Europaudvalget 2018
KOM (2018) 0029
Strasbourg, 16.1.2018
SWD(2018) 17 final
Measuring progress towards circular economy in the European Union – Key indicators
for a monitoring framework
Accompanying the document
on a monitoring framework for the circular economy
{COM(2018) 29 final}
kom (2018) 0029 - Ingen titel
1. Introduction
In the 2015 EU action plan for the circular economy
the Commission announced the development of
a monitoring framework for the circular economy. The framework aims to measure progress and to
assess the effectiveness of action towards the circular economy in the EU and Member States.
To this end, and building on existing data, a set of meaningful indicators were identified to cover the
different phases of the circular economy. The framework is a key tool to show if the existing policy
initiatives are successful in delivering the expected results and it allows identifying areas where more
action is needed.
This document lays out the methodology used for selecting the indicators and includes an analytical
description for each of them. A summary of the consultations of the Member States and stakeholders
is also included. Section 3 provides the key metadata (data source, use in Commission documents, web
links) for each indicator.
The underlying data populating the various indicators provide a snapshot of what we know today
. To
ensure regular reporting on circular economy, Eurostat will regularly update the monitoring
framework on circular economy on its website
1.1. Material flows in the circular economy
Due to the cross-cutting nature of the circular economy, measuring progress towards its achievement
requires a multi-faceted approach. One effective illustration of the circular economy at macro level is a
Sankey diagram of material flows
, which provides, for a given year, a representation of how materials
flow in the economy from import / extraction over to production, use and then waste and reuse
(recycling and backfilling). The diagram combines Eurostat economy-wide material flow accounts and
waste statistics with additional data collection and research
COM(2015) 614/2 Closing the loop – an EU action plan for the circular economy
Reported data are the ones available on 1
December 2017
These have been published in a
scientific article
from Haas W., Krausmann F., Wiedenhofer D. and Heinz M.
in 2015, with the aim of providing a rough but comprehensive assessment of the circularity of an economy at the
level of material groups.
Due to the assumptions made, the authors generally considered that the model overestimates the circular use of
materials in the EU economy. See Annex 2 for details
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Figure 1. Sankey diagram on material flows in the EU economy (2014)
Source: Andreas Mayer, Willi Haas, Dominik Wiedenhofer, Fridolin Krausmann, Philip Nuss, Gian Andrea
Blengini (forthcoming): Monitoring the circular economy in the EU28 - A mass-balanced assessment of
economy wide material flows, waste and emissions from official statistics. In: Journal of Industrial Ecology.
The overview of material flows in 2014 (Figure 1) shows that on input-side (on the left) 8 billion
tonnes of raw materials were processed during 2014 in the EU: of this 1.5 billion (i.e. around 20%) are
imported, which indicates the EU dependency on imports of materials. Out of the 8 billion tonnes of
processed materials, 3.1 billion tonnes are directed to energetic use, 4.2 to material use and 0.6 are not
used in the EU but exported.
The output-side on the right shows that
bulk of the used
that are used are converted into
emissions to air
(2.5 billion tonnes) or
(1.5 billion tonnes).
Only 0.6 billion tonnes of materials
originate from recycling and are used as secondary raw materials. In addition 0.1 billion tonnes are
used for backfilling. These 0.7 billion tonnes of
raw materials
(for recycling and backfilling) only
represent one third of the 2.2 billion tonnes of raw materials that are contained in products that have
reached their end-of-life ("end-of-life waste"); the remaining 1.5 billion tonnes, is
that does not
re-enter the economy.
Potential for improvement lies
in particular in increasing the share of recycled
materials and decreasing the waste generated.
It is also necessary to consider
material flows in the EU disaggregated per material category.
(Figure 2).
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Most of the 3.5 billion tonnes of
non-metallic minerals
(shown at the top left) that are used in the EU
originate from domestic extraction. 3.1 billion tonnes of non-metallic minerals are used
to build up
so-called "societal stocks"
such as buildings and infrastructure.
Metal ores
(shown at the top right) only represent a minor fraction of the EU's material consumption
in terms of mass, while they are of high value and strategic importance to the economy.
More than
30% of the metals that are processed in the EU originate from recycling.
Figure 2: Material flows in the EU-28 economy per material category (2014)
Less than 3%
of the processed
fossil energy carriers
(shown at the bottom left) are used as plastics,
oils, tyres or for chemical purposes.
More than half of these materials are recovered
when they
reach their end-of-life, either through recycling or backfilling.
less than 20%
of the processed
(presented at the bottom right) is used for material
purposes, while the rest is used for energetic purposes such as food, feed and agro-fuels.
Only 28% of
biotic materials
that become waste are fed back into the economy through
Source: Andreas Mayer, Willi Haas, Dominik Wiedenhofer, Fridolin Krausmann, Philip Nuss, Gian Andrea
Blengini (forthcoming): Monitoring the circular economy in the EU28 - A mass-balanced assessment of
economy wide material flows, waste and emissions from official statistics. In: Journal of Industrial Ecology
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These Sankey diagrams of material flows provide a
broad picture
of how circular the economy is in a
given year. To monitor the progress made in the different areas of the EU action plan for the circular
economy a set of meaningful indicators is however needed.
2. Indicators
The monitoring framework consists of 10 indicators, some of which are broken down in sub-
indicators. The list uses available data while also earmarking areas where new indicators are in the
process of being developed, in particular for green public procurement and food waste.
The framework is structured into four broad areas, for which relevant indicators have been identified
(see Table 1).
Production and consumption
Monitoring the production and consumption phase is essential for understanding progress towards the
circular economy. In the longer term this transition may contribute to increasing the EU's
sufficiency of selected raw materials for production in the EU.
Households and economic activities
should decrease the amount of
waste generated. Waste generation
should decrease in terms of the
amount of waste produced both by households and by economic activities. In this regard
waste generated per capita
together with the
generation of waste excluding major mineral waste
divided by GDP,
and the efficient use of materials in the economy is expressed by
generation of
waste excluding major mineral waste divided by domestic material consumption.
The indicator of
food waste generation is relevant because it measures an important waste stream with significant
environmental impact. In addition, the share of
green public procurement
in the economy provides
useful indication of how much public funds contribute to the circular economy.
Waste management
This area focuses on the share of waste which is recycled as this is the treatment by which waste
materials are actually returned to the economic cycle and can continue creating value. Two main
indicators monitor overall progress in recycling of waste and the recycling in specific waste streams.
The most appropriate indicators to track overall targets are the
recycling of all waste excluding
major mineral wastes and the recycling of municipal waste,
which is subject to binding targets in
EU legislation. The focus as regards specific waste streams is on those that currently present a
significant challenge for the economy and the environment such as
packaging waste, including
plastic and wood, bio-waste, and electrical and electronic waste, as well as construction and
demolition waste.
Most of these specific waste streams are also linked to binding targets in EU
legislation and to deliverables of the Action plan for the Circular Economy.
Secondary raw materials
To close loops of the circular economy, materials and products need to ultimately be reinjected in the
economy. One of the most important indicators for the circular economy is about how
materials replace extraction of natural resources
and how much of the
waste materials are
actually reincorporated back in the economy.
This is the purpose of the
circular material use rate
the end-of-life recycling rates
indicators, the former for the overall economy and the latter for
specific important materials. Moreover, in order to have an increasing share of secondary raw
materials in the economy, it is important to establish stable markets for them, therefore another
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relevant indicator is related to the
trade of recyclable raw materials between the EU Member
States and with the rest of the world.
