments from 2006
to 2014)
Capacity Payment (Since 2010
partially suspended between
May 2011 and December 2014)
No CM (energy only market)
CM proposed/under consideration
CM operational
Monitoring Report 2014"
(2015) ACER.
These initiatives by Member States are based on non-aligned perceptions and
expectations as to the degree the electricity system can serve electricity demand at all
times and a reluctance to rely on the contribution the EU system as a whole can make to
the adequacy of the system of a given Member State.
As reflected in the Interim Report of the Sector Enquiry
led by DG Competition, many
existing CMs have been designed without a proper assessment of whether a security of
supply problem existed in the relevant market. Many Member States have not adequately
established what should be their appropriate level of supply security (as expressed by
their 'reliability standard') before putting in place a CM.
Indeed, a majority of Member States expect reliability problems due to resource adequacy in the future
even though such problems have been extremely rare in the past five years. Such issues have only
arisen in Italy on the Islands of Sardinia and Sicily which are not connected to the grid on the
See also SWD(2016) 119 final
"Interim report of the Sector Inquiry on Capacity Mechanisms",
Problem Description
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
Methods of assessing resource adequacy vary widely between Member States
, which
make comparison and cooperation across borders difficult. Many resource adequacy
assessments take a purely national perspective and may substantially differ depending on
the underlying assumptions made and the extent to which foreign capacities
as well as
demand side flexibility
are taken into account. This, in turn, means some Member
States force consumers to over-pay for 'extra' capacities they do not really need.
Table 5: Deterministic vs probabilistic approaches to adequacy assessments
Source: European Commission based on replies to sector inquiry, see below for a description of capacity
margin, LOLP, LOLE, and EENS
The introduction of CMs fundamentally change wholesale electricity markets because
generators and other capacity providers are no longer paid only for the electricity they
generated but also for their availability. Worse however is that CMs when introduced in
an uncoordinated manner can be inefficient and distort cross-border trade on wholesale
electricity markets.
In the short-term, CMs may lead to distortions if their design affects natural price
formation in the energy market (e.g. bidding behaviour of generators) and therefore alter
production decisions (operation of power generating plants) and cross-border
For more details, see annex 5.1. See also
"Generation adequacy methodologies review",
(2016), JRC
Science for Policy Report and CEER (2014), "Assessment
of electricity generation adequacy in
European countries".
According to the CEER report,
"the extent to which current generation adequacy reports take the
benefits of interconnectors into account varies a lot: 4 reports still model an isolated system (Norway,
Estonia, Romania, and Sweden); 2 reports use both interconnected and isolated modelling (France
and Belgium); 3 report methodologies are being modified to include an interconnection modelling; 9
reports simulate an interconnected system (UK, the Netherlands, Czech republic, Lithuania, Finland,
Belgium and Ireland, while France and Italy use both methods)."
According to the CEER report,
"only 3 countries include demand response as a separate factor in
their load forecast methodology i.e. the UK, France and Spain. In Norway and Finland, the
contribution from demand response is not included as separate factor, but peak load estimation is
based on actual load curves which include the effect of demand response. Sweden does not consider
demand response, and do not assume that consumers respond to peak load in their analysis."
See annex 5.1 for the definition of the different methodologies.
Problem Description
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
competition. For instance, a possible distortion is when generators in a market applying a
CM, receive (capacity) payments which are determined in a way that affects their
electricity generation bids into the market, while in a neighbouring "energy-only" market
generators do not. This may tilt the playing field for generators on either sides of the
border. Another example might be if strategic reserves (a particular form of CMs) are
dispatched 'too-early' impeding the market's ability to establish equilibrium between
supply and demand. This can cause or contribute to a 'missing money' problem as
strategic reserves would outcompete existing (or future) generators who, at least partly,
rely on scarcity rents to cover their costs.
CMs may also influence investment decisions (investment in plants and their locations),
with potential impacts in the long term. If contributions from cross-border capacity are
not appropriately taken into account, they may lead to over-procurement of capacity in
countries implementing CMs, with a detrimental impact on consumers.
CMs may also cause a number of competition concerns. In this respect, the Sector
Inquiry identifies substantial issues in relation to the design of CMs in a number of
Member States. First, many CMs do not allow all potential capacity providers or
technologies to participate, which may unnecessarily limit competition among suppliers
or raise the price paid for the capacity
Second, capacity mechanisms are also likely to lead to over-compensation of the capacity
often to the benefit of the incumbents
if they are badly designed and non-
competitive. In many Member States the price paid for capacity is not determined
through a competitive process but set by the Member State or negotiated bilaterally
between the Member State and the capacity provider. This creates a serious risk of
Third, the inquiry revealed that capacity providers from other Member States (foreign
capacity) are rarely allowed to directly or indirectly participate in national CMs
. This
leads to market distortions as additional revenues from CMs remain reserved to national
companies. This is particularly problematic in case of dominant national incumbents
whose dominant position may even be strengthened by a national CM.
Lastly, although there is a challenge to design penalties that avoid undermining
electricity price signals which are important for demand response and imports, where
In some cases, certain capacity providers are explicitly excluded from participating or the group of
potential participants is explicitly limited to certain providers. In other cases, Member States set
requirements that have the same effect, implicitly reducing the type or number of eligible capacity
providers. Examples are size requirements, environmental standards, technical performance
requirements, availability requirements, etc.
In Spain for example, the price for an interruptibility service almost halved after a competitive auction
was introduced.
For example, Portugal, Spain and Sweden appear to take no account of imports when setting the
amount of capacity to support domestically through their CMs. In Belgium, Denmark, France and
Italy, expected imports are reflected in reduced domestic demand in the CMs. The only Member States
that have allowed the direct participation of cross-border capacity in CMs are Belgium, Germany and
Ireland. For more details, see annex 5.2.
Problem Description
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obligations are weak and penalties for non-compliance are low, there are insufficient
incentives for plants to be reliable.
All in all, the Sector Inquiry highlights that "a
patchwork of mechanisms across the EU
risks affecting cross-border trade and distorting investment signals in favour of countries
with more ‘generous’ capacity mechanisms. Nationally determined generation adequacy
targets risk resulting in the over-procurement of capacities unless imports are fully taken
into account. Capacity mechanisms may strengthen market power if they for instance, do
not allow new or alternative providers to enter the market. Capacity mechanisms are
also likely to lead to over-compensation of the capacity providers
often to the benefit of
if they are badly designed and non-competitive."
All of these issues can
undermine the functioning of the internal energy market and increase energy costs for
As reflected in the Sector Inquiry, the heterogeneous development of capacity
mechansims has led to fragmented markets across the EU. The Sector Inquiry highlights
that "the
different types of capacity mechanisms are not equally well suited to address
problems of security of supply in the most cost effective and least distortive way".
The Sector Inquiry concludes that capacity payment schemes are generally problematic
as they risk over-compensating capacity providers because they rely on administrative
price setting rather than competitive allocation procedures. The risk for
overcompensation is lower for market-wide and volume-based schemes and strategic
reserves. What matters is the design of the support scheme, which can make it more or
less distortive.
Several stakeholders have proposed to address investment uncertainty by dedicated
regulatory provisions encouraging and clarifying the use of long-term contracts ('LTC's)
between generators and suppliers or consumers
. They argue that such rules could help
mitigating the investment risk for the capital-intensive investments required in the
electricity sector, facilitating access to capital in particular for low-carbon technologies at
reasonable costs.
While mandatory LTCs may involve a risk transfer to consumers unless they are certain
they will have enduring future electricity demand, such contracts may allow them to
benefit from less volatile retail prices as electricity would be purchased long time ahead
of delivery. In terms of market functioning, it has to be stressed that current EU
electricity legislation does not discourage the conclusion of long-term electricity
purchase contracts. Even absent dedicated legislation, LTCs between a buyer and seller
to exchange electricity on negotiated terms, can anyway be freely agreed on by interested
parties without any need for further intervention by governments or regulators. Tradable
wholesale contracts are already available to market parties (albeit with limited liquidity
for contracts of more than three years
). A dedicated framework for hedging price risks
See e.g. submissions to the Commission's market design consultation from a limited number of
generation companies and from energy-intensive industries.
See for further information,
CEPS Special Report,
The EU power sector needs long-term price signals,
No. 135/April 2016, page 9.
Problem Description
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
over longer terms has just been created with the EU Guideline on Forward Trading
("FCA Guidelines"). The only regulatory restriction to the use of LTCs may result, in
exceptional situations
, from EU Treaty rules on competition law (e.g. if they are used
by by dominant companies to prevent new market entry).
It may also be noted that experience has shown that regulatory encouragement of LTCs
under EU law may also entail the risk of "lock-in risk" in the fast developing electricity
Options suggested to facilitate long-term contracting include (i) socialising the costs of
guaranteeing delivery of bilateral contracts (to reduce the default risk) or (ii) introducing
long-term contracts with a regulated counterparty. Both models might, however, be
considered to be capacity mechanisms and would have to be scrutinised under the
relevant State aid rules.
Problem Area III: Member States do not take sufficient account of what
happens across their borders when preparing for and managing electricity
crisis situations
In spite of best efforts to build an integrated and resilient power system, electricity crisis
situations may occur. Whilst most incidents are minor
, the likelihood of larger-scale
incidents affecting the European electricity system might well be on the rise due to
extreme weather conditions
, climate change (giving rise to extreme and unpredictable
weather conditions, which already today constitute a major challenge to electricity
, fuel shortage
and a growing exposure to cybercrime and terrorist attacks in
It should be noted that there is extensive guidance and case practice on the interpretation of Article 81
and 82 with respect to long-term energy contracts available.
The fast changing electricity markets may require different generation solutions than today (e.g. due to
new storage technology). See also the example of guaranteeing revenues for solar power producers for
timeframes ten years ago which proved to be higher than necessary in retrospective due to
technological developments.
In 2014 ENTSO-E identified over 1000 security of supply incidents. Most of these were minor but
there were some more serious disturbances, for example storms on 12 February 2014 leaving 250,000
homes in Ireland without power.
Extreme weather events are likely to affect the power supply in various ways: (i) thermal generation is
threatened by lack of cooling water (as shown e.g. in summer 2015 at the French nuclear power
stations Bugey, St. Alban and Golfech); (ii) heat waves cause high demand of air conditioning (which
e.g. resulted in price peaks in Spain in late July 2015 when occurring in parallel with low wind
output); (iii) heat waves affect grid performance in various ways, e.g. moisture accumulating in
transformers (which e.g. lead to blackouts in France on June 30
2015) or line overheating (leading to
declaration of emergency state by the Czech grid operator CEPS on July 25
in 2006) (source:
European Power Daily, Vol. 18, Issue 123
(2016), S&P Global, Platts).
a secure electricity supply on a low carbon pathway",
Energy Policy no 52. 55-59 (2013),
Boston, Andy.
One example proving that such risks should be taken into account is the shortage of anthracite coal in
Ukraine in June 2016 due to the political situation in Ukraine affected the rail transport of coal. As
several Ukrainian nuclear power units were offline for maintenance in parallel, the responsible
ministry called for limiting power consumption as preventive measure. (Source:
European Power
Daily, Vol. 18, Issue 123
(2016), S&P Global, Platts).
Problem Description
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
Europe. Already in 2014 a series of cyberattacks by the so-called "Energetic
targeted several energy companies in Europe and US, highlighting the increasing
vulnerability of the energy sector
Where crisis situations occur, they often have a cross-border effect. Even where incidents
start locally, they may rapidly proliferate across borders. Thus, a black-out in Italy in
2003 due to a tree flashover affected the electricity systems of its neighbouring states as
well, and in 2006 the tripping of an electricity line by a cruise ship in Germany affected
15 million people and had an impact on the entire continental power system
Crisis situations may also affect several Member States at the same time as it was the
case during the prolonged cold spell in February 2012
, which led to a series of
uncoordinated emergency measures across Europe. Given the increasing
interconnectivity of the EU's electricity systems and linkage of electricity markets, the
risk of electricity crisis situations simultaneously affecting several Member States are set
to further rise
It should be noted that risks of cross-border electricity incidents do not stop at the
European Union's borders, given increasing links between the electricity systems of EU
Member States and those of some of its neighbours (e.g., synchronisation with Western
Balkans, common infrastructure projects between e.g., Italy-Montenegro, Romania-
Moldova, Poland-Ukraine).
Given the key role of electricity to society, electricity crisis situations entail serious costs
both economically and for the society at large
On 23 December 2015, a cyberattack in Ukraine led to serious power cuts affecting more than 600.000
The Italian blackout on 28/09/2003, due to a tree flashover, affected 55 million people in Italy,
Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia and Croatia. It led to a black-out situation to up to 24 hours and
interrupted energy of 17 GWh.
The first two weeks of February 2012 saw a prolonged colder-than-usual weather period consistently
with 12 degrees Celsius below winter average and reaching historically low temperatures exceeding 1
in 20 climatic conditions.
METIS simulation shows that the better integration of the markets would result in a propagation of the
stress hours across Member States. Additionally, the stress hours would be concentrated in periods
affecting simultaneously several Member States.
The economic impact of large scale blackouts could be estimated in billions. Thus, for instance, a
blackout in France on 26 December 1999 due to storms of unprecedented violence with devastating
effects, affected 3.5 million households (which corresponds to about 10 million people losing their
electricity supply) and entailed an economic cost of EUR 11.5 billion and interrupted energy estimated
in 400 GWh.
Recent simulations show that the damages as consequence of the power outages of 5 hours in a border
region between Belgium, France and Germany to all of the economic sectors would amount to 1
billion Euro.;
simulation of a blackout in following NUTS regions:
FR21 Champagne-Ardenne, FR41 Lorraine, FR42 Alsace, BE34 Prov. Luxembourg, BE35 Prov.
Namur , DEC0 Saarland, DEB Rheinland-Pfalz, FR30 Nord - Pas-de-Calais, BE32 Prov. Hainaut,
BE25 Prov. West-Vlaanderen, FR22 Picardie, BE31 Prov. Brabant Wallon, BE23 Prov. Oost-
Vlaanderen, DE1 Baden-Württemberg.
Problem Description
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
Both when preparing for and dealing with crisis situations, Member States take very
different approaches and tend to focus on their national territories and customers only,
ignoring the possible assistance of and the impact on neighbouring countries and
customers. This entails serious risks for security of supply and can also lead to undue
interferences with the internal energy market.
2.3.1. Driver 1: Plans and actions for dealing with electricity crisis situations focus on
the national context only
First, whilst most Member States have plans to prevent and deal with electricity crisis
situations, the content and scope of these plans varies considerably and plans tend to
focus on the national situation only
. Cross-border cooperation in the planning phase is
scarce and where it takes place at all, it is often limited to cooperation at the level of
. This is largely due to a regulatory failure: the existing EU legal framework does
not prescribe a common approach, and rules and structures for cross-border co-operation
are almost entirely absent
. Cross-border cooperation is also hindered by divergent
national rules. Cooperation with Member States outside the EU is even more limited.
Further, where crisis situations do arise, Member States also tend to react on the basis of
their own national set of rules, and without taking much account of the cross-border
context. Evidence shows, for instance, that Member States have different concepts of
what an emergency situation is and entails
, and who should do what and when in such
Source: Risk Preparedness Study - "Review
of current national rules and practices relating to risk
preparedness in the area of security of electricity supply"
(2016), VVA Europe, Spark Legal Network,
study prepared for DG Energy.
There are examples of existing regional co-operation involving national authorities, e.g. among the
Nordic countries in the framework of Nord-BER (Nordic Contingency Planning and Crisis
Management Forum). However, this co-operation is mainly restricted to the exchange of best
See the results of the evaluation, attached as Annex VI.
For instance the concept of 'emergency' is not defined in all Member States and where they exist,
definitions diverge.
Problem Description
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situations. In particular, there is considerable uncertainty and divergence as regards what
public authorities can do in emergency situations
The fact that Member States tend to adopt national, 'going alone' approaches when
preparing for and managing crisis situations stands in strong contrast with the reality of
today's interconnected electricity market, where the likelihood of crisis situations
affecting several Member States at the same time, is on the rise.
Where crisis situations stretch across borders (or have the potential of doing so), joint
action is needed, as well as clear rules on who does what, and when, in a cross-border
context. Uncoordinated actions and decisions in one Member State (for instance on what
to do to prevent a further deterioration of a crisis situations or on where to shed load,
when and to whom), can have serious negative effects:
For instance, as to date, several Member States still legally foresee 'export bans'
(curtailing interconnectors) in times of crisis
. This undermines the proper functioning
of markets and can seriously aggravate security of supply problems in neigbouring
Member States, who might no longer be able to ensure that electricity is delivered to
those that need it most. The reverse situation is also true: where in a crisis situation an
interconnected state does not restrict its own electricity consumption, it risks propagating
the crisis situation beyond its own borders.
The dangers related to a purely national, inward-looking management of electricity crisis
situations, are illustrated by an incident that occurred during a prolonged cold spell in
February 2012
. Confronted with a situation of unexpected shortage, one Member State
This is for example the case of France, where the Government may
"take temporary measures to
attribute or suspend exploitation authorizations of electricity infrastructures".
In Portugal, the
Minister for Energy can adopt transitory and temporary safeguard measures which include the use of
fuel reserves and the imposition of demand restrictions.
One Member State specifically includes a legal provision on export bans in its legislation; eleven more
Member States include forms of export restrictions in national law, TSO regulations or multilateral
agreements. (Source: Risk Preparedness Study - "Review
of current national rules and practices
relating to risk preparedness in the area of security of electricity supply"
(2016), VVA Europe, Spark
Legal Network, study prepared for DG Energy).
Another example where domestic consumption was prioritized over exports occurred in the Nordic
region over the winter 2009/2010, where the region experienced a scarcity situation (in fact a series of
them that lead to three price spikes: on December 17, January 8 and February 22) with prices reaching
1000 EUR/MWh. The initial cause was the loss of approximately 5000 MW of Swedish nuclear
capacity. Maintenance on these plants over the summer was not completed on time, and so the plants
were functioning at diminished capacity (61% of normal operating capacity, on average) into the
winter Production reached a minimum on December 18, driving prices to the technical limit. This
coincided with a winter that was already colder that average. The limited nuclear capacity continued
for a period of a few weeks, and on January 8
was exacerbated by a reduction in transmission
capacity between Norway and Sweden to 0MW because of higher than anticipated demand in Oslo.
The Norwegian TSO, Statnett, decided to prioritise domestic consumption over exports by eliminating
the interconnector. Finally, on February 22, continued low nuclear production combined with low
hydro reservoirs in Norway led to a general state of limited generation capacity. Statnett again reduced
transmission capacity (not to 0 MW but to 150 MW) and prices were again pushed to 1000 EUR/MWh
or higher. Source: IEA (2016):
Electricity Security Across Borders. Case Studies on Cross-Border
Electricity Security in Europe.
Problem Description
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decided to resort to an export ban in an effort to protect its national consumption. This
aggravated however problems in other, neighbouring Member States, who in turn also
resorted to export bans. The ensuring cascade of export bans seriously imperiled security
of supply in an entire region of Europe
Purely national approaches to crisis prevention and management can also lead to
premature (and therefore unnecessary) market interventions, such as for instance a
premature recourse to an emergency extra reserve capacity, or to a demand interruption
Finally, different approaches to crisis prevention and management might also lead to
cases of 'under-protection. For instance, where Member States do not take the measures
needed to prevent (e.g., cyber-incidents), the entire region or even synchronous area is
likely to suffer. A similar problem might arise if Member States do not take the measures
necessary to protect assets that are critical from a security of supply perspective against
possible take-overs by foreign entities, in circumstances in which such take-overs could
lead to any undue political influence. Experience with recent take-overs (or planned take-
overs) of certain strategic energy assets in Europe shows that such risks are serious,
notably where the buyer is controlled by a third country. At this stage however, Member
States address this issue from a purely national perspective, based on national rules,
without taking necessarily account of the wider European implications possible problems
could have. This could lead to situations wherein some Member States take foreign
ownership risks too lightly, whilst other Member States might overreact.
Evidence shows that in an inter-connected market, stronger co-operation on how to
prevent and manage crisis situations brings clear benefits: it leads to a better security of
supply overall, at a lesser cost. The recent METIS results
point in this direction, as
well as experiences with a few voluntary arrangements in place in parts of Europe
2.3.2. Driver 2: Lack of information-sharing and transparency
Today, national plans to prepare for crisis situations are not always public, nor shared
across Member States
. It is not clear who will act in crisis situations, and what the
Export limitations were imposed by Bulgaria on 10 February, by FYROM on the 13 February, by
Bosnia Herzegovina on 14 February, by Greece on 15 February and by Romania on 16 February.
An increasing number of Member States adopt so called 'foreign investment screening laws', covering
notably changes of control over strategic energy assets.
See also the
Impact Assessment accompanying the proposal for a Regulation concerning measures to
safeguard security of gas supply and repealing Council Regulation 994/2010
(SWD (2016) 25 final.
See Section 6.3.3. (Impact of policy Option 2).
For example, a co-operation agreement worked out amongst Nordic countries contains detailed
arrangements on how to deal with situations of simultaneous crisis, e.g., on curtailment sharing.
Nine Member States keep Risk Preparedness Plans confidential, eight make them public and eleven
others have a mixed framework with some measures being released and others being kept confidential.
(Source: Risk Preparedness Study - "Review
of current national rules and practices relating to risk
preparedness in the area of security of electricity supply"
(2016), VVA Europe, Spark Legal Network,
study prepared for DG Energy).
Problem Description
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roles are of the different actors (governments, TSOs, DSOs, NRAs). This makes any
cross-border co-operation in times of crisis very difficult
In addition, Member States do not systematically inform each other or the Commission
when they see crisis situations emerge. In fact, whilst ENTSO-E's seasonal outlooks
already point at the likelihood of upcoming crisis situations in Europe, Member States
affected by such crisis situations do not systematically communicate on actions they
intend to take, nor on the possible effect of such actions on the functioning of the internal
market or the electricity situation in neighbouring Member States. In fact, in spite of the
fact that Member States are legally obliged to notify the Commission in case they take
'safeguard measures', such notifications have been very rare, and tend to take place
(e.g., Poland in 2015)
Likewise, there is no systematic exchange of information on how past crisis situations
have been handled.
Such lack of information-sharing and transparency limits the capacity of reaction of
potential Member States affected, may lead to premature interventions in the market, and
reduces the possible benefits that cooperation can bring.
In addition, even though the Electricity Coordination Group could be used as a tool to
discuss how to prevent and mitigate crisis situations
, this does not happen in practice,
in the absence of clear and proper roles given to the group, and clear obligations on
Member States to report on how they address electricity crisis situations, both
ex ante
(before incidents occur) and
ex post.
A recent simulation of an electricity crisis situation across Europe, showed that Member States were
neither adequately equipped to deal with the crisis nor the consequences thereof, largely because it was
not clear who did what in which country on what moment (cf. results of VITEX 2016 exercise,
organized by the Dutch Ministry:
). VITEX 2016 is an international table top exercise
on the improvement of Critical Infrastructure Protection. The main goal of the exercise is to strengthen
the ties between EU Member States on this subject. VITEX 2016 aims to create a shared
understanding of what the Critical Infrastructures within Member States are and how European
cooperation can contribute to improve the resilience of Critical Infrastructure.
ENTSO-E has the obligation to carry out seasonal outlooks as required by Article 8 of the Electricity
Regulation. The assessment explores the main risks identified within a seasonal period and highlights
the possibilities for neighbouring countries to contribute to the generation/demand balance in critical
Poland activated a crisis protocol mid-August 2015 allowing the TSO to restrict power supplies to
large industrial consumers (load restrictions did not apply however to households and some sensitive
institutions such as hospitals). Poland notified the adoption of these measures under Article 42 of the
Electricity Directive one month after.
According to Article 2 of Commission Decision of 15 November 2012 setting up the Electricity
Coordination Group, the Group shall in particular
"promote the exchange of information, prevention
and coordinated action in case of an emergency within the Union and with third countries".
Problem Description
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2.3.3. Driver 3: No common approach to identifying and assessing risks
Whilst all Member States identify and assess risks that can affect security of supply, there
are many different understandings of what constitutes a 'risk' and methods for assessing
and addressing such risks vary considerably.
Different risks are assessed in different ways
, by different people
, and in different
time horizons
There is also no common agreement on what indicators to use to assess security of
supply overall
In the absence of a common approach to risk identification and assessment, it is difficult
to get an exact picture of what risks are likely to occur, in a cross-border context. This, in
turn, seriously hampers the possibility for relevant actors
TSOs, NRAs, Member States
to prevent and manage crisis situations in a cross-border context.
Problem Area IV: The slow deployment of new services, low levels of service
and questionable market performance on retail markets
Retail markets for energy in most parts of the EU suffer from persistently low levels of
competition and consumer engagement. In addition, whilst information technology now
offers the possibility of greatly improving the consumer experience and making the
market more contestable, realising these benefits could be hampered by the lack of a
data-management framework that unlocks the full benefits of smart energy management
to all market actors
incumbents and new entrants alike.
There exists a patchwork of types of risks covered under the assessments in the Member States. The
level of detail in which the types of risks are described varies and a high level of detail was found in
three Member States. In five Member States the types of risks to be assessed are not or very generally
described. (Source: Risk Preparedness Study - "Review
of current national rules and practices relating
to risk preparedness in the area of security of electricity supply"
(2016), VVA Europe, Spark Legal
Network, study prepared for DG Energy).
The combination of national entities (TSOs, the competent Ministries, the NRAs and the DSOs)
responsible for risk assessment and the division of their roles, which are often defined by law, vary
across the Member States. TSOs play a major role in the assessment of risks in a majority of the
countries. (Source: Risk Preparedness Study - "Review
of current national rules and practices relating
to risk preparedness in the area of security of electricity supply"
(2016), VVA Europe, Spark Legal
Network, study prepared for DG Energy).
Time horizons covered can vary from one year to fifteen years. Moreover, some Member States set no
limits of validity for their measures, others have a system of continuous updates whist at least eleven
countries do not specify time horizons. (Source: Risk Preparedness Study - "Review
of current
national rules and practices relating to risk preparedness in the area of security of electricity supply"
(2016), VVA Europe, Spark Legal Network, study prepared for DG Energy).
A wide variety of metrics and methodologies to assess security of supply and system adequacy is used,
but there is no specific reference to an economic value of adequacy (in particular to VOLL). Several
Member States have established standards, generally in terms of LOLE targets. However, information
is lacking on the criteria (if any) used to establish those standards. Metrics and standards have been set
through subjective decision, despite the evident fact that setting a standard (and the generation or
transmission capacity necessary to achieve that standard) will have an economic impact on consumers.
(Source: "Identification
of Appropriate Generation and System Adequacy Standards for the Internal
Electricity Market"
(2016), AF Mercados, E-Bridge, REF-Em, study prepared for DG Energy).
Problem Description
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These closely inter-related issues result in
the slow deployment of innovative products
that would help to make the electricity system function better in today's changing
context, as well as excessive prices for some end-consumers and/or poor levels of
R&D results:
Retail level innovative products and services such as dynamic pricing, self-consumption
incentives, and local flexibility and energy markets, have been tested in European projects, EEPOS,
For example, ECOGRID-EU showed that the highest cost is in the installation of the automation
technologies, control systems and sensors in the household. These costs could be virtually zero in the
future when appliances are connected anyway.
Integral states that large scale implementation of demand-side response services based on a market for
flexibility requires standardised solutions (for the communication of the devices (smart meters and devices
controllers…) and for the framework within which market players communicate to each other) to reduce
the cost per household and to lower the price of the smart energy services.
2.4.1. Driver 1: Low levels of competition on retail markets
Competition on retail markets is multifaceted, and recent trends in several indicators
suggest that it can be improved in many Member States.
The price of energy for end consumer can be broken down into three main components:
i) energy, ii) network and iii) taxes and levies. The energy component typically includes
cost elements such as the wholesale price of the commodity and various costs of the
supply companies, including their operating costs and profit margins. The network
component mainly consists of transmission and distribution tariffs. It might also include
further cost elements such as ancillary services. The taxes & levies component includes a
wide range of cost elements that significantly vary from country to country. Levies are
typically designated to specific technology, market or socially bound policies, while
taxes are general fiscal instruments feeding into the state budget. On average in the EU in
2015 energy made up 36% of the final household consumer price, the network
component 26%, and taxes and levies 38%.
A list of the research and development projects mentioned in this box and their findings relevant to the
present impact assessment is provided in Annex 8.
Problem Description
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In spite of falling prices on wholesale markets (analysed earlier), overall electricity prices
for household consumers rose steadily between 2008 and 2015 at an annual rate of
around 3%. This trend was largely driven by increased network charges, taxes and
, the various causes of which have been touched upon in the preceeding sections:
the over reliance of RES E assets on government support due to barriers to fully
participating in all markets; inflexible distribution networks that increase the cost of
integrating RES E; and fragmented balancing markets that increase the costs of ancillary
services, amongst others.
However, a proxy for mark-ups
on the energy component of consumer bills in several
Member States also seem to be higher than could be expected, posing questions about the
extent of price competition. Indeed, whereas there has been a significant reduction in
wholesale prices between 2008 and 2015, the nominal level of the energy component of
household electricity bills actually increased in 13 Member States during this period
In these countries, the fall in wholesale prices has not translated into a reduction in the
energy component of retail prices despite the fact that this is the part of the energy bill
(representing around 36% of average household prices) where energy suppliers should be
able to compete.
The average network component in consumer bills has increased by 25% since 2008, and cost EU
households 5.45 euro cents per kWh in 2015. Taxes and levies increased by 70% in the same period,
and stood at 7.92 euro cents per kWh in 2015. Energy taxation is not fully harmonized at the EU-level.
Source: DG ENER data.
pp. 288-295. This proxy essentially measures the relationship between the
wholesale price and the energy component of the retail price. However, other factors apart from the
mark-up may affect this relationship, notably including a higher proportion of fixed charges in
wholesale prices.
Problem Description
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
Figure 5: Relationship between the wholesale price and the energy component of the
retail price in household segments in countries with non-regulated retail prices from
2008 to 2014 for electricity and from 2012 to 2014 in gas (EUR/MWh)
Source: ACER Database, Eurostat, NRAs and European power exchanges data (2014) and ACER
calculations. Note: Gas data are available only for the period 2012-2014.
Abnormally low mark-ups are equally problematic as they make it difficult or impossible
for a new supplier to compete against an incumbent. A reasonable mark-up is necessary
for a new entrant to cover consumer acquisition and retention costs which are higher than
those of the incumbent who usually retains the most loyal (‘sticky’) customers. Mark-ups
that are too low and low levels of competition can be observed in several markets with
regulated prices (developed further on the next page)
As for non-price competition, whilst sampling data from European capitals suggest that
'choice' for consumers in European capitals widened in recent years, a closer inspection
reveals that this has largely been driven by just two products
'green' and dual-fuel
(electricity + gas) tariffs
. The offer and uptake of other, more innovative consumer
products, such as aggregation services or dynamic price tariffs linked to wholesale
, remains limited.
Facilitating competition can be seen as means of improving consumer satisfaction.
However, the data indicate that there is clearly scope for improvement in this dimension,
too. According to the 2016 edition of the Commission's Consumer Scoreboard
comprehensive study measuring consumer conditions
electricity services rank 26
gas services 14
among the 29 markets for services across the EU. Indeed, the total
detriment to EU electricity consumers
has recently been quantified at over EUR 5
Based on Annex 5, "Market
Monitoring Report 2014"
(2015) ACER and VaasaETT 2015
Source: ACER database.
See also the evaluation as regards Demand Response.
Consumer detriment involves consumers suffering harm or damage. Research for the Commission has
suggested the following two definitions of consumer detriment, for use in different policy contexts:
Problem Description
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
billion annually
. Both markets can therefore be considered low performing from the
consumer standpoint.
High levels of market concentration also suggest that competition could be improved:
The cumulative market share of the three largest household suppliers (CR3) is greater
than 70% in 21 out of 28 Member States for electricity and in 20 out of 28 Member
States for gas. CR3 values above 70% are indicative of possible competition problems.
Also significant is the fact that some form of non-targeted price regulation for electricity
and/or gas still exists in 17 out of 28 Member States
. The regulation of electricity and
gas prices may result in an environment that strongly impairs healthy competition,
particularly in terms of the level of customer service, or the development and provision
of innovative new services that consumers would be willing to pay extra for. Reliance on
the government to set prices can result in consumer disengagement. In addition,
regulatory intervention in price setting can have a direct impact on suppliers' ability to
offer products that are differentiated in terms of pricing-related aspects
dynamic price
tariffs that reflect the minute-by-minute fluctuations on wholesale markets, for example
When justifying price regulation Member States cite the need to protect the vulnerable
and energy poor along with the need to protect all customers against the risk of market
abuse. Around 10.2% of the EU population might be affected by the problem of energy
poverty, based on a proxy indicator measuring "the
inability to keep home adequately
. If energy prices continue to increase, it is likely that energy poverty across the
EU will increase and therefore more pressure to maintain energy price regulation.
Under the existing provisions in the Electricity and Gas Directive, Member States have to
address energy poverty where identified. The evaluation of the provisions found
important shortcomings stemming from the unclarity of the term
energy poverty,
particularly in relation to consumer vulnerability, and the lack of transparency with
regards to the number of households suffering from energy poverty across Member
Addressing the issue of energy poverty through blanket price regulation can be
disproportionate as it affects all consumers big or small, rich or poor. It can also lead to a
1. Personal detriment
negative outcomes for individual consumers, relative to reasonable
2. Structural detriment
the loss of consumer welfare (measured by consumer surplus) due to market
failure or regulatory failure.
"An analysis of the issue of consumer detriment and the most appropriate methodologies to estimate it;
Final report for DG SANCO by Europe Economics”
(2006) Europe Economics.
Sum of total post-redress financial detriment & monetised time loss.
"Study on measuring consumer
detriment in the European Union"
(2016) Civic Consulting,
This figure is comprised of Member States which regulate both electricity and gas prices, as well as
Member States which regulate exclusively gas or electricity prices. In addition, Commission classifies
Italy as having regulated electricity prices whereas ACER does not in their "Market
Monitoring report
itoring_Report_2015, pp 88-96,
The indicator is measured as part of the Eurostat Survey on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC).
Problem Description
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chicken-and-egg problem whereby price regulation leads to distortions to the market and
low competition, which are in turn used to justify the continuation of price regulation.
Resolving this impasse would allow one of the most fundamental aspects of the market
the price mechanism
to function properly.
ACER's Retail Competition Index
a composite indicator that draws upon many of the
abovementioned statistics, as well as others
was developed to achieve a full picture
of retail market competitiveness which is not dependent on a single indicator. It
illustrates the disparities in retail markets that still exist between Member States, and
clearly suggests that competition can be improved in a number of them (see Graph 3).
Figure 6: ACER Retail Competition Index (ARCI) for electricity household markets
in 2014
Source: ACER
2.4.2. Driver 2: Possible conflicts of interest between market actors that manage and
handle data
High levels of information asymmetry (between incumbents and potential entrants) and
high transaction costs impede competition and the provision of high levels of service on
retail markets for energy.
1) Concentration ratio, CR3; 2) Number of suppliers with market share > 5%; 3) ability to compare
prices easily; 4) average net entry (2012-2014); 5) switching rates (supplier + tariff switching) over
2010-2014; 6) non-switchers; 7) number of offers per supplier; 8) measure of whether the market
meets consumer expectations; 9) average mark-up (2012–2014) adjusted for proportion of consumers
on non-regulated prices.
Problem Description
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For example, studies from NRAs cite discriminatory access to information on potential
customers as a key barrier for new entrants to EU retail energy markets (Box 1 below).
As most DSOs are also energy suppliers, safeguards are necessary to prevent them using
privileged access to consumer data
especially smart metering data
to gain a
competitive advantage in their supply operations.
In addition, "unjustified" or "incorrect" invoices are one of the largest sources of
electricity and gas consumer complaints reported to the Commission
an issue that
can be largely resolved if accurate metering information were made quickly and readily
available to suppliers and consumers.
Information technology could directly address these issues, making the market more
contestable, facilitating the development of new services and improving the customer
experience around day-to-day operations such as billing and switching. Although 80% of
EU consumers should have smart meters by 2020, the experience from Member States
that have already rolled them out indicates that robust rules are necessary to ensure the
full benefits of smart metering data are realised, and that data privacy is respected. Such
rules, however, are not fully developed in the existing EU legislation, and the diverse
interests of market actors who may be involved in data handling mean that they are
unlikely to emerge without regulatory intervention.
These made up around 10% of all electricity and gas complaints. Source:
European Consumer
Complaints Registration System.
Problem Description
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Box 1: Data management as a market entry barrier
Data management comprises the processes by which data is sourced, validated, stored,
protected and processed and by which it can be accessed by suppliers or customers
The necessity to adapt to different data management models for each market can have an
impact on the resources of the potential market newcomers. Non-discriminatory and
smooth accessibility of data is naturally most important during the pre-contractual phase
as well as for running contractual situations. The fact that not all countries have rolled
out smart meters yet also creates significant differences in the availability and
accessibility of data.
A standardised approach to the provision and exchange of data creates a level playing
field among stakeholders and helps to encourage new challenging market actors to enter
a new market.
2.4.3. Driver 3: Low levels of consumer engagement
Consumer engagement is essential for the proper functioning of the market. As such, it is
closely inter related with competition (Driver 1). However, consumers are also put-off
from engaging in the market by behavioural biases and bounded rationality that make it
harder for them to take the decision to search for, and to switch to, the best offer.
In particular, three key barriers to consumer engagement have been identified. First, the
broad variety of fees that consumers may be charged when they switch diminishes the
(perceived) financial gains of moving to a cheaper tariff in what is already a marginal
decision for many consumers. The evidence suggests around 20% of electricity
consumers in the EU currently face a fee of between EUR 5 and EUR 90 associated with
switching suppliers. A portion of those fees
affecting around 4% of consumers
be illegal under existing EU legislation (see Section 2.6.2).
Secondly, whereas online comparison websites play an important role in helping
consumers to make an informed decision about switching suppliers, recent reports of
unscrupulous practices have damaged consumer trust in them. Identified issues include
the default presentation of deals by some websites, the use of misleading language, and a
lack of transparency about commission arrangements. Indeed, a third of respondents to a
recent EU survey somewhat or strongly agreed that they did not trust comparison
websites because they were not impartial and independenct.
Adapted from:
CEER Benchmarking report on removing barriers to entry for energy suppliers in EU
See also VaasaETT
(2014), '
Market Entrant Processes, Hurdles and Ideas for Change in the Nordic Energy Market',
on the coverage, functioning and consumer use of comparison tools and third-party verification
schemes for such tools"
(2013) European Commission, pp. xix, 191.
Problem Description
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And thirdly, consumer groups report that consumers have difficulties understanding their
energy bills and comparing offers in spite of existing EU legislation aiming to facilitate
this. There is a broad divergence in national requirements around billing and consumer
satisfaction with their bills varies significantly between different Member States.
Whereas energy bills are the foremost means through which suppliers communicate with
their customers, consumers' inability to correctly answer simple questions about their
own electricity use reveals that bills are not effective in providing information that could
facilitate effective consumer choice.
Addressing this will be increasingly important
with the shift to more varied consumer products.
R&D results:
The project S3C has developed a toolkit for the active engagement of end users and
identifies improvements to the way and content of the communication of energy system actors with
customers and citizens.
What is the EU dimension of the problem?
The EU's electricity market is strongly integrated physically, economically and from a
regulatory point of view. The discretion of Member States to act individually has been
substantially reduced by the resulting interdependencies and, in fact, can create
significant externalities if not adequately framed within an EU-wide context.
RES E deployment is expected to increase in all Member States. The need to spur the
emergence of a more flexible electricity system thus exists EU-wide. Moreover, as the
EU electricity system is both physically and economically integrated, non-coordinated
action is likely to increase the costs of RES E integration.
The same applies to CMs where the externalities of non-coordinated action are one of the
underlying reasons for the proposed measures. It is true that not all Member States have
enacted CMs, however the benefits of a more coordinated approach will benefit all
Member States. Member States that have implemented a CM will be able to lower their
costs by increased cross-border competition whereas the avoidance of negative spill-over
effects will benefit all Member States regardless as to whether they enacted a CM or not.
In an integrated electricity market, considering the prevention and management of
electricity crisis a purely national issue leads to serious problems. Where crisis situations
occur, they often have a cross-border effect, and can entail serious adverse consequences
for the EU as a whole. Evidence shows that non-coordinated approaches to preventing
and managing electricity crisis may seriously distort the internal electricity market and
put at risk the security of supply of neighbouring Member States.
Well designed and implemented consumer policies with a European dimension can
enable consumers to make informed choices that reward them through healthy
competition, and support the European goal of sustainable and resource-efficient growth,
whilst taking account of the needs of all consumers. Increasing confidence and ensuring
that unfair trading practices do not bring a competitive advantage will also have a
For example, less than one third of consumers recently surveyed strongly agreed that they knew what
kind of a contract they currently had (fixed price, variable price, green, etc.).
Problem Description
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positive impact in terms of stimulating growth. The consumer-related measures
undertaken as part of this initiative therefore play an essential role in the establishment
and functioning of the internal market.
How would the problem evolve, all things being equal?
2.6.1. The projected development of the current regulatory framework
In the absence of additional measures, the electricity market would continue to be
governed by the Third Package and the Electricity Security of Supply Directive. Various
network codes may still be adopted and implemented
, such as the draft Network Code
on Emergency and Restoration and the Balancing Guideline. Whilst these network codes
will help address some of the issues identified above, they will not offer a sufficient
remedy on their own.
Solving the above-identified problems requires measures that cannot be addressed in the
current legal framework. As the network codes constitute secondary implementing
legislation designed to amend non-essential elements of the Third Package by
supplementing it, their scope is confined to the same limits drawn by the Third Package
and hence, developing new network codes cannot be expected to provide for adequate
solutions either.
In view of the fact that the proposals in essence develop new areas for which currently no
clear legal basis exist in the Third Package or in the Electricity Security of Supply
Directive, stronger enforcement is not an option either (with some limited exceptions,
which are further developed below).
Member States have developed forms of voluntary collaboration that attempt to address
some of the problems identified. However, these initiatives cannot be expected to resolve
all problems and with the same effectiveness as EU action (See also EU value added).
Regarding security of supply in particular, both the evaluation and the results of the
public consultation clearly show that Directive 2009/89 is outdated. It does not take
account of the current, fast evolving situation of the electricity market. And it offers no
framework for coordinating national policies in the area of security of electricity supply.
With regards to consumer issues, the Commission may develop guidance to tackle
implementation issues caused by difficulties in interpreting the existing legislation. In
particular, it may issue an interpretative note on the existing provisions in the Electricity
and Gas Directives covering switching-related fees, as well as further guidance on how
the dozen or so consumer Directives relevant to comparison tools should be applied.
On energy poverty, the Commission will already set up the EU Energy Poverty
Observatory using funds already secured from the European Parliament. However, the
extent to which the Observatory continues to share good practices and improve data
gathering is uncertain, as continued funding is not secured beyond the first year of
For a full overview of network codes, see Annex VII.
Problem Description
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operation. Moreover, the impact of this measure may be limited as the current legislation
does not require Member States to measure energy poverty and hence to address it.
2.6.2. Expected evolution of the problems under the current regulatory framework
Both this and the impact assessment for the parallel RED II initiative come to the
conclusion that the electricity market, provided that it is improved, together with
projected CO2 prices, may deliver investments in most mature low-carbon technologies
such as solar PV and onshore wind by 2030. However, in the absence of a market
optimised for increasing levels of renewable penetration, achieving the 2030 objectives
will only be possible at significantly higher costs.
In the absence of a better defined framework for government interventions, the current
trend of non-coordinated implementation of national resource adequacy measures risks
proliferating, undermining the efficiency of the market to deliver efficient production and
investment decisions and defragmenting its regulatory framework.
In fact, in the absence of measures that will improve investment incentives and efficient
market functioning, it is likely that more Member States will have to take recourse to
means other than the market to secure sufficient investments for resource adequacy
purposes, setting in motion a negative spiral in which government interventions increase
the need for the subsequent one.
Failing to integrate all participants in the market means that their decisions will not be
guided by market signals, entailing the risks that their investment and production
decisions will be sub-optimal from a welfare perspective, if not distort markets.
In addition, in the absence of a clear framework for co-ordinated action between Member
States when it comes to preventing and managing crisis situations, the EU's electricity
system risks being increasingly exposed to risks of serious incidents, without the EU or
its Member States having any means to properly tackle them. There is a real risk that
Member States will continue to do as they see fit in crisis situations, thus undermining
the proper functioning of the internal electricity market.
Regarding active consumer engagement, Member States have committed to deploying
smart meters to around two thirds of the population while access to innovative services
such as demand response or in the area of self generation remains limited in many
Member States. Individual action by Member States would perpetuate current differences
in the Union regarding consumer awareness, choice and access to dynamic prices,
demand response and integrated smart services. Consumer-friendly functionalities would
be taken up partially and the flexibility consumers can provide to the electricty system
would remain largely untapped.
With regards to consumer protection and engagement, enforcement could help diminish
the illegal switching-related costs currently faced by an estimated 4% of all EU
electricity consumers. And some Member States may also voluntarily cease or reduce
excessive regulatory interventions in price-setting as their retail markets mature.
However, shortcomings in the existing legislation will greatly limit the Commission's
ability to tackle these and other consumer-related problem drivers more effectively.
The issue of energy poverty is likely to remain relevant. Pressure on energy prices may
continue as a result of the efforts to decarbonise the energy system. If energy prices grow
Problem Description
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faster than household income, more and more households will find it difficult to pay their
energy bills. This may have a knock-on effect on Member States willingness to lift price
regulation which will ultimately impact suppliers' ability to innovate, competition and
consumer welfare. Thus, the greater the importance of enhanced transparency to estimate
the number of energy poor households.
