Europaudvalget 2017-18
EUU Alm.del Bilag 889
17-19 June 2018, Sofia
1.1. COSAC underlines the essential role of national Parliaments in the functioning of the
European Union and places great importance on their good cooperation with the
European Parliament. As representatives of the European citizens, they have a crucial
role in bringing the European agenda closer to the people and ensuring the efficiency
of the decision-making process.
1.2. COSAC underlines the importance of political education and active engagement of the
citizens in political life, in particular through elections at regional, national and
European level. National Parliaments and the European Parliament encourage all
European citizens to use their democratic rights at all levels, including the need to use
their right to vote in the upcoming European Elections on 23–26 May 2019.
2.1. COSAC welcomes the work of the Task Force on Subsidiarity, Proportionality and
Doing Less More Efficiently and calls on all stakeholders to continue the efforts to
improve the application of subsidiarity and proportionality in the Union. Following the
active participation of the national Parliaments in the COSAC Working Group meeting
on the 26
March 2018, as well as their written contributions throughout the Bulgarian
Presidency, COSAC encourages the parliamentary delegations to continue their
involvement in the future debates on the topic.
2.2. COSAC calls for an early consultation with the national Parliaments at the very
beginning of the EU decision making process, so that the European peoples become
more involved and acquire better understanding of the Union s strategies and future
2.3. While in general the Subsidiarity Early Warning System provides a good opportunity
for national Parliaments to make their voice heard, there are still aspects that could
and should be improved without changing the treaties, as noted in the contributions
of the LIV and LV COSAC.
EUU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 889: Breve til Det Europæiske Råd, det østrigske formandskab og formanden for eurogruppen vedr. de nationale parlamenters forslag om åbenhed
2.4. More specifically, COSAC reiterates its invitation to the European Commission to
consider excluding certain periods from the 8-week deadline provided by the treaties
for a subsidiarity check, in the same manner as the current arrangement regarding
the month of August. Such a period could be the mid-December to New Year break,
as suggested by the Contribution of LIV and LV COSAC, as well as other recess periods
that might be further discussed. In addition, possible modalities for an extension of
the 8 weeks deadline should be further explored with a view to extending the deadline
to 12 weeks.
2.5. While recognizing the right of each Parliament/Chamber to come up with their own
process of subsidiarity scrutiny, COSAC calls for a strengthened cooperation and
coordination between national Parliaments in order to maximize the results of their
2.6. COSAC underlines the importance of improving the way national Parliaments
scrutinise their Governments as well as reinforcing the democratic rights of EU citizens
and notes the need to increase transparency of the Council decision-making. COSAC
encourages national parliamentary delegations to address the issue of EU
transparency, especially of the Council, with their respective governments, in
accordance with their national constitutional framework and practices.
2.7. With reference to paragraph 2.8 of the contribution of the LVIII Plenary COSAC on the
issue of transparency, COSAC invites the Council and related bodies to further reflect
via a point by point answer on the proposals that were sent to the EU institutions by
26 national parliaments/chambers enhancing the openness of legislative
deliberations at EU-level.
2.8. COSAC invites the European Commission to improve the quality of its responses to
national Parliaments contributions,
by providing clear and timely answers to their
objections. COSAC reiterates its invitation to the European Commission to respond to
national Parliaments reasoned opinions no later than 8 weeks after the subsidiarity-
check deadline. Periods referred to in Article 2.3 of this Contribution should be taken
into consideration.
2.9. The co-legislators are expected to take better notice of the opinions expressed by the
national Parliaments, given that they contribute actively to the good functioning of the
Union, as stated by Art. 12 of the Treaty on the European Union.
2.10. COSAC calls on the European Commission to provide better impact assessments
within the explanatory memoranda of its legislative proposals in order to justify them
EUU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 889: Breve til Det Europæiske Råd, det østrigske formandskab og formanden for eurogruppen vedr. de nationale parlamenters forslag om åbenhed
properly. COSAC also invites the Commission, in addition to its analysis on principle of
subsidiarity, to better elaborate its choice of legal base and its view on the principle of
2.11. COSAC recalls its suggestions included in previous contributions regarding the
introduction of a green card mechanism as part of an enhanced dialogue
that could
submit to the European Commission proposals to initiate legislation, as well as
amending and repealing existing EU legislation and encourages national Parliaments
to continue
exploring future possibilities of using green card initiatives.