Competitiveness and innovation
A more circular economy will increase the life span of products through improving design for
circularity and increasing reuse, reparability, durability, and upgradability, promoting innovative
industrial processes (e.g. industrial symbiosis) and supporting innovative forms of consumption such
as the collaborative economy. Two indicators are included to monitor developments in this area: one
about the economics of circular economy sectors (the recycling, repair and reuse)
in terms of
investments, and gross value added,
and another one about
related to recycling and
secondary raw materials as a proxy for innovation.
2.1. Selection criteria
The framework consists of 10 indicators and is based on existing official statistics coming from
Eurostat and other official sources (the European Commission including the Joint Research Centre,
and the European Patent Office). As such it will not increase the administrative burden on Member
States. The selected indicators have been evaluated against how they perform in terms of
acceptability, credibility, easiness and robustness (also known as RACER).
The indicators on green public procurement and food waste are included even if statistical work is still
ongoing and data will only be available in the coming years.
2.2 Results of the consultations
Member States and stakeholders were consulted during the second quarter of 2017. The current
indicators take into account a careful assessment of the comments received.
Most stakeholders agreed with the majority of suggested indicators. A recurrent concern was that the
coverage was slightly skewed towards waste management related information while covering less the
other phases of the circular economy loop such as production, consumption, re-use and repair, thereby
missing out on some important transformation trends and economic opportunities. In absence of
available data or even methodologies to measure these aspects, however, at present it is necessary to
work with other available information that may give some more indirect indications of performance.
Many valuable comments concerned technical considerations on how to populate the indicators,
measurement units etc. These comments have helped to ensure a high degree of reliability and data
The following table includes the final list of indicators and sub-indicators.
Renting and leasing arrangements can contribute to circular economy, but have for now been excluded because
current statistics may not distinguish with sufficient granularity those transactions that clearly contribute to
circular economy and those that do not.
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Table 1
Production and consumption
EU self-sufficiency for raw materials
*Green Public Procurement
Waste generation
Generation of municipal waste per capita
Generation of waste excluding major mineral waste per GDP unit
Generation of waste excluding major mineral waste per domestic material consumption unit
*Food waste
Waste management
Recycling rates
5a Recycling rate of municipal waste
5b Recycling rate of all waste excluding major mineral waste
Recycling / recovery for specific waste streams
6a Recycling rate of overall packaging waste
6b Recycling rate of plastic packaging waste
6c Recycling rate of wooden packaging
6d Recycling rate of electrical and electronic waste (e-waste)
6e Recycling of biowaste per capita
6f Recovery rate of construction and demolition waste
Secondary raw materials
Contribution of recycled materials to raw materials demand
7a End-of-life recycling input rates
7b Circular material use rate
Trade in recyclable raw materials
Competitiveness and innovation
Private investments, jobs and gross value added related to circular economy sectors
9a Gross investment in tangible goods
9b Number of persons employed
9c Value added at factor cost
Number of patents related to recycling and secondary raw materials
Indicator under development
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2.3 Dissemination of indicator set
The Commission (Eurostat) disseminates all the indicators in a newly created dedicated site for the
circular economy. This website also provides a brief introduction to the monitoring framework,
background and a list of relevant links.
The data for all the indicators and sub-indicators are reported together in a visualisation tool to
facilitate comparing the indicators for a given Member State or for the EU. This is the main data
source for users, which can find all the information in a single place. In addition, tables for each
indicator and sub-indicator, as well as the corresponding explanatory metadata, are also available in
the Eurostat online database. In some cases tables with further breakdowns, alternative units (measures
as percentage instead of absolute values, etc.) are also available.
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3. Description of the indicators and first trends observed
Relevance for the circular economy
Raw materials are essential for the functioning of the EU's economy. A wide variety of industrial
sectors depend on the secure supply of raw materials, including critical raw materials
, typically in a
diversified mix of domestic extraction, recycling and imports. This mix is different for every raw
material and depends on a number of natural and economic factors. A circular economy can contribute
to reducing the supply risks related to a high import reliance of the EU for specific raw materials
through enhanced recycling.
Facts and figures
Figure 1.1: Self-sufficiency rate for a selection of raw materials
in 2016
The EU's self-sufficiency is different for each raw material. For some raw materials, such as indium
or limestone the EU is largely self-sufficient or even a net-exporter. This is the case for the majority
of non-metallic minerals
Critical raw materials are raw materials of high importance to the EU economy which have a high risk
associated with their supply.
Materials highlighted with an asterisk (*) are included in the
2017 list of Critical Raw Materials
See also the
Raw Materials Scoreboard,
indicator 3 on share of imports.
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For a number of bulk materials, such as aluminium, copper or iron ore, the EU's self-sufficiency
varies between 15% and 40%. For some of these materials recycling's contribution to total materials
demand stands between 20% and 30% (see indicator 7a).
For most critical raw materials there is a major supply risk, i.e. linked to geopolitical risks in some
countries. In most cases the supply from recycling for these materials is relatively low compared to
total demand (see indicator 7a). This is mostly because primary extraction is often more economic
than recycling, since these materials are used in very small quantities (making collection and
separation costly) and/or because it is often difficult to recycle these materials at sufficient degrees of
Indicator description (definition, interpretation and data source)
Self-sufficiency is defined as (1 – (net) Import reliance).
Import reliance is defined in the EU Critical Raw Materials methodology
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Interpretation of the indicator
The indicator provides insights in the differences between materials: for certain raw
materials the EU is more self-sufficient than for others. The data source allows for a
disaggregation per material, which adds important nuance.
Due to increasing demand for certain materials, even if 100% were recycled, the EU
would still not be self-sufficient. For example, annual demand in the EU for raw materials
used in solar photo voltaic technologies (such as silicon, copper, tellurium and indium) is
expected to increase by 270% by 2030.
The indicator should be considered in a broader context considering potential disruption
of supply in the context of economically sensitive areas. International trade is very
important for the EU economy. For certain materials with high supply risks, the analysis
of self-sufficiency, in combination with an analysis of the source countries for these
materials, can help assessing supply risks for these materials.
Whereas the indicator provides an insight into the current situation, it does not assess
potential future sources, increases in demand, nor the potential import/extraction
reductions feasible through increased recycling.
Data source:
European Commission, List of Critical Raw Materials (2017), based on data
from the British Geological Survey and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research
and Economy's World Mining Data, who both collect data from national agencies. The
European Commission
has committed to updating the list of Critical Raw Materials every 3
years (COM (2011) 25). The third, 2017 assessment includes 78 materials.
Blengini, G.A., Blagoeva, D., Dewulf, J., Torres de Matos, C., Nita, V., Vidal-Legaz, B., Latunussa, C.E.L.,
Kayam, Y., Talens Peirò, L., Baranzelli, C., Manfredi, S., Mancini, L., Nuss, P., Marmier, A., Alves-Dias, P.,
Pavel, C., Tzimas, E., Mathieux, F., Pennington, D. and Ciupagea, C. Assessment of the Methodology for
Establishing the EU List of Critical Raw Materials, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxemburg,
2017, 978-92-79-69612-1, doi:10.2760/73303, JRC106997
Data were presented to experts for peer-review in a dedicated expert group of the Raw Materials Supply
Group – Ad hoc Working Group (AHWG) on defining critical raw materials. Three stakeholder validation
workshops, involving the AHWG and other relevant experts took place on 25, 28 October and 7 November 2016
with the aim to review the data used for the purpose of criticality calculations.
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Relevance for the circular economy
Public procurement accounts for a large proportion of European consumption (approximately 14%
of EU GDP). If circularity requirements (reparability, durability, recyclability etc.) are
systematically included in public contracts, public procurement can play a key role in the circular
economy. The indicator is relevant to target Sustainable Development Goal 12.7.
Promote public
procurement practices that are sustainable, in accordance with national policies and priorities.
Facts and figures
The indicator is under development.