And whilst many Member States may seek to ensure the neutral, expedient, and secure
management of consumer data, it is highly likely that national requirements will vary
significantly, leading to an uneven playing field for new suppliers and energy service
companies in the EU. Here, the only credible approach to effectively tackling the
potential conflicts of interest among market actors is a legislative one.
Issues identified in the evaluation of the Third Package
A retrospective evaluation was carried out in parallel with the present impact assessment
and has been added as Annex VI. Its main conclusions are:
That the initiative of the Third Package to further increase competition and to
remove obstacles to cross-border competition in electricity markets has generally
been effective and that active enforcement of the legislation has led to positive
results for electricity markets and consumers. Markets are in general less
concentrated and more integrated than in 2009. As regards retail markets, the set
of new consumer rights introduced by the Third Energy Package have clearly
improved the position of consumer in energy markets.
However, the success of the rules of the Third Package in developing the internal
electricity market further to the benefit of customers remains limited in a number
of fields concerning wholesale and retail electricity markets.
Moreover, while the principles of the Third Package achieved its main purposes
(e.g. more supplier competition), new developments in electricity markets such as
the increase of RES E, the increase of state interventions into the electricity
markets and the changes taking place on the technological side have led to
significant changes in the market functioning in the last five years and have
dampened the positive effect of the reforms for customers. There is a gap in the
existing legislation regarding how to deal with these developments.
The conclusions of the evalution are also reflected in section 3 of each of the Annexes
1.1 throught to 7.6 to the present impact assessment.
Problem Description
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The EU's right to act
In order to create an internal energy market, the EU has adopted three consecutive
packages of measures between 1996 and 2009 aiming at the integration and liberalisation
of the national electricity and gas markets and addressing a wide range of elements such
as market access, the improvement of the level playing field, transparency, increased
rights for consumers, stronger independence of regulatory authorities, etc. In
February 2011, the European Council set the objective of completing the internal energy
market by 2014 and of developing interconnections to put an end to any isolation of
Member States from the European gas and electricity grids by 2015. In June 2016, the
European Council called for Single Market strategies, including on energy, and action
plans to be proposed by the Commission and to be completed and implemented by 2018.
Article 194 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union ('TFEU')
consolidated and clarified the competences of the EU in the field of energy. According to
Article 194 TFEU, the main aims of the EU’s energy policy
are to: ensure the
functioning of the energy market; ensure security of energy supply in the Union; promote
energy efficiency and energy saving and the development of new and renewable forms of
energy; and promote the interconnection of energy networks.
The planned measures of the present intiative further progress towards the objective of
improving the conditions for competition by improving the level playing field, while at
the same time adjusting to the decarbonisation targets and enhancing the solidarity
between Member States in relation to security of supply.
Therefore, Article 194 TFEU is the legal basis of the current proposal.
Why could Member States not achieve the objectives of the proposed action
sufficiently by themselves?
The section below provides a high-level summary of the necessity of EU action, based on
the four problem areas identified in section 2.
The issue of subsidiarity is also discussed in section 6 of Annexes 1.1 to 7.6 to the
present impact assessment.
As regards the issue concerning a market design that is not fit for taking up large
amounts of variable, decentralised electricity generation and allowing for new technical
developments, it is important to note that EU action is necessary to ensure that national
markets are comparable in order to improve the functioning of the internal electricity
market and enable maximum cross-border trading to happen. EU-action is also necessary
in order to enhance the transparency in the functioning of the electricity markets and
avoid discrimination between market parties. Moreover, a number of the measures
proposed to address this issue (e.g., measures for the common sizing and procurement of
balancing reserves) require full cooperation of neighbouring TSOs and NRAs, and hence
individual Member States might not be able to deliver a workable system or might only
provide suboptimal solutions. Moreover, existing provisions under the Third Package are
arguably not sufficiently clear and robust and their implementation of such rules has
highlighted areas with room for improvement and hence EU action will be necessary to
address the identified shortcomings.
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With specific respect to DSOs, distribution grids will have to integrate even greater
amounts of RES E generation in the future, and so ensuring all DSOs can efficiently
manage their networks will help to reduce distribution costs and thereby support the
achievement of EU RES targets. In addition, widely divergent distribution tariff regimes
may affect the development of the internal energy market as they affect the conditions
under which RES E generation or other resources can access the grid and participate in
the national and cross-border energy markets. EU action in these areas would thereby
facilitate the deployment of RES E and create a level playing field for flexibility services
such as demand response by ensuring a coherent approach by Member States based on
common principles. Developing this through independent Member State action would
not be feasible given the heterogeneity of current national networks and regulations.
Concerning the uncertainty about future investments in generation capacity and
uncoordinated government interventions, the measures in the proposed initiative aim at
improving the functioning of the electricity markets and at improving the coordination
between Member States for capacity mechanisms. The necessity of EU action derives
from the fact that as regards the measures for improving the functioning of the electricity
markets, these are already covered by EU legislation, although not sufficiently clearly,
and therefore an amendment to such measures to address the distortions and deficiencies
identified would require EU action. For the measures concerning the improvement of the
coordination between Member States for capacity mechanisms, given that the aim is to
address the shortcomings identified from resource adequacy assessments carried out at
national level and to develop the cross-border participation in capacity mechanisms, the
EU is best placed to provide for a harmonised framework.
In relation to the problem that Member States do not take into account of what happens
across their borders when preparing for and managing electricity crisis situations, the
necessity of EU action is based on the evidence that uncoordinated national approaches
not only lead to the adoption of suboptimal measures but that they also make the impacts
of a crisis more accute. Given the interdependency between the electricity systems of
Member States, the risk of a blackout is not confined to national boundaries and could
directly or indirectly affect several Member States. Therefore, the actions concerning
preparedness and mitigation of crisis situations cannot be defined only nationally, given
the potential impact on the level of security of supply of a neighboring Member State
and/or on the availability of measures to tackle scarcity situations.
Regarding the slow deployment of new services, low quality of services and increasing
mark-ups on retail markets, there is a clear need for EU action to ensure convergence of
national rules, which is a precondition for the development of cross-border activity in the
retail markets. Moreover, national regulations have in some instances led to distortions,
weakening the internal energy market. Such distortions can be observed in relation to the
protection of vulnerable and energy poor consumers which is a policy area characterised
by a great variety in types of public internvention across Member States, both in terms of
the definitions used and in terms of the levels of protection established. In that case EU
action is justified not only to ensure customer protection and enhanced transparency but
also to improve the functioning of the internal market through a more cohesive approach
across all markets.
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Added-value of action at EU-level
The initiative aims at amending existing EU legislation and at creating new frameworks
for cross-border cooperation, which can legally and practically only be achieved at the
European level.
National policy interventions in the electricity sector have direct impact on neighbouring
Member States. This even more than in the past as the increasing cross-border trade, the
spread of decentralised generation and more enhanced consumer participation increases
spill-over effects. No state can effectively act alone and the externalities of unilateral
action have become more important.
To illustrate, uncoordinated national policies for distribution tariffs may distort the
internal market for distributed resources such as distributed generation or storage, as such
resources will increasingly participate in energy markets and provide ancillary services to
the system, including across borders. Furthermore, the lack of appropriate incentives for
DSOs may slow down the integration of RES E, and the uptake of innovative
technologies and energy services. EU action therefore has significant added value by
ensuring a coherent approach in all Member States.
It is true that certain Member States collaborate on a voluntarily basis in order to address
certain of the identified problems (e.g. Pentalateral Energy Forum
However, these fora are characterised by different levels of ambition and effectiveness
and are held-back by the fact that no means exist to enforce agreements on market design
related arrangements. Moreover, even if one would presume that they would be fully
effective in these regards, they geographically cover only part of the EU electricity
It should be added that clear synergies exist between the present initiative and other EU
policy objectives, notably the EU's climate policies and other policy objectives in the
energy field. Indeed, a well-functioning market is the base upon which the ETS can most
efficiently deliver its goals and will permit a cost effective integration of RES E in the
EU's electricity markets.
Consequently, the objectives of this initiative cannot be achieved only by Member States
themselves and this is where action at EU-level provides an added value.
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Objectives and sub-objectives of the present initiative
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Consistency of objectives with other EU policies
The consistency of the present initiative with various parallel initiatives in the energy
policy area was already explored in section 1.2.
constitutes a cornerstone of the European Union's policy to combat climate
change and its key tool for reducing industrial and electricity sector greenhouse gas
emissions cost-effectively. To achieve the at least 40% greenhouse gas emission
reduction target, the sectors covered by the ETS, which includes electricity generation,
have to reduce their emissions by 43% compared to 2005. The ETS interacts with the
electricity markets as it places a price on emissions of CO2, which is proportional to the
emissions' intensity of electricity production. This can be taken into account for both
operational decisions as well as for investment decisions, in which price expectations for
the future will also play a larger role due to the long-term nature of investments in the
electricity sector. (By contrast, decommissioning decisions may be primarily driven by
short-term considerations relating primarily to operational costs and revenues). The ETS
thus functions by affecting production and investment decision of electricity market
. It follows that an ETS can only function if its is complemented by an efficient
electricity market is. The objectives of the ETS and the present proposals are hence
complementary to one another and mutually reinforcing.
Effort Sharing Decision
establishes binding annual greenhouse gas emissions for
Member States for the period 2013-2020 in sectors not covered by the ETS and forms
part of the climate and energy package. As part of the 2030 climate and energy
framework, a similar binding emission reduction framework is proposed for the period
2021-2030. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 30% in effort sharing sectors below
2005 levels can have an indirect impact on the projection for the demand of electricity in
2030 and this has been taken into account in the Impact Assessment by using the
EUCO27 scenario in the baseline against which the impacts of the present initiative is
being assessed.
Communication on the decarbonisation of transport in 2030
aims at setting out a
strategy covering several legislative and non-regulatory initiatives covering the transport
sector which will be subsequently proposed to contribute to meeting the agreed 2030
greenhouse gas reduction targets. The decarbonisation of transport in 2030 has an impact
on the projection for the demand of electricity in 2030, primarily via the electrification of
transport, and this has been taken into account in the Impact Assessment by using the
EUCO27 scenario in the baseline against which the impacts of the present initiative is
being assessed. The efficient integration of electric vehicles into the electricity system
The existing imbalance between the supply and demand for ETS allowances has limited the impact of
the carbon price in recent years. However, the agreement in 2014 to postpone the auctioning of 900
million allowances, and the decision in 2015 to introduce a Market Stability Reserve from 2019
onwards, as well as the proposal to revise the EU ETS, including a higher annual reduction to the
number of allowances in the ETS from 2021 onwards, will gradually address the surplus of
allowances. With the introduction of the auctioning of allowances as the default method of allocation
for installations in the power sector from 2013 onwards and a single EU wide limit or cap on the
overall number of allowances in the system, the EU ETS already provides a largely harmonised
incentive for decarbonisation at EU level.
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requires incentivising their charging to take place at times of low electricity demand
and/or high supply. The present initiative aims at enabling and rewarding consumers to
manage their consumption, including when charging their electric vehicles, actively via
demand response thus enabling smart charging. In essence, electric vehicles will thus
become part of the supply of flexibility to the electricity system.
EU's competition instruments and, in particular, the EU state aid rules are applicable to
the energy sector. They have been clarified in the
Guidelines on State aid for
environmental protection and energy 2014-2020
. These EEAG aim at supporting
Member States in reaching their 2020 targets while addressing the market distortions that
may result from subsidies granted to RES. To this end, the EEAG promote a gradual
move to market-based support for RES E. They also include provisions on aid to energy
infrastructure and rules on aid to secure adequate electricity capacity, allowing Member
States to introduce CMs when there is a real risk of insufficient electricity generation
capacity. The objectives and the rules of the EEAG are set to avoid undue competition
distortions from national support provided in the energy sector. The proposed initiative to
strenghten efficient, integrated and functioning electricity markets is complementary to
this framework.
The existing EEAG already go a considerable way in guiding CMs. The present initiaitve
intends to complement this framework. For instance:
The EEAG require that state intervention in support of resource adequacy must be
necessary. The MDI impact assessment
thus explores options for creating a
robust framework for assessing the EU's adequacy situation which could give a
good sense how much intermittent renewables can contribute to security of supply
or to what extent Member States can rely on supplies from their neighbours.
Today, Member States introduce capacity mechanisms based on national reports
which assess these factors very differently and underestimate the contribution of
RES E or foreign supplies to a Member States' security of supply. Therefore a
genuine and high quality assessment which will help assessing real needs and
question unfounded national claims.
The EEAG already require that national capacity markets are open to foreign
resources. However, organising effective foreign participation in national
mechanism requires active contributions of several parties. The MDI impact
explores options for defining clear roles and responsibilities to
capacity providers, transmission system operators and regulators so that foreign
participation becomes effective and that investment incentives are not distorted
across the borders.
The proposed changes on the new performance based remuneration framework for DSOs
would also support the
Digital Single Market Strategy
in the sense that those would
provide further incentives to enable cross sector synergies in electronic communication
infrastructure deployment allowing win win solutions for the cost efficient and timely
See the preferred option in problem area II
See the preferred option in problem area II
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smartening of grids and high speed connectivity for EU citizens, also decreasing the
digital divide and providing the backbone for digital products and services which have
the potential to support all aspects of the lives of EU citizens, and drive Europe's
economic recovery. The proposed measures would complement from the energy
regulatory side the measures already introduced with Directive
which aims
at reducing the cost of high speed broadband infrastructure deployment partly via cross
sector synergies.
The proposed measures do in general have no interaction with the fundamental rights laid
down in the
Charter of Fundamental Rights,
with the exception of the processing of
personal data and improvement of consumer protection. These elements are discussed in
more detail in section 6.4.6, Annex 7.1 and Annex 7.3.
The New Skills Agenda for Europe
focuses on skills as an elevator to people's
employability and prosperity, in line with the objective of a "social triple-A" for Europe.
It will promote life-long investment in people, from vocational training and higher
education through to digital and high-tech expertise and the life skills needed for citizens'
active engagement in changing workplaces and societies. The energy transition will bring
significant shifts in employment and skill sets required for employees active in the
energy sector as traditional means of generation will be replaced by RES E. This
transition is however primarily driven by EE and RED II related measures as well as
national choices as to the generation mix. More relevant for the present initiative are the
measures aiming at inducing the development of the retail markets from electricity
supply markets towards including more service oriented product offerings facilitating the
participation of consumers in the electricity market.
As regards
consumer rights,
the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive is the
overarching piece of EU legislation regulating unfair commercial practices in business-
to-consumer transactions. It applies to all commercial practices that occur before (i.e.
during advertising or marketing), during and after a business-to-consumer transaction has
taken place. Where sector-specific EU law is in place and its provisions overlap with the
provisions of the UCPD, the corresponding provisions of the sector-specific EU rules
prevail, so no contradictions exist.
Research, Innovation and Competitiveness
being Energy Union's 5
dimension, cuts
across all its elements. The Strategic Energy Technology Plan implements the energy
union's fifth dimension, promotes research and innovation for low carbon technologies,
contributing to the transformation of the EU's energy system and creating jobs, growth
and global export opportunities in the fast-growing clean-technology sector.
Technological developments create opportunities for citizens to turn from being passive
consumers of electricity into prosumers that actively manage their consumption, storage
and production of electricity and participate in the market and allow for the increasing
penetration of distributed resources. A new Research, Innovation and competitiveness
strategy, encompassing energy, transport and industrial competitiveness aspects is
expected to be presented in the months to come. This strategy builds on the achievements
of the SET Plan and further addresses the R&I challenges particularly towards
industrialisation of innovative low carbon technologies.
The present initiative is fully coherent as it seeks to remove barriers for the participation
of consumers, for bringing new resources to the market and seeks to improve price
formation with a view to create the conditions for new business models to emerge and for
innovative products to be absorbed by the market.
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A fully functioning European wide electricity market is the best means to ensure that
electricity can be delivered to consumers in the most cost-efficient way at any time. To
continue fulfilling that purpose, the electricity market needs to be able to adapt to the
significant increase of variable renewable electricity production, integrate new enabling
technologies such as smart grids, smart metering, smart-home, self-generation and
storage equipment, empower citizens to take ownership of the energy transition and
assure security of electricity supply at least costs. Market mechanisms may need to be
complemented by initiatives which help preventing and managing electricity crisis
Any EU action aimed at strengthening the market should build on the gradual
liberalisation of the EU energy markets resulting from the three Energy Packages
described earlier in this document.
The following policy options have been considered to address the problems of today's
electricity market and to meet the broad energy policy objective of ensuring low carbon
electricity supply to European customers at least costs. In assessing all possible options
to achieve this broad objective, the following approach was taken:
Identification of the main areas where initiatives might be needed to achieve
the main objectives of a new electricity market design. These Problem Areas
are set out in Box 2 below: "Overview of Problem Areas".
To address each Problem Area a set of high level options was identified (set-
out in the following paragraphs). Each of these high level options groups
options for specific measures.
A bottom-up assessment was performed for each specific measure, comparing
a number of options in order to select the preferred approach. The assessments
of the specific measures can be found in the Annexes to the present impact
To help the reader, a table matching the assumed measures for each high level option is
included at the end of each problem area with references to the Annexes.
Policy options
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Box 2: Overview of Problem Areas
Problem Area I:
Market design not fit for taking up large amounts of variable,
decentralised electricity generation and allowing for new
technological developments
Problem Area II:
Problem Area III:
Uncertainty about sufficient future investments in generation
capacity and un-coordinated government interventions
Member States do not take sufficient account of what happens
across their borders when preparing for and managing electricity
crisis situations
Problem Area IV:
The slow deployment of new services, low levels of service and
poor retail market performance
Options to address Problem Area I (Market design not fit for an increasing
share of variable decentralized generation and technological developments)
5.1.1. Overview of the policy options
With a significant part of the produced electricity coming from variable renewable
sources and distributed resources, new challenges will be arising in terms of security of
supply and electricity price volatility. The options examined here aim to address these
challenges in the most cost-effective way for the whole European electricity system.
These system cost savings will be passed on to consumers by way of lower network
charges. They will also make it easier for RES E assets to earn a higher fraction of its
revenues through the market.
Two possible paths were identified: the path of enhancing current market rules in order to
increase the flexibility of the system, retaining to a certain extent the national operation
of the systems (with more or less coordination assumed depending on the related sub-
options) and the path of moving to a fully integrated approach.
Box 3: Overview of the Policy Options for Problem Area I
Each policy option consists of a package of measures which address the drivers of the
problem. In the following sub-sections, the high level policy options and the packages of
measures they contain are described. Details on the individual measures are included in
the Annexes. It is then explained if any of those options are to be discarded at this stage,
prior to assessment, or whether other options were considered but were discarded from
the outset. The section is closed by a table summarising all specific measures included in
Policy options
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each option and references to the Annexes where each measure is described and asessed
in more detail.
The relevant Annexes addressing the policy options below in more detail are: 1.1 to 3.4.
5.1.2. Option 0: Baseline Scenario
Current Market Arrangements
Under this option no new legislation is adopted, but there is some effort to implement
existing legislation including via the adoption of so-called network codes or guidelines.
The network codes, provided for in Article 6 and the guidelines provided for in Article
18 of the Electricity Regulation specify technical rules on the operation of European
electricty markets
. They are, as such, only designed to amend non-essential elements
of the Electricity Regulation and can only be adopted in areas specifically mentioned in
the above mentioned Articles.
Under these limitiations, network codes/guidelines are not the suitable instrument to
achieve all objectives of this initiative. For instance, whereas the implementation of the
Guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management ('CACM Guideline') will
bring a certain degree of harmonisation of cross-border intraday markets, gate closure
times and products for the intraday, as well as a market clearing, there is no guarantee
that the local market will adapt to reflect the cross-border approach and practices
(auctions / continuous trading) and local intraday markets across Europe will continue to
remain non-harmonised. This means that the EU-wide intraday market coupling
envisaged by the CACM Guideline will not be able to reach its full potential.
The Balancing Guideline is expected to bring certain improvements to the balancing
market, namely the common merit order list for activation of balancing energy, the
standardisation of balancing products and the harmonisation of the pricing methodology
for balancing. Nonetheless, other important areas like balancing capacity procurement
rules, frequency, geographical scope and sizing will not be affected by this regulation.
Priority dispatch rules, must-run priorities and other technology specific rules related to
the scheduling and operation of the system do not change at all with the adoption of
network codes. The same applies for the possibility for demand and distributed resources
to access the markets, and to compete on a level playing field with thermal generation.
The baseline assumes that demand response exists only in countries where it currently
has access to the market, with only industrial consumers being able to participate.
Overall, this option assumes that the future situation will remain more or less the same as
today, except from some specific measures included in the network codes (as above). The
More detail as regards network codes and guidelines is provided in Annex VII.
CIGRE paper C5-202 (2016): "Market
coupling, facing a glorious past?"
by R.Hirvonen, A.Marien,
B.Den Ouden, K.Purchala, M.Supponen, describes the past and future challenges of implementing
market coupling.
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baseline does not consider explicitly any type of existing support schemes for power
generation plants, neither in the form of RES E subsidies nor in the form of CMs
Stakeholders' opinions
None of the respondents to the public consultation expressed
the opinion that there is no need for further upgrade of the current market
5.1.3. Option 0+: Non-regulatory approach
Whilst systematically considered
, no such option could be identified
Stronger enforcement provides little scope for improving the level playing field among
resources. To the extent the lack of a level playing field is due to the variety of provisions
in national law, a clear and transparent EU framework is a prerequisite for any
improvement. If the lack of a level playing field is due to exemptions in the EU
regulatory framework, stronger enforcement of these would actually be counter
productive. In this regard, the Evaluation report indicates that the rules of the Third
Energy Package appear to be insufficient to cope with the challenges facing the European
electricity system.
Moreover, voluntary cooperation has resulted in significant developments in the market
and a lot of benefits. However, it it unlikely to provide for appropriate levels of
harmonisation or certainty to the market and legislation is needed in this area to address
the issues in a consistent way.
The current EU regulatory framework contains very limited rules on balancing and
intraday markets in a manner that allow to strengthening these short-term markets. In
particular, the Third Package does not address regional sizing and procurement of
More details on the baseline and the reasons for not considering existing support schemes can be found
in Annex IV.
Stakeholders' opinions are reflected through-out Section 5 (and occasionally Section 6) of the main
text of this impact assessment to provide insides into their views as to the various options considered.
Stakeholder views are moreover reflected in detail in Section 7 of of each of the Annexes 1.1 throught
to 7.6 to the present impact assessment.
Some stakeholders propose to preserve only particular rules of the current market arrangements, while
being supportive to other Commission proposals for upgrading of the electricity market. E.g., one
stakeholder is supportive to more aligned framework for balancing markets and European measures to
incentivise demand side flexibility and in the same time supports the priority dispatch and priority
access for renewables. Similarly, one stakeholder strongly supports measures to incentivise the
demand side response and strengthening the powers of ACER, but considers that power exchanges
should not be subject to governance rules as well as that redesigning of the balancing markets is the
task of Member States and not the EU.
For each measure the opportunities for stronger enforcement have also been assessed in the annexes
with measures associated with each option. References to the relevant annexes are provided in
Sections 5.1.7, 5.2.9, 5.3.8 and 5.4.6
The Commission has conducted
and is still conducting
a systematic
compliance check of
national legislation with the Third Energy Package. While EU-Pilot or formal infringement procedures
are still ongoing, they will however not be able to fulfil the policy objectives of the proposed
See Section 7.3.1., 7.34 and 7.3.4 of the Evaluation.
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balancing reserves nor contain rules allowing achieving a larger degree of harmonisation
of intraday trading arrangements.
Given that the existence of Regional Security Coordinators ('RSCs') depends on the
implementation of the System Operation Guideline, RSCs may only be fully operational
around mid-2019. Hence, stronger enforcement is currently not a possible option. Any
progress beyond the framework in the System Operation Guideline and the application of
other network codes would depend on the voluntary initiatives of TSOs. However, these
voluntary initiatives would be limited due to constraints deriving from differing national
legal frameworks.
As to demand response, stronger enforcement of existing provisions in the electricity and
energy efficiency directives are unlikely to untap the potential of flexibility. This is
because the existing provisions give Member States a high degree of freedom that has
proven not to be specific enough to ensure a full removal of existing market barriers.
Evidence suggests that voluntary cooperation will not result in progress in this area, as
there has been to date already significant opportunity to effect the necessary changes
In the case of DSOs the current EU regulatory framework does not provide a clear set of
rules when it comes to additional tools that DSOs can employ to improve their efficiency
in terms of costs and quality of service provided to system users. Moreover, the current
framework does not address the role of DSOs in activities which are expected to have a
key impact in the development of the market (e.g. data management).
5.1.4. Option 1: EU Regulatory action to enhance market flexibility
Electricity production from wind and sun is more variable and less predictable than
electricity production from conventional sources of energy. Due to this, there will be
times when renewables cover a very large share of electricity demand and times when
they only cover a minor share of it. The large scale integration of such variable electricity
production thus requires a more flexible electricity system, one which matches the
variable production.
Options to deliver the desired flexibility may comprise:
a. Abolishing (i) those measures that enhance the inflexibility of the current system,
namely priority dispatch for certain technologies (e.g. RES E, CHP, indigenous
fuels) and "must-runs" of conventional generation, (Creating
a level playing
and (ii) barriers preventing demand response from participating in the
energy and reserve markets;
b. In addition to the measures under a), better integrating short-term markets,
harmonizing their gate closure times and bringing them closer to real-time, in
order to take advantage of the diversity of generation resources and demand
across the EU and to improve the estimation and signalling of actual flexibility
needs (Strengthening
the short-term markets);
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c. In addition to the measures under a) and b),
pulling all flexible distributed
concerning generation, demand and storage,
into the market
proper incentives and a market framework better adapted to them, based on active
aggregators, roll-out of smart-metering and time-of-use supply tariffs linked to
the wholesale prices.
The sub-options described above reflect a different degree of ambition to change the
market, as well as the different views expressed among stakeholders on how strong the
proposed interventions should be. Sub-option 1(a) (level playing field) retains a more
national status of the markets, Sub-option 1(b) (strengthening short-term markets) moves
also to more regionally coordinated markets, while Sub-option 1(c) (demand
response/distributed resources) makes an additional step towards a more decentralised
electricity market and system.
IEA "Re-powering
(2016) suggests:
… “dispatching” demand response as a generator
requires complex market rules. Demand response can only be assessed according to a baseline
consumption levels, which are difficult to define and can lead to hidden subsidies. Setting the right
level of remuneration for aggregators has proven to be complex. Instead, dynamic pricing should be
encouraged, using new measurement and automation technologies such as smart meters.
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European Parliament:
"…[I]n order to
achieve the climate and energy targets, the
energy system of the future will need more flexibility, which requires investment in all
four flexibility solutions
flexible production, network development, demand flexibility
and storage"[.]
European Economic and Social Committee:
"The goal of a low-carbon energy supply,
with a high proportion of adjustable renewable energy sources, can only be achieved in
the short to medium term if all market participants (including new ones) have at their
disposal enough options that afford flexibility, such as sufficient storage capacity,
flexible, consumer-friendly demand options and flexible power generation technologies
(e.g. cogeneration), as well as adequately upgraded and interconnected power
distribution infrastructure. Other conditions are that consumers must receive adequate,
timely and correct information, they must have the chance to develop their own
marketing opportunities and the necessary investments in technology and infrastructure
should pay off. None of this is currently the case"
Stakeholders' opinions:
In the public consultation on Market Design Initiative most
stakeholders supported full integration of renewable energy sources into the market e.g.
through full balancing obligation and phasing-out priority dispatch. Also, most
stakeholders agree with the need to speed up the development of integrated short-term,
balancing and intraday, markets. 1(a): Level playing field amongst participants and resources
The first group of measures aims at removing market distortions resulting from manifold
different regulatory rules for generation from different sources. Creating a level playing
field among all generation modes and restoring the economic merit order curve is an
important prerequisite for a well-functioning electricity market with prices that reflect
properly actual demand and supply conditions. For this reason the measures described
here are an integral part of all sub-options under Option 1.
The measures considered under this option would mainly target the removal of existing
market distortions and create a level playing field among technologies and resources.
This could involve abolishing rules that artificially limit or favour the access of certain
technologies to the electricity market (such as so-called "must-run" provisions, rules on
priority dispatch and access and any other rules discriminating between resources
Industrial consumers would become active in the wholesale markets, both for energy and
reserves, in all Member States. All market participants would become balance
responsible, bearing financial responsibility for the imbalances caused and thus being
European Parliament,
Report on Towards a New Energy Market Design
(2015/2322(INI)), Committee
on Industry, Research and Energy, 21.6.2016, Recital C.
Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on the ´Communication
from the
Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee
and the Committee of the Regions
Launching the public consultation process on a new energy
market design´(COM
(2015) 340 final) (2016/C 082/03), OJ C 82, 3.3.2016, p. 13-21, § 1.4.
See in detail Annex 1(1)
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incentivized to reduce the risk of such imbalances. Dispatch and redispatch decisions
would be based on using the most efficient resources available, curtailment should be a
measure of last resort which is limited to situations in which no market-based resources
are available (including storage and demand response), and only subject to transparent
Therefore, all resources would be remunerated in the market on equal terms. This would
not mean that all resources earn the same revenues, but that different resources face the
same prices for equal services. In most cases the TSO should follow the merit order,
allowing the market to define the dispatch of available resources, using the inherent
flexibility of resources to the maximum potential (e.g. by significantly reducing must-run
generation, creating incentives for the use of heat storage combined with CHP and the
use of biomass generation in periods of peak demand rather than as baseload, and using
demand response or storage where it is more efficient than generation). Where resources
are used on the basis of merit order (thus on the basis of the marginal cost for using a
particular resource at a given point in time)
, supply costs are reduced.
Imposing additional obligations increases the risk and hence the financing costs of some
technologies such as RES E. Part of this risk will be hedged through the more liquid
intraday and balancing markets resulting from the full implementation of the Network
Codes, in combination with the increased participation of resources due to the removal of
must-run and priority dispatch provisions. These obligations should be also accompanied
by measures that reduce their costs of compliance, such as the introduction of transparent
curtailment rules. Additionally, exemptions from certain regulatory provisions may, in
some cases, be required. This can e.g. be the case for emerging technologies, which,
although they are not yet competitive, need to reach a minimum number of running hours
to gather experience. For certain generators, particularly small RES E (e.g. rooftop solar),
exemptions can be furthermore justified to avoid excessive administrative efforts related
to being active on the wholesale markets.
Stakeholders' opinions:
Most stakeholders support the full integration of all
technologies into the market, e.g. through full balancing obligations for all technologies,
phasing-out priority dispatch and removing subsidies during negative price periods.
Where marginal costs are based on the use of fuel, this can also result in lower CO2 emissions.
However, inflexible conventional plants will include the cost of starting or stopping power generation
into their market bids, thus possibly deciding to operate at a price below their fuel costs. In this case,
the cost of not operating the power plant exceeds the cost of operating it.
More detailed depictions of stakeholder's opinions are provided in Sections 7 of each annexe
describing the more detailed measures i.e. annexes 1.1 to 7.6 of the Annexes to the Impact
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Also stakeholders from the renewable sector often recognize the need to review the
priority dispatch framework. However, in their view, a phase-out of priority dispatch for
renewable energy sources should only be considered if (i) this is done also for all other
forms of power generation, (ii) liquid intraday markets with gate closure near real-time
exist, (iii) balancing markets allow for a competitive participation of wind producers;
(short gate closure time, separate up/downwards products, etc.), and (iv) curtailment rules
and congestion management are transparent to all market parties.
Cogeneration sector stakeholder seek for a least parity between CHP and RES E.
European Parliament:
Parliament […]stresses that a new market design for
electricity as part of an increasingly decentralised energy system must be based on
market principles, which would stimulate investment, ensure that SMEs have access to
the energy market and unlock a sustainable and efficient electricity supply through a
stable, integrated and smart energy system[...]"
Parliament […] [i]nsists that, with the increasing technical maturity and
widespread use of renewable energy sources, subsidy rules must be geared to market
conditions, such as feed-in premiums, in order to keep costs for energy consumers within
reasonable bounds[.]"
"European Parliament […] recalls the existing provisions of the Renewable Energy
Directive, which grant priority access and dispatch for renewables; suggests that these
provisions should be evaluated and revised once a redesigned electricity market has been
implemented which ensures a more level playing field and takes greater account of the
characteristics of renewable energy generation[.]"
"[…] Renewable energy sources should become an integrated part of the
electricity market by ensuring a level playing field for all market participants and
enabling renewable energy producers to be fully involved in the market, including in
balancing their portfolio and reacting to market price signals."
European Electricity Regulatory Forum, Florence:
"The Forum stresses that the
renewables framework for the post 2020 period should be based on an enhanced market
design, fit for the full integration of renewables, a strong carbon price signal through a
strengthened ETS, and specific support for renewables, that when and if needed, should
be market based and minimise market distortions. To this end, the Forum encourages the
Commission to develop common rules on support schemes as a part of the revision of the
European Parliament,
Report on Towards a New Energy Market Design
(2015/2322(INI)), Committee
on Industry, Research and Energy, 21.6.2016, §5.
European Parliament,
Report on Towards a New Energy Market Design
(2015/2322(INI)), Committee
on Industry, Research and Energy, 21.6.2016, §52.
European Parliament,
Report on Towards a New Energy Market Design
(2015/2322(INI)), Committee
on Industry, Research and Energy, 21.6.2016, §54.
Messages from the Presidency on electricity market design and regional cooperation
(2016), Note
to the Permanent Representatives Committee/Council, Annex, paragraph 4.
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Renewables Directive that facilitate a market based and more regionalised approach to
156 1(b): Strengthening short-term markets
Sub-option 1(b) (strengthening short-term markets) includes the measures described
under 1(a) (level playing field ) and a set of additional measures, further enhancing the
measures foreseen in the CACM and EB Guidelines (and are assumed as part of the
baseline). As explained above, variable RES E have fundamentally different generation
characteristics compared to traditional fuel based generation (e.g. variability, only short-
term predictability). An important additional step would therefore be to have more liquid
and better integrated short-term markets, going beyond what the implementation of
technical implementing legislation ("Network Codes") will achieve, setting the ground
for renewable energy producers to better access energy wholesale markets and to
compete on an equal footing with conventional energy producers. Short-term markets
will also allow Member States to share their resources across all "time frames" (forward
trading, day-ahead, intraday and balancing), taking advantage of the fact that peaks and
weather conditions across Europe do not occur at the same time.
Also, the closer to real time electricity is traded (supply and demand matched), the less
the need for costly TSO interventions to maintain a stable electricity system. Although
TSOs would have less time to react to deviations and unexpected events and forecast
errors, the liquid, better interconnected balancing markets, together with the regional
procurement of balancing reserves, would be expected to provide them with adequate and
more efficient resources in order to manage the grid and facilitate RES E integration.
In order to support these actions and mainly in order to be able to optimally exploit
interconnections along all "time frames", a number of measures are assumed to be taken:
gate closure times could be brought closer to real-time to provide maximum opportunity
for the market to balance its positions before it becomes a TSO responsibility and some
harmonisation would be brought to trading products for intraday markets in order to
further incentivize cross-border participation of market parties. The sizing of balancing
reserves and their procurement would be harmonized in larger balancing zones, allowing
to reap benefits of cross-border exchange of reserves and use of the most efficient
reserves available.
At the same time, the integration of national electricity systems, from the market and
operational perspectives, requires the enhancement of cooperation between TSOs. The
creation of a number of regional operational centres ('ROCs'), with an enlarged scope of
functions, an optimised geographical coverage compared to the existing regional security
coordinators and with an enhanced advisory role for all functions, including the
possibility to entrust them decision-making responsibilities for a number of relevant
31st EU Electricity Regulatory Forum, 13-14 June 2016, Draft Conclusions, §6.
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issues, could contribute to better TSO cooperation at regional level.
Measures on
enhanced cooperation between TSOs could be accompanied by an increased level of
cooperation between regulators and governments.
All these options would be expected to strongly incentivize participation in the intraday
and balancing markets, further increasing their liquidity, while at the same time
minimizing TSOs' interventions.
Stakeholders' opinions:
Most stakeholders agree with the need to speed up the
development of integrated short-term (intraday and balancing) markets. A significant
number of stakeholders argue that there is a need for legal measures, in addition to the
technical network codes under development, to speed up the development of cross-border
balancing markets. Many stakeholders note that the regulatory framework should enable
RES E to participate in the market, e.g. by adapting gate closure times and aligning
product specifications.
European Parliament:
"European Parliament […][c]alls for the completion of the
integration of internal market and balancing and reserve services by fostering liquidity
and cross-border trading in all market timeframes; urges that efforts to achieve the
ambitious goals of the Target Model regarding intraday and balancing markets be
speeded up, starting with the harmonisation of gate closure times and the balancing of
energy products[.]"
"An integrated European electricity market requires well-functioning short
term markets and an increased level of cross-border cooperation with regard to day-
ahead, intraday and balancing markets, without hampering the proper functioning of the
networks, as this will enhance security of supply at lower costs for the system and
European Economic and Social Committee:
"The EESC underlines the particular
importance of intraday trade as a way of ensuring meaningful trade involving
VREs[variable renewable energies]"
European Electricity Regulatory Forum, Florence:
"The Forum supports the view that
further steps are needed beyond agreement and implementation of the Balancing
Guideline. In particular, further efforts should be made on coordinated sizing and cross--
border sharing of reserve capacity. It invites the Commission to develop proposals as
For more details concerning policy measures for the establishment of ROCs, refer to Option 1 in
Annex 2.3.
For more details concerning policy measures for the enhanced cooperation between regulators and
governments, refer to Option 1 in Annex 3.4.
European Parliament,
Report on Towards a New Energy Market Design
(2015/2322(INI)), Committee
on Industry, Research and Energy, 21.6.2016, § 46.
Messages from the Presidency on electricity market design and regional cooperation
(2016), Note
to the Permanent Representatives Committee/Council, Annex, paragraph 6.
31st EU Electricity Regulatory Forum, 13-14 June 2016, Draft Conclusions, §3.5.
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part of the energy market design initiative, if the impact assessment demonstrates a
positive cost--
benefit, which also ensures the effectiveness of intraday markets"
"The Forum Acknowledges the significant progress being made on the integration of
cross - border markets in the intraday and day--
ahead timeframes, and considers that
market coupling should be the foundation for such markets. Nevertheless, the Forum
recognises that barriers may continue to exist to the creation of prices that reflect
scarcity and invites the Commission, as part of the energy market design initiative, to
identify measures needed to overcome such barriers"
"[T]he Forum invites the Commission to identify those aspects of national intraday
markets that would benefit from consistency across the EU, for example on within--
gate closure time and products that should be offered to the market. It also requests for
action to increase transparency in the calculation of cross--
zonal capacity, with a view
to maximising use of existing capacity and avoiding undue limitation and curtailment of
border capacity for the purposes of solving internal congestions"
"The Forum stresses that, whilst scarcity pricing in short--
term markets is critical to
creating the right signals, the importance of hedging opportunities and forward/future
markets in creating more certainty for investors and alleviating risks for consumers must
not be overlooked. Further, it considers that the Commission must recognise the risks of
State Interventions undermining scarcity pricing signals"
meeting of the European Electricity Regulatory Forum, Florence, 3-4 March 2015, Conclusions,
meeting of the European Electricity Regulatory Forum, Florence, 3-4 March 2015, Conclusions, §
meeting of the European Electricity Regulatory Forum, Florence, 3-4 March 2015, Conclusions, §
meeting of the European Electricity Regulatory Forum, Florence, 3-4 March 2015, Conclusions, §
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1730779_0101.png 1(c): Pulling demand response and distributed resources into the
Sub-option 1(c) (demand response/distributed resources) includes the measures described
under 1(a) (level playing field) and 1(b) (strengthening short-term markets), as well as a
set of additional measures, aiming at using the full potential of demand response, storage
and distributed generation. The previous options would introduce a level playing field for
all resources and improve the short-term market framework. They would, however, not
include any measure intending to pull all the additional available potential from
distributed resources into the market. Such resources are most importantly demand
response, distributed RES E and storage.
A significant part of the current costs for the electricity system stem from the new
challenges of variable generation for the system, notably the increased need to deal with
supply peaks and unexpected generation gaps. As the elecricity grid requires a constant
balance of demand and supply, grid operators need to take costly measures. Demand
response, distributed RES E and storage can play an important role to reduce these costs.
The measures considered under Option 1(c) bring demand response from all consumer
groups, including residential and commercial consumers
, and storage as additional
resources into the market, especially to the balancing market. This would even further
increase the flexibility of the electricity system and the resources for the TSOs to manage
it. At the same time it should lead to much more efficient operation of the whole energy
This option would include more in particular:
Enabling consumers to directly react to price signals on electricity markets both in terms
of consumption and production, by giving consumers access to a fit-for-purpose smart
metering system, enabling suppliers to measure and settle electricity consumption close
This set of measures could have been introduced alternatively as Sub-Option 1(b), thus before the
improved short-term market functioning related measures, as a further enhancement to the rules
creating a level-playing field for all technologies. However, the benefits from the participation of these
additional resources in the market are enhanced via their participation in the balancing markets and the
procurement of reserves. Introducing this set of measures in the context of improved short-term market
functioning therefore allows the full benefits of them to be realised. See also footnote 294, Section
RSCAS Research report (2015), "Conceptual
framework for the evolution of the operation and
regulation of electricity transmission systems towards a decarbonised and increasingly integrated
electricity system in the EU"
by J.-M.Glachant, J.Vasconcelos, V.Rious, states:
"EU has a target
model for the EU internal market and for the transmission system operation.
It has none for EU “RES
pocket markets” and for the distribution system operation".
As big industrial consumers are assumed to already participate directly in the market in Option 1(a)
(level playing field), this sub-option extends the participation of demand response to all consumer
groups (including residential and commercial consumers) who, because of their small individual loads,
can enter the market only through third party service providers, e.g. aggregators. At the same time
though the described measures are expected to significantly increase the DR potential for all
categories, including industrial consumers who do not wish to engage directly in the market and by
allowing DSOs to procure additional flexibility services.
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to real time, as well as requiring suppliers to offer consumers electricity supply contracts
with prices linked dynamically to the wholesale spot market that will enable consumers
to directly react to price signals on electricity markets both in terms of consumption and
Box 4: Benefits and risks of dynamic electricity pricing contracts
The preferred policy option is to provide all consumers the possibility to voluntarily
choose to sign up to a dynamic electricity price contract and to participate in demand
response schemes. All consumers will however have the right to keep their traditional
electricity price contract.
Dynamic electricity prices reflect
to varying degrees
marginal generation costs and
thus incentivise consumers to change their consumption in response to price signals. This
reduces peak demand and hence reduces the price of electricity at the wholesale market.
Those price reductions can be passed on to all consumers. At the same time, suppliers
can pass parts of their wholesale price risk on to those consumers who are on dynamic
contracts. Both aspects can explain why, according to the ACER/CEER monitoring
report 2015, on average existing dynamic electricity price offers in Europe are 5%
cheaper than the average offer.
While consumers on dynamic price contracts can realise additional benefits from shifting
their consumption to times of low wholesale prices they also risk facing higher bills in
case they are consuming during peak hours. Such a risk is deemed to be acceptable if
taking this risk is the free choice of the consumer and if he is informed accurately about
the potential risks and benefits of dynamic prices before signing up to such a contract.
Aggregators are companies that act as intermediaries between the electricity system and
distinct agents in the electricity system, mainly small, individual resoures but that exist in
large numbers, and which are usually located in the distribution grid (consumers,
prosumers and producers).
Developing a comprehensive framework for demand,
supply and storage aggregators would facilitate their participation in the market and thus
increase flexibility in the energy system and complement large generation connected to
the transmission grid.
Larger storage facilities can be connected at distribution or
transmission level, and provide services on a peer basis with other providers.
EPRG working paper 1616 (2016),
"Which Smart Electricity Services Contracts Will Consumers
by L-L.Richter and M.G.Pollit states:
"By combining appropriate participation payments
with sharing of bill savings, service providers could attract the number of customers required to
provide the optimal level of demand response."
CIGRE paper C5-304 (2016), B. Guédou and A. Rigard-Cerison, RTE France says:
can learn,
from French experience, that building an appropriate market for DSR requires to benefit from a
strong political commitment (intense involvement from the administration, the regulatory authorities
and the TSO) and to solve some key issues, requiring innovative answers both on the regulatory side
and the technical side (e.g. role of aggregators / independent DR operators, adaptation of the
regulatory framework to enable competition, role of TSOs and DSOs, data collection and privacy…)".
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R&D results:
The economic and technical viability of the concept of aggregation has already been
demonstrated in European projects like: Integral, IDE4L, Grid4eu, INTrEPID, INCREASE, DREAM. The
ability of small-scale RES to participate in the balancing market or contribute to solving grid congestion
has been demonstrated in European projects like: V-Sync and MetaPV.
In order to pull all available resources into the market, it is also important to enable and
incentivise DSOs, without compromising their neutrality as system operators, to manage
their networks in a flexible and cost-efficient way, This could be achieved by
establishing a performance-based remuneration framework for DSOs that would reward
them for innovating and improving overall efficiency of their networks through synergies
with other actors, making full use of energy storage, and/or investing in electronic
communication infrastructure. This would be enabled by the deployment of intelligent
infrastructure and by ensuring coherence with other Commission policies in the field of
the Digital Single Market and the General Data Protection Regulation
Measures under this option would also include defining the conditions under which
DSOs may acquire flexibility services without distorting the markets for such services,
and putting in place distribution tariff structures that send accurate price signals to all
grid users. Such initiative would be aimed at facilitating the integration of the increasing
amounts of variable RES E generation that will be connected directly to distribution grids
in the future.