2.12. COSAC calls for a better use of the existing political dialogue mechanisms between
national Parliaments and the EU institutions.
3.1. COSAC welcomes the European perspective of the Western Balkans with a strong
focus on connectivity of the region and improvement of its links with the EU Single
market as a strategic central priority of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the
3.2. COSAC regards the Communication from the Commission of 6 February 2018 for 'A
credible enlargement perspective for and enhanced EU engagement with the Western
Balkans', as an investment in a stable, strong and united Europe based on common
values and on the full respect for the European Convention for the Protection of
Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
3.3. COSAC takes positive note of the reports on the Western Balkans partners and Turkey
from 17th of April 2018 and of the conclusions and recommendations therein. COSAC
underlines the importance of support and guidance to the partners from the region
to pursue the necessary reforms.
3.4. COSAC stresses that progress towards EU accession is based on the respect for the EU
values and on the merit-based individual performance of the partners from the region
to comply with the Copenhagen criteria and the conditionality of the Stabilisation and
Association Process; emphasises the importance of the full alignment with the
Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU.
3.5. While acknowledging the progress made by the Western Balkans, COSAC underlines
that more efforts are needed to accelerate domestic reform processes and achieve
irreversible and sustainable results, notably in the areas of rule of law, fight against
EUU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 889: Breve til Det Europæiske Råd, det østrigske formandskab og formanden for eurogruppen vedr. de nationale parlamenters forslag om åbenhed
corruption and organized crime, human rights, freedom of expression and
independence of media, strengthening the democratic institutions and public
administration reform, economic development and competitiveness, as well as good
neighbourly relations, thereby increasing stability and ensuring prosperity in the
3.6. COSAC notes that continued steady efforts are needed to tackle outstanding bilateral
disputes in the region, including border disputes, in order to ensure that they do not
have a detrimental effect on the accession process. COSAC stresses that the
outstanding disputes and issues should be solved in line with international law and
established principles, including through implementation of legally binding
3.7. In line with the respective Council Conclusions on 22 March, COSAC welcomes the EU's
unequivocal commitment to the European perspective of the Western Balkans
reaffirmed with the Sofia Declaration from 17th of May 2018. The EU parliaments
expressed their support in this regard at the Interparliamentary Conference for
CFSP/CSDP in Sofia, 15-17 February 2018.
3.8. COSAC expresses its support for the goals, commitments and outcomes of the EU
Western Balkans Summit in Sofia and its intense agenda for better and efficient
infrastructure and digital connectivity, as well as contacts between people and
learning opportunities, making the European perspective for the region more tangible,
delivering direct impact and substantial benefits to the people and business from the
region and EU. Implementation of the adopted Sofia Priority Agenda should remain in
the focus of the next Presidencies of the Council.
3.9. COSAC stresses that the threat posed by radicalisation, terrorism and violent
extremism requires EU and partners from the Western Balkans to develop
strengthened mutual cooperation and increased exchange of information and best
practices in the areas of shaping common values, preventing radicalization and
responding to terrorist activities. COSAC also underlines that joined actions are
needed in the field of migration, asylum and border management, the fight against
irregular migration flows and trafficking of human beings.
3.10. COSAC notes that parliamentary oversight of the pre-accession and negotiation
process bestows on them greater democratic legitimacy, increasing the transparency
of the process and improving the strategic communication with the public on all EU
matters. In light of this, COSAC declares its general support for increased and stronger
EUU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 889: Breve til Det Europæiske Råd, det østrigske formandskab og formanden for eurogruppen vedr. de nationale parlamenters forslag om åbenhed
involvement of the Western Balkans Parliaments in COSAC work and activities in the
4.1. COSAC takes note of the
European Commission s proposal of May 2, 2018: A modern
budget for a Union that protects empowers and defends , i.e. the Multiannual
Financial Framework 2021-2027. Acknowledging the proposal as a good starting point
for negotiation, COSAC finds important that the MFF 2021-2027 should be linked to a
comprehensive long-term policy strategy for the development of the European Union
and for the revival of public investment both at European and national level. It is
important to take Member States
different positions
on the budgetary frame into
4.2. COSAC supports the continuation of the Cohesion Policy beyond 2020 with a
commitment to maintain adequate levels of funding that will allow for the completion
of its goals. As the Cohesion Policy is a key solidarity tool for stimulating the
convergence between the Member States and their regions, COSAC underlines that,
via its instruments, accelerator and multiplier effect of the investments would be
achieved and regional disparities - tackled. Furthermore, it is important that all regions
shall profit from the Cohesion policy, while the most underdeveloped remain its
primary target.