Data will be collected for the first time with a new version of the public procurement standard forms
which is currently under preparation. A question on green public procurement would be mandatory to
answer in all public procurement procedures in the EU above the procurement thresholds
, which are
around 150 000 procurement procedures a year.
It should be noted that it will take several years for this data to become available. Presently the horizon
is to have the data by 2020.
Indicator description (definition, interpretation and data source)
The share of public procurement procedures above the EU thresholds, in
number and value, which include environmental criteria.
In the forms to be completed for all tenders above the EU value thresholds, public
authorities could tick 'yes' or 'no' to say if in the tender documents, a 'technical specification,
award criterion, or contract performance condition aims at reducing the environmental
impact of the procurement'.
For the first time, such information would be available for the procurement
above the thresholds for the whole EU (more than 150 000 procedures per year)
Identifying product groups and Member States with less GPP uptake informs and allows
initiation of more targeted actions.
'Aiming to reduce environmental impact' is likely to be interpreted differently by different
authorities. This stems also from the fact that 'reducing environmental impact', and the
underlying concept of 'green procurement' is a complex, multi-faceted issue where finding a
perfectly accurate legal or environmental definition may not be possible. The results might
generate an overly positive picture of the use of GPP especially for the value of green
tenders. The most valuable contracts are often in the field of construction where almost
every public authority is likely to take some environmental element into account. The
indicator is a proxy showing trends in a significant proportion of the demand side. In
addition, not all the criteria will necessarily relate to the circular economy.
Data source:
European Commission
The current standard forms are available on:
It is mandatory to open the procurement to all EU companies if the amount for public procurement is above
the thresholds available on:
The new standard form should be approved as an implementing regulation by the Advisory Committee on
Public Procurement.
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3 a) Generation of municipal waste (per capita)
Relevance for the circular economy
This indicator focuses on municipal waste. Even though municipal waste only represents about 10% in
weight of the total waste generated or about 30% of the generated amount of waste excluding major
mineral waste, following up on its evolution can give a good indication of changing consumption
patterns, Member States' waste prevention performance and where citizens' actions and involvement is
most relevant.
Facts and figures
Figure 3.1:
Generation of municipal waste per capita
Note: 2016 data for Ireland, Greece, Austria, Portugal, Romania, Finland and United Kingdom are not available
and the following data are used: (2015) Greece, Austria, Romania, Finland and United Kingdom, (2012) Ireland
and (2014) Portugal. 2010 data for Denmark are not available and 2011 value is reported instead.
In 2016 each EU citizen generated on average 480 kg of municipal waste, down from 515 kg in 2005
(-6.8%). In absolute terms, municipal waste in the EU decreased from 255 million tonnes to 245
million tonnes during the period 2005-2016.
Municipal waste generation vary considerably across countries in 2016, ranging from 762 kg per
capita in Denmark to 247 kg per capita in Romania (for Romania this refers to 2015). Five Member
States produce more than 600 kg of municipal waste per capita, while two countries produce less than
320 kg per capita. This is due partly to differences in consumption patterns and economic wealth and
partly to how municipal waste is currently collected and managed. Different levels of municipal waste
an also reflect differences in the organization of the municipal waste management, as well as different
methods for measuring municipal waste generated.
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While over the period 2005-2016 municipal waste per capita has decreased in the EU, Member States
show different trends. In particular, six countries increased municipal waste per capita by more than
10%, while Romania, Bulgaria Spain and United Kingdom reduced their municipal waste per capita
generation by more than 20% during 2005-2016.
Indicator description (definition, interpretation and data source)
The amount of municipal waste generated consists of waste collected by or on
behalf of municipal authorities and disposed of through the waste management system. It
consists to a large extent of waste generated by households, though similar wastes from
sources such as commerce, offices and public institutions can be included. The scope of data
collection on similar waste may currently vary from municipality to municipality and among
Member States, depending on the local waste management system. This issue is addressed in
the Commission proposal to amend the Waste Framework Directive with the introduction of a
harmonised, legally binding definition of municipal waste
. Wastes from agriculture and from
industries are not included. Overall municipal waste generated is divided by the population.
Interpretation of the indicator:
Reducing municipal waste generation is an indication of the
effectiveness of waste prevention measures and changing patterns of consumption.
Concentrating on municipal waste rather than on industrial waste has the advantage that it
reflects the consumption side and is not affected by the presence or lack of large
manufacturing sectors in a country.
The indicator is based on solid data and is available in time series. The population is factored
in to allow for comparability among Member States. However, the different interpretations of
the definition currently limit to some extent the comparability among countries; therefore the
most important information is given through the time series.
Data source:
Eurostat, Municipal waste by waste operations (env_wasmun)
COM(2015) 595 final
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3 b) Generation of waste, excluding major mineral waste, per GDP unit
Relevance for the circular economy
In the circular economy, waste generation is decoupled from GDP growth, i.e. waste generated
increases less rapidly than GDP (relative decoupling ) or decreases even when the economy is
growing (absolute decoupling). Comparing waste generated to GDP
reflects the waste intensity of
the economy and provides a measure of "eco-efficiency".
The indicator on overall waste generation excludes major mineral waste because the weight of total
waste generation and treatment is mainly driven by mineral waste from construction/demolition and
from mining activities
, and the latter widely varies in importance across Member States. Excluding
major mineral wastes reflects more accurately general trends than the total waste and improves
comparability across countries.
Facts and figures
Note: 2010 data for Cyprus not available.
In 2014 in the EU 66 kg of waste (excluding major mineral waste) was generated per thousand EUR of
GDP. Waste generation per GDP decreased by 11% in the EU between 2006 and 2014, thus improving
eco- efficiency of economic activity.
The waste generated per GDP shows a wide variation among Member States: six Member States
produced less than 50 kg of waste (excluding mineral waste) per EUR GDP, while few countries have
a value of more than 400 kg/ thousand EUR GDP. The presence of certain industries affects the level
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the most common measure of the size of an economy:
includes the total
market value of all goods and services produced within a country in a year.
Almost two thirds (64 % or 3.2 tonnes per inhabitant) of the total waste generated in the EU-28 in 2014
was major mineral wastes. In some EU Member States, having relatively sizeable mining and quarrying
activities and/or construction and demolition activities, major mineral wastes accounted 85 % or more of all
waste generated. It accounts for less than 20% in others.
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of waste generation; for example high value for Estonia is due to waste from energy production from
oil shale.
During 2006-2014 the indicator decreased by more than 50% in Lithuania, Portugal and Romania,
while increasing by more than 30% in Italy and Ireland. This may be partially explained by the impact
of the financial crisis.
Indicator description (definition, interpretation and data source)
This indicator is defined as all waste generated in a country, excluding major
mineral waste, per GDP unit. Major mineral waste accounts, on EU average, for almost two
thirds of total waste generated. Its exclusion enhances comparability across countries as mineral
waste accounts for high quantities in some countries due to economic activities such as mining
and construction.
Interpretation of the indicator:
The high variation of the indicator may also be due to a
number of factors:
Differences in waste classification by Member States may result in partial non-
comparability, e.g. high value for Estonia results from including waste from energy
Differences in purchasing power are not fully reflected in exchange rates, thus
undermining comparability across Member States.
Different structures of the economy as regards materials-intensive sectors and
specialization of certain Member States in high value services (e.g. finance or IT sectors).
Data source:
Eurostat. Generation of waste by waste category, hazardousness and NACE Rev.
2 activity (env_wasgen) collected on the basis of the Regulation on waste statistics (EC) No.
2150/2002, amended by Commission Regulation (EU) No. 849/2010. The information on waste
generation is broken down by source (several business activities according to the NACE
classification and household activities) and by waste category (according to the European
Waste Classification for statistical purposes). The latter allows disclosing and excluding major
mineral waste.