Stakeholders' opinions:
Many stakeholders identified a lack of smart metering systems
offering the full functionalities to consumers and dynamic electricity pricing (more
flexible consumer prices, reflecting the actual supply and demand of electricity) as one of
the main obstacles to kick-starting
demand side response,
along with the distortion of
retail prices by taxes/levies and price regulation.
Other factors include market rules that discriminate against consumers or aggregators
who want to offer demand response, network tariff structures that are not adapted to
demand response and the slow roll-out of smart metering. Some stakeholders underline
that demand response should be purely market driven, where the potential is greater for
industrial customers than for residential customers. Many replies point at specific
regulatory barriers to demand response, primarily with regards to the lack of a
standardised and harmonised framework for demand reponse (e.g. operation and
settlement). A number of respondents also underline the need to support the development
of aggregators by removing obstacles for their activity to allow full market participation
of renewables. Many submissions highlight the crucial role of scarcity pricing for kick-
starting demand response at industrial and household level.
Regarding the role of DSOs, the respondents consider active system operation, neutral
market facilitation and data hub management as possible functions for DSOs. Some
stakeholders point at a potential conflict of interests for DSOs who are able to actively
This would entail also close cooperation with TSOs, as elaborated for example in CIGRE paper C2-
111: "Increased
cooperation between TSO and DSOs as precondition for further developments in
ancillary services due to increased distributed (renewable) generation",
M.Kranhold, 50Hertz
Transmission GmbH (2016)
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menage their networks where these DSOs are also active in the supply business,
emphasizing that the neutrality of DSOs should be ensured. A large number of the
stakeholders stressed the importance of data protection and privacy, and consumer's
ownership of data. Furthermore, a high number of respondents stressed the need of
specific rules regarding access to data. As concerns a European approach on distribution
tariffs, the views are mixed; the usefulness of some general principles is acknowledged
by many stakeholders, while others stress that the concrete design should generally
considered to be subject to national regulation.
European Parliament:
"European Parliament […] considers that this framework
should promote and reward flexible storage solutions, demand-side response
technologies, flexible generation, increased interconnections and further market
integration, which will help to promote a growing share of renewable energy sources
and integrate them into the market[.]"
"European Parliament[…] recalls that the transition to scarcity pricing implies
improved mobilisation of demand response and storage, along with effective market
monitoring and controls to address the risk of market power abuse, in particular to
protect consumers; believes that consumer engagement is one of the most important
objectives in the pursuit of energy efficiency, and that whether prices that reflect the
actual scarcity of supply in fact lead to adequate investment in electricity production
capacity should be evaluated on a regular basis[.]"
"European parliament […][c]onsiders that
energy storage has numerous benefits, not
least enabling demand-side response, assisting in balancing the grid and providing a
means to store excess renewable power generation; calls for the revision of the existing
regulatory framework to promote the deployment of energy storage systems and other
flexibility options, which allow a larger share of intermittent renewable energy sources
(RES), whether centralised or distributed, with lower marginal costs to be fed into the
energy system; stresses the need to establish a separate asset category for electricity or
energy storage systems in the existing regulatory framework, given the dual nature
generation and demand
of energy storage systems[.]"
"The future electricity retail markets should ensure access to new market
players (such as aggregators and ESCO’s) on an equal footing and facilitate
introduction of innovative technologies, products and services in order to stimulate
competition and growth. It is important to promote further reduction of energy
consumption in the EU and inform and empower consumers, households as well as
industries, as regards possibilities to participate actively in the energy market and
respond to price signals, control their energy consumption and participate in cost-
effective demand response solutions. In this regard, cost efficient installation of smart
European Parliament,
Report on Towards a New Energy Market Design
(2015/2322(INI)), Committee
on Industry, Research and Energy, 21.6.2016, § 5.
European Parliament,
Report on Towards a New Energy Market Design
(2015/2322(INI)), Committee
on Industry, Research and Energy, 21.6.2016, § 10.
European Parliament,
Report on Towards a New Energy Market Design
(2015/2322(INI)), Committee
on Industry, Research and Energy, 21.6.2016, § 28.
Policy options
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meters and relevant data systems are essential. Barriers that hamper the delivery of
demand response services should be removed"
European Electricity Regulatory Forum, Florence:
"The Forum recognises that the
development of a holistic EU framework is key to unlocking the potential of demand
Response and to enabling it to provide flexibility to the system. It notes the large
convergence of views among stakeholders on how to approach the regulation of demand
response, including: the need to engage consumers; the need to remove existing barriers
to market access, including to third--
party aggregators; the need to make available
dynamic market--
based pricing; the importance of both implicit and explicit demand
response; and the cost--
efficient installation of the required technology"
5.1.5. Option 2: Fully Integrated EU market
This option considers measures that would aim to deliver a single truly pan-European
electricity market via relatively far-reaching changes to the current regulatory
framework, aiming at the full integration of electricity markets and system operation, and
at mobilising all available flexibility of the EU-wide system.
For a fully integrated EU market, one would need to significantly change the current
regulatory approach of the internal market. The current EU wholesale market design of
the Third Package provides for a coordination framework between grid operators and
national regulators and sets some rules for certain issues which are relevant for cross-
border exchange of electricity (e.g. coordinated electricity trading and grid operation
measures). However, under the Third Package, regulatory decisions are in principle left
to Member States, the 28 national regulators and the 42 European grid operators if not
otherwise provided in the Third Package.
Leaving scope for national decision-making on trading and system operation may lead to
inefficiencies due to unsufficiently coordinated and contradicting decisions. A more
centralised regulatory approach could therefore be considered to achieve more integrated
EU markets.
Under this option, procurement of balancing reserves would be performed directly at EU
level, instead of a regional level. For system operation, this could mean shifting from a
system of separate national TSOs to an integrated system managed by a single European
Independent System Operator ("EU
System operation (including real time
operation) and planning functions could be performed by this EU ISO, which would be
competent for the whole Union.
Messages from the Presidency on electricity market design and regional cooperation
(2016), Note
to the Permanent Representatives Committee/Council, Annex, paragraph 8.
31st EU Electricity Regulatory Forum, 13-14 June 2016, Draft Conclusions, §1.
For more details on policy option concerning the establishment of an EU ISO, please refer to Option 3
in annex 2.3.
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In order to optimally deal with congestion between countries and to let the market
transmit the right price signals, this option would entail to move from zonal to nodal
. The values of available transmission capacities would be calculated centrally
and could be closely coordinated across market regions, thereby taking advantage of all
information available among the TSOs in different grid arreas and also taking into
account the interrelationship between different interconnectors. As a result, it is assumed
that more interconnector capacity is made available to the market(s) and resources are
expected to be utilized more efficiently across regions.
In general, Option 2 would not only entail coordination, approximation and
harmonisation of selected topics relevant for national market and grid operation rules, but
also to apply the same rules and specifications for products and services across the EU,
including centrally fixed rules for electricity trading, for common EU-wide procurement
of reserves and central system planning and operation. Such centralised integrated market
would also provide for mandatory smart meter roll-out and a full EU framework for
incentive-based demand response to better exploited demand reponse. Under Option 2,
also distribution tariff structures would be harmonised, stronger unbundling rules for
DSOs be created as well as harmonised renumeration methodologies that ensure DSOs'
incentives to invest in innovative and efficient technologies.
ACER would need to gain significant competences and take over most NRAs'
responsibilities directly or indirectly related to cross-border and EU-level issues.
ENTSO-E would need to be formally separated from its members' interest and take up
more competences.
Such measures, intended to optimise the cost-efficiency and flexibility of the European
electricity system, would involve going significantly beyond the measures described
under Option 1, requiring also particularly far-reaching institutional changes.
Stakeholders' opinions:
No stakeholder expressed support for the possibility of
designing measures leading to the creation of a fully integrated EU electricity market.
For example, as regards the establishment of an EU Independent System Operator, a
number of stakeholders emphasized that while it is necessary to reinforce TSO
coordination, this should take place through a step-wise regional integration of system
5.1.6. For Option 1 and 2: Institutional framework as an enabler
Each set of proposed measures under Options 1(a) to 1(c), as well as (2), will necessitate
a different degree of reinforcement of the institutional framework of the EU's electricity
Nodal Pricing is a method of determining prices in which market clearing prices are calculated for a
number of locations on the transmission grid called nodes. Each node represents the physical location
on the transmission system where energy is injected by generators or withdrawn by loads. The price at
each node represents the locational value of energy, which includes the cost of the energy and the cost
of delivering it, i.e. losses and congestion
For more details on ACER's and ENTSO-E's enhanced competences in a fully integrated EU market,
refer to Option 2 in Annex 3.4.
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markets. Since the harmonisation of regulatory aspects (e.g. gate closure times, rules for
the curtailment of cross-border capacities, bidding zones etc.) often has different
economic impacts in different Member States, an institutional framework is needed to
find the necessary compromises. Experience has shown that it will generally be more
difficult to achieve ambitious harmonisation goals with an institutional framework that
grants veto rights to each national regulator or TSO (i.e. in cooperative institutions
applying unanimous decision-making). An alignment or harmonisation of aspects
concerning the electricity market design is therefore more likely to happen with an
institutional framework which applies (qualified) majority decision-making or which
replaces the decision-making by 28 different regulators/TSOs by a central body which
takes the decision in the European interest
A robust institutional framework constitutes a pre-requisite for the integration and proper
functioning of the EU market. For this reason, it is necessary that the institutional
framework reflects the realities of the electricity system and the resulting need for
regional cooperation as well as that it addresses existing and anticipated regulatory gaps
in the energy market.
In order to effectively establish a level playing field between all potential market
participants and resources (Sub-option 1(a) (level playing field)), it is necessary to
reinforce ACER's competences at EU level in order to address regulatory gaps already
identified in the implementation of the Third Package and ensure the oversight over
entities and functions with relevance at EU level.
When markets and market regulation achieve a regional dimension (Sub-option
1(b)(strenghening short-term markets)), the institutional framework needs to be adapted
accordingly, if it is to remain efficient and effective. Currently, the EU institutional
framework is based on the complementarity of regulation at national and EU law. Hence,
the regulatory framework would then need to be reinforced to address the need for
additional regional cooperation. In this regard, ACER's competences and NRAs'
cooperation at regional level should be enhanced, corresponding to increased regional
TSO cooperation and to the implementation of network codes and guidelines at regional
level. The mandate of ENTSO-E could be clarified to strengthen its obligation to take a
European / internal market perspective and to emphasize its transparency and monitoring
obligations. The role of power exchanges in cross-border electricity issues should be
acknowledged and they should be involved in all regulatory procedures relevant for
them. Finally the use of congestion income should be altered, increasing the proportion
spent on investments that maintain or increase interconnection, thus creating the basis for
the regional co-operation through a strongly interconnected system
In order to facilitate distributed resources to participate in the market (Sub-option 1(c)
demand response/distributed resources), DSOs must become more active at European
level and have increased responsibilities and tasks, similar to those of the TSOs. Their
The transfer of decisions on cross-border cost allocation to the Director of ACER is one example of
decision-making by an independent supranational body. See Article 12(6) of Regulation 347/2013
(TEN-E Regulation).
As is in fact discussed under Option 1 of Problem Area II
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role should be formalised into a European organisation with an efficient working
structure to render their participation effective and independent. In particular, whereas
DSOs are currently represented at EU level by four associations (Eurelectric, Geode,
CEDEC and EDSO), none of these has the necessary characteristics to represent the
sector by engaging in tasks that might include the codification of formal EU market
rules: Either they or their members are listed as lobbyists on the EU Transparency
Register, none of their memberships is representative of all EU DSOs, and none has the
explicit mandate to represent EU DSOs in such activities.
Finally, Option 2 requires significantly restructuring the institutional framework, going
beyond addressing the regulatory gaps and moving towards more centralised institutional
structures with additional power and responsibilities, particularly for ACER and ENTSO-
Stakeholders' opinions:
Opinions with regard to strengthening ACER’s
powers are
divided. There is clear support for increasing ACER's legal powers by many
stakeholders. However, the option to keep the
status quo
is also visibly present, notably
in the submissions from Member States and national energy regulators. While some
stakeholders mentioned a need for making ACER'S decisions more independent from
national interests, others highlighted rather the need for appropriate financial and human
resources for ACER to fulfil its tasks.
With regard to ENTSO-E, stakeholders' positions are divided as to whether ENTSO-E
needs strengthening remain divided. Some stakeholders mention a possible conflict of
interest in ENTSO-E’s
role –
being at the same time an association called to represent the
public interest, involved e.g. in network code drafting, and a lobby organisation with own
commercial interests
and ask for measures to address this conflict. Some stakeholders
have suggested in this context that the process for developing network codes should be
revisited in order to provide a greater a balance of in interests.
Some submissions advocate for including DSOs and stakeholders in the network code
drafting process. While a majority of stakeholders support governance and regulatory
oversight of
power exchanges,
particularly as regards the market coupling operator
function, other stakeholders are sceptical whether additional rules are needed for power
exchanges given the existing rules in legislation on market coupling (in the CACM
European Parliament:
"European Parliament […][n]otes the importance of effective,
impartial and ongoing market monitoring of European energy markets as a key tool to
ensure a true internal energy market characterised by free competition, proper price
signals and supply security; underlines the importance of ACER in this connection, and
looks forward to the Commission’s position on new and strengthened powers for ACER
on cross-border issues[.]"
European Parliament,
Report on Towards a New Energy Market Design
(2015/2322(INI)), Committee
on Industry, Research and Energy, 21.6.2016, § 70.
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"European Parliament […][s]tresses that in most cases renewables are fed in at
distribution system level, close to the level of consumption, and therefore calls for DSOs
to play a greater role as facilitators and to be more closely involved in the design of
European regulatory framework and in the relevant bodies when it comes to drawing up
guidelines on issues of concern to them, such as demand-side management, flexibility
and storage, and for closer cooperation between DSOs and TSOs at the European
5.1.7. Summary of specific measures comprising each Option
The following table summarizes the specific measures comprising each package of
measures, as well the corresponding specific measure option considered under each high
level option
. The detailed presentation and assessment of each measure can be found
in the indicated Annex.
European Parliament,
Report on Towards a New Energy Market Design
(2015/2322(INI)), Committee
on Industry, Research and Energy, 21.6.2016, § 63.
The preferred options for the specific measures set out in the annex are highlighted in the table in
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Table 6: Summary of Specific Measures investigated for Problem Area I
Specific Measures
Option 0
Option 1(a)
Option 1(b)
Option 1(c)
Option 2
Priority Access and
(Annex 1.1)
+ Balancing
(Annex 1.2)
+ RES providing non-
frequency ancillary
(Annex 1.3)
+ Reserves Sizing and
(Annex 2.1)
+ Remove distortions for
liquid short-term
(Annex 2.2)
+ TSO Co-operation
(Annex 2.3)
+ Demand Response
(Annex 3.1)
Maintain priority dispatch
for RES, indigenous fuels
and CHP
(Annex 1.1.4 Option 0)
Financial balancing
responsibility under EEAG
(Annex 1.2.4 Option 0)
Services continue to be
Principles for transparent, non-discriminatory market-based framework for
provided by large
the provision of these services
conventional generation
(Annex 1.3.4 Option 2)
(Annex 1.3.4 Option 0)
National sizing of balancing reserves, frequency of
Regional sizing and procurement of balancing
procurement as today (e.g. many products, not
reserves, daily procurement of upward/downward
necessarily separete upwards/downwards products)
(Annex 2.1.4 Option 0)
(Annex 2.1.4 Option 2)
Selected harmonisation of national intraday markets
National non-harmonised intraday markets
of gate closure times and products, with gradual
(Annex 2.2.4 Option 0)
(Annex 2.2.4 Option 2)
Upgrade RSCs to Regional Operational Centres
Regional Security Coordinators (RSCs) to perform
(ROCs) centralising additional functions over
five tasks at regional level for national TSOs
relevant geographical areas
(Annex 2.3.4 Option 0)
(Annex 2.3.4 Option 0)
Give consumers access to
enabling technologies that will
Smart meter rollout remains limited in geographical scope and
expose them to market price
functionalities, market barriers to aggregators persist, and the full
signals and a common European
potential of demand response and self-consumption remains untapped
framework defining roles and
(Annex 3.1.4 Option 0)
responsibilities of aggregators
(Annex 3.1.4 Option 2)
Option (a) +
Option 1(a), 1(b) +
Level playing
Demand response/distributed
Abolish priority dispatch and introduce clear curtailment rules to replace
priority access, with the exception of emerging technologies and small CHP
and RES E plants
(Annex 1.1.4 Options 2 and 3)
Balancing responsibility for all parties, with the exception of emerging
technologies and small CHP and RES E plants
( Annex 1.2.4 Option 2)
Fully integrated markets
Fully abolish priority dispatch and access
(Annex 1.1.4 Option 1)
Full balancing responsibilities for all
(Annex 1.2.4 Option 1)
EU market framework for such services
(Annex 1.3.4 Option 1)
European sizing and procurement of
balancing reserves, daily procurement of
upward/downward products
(Annex 2.1.4 Option 3)
Full harmonisation and coupling of
intraday markets
(Annex 2.2.4 Option 1)
Creation of Regional or EU Independent
System Operators
(Annex 2.3.4 Options 2 and 3)
Mandatory smart meter roll out and full
EU framework for incentive based
demand response
(Annex 3.1.4 Option 3)
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Specific Measures
Option 0
Option 1(a)
Option 1(b)
Option (a) +
Option 1(c)
Option 1(a), 1(b) +
Demand response/distributed
Specific requirements and
conditions for 'active' DSOs;
Clarification of DSO's role in
specific tasks; Enhanced DSO-
TSO cooperation (Annex 3.2.4
Option 1)
EU-wide principles on
remuneration schemes; NRAs
monitor the performance of
DSOs (Annex 3.3.4 Option 1)
EU wide principles to make
tariffs structures become more
transparent and more accurately
reflect the impact of each system
user on the grid, especially
during different times of the day;
NRAs to implement more
detailed requirements
(Annex 3.3.4 Option 1)
Option 2
Level playing
Fully integrated markets
+ Ensuring that DSOs
become active and
remain neutral towards
other market actors
(Annex 3.2)
+ A performance-based
framework for DSOs
(Annex 3.3)
Broad variety of national approaches to DSO roles and responsibilities
(Annex 3.2.4 Option 0)
EU framework for a specific set of DSO
tasks and stricter unbundling rules
(Annex 3.2.4 Option 2)
Broad variety of national approaches to DSO compensation
(Annex 3.3.4 Option 0)
Fully harmonize remuneration
methodologies (Annex 3.3.4 Option 2)
+ Distribution tariffs
that send accurate price
signals to grid users
(Annex 3.3)
Broad variety of national approaches to distribution tariffs
(Annex 3.3.4 Option 0)
Fully harmonize distribution tariff
structures through concrete requirements
(Annex 3.3.4 Option 2)
+ Adapting Institutional
Framework to reality of
integrated markets
(Annex 3.4 institutional
Retain Status Quo (no
(Annex 3.4.4 Option 0)
Adapt institutional framework to the new realities of the electricity system
and the resulting need for additional regional cooperation and to address
regulatory gaps (relevant to each respective policy sub-option)
(Annex 3.4.4 Option 1)
Restructure the EU Institutional
Framework providing for more
centralised institutional structures
(Annex 3.4.4 Option 2)
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Options to address Problem Area II (Uncertainty about sufficient future
generation investments and uncoordinated capacity markets)
5.2.1. Overview of the policy options
A number of Member States anticipate inadequate generation capacity in future years and
plan to introduce or have already introduced unilateraly, unaligned capacity mechanisms.
Capacity mechanisms remunerate the guaranteed availability of electricity resources (e.g.
generation or demand response) rather than paying for electricity actually delivered. The
current regulatory market design does provide for rules on capacity mechanisms
While it does not prohibit nor encourage capacity mechanisms, the Third Package is, in
principle, built on the concept of an "energy-only" market, in which generators are
remunerated mainly based on the energy delivered
. Undistorted cross-border markets
should provide for the necessary investment signals to ensure stable generation at all
times. Price signals should drive production and investment decisions, whereas price
differentials between different bidding zones should determine where facilities should
ideally be located, provided that all assets are treated equally in terms of the risks and
costs to which they are exposed and the opportunities for earning revenues from
producing electricity i.e. they operate within a level playing field.
Several Options will be considered to address the concerns regarding investment
certainty and fragmented approaches to CMs:
Box 5: Overview of the Policy Options for Problem Area II
Each policy option consists of a package of measures which act upon the drivers of the
problem. Some of the options differ according to whether generators can only rely on
energy market payments or whether they receive additional remuneration from CMs.
Option 1 (Improved energy-only markets) would be based on additional measures to
Capacity markets are only indirectly addressed, e.g. through the obligation for Member States under
the Third Package to maximise cross-border capacities (see e.g. Art. 16 (3) of Regulation 714/2009)
and to avoid unnecessary limitations of cross-border flows, e.g. through State Interventions.
It may be noted that generators can receive additional revenues from providing frequency reserves,
which could be described as a form of (short-term) capacity markets.
Policy options
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further strengthen the internal electricity market (complementing the measures described
above in options 1(a) (level playing field), 1(b) (strengthening short-term markets) and
(c) (demand response/distributed resources) presented in Problem Area I). Under this
option, CMs would no longer be allowed. Option 2 and 3 would also include the
proposed measures to strengthen the internal energy market as presented in Option 1, but
also propose possible measures to better align national CMs. The possibility to set up a
mandatory EU-wide CM is described in Option 4.
The following sub-sections describe the policy options and the packages of measures
they comprise. It then explains which options can be discarded at this stage, prior to
assessment, as well as present other options that were considered but were discarded
from the beginning. A table summarising all specific measures for each option is
provided at the end of this section.
The relevant Annexes addressing the policy options below are: 4.1 to 5.2.
5.2.2. Option 0: Baseline Scenario
Current Market Arrangements
Under the baseline scenario, price formation on electricity wholesale markets is
constrained, e.g. through price caps. Prices may not be able to reach levels which truly
reflect the value of energy when the demand and supply balance is tight and, hence,
electricity is scarce. Therefore price signals from wholesale markets would, in times of
scarcity, be distorted and revenue streams of generators cannot properly reflect their
value to the system. This affects, in particular, the remuneration of assets that can provide
flexibility to the electricity system, regardless to whether this concerns flexible
generation capacity, electricity storage or demand response.
At this stage most electricity markets in Europe face generation overcapacities. In this
situation, price caps do in practice not matter
scarcity prices cannot be expected
anyway. However, once old capacities will have exited the market and the power mix has
adjusted (see in this regard the analyses presented in section, true price formation
would be essential to produce signals for new investments. This could not happen as long
as price caps exist.
Price signals are also not aligned with structural congestion in the transmission grid, thus
not revealing the locations where investments would relieve congestion and production
decisions. TSOs then can only operate sub-optimally the existing network and need to
take frequent congestion management measures. Although the CACM Guideline
provides a process for reviewing price or bidding zones, the current process lends itself to
maintaining the
status quo
(mostly price zones along Member State borders), making this
the most plausible assumption for the baseline. This is because there are likely to be
competing interests at stake. In particular, some Member States are unlikely to want to
amend bidding zones where it would create price differentials within their borders; it is
sometimes considered to be right for all consumers to pay the same price within a
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Member State, and for all producers to receive the same price. The current legislation
does not, therefore, provide for the socially optimal solution to be agreed.
Based on perceived or real resource adequacy concerns, several Member States take
actions concerning the introduction of national resource adequacy measures or the
imposition of regulatory barriers to decommissioning. These measures are usually based
on national resource adequacy assessments and projections, which may substantially
differ depending on the underlying assumptions made and the extent to which foreign
capacities as well as demand side flexibility are taken into account in calculations. Some
of these concerns and projections are a result of the current market arrangements.
The Commission's current tool to assess whether government interventions in support of
resource adequacy are legitimate is state aid scrutiny. The EEAG require among others a
proof that the measure is necessary, technological neutral and allows for explicit cross-
border participation. However, the EEAG do not clarify how an effective cross-border
CM regime could be deployed.
The baseline is common with the one presented in 5.1.2, with only two differences: (a)
presence of price caps based on current practices and (b) existence of structural
congestion in the transmission grid.
Stakeholders' opinions:
None of the respondents to the public consultation took the
view that the current market arrangements were sufficient and no further measures are
5.2.3. Option 0+: Non-regulatory approach
Whilst systematically considered
, no such policy option could be identified.
This option would entail relying on existing legislation to improve the current market
arrangements. The likelihood of seeing any meaningful change as a result of this process
is minimal. Existing provisions under EU legislation are arguably not sufficiently clear
and robust. In this regard, the Evaluation report indicates that the rules of the Third
Energy Package appear to be insufficient to cope with the challenges facing the European
electricity system.
In addition, certain areas, like resource adequacy, are not addressed
in the Third Package. Consequently, the Evaluation report concludes that the Third
Package does not not ensure sufficient incentives for private investments in the new
generation capacities and network because of the minor attention in it to effective short-
term markets and prices which would reflect actual scarcity.
Voluntary cooperation has resulted in significant developments and a lot of benefits (e.g.,
the PLEF, whereby some Member States have voluntarily decided to cooperate and
For more details concerning the deficiencies of current legislation concerning bidding zone
configuration, see Sections 4.2.2 and 4.2.3 of Annex 4.2 to this Impact Assessment.
For each measure the opportunities for stronger enforcement has been assessed in the annexes.
See Section 7.3.1 and 7.3.3 of the Evaluation.
See Sections 7.3.2 of the Evaluation.
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deliver a regional resource adequacy assessment). However it may not provide for
appropriate levels of harmonisation across all Member States and certainty to the market
and legislation is needed in this area to address the issues in a consistent way.
5.2.4. Option 1: Improved energy market - no CMs
Option 1 assumes that European electricity markets, if sufficiently interconnected and
undistorted, can provide for the necessary price signals to incentivise investments into
new generation. Wholesale markets would be strengthened by a set of specific measures
aiming at improving price signals so as to deliver the necessary investments based only
on price signals. CMs, whether at national, regional or European level would not be
justifiable to secure electricity supplies under this option as the market should be
incentivising investments.
Even if such price signals concern the spot price on the wholesale market corresponding
to the day-ahead market, these prices are the reference for the forward market and would
thus have a long-term effect. Having as a starting point the reformed market design as
described in section
, it is additionaly assumed that no administrative
mechanisms directly affecting investments and price signals are allowed to be in place, in
the form of CMs or (below Value of Lost Load
or 'VoLL') price caps. In the case of
the latter this would be effected by ensuring that any technical limits imposed by power
exchanges are merely that, and are raised in the event they are reached, and, in order to
provide maximum investor confidence, an end-date, after which such limits must not be
below VoLL.
The strengthened short and long-term markets and the participation of distributed
generation offer the necessary flexibility required to integrate variable RES E into the
market. Combined with the removal of (below VoLL) price caps,
the market should be
able to drive investments towards the needed flexible assets, such as storage and demand
response, and sufficient generating capacity. Furthermore, proper incentives are
introduced aiming to unlock the flexibility that can be provided by existing assets, such
as demand response and storage.
At the same time price signals could drive the geographical location of new investments
and production decisions, via price zones aligned with structural congestion in the
transmission grid. The location of the price zone borders would be decided through a
robust regulatory decision-making process. Price differentials between these price zones
should help determine where investments are needed and make the best use of natural
resources (particularly important for RES E, but also for interconnectors) and, for those
assets already deployed, which one will be producing. Such locational prices would also
provide efficient signals for the location of demand
for example new energy intensive
industries would choose to locate in areas where there is excess generation and therefore
Sub-option 1(c) (demand response/distributed resources) from problem area I was used as the basis
here, as it was identified as the preferred option when comparing the respective options in Section 7.1.
Value of Lost Load is a projected value reflecting the maximum price consumers are willing to pay to
be supplied with electricity
For more detail on policy measures related to the removal of price caps, refer to Annex 4.1.
Policy options
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low prices.
Measures would also be taken to further restrict the practice of limiting
cross-border capacity in order to deal with internal network contraints and, finally,
measures would be taken to minimise, in the long-term, the most significant investment
and operational distortions on generators arising as a result of network charges.
Stakeholder's opinions:
A majority of answering stakeholders is in favour an "energy-
only" market (possibly augmented however with a strategic reserve, which is a form of a
capacity market). Many stakeholders share the view that properly designed energy
markets would make capacity mechanisms gradually redundant. Many generators and
some governments disagree and are in favour of capacity remuneration mechanisms
(assessed in Options
2, 3 and 4).
large majority of stakeholders agreed that scarcity pricing is an important element in
the future market design. While single answers point at risks of more volatile pricing and
price peaks (e.g. political acceptance, abuse of market power), others stress that those
respective risks can be avoided (e.g. by hedging against volatility).
A large number of stakeholders agreed that scarcity pricing should not only relate to
time, but also to locational differences in scarcity (e.g. by meaningful price zones or
locational transmission pricing). While some stakeholders criticised the current price
zone practice for not reflecting actual scarcity and congestions within bidding zones,
leading to missing investment signals for generation, new grid connections and to
limitations of cross-border flows, others recalled the complexity of prices zone changes
and argued that large price zones would increase liquidity.
Many submissions highlight the crucial role of scarcity pricing for kick-starting demand
response at industrial and household level.
European Parliament:"…[N]ational
capacity markets make it harder to integrate
electricity markets and run contrary to the objectives of the common energy policy, and
should only be used as a last resort once all other options have been considered,
including increased interconnection with neighbouring countries, demand-side response
measures and other forms of regional market integration[.]"
"European Parliament
[…] [i]s sceptical of purely national and non-market-based
capacity mechanisms and
markets, which are incompatible with the principles of an internal energy market and
which lead to market distortions, indirect subsidies for mature technologies and high
costs for end-consumers; stresses, therefore, that any capacity mechanism in the EU
must be designed from the perspective of cross-border cooperation following the
completion of thorough studies on its necessity, and must comply with EU rules on
competition and State aid; believes that better integration of national energy production
For more detail on policy measures related to the improvement of locational signals, refer to Annex
For more detail, refer to Annexes 4.3 and 4.4.
European Parliament,
Report on Towards a New Energy Market Design
(2015/2322(INI)), Committee
on Industry, Research and Energy, 21.6.2016, Recital H.
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into the EU energy system and the reinforcement of interconnections could reduce the
need for, and cost of, capacity mechanisms[.]"
5.2.5. Option 2: Improved energy market
CMs only when needed, based on a common
EU-wide adequacy assessment)
This Option includes the measures to strenghten the internal energy market (as described
in Option 1 above), i.e. every Member State is assumed to have in place a well-
functioning energy market.
In addition to Option 1 however, Member States would be allowed to implement national
CMs, but only under certain conditions. Additional measures are proposed in order to
avoid negative consequences of uncoordinated CMs for the functioning of the internal
market, building on the EEAG' state aid Guidelines and the Sector Inquiry on CMs.
To address the problem of diverging and purely national assessments of the needs for
CMs, ENTSO-E would be required under this option to propose a methodology for an
EU-wide resource adequacy assessment. The upgraded methodology should be based on
transparent and common assumptions
and ENTSO-E would carry out the assessment
anually. The prerequisite for a Member State to implement a CM or prohibit capacity
from exiting the market would be that ENTSO-E's assessment indicated a lack of
generation capacity and where markets cannot be expected to close the gap. This would
avoid that back-up capacities are developed based on a purely national perspective (i.e.
national adequacy assessments, using different methodologies and not taking into
account the generation potential across borders).
When proposing or applying CMs, Member States would need to introduce resource
adequacy targets, which can be diverging (as an expression of their diverging preference
for resource adequacy). The standards should be expressed in a unique format to become
comparable across the EU
as Expected Energy Non Served ('EENS'), and it should be
derived following a methodology provided by ENTSO-E which takes into account the
value that average customers in each bidding zone put on electricity supplies (Value of
Lost Load
European Parliament,
Report on Towards a New Energy Market Design
(2015/2322(INI)), Committee
on Industry, Research and Energy, 21.6.2016, § 24.
Further elements of this option are presented in Annex 5.1.
The ENTSO-E assessment should have the following characteristics:
i. It should cover all Member States
ii. It should have a granularity of Member State/ bidding zone level to enable the analysis of
national/ local adequacy concerns;
iii. It should apply probabilistic calculations that consider dynamic characteristics of system elements
(e.g. start-up and shut-down times, ramp up and ramp-down
iv. It should calculate generation adequacy indicators for all countries (LOLE, EENS, etc.)
v. It should appropriately take into account foreign generation, interconnection capacity, RES ,
storage and demand response
vii. Time span of 5-10 years
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Stakeholders' opinions:
There is almost a consensus amongst stakeholders on the need
for a more aligned method for resource adequacy assessment. A majority of answering
stakeholders supports the idea that any legitimate claim to introduce CMs should be
based on a common methodology. When it comes to the geographical scope of the
harmonized assessment, a vast majority stakeholders call for regional or EU-wide
resource adequacy assessment, while only a minority favour a national approach. There
is also support for the idea to align adequacy standards across Member States.
European Parliament:
"[…]stresses the importance of a common analysis of resource
adequacy at regional level, facilitated by the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy
Regulators (ACER) and the European Network of Transmission System Operators
(ENTSO-E), and calls for the transmission system operators (TSOs) of neighbouring
markets to devise a common methodology, approved by the Commission, to that end;
highlights the enormous
potential of strengthened regional cooperation[…]"
"Member States considering implementing capacity mechanism should take
into account synergies of cross-border regional cooperation and avoid any disincentive
for investment in interconnection, while minimising market distortion"
5.2.6. Option 3: Improved energy market - CMs only when needed, based on a common
EU-wide adequacy assessment, plus cross-border participation
Option 3 includes the measures to strenghten the internal energy market as described in
Option 1 above. It also includes the requirement for national CMs to be justified by a
European adequacy assessment (see Option 2). In addition, Option 3 would however
provide for design rules for better compatibility between national CMs, also building on
the EEAG state aid guidelines and the Sector Inquiry on CMs notably in order to
facilitate cross-border participation ('blue-print') .
To date, in order to comply with EEAG, Member States have to individually organise,
for each of their borders separately, the necessary cross-border arrangements involving a
multitude of parties (e.g. resource providers, regulators, TSOs).
This option would provide a harmonised cross-border participation scheme across the EU
by setting out procedures including roles and responsibilities for the involved parties (e.g.
resource providers, regulators, TSOs).
European Parliament,
Report on Towards a New Energy Market Design
(2015/2322(INI)), Committee
on Industry, Research and Energy, 21.6.2016, § 14.
"Messages from the Presidency on electricity market design and regional cooperation"
Note to the Permanent Representatives Committee/Council, Page 2.
Further elements of this option are presented in Annex 5.
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Stakeholders' opinions:
Most of the stakeholders including Member States agree that a
regional/European framework for CMs are preferable. Indeed, 85% of market participant
respondents and 75% of public body respondents to the sector inquiry on Capacity
felt that rules should be developed at EU level to limit as much as
possible any distortive impact of CMs on cross national integration of energy markets.
Member States might instinctively want to rely more on national assets and favour them
over cross-border assets. It is often claimed that in times of simultaneous stress,
governments might choose to 'close borders' putting other Member States who might
actually be in bigger need in trouble.
European Parliament:
"[…][c]alls for cross-border
capacity mechanisms to be
authorised only when the following criteria, inter alia, are met: a. the need for them is
confirmed by a detailed regional adequacy analysis of the production and supply
situation, including interconnections, storage, demand-side response and cross-border
generation resources, on the basis of a homogeneous, standardised and transparent EU-
wide methodology which identifies a clear risk to uninterrupted supply; b. there is no
possible alternative measure that is less costly and less market-intrusive, such as full
regional market integration without restriction of cross-border exchanges, combined
with targeted network/strategic reserves; c. their design is market-based and is such that
they are non-discriminatory in respect of the use of electricity storage technologies,
aggregated demand-side response, stable sources of renewable energy and participation
by undertakings in other Member States, so that there is no cross-border cross-
subsidisation or discrimination against industry or other customers, and it is ensured
that they only remunerate the capacity strictly necessary for security of supply; d. their
design includes rules to ensure that capacity is allocated sufficiently in advance to
provide adequate investment signals in respect of less polluting plants; e. sustainability
and air quality rules are incorporated in order to eliminate the most polluting
technologies (consideration could be given to an emissions performance standard in this
connection) […]"
5.2.7. Option 4: Mandatory EU-wide or regional CMs
Under this option based on regional or EU-wide resource adequacy assessments, entire
regions or ultimately all EU Member States would be required to roll-out CMs on a
mandatory basis. The design of the CMs would follow a EU 'blue print' (i.e. a set of
design requirements for CMs), with the required resource adequacy target to be set at
regional or EU level. This approach would assess
and address
adequacy concerns at a
regional or EU level. Decisions on whether to introduce CMs or not would no longer be
left with individual Member States, but an EU-wide CM would be created, as a
mandatory additional layer to the "energy-only" market. Differences between Member
States (e.g. whether all areas within larger regions actually face adequacy challenges, or
network congestions) would not justify exception from the obligation to introduce a CM.
"Interim Report of the Sector Inquiry on Capacity Mechanisms"
SWD(2016) 119 final.
European Parliament,
Report on Towards a New Energy Market Design
(2015/2322(INI)), Committee
on Industry, Research and Energy, 21.6.2016, § 25.
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5.2.8. Discarded Options
Option 0+ will not be further analysed as no means were identified to implement it.
Option 4 does not consider the significant regional differences when it comes to resource
adequacy. The EU-wide or region-wide roll-out would disregard existing congestions in
the European network and it would consequently over- or underestimate the resource
adequacy in single bidding zones/ Member States belonging to a wider region. As a result
CMs might need to be introduced in bidding zones/Member States that do not face any
adequacy concerns. Alternatively, emerging resource adequacy problems in certain
bidding zones/Member States might not be identified and addressed appropriately. In
addition, as a number of Member States rely on energy-only markets to provide for the
necessary investments in their power systems it would not be appropriate to force them to
adopt CMs.
5.2.9. Summary of specific measures comprising each Option
The following table summarizes the specific measures comprising each package of
measures, as well the corresponding specific measure option considered under each high
level option
. The detailed presentation and assessment of each measure can be found
in the indicated Annex.
The preferred options for the specific measures set out in the annex are highlighted in the table in
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Table 7: Summary of Specific Measures Examined for Problem Area II
Specific Measures
Option 0
Option 1
market/ no
Option 2
Improved energy
market/ CMs only
when needed, based
on a common EU-
wide adequacy
Option 3
Option 4
Baseline (Current market
Improved energy market/ CMs
only when needed, plus cross-
border participation)
Mandatory EU-wide or regional
Specific Measures related to the
Energy Market
+ Price Caps
(Annex 4.1)
+ Locational Price Signals
(Annex 4.2)
As in section 5.1.2
Lower than VoLL
(Annex 4.1.4 Option 0)
Price Zones defined based on
arrangements in CACM Guideline
(4.2.4 Option 0)
Limited harmonisation of the
methodologies setting
transmission tariffs
(Annex 4.3.4 Option 0)
Limited restrictions on the use of
congestion income
(Annex 4.4.4 Option 0)
As in section
(Annex 4.1.4 Option 2)
Strengthened process for deciding on price zones, leading to the definition
of zones based on systematic congestion in networks
(4.2.4 Option 3)
More concrete principles on the setting of transmission tariffs and other
network charges.
(Annex 4.3.4 Option 2)
Nodal Pricing
(4.2.4 Option 1)
Full harmonisation of the
methodologies setting
transmission tariffs
(Annex 4.3.4 Option 3)
+ Transmission Tariff Structures
(Annex 4.3)
+ Congestion Income
Further prescription on the use of congestion income, with the aim of an even more European approach
(Annex 4.4.4 Option 1)
Common EU-wide assessment by ENTSO-E becomes the basis for MS to introduce CMs
(Annex 5.1.4 Option 3)
No EU framework
with rules for cross-
border participation
(Annex 5.2.4 Option
+ Resource Adequacy Plans
(Annex 5.1)
+ Cross-border Participation of
(Annex 5.2)
National plans following different methodologies
(Annex 5.1.4 Option 0)
No EU framework with rules for
cross-border participation
(Annex 5.2.4 Option 0)
Harmonized EU framework for cross-border participation
(Annex 5.2.4 Option 1)
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Options to address Problem Area III (When preparing or managing crisis
situations, Member States tend to disregard the situation across their
5.3.1. Overview of the policy options
With the intention to meet the objectives set out in the previous section, the Commission
services have identified several policy options ranging from an enhanced implementation
of the existing legislation to the full harmonization and decision making at regional level.
Option 0 represents the baseline or the measures currently in place. Each policy option
consists of a package of measures combining existing tools, possible updated and
improved tools and new tools which act upon the drivers of the problem. This section
finalizes with a table summarising all specific measures comprising each option.
The relevant Annex addressing the policy options below is Annex 6.
Table 8: Overview of the Policy Options for Problem Area III
5.3.2. Option 0: Baseline scenario
Purely national approach to electricity crises
Under the baseline scenario, Member States would continue identifying and addressing
possible crisis situations based on a national approach, in accordance with their own
national rules and requirements.
There would be no rules or structures facilitating and guaranteeing a proper identification
of cross-border crisis situations
and ensuring that Member States take the necessary
action to deal with them, in co-operation with one another. Whilst some co-operation
between Member states could take place (e.g., between the Nordic countries as well as
In the framework of the SESAME project (which was financed under FP7) tools were developed for
the identification of grid and production plants vulnerabilities and for estimating the damage resulting
from network failures. However, this project had a more national focus (in particular on Romania and
Austria) and the identification and management of cross-border crisis was outside the scope of this
project (
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within the context of the PLEF
), in practice such cooperation would remain entirely
voluntary, and might be hampered in practice by different national rules and procedures,
and a lack of appropriate structures at regional and EU level.
Innovative tools
have been also developed for TSOs in the area of the system security
in the last years, improving monitoring, prediction and managing secure interconnected
power systems and preventing, in particular, cascading failures
. In addition, the
recently adopted network codes and guidelines bring a certain degree of harmonisation
on how to deal with electricity systems in different states (normal state, alert state,
emergency state, black-out and restoration) and should bring more clarity as to how
TSOs should act in crisis situations, and as to how they should co-operate with one
another. However, network codes and guidelines focus on technical issues and co-
operation between TSOs (in implementation of the current legal framework). They do not
offer a framework ensuring a proper co-ordination and co-operation between Member
States on how to prepare for and handle electricity crisis situations, in particular in
situations of simultaneous scarcity.
For instance, political decisions such as where to curtail, to whom and when, would still
be taken nationally, by reference to very different national rules and regulations. In
addition, any cross-border assistance in times of crisis would be hampered by a lack of
common principles and rules governing co-operation, assistance and cost compensation.
Finally, risks would still assessed and adressed on the basis of very different methods,
and from a national perspective only.
Stakeholders' opinions:
Stakeholders agree that the current framework does not offer
sufficient guarantees that electricity crisis situations are properly prepared for and
handled in Europe. They also take the view that, whilst network codes and guidelines
will offer some solutions at the technical level, there is a need for a better alignment of
national rules and cooperation at the political level
Pentalateral Energy Forum, consisting of the Ministries, NRAs and TSOs of BENELUX, Germany,
France, Austria, Switzerland.
ITESLA project (which was financed under FP7) developed methods and tools for the coordinated
operational planning of power transmission systems, to cope with increased uncertainties and
variability of power flows, with fast fluctuations in the power system as a result of the increased share
of resources connected through power electronics, and with increasing cross-border flows. The project
shows that the reliance on risk-based approaches for corrective actions can avoid costly preventive
measures such as re-dispatching or reduced the overall risk of failure.
In addition the AFTER project (which was financed under FP7) also developed tools for TSOs to
increase their capabilities in creating, monitoring and managing secure interconnected electrical power
system infrastructures, being able to survive major failures and to efficiently restore service supply
after major disruptions (
In addition, whilst the guidelines and codes require TSOs to co-operate, they do not require them to
engage in joint action (e.g. through the ROCs).
See for examle the answers to the public consultation of the International Energy Agency, ENTSO-E.
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5.3.3. Option 0+: Non-regulatory approach
As current legislative framework established by the SoS Directive set general principles
rather than requires Member States to take concrete measures, better implementation and
enforcement actions will be of no avail.
In fact, as the progress report of 2010 shows
, the SoS Directive has been implemented
across Europe, but such implementation did not result in better co-ordinated or clearer
national policies regarding risk preparedness.
In addition, the evaluation of the SoS Directive has revealed the existence of numerous
deficiencies in the current legal framework
. It highlights the ineffectiveness of the SoS
Directive in achieving the objectives pursued, notably contributing to a better security of
supply in Europe. Whilst some of its provisions have been overtaken by subsequent
legislation (notably the Third Package and the TEN-E Regulation), there are still
regulatory gaps notably when it comes to preventing and managing crisis situations.
The evaluation also reveals that the SoS Directive intervention is no longer relevant
today as it does not match the current needs on security of supply. As electricity systems
are increasingly interlinked, purely national approaches to preventing and managing
crisis situations can no longer be considered appropriate. It also concludes that its added
value has been very limited as it created a general framework but left it by and large to
Member States to define their own security of supply standard. Whilst electricity markets
are increasingly intertwined within Europe, there is still no common European
framework governing the prevention and mitigation of electricity crisis situations.
National authorities tend to decide, one-sidedly, on the degree of security they deem
desirable, on how to assess risks (including emerging ones, such as cyber-security) and
on what measures to take to prevent or mitigate them.
The recently adopted network codes and guidelines offer some improvements at the
technical level, but do not address the main problems identified.
In addition, today voluntary cooperation in prevention and crisis management is scarce
across Europe and where it takes place at all, it is often limited to cooperation at the level
of TSOs. It is true that certain Member States collaborate on a voluntary basis in order to
addresss certain of the problems identified (e.g. Nord-BER, PLEF). However, these
initiatives have different levels of ambition and effectiveness, and they geografically
cover only part of the EU electricity market. Therefore, voluntary cooperation will not be
an effective tool to solve the problems identified timely in the whole EU.