4.3. COSAC points out that the real investments in growth, employment and balanced
territorial development, must stay in the focus of the Cohesion Policy post 2020,
remaining mostly in the form of grants. New tasks and objectives should not be
financed to the detriment of the Cohesion Policy.
4.4. COSAC appeals for a result-oriented, effective and efficient Cohesion Policy in the
Programming Period 2021-2027, transparently assessing the concrete impact and the
sustainability of the projects at local and regional level with regard to the European
added value, rather than simply monitoring the costs and productivity.
4.5. COSAC calls for an improvement of the main deficiencies in the Cohesion Policy
implementation, such as the long and complex administrative procedures, the lack of
flexibility when managing the projects and the procedure of co-financing.
EUU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 889: Breve til Det Europæiske Råd, det østrigske formandskab og formanden for eurogruppen vedr. de nationale parlamenters forslag om åbenhed
Macro-regional strategies
4.6. Taking into account the role of the EU macro-regions in achieving sustainable
development, security and prosperity, COSAC underlines that EU macro-regional
strategies are an important platform for cooperation with invaluable and innovative
contribution and should be further developed.
4.7. COSAC recognizes the need to improve the interrelation between the EU Strategy for
the Danube Region and the cross-border cooperation in the Black Sea Region to
overcome common challenges in the wider region.
4.8. COSAC underlines the importance of interconnectivity within the EU. Therefore,
COSAC emphasises that firm commitment for successful and timely implementation
of any trans-border projects to that end are vitally important for the EU and its citizens.
A special consideration should be paid to the development of transport infrastructure
and the expansion of the EU transport network; in this regard, macro regional
strategies provide a good basis for the streamlining of multilateral efforts.
5.1. COSAC underlines that a reinforcement of the social dimension of the EU is vital in
order to uphold the Treaty social objectives and ensure that European citizens identify
with, and see the benefits of, the European project.
5.2. COSAC supports that a strong and solid European Pillar of Social Rights that aims to
promote and enhance the existing social standards and principles is a shared
responsibility of the EU and the
Member States. The initiatives to deliver on the Pillar s
objectives should be based on specific tools, further legislative actions, efficient policy-
making mechanisms and financial instruments, subject to the next EU Budget
5.3. COSAC emphasises that against the backdrop of an ageing and declining population,
the globalisation, technical progress and digitalisation of societies and economies, the
ongoing transformation of jobs and tasks as a consequence, it is crucial to invest in
human capital to ensure productivity growth, high social standards and job-rich and
robust economies, as well as adequate social protection systems.
5.4. COSAC stresses the importance of access to quality and inclusive education, training
and lifelong learning in order to maintain and acquire the relevant skills needed for
full participation in society and in the labour market in transition.
EUU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 889: Breve til Det Europæiske Råd, det østrigske formandskab og formanden for eurogruppen vedr. de nationale parlamenters forslag om åbenhed
5.5. COSAC highlights that equality of treatment and opportunities, in particular between
women and men, should be enhanced in all areas, including participation in the labour
market, terms and conditions of employment, career progression and equal pay for
work of equal value, including measures that favour a good work-life balance.
5.6. COSAC recognizes the crucial role of social dialogue and stresses that social partners
must be closely involved in the design, implementation and monitoring of policies
according to national and EU provisions.
5.7. COSAC takes note of the 29th Bi-annual Report where according to the National
Parliaments/Chambers among the most appropriate tools for implementation and
monitoring of the European Pillar of Social Rights are a strengthened European
Semester reflecting the Pillar`s principles and EU funding instruments designed to
support the reforms on the national level.