Annual national accounts. GDP and main components (output, expenditure and income
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3 c) Generation of waste, excluding major mineral waste, per Domestic Material Consumption
Relevance for the circular economy
This indicator tracks the efficiency of EU material consumption by comparing the tonnes of waste
generated to domestic material consumption (DMC). DMC sums up the total use of resources driven
by domestic demand distinguishing it from consumption driven by the export market. Therefore, this
indicator gives an indication of "material efficiency".
Facts and figures
Figure 3.2: Generation of waste, excluding major mineral wastes, per DMC
Note: 2010 data for Cyprus is missing and the graph shows 2012 instead.
In 2014 on average the EU produced 0.13 kg of waste (excluding major mineral waste) per kg of
DMC, that means that 13% of domestic materials consumption ended up as waste. Waste generation
per DMC increased by 11% in the EU between 2006 and 2014, resulting from a decrease of waste
generation by 8% and a simultaneous decrease of DMC by 19%, which indicates that efficiency of
material consumption decreased in terms of waste production. 2014 data show a wide variation among
Member States: the indicator ranges from less than 5% in Romania and Latvia to 25% in the
Netherland and Italy, reaching 34% (or 0.34 kg waste/kg DMC) in Estonia (due to the use of oil shale
for energy production).
Indicator description (definition, interpretation and data source)
the indicator has the same numerator as indicator 3b above, but it uses DMC as
denominator. DMC is defined as the annual quantity of raw materials extracted from the
domestic territory, plus all physical imports and minus all physical exports.
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Interpretation of the indicator:
The indicator serves as a material efficiency indicator by
comparing the quantity of waste generated to DMC. The smaller the value of the ratio, the
better the performance. The indicator’s major advantage for comparison across countries and
over time is that it is less affected by differences in the production structure of an economy.
DMC does not include upstream "hidden" flows related to imports and exports of raw materials
and products
. This indicator is a ratio that may not be very meaningful without further context
indicators. The ratio is strongly influenced by the non-metallic mineral component of DMC.
Data source:
Eurostat. Generation of waste by waste category, hazardousness and NACE Rev.
2 activity (env_wasgen) collected on the basis of the Regulation on waste statistics (EC) No.
2150/2002, amended by Commission Regulation (EU) No. 849/2010. The information on waste
generation is broken down by source (several business activities according to the NACE
classification and household activities) and by waste category (according to the European
Waste Classification for statistical purposes). The latter allows disclosing and excluding major
mineral waste.
Economy-Wide Material Flow Accounts (env_ac_mfa) for Domestic Material Consumption.
A material footprint indicator 'Raw Material Consumption' is being developed in order to tackle embedded
materials in imported and exported products. See also:
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Relevance for the circular economy
Food waste is waste which is generated in the production, distribution and consumption of food. Food
waste is a significant concern in Europe (estimated to be around 20% of all food produced), and it is
associated with pressure on finite natural resources, the environment and climate change. It also has
important financial costs, which have been estimated as 143 billion EUR
for the EU in 2012. A
priority sector of the EU action plan for the circular economy addresses food waste and the
sustainability of the food system.
In the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the indicator is relevant to target
Sustainable Development Goal 12.3: "by
2030 halve per capita global food waste at the retail and
consumer level, and reduce food losses along production and supply chains including post-harvest
Facts and figures
Indicator under development
The Commission has started work on producing a consistent measurement of food waste levels in the
EU. This is quite complex as food waste needs to be measured all along the food value chain,
including on the farm, in processing and manufacture, in shops, in restaurants and canteens and in
In addition, Eurostat performed a voluntary exercise with the Member States for the reference year
2012: on a voluntary basis, several Member States provided detailed data for waste codes that may
contain food waste as a plug-in to the waste statistics data collection based on Regulation (EC)
2150/2002. Eight Member States sent data for the two years 2012 and 2014. On the basis of these data
Eurostat produced a preliminary estimate for an indicator on food waste, which could only be made at
EU-28 level. According to these calculations, food waste in the EU amounted to 81 million tonnes in
2012 and 76 million tonnes in 2014, suggesting a 7% decrease from 161 to 149 kg per capita.
This estimate is coherent with figures that the European Commission published for the reference year
2012 on the basis of the FUSIONS study
: 87.6 million tonnes of food wasted in the EU-28 (with an
error margin of +/- 14 million tonnes). Per capita data were 173 kg (error margin of +/- 27 kg). This
estimate includes both edible food and inedible parts associated with food.
At present there is no definition of food waste in EU regulatory frameworks. However food waste is
understood in the light of definitions of food (from General Food Law) and of waste (from Waste
Framework Directive) i.e. as food which has been discarded. A definition of food waste has been
proposed by the European Parliament in the context of the current revision of Waste Framework
Indicator description (definition, interpretation and data source)
Amount of food waste generated per year. The indicator is being developed
Food Use for Social Innovation by Optimising Waste Prevention Strategies (FUSIONS) project.
Fusions: Estimates of European food waste levels
Report on the proposal for a Directive amending Directive 2008/98/EC on waste (COM/2015/0595 final)
Obligation of regular monitoring in all EU Member States is included in the Commission Proposal amending
Waste Framework Directive. Several Member States conduct monitoring on national level; however these efforts
are not yet harmonised at EU level. It is expected that the amended Directive will be adopted in early 2018,
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Interpretation of the indicator:
Currently food waste monitoring is hampered by lack of
data, baseline for individual Member States, monitoring obligations, agreed definition,
methods and sources, and by limited information on developments at global level. Therefore
the current calculations are purely indicative and may not be comparable neither numerically
nor methodologically with the final indicator under development
Data source
New reporting obligations for Member States (in the Commission Proposal
amending the Waste Framework Directive - Art 9.3).
Statistics on waste gathered for the purpose of reporting under the Waste Statistics
. Whereas Eurostat does not have data for a proper indicator, there is long term
work ongoing (see above section latest available information) which may allow deriving
proxy indicators until a fully elaborated system is in place (expected to be set up by the
European Commission and with the first data becoming available for reference year 2020).
which would allow adoption of the methodology in the following year and selecting 2020 as the first reporting
Regulation (EC) No 2150/2002 on waste statistics.
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5 a) Recycling rate of municipal waste
Relevance for the circular economy
The recycling of municipal waste indicates how waste from final consumers is used as a resource in
the circular economy. Municipal waste reflects mainly waste generated by the final consumers as it
includes waste from households and waste from other sources that is similar in nature and composition
to household waste. It accounts for around 10% of total waste generated in the EU in weight (30%
when excluding major mineral waste). Because of its heterogeneous composition, a sound
management of municipal waste is challenging. The recycling rate of municipal waste provides a good
indication of the quality of the overall waste management system.
This indicator supports monitoring progress towards the 50% recycling target for 2020 set in the
Waste Framework Directive and to the 65% recycling target for 2030 proposed in the legislative
proposal on waste.
Facts and figures
Figure 5.1: Municipal waste in the EU, by treatment category
Figure 5.1 shows the amount of waste generated at EU level and the composition by treatment
category (landfill, incineration, recycling, composting). During the period 1995-2016 the EU recycling
rate of municipal waste has increased continuously to reach 45.6% of the total treated (equivalent to
140 kg per capita). Since 2014 the EU recycling rate of municipal waste is higher than both the landfill
rate and the incineration rates.
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Figure 5.2: Recycling rate of municipal waste
Note: 2016 data for Ireland, Greece, Austria, Portugal, Romania, Finland and United Kingdom not available and
the following are used: Greece, Austria, Romania, Finland, United Kingdom (2015), Portugal (2014) and Ireland
(2012). 2005 data for Croatia refer to 2007. 2010 data for Denmark refers to 2009.