Report on the progress concerning measures to safeguard security of electricity supply and
infrastructure investment
COM (2010) 330 final.
See Evaluation of the EU rules on measures to safeguard security of electricity supply and
infrastructure investment (Directive 2005/89/EC).
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5.3.4. Option 1: Common minimum rules to be implemented by Member States
Under Option 1, Member States would have to respect a set of common rules and
principles regarding crisis prevention and management, agreed at the European level
('minimum harmonisation'). In particular, Member States would be obliged to develop
Risk Preparedness Plans
('Plan') with the aim to avoid or better tackle crisis
situations. Plans could be prepared by TSOs, but need to be endorsed at the political
level. Plans should be based on an
of the most relevant crisis scenarios
originated by rare/extreme risks. Such assesment would be carried out in a national
context (as is the case today), but would have to based on a common set of rules. In
particular, Member States would be required, for instance, to consider at least the
following risks: a) rare/extreme natural hazards, b) accidental hazards which go beyond
N-1, c) consequential hazards such as fuel shortage, d) malicious attacks (terrorist
attacks, cyberattacks).
Plans would have to respect a set of common minimum requirements. They would need
to set out who does what to prevent and to manage crisis situations, including in a
situation of a crisis affecting more than one countrry at the same time. More specifically
Member States would need to set out in the Plans how they will
prevent and manage cyberattack situations. This would be combined with soft guidance
on cybersecurity in the energy sector, based on the NIS Directive
. Member States
would also be required to set out how they ensure that assets that are important from a
security of supply perspective, are protected against undue influences in case ownership
control changes.
Plans should be adopted by relevant governments / ministries, following an inclusive
process, and (at least some parts of the Plans) should be rendered public. Plans should be
updated on a regular basis.
In addition, under Option 1 there would be
new common rules and principles
governing crisis management,
in replacement of the current Article 42 of the Electricity
Directive, which allows Member States to take 'safeguard measures' in crisis situations.
All crisis management actions (whether taken at the level of the TSOs or at the level of
governments) would need to respect three principles:
'Market comes first':
Non-market measures (such as obligatory demand reduction
schemes) should only be introduced as a means of last resort, when duly justified,
and should be temporary in nature. Use of such measures should not undermine
market and system functioning;
'Duty to offer assistance':
Member States would be obliged to address electricity
crisis situations, in particular situations of a simultaneous crisis, in a spirit of co-
operation and solidarity. This means agreeing in advance on practical solutions on
Directive (EU) 2016/1148 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 2016 concerning
measures for a high common level of security of network and information systems across the Union,
OJ L 194, 19.07.2016, p. 1-30.
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e.g. where to shed load and how much in cross-border crisis situations, subject to
financial compension (which is also to be agreed upon in advance).
'Transparency and information exchange':
Member States should inform each
other and the Commission without undue delay when they see a crisis situation
coming (e.g., as a result of a seasonal outlook pointing at upcoming problems) or
when being in a crisis situation. They should also be transparent about measures
taken and their effect, both when taking them and afterwards.
The main benefits this option would bring is better preparedness, due to the fact that a
common approach is followed across Europe, thus excluding the risk that some Member
States being 'under-prepare'. In addition, better preparedness is likely to reduce the
chances of premature market interventions, where Member States act in a transparent
manner and on the basis of a clear set of rules. By imposing obligations to cooperate and
lend assistance, Member States are also less likely to 'over-protect' themselves against
possible crisis situations, which in turn will contribute to more security of supply at a
lesser cost. Since a 'minimum' harmonisation approach would be followed, Member
States would have still room to take account of national specificities, where needed and
Stakeholders' opinions:
A large majority of stakeholders is in favour of risk
preparedness plans based on common rules and principles, as a tool to ensure a more
common and more transparent approach. Consulted stakeholders
agree on the need for
a common approach what Member States can do in crisis situations and call for more
5.3.5. Option 2: Common minimum rules to be implemented by Member States, plus
regional co-operation
Option 2 would build on Option 1. It would include all common rules included in Option
1 (i.e., define a set of minimum obligations Member States would need to respect). In
addition, it would put in place rules and tools to ensure that effective cross-border co-
operation takes place, in a regional and EU context. Given the interlinked nature of EU's
electricity systems, enhanced regional co-operation brings clear benefits when it comes
to preventing and managing crisis situations.
First, under Option 2, there would be a
systematic assessment of rare/ extreme risks at
the regional level.
The identification of crisis scenarios would be carried out by ENTSO-
E, who would carry out such assessments in a regional context. To achieve this, ENTSO-
E would be able to delegate all or part of its tasks to the ROCs. This regional approach
would ensure that the risks originating across borders, including scenarios of a possible
simultaneous crisis, are taken into account. The crisis scenarios identified by ENTSO-E
would be also discussed in the Electricity Coordination Group, to ensure that a coherent
and transparent approach is followed across Europe. For
building on
Option 1, the Commission would propose the development of a network code/guidelines
See for example the Public Consultation answers of the Dutch and Latvian Governments, GEODE,
CEDEC, EDF UK, TenneT, Eurelectric and Europex welcoming risk preparendess plans.
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which would ensure a minimum level of harmonization in the energy sector throughout
the EU
The Risk Preparedness Plans would contain two parts
a part reflecting national
measures and a part reflecting measures to be pre-agreed in a regional context.
latter part includes in particular preparatory measures such as simulations of
simultaneous crisis situations in neighbouring Member States
("stress tests" in regional
organised by ENTSO-E who can delegate all or part of its tasks to the ROCs);
procedures for
with other Member States in different crisis scenarios, as
well as agreements on
how to deal with simultaneous electricity crisis situations.
Through such regional agreements, Member States would be required to define in
advance, in a regional context, how information will be shared, how they will ensure that
markets can work as long as possible, and what kind of assistance will be offered accross
borders, For instance, Member States would be required to agree in advance in which
situations and according to what priorities customers would be curtailed in simultaneous
crisis situations. The regional coordination of plans would build trust and confidence
between Member States, which is crucial in times of crisis. It would also allow
optimising scarce resources in times of crisis, whilst ensuring that markets can work as
long as possible.
The regional parts of the Plans should be pre-agreed in a regional context. Such
regionally co-ordinated plans would help ensure that increased TSO cooperation is
effectively matched by a more structured cooperation between Member States.
For this
reason, Member States would be called upon to co-operate and agree in the context of the
same regional settings as are used for the ROCs. Effective regional co-operation and
agreements would help ensure that electricity crisis situations are dealt with in the most
effective manner, whilst respecting the needs of electricity consumers and systems at
To facilitate cross-border cooperation, Member States should designate one 'competent
authority', belonging either to the national administration or to the NRA.
would be required to develop a
common method
for carrying
out short-term risk assessments, to be used in the context of seasonal outlooks and
weekly risk assessments by TSOs.
To allow for a precise monitoring,
of how well Member States'
systems perform in the area of security of supply, harmonised security of supply
The network code/guidelines should take into account at least: a) methodology to identify operators of
essential services for the energy sector; b) risk classification scheme; c) minimum cyber-security
prerequisites to ensure that the identified operators of essential services for the energy sector follow
minimum rules to protect and respond to impacts on operational network security taking the identified
risks into account. A harmonized procedure for incident reporting for the energy sector shall be part of
the minimum prerequisites.
For cases of crisis, in particular simultaneous scarcity, also ENTSO-E sees a need for
"not only on a
technical level but political cooperation"
and plans which
"should cover extreme crisis situations
beyond the measures provided by e.g. network codes and RSCs services"
(Source: ENTSO-E (2016):
"Recommendations to the regulatory framework on risk preparedness (WS5)").
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would be introduced, as well as obligation on Member States
to inform the
Electricity Coordination Group and the Commission on crisis situations,
impact and the measures taken. This would enhance transparency, comparability and
mutual trust in neighbours.
Further, in this option, the role of the
Electricity Coordination Group
would be
reinforced, so that it can act as an effective forum to monitor security of supply in Europe
and oversee the way (possible) electricity crisis situations are dealt with. For instance, the
Group would be asked to review the cross-border crisis scenario's developed by ENTSO-
E and to review
ex ante
risk preparedness plans put in place by Member States. The
Group could issue recommendations and develop best practice. Overall, the
reinforcement of its tasks and powers would contribute to enhance cooperation and to
build trust and confidence among Member States.
Figure 7: Overview of measures in Option 2
Source: DG ENER
The members of the Electricity Coordination Group are Member States authorities (ministries
competent for Energy), National Regulatory Authorities, ACER and ENTSO-E.
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Stakeholders' opinions:
The majority of consulted stakeholders are in favour of regional
coodination of risk preparedness plans
and a stronger co-ordinating role of the
Electricity Coordination Group
. Various stakeholders make the case for a common
methodology for assessing risks in various time horizons, to detect cross-border crisis
situations and guarantee comparability of results
. Several stakeholders also see a need
for clear rules and
cross-border agreements to ensure that markets function as
long as possible in (simultaneous) crisis situations
European Electricity Regulatory Forum, Florence:
The Florence Forum
welcomes a more co-ordinated approach to risk preparedness based on risk preparendess
plans and a common framework for how to deal with (simultaneous) crisis situations,
including the principle that the market should act first
"The Forum recognises the need for more co-ordination across Member States and
clearer rules on coping with electricity crisis situations. It encourages the Commission to
quickly bring the draft Emergency and Restoration Network Code forward for discussion
with the Member States. It also welcomes the Commission's work on a new proposal on
risk preparedness in the electricity sector and considers that risk preparedness plans and
common framework for how to deal with critical situations should be its key builing
blocks. It stresses the need that all action on risk preparedness should respect the
principle that the market should act first."
The European Parliament
calls for more regional co-operation, notably as regards
'action to be taken in the event of an electricity crisis, in particular when such a crisis
has cross-border effects,'
and calls on the Commission
'to propose a revised framework
to that end".
The Council recognizes the responsibility of Member States for ensuring
security of supply but sees a "benefit
from a more coordinated and efficient approach",
necessity to work on a further harmonization of of methods for assessing norms and
indicators for security of supply"
and "a
need to develop a more common approach to
preparing for and managing crisis situations within the EU".
See for example the Public Consultation answers of the Finish, Dutch, Norwegian governments,
TenneT and the German Association of Local Utilities.
See for example the Public Consultation answers of the Dutch government and ENTSO-E.
See for example the Public Consultation answers of the Dutch government, EDF, ENTSO-E.
See for example ENTSO-E's presentation on Capacity Mechanisms (TOP 2.4) from the Florence
Forum in June 2016 (available here:
See conclusions from Florence Forum, March 2016, paragraph 10.
See European Parliament:
Towards a New Energy Market Design
(2016), Werner Langen, paragraph
Messages from the Presidency on electricity market design and regional cooperation
(2016), Note
to the Permanent Representatives Committee/Council, paragraph 7.
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5.3.6. Option 3: Full harmonisation and decision-making at regional level
Building on Option 2, under Option 3 the
risk preparedness plans
would be developed
regional level.
This would allow a harmonised response to potential crisis situations
in each region. On
Option 3 would go one step further and nominate a
dedicated body (agency) to deal with cybersecurity in the energy sector. The creation of
the agency would guarantee full harmonisation on risk preparedness, communication,
coordination and a coordinated cross-border reaction on cyberincidents.
Crisis would have to be managed according to the regional plans
agreed among
Member States. The Commission would determine the key elements of the regional plans
such as: commonly agreed regional load-shedding plans, rules on customer
categorisation, a harmonised definition of protected customers at regional level or
specific rules on crisis information exchanges in the region.
crisis handling,
under Option 3, a
detailed 'emergency rulebook'
would be
put in place, containing an exhaustive list of measures that can be taken by Member
States in crisis situations, with detailed indications as regards what measures can be
taken, in what circumstances and when.
Stakeholders' opinions:
The results of the public consultation showed that only few
stakeholders were in favour of regional or EU wide plans. Some stakeholders mentioned
the possibility to have plans on all three levels (national, regional and EU)
Whilst stakeholders generally acknowledge the need for more commonality and more
regional co-operation on risk prevention and management, there is no support for a fully
harmonised approach based on rulebooks
5.3.7. Discarded Options
Option 0+ was disregarded as no means for enhanced implementing of the existing
acquis were identified.
5.3.8. Summary of specific measures comprising each Option
The following table summarizes the specific measures to be taken under each option
A more detailed discussion can be found in annex.
See for example the Public Consultation answers of Latvian government, EDSO, GEODE, Europex.
See for example the Public Consultation answers of the Finish and German governments.
The preferred options for the specific measures set out in the annex are highlighted in the table in
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Table 8: Sumary of Specific Measures Examined for Problem Area III
Option 0
Option 0+
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Common minimum EU rules for
prevention and crisis management
Common minimum EU rules plus regional
cooperation, building on Option 1
Full harmonisation and full
decision-making at regional
level, building on Option 2
All rare/extreme risks
undermining security of supply
assessed at the EU level, which
would be prevailing over
national assessment.
Rare/extreme risks
and short-term risks
related to security of
supply are assessed
from a national
Risk identification &
assessment methods
differ across Member
This option was
disregarded as no
means for
implementing of
the existing acquis
nor for enhanced
cooperation were
Member States to identify and assess
rare/extreme risks based on common risk
ENTSO-E to identify cross-border electricity
crisis scenarios caused by rare/extreme risks, in
a regional context. Resulting crisis scenarios to
be discussed in the Electricity Coordination
Common methodology to be followed for
short-term risk assessments (ENTSO-E
Seasonal Outlooks and week-ahead
assessments of the RSCs).
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Member States take
measures to prevent
and prepare for
electricity crisis
situations focusing on
national approach,
and without
sufficiently taking
into account cross-
border impacts.
No common approach
to risk prevention &
preparation (e.g., no
common rules on how
to tackle
cybersecurity risks).
Member States to develop mandatory
national Risk Preparedness Plans setting
out who does what to prevent and
manage electricity crisis situations.
Plans to be submitted to the Commission
and other Member States for
Plans need to respect common minimum
requirements. As regards cybersecurity,
specific guidance would be developed.
Mandatory Risk Preparedness Plans including
a national and a regional part. The regional part
should address cross-border issues (such as
joint crisis simulations, and joint arrangements
for how to deal with situations of simultaneous
crisis) and needs to be agreed by Member
States within a region.
Plans to be consulted with other Member States
in the relevant region and submitted for prior
consultation and recommendations by the
Electricity Coordination Group.
Member States to designate a 'competent
authority' as responsible body for coordination
and cross-border cooperation in crisis
Development of a network code/guideline
addressing specific rules to be followed for the
Extension of planning & cooperation
obligations to Energy Community partners.
Mandatory Regional Risk
Preparedness Plans, subject to
binding opinions from the
European Commission.
Detailed templates for the plans
to be followed.
A dedicated body would be
created to deal with
cybersecurity in the energy
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Each Member State
takes measures in
reaction to crisis
situations based on its
own national rules
and technical TSO
No co-ordination of
actions and measures
beyond the technical
(system operation)
level. In particular,
there are no rules on
how to coordinate
actions in
simultaneous crisis
situations between
adjacent markets.
No systematic
(beyond the technical
Monitoring of
security of supply
predominantly at the
national level.
ECG as a voluntary
information exchange
Minimum common rules on crisis
prevention and management (including
the management of joint electricity crisis
situations) requiring Member States to:
(i) not to unduly interference with
(ii) to offer assistance to others where
needed, subject to financial
compensation, and to;
(iii) inform neighbouring Member States
and the Commission, as of the moment
that there are serious indications of an
upcoming crisis or during a crisis.
Minimum obligations as set out in Option 1.
Cooperation and assistance in crisis between
Member States, in particular simultaneous
crisis situations, should be agreed ex-ante; also
agreements needed regarding financial
compensation. This also includes agreements
on where to shed load, when and to whom.
Details of the cooperation and assistance
arrangements and resulting compensation
should be described in the Risk Preparedness
Crisis is managed according to
the regional plans, including
regional load-shedding plans,
rules on customer categorisation,
a harmonized definition of
'protected customers' and a
detailed 'emergency rulebook'
set forth at the EU level.
Systematic discussion of ENTSO-E
Seasonal Outlooks in ECG and follow up
of their results by Member States
Systematic monitoring of security of supply in
Europe, on the basis of a fixed set of indicators
and regular outlooks and reports produced by
ENTSO-E, via the Electricity Coordination
Systematic reporting on electricity crisis events
and development of best practices via the
Electricity Coordination Group.
A European Standard (e.g. for
EENS and LOLE) on Security of
Supply could be developed to
allow performance monitoring
of Member States.
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Options to address Problem Area IV (Slow deployment and low levels of
services and poor market performance)
5.4.1. Overview of the policy options
To recap, the drivers in this Problem Area are:
Low levels of competition on retail markets;
Low levels of consumer engagement;
Market failures that prevent effective data flow between market actors.
Each policy option consists of a package of measures that addresses the problem drivers
in a different way and to a different extent. They aim to tackle the existing competition
and technical barriers to the emergence of new services, better levels of service, and
lower consumer prices, whilst ensuring the protection of energy poor consumers.
Box 5: Overview of the Policy Options for Problem Area IV
In the following sub-sections the policy options and the packages of measures they
comprise are described. This section is closed by a table summarising all specific
measures comprising each option.
The relevant annexes addressing the policy options below are: 7.1 to 7.6.
5.4.2. Option 0: Baseline Scenario - Non-competitive retail markets with poor consumer
engagement and poor data flows
Under this option no new legislation is adopted, there are no further efforts to clarify the
existing legislation through guidance, and no additional work through non-regulatory
means to address the problem drivers. It assumes that the future situation will remain
more or less the same as today.
Stakeholders' opinions:
A significant number of stakeholders consider that the level of
competition in retail markets is too low and there is no record of significant support for
current market arrangements and their organic development. The sole exception is on
billing information, where energy suppliers and industry associations indicate that there
may be little scope for EU action to ensure bills facilitate consumer engagement in the
market due to subsidiarity considerations.
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5.4.3. Option 0+: Non-regulatory approach to address competition and consumer
Under this option, the problem drivers are addressed to the greatest extent possible
without resorting to new legislation. This means strengthening enforcement to tackle
cases of the non-transposition or incorrect application of existing legislation, new
Commission guidance to tackle implementation issues related to difficulties in
interpreting the existing legislation, and examining new soft law provisions to address
gaps in the legislation itself.
To improve competition, bilateral consultations are held with Member States to
progressively phase out price regulation, starting with prices below costs. Should it be
clear that Member State interventions in price setting are not proportionate, justified by
the general economic interest or not compliant with any other condition specified in the
current EU acquis
, then enforcement action is taken under the existing
recent Court judgements, which require these criteria. Section 7.1.1 of the Evaluation
argues that the regulation of electricity and gas prices limits consumer choice, restricts
competition, and discourages investment.
To improve consumer engagement, the Commission issues an interpretative note on the
existing provisions in the Electricity and Gas Directives covering switching-related fees.
Section 7.1.1 and Annex IV of the Evaluation show that the current framework remains
both complex and open to interpretation with regard to the nature and scope of certain
key obligations.
The Commission works to ensure the dissemination and uptake of the key cross-sectorial
principles for comparison tools. Enforcement action follows. Nevertheless, Section 7.3.5
and Annex V of the Evaluation show that the relevance of the existing legislation is
challenged by the fact that it is not adapted to reflect new ways of consumer-market
interaction, such as through comparison tools.
The Commission also develops a Recommendation on energy bills that builds upon the
recommendations prepared by the Citizen's Energy Forum's Working Group on e-Billing
and Personal Energy Data Management
. Section 7.1.1 and Annex V of the Evaluation
show that there is poor consumer satisfaction with energy bills, and poor awareness of
information conveyed in bills. This suggests that there may still be scope to improve the
comparability and clarity of billing information.
Finally, to better protect energy poor and vulnerable consumers
, the Commission
establishes the EU Energy Poverty Observatory which will contribute to the sharing of
Article 3(2) of the Electricity Directive and of the Gas Directive
As a result of the Third Energy Package, Member States have to defined and protect vulnerable
consumers in energy markets. The evaluation of the provisions related to consumer vulnerability found
the definitions of vulnerable consumers to vary widely across Member States. ACER grouped these
definitions in two groups (i) explicit definitions when characteristics of vulnerability are stated in the
definition such as age, income, or health; and (ii) implicit definitions when vulnerability is linked to be
beneficiary of a social support measure. A study commissioned by DG ENER concluded that energy
Policy options
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good practices and strengthens enforcement around existing requirements for National
Regulatory Authorities to monitor disconnection rates
an area identified as lacking in
the Evaluation (Section 7.1.1 and Annex III).
However, no action is taken to address the market failures that prevent effective data
flow between market actors. As this involves tackling possible conflicts of interest
among market actors, non-regulatory measures were not deemed appropriate to credibly
addressing this problem driver. Section 7.3.6 and Annex IX of the Evaluation show that
the current legislation was not designed to address currently known challenges in
managing large, commercially valuable consumption data flows.
By tackling regulatory interventions in price setting, this option would enable suppliers
to profitably develop value-added products, thus fostering innovation in energy retail
markets. It would also promote the consumer-driven uptake of such innovative products
by addressing switching fees, unreliable comparison tools and unclear bills
each a key
barrier to consumer engagement.
Stakeholders' opinions:
There are no explicit opinions among the stakeholders on a
non-regulatory approach. However, some of the points raised by the stakeholders, like
increased transparency on switching suppliers, exit fees, comparison tools as well as
transparent bills, may be addressed by non-regulatory measures.
5.4.4. Option 1: Flexible legislation addressing all problem drivers
Under this option, all problem drivers are addressed through new legislation that provides
Member States leeway to adapt their laws to the conditions in national markets.
To improve competition, Member States progressively phase out blanket price regulation
by a deadline specified in new EU legislation, starting with prices below costs.
Transitional, targeted price regulation for vulnerable consumers is permitted (e.g. in the
form of social tariffs), allowing a case-by-case assessment of the proportionality of
exemptions to price regulation that takes into account the social and economic
particularities in Member States.
To both improve competition and reduce transaction costs in the market, consumer data
management rules that can be applied independently of the national data-management
model are put in place. These include criteria and measures to ensure the impartiality of
market actors involved in data handling, as well as the implementation of standardised,
national data formats to facilitate data access. These measures aim at eliminating barriers
to entry associated with data access, and helping all market actors provide a higher level
of service to consumers through the efficiencies that information technology offers.
To increase consumer engagement, the use of contract termination fees is restricted. Such
fees are only permissible for the early termination of fixed-term contracts, and they must
be cost-reflective. Consumer confidence in comparison websites is fostered through
poverty is usually a narrower term than vulnerability as it mostly refers to lack of affordability of
energy services.
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national authorities implementing a certification tool for the most useful and reliable
websites in their markets. In addition, high-level principles ensure that energy bills are
clear, easy to understand, and free from unnecessary information, whilst leaving Member
States some scope to tailor billing format and content to national requirements. Certain
information elements in bills would be mandatory and would need to be prominently
displayed to facilitate the comparison of offers and switching.
Finally, to better protect energy poor and vulnerable consumers, an improved, principle-
based EU legal framework to support Member State action on vulnerable and energy
poor consumers is put in place. A generic adaptable, definition of energy poverty based
on household income and energy expenditure is included in the legislation for the first
time. Member States would measure and report energy poverty with reference to
household income and energy expenditure, and NRAs would publish the number of
disconnections due to non-payment
figures they should already be collecting under the
current legislation. These actions are taken cumulatively, on top of the non-regulatory
measures on energy poverty described in Section 5.4.3.
These measures build upon the existing provisions on energy poverty in the Electricity
and Gas Directives which state that Member States must adress energy poverty where it
is identified. They offer the necessary clarity about the meaning of energy poverty, as
well as, the transparency with regards to the number of household in energy poverty.
Better monitoring of energy poverty across the EU will, on one hand, help Member
States to be more alert about the number of households falling into energy poverty, and
on the other hand, peer pressure will also encourage Member States to put in place
measures to reduce energy poverty. Since currently available data can be used to measure
energy poverty, the administrative cost is limited
. Likewise, the actions proposed do
not condition Member States on their primary competence of social policy, hence,
respecting the principle of subsidiarity.
Taken together, this option would strongly promote innovation on retail markets by
ensuring that new entrants and energy service companies receive non-discriminatory
access to consumer data
access that will allow these market actors to develop and offer
the value-added products that (integrated) incumbents have not. A firm commitment to
phase out blanket price regulation would enable suppliers in many Member States to
differentiate their offers to consumers through non-price competition. And by tackling
financial barriers to switching, improving the availability of comparison tools and
helping consumers understand important information in their bills; this option would
increase consumer engagement with the market and the selective pressure for new
EPRG Working paper 1515 (2015), "Why
Do More British Consumers Not Switch Energy Suppliers?"
by X. He D. Reiner:
"We conclude that policies which emphasize simplification of energy tariffs,
increasing convenience of switching, improving consumers’ concerns about energy issues, improving
consumers’ confidence to exercise switch are likely to increase consumer activity."
See Annex 7.1, Table 16.
Policy options
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Stakeholders' opinions:
Feedback indicates that the general principles put forward as
part of Option 1 would likely enjoy broad support amongst stakeholders. The sole
exception would be the measures on billing information, where energy suppliers and
industry associations have stated that there may be little scope for EU action. However,
even here, the general principles proposed in this option would give broad leeway to
Member States to tailor national requirements to the conditions and consumer
preferences in each market.
5.4.5. Option 2: EU Harmonization and extensive safeguards for consumers addressing
all problem drivers
Under this option, all problem drivers are addressed through new legislation that aims to
provide maximum safeguards for consumers and the extensive harmonisation of Member
State action throughout the EU.
To improve competition, Member States progressively phase out all blanket price
regulation, starting with prices below costs, by a deadline specified in new EU
legislation, as per Option 1 (flexible legislation). However, exemptions to price
regulation are defined at the EU level in terms of either: a) a price threshold to be defined
based on principles ensuring coverage of the cost incurred by the energy undertakings
above which Member States may set retail prices; and/or b) a consumption threshold
below which household may benefit from a regulated tariff.
To both improve competition and reduce transaction costs in the market, a standard
consumer data handling model is enforced. This assigns the responsibility for data
handling to a neutral market actor, such as a TSO or independent third-party, eliminating
all possibility of conflicts of interest. Nationally standardised formats are devised to
facilitate data access to all market actors concerned, including cross-border access.
To increase consumer engagement, all switching-related fees are banned, including
contract termination fees. NRAs establish comparison websites to ensure consumers have
access to at least one neutral comparison resource, alongside private sector offerings. In
addition, the format and content of energy bills is partially harmonized through the
inclusion of a standard 'comparability box' that prescriptively presents key information in
exactly the same way in every EU bill.
Finally, to better protect energy poor and vulnerable consumers, a uniform EU
framework to monitor energy poverty and reduce disconnections is put in place. A
specific, harmonised definition of energy poverty is included in EU legislation referring
to households that fall below the poverty line after meeting their required energy needs.
In order to measure energy poverty, Member States survey the energy efficiency of their
national housing stock and calculate the amount of energy, and costs, required to make
all housing comfortable. These survey results are reported to the Commission.
In addition, a host of preventive measures on disconnections are put in place: (i) Member
States are to give all customers at least two months (approximately 40 working days)
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notice before a disconnection from the first unpaid bill; (ii) before a disconnection, all
customers receive information on sources of support, and are offered the possibility to
delay payments or restructure their debts; and (iii) the disconnection of vulnerable
consumers is prohibited in winter.
These actions are taken cumulatively, on top of the
non-regulatory measures on energy poverty described in Sections 5.4.3.
As with Option 1 (Flexible legislation), this option would strongly promote innovation
on retail markets through non-discriminatory access to consumer data, a firm
commitment to phase out blanket price regulation, and by tackling barriers to consumer
engagement. However, any negative impacts to competition resulting from the stronger,
and more costly, safeguards for the vulnerable and energy poor may also reduce the
availability of new services. In addition, Member States may be better suited to design
disconnection safeguard schemes to ensure that synergies between general national social
service provisions and disconnection safeguards are achieved.
Stakeholders' opinions:
Whilst many stakeholders support the objectives Option 2 aims
to achieve, several have flagged reservations regarding the prescriptive approach to
achieving them. In particular, NRAs have voiced their unease over an over-prescriptive
EU billing format, and recommend that the decision on whether or not to allow contract
exit fees is best taken at the national level. NRAs also point out that it is their role to
define the appropriate methodologies for applicable price regulation. Most of the
Member States consider that the model for data handling should be best decided at
national level. And finally, whilst many stakeholders have supported comparison tool
accreditation schemes (Option 1
flexible legislation), none have called for government
authorities to provide comparison tools exclusively.
5.4.6. Summary of specific measures comprising each Option
The following table summarizes the specific measures comprising each package of
measures, as well the corresponding specific measure option considered under each high
level option.
The detailed presentation and assessment of each measure can be found
in the indicated Annex.
Similar legislation is already in place in 14 Member States.
The preferred options for the specific measures set out in the annex are highlighted in the table in
Policy options
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Table 9: Summary of Specific Measures Examined for Problem Area IV
Specific Measures
Option 0
Option 0+
Non-regulatory approach
EU observatory for energy
poverty. Sharing of good
practices and increase efforts
to correctly implement
legislation (Annex 7.1.4
Option 0+)
Option 1
Flexible legislation
Option 2
Harmonization and extensive consumer safeguards
Introducing a specific, harmonised definition of energy
poverty in EU legislation, a comprehensive EU framework
to monitor energy poverty based on an energy efficiency
survey of the housing stock, and a host of preventive
measures to avoid disconnections (Annex 7.1.4 Option 2)
Requiring MS to progressively
phase out price regulation for
households below a certain
consumption threshold to be
defined in new EU legislation or
by MS, with support from
Commission services
(Annex 7.2.4 Option 2a)
Requiring MS to phase
out below cost price
regulation by a
deadline specified in
new EU legislation
(Annex 7.2.4Option
Energy poverty
and disconnection
protection (Annex
Sharing of good
practices(Annex 7.1.4
Option 0)
Introducing a generic adaptable, definition
of energy poverty in EU legislation, and
setting an EU framework to monitor
energy poverty (Annex 7.1.4 Option 1)
Price regulation
(Annex 7.2)
Making use of existing acquis to continue bilateral
consultations and enforcement actions to restrict price
regulation to proportionate situations justified by manifest
public interest
(Annex 7.2.4 Option 0)
Requiring MS to progressively phase out
price regulation for households, starting
with prices below costs, by a deadline
specified in new EU legislation, while
allowing transitional, targeted price
regulation for vulnerable customers
(Annex 7.2.4 Option 1)
EU data management rules that can be
applied independently of the national data-
management model (Annex 7.3.4 Option
Flexible legislative measures to further
limit switching-related charges,
establishing a certification scheme to
improve consumer confidence in
comparison tools, and making information
in bills clearer through minimum content
requirements (not format) (Annexes 7.4.4,
7.5.4 and 7.6.4 Option 1)
(Annex 7.3)
Member States are primarily responsible on deciding roles
and responsibilities in data handling (Annex 7.3.4 Option 0)
A standard EU data management model (data hub) (Annex
7.3.4 Option 2)
(Annexes 7.4, 7.5
and 7.6)
Lacklustre consumer
engagement persists,
diminishing the demand
for new services and
competitive pressure in the
Improved EU guidance and
Recommendations on
switching-related charges and
comparison tools (Annexes
7.4.4, and 7.5.4 Option 0+)
Outlawing all switching-related charges, making all
national authorities offer (or fund) an independent
comparison tool, and full EU harmonization of the
presentation of certain information in bills (Annexes 7.4.4,
7.5.4 and 7.6.4 Option 2)
Policy options
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This section assesses the impacts of the options under each Problem Area. The analysis
focuses on the broad impacts of those options. The impacts of the specific measures included
in each option are assessed in more detail in separate annexes attached to this impact
Each option was assessed both quantitatively and qualitatively, in an effort to capture at the
highest possible detail the impacts of the underlying measures within each option. When
reliable quantitative analysis or information was not available, the assessment could only be
performed qualitatively, based on specific criteria.
Assessment of economic impacts for Problem Area I (Market design not fit for an
increasing share of variable decentralized generation and technological
6.1.1. Methodological Approach Assessed
The market design options are examined on the basis of their effectiveness in addressing the
identified problems and achieving the desired objectives, while at the same time facilitating
the delivery of the 2030 climate and energy targets
in a cost-efficient and secure way for
the whole of Europe.
As the examined measures focus on the better functioning of the electricity markets
economic impacts are in particular analysed with respect to competition, cost-efficiency,
better utilization of resources, as well as impacts on security of electricity supply.
The effect of the measures on the wholesale markets will induce indirect social impacts and
have limited effect on innovation and research. The effects of energy market related polices
on employment are primarily associated with the policy measures seeking to secure the
achievement of the 2030 decarbonisation objectives
. They will therefore not be assessed in-
depth for all options.
Some indirect environmental impacts are also expected, due to the different types of fuel used
for power generation, as a well-functioning flexible electricity market would incentivize the
increase of low carbon generation.
Note that these options are not touching the issue of investment, which is examined under Problem Area II.
Therefore the same power generation mix is assumed for all options.
Reference is hence made to the impacts assessments for the EE and RED II initiatives and the one
elaborated in the context of Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council,
the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, "A
policy framework for
climate and energy in the period from 2020 up to 2030"
(SWD(2014) 15 final)
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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Other significant impacts, direct or indirect, are not expected for the examined options, unless
specifically noted.
The assessment is presented individually for each option, with qualitative analysis and
interpretation of quantitative results. Summary tables reporting the modelling results for all
options are included in section 6.1.6. and use of studies
For most of the quantitative analysis, the METIS
modelling software was used to underpin
the findings on the impact of the different options. METIS is a modular energy modelling
software covering with high granularity (geographical, time) the whole European power
system and markets. Simulations adopted a Member State-level spatial granularity and an
hourly temporal resolution for year 2030 (8760 consecutive time-steps per year), capturing
also the uncertainty related to demand and RES E power generation.
For consistency with all parallel European Commission work on the 2030 Energy and Climate
Framework, in the Red II, EE and Effort Sharing Regulation impact assessments, METIS was
set-up (calibrated) such as to reflect as close as possible
the year 2030 projection of the
power sector in the PRIMES EUCO27 scenario. The PRIMES EUCO27 scenario
, built on
the EU Reference Scenario 2016, ensures a cost-efficient achievement of at least 40% GHG
reduction (including agreed split of reductions between ETS and non-ETS), 27% RES and
27% EE target.
A stand-alone analysis of the impact of potential policies promoting downstream price and
incentive based demand response, at all customer segments (industrial, commercial,
residential), has also been undertaken (detailed information hereon can be found in Annex
3.1). The options analysed looked at how to reach the full potential of demand response in
order to reduce overall system costs, considering (i) both price and incentive based demand
response, and their combination, as well as (ii) the level of access of demand service providers
to the market (access rules and incentives), and (iii) customers' ability to react (by means of
access to required technologies-smart metering, tariff structures and knowledge) for engaging
in price based demand response. The analysis focused on the assessment of the theoretical
potential of demand response, based on the nature of the electricity use/ability to shift demand
by different clusters of consumers, its current level, and how the different options are likely to
increase the share of the theoretical potential being realised, as well as in the estimation of
associated cost and benefits.
A detailed description of the METIS model can be found in Annex IV, including details on the implemented
modelling methodology.
A detailed description of the METIS calibration to PRIMES EUCO27 can be found in Annex IV.
More details on the methodological approach followed concerning the baseline, on EUCO27, as well as on
the coherence with the scenarios of all parallel initiatives can be found in Annex IV.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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1730779_0143.png of Main Impacts
Figure 8 below summarizes the annual quantified benefits of the assessed options for 2030
as presented in detail in sections 6.1.2 to 6.1.5. It illustrates the significant benefits of the
measures under Options 1 to adapt the market design, with annual savings in 2030 of EUR 5.9
billion only for Sub-option 1(a) (level playing field), EUR 8.6 billion for 1(b) (strengthening
short-term markets) and EUR 9.5 billion for Sub-option 1(c) (demand response/distributed
resources). For Option 2 (fully integrated market) the calculated benefits would amount to
EUR 10.6 billion.
Figure 8: Annual cost savings for Problem Area I in 2030 by option
Source: METIS of Baseline
(Current Market Arrangements)
Under the baseline, the power system in 2030 relies heavily for energy on RES E generators,
as well as conventional generation which is to a large degree inflexible. In particular, the
share of RES E in electricity generation has almost reached 50%, thus being equal to the share
of all other conventional generation together (i.e. gas, coal, lignite, nuclear, oil). The share of
variable generation (solar and wind) in total generation approaches 30% across Europe.
Concerning conventional generation, nuclear holds a 22% share, coal and lignite a 15% share,
and natural gas 13%. The respective shares tend to differentiate across EU regions, based on
the particularities of each region (Figure 9).
All impacts were assessed for one full year (8760 hours) reflecting projected situation in 2030. Reported
figures are in annual real terms (€'13).
The assumptions concerning the baseline can be found in Section 5.1.2 and in Annex IV.
Although all modelling work was based on the PRIMES EUCO27, the PRIMES scenario has as a basic
assumption the existence of well-functioning competitive markets. As this is the ultimate goal of the
assessed measures, the baseline departs form EUCO27, reflecting the observed distortions or inefficiencies
of current market arrangements.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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Figure 9: Shares of Electricity Generation per Region
in EU in the Baseline
Region 5
Region 4
Region 3
Region 2
Region 1
Region 1
Variable RES
Biomass, Waste
& Other RES
Region 2
Region 3
Region 4
Region 5
Source: METIS
A number of rules affecting dispatch remain in place, most notably priority dispatch
RES E and that certain technologies are considered as must-run
, reflecting current practices
and nominations in the market. In fact special dispatch rules concern 60% of total installed
capacity (752 GW on a total of 1,247 GW).
For the modelling purposes, an indicative split of Europe into five regions was made as follows (Cyprus was
excluded as assumed not directly interconnected to the rest countries):
Region 1 (CE):
Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Demark, France, Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg,
Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia
Region 2 (NEE):
Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden and Norway.
Region 3 (NWE):
Ireland and UK
Region 4 (SWE):
Portugal and Spain
Region 5 (SEE):
Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, and Romania
In "Evaluating
the impacts of priority dispatch in the European electricity market",
Oggioni et al (2014),
show using a stylized model that significant increase of wind penetration under priority dispatch can cause
even the collapse of the EU Target Mode. Test-runs performed using METIS came to a similar conclusion.
Initial runs lead to significant hours of loss of load for many MS. In order to resolve this issue a "softened"
definition for priority dispatch was assumed for the modelling, allowing the curtailment of units (which
should not be normally the case under priority dispatch) but at a cost.
In general, when scheduled in day ahead, must-run units cannot be decommitted during intraday and are
required to operate at least at their technical minimum level. For the scope of the modelling, coal and lignite
units were assumed as being must-run in the baseline. Day-ahead scheduling was assumed though always
optimal (so only units with priority dispatch were assumed to disrupt the economic merit order in day-ahead,
namely biomass) for each national market, which may not be true in practice due to nominations, scheduling
practices, etc. Modelling performed with PRIMES/IEM, results presented in Section, captured also
the effect of nominations and other practices in the baseline.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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Figure 10: Projected Generation Capacity in 2030 per Member State in GW
Biomass, Waste
& Other RES
Variable RES
Source: METIS
Another factor reducing the flexibility of the European power system is the limited allocation
of interconnection capacity during intraday and balancing time frames, as well as the varying
gate closures and products, which in practice reduce the opportunities for trading in the short-
term markets and thus their liquidity.
Reserves are procured on a national level and in many cases in infrequent intervals
, with
corresponding services mainly provided by (large) thermal generators and only in some
Member States by industrial consumers.
Demand response, storage (excl. hydro) and distributed generation have very limited
participation in the market. In most cases available products are not customized for these
resources, minimum thresholds exist for participating in the market, etc. At the same time, a
large part of the generation, mainly RES E, are not balance responsible and do not have a
strong incentive to perform accurate forecasts and declare accurate schedules in the day-ahead
market (the share of variable generation is about 42% of total generation capacity). As a
consequence, the observed imbalances are large, leading to increased needs for frequency
The deficiencies of the current regulatory framework create significant inflexibility to the
system operation; the inflexibility in turn increases further the need for reserves (notably so-
Please note that the assumed generation capacities in the baseline have certain differences compared to the
ones in EUCO27 PRIMES scenario, as a preliminary version of EUCO27 was used for the calibration.
Further details can be found in Annex IV.
For the scope of the modelling, a yearly procurement by (large) thermal generators and hydro has been
assumed for countries with no reserve market, while daily optimal procurement is modelled in countries
with such markets. More details can be found in Annex IV and in
"Electricity Market Functioning: Current
Distortions, and How to Model Their Removal"
COWI (2016).
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
called replacement reserves)
. Close to real-time, the TSOs can mainly rely either on units
providing replacement reserves or on very flexible (and expensive) units to avoid loss of load
(peakers). In this context, in METIS replacement reserves provide than 600 GWh of
electricity in the baseline, mainly in Poland and South East Europe. The same applies for RES
E curtailment, as curtailment is the only alternative to the encountered stress of the system
and the lack of available flexible resources: 13.0 TWh of RES E is found to be curtailed on an
annual basis, mainly in the Iberian Peninsula (8.3 TWh) and UK/Ireland (4.1 TWh).
6.1.2. Policy Sub-option 1(a) (Level playing field amongst participants and resources) impacts
The restoration of the economic merit order curve in the wholesale electricity market has a
direct and
significant positive impact
to the cost-efficient operation of the power system,
leading to tangible reductions of the costs consumers. It would also allow to feed in (and
remunerate from the market) more RES E (notably from wind and solar) to the system.
With special rules concerning unit dispatching eliminated (i.e. must-runs, priority dispatch),
the TSOs are able to schedule and re-dispatch units more efficiently. As a result (in
conjunction with the other measures under this option):
total costs of the power system are reduced by 7%;
the activation of replacement reserves is reduced by about 500 GWh;
RES E curtailments (e.g. wind and solar) decline by 4.7 TWh
; and,
the occurrence of negative prices is completely eliminated
Figure 11 - which presents the merit order
at a given hour - illustrates how preferential
dispatch rules for certain technologies shift the merit order to the right, resulting in price
decreases but at the same time in an increase of the overall costs for the system. The example
shown for biomass priority dispatch is also applicable for must-runs and priority dispatch of
other (expensive) technologies. Restoring the economic merit order thus reduces the overall
costs for the power system at times where these technologies would be out-of-the-money,
while increasing the electricity price during these hours.
It should be emphasized that METIS does not include a grid model. Thus the main use of replacement
reserves ('RR'), to address grid (non-frequency related) issues, is not captured. The implemented
methodology can only be considered as a proxy in an effort to capture a part of the impacts of RR. As some
of the scenarios (Options 0 (baseline) and 1(a)( level playing field)) were characterised by important values
of Loss of Load during the intraday time frame, it was assumed that this was addressed by replacement
reserves. To compute the costs related to RR, first the intraday loss of load curve was identified at country
level and then the amount of peaker capacity needed to bring the Loss of Load duration down to 3 hours in
each country was computed. A cost of 60k EUR/MW/y for peaker units and fuel costs of 180 EUR/MWh
was assumed.
From a system perspective, it can sometimes be economical to reduce the generation of wind and solar in
order to maintain the system balance.
This result is directly linked with the modelling assumption that all electricity is traded in the market.
Each generation fleet is represented as a block, as large as its power capacity and as high as its generation
cost. Without distortions, the market dispatches the lowest (cheapest) blocks until demand is met. The
generation cost of the most expensive dispatched power plant sets the clearing price.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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Figure 11: Merit order effect of priority dispatch
biomass priority dispatch
biomass priority dispatch
Source: METIS
Focusing on priority dispatch, which was found to be the main distortion for the day-ahead
market scheduling for the modelling
, the biggest impacts on generation would be observed
in Denmark, UK and Finland, where biomass holds a large share of generation capacity. The
removal of priority of dispatch would have a considerable effect on expensive biomass
, which in most cases is dispatched out of the merit order. It can also be expected
that the share of CHP generation would be negatively affected, due to the relatively inflexible
character of CHP production
. On the other hand, removing priority dispatch rules would
benefit variable RES E which could expand its production (due to the reduction in
curtailments). More importantly, variable RES E producers could significantly increase their
revenues due to the increase of the wholesale prices (partly due to the elimination of negative
. Overall, the removal of priority dispatch and must-runs helps better integrating
variable RES E generation and leads to significant system costs reductions and thus cost
savings for consumers.
Data availability on must-runs, nominations and other practices affecting the day-ahead schedule, leading to
an operation of the system deviating from the economic merit order, was very limited and thus were not
captured by the model. The impacts of must-runs were captured however for the intraday market and
amounted to around EUR 0.5 billion.
The Commission's study indicates that up to 85% of biomass generation could be affected by removing
priority dispatch. This result is also partly due to the assumption of having only one fuel for biofuel/biogas,
this being exclusively wood, rendering biomass very expensive. Note also that the analysis focuses on
electricity dispatch and does not examine why would a biomass (or any other) plant want to operate with
losses in the wholesale market (most likely an additional revenue stream like income from selling heat or
some kind of operational support would be required), as is often the case today. A more complete analysis of
this result is presented under environmental impacts, Section 6.1.6.
As part of the limitations of the modelling, one should note that the effects of removing priority dispatch
from CHP are not captured in the assessment. In particular CHP and small scale RES E are not modelled as
separate assets. It can be expected though that the results on biomass would be applicable also to a large part
of the CHP generation, unless they are able to recover their losses from the heat market or are industrial
CHP, in which case industrial opportunity costs need to be considered.
