Europaudvalget 2018-19 (1. samling)
EUU Alm.del Bilag 231
Vienna, Austria, 18 November 2018
CHAIRs: Mr Reinhold LOPATKA, Chair of the Standing Sub-Committee on European Affairs
of the Austrian
Mr Christian BUCHMANN, Chair of the EU Committee of the
Mr Angel
Chair of the European Affairs Committee, Romanian
Camera Deputaţilor;
Ms Gabriela CREȚU, Chair of the European Affairs Committee, Romanian
Mr Kristian
VIGENIN, Chair of the Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds,
Narodno sabranie;
Ms Danuta HÜBNER, Chair of the Committee on Constitutional
Affairs, European Parliament.
1. Adoption of the agenda of the Meeting of the Presidential Troika of COSAC
2. Approval of the draft programme of the LX COSAC
3. Presentation of the 30th Bi-annual Report of COSAC
4. Debate on the draft Contribution and Conclusions of the LX COSAC
5. Letters received by the Presidency
6. Any other business
1. Adoption of the agenda of the Meeting of the Presidential Troika of COSAC
Mr Reinhold LOPATKA, Chair of the Standing Sub-Committee on European Affairs of the
welcomed the delegations of the Presidential Troika of COSAC
(hereinafter referred to as "the Troika") and thanked them for their cooperation.
The agenda of the meeting of the Troika was adopted without amendment.
2. Approval of the draft programme of the meeting of the LX COSAC
Mr LOPATKA then briefly outlined the programme of the meeting of the LX COSAC, which
would consist of four sessions:
Session I: State of Play of the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the EU
Session II: Brexit - current state
Session III: Climate Policy and Energy Union
Session IV: А
transparent European Union closer to its citizens in light of the upcoming
elections to the European Parliament
The Chair further informed the participants that due to the General Affairs Council (Art. 50) to
be held in Brussels on Monday, 19 November 2018, Mr Michel BARNIER, EU Chief
Negotiator for Brexit, had to cancel his participation at the LX COSAC. Instead, Ms Danuta
EUU, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 231: Referat af Trojka-møde og COSAC-møde i Wien 18-20/11-18
HÜBNER, Chair of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs, European Parliament, had agreed
to give a keynote speech on the European Union side in Session II.
The draft programme of the LX COSAC was approved without amendment.
3. Presentation of the 30th Bi-annual Report of COSAC
Mr LOPATKA invited the Permanent Member of the COSAC secretariat, Mr Kenneth CURMI,
to present the 30th Bi-annual Report of COSAC, which was based on Parliaments' replies to
the related questionnaire circulated to delegations on 27 July 2018 with a deadline of 18
September 2018 for submitting replies.
Mr CURMI briefly referred to the three chapters of the Report: the first one concentrated on
the involvement of citizens in parliamentary proceedings; the second one dealt with Climate
Policy and the Energy Union; and the third one was dedicated to the state of play of Brexit as
well as its implications for the future of the EU.
Before moving on to the next point on the agenda, Mr LOPATKA thanked the COSAC
Secretariat for their work in compiling the well-structured report.
4. Debate on the draft Contribution and Conclusions of the LX COSAC
The draft text of the Contribution and the Conclusions was circulated to delegations on 7
November 2018. No amendments had been received regarding the Conclusions until the
meeting and the Troika, after accepting one amendment brought up during the meeting,
endorsed the new draft based on the text proposed by the Presidency.
Regarding the draft Contribution, amendments received from delegations by 14 November
2018 were translated into French and, together with the initial text, included in a table, which
had been distributed to all delegations. A number of compromise proposals elaborated by the
Presidency were submitted to the Troika.
Following a detailed examination of each amendment proposed, the Troika, on the basis of the
Presidency's compromise proposals, drafted a modified text of the draft Contribution.