During the period 2005-2016 the EU recycling rate of municipal waste increased by 13.7 percentage
points to reach 45.6% in 2016.
2016 data show that the recycling rate of municipal waste varies a lot among Member States. Austria,
Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands and Slovenia recycled more than 50% of their municipal waste.
Germany has already achieved the 65% recycling target set for 2030. An ongoing catch-up process can
be observed, as the growth rate of recycling was the highest for those Member States, which started to
introduce recycling practices to waste management more recently. The methodology for calculating
recycling rates is currently not harmonised across Member States (see below).
Indicator description (definition, interpretation and data source
The recycling rate is the share of recycled municipal waste in the total municipal
waste generation. For areas not covered by a municipal waste collection scheme the amount of
waste generated is estimated. The Member States report every year to Eurostat data on the
generation and treatment of municipal waste.
Interpretation of the indicator
As regards comparability among Member States, it should be
taken into account that countries measure the recycled quantities in different ways, for instance
before or after sorting of collected waste, which has implications on accuracy and
comparability. This issue is currently being addressed in the revised waste proposals.
Data source:
Eurostat, Municipal waste by waste operations (env_wasmun)
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5 b) Recycling rate of all waste excluding major mineral waste
Relevance for the circular economy
The recycling rate of all waste excluding major mineral waste indicates the extent to which key waste
materials are reincorporated in the economy. It adds the production phase to the final consumption
phase reflected by municipal waste recycling and in this way encompasses the trends in recycling
waste arising from both consumption and production.
Facts and figures
Figure 5.3: Recycling rate of all waste excluding major mineral waste
In 2014 EU recycling rate of waste (excluding major mineral waste) was 55%, increasing from 53% in
The recycling rate varies a lot among Member States: from Member States having a share of more
than 70% (Belgium 78%, Slovenia 75% and the Netherlands 72%), to some others having a share of
less than 20% (Estonia, Bulgaria and Greece).
Indicator description (definition, interpretation and data source)
This indicator is defined as the share of waste that is recycled divided by all waste
treated in a country, excluding major mineral wastes which mainly arise from mining and
Interpretation of the indicator:
The indicator corrects Waste Statistics Regulation treatment
data with data on imports and exports and as such takes into account the amount of waste
collected in one country and recycled in another country. Its development indicates the overall
progress in recycling performance.
Data source:
Eurostat. Management of waste excluding major mineral waste, by waste
operations (env_wasoper) collected on the basis of the Regulation on waste statistics (EC) No.
2150/2002, amended by Commission Regulation (EU) No. 849/2010. The information on waste
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treatment is broken down by type of treatment and by waste categories (according to the
European Waste Classification for statistical purposes). The latter allows disclosing and
excluding major mineral waste.
Comext database
for imports and exports of waste materials from Foreign Trade Statistics.
6 a) Recycling rate of overall packaging
Relevance for the circular economy
Packaging represents 9.3% of waste generated excluding major mineral waste in the EU. It generally
consists of homogeneous materials which are particularly suitable for recycling. In the waste
legislation, specific recycling targets are set for packaging, and the revised legislative proposal on
waste includes increased recycling targets for packaging materials by 2025 and 2030.
Facts and figures
Figure 6.1: Recycling rate of all packaging
Note: In absence of 2010 data for Croatia, 2012 data are included. In absence of 2015 data, 2014 data are shown
for the following countries: Cyprus, Denmark, Malta and Romania.
The EU recycled 65.7% of all packaging waste in 2015, showing an increase by more than 10
percentage points compared to 2008 (54.6%).
In 2015 the ‘2008 recycling target’ of 55% recycled packaging waste was met by all Member States
except Hungary and Latvia; Romania and Malta had not reached the target in 2014 (no data are
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available for 2015). The Member States with a recycling rate higher than 70% are Belgium (81.5 %),
Czech Republic (74.3%), the Netherlands and Sweden (both almost at 72%). Eleven Member States
have a share higher than 65%.
During 2005-2015 the recycling rate of packaging waste increased in most Member States, in
particular in Cyprus and Malta (increase by more than 400%) which had the lowest levels in 2005.
Other Member States increased the share of packaging recycling by more than 80% (Bulgaria,
Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia).
Indicator description (definition, interpretation and data source)
Packaging waste covers all the waste packaging materials from products used for
the containment, protection, handling, delivery and presentation of goods, from raw materials
to processed goods, from the producer to the user or the consumer, excluding production
Interpretation of the indicator:
The indicator is used to monitor progress towards the 55%
packaging recycling target set for 2008 and the proposed 65% and 70% targets by 2025 and
2030 respectively. In some cases differences between Member States are due to
methodological differences, i.e. the possibility to report output of sorting instead of input to
recycling if there are no significant losses. It should be taken into account that in most cases
Member States assume that waste generated is equal to the amounts of packaging placed on
the market in a given year in that country, which might be underreported and inflate recycling
Data source:
Packaging waste by waste operations and waste flow (env_waspac) on
the basis of Directive 94/62/EC of 20 December 1994 on packaging and packaging waste, last
amended by Regulation (EC) No 219/2009.
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6 b) Recycling rate of plastic packaging
Relevance for the circular economy
Increasing plastic recycling is essential for the transition to a circular economy. The use of plastics in
the EU has grown steadily, but less than 30% of plastics is collected for recycling and another third
goes to landfill. Large quantities of plastics, including packaging, also end up in the oceans and are the
principal cause of marine litter.
Plastic packaging accounts for around 60% of plastic waste in the EU. During 2005-2015 EU
generation of plastic packing waste increased by almost 12% to reach 15.8 million tonnes, i.e. 31 kg
per capita.
In the revised legislative proposal on waste, the Commission has proposed an EU-wide target of 55%
on recycling plastic packaging (by 2025): this indicator will allow monitoring progress towards this
Facts and figures
Figure 6.2: Recycling rate of plastic packaging
Note: in absence of the 2015 data, 2014 data are shown for Denmark, Malta, Romania and Cyprus.
The EU recycling rates of plastic packaging increased from 24.7% to 40.3% between 2005 and 2015
Slovenia is the Member State which recycled the highest percentage of plastic packaging waste
(63.4%). It is followed by five countries with a share higher than 50%. Though the share varies a lot
among Member States, it has increased in all countries during the decade 2005-2015.
2005 data for EU-27; 2015 data for EU-28
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Indicator description (definition, interpretation and data source)
The recycling rate for plastic packaging is calculated as the total quantity of
recycled plastic packaging waste in the plastic packaging waste generated (both in mass unit).
Interpretation of the indicator.
The same considerations apply as for the indicator on
recycling of all packaging waste.
Data source:
Packaging waste by waste operations and waste flow (env_waspac)
on the basis of Directive 94/62/EC of 20 December 1994 on packaging and packaging waste,
last amended by Regulation (EC) No 219/2009.
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6 c) Recycling rate of wooden packaging
Relevance for the circular economy
In a circular economy, a cascading use of renewable resources, with several reuse and recycling
cycles, should be encouraged where appropriate. In the case of wooden packaging, reuse is often a
suitable solution. Once reuse is no longer possible, recycling is the option that best supports the
circular economy.
In the revised legislative proposal on waste, the Commission has proposed an EU-wide 2030 target of
75% on preparation for reuse and recycling of wood packaging.
Facts and figures
Figure 6.3: Recycling rate of wooden packaging
Note: In absence of 2015 data, 2014 data are included for: Cyprus, Denmark, Malta and Romania.
Recycling rates of wooden packaging increased from 36.5% to 39.8% between 2005 and 2015 in EU.