Because of biomass' assumed flexibility, a part of the lost revenues is recovered from its participation in
reserve procurement and balancing energy activation
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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Figure 12: Effect of removal of special dispatch rules to negative prices
Source: METIS
The above also leads to an increase of the share of Combined Cycle Gas Turbines ('CCGTs')
in power generation
. RES E generation enters the market merit order, thus catering for
more efficient price formation in the day-ahead and intraday markets. The removal of priority
dispatch will offer access on equal terms to all resources. Moreover, it will more than double
the competitive segment of the market, which in the baseline was only 40% of the market.
As more resources participate under the same competitive rules in the markets, markets would
become more competitive
. This implies an increase in wholesale prices as they will now
reflect the actual marginal cost of generation instead of one technically lowered via rules
affecting dispatch
. As a result, this will lead to a much more cost-efficient operation of the
power system, and consequently to a 7% decrease of its total cost.
Finally, the extension of balance responsibility to all generating and consuming entities, offers
a strong incentive for variable RES E and other balance responsible parties to improve their
forecasting, bid more accurately in the day-ahead market and be more active in the intraday
markets. This leads to smaller imbalances and a lower requirement for reserve procurement
by the TSOs. In particular the needs for mFRR are reduced by around 30%. This, combined
Share of CCGT in total net electricity generation increases from 12.3% to 15.1%.
See for a more detailed discussion of the arguments for and against maintaining priority dispatch in Annex
The elimination of the significant hours with negative prices also contributes to the increase of the average
wholesale price.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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with the capability of the demand response to also participate
in the reserve procurement
and balancing markets, leads to a more cost-efficient reserve procurement process. would be affected and how
Abolishing priority dispatch and priority access would mainly affect RES E producers using
biofuels and CHP
and operators that benefit from priority dispatch when producing using
indigenous resources fuels (if their marginal costs are substantial). For low marginal cost,
variable generators, such as wind and solar power plants, the impact is actually positive,
which will be amplified by measures to enable RES E access to ancillary services markets.
In any event, all generators will benefit from increased transparency and legal certainty on
redispatch and curtailment rules. For TSOs, the removal of priority dispatch and priority
access would also facilitate grid operation.
Introducing balancing responsibilities (with exemption possibilities for emerging
and or small installations
) will mainly impact generators currently
exempted or partly shielded from balancing responsibility. Accordingly, this measure will
mean they have to increase their efforts to remain in balance (e.g. through better use of
weather forecasts) though at the costs of being exposed to financial risks. impact on businesses and public authorities
The removal of priority dispatch, priority access and ensuring compliance with the balancing
rules would give rise to administrative impacts for RES E (and CHP) generators, in particular
for operators of very small installations. This administrative impact can however be
significantly reduced by facilitating aggregation, allowing the joint operation and
management of a large number of small plants (as discussed in more detail under Option
6.1.3. Impacts of Policy Sub-option 1(b) (Strengthening short-term markets) Impacts
Strengthening short-term electricity markets improves market coupling across time-frames,
leads to a more efficient utilization of interconnector capacity and reduces the amount of
required reserves, as well as their cost.
Note though that as no measures are assumed to be implemented here for incentivizing the wider
participation of demand response, only industrial consumers are assumed to be participating in the
respective markets.
As part of the limitations of the modelling, one should note that the effects of removing priority dispatch
from CHP are not captured in the assessment. See also footnote 254.
In the PRIMES EUCO27 scenario, the emerging technologies of tidal and solar thermal generation (other
technologies having insignificant shares) are projected to have a total installed capacity of 7.26 GW (0.7%
of total generation capacity) and produce 10 TWh of electricity in 2030 (0.3% of total generation).These
shares only slightly increase by 2050.
In the PRIMES EUCO27 scenario, RES E small-scale capacity is projected in 2030 to reach 85 GW (7.8 %
share in generation capacity) and produce 96 TWh of energy (2.9% share of total generation).
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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The efficiency of the intraday markets is improved due to the harmonization of their market
specifications, including the transition to continuous trade and harmonisation of gate closures,
as well as by an improved allocation of interconnector capacity across time-frames.
Harmonising intraday markets across Europe
allows to further reduce RES E curtailment
by 460 GWh and the utilisation of replacement reserves by 100 GWh. Note that curtailment is
not only reduced in countries where implicit auctions were not implemented in Option 1(a)
(level playing field), but in already implicitly coupled regions too. Thus, extending the
coupled area also benefits already coupled countries such as Germany, since it can export
more of its variable RES generation. The effects are illustrated in Figure 13.
Figure 13: Positive impacts of harmonising intraday markets across Europe
Source: METIS
By improving the methodologies for reserve dimensioning and procurement of balancing
reserves, the need for balancing reserves is further reduced compared to Option 1(a). Certain
improvement comes from the separation of the bids and prices for up and down regulation in
order to reflect their true underlying marginal costs, which may be different both for
generation and load
. The separate provision of downwards reserves greatly improves the
efficiency of the system, as now thermal plants are not forced to be online to provide such
reserves. Another means is via the procurement of reserves on a day-ahead basis, thus their
sizing being able to reflect the hourly needs for these services, while at the same time
allowing the most efficient resources at a given hour to be procured as reserves by the TSO.
Continuous trading was modelled as consecutive hourly implicit auctions.
The figures presented in this paragraph show the impact of implicit intraday auctions only. Other measures of
Option 1(b) (strengthening short-term markets), in particular interconnection reservation at day-ahead for
reserve procurement, tend to increase intraday costs.
Although the separation of upward and downward balancing was initially foreseen for this initiative, and
thus assessed herein, it may be introduced earlier in the EB GL.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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The reduction in the reserve needs though is mainly achieved by the regional reserve
dimensioning and more efficient exchange and sharing of balancing capacity among TSOs, as
the generation and consumption patterns differs between Member States according to the
generation mix, renewable energy sources and differences in energy consumption. Thus, the
79.6 GW of reserve needs (FCR + FRR) in Option 0, is reduced to 65.8 GW in Option 1(a)
(level playing field) and to only 42.3 GW in Option 1(b) (strengthening short-term markets) (a
reduction of 47% compared to the baseline).
It is important to note that the reduction in FRR
is stronger in the well-interconnected
regions (about 50% reduction), namely Central Europe, the Nordics and South / South East
Europe, while the benefits for UK/Ireland and Spain/Portugal are smaller due to their limited
interconnection (about 20% reduction). In order to achieve these reductions from the sharing
of reserves, the Member States need to ensure that sufficient interconnection capacity is
reserved for this purpose, in order to ensure that despite the lower reserve requirements, the
national ability to balance the system remains the same
. The amount of capacity that needs
to be reserved for this purpose is on average approximately 6%
of the Net Transfer
Capacities ('NTCs'), with actual values varying significantly per interconnector and per hour
of the day.
Similarly, different market areas have different access to flexible resources and such flexible
resources are vital to the cost-efficient integration of renewable electricity generation. TSOs
may not only procure smaller volumes of reserves but providers of relatively cheap flexibility
resources may supply a larger volume thereof. Hence, overall balancing market payments are
reduced, while at the same time more interconnection capacity can be given to the market by
reducing transmission reliability margins ('TRMs').
An interesting observation coming from the assessment is the increased generation by
baseload thermal plants, compared to more flexible thermal plants. In particular, the
electricity generation of nuclear, CCGTs, coal and lignite plants increases by 10%, while the
generation of gas and oil peakers reduces by 50% compared to the baseline
. The reason is
that by sharing resources between countries and decreasing reserve needs, the baseload plants
Both mFRR and aFRR
Adopting a regional approach to reserve dimensioning results in lower reserve requirements because of the
statistical cancellation that can occur between imbalances originating from different countries. As a result
the reserve needs are lower when adopting a regional dimensioning approach. The regional reserve need is
then translated into minimal reserve requirements at national level by using an allocation criteria (in METIS
case the national annual demand). However a national TSO still has to face the same level of risk - the
imbalances on its Control Area remain the same
and the minimal reserve requirements may not be
sufficient to balance its system. As a consequence, national TSOs have to reserve a share of the
interconnection capacity for reserves, so that the other countries can assist it to balance the system. METIS
does not explicitly model reserve exchanges, but risk pooling.
Considering that for Option 1(b) an assumption was made that the NTC capacities were increased by 5%,
reflecting e.g. the reduced TRM compared to Option 1(a) due to the increased co-operation between MS via
ROCs, it is interesting to notice that the average capacity that needs to be reserved for sharing balancing
reserves is around the same level. On the other hand this does not signify something, as the averaging hides
the huge variability among hours and interconnectors.
It should be noted that the analysis excludes the effect that increased generation by thermal plants would
have on the carbon market and how this in turn would indirectly impact electricity generation.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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do not need to retain part of their capacity on stand-by for supplying reserves and thus can
increase the quantities of energy they generate. At the same time, though, flexible plants end
up competing for reduced amounts of reserve needs, thus their revenues are significantly
reduced compared to Option 0 (baseline) and Option 1(a) (level playing field)/ Therefore,
better interconnecting markets and making them more flexible serves as a second option for
bringing more flexibility into the system, complementary to but also competing with flexible
generation plants.
Enhancing TSO regional coordination through the establishment of regional operational
centres and by optimising market, operational, risk preparedness and network functions from
the national to the regional level will entail significant efficiency gains and increase social
For example, the regional sizing and procurement of reserves via ROCs could lead
to benefits of EUR 3.4 billion compared to benefits of EUR 1.8 billion from national sizing
and procurement of reserves based on daily probabilistic methodologies.
welfare benefits would,
inter alia,
derive from the more efficient use of infrastructure and
from a decrease of financial losses that would otherwise result from the disconnection of
demand in case of generation shortages. would be affected and how
Improving short-term markets will affect all generation operators to a certain extent but it will
in particular improve the ability of
variable RES E operators
to participate in the market.
Improving intraday and balancing markets would impact the work of the
because of their involvement in the operation of these markets. On the one hand
this will require operating the system and organising trade within shorter timeframes. On the
other hand, the shorter timeframe will allow TSOs to benefit from significant efficiencies and
to reduce the risk of system problems.
will also be affected through the need to
collaborate closer with neighbouring TSOs through ROCs and through the changes to the
balancing markets which they operate. This has the positive effect of requiring TSOs to
consider systematically the impact of their actions on their neighbouring TSOs. impact on businesses and public authorities
The administrative impact on
is marginal as compared with the baseline.
Power exchanges
would have to review and adapt their business practises to
facilitate the changes to the market functioning as envisaged under this option. Notably,
changes will have to be made to trading arrangements for intraday and balancing products.
TSOs would collaborate through ROCs, which will have to be set up. The setting up of the
For more information on the assessment of the economic impact of ROCs, please refer to Table 2 of Annex
2.3 of the Annexes to the Impact Assessment.
of electricity balancing markets and regional procurement of balancing reserves",
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
ROCs can be estimated to cost between 9.9 and 35.6 million Euros per entity, depending on
the functions and degree of responsibilities attributed to the ROCs.
Whereas these costs are not insignificant, these costs of several million Euros (which would
be covered and compensated by grid fees) are minor when compared with the benefits this
option will bring.
6.1.4. Impacts of Policy Sub-option 1(c) (Pulling demand response and distributed resources
into the market) Impacts
The series of measures assumed in this Option include (i) the adaptation of balancing products
closer to what distributed resources like demand response, variable RES and small scale
storage can provide, (ii) the facilitation of the participation of distributed resources in the
market mainly via aggregators and (iii) stronger incentives for the roll-out of smart-meters.
These measures significantly improve the efficiency of the market and the reduce costs.
The market set-up under Option 1(c) provides the opportunity to variable RES E to better
manage their imbalances due to forecast errors at lower cost (due to more competitive prices),
but also to receive additional revenues for any flexibility they can provide to the market.
Similarly, demand is offered the incentives and capability to respond to market prices and
thus complete existing electricity markets. This can be achieved by either shifting load from
hours of peak demand to hours with low demand (e.g. via storage or changing consumption
partterns) or by simply adjusting consumption (when load cannot be shifted or is not really
Available data coming from a standalone analysis
performed on the impact of potential
policies promoting downstream price- and incentive-based demand response, at all customer
segments (industrial, commercial, residential), show that demand response can be of great
service, and deliver net benefits to the system as a whole while engaging all consumer
segments. More in particular, it has been demonstrated that demand response schemes can
lead to a reduction of the peak demand and thereby of the required backup capacity in both
the transmission and distribution networks. This also translates into lower investment needs.
The analysis has shown that in a business as usual scenario (reflected in Option 0) demand
response can account for approximately 34 GW, of which 19 GW will come from incentive
and 15GW from price based demand response. With a supporting policy framework in place,
as in Option 1(c), demand response can account for approximately 57 GW in 2030, of which
39 GW will come from incentive and 18 GW from price based demand response.
of electricity balancing markets and regional procurement of balancing reserves",
As part of the limitations of the modelling approach, these benefits were not fully assessed because of data
unavailability. Therefore the same load profile was used, based on the ENTSO-E’s
TYNDP assumptions,
without being known at which extent it already included some DR (at least for EV charging)
See Annex 3.1 and "Impact
Assessment support Study on downstream flexibility, demand response and
smart metering",
COWI (2016).
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
Allowing small-scale producers, storage and consumers to participate in the market, e.g.,
through aggregated bids, creates incentives for demand side response and flexible solutions,
pulls the above potential in the market and creates a more dynamic market. New flexible
resources are made available for reserve procurement and balancing market. These resources
bring significant short-term and mid-term flexibility
to the system, contributing to the more
efficient handling of scarcity situations and integrating variable RES E. This abundance of
available resources significantly reduces the cost of the power system and, most importantly,
the load payments to EUR 253 billion, from EUR 278 billion in the baseline and EUR 293
billion in Option 1(a).
These reported savings
are mainly a result of a significant shift in the provision of reserves
from thermal plants to demand side response (incl. storage) and wind. For example, while in
Option 1(b) (strengthening short-term markets), gas was providing about 20 GW of reserves,
hydro 19 GW and coal 3 GW, under Option 1(c) demand response partly replaces the above
plants by providing 5 GW of reserves. In particular demand response and small scale storage
(electric vehicles and heating storage) become the main providers of upward synchronized
reserves, providing 33% of corresponding needs
. Wind provides an additional 90 MW of
upwards synchronized reserves and 330 MW of downward synchronized reserves. would be affected and how
The new provisions opening up the markets to aggregated loads and demand response will
bring business opportunities for aggregators, new energy service providers, and suppliers who
choose to expand their portfolio of services, but will also affect generators who are likely to
face reduced turnover from lower peak prices and from providing reserves.
Furthermore, demand side flexibility, along with access to real time data coming from smart
metering, will help the network operators optimise their network investments and cost-
effectively manage their systems. In the case of TSOs, it also allows for the better calculation
of settlements and balancing penalties based on real consumption data. On the other hand,
suppliers may face higher imbalances and resulting penalties as their customers change
consumption patterns.
For more details on the flexibility needs of the system and how storage, interconnections and demand
response can answer such needs please see "METIS
Study S7: The role and need of flexibility in 2030. Focus
on Energy Storage",
Artelys (2016).
The proposed measures are expected to also have an impact on the day-ahead market, but as explained in
Annex IV this was not possible to assess due to the lack of sufficient detailed data. Benefits from load
shifting or load reductions were not assessed with METIS due to the lack of a dynamic profile for demand
and storage, which would better capture the reactions of demand to market prices. These impacts were
captured though with PRIMES/IEM, results presented in Section The benefits of demand response
and its full potential is analysed in more detail in Annex 3.
The analysis shows the demand response does not provide any downwards balancing at all (by increasing
demand when needed), as this is provided at a much lower cost by RES and conventional generation (by
decreasing generation and saving fuel costs). This result is subject to the limitations of the modelling that
does not use dynamic load profiles for demand and storage. Therefore the relevant benefits are most likely
underestimated in the assessment.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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Finally, end consumers are expected to benefit from more competition, access to wider
choice, and the possibility to actively engage in price based and incentive based demand
response, and hence from reduced energy bills. Even those end users who choose not to
participate in demand response schemes could still profit from lower wholesale prices that
result from demand response, assuming that the respective price reductions are passed on to
Box 6: The possibility of large-scale grid disconnection
Looking forward, our modelling (the EUCO27 scenario) shows a continuation of the general
trend of rising retail electricity prices through to 2030, stabilising from 2035 onwards. Given
the decreasing costs of small-scale renewable generation and storage technologies, concerns
have been raised that this trend could result in a growing number of prosumers becoming self-
sustainable and disconnecting from the electricity network
a development that could have
several consequences.
On the one hand, this potential 'flight from the grid' could see the remaining connected
ratepayers bear an increasing share of the burden of contributing to public finances and
financing the electricity network. On the other, grid costs may actually fall as distributed
generation and storage assets enable network operators to more efficiently manage the grid
and connect remote customers.
Predicting the full extent and implications of this trend is difficult given the current
uncertainties, including regarding future cost reductions in small scale renewables and storage
technologies, and the lack of real-world case studies. Nevertheless, our analysis suggests that
this development will be progressive, and that the risks of large scale disconnections are
limited given the difficulties of achieving complete self-sufficiency throughout the year.
In particular, even if decentralised generation and storage becomes competitive, it is
questionable whether self-sufficient prosumers will fully disconnect from the grid.
Disconnecting would imply losing the grid as back-up for when their own generation is
inadequate (e.g. for sustained periods of low sunlight). It would also mean that prosumers
forego the opportunity to sell excess electricity to the market (e.g. during prolonged sunny
periods when their installed storage is at full capacity). This is one of the reasons why the
MDI aims at ensuring full access of prosumers to electricity markets.
It should be added that the discussion of disruptive large scale disconnections is not only
connected with distributed resources but to the perception that consumers are increasingly
confronted with perverse incentives and hidden subsidies. To address this, the initiative
includes measures that should lead to more cost-reflective distribution tariffs i.e. tariffs that
allocate the costs of the grid fairly amongst system users. Cost-reflective tariffs will send the
right long-term economic signals to system users and allow a market-driven move towards a
more efficient electricity system, which will contribute to limiting network tariffs and lead to
investments that are economically rational and efficient.
What is certain is that public authorities and network operators will have to adapt in order to
effectively manage the challenges of any transition towards a more decentralized electricity
system, and make the most of the opportunities this presents. Completely self-sufficient
consumers who do not wish to be connected to the grid should not contribute to the grid costs.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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1730779_0156.png on businesses and public authorities
The measures proposed to enable the uptake of demand response are designed to reduce
market barriers for new entrants and provide them with a stable operating framework. This is
particularly important for start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises ('SMEs') who
typically offer innovative energy services and products. However, these measures may
introduce an additional administrative impact for Member States and their competent
authorities that will be required to clearly define in such a new setting: (i) roles and
responsibilities of aggregators, as well as (ii) arrangements for consumers' entitlement to
participate in price based demand response schemes, including their access to the enabling
smart metering infrastructure. At the same time, access to smart metering will support
consumer engagement, with better informed and more selective consumers also making it
easier for NRAs to ensure proper functioning of the national (retail) energy markets
Moreover, thanks to the wider deployment of smart metering, the distribution system
operators will be in a position to lighten, and improve, some of their administrative processes
(linked to meter reading, billing, dis/re-connection, switching, identification of system
problems, commercial losses), and offer increased customer services
. Similarly,
transmission system operators will optimise their settlement and balancing penalty
calculations, as they can make use of real time data coming from smart metering
6.1.5. Impacts of Policy Option 2 (Fully integrated EU market) Impacts
By creating a centralised, fully integrated European market with market design features and
procedures in place in order to deal with grid constraints and increase the available
interconnection capacity offered to the market (e.g. due to the further reduction of security
margins and the implementation of flow based market coupling across time-frames), the
European power system can be operated even more efficiently than in the options above.
Benefits coming from the further improvements in the dimensioning and procurement of
balancing reserves, now on a European level, as well as the better utilization of
interconnectors by the EU Independent System Operator, lead to further reductions of the
See Annex1(c).1, Stakeholders views; Reference CEER discussion paper
"Scoping of flexible response",
May 2016
intelligence to the grids
case studies”
(2013) Geode Report;;
policy statement on smart meters”
smarter grids: developing TSO and DSO roles and interactions for the benefit of
(2015) ENTSO-E;
design for demand side response”
(2015) ENTSO-E
Position paper;
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
total costs compared to Option 1(c) by 1.5%. Reserve needs are further reduced by 30%
compared to Option 1(c) and 63% compared to the baseline, although downwards reserves,
which have a low procurement cost, are mainly procured on a national level, in order to use
interconnectors mainly for exchanging electricity instead of reserving it for potential
assistance to/from the neighbours.
The results indicate that although the economic benefits of moving from a national to a
regional approach (Option 1(b) (strengthening short-term markets)) are significant, the move
towards a more integrated European approach (Option 2) has a less significant economic
value-added, as most of the benefits have already been harvested by moving towards a
regional approach. On the other hand this result is also subject to the limitations of the
modelling, not being able to capture the positive impacts from the more efficient operation of
the network (since METIS does not include detailed network modelling). would be affected and how
Under this option, TSOs, DSOs, power exchanges, electricity undertakings in general as well
as Member States and competent authorities would be subject to far-reaching organisational
changes (e.g. EU ISO and EU Regulator instead of national TSOs and regulators), and bound
by fully harmonised rules setting out the full integration of the EU electricity market. This
increases the likelihood that these rules may be difficult to implement in specific countries.
This could lead to high resource requirements amongst these stakeholders, public authorities
and Member States, that may be ultimately borne by consumers. on businesses and public authorities
The creation of a fully integrated European electricity market can be considered the most
efficient of all the options and could, in the long run, avoid frictions from coordination and
provide for a high quality electricity system with a high degree of security of supply. Under
this option, it could be argued that in the long run the impact on stakeholders (e.g., TSOs,
DSOs, power exchanges, electricity undertakings, etc.) may be reduced, since the integration
of the electricity market would ensure a high degree of consistency.
However, this option would entail significant changes compared to the current state of the art
of the electricity systems across the EU. It would be necessary to build new entities, processes
and methods without being able to draw upon established practice (e.g., for the establishment
of an EU ISO). Hence, there is a risk that this would lead to disruptions and would require a
significant amount of time to become operational.
This option would also reduce the scope to take into account regional specificities and to draw
upon established regional actors. This option would reduce the scope to develop rules at the
regional level between the parties involved in organising the cross-border trade and system
operation. This is because the key framework as well as the institutional structure would
already be set out at the pan-European level.
In light of the above, it should be noted that the political and administrative effort required
under this option would be considerable.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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6.1.6. Environmental impacts of options related to Problem Area I
The measures proposed in this Problem Area aim to improve the cost-efficiency and the
flexibility of the power system. By doing so, climate-friendly variable RES E can be better
integrated in the market; resources are used more efficiently, and unnecessary fuel-based
generation (e.g. backup generation needed because of missing rules for cross-border short-
term markets) can be avoided by better using the aggregation potential of the internal market.
Using the full potential of demand response has also a positive effect on the environment. If
consumption can be shifted more easily to off-peak times, less backup generation from fuel-
based plants is needed.
On the other hand, the removal of privileged rules for certain production forms may lead to a
shift from some RES E production (i.e. biomass) to other generation types which will not only
be wind and solar, but also fossil fuel-based. Therefore, although direct CO
emissions from
the power sector decrease while moving from Option 1(a) to Option 1(c), from 615 Mt CO
600 Mt C0
, METIS results show an increase when moving from the baseline to Option 1(a)
by 60 Mt CO
. The analysis of the impact on emissions is, however, complex
The removal of priority dispatch from biomass (as well as from any other resource, including
must-run generation) is pivotal in restoring the economic merit order in the power markets
and significantly increasing their economic efficiency. Such a measure would discontinue the
use of expensive biomass as baseload generation, replacing it by the marginal technologies
(mainly coal and gas). Expensive biomass would then mainly be used in the power sector as a
flexible generation technology, as well as for providing reserves.
The replacement of biomass by gas and coal could lead in the short-term to increasing
emissions. The environmental impacts of the market design measures cannot though be
examined in isolation from all other complementary energy and climate policies. At the EU
level, the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions within the sectors covered by the EU ETS is
guaranteed by the declining cap which in turn ensures that the emissions reductions objective
is met cost-effectively. In the event of an increase in emissions from certain changes in the
power sector mix, the corresponding increase in demand for allowances would raise the
carbon price leading to an increase in abatement through other means, whether this is through
a fuel switch in power generation elsewhere or an emissions reduction in other ETS sectors.
Due to the binding limit on overall emissions a reduction in the use of biomass would
therefore eventually result in the same amount of GHG emissions over time, with a different
fuel mix at a lower total system cost.
The main effects of removing priority dispatch for biomass are therefore:
only cheaper fractions of biomass are being used (such as waste streams), while the
more expensive one is being used as flexible dispatchable generation, rather than
subsidised baseload;
It should be noted that the analysis excludes the effect that increased generation by thermal plants would
have on the carbon market and how this in turn would indirectly impact electricity generation.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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overall higher CO
prices and lower generation costs, and higher wholesale electricity
prices (but most likely lower retail prices, as no subsidies will need to be recuperated
outside the wholesale market).
more favourable conditions for gas, with more operating hours;
The possible increase in emissions in the power sector is in reality the effect of current energy
policies for RES E (and specifically the incentives given by the subsidization of biomass) and
not of electricity market related policies. By removing the distortions currently present in the
electricity markets, the market is able to give clearer signals on the interactions between
climate and energy policies and help identify the right balance between cost and resource
efficiency and emissions reduction.
6.1.7. Summary of modelling results for Problem Area I
The analysis shows that although today electricity markets function much better than in the
past, there are still significant gains to be harvested. Restoring the merit order and creating a
level-playing field for all technologies can reduce the operational cost
from EUR 83.4
billion in Option 0 to EUR 77.5 billion in Option 1(a). Another EUR 2.7 billion can be saved
by further strengthening and linking the short-term markets; EUR 0.9 billion by better
integrating demand response and RES E into the market; and EUR 1.1 billion from fully
integrating EU markets. Overall, the measures under Option 1(c) can lead to cost reductions
up to 11.4% compared to the baseline, while the additional measures under Option 2 would
raise this to 12.7%.
When considering the above results, three important points need to be made. First of all the
cost saving estimates for each option are directly related to the volume of traded energy (and
reserves) they concern. Option 1(a) (level playing field) affects all market frames, but most
notably the day-ahead, where the largest volume of trades takes place. Options 1(b)
(strengthening short-term markets) and Option 2 (fully integrated markets) focus on
interconnections (for all market time frames), intraday and balancing; traded volumes there
are only a fraction of the ones of the day-ahead. Option 1(c) (demand response/distributed
resources) concerns mainly the balancing and reserve markets
. Secondly, the effect of the
measures on the intraday and balancing traded volumes is much greater, but more difficult to
quantify, as it is bi-directional (upwards and downwards compared to the day-ahead
scheduled energy) and complementary to the day ahead market
. Finally the proposed
Cost reflects the operational cost of the electricity system (reflecting mainly fuel cost and CO
cost). Lower
cost implies a more efficient operation of the system.
The proposed measures are expected to also have an impact on the day-ahead market, but this was not
possible to assess due to the lack of sufficient detailed data. See also footnote 278.
There are two important connections with the day-ahead market. The closer the day-ahead schedule matches
the optimal dispatch (based on realized demand and generation), the smaller the need to act in the shorter
term markets; and how interconnection is split between day-ahead and intraday. For this reason it is
preferable to look at the results as a whole and not separately for each market frame.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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blocks of measures were deemed as the most efficient ones, but also were found to have
limited impact on the reported results
Apart from the cost savings, which relate only to the generation side costs, it is important to
also examine the final cost of the wholesale market for the consumers, referred to below as
'Load Payments' (see Glossary). With the removal of all special rules affecting dispatch, the
wholesale price begins reflecting the actual marginal value of electricity and thus increases;
this affects also the Load Payments which increase by 5%. Subsequent Options though bring
more resources into the market, better utilizing the interconnections and further improving the
cost-efficiency of the market, gradually reducing the Load payments by 6% in Option 1(b)
(strengthening short-term markets), 9% for Option 1(c) (demand response/distributed
resources) and 11.5% for Option 2 (fully integrated market) compared to the baseline. The
above are equivalent to a reduction of the wholesale market cost for the consumer
from 78
EUR/MWh in the baseline to 71 EUR/MWh for Option 1(c) and 70 EUR/MWh for Option 2.
Table 10: Monetary Impacts (in billion EUR) of the assessed Options (for
EU28+NO+CH in 2030)
Monetary Impacts (billion EUR)
Option 0
ng short-
Option 2
Cost day-ahead
Cost intraday
Cost balancing
Total cost
Cost savings
Load Payments
Load Payment
Source: METIS
Fully integrated markets
A sensitivity performed with METIS introducing the Option 1(c) measures (demand response/distributed
resources) before Option 1(b) (strengthening short-term markets) shows a marginal improvement of Option
1(c) benefits by EUR 0.3 billion, despite the much higher potential for improvement still available in the
market in the context of this Option.
If these costs were shared equally among consumers.
Unless otherwise noted, figures in all tables represent annual numbers for 2030. The geographical context is
always noted in the title of each graph and in some cases it also covers NO and possibly CH because of the
market coupling of EU Member States with these countries.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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The monetary impacts described in Table 10 are very closely linked to the impacts of the
measures on the wholesale prices. In Option 1(a) (level playing field) the increase of the
competitive segment of the market from 40% (due to priority dispatch and must-runs) to
100% is the main driver for a more cost-efficient operation of the system, with no negative
prices observed in the performed model runs, leading in the end to higher day-ahead prices. In
parallel the reserve prices are generally lowered, due to the reduction of the inflexibility in the
system. Only mFRR upwards prices increase, as these services are now primarily offered by
peaking units.
In Options 1(b) (strengthening short-term markets) the trends reverse, as more resources enter
the market, thus lowering day-ahead prices. The better utilized interconnection capacity and
the improved functioning of the reserve markets allows baseload plants to produce more
electricity in the day-ahead, while the more flexible (and expensive) plants become the main
providers of reserves. As a consequence, balancing prices tend to increase (together with
intraday prices). Subsequently, the introduction of demand response and the provision of
reserves by RES E in Option 1(c) (pulling demand response and distributed resourced into the
market) further lower wholesale prices (as more resources enter the market), with the
exception of downwards reserve prices which increase
. Finally the impacts of Option 2
(fully integrated markets) are similar to the ones of Option 1(b) (strengthening short-term
Table 11: Impacts (EUR/MWh) to Average Annual Wholesale Prices (for EU28 in 2030)
Average Wholesale Prices (EUR/MWh)
Option 0
Day-ahead Market
Balancing Price -
aFRR upwards
Balancing Price -
aFRR downwards
Balancing Price -
mFRR upwards
Balancing Price -
mFRR downwards
Source: METIS
Option 1(a)
Level playing
Option 1(b)
Option 1(c)
Option 2
An interesting aspect to examine is the distributional impact of the various options on the
generator surplus (i.e. revenues above cost) and consumer surplus (i.e. cost below VoLL). It is
important to note that this should not be interpreted as an investment or "missing money"
analysis, since the modelling used here is static (based on the same set of capacities across the
Downwards balancing activation is a benefit (fuel savings) for the system, while there is no gain (in METIS)
to increase demand.
EU weighted average price on Member States' demand
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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options). The issue of investments is analysed in Section, using a dynamic investment
model (PRIMES/OM).
With the day-ahead prices significantly affected by the measures, so does generator surplus
(i.e. revenues above cost). The distributional impacts on the market players though are
concentrated on thermal generators, with competitive RES E generators even increasing their
day-ahead revenues (not considering the additional revenues from the other markets).
Although in the baseline thermal generation seems to be making reasonable revenues,
sufficient in many cases to cover fixed costs
especially for gas units
the improvements in
the market design introduced in Options 1(b) (strengthening short-term markets), 1(c)
(demand response/distributed resources) and 2 (fully integrated markets) lead to a significant
decrease of their revenues, turning their operation to loss-making. Note, this result is a large
extent due to the static modelling approach followed here and the increased competition in the
market, as a result of bringing more resources into it and better utilising interconnections (thus
better sharing national resources across EU). With the power generation capacities remaining
constant across Options, this leads to a market with increasing resources participating (to the
point of oversupply) and more intense competition, thus shrinking revenues.
Table 12: Generator Surplus
(in EUR/kW) for different plant categories (for EU28 in
Generator Surplus (EUR/kW)
Option 0
Wind onshore
Wind offshore
Source: METIS
Option 1(a)
Level playing
Option 1(b)
Option 1(c)
Option 2
Reported surplus concerns day-ahead and reserve market revenues. Some additional revenues (but minor in
comparison) should be expected from the intraday and balancing markets (but were difficult to identify and
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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Similarly, the introduced measures have certain consequences on the generation production,
although these tend to be relatively limited. Summarizing what has already been discussed in
the dedicated assessment of each option, and presented in Table 13:
The main impact on the electricity generation patterns appears in Option 1(a), when
dispatch begins reflecting the economic merit order. Most notably, biomass
generation is replaced mainly by gas and coal generation.
Otherwise, generation patterns remain relatively stable across Options, except for
some shifting of gas generation to nuclear in Option 1(b) (strengthening short-term
markets). This comes as a result of the more efficient interconnection allocation and
procurement of reserves, which leads to the utilisation of nuclear and lignite plants
mainly for producing energy, while the more expensive gas plants are used more for
reserves and balancing.
RES E curtailment and activation of replacement reserves is steadily reduced across
all options, as all measures introduce more and more flexibility to the system. In fact
replacement reserves are no longer needed in Option 2.
Procurement of Balancing Reserves also decreases substantially, from 79.6 GW in the
baseline to only 29.6 GW in Option 2. The gradual drop in the required reserves is an
outcome of the specific measures assumed in each case and explained in more detail
in the assessment of the respective options.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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Table 13: System Operation Results (for EU28+NO+CH in 2030)
Option 0
Option 1(a)
Level playing
Option 1(b)
Option 1(c)
Option 2
Fully integrated
Net Electricity Generation (TWh)
Biomass & Waste
RES Curtailment
of which FCR
of which aFRR
of which mFRR
Reserves via
Source: METIS
Balancing Procurement (GW)
In terms of distributional impacts across the EU regions, results are strongly related to the
respective generation mix of each region, as well as to how well interconnected each region is
Hydro includes pumped hydro storage whose utilisation decreases from Option 0 to Option 2.
The reserves via interconnections are computed as the difference between the reserves needed to face the
national risks and the procured reserves.
Activated for avoidance of Loss of Load
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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to the others. For the regions with significant biomass generation (e.g. region 3), there are
significant cost savings when moving from the baseline to Option 1(a) (level playing field).
Similarly, the benefits of Option 1(b) (strengthening short-term markets) and Option 2 (fully
integrated markets) are more significant for the Member States that are better interconnected
(Regions 1 and 2). Option 1(c) (demand response and distributed resources) reduces costs for
all regions, except for Region 5, as the competition with additional reserve resource decreases
the cost for reserve procurement. Similar observations apply for the load payments and the
wholesale prices. It is also worth noting how wholesale prices tend to converge as markets
become more harmonised and better functioning, with the exception of Region 4 (Spain &
Portugal), which has a limited interconnection to the rest of EU only via France.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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Table 14: Distributional Impacts
regional perspective
(for EU28 in 2030)
Option 0
Option 1(a)
Level playing
Option 1(b)
Option 1(c)
Option 2
Total cost
Day Ahead Market (billion EUR)
Region 1
Region 2
Region 3
Region 4
Region 5
Total Load Payments
Day-Ahead Market (billion EUR)
Region 1
Region 2
Region 3
Region 4
Region 5
Average Day-Ahead Market Price (EUR/MWh)
Region 1
Region 2
Region 3
Region 4
Region 5
Source: METIS
Regions as indicated in footnote 244.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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Impact Assessment for Problem Area II (Uncertainty about future generation
investments and fragmented capacity mechanisms)
6.2.1. Methodological Approach Assessed
Similarly to Problem Area I, the assessment focused on the economic impacts of the
examined options. The emphasis though is not on the operation of the power system and the
integration of RES E, but on whether the market revenues can incentivize the necessary
investments and
most importantly
on the relevant cost for the consumer. Inefficiencies
resulting from fragmented approaches to CMs are also considered.
The impacts of the options to the environment and the society, excluding their economic
aspects, are directly linked with the changes in the generation capacities of each option. Other
significant, direct or indirect, impacts for the examined options were not identified.
The assessment is presented individually for each option, with qualitative analysis and
references to quantitative results. The detailed modelling results for the various options, along
with their interpretation, are presented in section 6.2.6.
The modelling for this part was performed using PRIMES/OM, a specific version of the
PRIMES model that can assume different types of competition in the electricity market, as
well as model how CMs affect the investment decisions of the market participants.
PRIMES/OM was selected over METIS for this part of the analysis, because it can model in
detail the investment decisions of the market participants over an extended time-period,
namely until 2050, while at the same time being able to capture the effect of different bidding
behaviours from the side of the market participants (necessary to assess the impact of scarcity
In addition, PRIMES/IEM (a day-ahead and unit commitment simulator developed by NTUA)
was used to assess in more detail the benefits of the energy-only market. Contrary to
, PRIMES/IEM places more emphasis on accurately simulating the market
behaviour of generators by assuming specific bidding strategies followed by the market
participants and departing from the usual marginal cost assumption
. Moreover,
PRIMES/IEM was able to capture the effect of introducing locational price signals, as it
Due to the differences in the two modelling approaches and underpinning assumptions of METIS and
PRIMES/IEM, a direct comparison of the two sets of modelling results could be misleading.
The marginal cost assumption is perhaps the most usual assumption in the dispatch type of models, as it
helps focus more on the effect of market design measures and departs from competition or behavioural
issues. However, one cannot capture well the effect of measures like scarcity pricing under the marginal cost
bidding assumptions, as the prices would fluctuate between the marginal cost of the most expensive running
plant and VoLL (or price cap), which is not what is observed in practice in the market.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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includes a network model. Further details on both models and the methodological approach
followed can be found in Annex IV, as well as in the relevant NTUA report
The above tools were complemented by a study performed using METIS, analysing the
revenue related (weather-driven) risks faced by conventional generation and how these could
be mitigated, while also identifying the value of co-ordinated solutions
. of Baseline (Current Market Arrangements)
The baseline reflects the current market arrangements of Problem Area I, similar to what is
described in section In addition it is assumed that Member States put in place price
caps, as well as that there may be systemic congestion in the transmission grid.
Comparing the baselines of Problem Areas I and II in modelling terms, certain differences
exist in terms of figures and assumptions, mainly reflecting the differences in the respective
modelling approaches
intended to better capture the options assessed in each Problem Area,
as well as their calibration to a different version of EUCO27
. Under this baseline:
Price caps apply as today
Units bid according to bidding functions by plant category
and not marginal
The unit commitment simulator applies a flow-based allocation of
Modelling includes more detailed information on generation capacities, including
vintages, technology types and technical characteristics of plants;
The day-ahead market covers only part of the load, as is the case today. A large
part of the energy (especially produced by inflexible units) is nominated.
The baseline of this Problem Area fully reflects EUCO27.
Nevertheless, both models identify similar trends concerning the operation and the revenues
of the various generation types, as already presented in Problem Area I.
and results of modelling the EU electricity market using the PRIMES/IEM and PRIMES/OM
NTUA (2016)
Study S16: Weather-driven revenue uncertainty for power producers and ways to mitigate it",
Artelys (2016)
Further details can be found in Annex IV.
METIS had to be calibrated to PRIMES much earlier than PRIMES/IEM. Therefore, a preliminary version
of EUCO27 was used as the basis for the calibration. The main differences of the two versions concerning
the power sector can be found in Annex IV.
For more details please see: "Electricity
Market Functioning: Current Distortions, and How to Model Their
COWI (2016).
The basis is the marginal fuel cost of the plant, increased by a mark-up defined hourly as a function of
scarcity, calculated for each market segment in which the respective plant category usually operates (e.g.
peak, mid-merit, baseload). Further details can be found in Annex IV.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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6.2.2. Impacts of Policy Option 1 (Improved energy markets - no CMs ) Impacts
Option 1 assumes that Member States can no longer put in place CMs. The analysis is hence
solely based on a strengthened energy-only market.
With sufficient economic certainty, investments should in principle be able to take place
based on the electricity price signal alone, provided that the price signal is not significantly
distorted. Further, the electricity price, and its behaviour, should stimulate not only
investment in sufficient capacity when needed (be it production or demand), but also in the
right type of capacity. A steady electricity price, one that does not vary significant on an hour-
to-hour basis, should steer investment to the types of capacity that can operate steadily at
lowest production cost. A rapidly fluctuating electricity price should steer investment to
capacity that can ramp-up and ramp-down very quickly and can take advantage of high prices
at short notice and avoid operation when prices are too low. The shift to variable generation
will increasingly require fast-ramping and highly flexible generation and cause the market
exit of less flexible types of generation capacity. Investment uncertainty and varying prices
are not a unique feature to the electricity industry
In this way, the effect of variable renewables, insofar as their deployment will increase the
variability of the electricity price, should stimulate investment in the flexible capacity needed
to keep the system in balance at all times. Ensuring that prices can reflect market
fundamentals is key to this and removing as many potential distortions on electricity prices is
critical to enabling it to play this function.
Indeed, the analysis performed with PRIMES/OM supports the arguments above, showing
that an energy-only market can in general deliver cost-efficiently the necessary investments in
thermal capacity (especially flexible one). The enhanced market design will also improve the
viability of RES E investments, but electricity market revenues alone might not prove
sufficient in attracting investments in RES E in a timely manner and at the required scale to
meet EU's 2030 targets. (See in this regard also the box on RES E investments in Section
Moreover, PRIMES/IEM results show that undistorted, energy-only markets can significantly
decrease load payments by around EUR 50 billion
in 2030. The largest part of these
savings is attributable to the improvements in the short-term markets and the participation of
demand response in the market, representing EUR 20 billion and EUR 26 billion savings
respectively in 2030. The implementation of measures introducing a level playing for all
See in this respect e.g. the report by Frontier Economic on
"Scenarios for the Dutch electricity supply
p. 134.
The benefits become almost double compared to Option 1(c) as assessed with METIS, due to the additional
distortions included in the baseline and measures to address them, on top of the expected differences due to
the different modelling approach. The two figures give a satisfactory range on the possible benefits for
Europe from an improved energy only market design.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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technologies and removing price caps brings EUR 5 billion savings in 2030 and at the same
significant more cost-efficiency to the system, as explained in Section
As resources are better utilised across the borders compared to the baseline, and demand can
better participate in markets, undistorted energy-only markets are able to improve the overall
cost-efficiency of the power sector significantly. Equally, it can ensure resource adequacy
(See in the regard also Section
It thus follows that by improving the energy markets, the need of government intervention to
support investments in electricity resources is reduced would be affected and how
As this option encompasses to the largest extent the options discussed under Problem Area 1,
the assessment made there as to who would be affected and how applies here as well.
With regard to more variable pricing, they will benefit owners of flexible resources, such as
generation capacity, storage and demand response,
and incentivise them to come
to or stay in the market. In this end, they will provide the motor for more innovative services
and assets to be deployed.
End consumers
will be affected insofar as changes to the wholesale price are passed on to
them in their retail price. However, more variable prices will not necessarily be felt by end-
consumers as they can be hedged (particularly households) against this volatility in their retail
contracts or through wholesale market arrangements. In fact, more variable pricing will
incentivise the development of more sophisticated energy wholesale market products allowing
price and volume risks to be hedged more effectively.
Power exchanges
would be impacted
by removal of price caps as they will be required to introduce changes to systems and
Minimising investments and dispatch distortions due to transmission tariff structures would
mostly affect
Positive impacts on their revenues would be expected due to lower
connection charges or tarrifs.
will be affected by improvements in locational price signals as it would likely mean
that they hold and operate networks over more than one price zone. To a lesser extent this
applies to
power exchanges
as these are often already operating in different price zones
Spending of the congestion income to increase cross-border capacity may have impact on
where the congestion income is used for the reduction of tariffs. But this should
be outweighed by the positive effect of more cross-border capacity being available, and the
benefit this has on competition and energy prices.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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1730779_0171.png impact on businesses and public authorities
As this option encompasses to the largest extent the options discussed under Problem Area I,
the assessment made there as regards administrative impacts made there also applies here
Overall, the administrative impact on
businesses and public authorities
should be limited as,
even if the measures associated with Option 1 (in addition to those assessed under Problem
Area I) require changes, they are not fundamentally different from the tasks performed
already under the baseline scenario.
More variable pricing will incite the development of more sophisticated energy wholesale
market products allowing price and volume risks to be hedged more effectively. This should
help reduce lower overall risks to
6.2.3. Impacts of Policy Option 2 (Improved energy markets
CMs only when needed,
based on a common EU-wide adequacy assessment) Impacts
This option builds on a strengthened energy market (Option 1). Indeed, as developed in
Section 2.2.1, undistorted energy price signals are fundamental irrespective of whether
generators are solely relying on energy market income or also receive capacity payments.
Therefore, the measures aimed at removing distortions from energy-only markets are 'no-
regrets' and assumed as being integral parts of Options 2 and 3.
In addition, the option assumes the presence of CMs but only in those Member States for
which a resource adequacy assessment performed at European level has demonstrated a
resource adequacy problem. As no restrictions are placed on these CMs, it is assumed they
foresee implicit cross-border participation (i.e. only taking into account imports and exports in
the dimensioning of the CM, without any remuneration of foreign capacity).
In order to highlight the importance of considering the regional aspects in a generation
adequacy assessment, Artelys performed an independent study
assessing the capacity
savings that can be obtained from a European approach in capacity dimensioning for resource
adequacy in comparison to a resource adequacy assessment conducted at Member State level.