5. Letters received by the Presidency
The Chair referred to the following letters received by the Presidency:
- Letters from Mr Carles ENSENAT, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee,
of Andorra; Ms Tamar KHULORDAVA, Chair of the Committee on European
Integration, Parliament of Georgia; Mr Guillaume ROSE, Chair of the Monitoring
Committee on Negotiations with the European Union, and Mr Stéphane VALERI, Speaker,
Conseil National
of the Principality of Monaco; Ms Mariia IONOVA, Deputy Chair of the
Committee on European Integration,
Verkhovna Rada
of Ukraine; and from Ms Blerta
DELIU-KODRA, Chair of the Committee on European Integration, Assembly of Kosovo
regarding participation in COSAC. Following consultation with the Troika, letters of
invitation had been sent out. Due to elections, Georgia would not be able to attend the
COSAC plenary.
- Special attention was drawn to the request from Kosovo. The Chair added that in order to
comply with international regulations, the Presidency had proposed to provide observing
parliaments with table signs only and not with flags. In addition,
the name “Kosovo
” would
This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with Resolution 1244 of the United
Nations Security Council and to the opinion of the ICJ on the declaration of independence of Kosovo.
EUU, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 231: Referat af Trojka-møde og COSAC-møde i Wien 18-20/11-18
be accompanied by an asterisk and a footnote on the table sign, the list of participants, the
screens and the badges.
Letter from Mr Angel
Chair of the European Affairs Committee, Romanian
Camera Deputaţilor,
and Ms Gabriela CREȚU, Chair of the European Affairs Committee,
on the participation of Kosovo at the LX COSAC.
Letters from Mr André ANTOINE, President of the
Parlement de Wallonie,
on the
composition of the Belgian delegation within COSAC. The Presidency had already answered
in a letter on 20 July 2018, explaining that it was not the role of COSAC to enter into
discussions on constitutional or representational arrangements of a Member State.
Letter from Mr Kristian VIGENIN, Chair of the Committee on European Affairs and
Oversight of the European Funds, Bulgarian
Narodno sabranie,
submitting a proposal for
the revision of the COSAC Rules of Procedure including a new paragraph 3.2a by which
two members of the Parliaments of each EU potential candidate country, EFTA country and
Eastern Partnership country should be invited as observers. The Presidency had also received
two reactions to this proposal from Mr Yiorgos LILLIKAS, Chairman of the House Standing
Committee on Foreign and European Affairs, Cyprus
Vouli ton Antiprosopon;
and Mr
Gunther KRICHBAUM, Chair of the Committee on European Affairs, German
and Ms Sabine THILLAYE, Chair of the Committee on European Affairs, French
declaring their reservations.
Letter from Mr Toomas VITSUT, Chair of the European Union Affairs committee, Estonian
providing suggestions for the Draft Contribution.
Letter from Mr Václav HAMPL, Chair of the Committee on EU Affairs, Czech
informing participants about the meeting of the Visegrad countries that had taken place on
8 October 2018 and sharing the conclusions adopted there.
Letter from Mr Foort VAN OOSTEN, Chair of the Committee on European Affairs, Dutch
Tweede Kamer;
Mr Bastiaan VAN APELDOORN, Chair of the Committee on European
Affairs, Dutch
Eerste Kamer;
and Mr Erik CHRISTENSEN, Chair of the Committee on
European Affairs, Danish
providing an update on transparency in Council.
Concerning his proposal to change the COSAC rules of procedure, Mr VIGENIN pointed out
that the Bulgarian Presidency had received a letter from the parliaments of Ukraine, Georgia
and Moldova, asking if they could be permanently invited to COSAC meetings. He had
supported the request and stated that besides those three countries various others were also
asking for participation on a regular basis because of their close ties with the EU. Mr VIGENIN
underlined that in order to keep the flexibility of COSAC, an option to refuse invitations could
also be included in the new paragraph.
He accepted however that it was not the right moment for changes in the Rules of Procedure
and formally withdrew the proposal by inviting the Romanian or Finnish Presidency to open
the issue again in the near future, as the concerned group of countries would then also include
the United Kingdom.
Mr LOPATKA added that the Presidency could not support the proposal, as unanimity on the
matter had never been reached in the Troika, but the floor would also be given to Mr VIGENIN
during the Opening Session of the plenary.
With regard to the letter from Mr VITSUT, the Chair noted that Presidency had not been able
to consider the suggestions at that stage.
6. Any other business
There was no other business to discuss.