Sweden and Lithuania increased their recycling rate from 2% and 1.2% in 2005 to 21.5% and 24.8%
in 2015, respectively. Sweden recycled more waste than it generated in 2010, which indicates that this
Member State recycled wooden packaging placed on the market by other countries. The data reveal
that some Member States are less advanced in terms of recycling rate of wooden packaging, in
particular those where this waste is subject to energy recovery.
Indicator description (definition, interpretation and data source)
The recycling rate of wood packaging is calculated as the total quantity of
recycled wood packaging waste divided by the total quantity of generated wood packaging
waste (both in mass unit).
Interpretation of the indicator:
The same considerations apply as for the indicator on
recycling of all packaging waste.
Data source:
Eurostat Packaging waste by waste operations and waste flow
on the basis of
Directive 94/62/EC of 20 December 1994 on packaging and packaging waste, last amended by Regulation
(EC) No 219/2009.
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6 d) Recycling rate of electrical and electronic waste (e-waste)
Relevance for the circular economy
Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)
, also known as e-waste, comprising items such as
out of use computers, televisions, fridges and mobile phones, is one the fastest growing waste streams
in the EU. Some 9 million tonnes were generated in the EU in 2012 and it is expected that this will
grow to more than 12 million tonnes by 2020. WEEE poses on the one hand a risk to the environment
(hazardous components), on the other hand it has a high potential for recycling to replace raw
materials by secondary raw materials, such as precious metals and other highly valuable special
Compared with other waste streams, e-waste may not appear to be significant in terms of weight.
However, it provides a good example of the untapped potential to recover valuable raw materials. It is
estimated that up to 60 out of 118 chemical elements in the periodic table can be found in complex
electronics, many of which could be recovered although their present recycling levels are very low.
Critical raw materials such as gallium, germanium, indium, and dysprosium are predominantly used in
EEE and are a priority area of the EU action plan for the circular economy.
The indicator provides a measure of the WEEE recycled and prepared for reuse taking into
consideration the electrical and electronic equipment (EEE)
that had been put on the market having a
high potential for recycling to replace raw materials by secondary raw materials.
Facts and figures
Figure 6.4: Recycling rate of e-waste
Note: in absence of 2009 data, the following are shown: 2010 data for Latvia, Italy, United Kingdom, Czech
Republic, Ireland and Bulgaria. In absence of 2015 data, 2014 data are shown for the EU, Malta, Cyprus,
Romania, Spain, Italy and Germany.
WEEE means electrical or electronic equipment which is waste within the meaning of Article 3(1) of Directive
2008/98/EC, including all components, sub-assemblies and consumables which are part of the product at the
time of discarding.
EEE means equipment which is dependent on electric currents or electromagnetic fields in order to work
properly and equipment for the generation, transfer and measurement of such currents and fields and designed
for use with a voltage rating not exceeding 1 000 volts for alternating current and 1 500 volts for direct current.
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The EU recycling rate of e-waste has increased from 28.8% in 2012 to 32.2% in 2014.
The levels of collection, reuse and recycling of e-waste vary considerably across Member States,
indicating the potential to improve resource efficiency. Malta is being on one side of the scale with a
e-waste of 11.5% in 2014, while Bulgaria was the best performing Member State with 96.5% (in 2015,
compared to 68% in 2014). The high growth-rates were due to a campaign: many additional collection
campaigns were organised in 2015 to provide the necessary amount of WEEE to fulfil the national
target for the collection of EEE.
In most Member States recycling of e-waste has increased during the period 2009-2015. Some
Member States show big increase as they have increased not only recycling but also the amount of
waste collected.
Indicator description (definition, interpretation and data source)
The indicator 'recycling rate of the e-waste' is calculated by multiplying the 'collection
rate' set out in the WEEE Directive 2012/19/EU with the 'reuse and recycling rate' set out in the
same Directive;
the 'collection rate' equals the volumes collected of WEEE in the reference year divided
by the average quantity of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) put on the market in
the previous three years;
the 'reuse and recycling rate' is calculated by dividing the weight of WEEE that enters the
recycling/preparing for re-use facility by the weight of all separately collected WEEE in
accordance with Article 11(2) of the WEEE Directive 2012/19/EU, considering that the
total amount of collected WEEE is sent to treatment/recycling facilities.
The indicator is calculated on the basis of data reported by Member States to Eurostat on EEE
placed on the market, WEEE separately collected, and WEEE recycled/prepared for reuse.
Preparing for reuse and recycling are reported to Eurostat together.
The 'reuse and recycling rate', as addressed in the Directive 2012/19/EU, measures the efficiency
of the treatment process only and thus does not match with this indicator 'recycling rate of e-
waste', which considers the entire chain from put on the market, collection and treatment.
Interpretation of the indicator
The indicator is commonly used in the context of monitoring
recycling at Member State level (e.g. in the Resource Efficiency Scoreboard). Overall weight-
based figures do not adequately capture recycling rates for critical raw materials which are
typically present in e-waste in low quantities compared to the total weight of the e-waste. The
indicator also does not capture options higher in the waste hierarchy – repair / reuse /
Data source:
Eurostat. Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) by waste operations
(env_waselee). Directive
on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) which
introduces stepwise higher recycling and preparation for re-use targets that apply from 2012 to
2018 (and beyond).
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6 e) Recycling of biowaste
Relevance for the circular economy
The indicator relates explicitly to bio-based materials. Biowaste from households is particularly
important as it is often mixed with other waste and landfilled, contributing significantly to climate
Separate collection of biowaste and its subsequent recycling (usually in the form of composting or
digestion, although other technologies are also being developed) is essential to achieving high
recycling rates of municipal waste (currently contributing to the recycling of about 17% of total
municipal wastes in mass terms). At the same time, it deserves special attention as currently a number
of countries do not collect municipal biowaste separately and recycling levels of this important waste
stream remain low.
Facts and figures
Figure 6.5: Recycling of biowaste per capita
Note: in absence of 2016 data, the following are used: (2015) Greece, Austria, Romania, Finland and United
Kingdom, (2014) Portugal and (2012) Ireland. 2005 data for Croatia and EU refers to 2007.
Every EU citizen recycled on average 79 kg of municipal bio-waste in 2016, an increase of more than
23% compared to 2007. Recycling biowaste per capita varies among Member States, ranging from less
than 10 kg per capita in some Member States to more than 100 kg per capita in others. The recycling
of bio-waste per capita has increased in all Member States during 2005-2016, with just few
Indicator description (definition, interpretation and data source)
The indicator recycling of biowaste is indirectly measured as the ratio of
composted/digested municipal waste (in kg) over the total population.
Interpretation of the indicator:
Although it is desirable to know the rate of municipal
biowaste recycling, there is no reliable data on waste generation for this fraction as part of the
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biowaste ends in the mixed municipal waste. Therefore, the amounts of biowaste composted
per capita will be monitored, which gives appropriate indication for the progress achieved by
Member States along time and allows for comparability amongst them.
Note that comparability can be weakened by the fact that most countries only count as
recycling composting of separately collected waste, whereas others include also organic
material recovered as a result of mechanical biological treatment.
Data source:
Eurostat. Municipal waste by waste operations (env_wasmun).
6 f) Recovery rate of construction and demolition waste
Relevance for the circular economy
Construction and demolition is the single biggest source of waste in the Europe: construction
contributed to 33.5% of the total waste in the EU-28 in 2014 (with 871 million tonnes). Important
factors for feeding these materials back into the economy and preserving their value as much as
possible are the design of building materials and constructions, selective demolition of constructions,
allowing for a separation of the recoverable fractions and the hazardous materials, as well as quality
assurance schemes to build up trust in recycled materials.