The mode used jointly optimises peak capacities given security of supply criteria
for two
reference cases
without cooperation (capacities are optimised for each country individually,
as if countries could not benefit from the capacities of their neighbours) vs. with cooperation
(capacities are optimised jointly for all countries, taking into account interconnection
For the impact of the additional measures (removing price caps, introduction of locational price signals,
etc.), a detailed analysis is also presented in Annexes 4.1 to 4.4.
"METIS Study S16: Weather-driven revenue uncertainty for power producers and ways to mitigate it",
Artelys (2016). The results of this study are spelled-out in more detail in Annex 2.2.
A value of 15k€/MWh for loss of load is used and system adequacy is assessed on 50 years of hourly
weather data. For more details on the characteristics of capacity dimensioning, see Annex 2.2.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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capacities (i.e. NTCs). The difference in installed capacity between the two cases reveals the
savings could be made from cooperation in investments.
Results show that almost 80 GW of capacity savings across the EU can be achieved with
cooperation in investments. This represents a gain of EUR 4.8 billion per year of
when comparing the two extremes. A reason for these savings is that Member
States have different needs in terms of capacity with peak demands that are not necessarily
simultaneous. Therefore, they can benefit from cooperation in the production dispatch and in
investments. It should be noted that this figure does not assess at which stage Member States
are currently (i.e. whether some Member States already benefit from the capacities of their
neighbours), as the benefits have already been reaped by some. It should also be noted that
this figure does not include savings on production dispatch, which could lead to much higher
monetary benefits.
PRIMES/OM was used to assess the impact of introducing CMs on a certain number of
countries, with the CMs foreseeing implicit cross-border participation. The runs assumed that
four countries were justified based on a EU-wide adequacy assessment, to have a CM: UK,
Italy, Ireland and France. This assumption was based on a selection of countries from the
Sector Inquiry on Capacity Mechanisms (as the model always ensures that the expected
security of supply levels are always met).
The analysis shows that the introduction of CMs lowers wholesale prices, but to a limited
degree, primarily in the MS introducing CMs, but also to all EU countries due to the assumed
well-functioning markets. On the other hand this does not translate to reduced Load Payments
for the consumers on a EU level, as the CM related costs slightly exceed the reductions in the
cost of the wholesale energy market in 2030. This difference though becomes quite significant
in the longer term, making Option 1 cheaper than Option 2 by an average of EUR 4
billion/annum when comparing over the period 2021-2050. Interestingly enough, the
consumers of the Member States introducing CMs face a EUR 7 billion increase in costs in
2030, while the cost for all other EU Member States drop by a similar amount. Who would be affected and how
EU-wide resource adequacy assessments would benefit
through maintaining high
standards of security of supply while lowering costs through reduced risk of over procurement
of local assets as foreign contribution to national demand and demand side flexibility would
be sufficiently taken into account.
would be required to carry out an EU-wide resource adequacy assessment based
on national raw data provided by TSOs (as opposed to a compilation of national assessments).
would also have to provide an updated methodology with probabilistic
calculations, appropriate coverage of interdependencies, availability of RES E and demand
side flexibility and availability of cross-border infrastructure.
would be
The 80 GW of capacity savings are a result of optimal investment decisions on EU level, based on an EU
approach vs a national approach. Efficient market functioning can also provide efficient investment signals
leading to more efficient investments. See section
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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required to approve the methodology used by ENTSO-E for the resource adequacy
methodology and potentially endorse the assessment.
would be obliged to provide
national raw data to ENTSO-E which will be used in the EU-wide resource adequacy
Member States
would be better informed about the likely development of security of supply
and would have to exclusively rely on the EU-wide resource adequacy assessment carried out
by ENTSO-E when arguing for CMs.
With the updated methodology provided by ENTSO-E, intermittent
RES generators/
demand-side flexibility
would be less likely to be excluded from contributing to resource
adequacy. on businesses and public authorities
The main burden would be for ENTSO-E having to provide for a single 'upgraded'
methodology and to carry out the assessment for all EU countries. Important to note is that
ENTSO-E has already been carrying out an EU-level resource adequacy assessment based on
Union legislation. However, the methodology used has to be upgraded which would require
increased manpower. Nonetheless, the
administrative costs
of this 'updated' assessment are
expected to be marginal compared to the economic benefits that would be reaped. It is
estimated that these these costs
would range from EUR 4-6 million per year (representing
mainly personnel and IT costs).
6.2.4. Impacts of Policy Option 3 (Improved energy market
CMs only when needed, plus
cross-border participation) Impacts
This option builds on Option 2, i.e. a strengthened energy market and CMs only in Member
States where justified by a European adequacy assessment. In addition, this option provides
an EU framework for explicit cross-border participation in CMs.
Explicit cross-border participation lowers overall system costs compared to implicit
participation, as it corrects investment signals and enables a choice between local generation
and alternatives. As more capacity will be participating in the CM, than in the implicit
participation case, competition will be more intense and thus CM payments lower. In
addition, the enhanced competition will extend also to the wholesale market, thus leading to
lower market clearing prices.
Based on the same setup as in Option 2 (Improved energy market
CMs only when needed,
based on EU resource adequacy assessment) only now with explicit cross-border participation
(i.e. remunerating foreign resources for their services) instead of only implicit (i.e. only taking
into account imports and exports in the dimensioning of the CM, without any remuneration of
The economic costs linked to resource adequacy assessments are based on own estimations, resulting from
discussions with stakeholders and experts. For more details, see Annex 5.1.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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foreign capacity), PRIMES/OM estimates that explicit cross-border participation would result
in significant savings. Results show that explicit participation brings savings of EUR
2 billion
(in 2030) compared to implicit participation, with savings significantly increasing in the long
run to more than EUR 100 billion over the whole projectin period of 2021-2050 (i.e. about
EUR 3.5 billion per annum). The main reason is enhancement of competition in the CM
auction and the resulting lower auction prices.
By remunerating foreign resources for their services, this option is likely to better ensure that
the investment distortions of uncoordinated national mechanisms present in Option 2 are
corrected and that the internal market able to deliver the benefits to consumers. would be affected and how
A positive impact of cross-border capacity mechanism would be expected on the foreign
capacity providers,
generators, interconnectors and aggregators.
They would receive the
possibility to participate directly in a national capacity auction, with availability obligations
imposed on the foreign capacity providers and the interconnecting cross-border infrastructure.
Foreign capacity providers/ interconnectors would be remunerated for the security of supply
benefits that they deliver to the CM zone and but would also receive penalties in case of non-
would be required to set the obligations and penalties for non-availability for
both participating generation/demand resources and cross-border transmission infrastructure.
would be required to establish an appropriate methodology for calculating suitable
capacity values up to which cross-border participation would be possible. Based on the
ENTSO-E methodology,
would be required to calculate the capacity values for each of
their borders. They might potentially be penalized for non-availability of transmission
would also be required to check effective availability of participating
resources. on businesses and public authorities
Providing an EU framework with roles and responsibilities of the involved parties would
enable explicit cross-border participation (as already required by the EEAG). Although the
cost of designing cross-border participation in CM depends to some extent on the design of
the CMs, an expert study
estimated that such cost corresponds roughly to 10% of the
overall cost of the design of a CM
. In addition, they estimate costs associated with the
operation of a cross-border scheme i.e. additional costs if cross-border participation is
facilitated to amount to 6-30 FTEs
for TSOs and regulators combined. Providing for an EU
framework would remove the need for each
Member State
to design a separate solution and
potentially reduce the need for bilateral negotiations between
TSOs and NRAs,
reducing the
overall impact on these authorities. According to the same study, TSOs and NRAs bear the
Thema (2016),
Framework for cross-border participation in capacity mechanisms
(First interim report)
The same expert study also found that the overall cost of of the design are fairly small compared to the
overall cost of the CM (remuneration of the participation ressources).
FTEs in other phases refer to (annually) recurring costs.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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main costs related to cross-border participation as they have to check eligibility and ensure
compliance. The study estimates cost savings of 30% on these eligibility and compliance
costs compared to the baseline. It would also reduce complexity and the administrative impact
operating in more than one zone.
6.2.5. Environmental impacts of options related to Problem Area II
The impacts of these measures to the environment are very limited, as they mainly influence
the generating capacity but not so much the operation of the units, which is the source of
emissions. The actual emissions depend on the merit order and the relation of the marginal
cost of coal in comparison to the marginal cost of gas. This in turn depends on the CO
and the relation of coal versus gas price, and not on whether there is a CM in place or not.
6.2.6. Overview of modelling results for Problem Area II Energy Market as a no-regret option
Several facts speak in favour of market design which relies on an improved energy market as
the driver for investment and operation. As already described in the assessment of Problem
Area I, the improvements in the wholesale market described under Option 1 of Problem Area
I (level playing field, strengthening short-term markets, pulling demand response and
distributed resources into the market) are expected to bring significant benefits and reduce the
need to correct market failures with capacity markets. These benefits are further enhanced
when considering the additional measures considered in this Option (e.g. removal of price
caps, a process which leads to the introduction of locational price signals reflecting systematic
congestion, limiting curtailments of interconnector capacity).
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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The benefits of further improving the market in this way, assessed this time using the
PRIMES/IEM model, are presented in Table 15 below. The level of the reported figures in
Table 15 are higher compared to Table 10 due to the inclusion of more distortions in the
baseline of PRIMES/IEM, as well as the use of scarcity bidding, instead of marginal cost
bidding in METIS
Table 15: Cost of supply in the wholesale market in the year 2030
Load Payments (billion EUR)
Current Market Arrangements
(in context of low price caps, systematic
Level playing field + removal of low price
Strengthening short-term markets +
removal of low price caps, locational price
Demand response / distributed resources
into the market + removal of low price
caps, locational price signals, demand
response in day-ahead
Source: NTUA modelling (PRIMES/IEM)
Intra Day
Overall, despite differences in the modelling approaches, results of PRIMES/IEM are fairly
consistent with METIS results used to access the options from Problem Area I, especially
concerning the ranking of the respective options. The results indicate that the "improved
energy market" Option could significantly decrease wholesale supply costs by around EUR 50
billion in the year 2030. As a consequence, the unit cost of generation paid by the consumers
would drop from 102.9 EUR/MWh to 94.7 EUR/MWh, the largest part of which is
attributable to the participation of demand response in the market
At the same time the assumption that CHP, small scale RES E and biomass retain (implicitly in some cases)
priority dispatch in PRIMES/IEM in the first three examined cases
but not for small scale RES in the last
one -, implies lower percentage changes when moving between the first three options, due to the smaller
generation affected by the measures, but at the same time a more significant one for the last option. More
details on the exact assumptions can be found in Annex IV.
The rows correspond to the respective options of problem area I (except Option 2). In addition though
Option 1(a) (level playing field) is complemented by the removal of price caps; Option 1(b) (strengthening
short-term markets) is complemented by the introduction of locational price signals; and Option 1(c) with
demand response participating also in the day-ahead market (which could not be captured by METIS, as it
captured demand response in the intraday and balancing markets only). The last row reports the aggregate
costs of Option 1 of Problem Area II.
Contrary to METIS, in PRIMES/IEM demand response resources participate also in the day-ahead market,
thus bringing additional savings for the relevant Option. The impact is much more significant in this case
because the day-ahead market covers the vast majority of transactions.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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The above analysis highlights the importance of an improved market design, with all the
measures described under Option 1(c) of Problem Area I, together with scarcity pricing and
the proper locational signals (as added under Option 1 of Problem Area II), irrespective of
whether generators are solely relying on energy market income or also receive capacity
payments. Therefore the measures aimed at removing distortions from energy markets are
considered as 'no-regrets'. of Options 1 to 3
In order to better assess the dynamic behaviour of markets and how markets can also provide
investment signals, modelling analysis was performed using PRIMES/OM
318, 319
. Option 1
assumes an improved energy-only market for all Member States. Options 2 and 3 assume that
the improved energy-only market is complemented in certain cases by a national CM
a means for the Member States to address possible forecasted resource adequacy problems in
their markets, on the basis of a resource adequacy assessment performed at the European
level. The difference between the two options is that Option 3 assumes that the CM foresees
rules for effective, explicit cross-border participation, while Option 2 does not.
For the scope of this assessment, four countries were assumed to be in need of a CM: France,
Ireland, Italy and UK. This hypothesis was not based on a resource adequacy analysis, but on
the CMs examined under DG COMP's Sector Inquiry, focusing specifically on countries with
market-wide CMs. (Results could differ if different countries were selected, which is why a
sensitivity, presented below, was performed).
The main conclusions when comparing Options 1-3 are presented in Table 16 and can be
summarized in the following:
PRIMES/OM delivers results complementary to the ones of market simulation models, like METIS and
PRIMES/IEM, as its focus is on investments. The main difference of PRIMES/OM with other energy
system investment models, like PRIMES, is that while PRIMES model analyses revenues/costs at the level
of the generation portfolio, the PRIMES/OM evaluates the probability of plant survival depending on the
economic performance calculated individually for each plant. A detailed description of PRIMES/OM can be
found in Annex IV.
The results will not be compared directly to the baseline as it was not technically possible to produce
robustly this scenario using PRIMES/OM. Nevertheless this does not affect the assessment, as all options
build upon the preferred option of Problem Area I.
The simulation of the CM auction by country, which is based on an estimation of a demand curve for
capacity procurement, takes into account imports and exports in the context of market integration using
power flow allocation of interconnection capacities. Therefore, the capacity procurement is configured so as
to avoid demanding for unnecessary capacities, as imports are considered to contribute to resource
adequacy. Similarly, exporting countries configure demand for capacity procurement taking into account
capacity needed to support exports.
When a country is assumed to have a CM in place, it is assumed that generators no longer follow scarcity
pricing bidding behaviour, but shift to marginal cost bidding. This is partly a result of competition, as more
generation remains in the market, as well as the expectation that when a plant gets a CM remuneration as a
result of an auction it foregoes revenues that would otherwise be needed to be covered from the day-ahead
market (e.g. because it signs a reliability option contract or a contract for differences with a strike price
effectively acting as a price cap to the generator's revenues from the energy market).
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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The load payments for the three Options are very comparable when assessed at the
EU28 level. For the year 2030, Option 3 (Improved energy market
CMs only when
needed, plus cross-border participation) is slightly cheaper by EUR 1 billion compared
to Option 1 (Improved energy markets - no CMs) and by EUR 2 billion compared to
Option 2 (Improved energy markets
CMs only when needed, based on a common
EU-wide adequacy assessment);
Results actually show that Option 3 is consistently cheaper than Option 2 throughout
the projection horizon until 2050 and on a EU28 level. This is mainly due to the lower
cost of the CMs, as through the cross-border participation more resources can compete
for the relevant payments;
As a result of the above, the average annual cost of total demand is very close for
Option 1 and Option 3, with the lowest cost option alternating along the years. Option
3 is always less costly for the consumer than Option 2 though.
When comparing the Options for the whole projection period, i.e. 2021-2050, Option
1 is found to be EUR 17 billion cheaper than Option 3 (on average about EUR 0.5
billion/annum) and EUR 120 billion cheaper than Option 2 (on average EUR 4
billion/annum). The main reason for this difference is that CMs provide incentives to
retain capacity on the system that otherwise would have exited the market. This cost is
somewhat balanced by the slightly lower energy prices observed in the market,
although the final cost to the consumer comprises of both the energy and the CM cost.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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Table 16: Main Impacts over the projection period 2020-2050 on EU28 level
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Load Payments (billion EUR)
Load Payments for energy and reserves (billion EUR)
Load Payments to capacity mechanisms (billion EUR)
Average SMP (billion EUR)
Average cost of total net demand (EUR/MWh)
Source: NTUA Modelling (PRIMES/OM)
Note:Option 1: Improved energy markets - no CMs
Option 2: Improved energy markets
CMs only when needed, based on a common EU-wide adequacy assessment
Option 3: Improved energy market
CMs only when needed, plus cross-border participation
In order to better understand the impacts
of the CMs and the effect of cross-border
participation, Table 17 presents the impacts in 2030 for the three following groups of
countries: (a) the countries implementing a CM, (b) their direct neighbours and (c) the rest of
the EU countries.
Results for Option 2 shows that by introducing a CM in the assumed four countries, the actual
distribution of cost varies among the different groups of countries. Countries implementing a
CM are significantly burdened, mainly due to the cost of the CM, while their neighbours
benefit from it.
The impacts of CMs on the energy mix were very limited, inducing only some limited switching in
electricity generation from coal to gas plants.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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In particular countries implementing the CM are burdended with an additional EUR 6.8
billion of costs, while the cost of their neighbours drops by EUR 3.6 billion. Even the cost of
the rest of the EU countries drops by EUR 2.9 billion. The cost of energy and reserves is
reduced for all countries
. In the countries implementing a CM the cost is reduced about two
times more than in the rest coutries, thus leading to lower payments for energy and reserves.
However, these reductions are outbalanced by the CM costs, borne solely by the countries
introducing CMs. The CMs induce an additional EUR 11 billion of payments, part of which
are attributed to the 5 GW of capacity which would otherwise have retired early in the
absence of CMs.
Moving to Option 3, i.e. assuming explicit cross-border participation in the CMs, the results
compared to Option 2 improve in terms of cost-efficiency, not only for the whole EU as
presented above, but also for the countries implementing CMs. On the other hand the benefits
for the countries without a CM are slightly reduced.
In particular, the analysis for the year 2030 shows that explicit cross-border participation is
still worse-off for the countries with a CM compared to the energy-only market, costing EUR
3.6 billion more then the energy-only market, but better than implicit cross-border
participation, which costs an additional EUR 3.2 billion to the countries with CM.
In general, modelling results indicate that a CM, compared to an energy-only market, is
likelier to keep more capacity in the system, part of which would have otherwise exited due to
making losses in the energy market. As more capacity is kept in the Member States with a
CM, less capacity is needed in the other Member States, especially the neighbouring ones,
which then rely more on imports.
As it was discussed above, these results are influenced by the specific choice of countries
assumed to have a CM. To address this issue, an additional sensitivity was performed,
comparing the cases of all Member States introducing a CM, either with implicit or explicit
cross-border participation (same applying for all). Results show that the case of CMs with
explicit cross-border participation is less costly, with load payments being EUR 7 billion less
(about 2%) in the year 2030. Half of this benefit is coming from the reduced CM payments
and half from the reduced energy and reserve payments.
This result is related to some specific characteristics of these countries. France is heavily exporting
electricity based on nuclear and this is not affected by the establishment of a CM in France. This is also the
reason why energy costs drop across Europe. The UK and Italy heavily depend on CCGT plants in the
context of the scenario examined and, in addition, have limited free space in interconnections, because they
are saturated by import flows of nuclear energy coming from France.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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Table 17: Distributional Impacts of Options for Member States in 2030
Option 2
Improved energy
CMs only
Improved energy
when needed, based
markets - no CMs
on a common EU-
wide adequacy
Load Payments in 2030 (billion EUR)
MS with CMs
MS directly neighbouring MS with CM
Rest of the MS
Option 1
Option 3
Improved energy
CMs only
when needed, plus
Load Payments for energy and reserves (billion EUR)
MS with CMs
MS directly neighbouring MS with CM
Rest of the MS
Load Payments to capacity mechanisms (billion EUR)
MS with CMs
MS directly neighbouring MS with CM
Rest of the MS
Average SMP (EUR/MWh)
MS with CMs
MS directly neighbouring MS with CM
Rest of the MS
Cancelling of Investments or Early Retirements of Capacity in 2021-2030 (GW)
MS with CMs
MS directly neighbouring MS with CM
Rest of the MS
Source: NTUA modelling (PRIMES/OM)
The main reason for the overall improved performance and reduced costs of Option 3
compared to Option 2 is the enhancement of competition in the CM auction and the resulting
lower auction prices when allowing for explicit cross-border participation. This reduction
Impacts comparing the effects to countries assumed to have CMs and countries without. The 4 countries
assumed to have CMs in 2030 (France, Italy, UK, Ireland) were chosen based on the finding of DG COMP
Sector Inquiry. No specific assumption was made for the design of the relevant CMs. Differences are due to
the peculiarities of each national energy system, mainly related to its power mix and its level of
interconnections. Results could be different if other MS had been chosen.
The values under "cancelling of investments or early retirements of capacity" represent excess capacity
which becomes redundant due to the improved market functioning. Early retirement in the model is market-
based, coming as a result of anticipating a negative present value of earnings above operation costs in the
future, in comparison to the remaining value of the plant.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
lowers the revenues of generators from a CM, but the probability of capacity reduction does
not significantly increase, compared to the case with implicit cross-border participation.
Explicit cross-border participation in the CM auctions implies that competition is stengthened
not only in the CM, but also in the electricity wholesale market. the necessary investments
Despite the different modelling approaches followed, the analysis with both METIS and
PRIMES/IEM reach a similar conclusion: improving the electricity market design is a no
regret option for the society as a whole. It is expected to reduce both the cost of operating the
power system, as well as the final cost for the consumers.
At the same time though the two models showed that these savings come to the detriment of
the thermal generator revenues, which are expected to be reduced compared to the baseline.
This modelling conclusion is a consequence mainly of the following two reasons:
on one hand, the improved market design increases competition in the market, by
bringing more resources into the market and better utilisation of interconnections;
on the other hand, capacities are assumed to be constant due to the nature of the
modelling (static, focusing on 2030 based on the same capacities across all options).
The combination of the two points above leads to a market with overcapacity
and thus low
prices, since there is no scarcity and there is sufficient capacity of flexible resources. In reality
though, the low prices in a well-functioning market would serve as a signal for lower
investments and exit of loss-making generators. Therefore this overcapacity should either
never appear or only be temporary.
The above dynamic interactions were better captured with PRIMES/OM, which simulated
investment behaviour till 2050
. In an energy-only market context, PRIMES/OM projected
that 63 GW of capacity would either be retired early or the relevant investments would be
cancelled in the period 2021-2030. About half of it would come from (mainly old) coal plants
and another half from peaking units or steam turbines fuelled by oil and gas.
The reason for retiring capacity and cancelling investments is the unprofitable operation of the
units. From the results it is indicated that the market can be successful in maintaining CCGT
in operation and, partly, peak devices. On the other hand it does not provide sufficient
incentives to retain old coal and old oil/gas steam turbine power plants, which are loss-
Moreover the capacity mix is not optimal any more.
All modelling runs assume certain reliability standards are met (i.e. security of supply concerns are always
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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Table 18: Power generation
capacity in EU28
Power Generation
Capacity (GW)
Cancelling of Investments or Early
Retirements of Capacity (GW)
Coal & Lignite
Peakers & Steam
turbines (oil/gas)
Source: NTUA Modelling (PRIMES/OM)
In this context of adjusting capacities, the profitability
of thermal generation changes
significantly for the better. Scarcity pricing and the reduction of overcapacity are the main
drivers for this. Table 19 below shows how the adjustment of capacities, together with
scarcity pricing, would affect wholesale prices and allow thermal plants to at least recover
their total costs from the market.
Table 19: Effect of adjusting capacities to wholesale market prices in 2030
Day-Ahead Market Price
Before Adjusting Capacities
Day-Ahead Market Price
After Adjusting Capacities
Average Price (EUR/MWh)
Peak load
Spread (EUR/MWh)
Source: NTUA Modelling (PRIMES/IEM, PRIMES/OM)
In this context, the market seems able to deliver to a large extent the necessary investments
for all competitive technologies in the long term. A new CCGT plant, which is the marginal
technology, constructed post-2025 (when overcapacity is gradually resolving) will likely
remain profitable over the following 20 years of its operation. If this plant is part of a larger
Reported generation capacities do not include capacities of CHP plants. Reported figures on cancelled
investments do not include 2 GW of cancelled nuclear investments in 2021-2030 and another 2 GW in 2041-
Profits are highly dependent on the assumed fuel costs, technology costs and CO
price. Therefore the
discussion in this Section should be read in a probabilistic context, i.e. the "likelihood" of the investments
being profitable, similar to how the modelling of investment decisions was performed. Concerning the
specific assumptions used, PRIMES/OM was based on the relevant PRIMES EUCO27 projections, reported
in Annex IV.
PRIMES/IEM results are before capacity adjustment, PRIMES/OM after adjustment. Similar assumptions and
the same bidding strategies were used in both models, thus results are comparable, within the limitations of
each modelling approach.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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portfolio, especially if it includes competitive RES E technologies, then it will be able to
better hedge its risks and further increase the likelihood that the whole portfolio will be
More specifically per technology:
Scarcity bidding succeeds in maintaining the vast majority of CCGT
capacity, a large part of it being new investments in the period 2021-
2030. These plants have a variety of revenue sources (day-ahead,
intraday, balancing, reserves) and the projected increase in ETS
prices makes them economically more attractive to operate. As a
result CCGT plants are dispatched more often at full capacity.
Nuclear plants do not have any revenue issues, due to their low
marginal cost. Note that new investments in nuclear appear only in
the long-term.
These plants have the biggest revenue problems, as market revenues
prove insufficient even to cover their fuel and variable (non-fuel)
costs. There was very limited new investment in the projections even
in the baseline, so this issue mainly concerns decisions for the
refurbishment of coal plants.
Peak units and steam turbines (many of them old) do not produce
comfortable revenues until 2035
. Around that period though and
due to the strong investments in variable RES E and the increasing
needs for flexible capacity, the situation turns around, rendering these
units very profitable.
The situation for RES E is contrasted, depending on the level of
maturity of RES E technologies. Even if some less advanced RES E
technologies would need support to emerge as part of the power
generation mix towards 2030, this is not the case for many
competitive RES E technologies, such as hydro, onshore wind and
solar PV (at least in some parts of Europe)
. For a more elaborate
discussion on this point see the text box below on RES E investments
and market design.
Coal / Lignite
Peak devices
(excl. biomass)
Study S16"
shows that peakers’ revenues highly depend on the occurrence of scarcity hours that
happen mainly during very cold years, which constitutes an additional risk for peakers who rely on scarcity
prices to generate revenues. On the contrary, base-load producers have more stable revenues from one year
to the other.
A more detailed analysis can be found in the RED II impact assessment, specifically in Annex 5, where a
detailed analysis on the viability of RES E projects is presented for the period post-2020.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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(incl. biomass)
remains unprofitable over the whole projection period when
considering only their electricity market related revenue streams. It
should be considered though that the main use of these plants is
assumed to be the production of industrial steam/heat, with electricity
being a side-product. Therefore, no conclusion should be made based
on these partial results. Similar for biomass (outside industrial CHP),
additional revenues are assumed to come from support schemes and
the value of heat when producing heat for district heating.
The following table summarizes the projected profitability for all generation technologies
over the period 2020-2050:
Table 20: Average profits or losses
for different plant categories in the case of an
energy only market over the projected horizon 2020
2050 in EUR/kW for EU28
Sol i ds
Stea m turbi nes oi l /ga s
Pea k
Nucl ea r
La kes
Run of Ri ver
Geotherma l
Wi nd ons hore
Sol a r PV (l a rge)
RES (s ma l l )
Wi nd offs hore
Bi oma s s
Sol a r therma l
Ti da l
CHP s ol i ds
CHP ga s
CHP bi oma s s
CHP oi l
Source: NTUA modelling (PRIMES/OM)
It is important to highlight that the above analysis has been performed per individual plant
basis. Although this reflects project finance type of decisions, it does not reflect portfolio-
based decisions, which are closer to the usual power sector business model for utilities, due to
economies of scale. The portfolio approach (e.g. investing in both wind and peak generators)
The category of CHP plants includes only those which serve industrial steam and district heating as their
main function. Other CHP plants have been appropriately distributed within the capacities of the respective
The reported results concern financial evaluation at individual plant level. In the context of PRIMES/OM,
profits or losses are defined as follows: revenues from day-ahead market, revenues from reserve market,
revenues from CM (if applicable) minus sum of fuel costs, variable non-fuel costs, O&M fixed costs and
capital costs. For capital costs the model estimates the not-yet amortized value of initial investment
expenditure for old plants (including cost of refurbishment if applicable) and the investment expenditures
for new investments. As these are aggregate numbers, they approximate but are not equal to the missing
money (as when calculating aggregate profits, one unit's losses may cancel out with another unit's profits,
while when calculating missing money you only add the losses).
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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allows the sharing of risks between different technologies, directly improving the
performance of the investments.
Similarly the above analysis does not consider the existence of any type of contracts between
supply and demand, be it long-term contracts, futures (e.g. EEX hedging products) or even
typical contracts between utilities and residential/commercial consumers. Such contracts,
concluded on a purely voluntary market basis, would again transfer part of the risk of the
generators to consumers, in exchange of higher security of supply, protection against price
spikes and more stable payments, allowing both sides to better manage their risks. This would
in turn increase the likelihood of the investments turning out to be profitable.
The above analyses also highlights that the market, of improved along the lines with the
measures assessed in the present impact assessment, can deliver to a large extent the
necessary investments for a wide range of technologies in the long term, thereby reducing the
need for government intervention to support investment in electricity resources.
Box 7: RES E investments and market design
Amongst all sectors that make up our energy system, electricity is the most cost-effective to
decarbonize. Currently about one fourth of Europe's electricity is produced from renewable
energy sources. Modelling indicates that the share of RES E in electricity generation needs to
almost double by 2030 in order for the EU to meet its 2030 energy and climate targets.
A functioning market is the most efficient tool to implement the decarbonisation agenda at
least costs while securing electricity supplies at all times.
The Commission's ambition for the post-2020 context is that renewable electricity generators
can earn an increasingly larger fraction of their revenues from the energy markets.
This ambition requires adapting the market design for the cost-effective operation of variable,
decentralised generation, and improving the market as the catalyst for investments by
removing regulatory failures and market imperfections. In a nutshell, markets will need to:
be more focused on short-term trading, including cross-border trading, to allow
electricity from wind and solar energy to effectively compete in the market;
link wholesale and retail markets to increase the flexibility of the system, let
consumers benefit from times of cheap electricity, let them engage in demand
response systems and produce electricity themselves; and,
become even better at generating investment signals
as a matter of principle, it
should be the market through its price signals triggering investments.
In this context, the present impact assessment investigates a number of options that improve
market functioning by removing market distortions between different types of generation, that
render the market's operation more flexible and adapted to the cost-effective operation of
variable generation and improving the conditions for the participation of decentralised,
flexible resources, such as demand and storage, into the market. Moreover, it investigates
various means to improve price signals inciting investment in the right resources and location
and investments in infrastructure.
The enhanced market design will improve the viability of RES E investments, but electricity
market revenues alone might not prove sufficient in attracting renewable investments in a
timely manner and at the required scale to meet EU's 2030 targets.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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The enhanced market design and the strengthened ETS will improve the viability of RES E
investments, in particular through the following channels:
Where the marginal producer is a fossil fired power plant, a higher carbon price translates
into higher average wholesale prices. The existing surplus of allowances is expected to
decrease due to the implementation of the Market Stability Reserve and the higher Linear
Reduction Factor, reducing the current imbalance between supply and demand for
Greater system flexibility will be critical for a better integration of RES E in the system,
reducing their hours of curtailment and the related forgone revenues; improving overall
system flexibility is equally essential to limit the merit-order effect
and thus in avoiding
the erosion of the market value of RES E produced electricity
The revision of priority dispatch rules and the better functioning of the short-term markets
will strongly reduce (even eliminate according to the analysis) the occurrence of negative
leading again to higher average wholesale prices (especially during the hours with
significant variable RES E generation);
Improved market rules for intraday and balancing markets will increase their liquidity and
allow access to those markets for all resources, thus helping RES E generators reduce their
balancing costs;
Removing existing (explicit or implicit) restrictions for the participation of all resources to
the reserve and ancillary services markets will allow RES E to generate additional
revenues from these markets.
Price signals reflecting the actual value of electricity at each point of time, as well as the
value of flexibility, will help ensure that flexible capacity is properly rewarded,
channelling investment into such capacities or prevent its decommissioning.
With technology costs gradually reducing, ETS price increasing and the electricity market
prices better reflecting the value of electricity, RES E investments in the electricity market
will gradually become more and more market-based, reflecting the balance of supply and
demand for the coming years and the associated costs to each technology.
The present impact assessment and the one on the RED II thus jointly come to the conclusion
that the improved electricity market, in conjunction with a revised ETS could, under these
conditions, deliver investments in the most mature renewable technologies (such as solar PV
and onshore wind).
However, despite best efforts in market integration, electricity market revenues alone might
not prove sufficient in attracting renewable investments in a timely manner and at the required
scale to meet EU's 2030 targets. This investment gap is analysed in more details in the RES II
Also referred occasionally as the 'cannibalisation effect'.
The inherent variability of wind exposure and solar radiation affects the price that variable renewable
electricity generators receive on the market (market value). During windy and sunny days the additional
electricity supply reduces the prices. Because the drop is larger with more installed capacity, the market
value of variable renewable electricity falls with higher penetration rate, translating into a gap to the average
market value of all electricity generators over a given period (See Hirth, Lion, "The
Market Value of
Variable Renewables",
Energy Policy, Volume 38, 2013, p. 218-236)
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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impact assessment. The analysis shows that the picture is dynamic, with the enhanced market
design and the strengthened ETS gradually and increasingly improving RES E profitability
over the 2021-2030 period. At the beginning of the period, over-capacity, low ETS and
wholesale market prices and still high RES E technology costs, make the case for investments
in RES E technologies more difficult. However, an increasing ETS price, a more flexible and
dynamic electricity market, technology costs reductions and adjustments in capacity
increasingly facilitate investments over this period
The impact assessment for RED II concludes that over the period 2021-2030 around half of
the additional RES E capacity will still need some kind of support, but with significant
decrease in the number of investments needing support towards 2030.
In particular, less mature RES E technologies, such as off-shore wind, will likely need some
form of support throughout the 2021-2030 period. These technologies are required if RES E
technologies are to be deployed to the extent required for meeting the 2030 and 2050 energy
and climate objectives, and provide an important basis for the long-term competitiveness of
an energy system based on RES E.
The picture also depends on regions. RES E technologies are more easily financed from the
market in the regions with the highest potential (e.g. onshore wind in the Nordic region or
solar in Southern Europe), while RES E continue to largely require support in the British Isles
and in Central Europe.
Additionally, it should be noted that the speed at which RES E parity
is reached, in addition
to the successful implementation of the MDI and ETS, also depends on factors that lay
outside of the scope of these initiatives, including: (i) continued decrease in technology costs
for RES E as well as complementary technologies (e.g. storage); (ii) the availability of
(reasonably cheap) capital, which is a function of many variables, including project-specific
and RES E framework-specific risks, but also general country risk; (iii) continued social
acceptance; (iv) sufficiently high and stable fossil fuel prices.
The need for a framework for RES E support schemes
In order to address the risks associated with investments in RES E and the chance of failing to
meet EU's 2030 target for RES, the MDI and the RED II impact assessments jointly consider
that electricity market and ETS policies need to be complemented by an improved policy
framework on RES E support schemes.
Against this background, the RED II impact assessment investigates options to ensure that, if
and where support is needed, support is only applied where needed in a manner that is: (i)
cost-effective and kept to a minimum, and (ii) creates as little distortions as possible to the
i.e. the moment when LCOE decreases to the level of the actual market value of the asset to be
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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functioning of electricity markets, and to competition between technologies and between
Member States. Indeed, the market can only deliver the full benefits sketched above, if
policies fostering RES E are compatible with the market environment in which they operate.
In particular, the RED II impact assessment suggests creating a common European framework
for support schemes. The framework would be effective as it would define design principles
(i) that ensure sufficient investor certainty over the 2021-2030 and (ii) require the use (where
needed) of market-based and cost-effective schemes based on emerging best practice design
(including principles that are not covered by the current State Aid guidelines).
At the same time, the framework would be proportionate by leaving actual implementation to
the State Aid guidelines (e.g. for the definition of thresholds applicable for any foreseen
exemptions) and, most importantly, to the case by case, evidence-based, in-depth assessment
of individual schemes by the services of DG Competition .Importantly, the framework would
enshrine in legislation and expand the requirement to tender support; it would define tender
design principles, based on emerging best practice, to ensure the highest cost-efficiency gains
and to ensure market incentives are least distorted by the support mechanism.
The framework would thus strengthen the use of tenders as a natural phase-out mechanism for
support, by which a competitive bidding process determines the remaining level of support
required to bridge any financing gap
such level of support being expected to disappear for
the most mature technologies over the course of the 2021-2030 period.
The importance of a framework for RES E support schemes for the present initiative.
It is also important to note that the progressive reform of RES E support schemes as proposed
by the RED II initiative, building on the EEAG, is a prerequisite for the results of the present
initiative to come about. In order to ensure that a market can function, it is necessary that
market participants are progressively exposed to the same price signals and risks. Support
schemes based on feed-in-tariffs prevent this and would need to be phased-out, with limited
exemptions, and replaced by schemes that expose RES E to price signals, as for instance
premium based schemes. This would be further supported by setting aid-levels through
auctioning as RES E investment projects will then be incentivised to develop business models
that optimise market-based returns
How different types of CMs might affect RES E remuneration in the market
In market-wide, volume-based CMs, assets are remunerated if they can respond to specific
technical performance criteria (i.e. in practice if they are dispatchable). Hence, it is likely that
variable RES E producers (wind and solar) cannot participate in such schemes to the same
extent as dispatchable generators. As the introduction of a market-wide volume-based scheme
might render scarcity-based pricing less effective, RES E producers might receive less income
then they would otherwise be able to earn on energy-only markets. A well-designed strategic
reserve (provided it is activated (only at value of lost load and activated as a measure of last
See also Annex IV for more information for information on the robustness on
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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resort (see above)), is less likely to have a negative impact on market revenues for
intermittent RES E, as such a scheme relies on commodity price signals only and does not
interact with scarcity-based pricing. and volatility of wholesale prices
The analysis performed using all three models (METIS, PRIMES/IEM, PRIMES/OM)
confirms that the projected investments in low carbon technologies, combined with increased
demand response participation, are not expected to lead to the collapse of the wholesale
market prices in the short and medium term. Although there will be hours with low (or even
negative) prices, the wholesale prices will most probably be set by the marginal thermal
generation technology during most hours of the year. Table 21 presents the distribution of
wholesale prices in 2030, assessed for the various options of Problem Area I with
PRIMES/IEM. Results indicate that the wholesale prices will fluctuate, but within reasonable
limits on an EU level
Table 21: Distribution of load weighted day-ahead market prices
in 2030
Number of Hours
Day-ahead price
in 2030 (EUR/MWh)
Option 0
Option 1(a)
Option 1(b)
Option 1(c)
Level playing
Fully integrated
Below 60
Between 60-80
Between 80-90
Between 90-100
Between 100-110
Between 110-120
Between 120-140
Above 140
Source: NTUA Modelling (PRIMES/IEM)
The above results do indicate that the improved market design will lead to more volatile
average hourly prices, partly due to the introduction of locational signals which reveal the
Certain Member States though with very high RES E shares, like Spain and Portugal, and limited
interconnections are expected to have significantly more volatile wholesale prices than other Member States.
Reported results reflected assumed bidding behaviour of generators. The behaviour was relatively
conservative, reflecting though a stable condition in the market and the effects of competition (though
market power was considered). The most important assumption driving these results is that plants bid above
marginal costs and the hydro plants bid at opportunity costs. Minimum price observed (on EU28 level) was
not lower than 60 EUR/MWh, highest price did not exceed 200 EUR/MWh. There were higher and lower
prices on Member State level.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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different value of electricity in the various nodes. This volatility though will be fairly
restricted and will not be the result of extreme price fluctuations between zero and VoLL. The
observed price ranges will be fairly constrained, as long as the share of variable RES E
remains within certain limits
. When the share of RES E, and specifically of variable RES E
technologies, exceeds these rough limits though, price volatility may increase significantly if
other resources like storage are not in place yet to absorb a large part of it.
As can be seen in the table below, in 2050 the share of RES E is projected to approach 60%.
In this case the spread between the baseload and peak load prices increases significantly,
mainly due to the lower baseload prices compared to the previous periods. The average day-
ahead market prices though remain high throughout the projection horizon, as thermal
generation is still expected to be marginal (thus setting the day-ahead market price) during
most hours of the year.
Table 22: Average wholesale prices and RES E Shares
Average wholesale market prices
(EUR 13/MWh)
Average day-ahead market prices
peak load
Spread between average
baseload and peak load SMP
Share of RES E in net electricity generation (%)
Share of variable RES E
Source: NTUA modelling (PRIMES/OM)
A study by METIS finds that as long as the share of solar generation is lower than 10-12% of total
electricity generation, solar production coincides with periods of high power demand and tends to smooth-
out residual demand over the day, which is expected to lead to less variable prices. This changes though
considerably for higher shares of solar. On the other hand, wind energy is directly related to variability and
is a significant driver for flexibility needs. "METIS
Study S7: The role and need of flexibility in 2030. Focus
on Energy Storage",
Artelys (2016).
Based on the modelling methodology followed, described in Annex IV, reported wholesale prices reflect the
level of electricity prices which would lead to the recovery of the full costs of generators only via the
wholesale market, on a plant by plant basis and over the lifetime of each asset in the case of an Energy only
Market (i.e. Option 1). This modelling context differs significantly from the current one, characterised by
different underlying market conditions (overcapacity, low fuel prices, distorted markets etc). See also Box 9
in Section for a further discussion on this topic.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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Impact Assessment for problem Area III (reinforce coordination between
Member States for preventing and managing crisis situations)
6.3.1. Methodological Approach
In this section the impacts of the different policy options are identified and assessed. The
options proposed should first and foremost be effective in improving trust of Member States
to rely on neighbours' electricity markets in times of system stress. They should also lead to a
more effective functioning of markets, with less undue market distortions. Additionally,
reinforced coordination and cooperation between Member States in the identification and
mitigation of risks and the management of crisis have also been identified as specific
The methodological approach followed for this analysis is mostly qualitative; however some
quantitative analysis is provided as well, notably via the METIS simulations.
As regards the impacts, given the administrative nature of the measures and the objectives
pursued, the most relevant impacts in terms of magnitude are the
The measures proposed (e.g. enhanced regional coordination and information exchange)
anticipates a very limited impact, if any, on the
Therefore, the assessment does
not examine the impact of the proposed measures on the environment.
6.3.2. Impacts of Policy Option 1 (Common minimum rules to be implemented by Member
States) impacts
Overall, the policy tools proposed under this option should have positive effects. Putting in
place a more common approach to crisis prevention and management would not entail
additional costs for businesses and consumers. It would, by contrast, bring clear benefits to
First, a more common approach would help better prevent blackout situations, which are
extremely costly. The immense costs of large-scale blackouts provide an indication of
potential benefits of improved preparation and prevention
Previous blackouts in Europe had severe consequences. For example, the blackout in Italy in September
2003 resulted in a power disruption for several hours affecting about 55 million people in Italy and
neighbouring countries and causing around 1.2 billion euros worth of damage. (source:
The costs of
blackouts in Europe
(2016), EC CORDIS:
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
Table 23: Overview over most severe blackouts in Europe
Number of end-
Country & year
energy not
0.86 million
2.1 hours, 18
(Sweden); 2.4
million (Denmark)
2 days–2 weeks,
France, 1999
1.4 - 3.5 million
400 GWh
55 million
18 hours
1 day
5 weeks,
Sweden, 2005
0.7 million
11 GWh
Less than 2
Central Europe, 2006
45 million
Estimated costs to
whole society
EUR 145
EUR 11.5 billion
EUR 400 million
Source: SESAME: Securing the European Electricity Supply Against Malicious and Accidental Threats
A more common approach to emergency handling, with an obligation for Member States to
help each other, would help to avoid or limit the effects of potential blackouts. A more
common approach, with clear obligations to e.g., follow up on the results of seasonal
outlooks, would also reduce the costs of remedial actions TSOs have to face today. This, in
turn, should have a positive effect with a reduction of costs overall.
In addition, improving transparency and information exchange would facilitate coordination,
leading to a more efficient and less costly measures.
By ensuring that electricity markets operate as long as possible also in stress situations, cost-
efficient measures to prevent and resolve crisis are prioritized. would be affected and how
Option 1 is expected to have a positive effect on society at large and electricity consumers in
particular, since it helps prevent crisis situations and avoid unnecessary cut-offs. Given the
nature of the measures proposed, no major other impact on market participants and consumers
is expected.
On cybersecurity, given the voluntary approach of this option, several stakeholders (TSOs,
DSOs, generators, suppliers and aggregators) could be affected, as long as they implement the
guidance proposed. However, the impact is estimated limited as the costs of cybersecurity for
regulated entities merely need to get considered and taken into account by the regulatory
authority. Thus, the TSOs and DSOs affected could recover their costs via grid tariffs. In that
case, the pass through of costs would have an impact on consumers that could see a slightly
increased in the final prices of electricity.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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1730779_0194.png on businesses and public authorities
The preparation of risk preparedness plans as well as the increased transparency and
information exchange in crisis management imply a certain administrative effort
. However,
the impact in terms of administrative impact would remain low, as currently Member States
already assess risks relating to security of supply, and all have plans in place for dealing with
electricity crisis situations
In addition, it is foreseen to withdraw the current legal obligation for Member States to draw
up reports monitoring security of supply
, as such reporting obligation will no longer be
necessary where national plans reflect a common approach and are made transparent. This
would reduce administrative impacts.
6.3.3. Impacts of Policy Option 2 (Common minimum rules to be implemented by Member
States plus regional co-operation) impacts
This option would lead to better preparedness for crisis situations at a lesser cost through
enhanced regional coordination. The results of METIS simulations
show that well
integrated markets and regional coordination during periods of extreme weather conditions
(i.e. very low temperature
) are crucial in addressing the hours of system stress (i.e. hours of
extreme electricity demand), and minimizing the probability of loss of load (interruption of
electricity supply).
Most importantly, while a national level approach to security of supply disregards the
contribution of neighboring countries in resolving a crisis situation, a regional approach to
security of supply results in a better utilization of power plants and more likely avoidance of
loss of load. This is due to the combined effect of the following three factors: (i) the
variability of renewable production is partly smoothed out when one considers large
geographical scales, (ii) the demands of different countries tend to peak at different times, and
(iii) the power supply mix of different countries can be quite different, leading to synergies in
their utilization.
