Retsudvalget 2017-18
REU Alm.del Bilag 180
7 February 2018
Dear Chair, dear Colleague,
In preparation for the Second Meeting of the Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny
Group (JPSG)
18-19 March in Sofia, Bulgaria,
and in accordance with Articles
12(1) and 51(2)(c) of the Europol Regulation,
the Europol Management Board
has transmitted to the Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group (JPSG)
draft programming document 2019-2021.
The multiannual programming, which is presented in Section II of the document,
overall strategic planning - the objectives, expected results, and
performance indicators. The multiannual programming also sets out the
resource planning, including the multiannual budget and staff, and elaborates on
the strategy for relations with third countries and international organizations.
We should be grateful if you could bring the attached document to the attention
of the respective members of your delegation to the JPSG.
The draft
multiannual programming will be subject to discussion during one of the
panels at the meeting in Sofia.
Following this first exchange of views,
delegations will have the possibility to submit written comments and
contributions with a view to adopting summary conclusions on Europol’s draft
multiannual programming at the subsequent meeting of the JPSG.
Yours Sincerely,
Tsvetan Tsvetanov
Head of the Bulgarian Delegation to
the Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group
Claude Moraes
Chairman of the Committee on Civil
Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs,
European Parliament
Annex: Europol draft programming document 2019-2021