Most materials contained in construction and demolition waste can be easily recycled; therefore, this
waste stream constitutes a valuable source of secondary raw materials. It is covered by a mandatory
recovery target (70% by 2020) under the Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC). So far the
indicator is based on data collected under Regulation
(EC) No 2150/2002
on waste statistics.
Facts and figures
Figure 6.6: Recovery rate of construction and demolition waste
In 2014 the EU recovered around 88% of overall construction and demolition waste, showing an
important increase of 10 percentage points since 2010. This figure includes backfilling (see below).
The recovery rate of construction and demolition waste was higher than 90% in 17 Member States.
However, there is a wide variation among Member States, with eleven Member States having a share
of 95% or more and two Member States with a share of 40% or less. In 2014 only seven Member
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States had not reached the 2020 target of 70% recovery of construction and demolition waste.
Indicator description (definition, interpretation and data source)
The recovery rate of construction and demolition waste is the ratio of construction
and demolition waste which is prepared for re-use, recycled or subject to material recovery,
including through backfilling operations, divided by the construction and demolition waste
collected and treated.
The indicator covers the waste category 'Mineral waste from construction and demolition'
(EWC-Stat 12.1). Only non-hazardous waste is taken into account.
Interpretation of the indicator:
Further efforts are needed to improve the quality of the data
for this indicator, in particular as regards waste generation. In addition, the most valuable
fractions within construction and demolition (e.g. metals, plastics, glass, which contain scarce
materials or require high amounts of energy to be produced) represent only a small percentage
of construction and demolition waste; therefore high reuse or recovery rates lead to significant
sustainability gains, which would not be duly reflected in the overall recovery statistics.
The indicator recovery rate includes backfilling
. An indicator excluding backfilling would be
a recycling rate. Backfilling is lower in the waste hierarchy than recycling, but currently there
is no harmonised application of the definition of backfilling in the Waste Framework Directive
so the dividing line between recycling and backfilling differs among Member States.
there is a more uniform application of this distinction, the indicator will focus only on
recycling of construction and demolition waste.
Data source:
Treatment of waste by waste category, hazardousness and waste
collected on the basis of the
Regulation (EC) No 2150/2002
on waste
According to the Commission Decision 2011/753/EU backfilling is defined as follows:
“backfilling' means a recovery operation where suitable waste is used for reclamation purposes in excavated
areas or for engineering purposes in landscaping and where the waste is a substitute for non-waste materials”.
This could happen for instance in cases where constructions materials are reprocessed to comply with certain
specifications and are used in building or infrastructure foundation.
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The use of secondary raw materials is a key part of the circular economy, and it is important to be able
to measure it. For this purpose, two separate indicators have been developed, based on different
dataset. The first one (indicator 7a) focusses on a subset of specific materials, whereas the second one
(indicator 7b) gives an overall view of the use of secondary raw materials in the economy.
7 a) End-of-life recycling input rates
Relevance for the circular economy
The use of secondary raw materials contributes to developing a solid circular economy. For most
materials, the share of secondary raw materials is far below the economy’s demand for materials, even
though overall recycling rates for certain materials are relatively high.
In contrast to the indicators of the monitoring framework on waste management, which focus on
collection or recycling rates of certain waste streams, this indicator measures recycling's contribution
to materials demand per type of material for a selected subset of materials. In this sense this indicator
provides complementary information on the recycling flow in the Sankey diagram on materials flows
in the circular economy, i.e. a disaggregation per material of recycling's contribution to materials
Facts and figures
Figure 7.1: End-of-life recycling input rates (EOL-RIR) in the EU-28
32, 33
Elements in white indicate that no data or estimates are available from the 2017 EU criticality assessment.
Source: JRC elaboration based on the EC list of Critical Raw Materials (2017).
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The share of secondary raw materials in total materials demand is higher than 50% for only a very
limited number of raw materials. For lead it is 75%, mostly because tightly regulated closed-loop
recycling systems exist for lead batteries. The high rates for copper and silver can be explained by the
materials' high intrinsic economic value.
For a number of bulk materials (e.g. certain metals) secondary raw materials contribute between 30%
and 40% of total materials demand. Even though many of these materials have end-of-life recycling
rates above 50%, mostly because they are used in sufficiently large amounts in easily recoverable
applications (e.g. steel in automobiles), their end-of-life recycling
rates are much lower because
demand for these materials is higher than what can be provided through recycling.
For most of the materials and for almost all critical raw materials however the contribution of
recycled materials to raw materials demand is small to negligible. This is because their recycling is
not economically viable, suitable technologies available for recycling are insufficiently developed, or
because those materials are embodied in products stocked in use for long time periods (i.e., buildings
or other infrastructure). In some cases this can also be explained because the demand is growing very
fast, e.g. for their use in low-carbon technologies, batteries or electric or electronic devices.
Indicator description (definition, interpretation and data source)
The ‘end-of-life recycling input rate’ (EOL-RIR) measures how much of the total
material input into the production system comes from recycling of "old scrap"
Interpretation of the indicator:
Given the capital-intensity of certain recycling technologies and consequently the need to
rely on economies of scale at EU level, it would not be meaningful for all materials to
calculate the EOL-RIR data at Member State level.
It is important to note that the EOL-RIR only takes into account "old scrap", i.e. scrap
from end-of-life products. It does not take into account scrap that originates from
manufacturing processes ("new scrap"), which is sometimes used in closed-loop
industrial symbiosis processes.
The EOL-RIR is determined by several factors. The first one is the demand for raw
materials, which is increasing for almost all materials. The second one is the amount of
materials that are available to be recycled. As some materials are embedded in long-life
capital goods, they will only be available for recycling in the medium to long term. The
indicator should also not be seen as an indicator of recycling's potential contribution to
materials demand in the future.
Given the lack of data for certain steps of the value chain, the indicator is partly based on
estimates. All estimates have been peer-reviewed by the JRC and a dedicated expert
Data source:
The EOL-RIR is part of the methodology to make up the list of critical raw
materials to the EU, an exercise that is carried out by the Commission every 3 years
. Data
come from the EC Material System Analysis Study
and the EC Critical Raw Materials
The methodology is available in
Field 4.1 Data description.
Data are published in the European Commission's
Raw Materials Information System
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7 b) Circular material use rate
Relevance for the circular economy
The circular economy aims at increasing the amount of material recycled and fed back into the
economy, therefore reducing the generation of waste and limiting the extraction of primary raw
materials. The circular material use rate (CMU) measures the contribution of recycled materials to
overall materials demand.
The CMU indicator is a ratio of recycled waste material over the overall material demand
(operationalised by domestic material consumption plus the amount of recovered waste). It is therefore
relevant for assessing the circularity of the economy. The CMU indicator also has a clear connection
with the Sankey diagram of material flows, in particular the ratio between the closing loop and the
materials used in the economy.
The CMU indicator complements the indicator 7a End-of-life recycling input rate: where the latter
focuses on specific raw materials, the former measures material flows for the whole economy and for
four big groupings of materials. The CMU indicator allows comparing the EU and individual Member
States, as well as analysing progress along time.
Facts and figures
According to estimates, recycled materials have contributed to 11.4% of EU materials demand in
2014. There has been a steady improvement since 2004 when the rate stood at 8.3%, with a dipping
point in 2011. This was due to a peak in material consumption whilst recovered waste amounts were
more or less stable.
Figure 7.2: Circular material use rate in the EU by materials category
Note: CMU
estimates broken down by material flow for the period before 2010 are not presently possible
because of limited availability of the necessary breakdowns of waste operations data.
It is possible to analyse the EU evolution between 2010 and 2014, broken down by four broad
categories of materials as follows: biomass, metal ores, non-metallic minerals and fossil fuels.
