Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2017-18
S 860
Counc of the European Union
General Secretariat
Directorate-General Communication and Information
The Director-General
Brussels, 23 April 2018
Ms Emily O'Reilly
European Ombudsman
1, av. du President Robert Schuman
F-67002 Strasbourg Cedex
Your letter of 9 February relating to Inquiry 01/2/2017/TE on transparency of the Council
legislative process
Dear Ms O'Reilly,
Thank you for your letter of 9 February informing us of your recommendations in your own initiative
inquiry 01/2/2017/TE on transparency of the Council legislative process.
You asked the Council to send its detailed opinion on your recommendations by 9 May 2018.
You equally requested to be informed of the actions taken in the Council in relation to your
suggestions for improvement, by that same date.
The General Secretariat of the Council attaches great importance to legislative transparency and it
takes careful note of the recommendations and suggestions for improvement as mentioned in your
letter. I should however mention that these recommendations touch upon issues that are complex
in nature and require a more in-depth reflection than is possible within the given timeframe. I would
also note that sufficient time should be allowed for political consideration by COREPER and
Council, given the importance of the topic.
I should therefore like to inform you that the Council will provide its reply to the abovementioned
letter by early uly.
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