Administrative costs are defined as the costs incurred by enterprises, the voluntary sector, public authorities
and citizens in meeting legal obligations to provide information on their action or production, either to
public authorities or to private parties.
Risk Preparedness Study.
Article 4 of the
Electricity Directive;
Article 7 of the
Electricity SoS Directive.
"METIS Study S16: Weather-driven revenue uncertainty for power producers and ways to mitigate it",
Artelys (2016).
Even though periods with very low temperature occur rarely (9C difference between the 50 year worst case
and the 1% centile) countries can face high demand peaks (e.g. Nordic countries and France) mainly due to
the high consumption for the electric heating. As example, the additional demand for the 50 years peak
compared to the annual peak demand is 23% for France, 18% for Sweden and 17.3% for Finland.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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The following table compares the security of supply indicator, EENS, assessed by METIS for
the three levels of coordination (national, regional, European)
. It highlights the highest
value of the loss of load (electricity non-served expressed as percentage of annual load) when
it is measured in a scenario of non-coordinated approach, which does not take into account the
potential mutual assistance between countries. When cooperation takes place among Member
States, the percentage of electricity non-served significantly decreases.
Table 24 - Global expected energy non-served as part of global demand within the three
approaches for scenario ENTSO-E 2030 v1 with CCGT/OCGT current generation
EENS (% of annual load)
ENTSO-E V1 scenario
National level
Regional level
European level
0,36 %
0,02 %
0,01 %
ENTSO-E 2030 v1: vision for 2030 "Slowest progress". The perspective of Vision 1 is a scenario where no
common European decision regarding how to reach the CO
-emission reductions has been reached. Each
country has its own policy and methodology for CO2, RES and resource adequacy.
Source: METIS
The EENS for the three levels of coordination are represented on the figure below. When the
security of supply is assessed at the national level, many countries of central Europe seem to
present substantial levels of loss of load. However, since these countries are interconnected, a
regional assessment of security of supply (taking into account power exchanges within this
region) significantly decreases the loss of load levels.
"METIS Study S04: Stakes of a common approach for generation and system adequacy",
Artelys (2016).
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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Figure 14 - EENS (%) estimation by country for scenario ENTSO-E 2030 v1 with
CCGT/OCGT current generation capacities. From left to right: EENS estimated at
European, regional and national levels
CCGT: Combined Cycle Gas Turbine OCGT: Open Cycle Gas Turbine
ENTSO-E 2030 v1: vision for 2030 "Slowest progress". The perspective of Vision 1 is a scenario where no
common European decision regarding how to reach the CO
-emission reductions has been reached. Each
country has its own policy and methodology for CO2, RES and resource adequacy.
Source: METIS
METIS simulations also show that thanks to regional cooperation the stress situations would
decrease and concentrate in a limited number of hours that may occur simultaneously
Therefore, it highlights the need for specific rules on how Member States should proceed in
these particular circumstances, as proposed in this Option 2.
As the overall cost of the system would decrease thanks to enhanced coordination this could
have a positive impact on prices for consumers.
On the contrary, a lack of coordination on how to prevent and manage crisis situations would
imply significant opportunity costs. A recent study also evidenced that the integration of the
European electricity market could deliver significant benefits of EUR 12.5 to 40 billion until
2030. However, this amount would be reduced by EUR 3 to 7.5 billion when Member States
pursue security of electricity supply objectives following going alone approaches
. would be affected and how
As in the case for Option 1, Option 2 is expected to have a positive effect on society at large
and electricity consumers in particular, since it helps prevent crisis situations and avoid
Please also see in
Annexes to the Impact Assessment: Assessment of the Measures Associated with the Main
Graphs 1 and 2 in
"6. Detailed measures assessed under problem area 3: a new legal framework for
preventing and managing crises situations".
Benefits of an Integrated European Energy Market
(2013), BOOZ&CO.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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unnecessary cut-offs. Given that, under Option 2, Member States would be required to
effectively cooperate, and tools would be in place to monitor security of supply via the
Electricity Coordination Group, such crisis prevention and management would be even more
The measures would also have a positive effect on the business community, as there would be
much more transparency and comparability as regards how Member States prepare for and
intend to manage crisis situations. This will increase legal certainty for investors, power
generators, power exchanges but also for TSOs when managing short-term crisis situations.
Among the stakeholders the most affected would be the competent authorities (e.g. Ministry,
NRA) as actors responsible for the preparation of the risk preparedness plans (see below,
assessment of impacts on public authorities). on businesses and public authorities
The assessment of this option shows a limited increase in administrative impact, although it
would be to some extent higher than Option 1, given that national authorities would be
required to pre-agree part of their risk preparedness plans in a regional context.
However, existing experiences show that a more regional approach to risk assessment and risk
preparedness is technically and legally feasible. Further, since the regional parts of the plans
would in practice be prepared by regional co-ordination centres between TSOs, the overall
impact on Member States' administrations in terms of 'extra burdens' would be limited, and be
clearly offset by the advantages such co-operation would bring in practice.
In addition, more regional cooperation would also allow Member States to create synergies, to
learn from each other, and jointly develop best practices. This should, overtime, lead to a
reduction in administrative impacts.
Finally, European actors such as the Commission and ENTSO-E would provide guidance and
facilitate the process of risk preparation and management. This would also help reduce
impacts on Member States.
It should be noted, that under Option 2 (as is the case for Option 1) no new body or new
reporting obligation is being created, and that existing obligations are being streamlined.
Thus, the Electricity Coordination Group is an existing body meeting regularly, for the future
it is foreseen to make this group more effective by giving it concrete tasks. Further, national
reporting obligations would be reduced (e.g. repealing the obligation of Article 4 of
Electricity Directive) and EU-level reporting would take place within the context of existing
reports and existing reporting obligations (e.g. ACER annual report Monitoring the Internal
Electricity and Natural Gas Markets).
The Nordic TSOs, regulators and energy authorities cooperate through
the Nordic Contingency
and Crisis Management Forum. This includes information exchange and joint working groups and
contingency planning for the overall Nordic power sector as a supplement to the national emergency work
and TSO cooperation (
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
6.3.4. Impacts of Policy Option 3 (Full harmonisation and full decision-making at regional
level) impacts
The regional coordination through the regional plans would have a positive impact in term of
cost as the number of plans would be necessary less than twenty-eight plans and limited to the
number of regions. In addition, the coordination at European level would decrease slightly the
loss of load level compared to the regional coordination (EENS 0.01% compared to 0.02%).
On the contrary, on cybersecurity, the creation of a dedicated agency at EU level would have
important economic implications as this agency would be a new body that does not exist yet
and which is also not foreseen in the NIS Directive. The costs of creating this new agency are
not only limited to the creation of a new agency itself, but the costs would also have to
include the roll-out of a whole security infrastructure. For example, the estimated costs of
putting in place the necessary security infrastructure and related services to establish a
comparable national body - cross-sectorial governmental Computer Emergency Response
Team ("CERT") with the similar duties and responsibilities at national level as the planned
pan-European sector-specific agency - would be approximately EUR 2.5 million
national body. This means that the costs for the security infrastructure would be manifold for
a pan-European body. In terms of human resources, for the proper functioning of the new
agency with minimum scope and tasks at EU level, it is estimated a staff of 168 full time
equivalents (considering 6 full time equivalents per Member State sent to the EU agency).
The representation from all Member States in the agency is essential in order to ensure trust
and confidence on the institution. However, the availability of network and information
security experts who are also well-versed in the energy sector is limited. would be affected and how
The obligation of regional plans would have important implications for the competent
authorities as the coordination and agreement of common issues (e.g. load shedding plan,
harmonised definition of protected customers) would be a lengthy and complex process.
On cybersecurity, the creation of the new agency at EU level would mobilize highly qualified
human resources with skills in both energy and information and communication technologies.
This could have a potential impact on national administrations and energy companies as long
as some of the experts in the field could be recruited by the new institution. However, the
impact would be limited as the representation for all Member States should be guaranteed.
Therefore, a small number of experts (around 6) per country could be recruited.
"Impact Assessment accompanying the document Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and
of the Council Concerning measures to ensure a high level of network and information security across the
SWD(2013) 32 final.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
1730779_0199.png on businesses and public authorities
Overall Option 3 would imply significantly administrative impact in the preparation of the
regional plans. It would require important efforts to gather information related to national and
regional circumstances and contribute to the joint task of assessing the risks and identifying
the measures to be included in the plans. In any case, it would seem difficult to coordinate
within a region the national specificities and risks originate mostly in one Member State.
The creation of a new agency on cybersecurity would imply significant administrative
impacts in the preparation and set-up of the agency, as well as in the communication structure
with already existing cross-sectorial bodies of Member States (CERTs/ Computer Security
Incident Response Teams "CSIRTs").
Impact Assessment for Problem Area IV (Increase competition in the retail
6.4.1. Methodological Approach
This section compares the costs and benefits of each of the policy options to address this
Problem Area in a semi-quantitative manner.
No data or methodology exists that would allow us to accurately quantify all the benefits of
the measures examined.
However, this section draws on behavioural experiments from a controlled environment to
evaluate the impact of some policy options on consumer decision-making. Where economic
impacts cannot be quantified, quantitative desktop research and case studies are used to
inform estimates of the extent of possible impacts, as well as possible winners and losers.
Where appropriate, this section aims to illustrate the possible direct benefit to consumers
assuming certain conditions. Implementation costs in terms of the impact on businesses and
public authorities were estimated using the standard cost model for estimating administrative
costs. And finally, this section also highlights important qualitative evidence that
policymakers should also incorporate into their analysis of costs and benefits.
6.4.2. Impacts of Policy Option 0+ (Non-regulatory approach to improving competition and
consumer engagement) Impacts
Option 0+ would lead to an estimated EUR 415 million in benefits to consumers for the
period 2020-2030, which come as a result of an enforcement drive to tackle the switching
costs currently faced by an estimated 4% of all EU electricity consumers that do not comply
with EU law
See Annex 7.4, Section 7.4.5.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
Other unquantifiable economic benefits include improved retail level competition resulting
from the phase-out of regulated prices in some Member States
, and more comparison tools
that comply with the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive
In addition, one may expect modest, indirect improvements to the health and well-being of
energy poor consumers from the exchange of good practices stemming from the activities of
the EU Observatory for energy poverty
In spite of these considerations, it is unlikely that Option 0+ (Non-regulatory approach) would
most effectively address the problems identified.
First, this option does not address the poor data flow between retail market actors that
constitutes both a barrier to entry and a barrier to higher levels of service to consumers.
Whereas Option 0+ is non-regulatory, a credible policy to tackle conflicts of interest among
market actors around data handling would require a legislative intervention.
Secondly, as a non-regulatory option, the effectiveness of Option 0+ is significantly limited
by shortcomings in the existing legislation. This significantly reduces the ability to address
contract termination fees (which are currently legal under EU law), the partial availability of
comparison websites in Member States, as well as energy poverty, which the current
legislation does not require Member States to measure, and hence address it.
And finally, a non-regulatory approach to tackling price-regulation may lead to a fragmented
regulatory framework across the EU given: (i) the uncertainty that surrounds the
Commission's ability to convince hold-out Member States to voluntarily cease excessive
regulatory interventions in price-setting; and (ii) the uncertainty that surrounds the success of
any subsequent legal measures to infringe Member States on the issue. would be affected and how
will benefit from more easily being able to compare offers in the market, as well
as lower financial barriers to switching. Whilst consumer prices may rise in Member States
phasing out price regulation, this would be offset by higher levels of service and the greater
availability of value added products on the market.
Member States
will benefit from a clearer understanding and measurement of energy poverty
will have indirect positive impacts on
energy poor consumers.
would benefit from increased access to the market of any Member State phasing
out price regulation. However, certain suppliers would also face tougher competition and
increased pressure on margins as the result of the modestly greater consumer engagement
See Annex 7.2, Section 7.2.5.
See Annex 7.5, Section 7.5.5.
See Annex 7.1, Section 7.1.5.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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Any increase in consumer switching would increase the administrative impacts to
However, these costs would be passed through to end consumers.
in any Member States phasing out price regulation will need to significantly step up
efforts to monitor the market, ensure efficient competition, and guarantee consumer
protection. They will need to more closely monitor and report the number of disconnections.
However, this may be offset by a reduction in price setting interventions, and increased
competition resulting from greater consumer engagement. on businesses and public authorities
Option 0+ (Non-regulatory approach) would lead to quantifiable implementation costs of
around EUR 0.9 million for the period 2020-2030, all resulting from setting up and running an
EU Observatory for energy poverty
. It is anticipated that the soft law and enforcement
measures associated with making better use of the existing legislation on regulated prices,
switching fees and comparison tools would not result in significant additional costs compared
with a business as usual scenario.
6.4.3. Impacts of Policy Option 1 (Flexible legislation addressing all problem drivers) Impacts
Option 1 would lead to an estimated EUR 2.2 billion in direct benefits to consumers for the
period 2020-2030, which come as a result of: (i) reducing the switching-related charges faced
by 21% of household electricity consumers, and so helping them realize the potentially
significant gains of moving to a cheaper tariff
; (ii) further improvements to the switching
rate for both electricity and gas household consumers as a result of the improved availability
of price comparison tools
; (iii) an improved ability for consumers to identify the best offer
in the market through improved access to information on the bill (although the gains of this
latter intervention are not easy to quantify compared for instance with interventions aimed at
making switching less costly for consumers)
Other unquantifiable economic benefits include significantly improved retail competition
resulting from the definitive phase-out of blanket price regulation in the 17 Member States
still practicing it
. The impact of phasing out price regulation on retail price levels is
impossible to quantify. However, the evidence strongly suggests it will lead to higher levels
of consumer satisfaction. Indeed, even the energy component of retail bills does increase
slightly in the short-term, consumer surplus (the difference between the price of the service
and the price a consumer would be willing to pay for that service) may actually increase too
as a result of the better service levels consumers receive in the non-regulated market. In
The Commission secured funding to set up the Observatory for the period 2016-2019. The costs included in
the Impact Assessment refer to the running annual cost to continue operating the Observatory. See Annex
7.4, Table 11 and Section 7.1.5.
See Annex 7.4, Section 7.4.5.
See Annex 7.6, Section 7.6.5.
See Annex 7.4, Section 7.4.5.
See Annex 7.2, Section 7.2.5.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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addition, retail price competition is an important prerequisite for new services that would
increase system flexibility (benefits examined in Section 6.1.4), and should lead to lower
system costs that are passed through to consumers in both the energy and network
components of bills in the longer term.
Non-discriminatory access to consumer data and nationally harmonized data formats will also
help new suppliers and service providers to enter the market and develop innovative new
products, resulting in further competition benefits and facilitating the transition to a more
flexible electricity system
Greater consumer engagement will also drive retail competition improvements, as competitive
suppliers and service providers find it easier to take market share from less competitive
alternatives. Other benefits come in terms of the higher levels of service electricity consumers
can expect from more efficient data handling, and greater consumer awareness of the market
and their own energy situation.
In addition, one may expect improvements in the targeting of measures to tackle energy
poverty. Better measurement of the number of households on energy poverty will allow
Member States and the EU to design better policies and exchange good practices. A generic
definition of energy poverty in the legislation will clarify the concept of energy poverty,
improving the functioning of the current provision and further helping knowledge
dissemination and synergies across EU policies in energy efficiency and consumer protection. would be affected and how
will benefit significantly from more easily being able to compare offers in the
market, as well as lower financial barriers to switching. Whilst consumer prices may rise in
the Member States phasing out price regulation, this would be offset by higher levels of
service and the greater availability of value added products on the market. Consumers would
also benefit from increased competition and higher levels of service resulting from rules that
ensure quick and non-discriminatory access to data.
Box 8: Impacts on different groups of consumers
The benefits of the vast majority of the measures contained in the preferred options in
Problem Areas I, II and III would manifest through lower system costs and greater system
reliability, and therefore accrue to all consumers in an even manner. However, most of the
measures contained in the preferred option of Problem Area IV, above, would benefit certain
kinds of consumers more than others.
For example, whereas energy poor households would be the chief beneficiaries of new
obligations to measure energy poverty levels, the marginally increased burdens of these
obligations would be socialized amongst other ratepayers/taxpayers. In addition, whereas
phasing out price regulation would free public finances to better protect households who
qualify for targeted social support measures (i.e. vulnerable and/or energy poor consumers),
See Annex 7.3, and
“Policies for DSOs, Distribution Tariffs and Data Handling”
(2016) Copenhagen
Economics, and VVA.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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the biggest losers from this policy would be high-volume, often higher-income consumers
who have hitherto benefitted from retail prices that have been set at artificially low levels.
Both these measures can therefore be considered progressive in nature i.e. they tend to
redistribute surplus from relatively high-income ratepayers/taxpayers in order to increase the
welfare of lower-income ratepayers.
The measures on switching-related fees and comparison tools would predominantly benefit
consumers who are engaged in the market i.e. those who compare offers and/or switch
regularly. Whilst the measures would also increase consumer engagement levels, and whilst
the increased competition engendered by the measures would lead to more competitive offers
on the market, disengaged consumers, including consumers who may be vulnerable, will not
reap as many direct benefits.
And finally, the benefits of the billing measures would accrue predominantly to consumers
who do not engage in the market or better control their energy consumption because of
insufficient billing information or confusing bills. This may include a varied range of
consumers, including certain vulnerable consumers, or those who are time poor.
Member States
will benefit from a clearer understanding of energy poverty, which will
have indirect positive impacts on
energy poor consumers.
However, Member States will also
need to collect and report more information on energy poverty as a result of requirements in
this option.
would benefit from increased access to the market of the Member States phasing
out price regulation. New entrants and
energy service companies
offering innovative
products would also benefit from quick and non-discriminatory access to data. However,
suppliers would also likely face increased pressure on margins as the result of the modestly
greater consumer engagement expected. Certain suppliers may need to adjust contractual
conditions and reformat their consumer bills in order to comply with new requirements on
contract termination fees and billing information. And they would likely also bear the brunt of
the significant costs to protect energy poor consumers.
TSOs and DSOs
are normally the market actors charged with data management, they
would be the most affected by the new data management requirements
particularly the
DSOs who currently fall below the unbundling threshold as they would need to implement
further measures to ensure non-discriminatory data handling. Any increase in consumer
switching would also increase the administrative impacts to
However, all these costs
would be passed through to end consumers. In addition, network operators would benefit from
the anticipated entrance of aggregators and other energy service companies who facilitate
network flexibility, as a result of non-discriminatory data flows.
in the 17 Member States phasing out price regulation will need to significantly step up
efforts to monitor the market, ensure efficient competition, and guarantee consumer
protection. However, these impacts may be offset by increased consumer engagement, which
would naturally foster competition in the market. on businesses and public authorities
It is estimated that implementing the consumer-related elements of Option 1 (Flexible
legislation) would lead to quantifiable costs of between EUR 21 million and EUR 24 million
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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for the period 2020-2030. These would mainly stem from national authorities having to set up
and run certification schemes for energy comparison tools or an independently run energy
comparison tool themselves
. However, many suppliers would also bear costs associated
with modifying their consumer bills to comply with the modest requirements in this option
Unquantifiable impacts come in the form of the reduced contractual freedom that suppliers
have, which is associated with the restriction on contract termination fees for certain kinds of
contracts only
Implementing the energy poverty provisions in Option 1 (Flexible legislation) would result in
quantifiable costs of EUR 2.3 million for the period 2020-2030. These primarily result from
measuring energy poverty making reference to household income and household energy
expenditure using data already collected by Member States
Significant, albeit unquantifiable costs are associated with creating a level playing field for
access to data in Option 1 (Flexible legislation). In particular, ensuring that Member States
implement a standardised data format at the national level will significantly impact many
market actors (suppliers, DSOs, third parties such as energy service companies, data
administrators), who would have to redesign their IT systems to accommodate this format.
However, these costs will be mitigated by the fact that measures can be applied independently
of the data management model that each Member State has chosen. This reduces the
potentially very significant scope for sunk costs if Member States were to all conform to a
common data management model
6.4.4. Impacts of Policy Option 2 (Harmonization and extensive safeguards for consumers
addressing all problem drivers) Impacts
Option 2 (Harmonization and extensive safeguards) could lead up to up to EUR 3.5 billion in
direct benefits to consumers for the period 2020-2030, which come as a result of: (i) an
outright ban on all switching-related charges
; (ii) further improvements to the switching
rate as a result of every Member State establishing a government (funded) price comparison
tool guaranteed to work in the consumer's interest
; (iii) an improved ability for consumers
to identify the best offer in the market through fully standardised billing information
However, there is greater uncertainty surrounding the benefits that stem from these
interventions. Whilst an outright ban on all switching-related charges would increase the
financial incentive to switch, it could also make it more difficult to finance certain energy
See Annex 7.5, Section 7.5.5.
See Annex 7.6, Section 7.6.5.
See Annex 7.4, Section 7.4.5.
See Annex 7.1, Section 7.1.5 and Table 16.
See Annex 7.3, and “Policies
for DSOs, Distribution Tariffs and Data Handling”
Copenhagen Economics,
and VVA (2016).
See Annex 7.4, Section 7.4.5.
See Annex 7.5, Section 7.5.5.
See Annex 7.6, Section 7.6.5.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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service investments (i.e. solar panels or energy efficiency upgrades packaged with energy
supply contracts) if implemented poorly. It might also result in a smaller range of tariffs
available to consumers. Not all government (funded) price comparison tools may work better
for consumers than the comparison tools already available on the market. And it may be
difficult, if not impossible, to devise a standard EU bill design that accommodates differences
in consumer preferences and market conditions in all Member States.
Whilst phasing-out blanket price regulation in the 17 Member States still practicing it would
lead to improved retail competition, defining the conditions under which price regulation
could continue at the EU level would be problematic. In particular, permitting price regulation
for households who consume below a certain price threshold would not accurately target those
most in need of assistance. In addition, permitting regulators to only set price caps above cost
would be difficult to enforce due to opaque cost structures. It also risks holding back
investments in product innovation and service quality, which require higher margins
. As
with Option 1 (Flexible legislation), the impact of phasing out price regulation on retail price
levels is impossible to quantify, whereas the evidence strongly suggests it will lead to higher
levels of consumer satisfaction.
Defining a specific EU data management model for all Member States, such as an
independent central data hub, would bring similar benefits to Option 1 in terms of helping
new suppliers and service providers to enter the market. In addition, it would be easier to
enforce at the EU level
. would be affected and how
will benefit from more easily being able to compare offers in the market, as well
as lower financial barriers to switching. However, these gains may be tempered by a reduction
in the availability of beneficial products on the market. Whilst consumer prices may rise in
the Member States phasing out price regulation, this would be offset by higher levels of
service and the greater availability of value added products on the market. Consumers would
also benefit from increased competition and higher levels of service resulting from rules that
ensure quick and non-discriminatory access to data.
Energy poor consumers
in many Member States would enjoy significant benefits from the
comprehensive set of disconnection safeguards outlined as they are more likely to be on risk
of disconnection. Whilst many
Member States
will benefit from a prescriptive EU definition
of energy poverty and from better information on the energy efficiency of the housing stock,
the benefits of better measurement may not composite for the significant resources required to
survey the housing stock at national level. Energy poor and vulnerable consumers may also be
impacted by more poorly targeted support as the result of permissible instances of price
setting being defined at the EU-level, rather than being assessed on a case by case basis.
See Annex 7.2, Section 7.2.5.
See Annex 7.3, and
“Policies for DSOs, Distribution Tariffs and Data Handling”
Copenhagen Economics,
and VVA (2016)
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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would benefit from increased access to the market of the Member States phasing
out price regulation. However, all suppliers would need to significantly reformat their bills in
order to comply with a standard EU bill design. They would likely also bear the brunt of the
very significant costs to protect energy poor consumers introduced under Option 2
(Harmonization and extensive safeguards)
in particular the complete ban on winter
disconnections. However, new entrants and
energy service companies
offering innovative
products would benefit from quick and non-discriminatory access to data.
TSOs and DSOs
are normally the market actors charged with data management, they
would be the most affected by the requirement to establish a standard EU data management
model that all Member States. Indeed, since many would incur significant sunk costs in
adopting a model different from their own, the impacts could be significant. However, all
these costs would be passed through to end consumers. In addition, network operators would
benefit from the anticipated entrance of aggregators and other energy service companies who
facilitate network flexibility, as a result of non-discriminatory data flows.
in the 17 Member States phasing out price regulation will need to significantly step up
efforts to monitor the market, ensure efficient competition, and guarantee consumer
protection. However, these impacts may be offset by increased consumer engagement, which
would naturally foster competition in the market. Impact on businesses and public authorities
It is estimated that implementing the consumer-related elements of Option 2 ((Harmonization
and extensive safeguards) would lead to quantifiable costs of between EUR 42 million and
EUR 51 million for the period 2020-2030. These would mainly stem from national authorities
having to set up and run energy comparison tools
, and energy suppliers having to heavily
modify their consumer bills to comply with the requirements in this option
. Unquantifiable
impacts come in the form of the greatly reduced contractual freedom that suppliers have,
which is associated with the ban on contract termination fees
Implementing the energy poverty provisions in Option 2 (Harmonization and extensive
safeguards) would result in quantifiable costs of between EUR 1.2 billion and EUR 3.8 billion
for the period 2020-2030. Unless public authorities step in, these costs would most likely fall
on suppliers and result from: (i) the additional costs of unpaid bills resulting from the
requirement for suppliers to give all customers a disconnection notice of at least two months;
(ii) the additional costs of unpaid bills resulting from the cessation of winter disconnections;
and (iii) refinancing costs resulting from the obligation to offer all consumers the possibility
to delay payments or restructure their debt prior to disconnection
As these costs associated with disconnection safeguards are large, it is likely that this option
would result in distortions to competition in Member States where the public does not cover
See Annex 7.5, Section 7.5.5.
See Annex 7.6, Section 7.6.5.
See Annex 7.4, Section 7.4.5.
See Annex 7.1, Section 7.1.5 and Table 24.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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these costs. Whilst suppliers active in such markets could raise margins to socialize losses
from unpaid bills, certain suppliers
especially smaller ones who are less well equipped to
deal with the additional pressure on their operations
may seek to avoid entering markets
where there are likely to be significant risks of disconnections.
Member States may be better suited to design these schemes to ensure that synergies between
national social services and disconnection safeguards are achieved. These synergies may also
result in public sector savings which may be significant given the substantial costs of these
measures and the overlap between social policy and disconnections for non-payment.
Very significant costs are associated with creating a level playing field for access to data in
Option 2 (Harmonization and extensive safeguards). A mandatory data handling model will
imply the administrative costs of defining and designing such a model, and more importantly
high sunk costs for existing data models and additional costs for rebuilding a new one, both in
terms of personnel costs and IT infrastructure. Designing and building a new data handling
model is a complex procedure and may well take several years of planning and
implementation. For example, in Denmark alone, the central data hub took more than 4 years
to design and develop in its simple form, and 7 years in its enhanced form, and is estimated to
a cost of approximately EUR 165 million, where approximately EUR 65 million accrued to
the data hub administrator (the TSO), and around EUR 100 million accrued to DSOs and
energy suppliers
6.4.5. Environmental impacts
The legislative options examined above
Option 1 (Flexible legislation) and Option 2
(Harmonization and extensive safeguards)
can each be expected to have significant, albeit
indirect, environmental benefits because they enable the uptake of technologies that help the
electricity system become more flexible, thus enabling higher levels of variable and
decentralized RES E penetration. Non-discriminatory access to consumer data and a phase-
out of regulated prices will allow new entrants and energy service companies to develop and
offer value-added products such as dynamic price supply contracts, incentive-based demand
response services, green tariffs, and supply contracts with bundled energy efficiency or
rooftop solar investments. In addition, tackling the barriers to consumer engagement will
increase the selective pressure for such new services. The measures will benefit smaller
consumers in particular, the group of market actors which the analysis has shown represents
the greatest remaining source of low hanging fruit in terms of system flexibility potential.
In addition, phasing out blanket price regulation
particularly in Member States with very
low margins
will help address the high levels of electricity and gas consumption caused by
artificially low prices. This will make it easier to achieve climate objectives and provide a
proper price signal for energy efficiency investments.
See Annex 7.3, and
“Policies for DSOs, Distribution Tariffs and Data Handling”
Copenhagen Economics,
and VVA (2016).
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
6.4.6. Impacts on fundamental rights regarding data protection
A key building block for the completion of the Digital Single Market and the Energy Union
includes strong and efficient protection of fundamental rights in a developing digital
environment. The proposed policy measures on data management were developed in this
context, to ensure widespread access and use of digital technologies while at the same time
guaranteeing a high level of the right to private life and to the protection of personal data as
enshrined in Articles 7 and 8 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU.
As data on individual consumers' consumption and billing become central to the deployment
of distributed energy resources and the development of new flexibility services, the measures
on data management in the various policy options proposed (from compliance with data
protection legislation and the Third Energy Package - Option 0 (Baseline); to further
introduction of specific requirements on data handling responsibilities based on principles of
transparency and non-discrimination
Option 1 (Flexible legislation); and implementation of
a specific data management model to be described in EU legislation
Option 2
(Harmonization and extensive consumer safeguards)) seek to ensure the impartiality of the
entity which handles data and to ensure uniform rules under which data can be shared. Indeed,
consumers must be reassured that their consumption and metering data remain under their
control. Access to a consumer's metering or billing details can only happen when authorised
by that consumer and under the condition that the personal data protection and privacy are
In this light, the data management policy options are therefore fully aligned and further
substantiate the fundamental rights to privacy and protection of personal data of Articles 7
and 8 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU, as well as with the General Data
Protection Regulation and with the Commission Recommendation on the Data Protection
Impact Assessment Template for Smart Grid and Smart Metering Environments.
Box 9: External factors and the assessment of the impacts
Price signals and long-term confidence that costs can be recovered in reasonable payback
times are essential ingredients for a well-functioning market. In a market which is not
distorted by external costs and interventions, the level and variability of the spot price on the
wholesale market, plays a role in signalling the need for investments in new resources. With
external costs and in the absence of the right short- and long-term price signals, it is more
likely that inappropriate investment or divestment decisions are taken, i.e. too-late decisions
or technology choices that turn out to be inefficient in the long run. It also renders it more
likely that capacity exits that is valuable for the system as a whole.
The impact assessment demonstrates that an improved market design can lead to a much more
efficient utilisation of resources and establish the market as a main driver of investments in
generation assets (even if only progressively and not fully for all RES E technologies (See
Box 7)). This will be mainly driven by the restoration of the economic merit order curve (see
Section 6.1.2, Figure 11) and the improved reflection of scarcity in short term electricity
prices (see Section, Table 21), both resulting from the measures proposed by the
current initiative, combined with the exit of non-economical units as a result of the transition
towards a market equilibrium (See section, Table 18) from the current overcapacity.
Market exit should be brought about by market forces and the initiative generally aims at
removing existing obstacles to this in regulation. Market exit is framed to some degree by the
measures proposed under Problem Area II. The extent to which a system with capacity
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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remuneration exacerbate or not existing excess capacity depends on how the capacity
requirement is set within the mechanism. If the system is correctly calibrated by means of a
genuine resource adequacy assessment (See Problem Area II, Option 2) there will be no
overcapacities. This is both important to ensure that CMs do not incite lower than
economically optimal wholesale prices, which would inhibit investments, and prevent delays
upon the transition path by preventing exit of non-essential resources. Moreover, the measures
under Problem Area I and Problem Area II, option I, will ensure that prices better reflect the
real value of electricity, affecting specifically the remuneration of electricity generation units
that operate less often but provide security and flexibility to the system. For the same reason,
it is important that TSOs (as responsible entities for overall operation of the system) define
and remunerate ancillary services appropriately, remunerating generators for the full range of
services they provide. These market improvements affect exit in the sense that they ensure
that only those resources will exit that genuinely have no value for the system as a whole.
It is true that overall price developments in the electricity sector will also depend on cost
factors beyond the present initiative, such as the carbon prices, prices for primary fuels or
technological costs.
These external factors would mainly impact the level of wholesale prices
, possibly
affecting to a certain extent the overall level of benefits to be expected from the present
initiative or their distribution among individual options (in manners which are not easily
predictable in view of the many interactions that take place). However, such changes are not
expected to affect the order of preferred options. Indeed, the proposed measures in essence
derive their benefits from the removal of current market distortions and imperfections, while
at the same time having comparably small implementation costs. These are benefits that are
inherent to the measures themselves and do not depend on the precise context in which they
are implemented. Moreover, strong synergies exist between the sets of options within the
package (See Section 7.5.1), meaning that the overall benefits of a given option are more
affected by the coherence of the package as a whole, than by its interactions with factors
outside the present initiative.
Low wholesale prices though would affect investments in electricity resources such as
demand response, RES E and peaking plant investments. Concerning demand response, the
aim of the initiative is to offer to the consumers the opportunity to participate in the market if
they wish to, either directly (e.g. industrial consumers) or indirectly (e.g. via aggregators).
The initiative is not aiming to affect the level and variability of wholesale prices, but to make
the functioning of the markets more efficient so that it can deliver price signals reflecting the
value of electricity at each moment of time and the need for future investments (and in what
type). Although persistent low electricity wholesale prices could lead to low investments, this
For example the prices projected by PRIMES/OM tend to be quite higher even in 2020 compared to the
currently observed market prices. Several reasons contribute to this: (a) fuel costs are projected to increase
by 25% for gas and coal, (b) demand increases, (c) few new investments take place (mainly RES to reach
the 2020 target); this point combined with demand increase described above , make it the first step in
reducing the currently observed overcapacity, (d) a well-functioning EoM without distortions is assumed, (e)
scarcity bidding is assumed, in the sense that there is a mark-up on the bids so that generators can recover
their full costs only from the market in the long-run.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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is a normal outcome if it is a result of market dynamics and not distortions. For example a
system characterized by overcapacity should have low prices to signal that investments are
not needed.
It is equally noteworthy that the modelling work (as presented in section indicates
that in the mid-long term, even in the presence of larger shares of variable RES E,
conventional generators will set the marginal price in a sufficient number of hours to produce
meaningful price signals to guide overall market operations. Increasing RES E penetration
therefore does not necessarily give rise to low(er) average wholesale market prices.
The assessment of the benefits also depends to a certain degree on the progress made in the
implementation of measures proposed by parallel initiatives, considered as part of the baseline
for the present initiative, most notably the REDII. In this context, it is important to note that
the assessment of the present initiative assumes the full phase-out of non-market based
support mechanisms by 2030 for RES E, i.e. feed-in-tariffs would be phased-out and replaced
by schemes that expose RES E to price signals, as for instance premium based schemes. Such
investments would be further triggered by setting support-levels through auctioning as RES E
investments projects would then be incentivised to develop business models that optimise
market based returns. These are reasonable assumptions in view of the rules that are expected
to be in place well before 2030 (see in particular Annex IV).
The success or failure to implement such measures for RES E in time would have a direct
impact on the effectiveness of the present initiative. A partial or delayed implementation of
the closely associated policies, as proposed in the revised Renewable Energy Directive,
especially if combined with the prolongation of existing distortions, would reduce the
efficiency of the market design initiative in the medium term and postpone its expected
benefits further into the future. On the contrary, an expedient implementation would achieve
the establishment of efficient markets and the delivery of the associated benefits sooner.
Social impacts
European social partner's joint position
"Citizens and especially low-income households should be able to pay their bills"
The new market design should be:
"ensuring that the provision of electricity is secure, safe,
reliable and reasonably priced"
It was also underlines that:
"workers in and outside of the electricity sector are relying on a
stable electricity market for their jobs. There is currently a precarious situation for many
workers in the electricity sector, especially among power plant workers. Many plants are not
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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adequately remunerated for the services they provide (e.g. flexibility, security of supply) and
therefore several companies foresee closure. Workers could lose their jobs".
A shown above, more efficiently organised cross-border electricity markets can avoid
significant costs for energy customers. Given the importance of energy costs for many
companies and for individual households, realising the possible cost savings can be expected
to improve competitiveness of commercial players (with positive impact on jobs and growth)
and on private customers (especially relevant for low-income households).
The electricity industry (i.e. production, transmission, distribution and trade of electricity) is a
key economic sector with a turnover amounting to not less than EUR
1.182 billion
in 2014
EU households spent
EUR 148.2 billion
on electricity bills (EUR 97.4 billion on gas), which
means that every household had to pay
EUR 686,- per year for electricity
(EUR 451,- for
gas) on average, with important variations between single Member States
. Especially for
low-income households, costs for electricity can eat up large parts of the available income
Also for many industries, especially those in competition at a world-wide scale, energy costs
are an important factor for competitiveness. EU wholesale electricity prices are still higher
than in other regions in the world (e.g. around 30% compared to the U.S.
). Avoiding
unnecessary prices increases by an intelligent organisation of electricity markets (e.g. market-
based solutions and using advantages of aggregation across borders) can therefore save jobs
and create growth in the EU.
The possible measures analysed to better adapt the current market rules to decarbonised
electricity markets through revised legislation (See options in
'Problem Area I'
e.g. re-
establishing the level playing field, improving short-term markets and removing barriers for
demand response and distributed resources) would allow to integrate electricity generated
from RES E at lower costs. They would also increase the potential for cross-border trade,
leading to more competition and better possibilities to level out production and demand
differences across larger areas.
Grid fees and other system costs have increased in recent years due to the suboptimal
organisation of markets, but also through the need to adapt the infrastructure to decentralised
generation. Better organised electricity markets would therefore not only save costs for
electricity, but also keep grid costs in check (e.g. by limiting the necessary costs for TSO-
interventions to keep the grid stable, so-called 're-dispatching'
). Measures to keep the
Eurostat Data for 2014.
Eurostat Data for 2014.
In 2014, EU households in the lowest income quintile spent an average of 9% of their household income on
electricity and gas, whereas middle income households spent 6% on electricity and gas. Source: DG ENER
See e.g. Communication on
"A Framework Strategy for a Resilient Energy Union with a Forward-Looking
Climate Change Policy"
of 25.2.2015 COM (2015), p.3.
See e.g. the estimations for Germany, where grid tariff component already exceeds the energy costs and
where re-dispatching costs are estimated to grow to EUR 4 billion/year in the next years, see e.g.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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further expansion of grid fees in check can therefore bring tangible benefits to industry and
private (low-income) customers
The analysed measures to improve investors' certainty and limit state interventions ('Problem
Area II',
e.g. better co-ordinating capacity mechanisms between countries) can also be
expected to have a positive impact on competitiveness and on energy bills to of households.
As shown above, fragmented adequacy planning and capacity mechanisms leads to higher
energy costs and network charges. If each Member State builds its backup generation in its
own country without taking into account generation from neighbours, this will necessarily
lead to inefficiencies through unnecessary duplication of investments
. Notably Options 2
(regional adequacy assessment) and Option 3 (cross-border openness of capacity
mechanisms) would help to keep the prices for state interventions concerning capacity
mechanism in check.
In a similar manner, the analysed measures to improve risk preparedness ('Problem
e.g. better co-ordinated planning and rules to better coordinate possible load shedding in
case of crises) options are likely to have a positive impact for EU citizens and businesses.
Previous blackouts have shown that even in the "traditional" electricity market with low
shares of RES E so-called "cascade blackouts" resulting from problems in other Member
States can seriously harm businesses and customers, in particular those depending on
electrical heating (see on the system blackouts in 2003 and 2006 above, section
Amounts of variable RES E have increased ever since, and so has the importance of a reliable
electricity grid for citizens and customers (e.g. increased risks of blackouts for internet-driven
businesses and private communication). Minimising blackout risks through better regional
coordination will therefore contribute to avoid negative impacts on businesses and
Finally, the analysed measures to enhance performance of retail markets (Problem
Area IV,
e.g. measures facilitating to change suppliers, more targeted support for "energy-poor")
customers in the transition to market-based prices, etc.) will also have a positive impact on
businesses and households. In addition, the proposals relative to the phasing out of regulated
prices, should incentivise Member States which currently use blanket price regulation to
provide targeted support for vulnerable and energy poor consumers instead of providing an
indirect support to all consumers regardless of their circumstances as is currently often the
According to the Commission's modelling, the assessed options under Problem Area I reduce the average
cost of total demand, i.e. the cost of each MWh generated, apart from Option 1(a) (level playing field). More
specifically and compared to the baseline, Option 1(a) (level playing field) increases it by 6%, while Options
1(b) (strengthening short-term markets), 1(c) (demand response/distributed resources) and Option 2 decrease
it by 6%, 9% and 11%, respectively.
See for further evidence on the disadvantages of fragmented CMs above, Problem Area II (investment
uncertainty/fragmented CMs), discussion of Option 3.
Option 4 (EU wide capacity market) is not considered here as it was already discarded above. However, it is
useful to note that it would also be more costly (about 5% pursuant to the Commission's model) than the
other options.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
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Improvements to the health
and well-being of energy poor consumers, savings to the health
, and economy-wide productivity gains
can be expected from the packages of
energy poverty measures evaluated above. Due to the indirect nature of the way these
measures would address energy poverty, and a lack of specific data on their impact, these
benefits are impossible to quantify.
Health impacts most commonly associated with energy poverty and under-heated dwellings
can be fatal, resulting in higher mortality during winter period. Benefits of effective action to
reduce excess winter mortality could be substantial given the scale of the issue. In fact
independent research shows that over 200,000 excess winter deaths have occurred across 11
Western European countries alone
during the winter of 2014/2015. In addition to the
physical impacts, cold homes are directly related to mental health problems.
energy transition and decarbonisation policies play a key role in developing Europe’s
competitive edge internationally as growth and jobs increasingly will have to come from
innovative products and services which are closely linked to sustainable and smart solutions.
Recent studies on the impact of EU’s energy and climate targets suggest a net increase in job
demand in the power generation market as a result of the transition of the energy system. One
factor behind this is the higher labour intensity in power generation from renewable sources
compared to gas or nuclear. There will also be a change in the employment structure as many
of the jobs associated with the energy transition require higher skills and increased supply of
workers that outweigh job losses in somewhat less qualified jobs in conventional energy
generation. The total number of jobs in the power sector (operation, maintenance,
construction, installation, and manufacturing) is forecast to increase by around a half by
. Further positive impacts are expected in the indirect and substitution effects.
Whereas these effects are related to the energy transition as such and cannot be attributed
solely to the measures assessed here, by ensuring a cost effective transition in more smoothly
functioning markets, these beneficial social effects stand a much increased chance of being
realised and retained.
Poor & Health. Evidence work and evidence gaps. DECC. Presented at Health, cold homes and fuel
"Towards an identification of
European indoor environments’ impact on health and performance
- homes and schools.
2014. Grün &
Excess winter mortality: a cross-country analysis identifying key risk factors. Journal of
Epidemiology & Community Health"
2003. Healy.
Annual Report of the Chief Medical Officer (London: Department of Health", 2010. Donaldson, L.
cold and mortality. In Environmental Burden of Disease Associated with Inadequate Housing",
(Bonn: World Health Organisation (Regional office for Europe)).
2011. Rudge, J.
Excess mortality in Europe in the winter season 2014/15, EuroMOMO, source:
Between 2 and 2.5 million in 2030, depending on the decarbonisation scenario (source Neujobs/CEPS)
Neujobs/CEPS report “Impact
on Decarbonisation of the Energy System on Employment in Europe”
2015 ,
The methodology is based on applying “employment factors” (i.e. labour intensities) of different energy
technologies to changing energy mixes as projected by the EU decarbonisation scenarios.
Assessment of the impacts of the various policy options
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
Taking into account the impacts of the options and the assessment presented in Section 6, the
following section compares the different options against each other using, the baseline
scenario as the reference and applying the following criteria:
Effectiveness: the options proposed should first and foremost be effective and thus
be suitable to addressing the specified problem;
Efficiency: this criterion assesses the extent to which objectives can be achieved at
the least cost (benefits versus the costs).
The tables provide a summary of the assessment of the policy options against these criteria.
The options are measures against the criteria applied for the assessment of the impacts
specified for options developed to address each Problem Area (See Sections 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 and
6.4 respectively) and the comparison of the options below. Each policy option is rated
between "---" (very negative), 0 (neutral) and "+++" (very positive).
The options are not compared here on the basis of their coherence with parallel initiatives.
The design of the baseline already assures that all option are compatible with parallel
initiatives. In particular, the baseline in the present impact assessment ensures that under all
investigated options, the RES E targets (as well as other policy targets) are met.
Consequently, comparing options on the basis of their compatibility with the RED II initiative
is meaningless.
Comparison of options for adapting market design for the cost-effective
operation of variable and often decentralised generation, taking into account
technological developments
All options, except for Option 0 (baseline scenario) can contribute to achieving to a degree the
objective of adapting the market design to make it suitable for the cost-effective operation of
variable, often decentralised generation of electricity and capture some of the potential social
welfare and environmental opportunities (e.g. lower wholesale electricity prices; incentivise
the increase of low carbon electricity generation). However, the effectiveness and efficiency
of the different options, as well as their impact, vary significantly.
Comparison of the options
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
Table 25: Summary of assessment of policy options
Policy Option 0
playing field)
resources )
Policy Option 2
(fully integrated
Source: DG ENER
Impact on
Impact on business
and public
In summary:
Option 0 (baseline scenario): will fall short in providing for the adaptation of the market
design to the new realities of the interconnected electricity system and will not allow the
internal electricity market to reach its full potential.
Options 1(a) (level playing field), 1(b) (strengthening short-term markets) and 1(c) (demand
response/distributed resources) reflect an increasing degree of ambition regarding the
integration of the national electricity markets, with Option 1(c) building on the packages of
measures covered under Options 1(a) and 1(b) and including additional measures. All these
options present a compromise between bottom-up initiatives and top-down steering of the
market development, without substituting the role of national governments, regulators and
TSOs by a centralised and fully harmonised system. Option 1(a) and Option 1(b) are
significantly more efficient than Option 0 but cannot be expected to fully meet the specific
objectives, given that these options do not cover measures for including additional resources
(i.e., demand response, distributed RES E and storage) in the electricity markets to further
increase the flexibility of the electricity system and the resources for the TSOs to manage it.
The value of these additional resources for the efficient operation of decarbonised electricity
markets and hence for the energy transition should not be underestimated. Option 1(c)
provides a more holistic, effective and efficient package of solutions and has the added value
that it will not lead to significant additional impacts on stakeholders or on businesses and
public authorities. Indeed, while Option 1(c) may lead to additional administrative impacts for
Member States and competent authorities regarding the implementation and monitoring of the
measures, these impacts will be offset by lower barriers to entry to start-ups and SMEs, by the
benefits to market parties from more stable regulatory frameworks and new business
opportunities as well as by the benefits to consumers from more competition and access to
wider choice.
Comparison of the options
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As regards Option 2 (fully integrated market), while having advantages in terms of lower
coordination requirements (i.e., a fully integrated EU-market can be operated more
efficiently), the results of the assessment indicate that the move towards a more integrated
European approach has less significant economic added value since most of the benefits will
have already been reaped under the regional, more decentralised approach under Option 1(c)
(demand response/distributed resources). Moreover, Option 2 (fully integrated market) has the
disadvantage of requiring significant changes to established practices, systems and processes
and hence a significant impact on stakeholders, businesses, Member States and competent
authorities. Such profound changes of national competences in favour of centralised powers
"across the board" would also raise serious questions concerning the subsidiarity of the
measure. Therefore, in view that for Option 2 (fully integrated market) the efficiency gains
are not significantly higher compared to Option 1(c) (demand response/distributed resources)
but the impacts and required changes to national competences much greater, it appears
disproportionate and not the most appropriate option at the current stage of development of
the internal electricity market.
In the light of the previous assessment, the preferred option would be Option 1(c)
(pulling demand response and distributed resources in the market) (which encompasses
Options 1(a) (level playing field) and 1(b) (strengthening short-term markets). This
option is the best in terms of effectiveness and, given its impacts, has been demonstrated
to be the most efficient as well as consistent with other policy areas.
This preferred Option has large support among stakeholders. No support exists for retaining
the status quo (i.e. Option 0 or 0+) whereas Option 2 (fully integrated market) was generally
deemed a step too far. It is noted that hesitations by stakeholders on aspects of the preferred
option, such as the removal of priority dispatch provisions under Option 1(a) (level playing
field), are based on the notion that this should go hand in hand with a reform rendering the
market more adapted to RES E resources, which is what is foreseen under Option 1(b)
(strengthening short-term markets) and Option 1(c) (demand response/distributed
Comparison of Options for facilitating investments in the right amount and in the
right type of resources for the EU
All options, except for Option 0 (baseline scenario), can improve the overall cost-efficiency of
the electricity sector and contribute towards achieving the objective of facilitating investments
in the right amount and in the right type of resources for the EU. However, the effectiveness
and efficiency of the different options, as well as their viability and impact, vary significantly.
Reference is made to Section 5.1.1 through to 5.1.5 and Sections 7 of Annexes 1.1 through 3.4 for more
detailed representations of stakeholders' opinions.
Comparison of the options
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
Table 26: Summary of assessment of policy options
Policy Option 0
Policy Option 1
market without
Policy Option 2
market + EU
assessment for
Policy Option 3
market + EU
assessment for
Source: DG ENER
Impact on
Impact on business
and public
In summary:
Option 0
(baseline scenario), which would assume the existence of national capacity
mechanisms without coordination at EU-level will fall short of achieving the specific
objectives of improving market functioning to reduce the need to have recourse to state
intervention and of ensuring that state-interventions, where needed, are more coordinated,
efficient and compatible with the EU's internal energy market.
Option 1
(reinforced energy-only market without CMs) can improve the overall cost-
efficiency of the electricity sector significantly. The analysis shows that undistorted energy-
only markets increase overall system efficiency as make sure that resources are better utilized
across the borders, demand can better participate in markets, and renewables can be better
integrated into the system without additional need for subsidies. This will in turn decrease the
need for capacity mechanisms (which are often introduced as a reaction to markets which do
not produce correct price signals due to state interventions).
The analysis also shows that reinforced energy-only markets can in principle provide the right
signals for market operation and ensure resource adequacy. Option 1 also has slightly more
positive environmental impacts than any of the other options.
However, markets are still characterised by manifold regulatory distortions today, and
removing the distortive effects will not be possible with immediate effects in many Member
Comparison of the options
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States. The observation that undistorted markets can provide the necessary investment signals
has therefore to be weighed against the observation that a significant transition time to phase
out the existing distortions will be necessary. Furthermore, some national distortions (e.g.
resulting from differences in taxation) cannot be addressed by a reform of energy law and are
therefore likely to continue.
Investors also do not have perfect foresight of market conditions, and confidence that they
will not be distorted for the economic lifetime of their investments. Such certainty is
increasingly difficult to find, often due to uncertainty as to the regulatory measures that could
be taken in the future that may supress prices and reduce the load factors of plants compared
to the assumptions made when the investment decision is taken. In a market that requires
more and more varied sources of funding that in many cases are competing with other, non-
electricity, projects for capital, relying solely on the energy price as a basis for investment is
not always easy. Uncertainty about future policy developments or the perception thereof can
create 'missing money' that may require addressing
The legislator should also take into account that the level of interconnection is markedly
different among Member States. This militates for a more nuanced approach than a
straightforward EU-wide prohibition of CMs.
In this perspective, not allowing Member States to introduce any type of CMs would mean
that Member States would be prevented from addressing adequacy concerns with CMs. As
those concerns might be legitimate, this option is not considered to be appropriate.
But, as developed in Chapter 2.2.1 undistorted energy price signals are fundamental
irrespective of whether generators are solely relying on energy market incomes or also receive
capacity payments. Therefore the measures aimed at removing distortions from energy-only
markets discussed under Option 1 (e.g. scarcity pricing or reinforced locational signals) are
'no-regrets' and assumed as being integral parts of Options 2 (CMs + EU adequacy
and 3 (CMs + EU framework on cross-border participation)..
When compared with the baseline,
Option 2
(CMs + EU adequacy assessment) can improve
the overall cost-efficiency of the electricity sector as significant savings can be achieved
through establishing an EU-wide approach to resource adequacy assessments as opposed to
national-based adequacy assessments. At the same time Option 2 does not allow reaping the
full benefits of cross-border participation in CMs.
Option 3
(CMs + EU framework on cross-border participation) (which includes the market
reforms under Option 1 and the regional assessment under Option 2) goes beyond Option 2 as
it proposes additional measures to avoid fragmentation of CMs. This would achieve
significant additional net benefits when compared with Option 2. This is because it makes
sure that foreign resource providers can effectively participate in national capacity
mechanisms and avoids competition and market distortions resulting from capacity payments
It must however also be recognised that CMs by themselves are not a panacea as they can equally be a
source of regulatory uncertainty. Indeed, in practise CM designs are regularly found imperfect and
consequently adjusted on a regular basis.
Comparison of the options
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which are reserved to domestic participants. By remunerating foreign resources for their
services this option reduces investment distortions that might be present in Option 2 as a
result from uncoordinated approaches to cross-border participation.
In view of the assessment above,
Option 3
(CMs + EU framework on cross-border
(encompassing options 1 and 2) is the preferred option.
This preferred Option has large support among stakeholders. There is almost a consensus
amongst stakeholders on the need for a more aligned method for generation adequacy
assessment. A majority of stakeholders support the idea that any legitimate claim to introduce
CMs should be based on a common methodology. When it comes to the geographical scope
of the harmonised assessment, a vast majority of stakeholders call for regional or EU-wide
adequacy assessments, while only a minority favour a national approach. There is also support
for the idea to align adequacy standards across Member States. Stakeholders clearly support a
common EU framework for cross-border participation in CMs
Most stakeholders including Member States agree that a regional/ European framework for
CMs is preferable. Member States, however, might want to keep a large degree of freedom
when proposing a CM. They might claim that beyond a revamped regional/ EU generation
adequacy assessment, there is legitimacy for a national assessment based on which they can
claim the necessity of their CM. Similarly Member States might instinctively want to rely
more on national assets and favour them over cross-border assets.
Comparison of options for improving Member States' reliance on each other in
times of system stress and reinforcing coordination between Member States for
preventing and managing crisis situations
All options, except for Option 0 (baseline scenario), can contribute to achieve the objective of
improving Member State's reliance on each other in times of system stress and reinforcing
their coordination and cooperation at times of crisis situation. However, the effectiveness and
efficiency of the different options, as well as their viability and impact, vary significantly.
Reference is made to Section 5.2.1 through to 5.2.9 and Sections 7 of Annexes 4.1 through 5.2 for more
detailed representations of stakeholders' opinions.
Comparison of the options
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Table 27: Summary of assessment of policy options
Policy Option 0
Policy Option 1
minimum EU
Policy Option 2
(EU rules +
Policy Option 3
Impact on
Impact on business
and public
From the point of view of impacts, particularly costs and administrative impact, Option 1
(Common minimum EU rules) could in principle appear as preferred option. However, the
performance in terms of effectiveness and efficiency is limited compared to Option 2 (EU
rules + regional cooperation) and Option 3 (Full harmonisation). Additionally, impacts
associated with Option 3 (Full harmonisation) are neither proportionate nor fully justified by
the effectiveness of the solutions, which makes Option 3 (Full harmonisation) perform poorly
in terms of efficiency compared to Option 2 (EU rules + regional cooperation).
Overall, the more harmonized approach to security of supply through minimum rules pursued
by Option 1 (Common minimum EU rules) would not solve all the problems identified, in
particular, the uncoordinated planning and preparation ahead of a crisis. As regards Option 1
(Common minimum EU rules), the main drawback of this approach is that each Member State
would be drafting and adoption the national risk preparedness plans under its own
responsibility. While the regionally coordinated plans with crisis scenarios identified at
regional level and the agreement of some aspects of the plan (e.g. load shedding plan) in a
regional context, aim at ensuring that all regional specificities are fully considered. Given the
urgency to enhance the level of protection against cyber threats and vulnerabilities, it must be
concluded that Option 1 (Common minimum EU rules) regarding cybersecurity is not
recommended, because it is not viable for reaching the policy objectives, given that the
effectiveness would depend on whether the voluntary approach would actually deliver a
sufficient level of security.
Option 2 (EU rules + regional cooperation) addresses many of the shortcomings of Option 1
(Common minimum EU rules) providing a more effective package of solutions. In particular,
the regionally coordinated plans ensure the regional identification of risks and the consistency
of the measures for prevention and managing crisis situations. For cybersecurity this option
creates a harmonised level of preparedness in the energy sector and ensures that all players
have the same understanding of risks and that all operators of essential services follow the
same selection criteria for the energy sector throughout Europe.
Overall, Option 3 (Full harmonisation) represents a highly intrusive approach that tries to
address possible risks by resorting to a full harmonisation of principles and the prescription of
Comparison of the options
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concrete solutions. For example, the preparation of risk preparedness plans at regional level
ensures full coherence of actions ahead and during a crisis. However, the major limitation is
that national specificities could not be addressed through regional plans. The detailed
with an exhaustive list of measures would also reduce the room of
manoeuvre of Member States to tackle local problems. The creation of a dedicated agency on
cybersecurity at EU level would be also a costly solution. The assessment of impacts in
Option 3 (Full harmonisation) shows that the estimated impact on cost is likely to be high and
looking at the performance in terms of effectiveness, it makes Option 3 (Full harmonisation) a
disproportionate and not very efficient option.
In the light of the previous assessment, the preferred option would be Option 2 (EU
rules + regional cooperation). This option is the best in terms of effectiveness and, given
its economic impacts, has been demonstrated to be the most efficient as well as
consistent with other policy areas.
This preferred Option has large support among stakeholders. The majority of stakeholders are
in favour of regional coordination of risk preparedness plans and ex-ante cross-border
agreements to ensure that markets function as long as possible in crisis situations. No support
exists for retaining the status quo (i.e. Option 0 or 0+), as stakeholders agree that the current
framework does not offer sufficient guarantees that electricity crisis situations are properly
prepared for and handled in Europe. Option 3 (Full harmonisation) was deemed a step too far;
stakeholders did not support a fully harmonised approached based on rulebooks
Comparison of options for addressing the causes and symptoms of weak
competition in the energy retail market
Although there is a significant level of uncertainty in quantifying the benefits of the options in
this Problem Area, all options, except for Option 0 (baseline scenario), are expected to
improve retail competition. However, the anticipated effectiveness and efficiency of the
different options vary markedly.
Reference is made to Section 5.3.1 through to 5.3.6 and Section 6 of Annexes (6.1.4 presentation of options
and 6.1.8 for more detailed representations of stakeholders' opinions).
Comparison of the options
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Table 28: Summary of assessment of policy options
Policy Option 0
Policy Option 0+
Policy Option 1
Policy Option 2
and extensive
Impact on
+++ / ++
+++ / ++
Option 0+
(Non-regulatory approach) can be expected to lead to
modest, albeit tangible,
economic benefits
primarily as a result of the voluntary phase-out of regulated prices in some
Member States and the drive to tackle illegal switching costs. Given its
low implementation
it is a
highly efficient
option. And the few stakeholders that will be affected will be
affected positively. However, the
effectiveness of Option 0+ is significantly limited
by the
fact that non-regulatory measures are not suitable for tackling the poor data flow between
retail market actors that constitutes both a barrier to entry and a barrier to higher levels of
service to consumers. In addition, shortcomings in the existing legislation make it impossible
to significantly improve consumer engagement and energy poverty. They also introduce great
uncertainty around the drive to phase out price regulation.
Option 1
(Flexible legislation) would probably lead to
substantial economic benefits.
competition would be improved as a result of the definitive phase-out of blanket price
regulation, non-discriminatory access to consumer data, and increased consumer engagement.
In addition, consumers would see direct benefits through improved switching. And the energy
poor would be better protected, leading to knock-on benefits to the broader economy. Given
that Option 1 would entail
moderate implementation costs
(these stem primarily from
ensuring a standardised format for consumer data, and the various burdens associated with
improving consumer engagement) it is
an efficient option
as these costs are considerably
outweighed by the benefits. Many stakeholder groupings are likely to be positively and
negatively affected by the collection of policy measures in Option 1. But none would bear a
disproportionate burden that would not be offset by commensurate benefits. Likewise, the
proposed measures in Option 1 respect the principle and limits of subsidiarity.
Option 2
(Harmonization and extensive consumer safeguards) would also lead to
economic benefits,
albeit with a
greater degree of uncertainty
over the size of these
benefits. This uncertainty stems from the tension some of the measures in Option 2 may have
with competition (stronger disconnection safeguards, an outright ban on all switching-related
charges), and from the difficulty of prescribing EU-level solutions in certain areas (defining
exceptions to price deregulation, implementing a standard EU bill design). Whilst a single EU
data management model would be just as effective and easier to enforce, and whilst the
energy poor would be even better protected by the stronger safeguards proposed, the
Comparison of the options
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implementation cost
of these measures would
reduce the efficiency
of Option 2 compared
with Option 1. Disconnection safeguards may be better designed by Member States to ensure
synergies between national social services. As social policy is a primary competence of
Member States, Option 2 may go beyond the boundaries of subsidiarity. Finally, many
stakeholders will be affected by the collection of policy measures in Option 1, both positively
and negatively. Suppliers and DSOs in particular would face significant burdens that they
would at least partially pass on to consumers i.e. socialise.
In the light of the analysis, the preferred option is Option 1 (Flexible legislation). This
option is most likely to be the most effective, is efficient, and is consistent with other
policy areas.
Most stakeholders would support (or at least be indifferent to) the measures in preferred
Option 1 (Flexible legislation). This is due to the fact that a flexible legislative approach
allows the problems identified to be largely addressed while accommodating: 1) the broad
range of national differences that still exist in retail markets for energy; and 2) the specific
concerns aired in the stakeholder outreach. Nevertheless, some Member States practising
blanket price regulation will likely oppose a phase out of this, and industry associations
representing energy suppliers have stated that they would not welcome any EU legislation
addressing the content of bills.
Almost no support exists for retaining the status quo (i.e. Option 0) or for tackling the issues
in the Problem Area through soft law (Option 0+), except for isolated instances already
mentioned. Several measures in Option 2 (Harmonization and extensive consumer safeguards)
were generally deemed a step too far by a number of stakeholders, including stakeholders
such as ACER, or NRAs who represent the interest of the public.
Synergies, trade-offs between Problem Areas and sequencing
The measures considered in this impact assessment are highly complementary. Most of the
different Options considered in each Problem Area would reinforce the effect of options in
other Problem Areas, with little trade-offs between the different areas.
7.5.1. Synergies
The measures to make intraday and balancing markets more flexible such as pursued under
Problem Area I, in particular Option 1(b) (strenghening short-term markets) and Problem
Area II , Option 1 (reinforced energy-only market) will foster a price signal that better reflects
the value of electricity, notably when it is scarce. It will hence provide a price signal benefical
for flexible resources, in particular demand response and storage and improve the business
case for innovative assets and service models to enter the market as assessed under Problem
Area I Option 1(c) (demand response/distributed resources). It will also reinforce liquidity and
competition in the electricity wholesale electricity markets. As choice on the wholesale
See Section 5.4.2 through to 5.4.5, and Sections 7 of Annexes 7.1 through 7.6 for more detailed
representations of stakeholders' opinions.
Comparison of the options
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market is a pre-condition for more competition on retail markets, more liquid wholesale
markets will also contribute to improving competition in retail markets (Problem Area VI).
Helping RES E resources to be remunerated through the market as fostered with the measures
under Problem Area I will ultimately reduce the high level of taxes and levies currently
necessary to drive RES E deployment, decreasing overall system costs and making energy
more affordable compared with a scenario where markets remain poorly adapted to RES E.
The measures proposed to improve the functioning of the electricity markets as discussed
under Problem Areas I and II, in particular Option 1 (reinforced energy market/No CMs), will
also lead to a more robust formation of price signals. Robust price signals will reduce the need
for assets to be remunerated by alternative revenue streams to be a credible investment
opportunity or avoid its decommissioning and hence reduce the need for government
intervention in the form of CMs or otherwise to ensure resource adequacy such as discussed
under Problem Area II, Option 3. Moreover, the measures assessed Problem area II, in
particular the preferred Option 3 will reduce market distorition caused by genuinly justifed
CMs and improve the ability of the market to operate optimally. In other words, improving
the energy markets will reduce the need for governement intervention to ensure investments
in electricity resources.
Measures to improve retail competition, consumer engagement and data handling as fostered
with the measures under Problem Area IV (Retail markets) will increase system flexibility as
targeted by the measures under Problem Area I, in particuler Option 1(c) (pulling demand
response and distributed resources into the market). This is because the majority of untapped
demand response potential originates from smaller consumers and because retail price
regulation can have a detrimental effect on the deployment of innovative consumer products
such as dynamic price supply contracts.
Improving the market in its ability to renumerate (in particular, flexible) resources and
removing the distortions that prevent resources to reacte to proper price signals (such as those
aimed at in Problem I area I and Option 1 of Problem Area II) will overall improve the
robustness of the system to satisfy demand at all times and, hence, the freqeuncy and overall
number of hours that recourse has to be taken to out-of-market measures to operate the
system, such as the demand curtailment, as discussed under Problem Area III (Crisis
Phasing out price regulation as fostered with the measures under Problem Area IV
(particularly in Member States with very low retail margins) will help address the high levels
of electricity and gas consumption caused by artificially low prices and provide an accurate
price signal for energy efficiency investments that would ultimately mitigate the effects of
security of supply events as targeted by the measures under Problem Area III (Crisis
situations). Removing price regulation will also allow for a more flexible organisation of the
market and increase the incentives to participate in the market through demand response as
fostered by the measures assessed un Problem Area I. Option 1(c) (pulling demand response
and distributed resources into the market)
Measures to improve retail competition as discussed under Problems Area IV, will ensure that
all benefits, including those expected under Problem Areas I, II and III are transferred to end-
consumers, ultimately increasing the beneficial effects on social welfare and competiveness.
Comparison of the options
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Overall, market improvement measures will address increasing energy poverty as discussed in
Problem Area IV. Indeed, one of the three main drivers
of energy poverty has been the
gradual increase in retail prices.
Measures to ensure a common approach to crisis prevention and management as is the
objective under Problem Area III avoid unduly interventions in market functioning. Better
preparedness, transparency and clear rules on crisis management will build trust between
Member States to rely on the internal electicity market for resource adequacy, helping the
achievement of the objectives under Problem Area II. By imposing obligations to cooperate
and lend assistance, Member States are also less likely to "over-protect" themselves againt
possible crisis situations.
7.5.2. Trade-offs
The mesures selected as the preferred option under Problem Area I and II are mutually
reinforcing in that they collectively aim at improving market functioning, thereby reducing
the need for market gouvernment intervention through CMs, and reducing their distortive
effects if nonetheless required. However, scarcity pricing and CMs to a certain degree can be
seen as alternative measures to foster investments. Even if CM deployment rules and design
principles are ringfenced, the mere fact that resources are also renumerated by CMs means
that the effectiveness of scarcity prices to drive investment may be reduced as the number of
hours that scarcity occurs and thus the profits that more flexible resources can earn from
selling energy in the market is reduced. It needs also to be noted that scarcity prices and CMs
(at least in its market-wide version) act differently on investment decision in a crucial manner.
Whereas such CMs rewards any capacity, removing barriers for scarcity pricing will improve
remuneration of flexible capacity in particular.
The measures assessed under various options in the impact assessment seek to improve the
overall flexibilty of the electricity system. However, they do this by employing different
means. It can therefore be expected that some trade-offs exist between these options.
Improvements in the usage of interconnection capacity (as assessed under Problem Area I,
Option 1(b) (strenghening short-term markets)) allow a given plant to exploit variations in
production and demand over a larger geographcial area allowing for a more stable
intertemporal production pattern of the plant. Improving the usage of interconnection capacity
will hence favour the usage of less flexible resources over flexible ones. Similarly, pulling
demand response into the market will reduce the profits of generation capacity and, in
particular, flexible generation capacity which may amplify the amount of capacity that needs
to exit the market into the transition towards 2030. Ultimately, efficient markets should select
the most cost-efficient solutions.
Energy poverty safeguards whose costs directly accrue to suppliers
particularly, the costly
disconnection safeguards considered in Option 2 (Harmonization and extensive consumer
safeguards) of Problem Area IV (Retail markets)
may act as a barrier to retail-level
competition, and diminish the associated benefits to consumers, including lower prices, new
The other two drivers being wage growth and the energy efficiency of housing stock
Comparison of the options
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and innovative products, and higher levels of service. Although the implementation costs of
these safeguards will be passed on to consumers, and therefore socialized, different energy
suppliers may have different abilities to do this, and to deal with the additional consumer
engagement costs. Some may therefore choose not to enter markets with such safeguards in
place. A uniform level of such safeguards throughout the market would help create a level
playing field and address such competition impacts.
7.5.3. Sequencing of measures
Over all, the synergies between the measures are large and the temporal dependency low, the
overall beneficial effects will be achieved only if all measures are implemented as a package.
A sequencing of measures is not necessarily appropriate to establish at EU level. The
judgement of moving to a next stage of market development much depends on the
development stage of the electricity market at hand. The reality is that Member States are at
different, sometimes even very different stages, in the development of their market
arrangements. As an example only, as a result of the individual characteristics of national
markets, the timing of the phase out of price regulation may differ on a case-by-case basis.
This is to enable national authorities to ensure that the necessary prerequisites of a smooth
transition are in place before all regulatory interventions in price setting are discontinued.
Such prerequisites may include, for example, the number of suppliers in the market, the
market share of the largest suppliers, or retail price levels. The same is true for other measures
The EU legislation ultimately adopted should therefore need to find the appropriate balance
between setting out a well-defined endpoint whilst allowing sufficient space for Member
States to manage their transition thereon.
Future monitoring and evaluation plan
The Commission will systematically monitor the transposition and compliance of the Member
States and other actors with the finally adopted measures and take enforcement measures if
and when required and report on the progress made in this regard on a regular basis. For this
purpose, the Commission will be supported by ACER as described below.
In addition, as it has already done in the context of the implementation of the Third Package,
the Commission will provide guidance documents providing assistance on the implementation
of the adopted measures.
Parallel to the proposed initiatives, the Commission will bring forward an initiative
concerning the governance of the Energy Union that will streamline the monitoring and
reporting requirements. Based on the initiative of the governance of the Energy Union, the
current monitoring and reporting requirements of Commission and Member States' reporting
obligations in the Third Energy Package will be integrated in a horizontal monitoring report.
More information on the streamlining of the monitoring and reporting requirements can be
found in the impact assessment for the governance of the European Union.
Monitoring and evaluation
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The annual reporting by ACER and the evaluation by the Commission, together with the
reporting from the Electricity Coordination Group are part of the proposed initiatives and
described in the sections below.
Annual reporting by ACER and evaluation by the Commission
The monitoring of the proposed initiatives will be carried out following a two tier approach:
annual reporting by ACER and an evaluation by the Commission.
8.2.1. Annual reporting by ACER
ACER's duties
under the Third Package include the monitoring of and reporting on the
internal electricity market. ACER prepares and publishes an annual market monitoring report
that tracks the progress of the integration process and the performance of electricity markets
and identifies any barriers to the completion of the internal electricity retail and wholesale
The sources of data on which ACER relies to compile its annual market monitoring report are:
the Commission, NRAs, ENTSO-E, the Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs
(BEUC) and other relevant organisations. ACER's annual report is based on publicly available
information and the information provided by these entities.
Based on the present proposals, ACER will continue to monitor and report on the internal
electricity market on an annual basis after the adoption of the proposals. ACER's annual
reporting will replace the Commission's reporting obligations that are currently still existing
under the Electricity Directive. The present proposals also foresee extending ACER's
monitoring mandate to include matters related to security of supply.
8.2.2. Evaluation by the Commission
The Commission will carry out a fully-fleged evaluation of the impact of the proposed
initiatives, including the effectiveness, efficiency, continuing coherence and relevance of the
proposals, within a given timeline after the entry into force of the adopted measures
(indicatively, 5 years).
In the context of this evaluation, the Commission will pay particular attention as to whether
the assumptions underlying its analyses in the present impact assessment were valid.
The evaluation report will be developed by the Commission with the assistance of external
experts, on the basis of terms of reference developed by the Commission services.
Stakeholders will be informed of and consulted on the evaluation report, and they will also be
regularly informed of the progress of the evaluation and its findings. The evaluation report
will be made public.
The legal basis for the Agency’s market monitoring duties is in Article 11 of Regulation (EC) No. 713/2009.
ACER equally monitors and reports on many more detailed aspects of the regulatory framework.
Monitoring and evaluation
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Monitoring by the Electricity Coordination Group
The Electricity Coordination Group will be also a tool to monitor developments in the internal
electricity market and in particular as regards security of supply more closely. To this end a
concrete mandate will be given to the Electricity Coordination Group, in particular to monitor
the security of supply in the EU on the basis of a set of indicators (e.g. EENS, LoLE) and
regular outlooks and reports produced by ENTSO-E
Operational objectives
The key objective of the present initiative is to make electricity markets more secure, efficient
and competitive whilst ensuring that electricity is generated in a sustainable way and remains
affordable to all. The operational objectives for the preferred options are listed as follows:
Problem Area I (market design not fit for an increasing share of variable decentralised
generation and technological developments):
Adoption of measures directed at removing market distortions deriving from the
different treatment to generation from different sources;
Adoption of measures aiming at providing for liquid and better integrated short-term
Adoption of measures directed at removing barriers preventing demand response from
participating in energy and reserve markets;
Adoption of measures aiming at strengthening the role of ACER, clarifying the role of
NRAs at regional level, criteria for enhancing ENTSO-E's transparency and
monitoring obligations, rules for formalising the role of DSOs at European level.
Problem Area II (uncertainty about sufficient future generation investments and
uncoordinated capacity markets):
Adoption of measures aiming at improving the price signals of the electricity markets;
Specific requirements to align national CMs by requiring ENTSO-E to propose a
methodology for an EU-wide resource adequacy assessment and requiring Member
States to rely on the assessment.
Adoption of rules aiming at enhancing the compatibility between CMs.
Problem Area III (reinforce coordination between Member States for preventing and
managing crisis situations):
Adoption of measures aiming at improving risk assessment and preparedness;
Adoption of rules aiming at improving coordination in emergency;
Adoption of measures aiming at improving transparency and information sharing.
See Preferred Option (Option 2 (EU rules + regional cooperation)) to address problem Area III (When
preparing or managing crisis situations, Member States tend to disregard the situation across their borders).
Monitoring and evaluation
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Problem Area IV (retail markets):
Adoption of measures aiming at reducing regulatory intervention in retail price setting;
Adoption of measures aiming at protecting energy poor and vulnerable consumers;
Adoption of measures directed at removing barriers to market entry for new supply
and service companies;
Adoption of measures aimed at increasing consumer engagement and choice.
Monitoring indicators and benchmarks
As of 2021, ACER will be invited to review its current monitoring indicators with a view to
ensure their continuing relevance for monitoring progress towards the objectives underlying
the present proposals. ACER will continue relying on the same sources of data used for the
preparation of the market monitoring report. It will be tasked to cover in that report the
security of supply dimension as well. Monitoring indicators could include:
Problem Area I (market design not fit for an increasing share of variable decentralised
generation and technological developments):
Indicators relating to market and regulatory barriers that affect the level playing field
between market participant and types of resources, such as the degree of capacity
dispatched - fully, partially or not at all - on the basis of price signals only, and the
usage of market and non-market based curtailment;
Indicators related to the degree of flexibility available within the electricity system and
the development of intraday and balancing markets, such the level of market liquidity
in intraday and balancing markets and the allocation and use of cross-border capacity
for these time-frames, and related efficiency gains;
Indicators related to the participation of distributed resources and demand in the
market (including use from system operators), energy service operators such as
aggregators and barriers to market participation. Such for example, the capacity and
production by distributed RES E and storage, the capacity of demand response
available and its activation, the number of facilities and their capacity operated by
Indicators related to consumer access to smart metring systems, their functionalities
and availability/uptake of dynamic electricity pricing contracts;
Indicators related to the evaluation of the performance by ACER, ENTSO-E and
NRAs of their duties.
Problem Area II (uncertainty about sufficient future generation investments and
uncoordinated capacity markets):
Indicators pointing to the effectiveness of market arrangements in providing locational
signals and reflecting the value of electricity, also in times of scarcity, such as the
extent to which market prices have been contrained by any implicit or explict limits on
prices, levels of investment and correlation with price in different bidding zones.
State interventions to support resource adequacy and their interaction with the EU's
electricity markets, such as their incidence, design features and degree of participation
of cross-border capacity;
Problem Area III (reinforce coordination between Member States for preventing and
managing crisis situations):
Monitoring and evaluation
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Indicators for monitoring security of supply, such as expected energy non-served
(EENS) and loss of load expectation (LoLE);
In the case that electricity crisis situations occur, the lessons learnt from these stress
situations should also feed in the analysis of security of supply.
Problem Area IV (retail markets):
The incidence of regulated prices and the progress towards their phase-out;
Market developments regarding consumer switching, switching facilitation such as
switching rates, costs and incidence of price and non-price barriers to switching.
Key performance indicators measuring the economic and technical effectiveness of
DSOs and impact on system users (level of distribution charges).
Monitoring and evaluation
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The Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators, a European
Union Agency that was created by the Third Energy Package to
further progress the completion of the internal energy market both
for electricity and natural gas.
Regulation (EC) No 713/2009 of the European Parliament and of
the Council of 13 July 2009 establishing an Agency for the
Cooperation of Energy Regulators, OJ L 211, 14.8.2009, p. 1–14.
(Resource) adequacy can be defined as the ability of the system to
meet the aggregate power and energy requirements of all
consumers at virtually all times. In this impact assessment the term
resource adequacy is favoured over other terms often used in this
context, such as generation or system adequacy
A service provider that combines multiple consumer loads
(flexibility or energy) and/or supplied energy units for sale or
auction in organised energy markets.
Services necessary to support the transmission of capacity and
energy from resources to loads while maintaining reliable operation
of the transmission service provider. They refer to a range of
functions which TSOs contract so that they can guarantee system
security. These include services like the provision of mFFR and
aFFR or reactive power.
The situation after markets have closed (gate closure) in which a
TSO acts to ensure that demand is equal to supply, in and near real
Commission Regulation establishing a Guideline on Electricity
Balancing, one of the legal acts to be adopted under Article 18 of
the Electricity Regulation.
All resources, if procured
ex ante
or in real time, or according to
legal obligations, which are available to the TSO for balancing
Business As Usual, i.e. the state of the world if no additional action
is taken.
A bidding Zone means a geographical area within which electricity
market wholesale prices are uniform and market participants not
have to take into account grid constraints. Market participants who
wish to buy or sell electricity in another bidding zone have to take
into account grid constraints and related congestion rent payments.
ACER Regulation:
Ancillary Services:
Balancing Guideline
Balancing reserves
Bidding zone
Glossary and Acronyms
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Balance responsible parties, such as producers and suppliers, keep
their individual supply and demand in balance in commerical
Balancing Service Providers, such as generators or demand
facilities, balance-out unforeseen fluctuations on the electricity grid
by rapidly increasing or reducing their power output.
Guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management,
one of the legal acts adopted under Article 6 of the Electricity
Combined Cycle Gas Turbine, a common type of gas-fired
generation plant
Central Eastern European Electricity Forum, a platform for
cooperation between certain EU Member States.
Computer Emergency Response Team.
Combined Heat and Power units produce heat and electricity
simultaneously. Their production of electricity is not necesarrily
deterined only by prices for electricity.
Capacity Mechanism, a regulatory intervention that remunerates
the availability of electricity resources instead of the production of
electricity (or the avoidance of electricity consumption).
Means a situation in which an interconnection linking national
transmission networks cannot accommodate all physical flows
resulting from international trade requested by market participants,
because of a lack of capacity of the interconnectors and / or the
national transmission systems concerned.
CACM Guideline
Conventional generation The non-low carbon technologies, based on fossil fuels (lignite,
hard coal, natural gas, oil). They usually constitute the mid-range
and peaking plants.
Cross-zonal transmission capacity: The capability of the interconnected system to
accommodate energy transfers between bidding zones.
Day-ahead market
Computer Security Incident Response Team.
Comparison Tools, websites that help consumers to compare
different offers in the market.
Curtailment means a reduction in the scheduled capacity or energy
The market timeframe where commercial electricity transactions
are executed the day prior to the day of delivery of traded products.
Glossary and Acronyms
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Distributed Energy Resources, a generic term referring electricity
assets such as small-scale RES E, storage connected to distribution
grids or by end-consumers on their premises.
EU policy strategy aimed at: (i) helping to make the EU's digital
world a seamless and level marketplace to buy and sell; (ii)
designing rules which match the pace of technology and support
infrastructure development; and (iii) ensuring that Europe's
economy, industry and employment take full advantage of what
digitalisation offers.
Demand (side) response, the ability of consumers of electricity to
actively adapt their consumption to market conditions.
Distribution System Operator, the entity that operates, maintains
and develops the low voltage networks in a given area to which
most consumers are connected.
The Electricity Coordination Group was created in 2012 by
Commission Decision of 15 November 2012. The Group is a
platform for the exchange of information and coordination of
electricity policy measures having a cross-border impact. It also
aims to facilitate the exchange of information and cooperation on
security of electricity supply, including the coordination of action
in case of an emergency within the Union.
Energy Efficiency Directive. Directive 2012/27/EU of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 on
energy efficiency, amending Directives 2009/125/EC and
2010/30/EU and repealing Directives 2004/8/EC and 2006/32/EC.
This directive establishes a set of binding measures to help the EU
reach its 20% energy efficiency target by 2020.
Communication from the Commission - Guidelines on State aid for
environmental protection and energy 2014-2020, OJ C 200,
28.6.2014, p. 1–55. The Guidelines aim to help Member States
design state aid measures that contribute to reaching their 2020
climate targets. The guidelines will be in force until the end of
Expected Energy Non Served, a metric to measure security of
supply and to set a reliability standard.
The European Economic and Social Committee.
Directive 2009/72 of the European Parliament and of the Council
of 13 July 2009 concerning common rules for the internal market in
electricity and repealing Directive 2003/54/EC, OJ L 211,
14.8.2009, p. 55–93. Together with the Electricity Regulation, the
Electricity Directive sets the main parts of the legal framework for
the EU's electricity markets.
Digital Single Market
Electricity Directive
Glossary and Acronyms
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Electricity Regulation
Regulation (EC) No 714/2009 of the European Parliament and of
the Council of 13 July 2009 on conditions for access to the network
for cross-border exchanges in electricity repealing Regulation (EC)
No 1228/2003, OJ L 211, 14.8.2009, p. 15–35. Together with the
Electricity Directive, the Electricity Regulation sets the main parts
of the legal framework for the EU's electricity markets.
End-customers procure electricity for their own use.
European Network of Transmission System Operators for
Electricity. ENTSO-E was established and given legal mandates by
Third Package.
European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas.
ENTSOG was established and given legal mandates by Third
Energy Performance of Buildings Directive or Directive
2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19
May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings. OJ L 153,
18.6.2010, p. 13–35, concerning energy efficiency of building.
Modifications are being proposed to the EPBD.
Emmission Trading System, works on the 'cap and trade' principle.
A 'cap', or limit, is set on the total amount of certain greenhouse
gases that can be emitted by the factories, power plants and other
installations in the system. The cap is reduced over time so that
total emissions fall. This policy instrument equally fosters
penetration of RES E as it renders production of electricity from
non- or less-emitting generation capacity more economical.
Term refering to the current design of the EU's electricity markets.
The EU target model is based on two broad principles: (i) the
development of integrated regional wholesale markets, preferably
established on a zonal basis, in which prices provide important
signals for generators' operational and investment decisions; and
(ii) market coupling based on the so-called "flow-based" capacity
calculation, a method that takes into account that electricity can
flow via different paths and optimises the representation of
available capacities in meshed electricity grids.
The central policy scenario modelled by PRIMES, reflecting the
agreed 2030 climate and energy targets (and the 2050 EU's
decarbonisation objectives).
Frequency Containment Reserve are reserves from reserve
providers (generators, storage, demand response) used by TSOs to
maintain frequency stable in the whole synchronous area (e.g.
continental Europe). This category typically includes automatically
activated reserves with the activation time up to 30 seconds.
EU Target Model:
Glossary and Acronyms
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Florence Forum
The Florence Forum was set up to discuss the creation of a true
internal electricity market in Europe. The participants are national
regulatory authorities, Member States, the European Commission,
international organisations in the area of energy and European-wide
associations representing transmission and distribution system
operators, electricity traders, consumers, network users and power
Frequency Restoration Reserve are reserves from reserve providers
(generators, storage, demand response) used by TSOs to restore
system frequency and power balance after sudden system
imbalance occurrence (e.g. the outage of a power plant). Those
reserves replace FCR if the frequency deviation lasts longer than 30
seconds. This category includes operating reserves with an
activation time typically between 30 seconds up to 15 minutes.
FRR can be distinguished between reserves with automatic
activation (aFRR) and reserves with manual activation (mFRR).
Directive 2009/73 of the European Parliament and of the Council
of 13 July 2009 concerning common rules for the internal market in
gas and repealing Directive 2003/55/EC, OJ L 211, 14.8.2009, p.
94–136. Together with the Gas Regulation, the Gas Directive sets
the main parts of the legal framework for the EU's gas markets.
Regulation (EC) No 715/2009 of the European Parliament and of
the Council of 13 July 2009 on conditions for access to the natural
gas transmission networks and repealing Regulation (EC) No
1775/2005, OJ L 211, 14.8.2009, p. 36-54. Together with the Gas
Directive, the Gas Regulation sets the main parts of the legal
framework for the EU's gas markets.
The moment when contracts are frozen. After gate closure, no
trading is allowed anymore. At this point, parties are expected to
adhere to the physical data submitted to the System Operator and to
the contracted volumes submitted before Gate Closure.
Charges for network usage imposed on generators
A generator produces electricity and sells this to suppliers or end-
Aggregator that is not affiliated to a supplier or any other market
Commission Regulation (EU) No 838/2010 of 23 September 2010
on laying down guidelines relating to the inter-transmission system
operator compensation mechanism and a common regulatory
approach to transmission charging
Gas Directive:
Gas Regulation:
Gate closure
Independent aggregator
ITC Regulation
Glossary and Acronyms
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
LFC block
Load-Frequency Control block or balancing zone, defines the size
of the network area for which the balancing reserves are being
The total electricity demand
Load Payments correspond to the amount of money retail
companies/consumers need to pay to generators for the electricity
bought from the wholesale market. For each hour, it corresponds to
the product of served demand with the electricity price.
Loss of load expectation, a metric to measure security of supply
and to set a reliability standard
Long-term contract.
A modelling tool used by the Commission, described in more detail
in Annex IV.
Network Code on Emergency and Restoration
Nominated Electricity Market Operator; an entity designated by
competent authroities to perform tasks related to single day-ahead
and intraday coupling as defined in the Guideline on Capacity
Allocation and Congestion Management, one of the legal acts
adopted under Article 6 of the Electricity Regulation.
Load Payments
Electricity network codes and guidelines: a legal act adopted under Articles 6, 8 and 18 of the
Electricity Regulation. Examples of such codes and guidelines are
the NC ER, the CACM guideline, the RfG, the System Operation
Guideline or the Balancing guideline. For a full overview of these
network codes and guidelines, reference is made to Annex VII.
NIS Directive
Directive (EU) 2016/1148 of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 6 July 2016 concerning measures for a high common
level of security of network and information systems across the
Union, OJ L 194, 19.07.2016, p. 1-30.
National Regulatory Authorities, are national authorties set up and
empowered by the Third Package to over see national electricity
(and gas) markets.
Net Transfer Capacity, a metric to measure the capacity available
on interconnectors to transfer electricity.
Risk Preparedness Plans, a measure proposed under Problem Area
Pentalateral Energy Forum, a platform for collaboration consisting
of the Ministries, NRAs and TSOs of the BENELUX, DE, FR, AT,
Glossary and Acronyms
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
CH as well as a market parties platform and the European
Power exchange
Power exchanges facilitate the trading of electricity at wholesale
level, often for delivery the next day or at even shorter intervals
(intraday). They cooperate with TSOs in optimising
interconnection capacity in the contex of market coupling.
A modelling tool used by the Commission, described in more detail
in Annex IV.
The Renewable Energy Package comprising the new Renewable
Energy Directive and bioenergy sustainability policy for 2030
A measure activated by one or several system operators by altering
the generation and/or load pattern in order to change physical flows
in the transmission system and relieve a physical network
A platform or regionally coordinated platforms for the attribution
of Long Term Cross Zonal Capacity for a single border or set of
Renewable sources of electricity
Network code on Requirements for Grid Connection of Generators
Regional Operational Centre
Replacement Reserve are reserves from reserve providers
(generators, storage, demand response) used by TSOs to restore the
required level of FCR and FRR due to their earlier usage. Contrary
to FCR and FRR, not all TSOs in the EU maintain RR. This
category includes operating reserves with activation time from
several minutes up to hours.
Regional Security Coordinators, an entity foreseen under the
System Operation Guidelines to assist TSOs in maintaining the
operational security of the electricity system.
The sector inquiry into capacity mechanisms as conducted by DG
Competition of the European Commission
An electronic device that records consumption of electric energy in
intervals of an hour or less and communicates that information at
least daily back to the utility for monitoring and billing. Smart
meters enable two-way communication between the meter and the
central system.
Regional platform
Sector Inquiry
Smart meter
Glossary and Acronyms
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises as defined in the Commission
Recommendation of 6 May 2003 concerning the definition of
micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (notified under
document number C(2003) 1422), OJ L 124, 20.05.2003, p. 36-41.
Security of Electricity Supply Directive or Directive 2005/89/EC of
the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 January 2006
concerning measures to safeguard security of electricity supply and
infrastructure investment, OJ L 33, 4.2.2006, p. 22–27
Suppliers are active in the retail segment of the market and supply
electricity to end-consumers
The percentage of consumers changing suppliers in any given year.
SoS Directive
Switching rate
System Operation Guideline: Draft Commission Regulation which will set down rules relating
to the maintenance of the secure operation of the interconnected
transmission system in real time.
Third Package:
Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union
A package of legislation adopted in 2009 comprising the Electricity
Directive, the Electricity Regulation, the ACER Regulation as well
as similar legislation concerning the gas markets.
Time-of-Use tariffs: Time-based pricing is a pricing strategy where
the provider of a service or supplier of a commodity, may vary the
price depending on the time-of-day when the service is provided or
the commodity is delivered.
The transmission capacity, also called TTC (Total Transfer
Capacity), is the maximum transmission of active power in
accordance with the system security criteria which is permitted in
transmission cross-sections between the subsystems/areas or
individual installations.
Transmission Reliability Margin, a metric to capture the amount of
transmission transfer capability necessary to provide reasonable
assurance that the interconnected transmission system will be
secure during changing system conditions
Transmission System Operator, the entity that operates, maintains
and develops the high voltage networks in a given area.
Ten-Year Network Development Plan
The Vulnerable Consumer Working Group provides advice to the
European Commission on the topics of consumer vulnerability and
energy poverty, its membership comprising industry, consumer
associations, regulators and Member States representatives.
ToU tariffs
Transmission capacity
Glossary and Acronyms
kom (2016) 0864 - Ingen titel
Value of Lost Load is a projected value reflecting the maximum
price consumers are willing to pay to be supplied with electricity.
VoLL is typically quite high (e.g. several thousands of EUR/MWh)
and not necessarily the same for each (group of) consumer, thus
enabling DR activation by consumers before the VoLL is reached.
Glossary and Acronyms