Between 2010 and 2014 the CMU rate increased most notably for non-metallic minerals, passing from
13.9% to 15.2%, and also for fossil energy materials from a much lower baseline of 2.1% to 2.5%. The
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very important category of metal ores exhibited some volatility passing from 28.0% in 2010 to 30.4%
in 2012 and 28.4% in 2014, but showing overall a positive trend. Finally, the category of biomass saw
a negative evolution passing from 8.9% to 8.1% over the period 2010-2014.
Member States present a range of values between 26.7% and 1.4%. Highest values are recorded in the
Netherlands (26.7%), Italy (18.5%) and France (17.8%). Values are lowest in Greece (1.4%), Romania
(1.7%) and Ireland (1.9%).
Figure 7.3: Circular material use rate
Member States with very high CMU rates have either high levels of waste recycling or low levels of
domestic material consumption (DMC) or both. The Netherlands has a high percentage of waste
amounts recycled, that being 26.7% (i.e. more than twice the EU28 average), in particular mineral
waste from construction and demolition and animal and vegetal wastes, combined with rather low
DMC (circa 10.4 tonnes per capita). Italy has an amount of waste recycled close to the EU average but
an extremely low DMC (6.9 tonnes per capita). France waste recovery is around 50% higher than the
EU28 average, and has more exports than imports, and a DMC value below the EU average (around
11.7 tonnes per capita).
Member States with very low CMU rates have extremely low levels of waste recovery. This is the
main reason for their low values of the CMU rate.
Over the period between years 2010-2014 most Member States improved their CMU as it was the case
for the whole EU, which increased the CMU rate by roughly one percentage point. Some Member
States where CMU decreased significantly stand out, namely Spain, Luxembourg and Finland. In all
three cases reduced amounts of recovered mineral wastes determined these negative trends, reflecting
a reduction in mining or construction activity. In addition, Luxembourg recovered less ferrous waste
which also reduced the amounts of recovered combustion waste, reflecting a reduction in activity of
the Luxembourgish construction of infrastructure. In Finland also reduced amounts of recovered wood
wastes contributed to the trend in CMU.
kom (2018) 0029 - Ingen titel
Indicator description (definition, interpretation and data source)
The CMU rate aims to measure the ratio of the amount of secondary raw materials
(U) to the overall material consumption (DMC + U):
CMU = U / (DMC + U)
The amount of secondary raw materials (U) is approximated by the amount of waste recycled
(waste treated in domestic recovery plants, minus imported waste destined for recovery, plus
exported waste destined for recovery abroad).
The list of imports and exports waste codes used for the indicator are found here:
Waste used for energy recovery is not included in the numerator. The overall material
consumption is approximated by the domestic material consumption (DMC) plus the amount
of recovered waste (adjusted for imports and exports). The indicator has a possible range of
values between 0 and 1, reported in percent. The indicator is calculated for all materials in the
economy and also broken down by four broad groups of materials: biomass, metal ores, non-
metallic minerals and fossil fuels (breakdown only available for the EU).
The CMU rate indicates the amount of domestically collected waste –
destined for material recovery in domestic treatment plants as well as abroad – and fed back
into the economy thus saving extraction of primary raw materials. A higher rate means more
circular (secondary) materials in the economy in relation to the overall material use. A higher
amount of secondary materials substituting for primary raw materials avoids extraction of
primary material.
Data source:
Eurostat. The numerator uses Treatment of waste by waste category,
hazardousness and waste operations (env_wastrt) collected under
Regulation (EC)
No 2150/2002,
including waste amounts treated in recovery plants other than energy recovery
and without backfilling (waste operation code: RCV_O). The amounts of waste treated in
domestic recovery operations are corrected by net exports of waste destined for recycling
sourced from
Comext database.
Waste statistics are available every second year but Eurostat
interpolates the data to produce annual CMU estimates. The denominator uses domestic
material consumption from the economy-wide material flow accounts (env_ac_mfa) collected
Regulation (EU) 691/2011 on European economic-environmental accounts.
kom (2018) 0029 - Ingen titel
Relevance for the circular economy
Efficient production of secondary raw materials through the processing of waste can be supported by a
dynamic internal market and the optimal use of EU recycling capacities. Therefore it is useful to keep
an overview of the trans-border movements of waste, both crossing EU borders and intra-EU trade.
Many waste streams are an important source of raw materials. Therefore, in order to provide an
accurate picture of the European raw materials sector and the provenance of secondary materials used
by EU industries, it is fundamental to keep track of the movements of raw materials originating from
waste, i.e. secondary raw materials, crossing European boundaries both as imports and exports, as well
as of intra-EU trade.
Facts and figures
kom (2018) 0029 - Ingen titel
Figure 8.1: Trade of selected waste: ‘Iron
and steel’, ‘Copper, aluminium and nickel’, ‘Precious
metals’, ‘Paper and cardboard’, ‘Plastics’, and ‘Total’ trade of these waste
Figure 8.1 shows the traded flows of specific waste streams in the period 2004-2016. In 2016, the
total net trades of these waste was 30 million tonnes, more than twice the net amount traded in 2004.
About 18 million tonnes of ‘iron and steel’ waste were exported by the EU to the rest of the world
(2016 data), while about 3 million tonnes were imported and about 27 million tonnes were traded
among Member States. Between 2004 and 2016 EU exports of iron and steel waste increased by
almost 50%, while imports decreased by about 60%.
From 2004 to 2016, net exports of ‘paper and cardboard’ waste grew by more than 70%. The amount
of paper and cardboard waste exported roughly equals the amount trade between Member States.
Net exports of ‘copper, aluminium and nickel’ waste increased by more than 60%.
Source: JRC elaboration based on Eurostat data (Comext).
kom (2018) 0029 - Ingen titel
Among the waste types considered in Figure 8.1, during the period 2004-2016 the trade of plastic
waste was the only one characterised by exports to non-EU countries always higher than the amount
traded within the EU. In 2016, net exports of plastic waste were more than 3 million tonnes, more
than double compared to the 2004.
Since 2008 the EU is a net importer of ‘precious metals’ waste (i.e. imports larger than exports).
From 2009, imports of ‘precious metals’ waste grew sensibly (mainly due to an increased amount of
silver waste and scraps traded) and, in particular, from 2015 to 2016, imports doubled.
Indicator description (definition, interpretation and data source)
Volumes of selected wastes and by products that are shipped across intra- and
extra EU borders. The imports and exports codes determining the scope of waste selected for
the indicator are found here:
The indicator provides an accurate picture on the trade flows of a number of
waste streams that could be recycled into secondary raw materials. It is noted though that this
indicator only covers the legal exports of waste materials. Due to their nature, illegal waste
shipments are not tracked in official reporting systems. There is however extensive evidence
that the amount of illegally exported waste is significant, and, for some categories of waste
such as end-of-life vehicles or WEEE, perhaps even higher than the amount of legal exports.
Data source:
Comext database
for imports and exports from Foreign Trade
kom (2018) 0029 - Ingen titel
Innovation and investments (on eco-design, on secondary raw materials, on recycling processes and on
industrial symbiosis) are a key element of the transition to a circular economy.
The circular economy can make a significant contribution to the creation of jobs and economic
growth. Looking at jobs and growth of relevant sectors indicates whether the transition to a circular
economy is delivering the expected results. Sectors that are closely related to the circular economy
such as the recycling, repair and reuse, are particularly job intensive, and contribute to local
It is important to note that the sectors analysed here only represent a subset of a much wider economic
impact of the circular economy. However, the impact of the circular economy in other sectors is more
diffuse, and difficult to isolate. Recycling as well as repair and reuse are considered good proxies for
the mainstreaming of the circular economy in other sectors. Annex 3 includes the list of NACE codes
used for defining the circular economy sectors.
9 a) Gross investment in tangible goods related to circular economy sectors
Facts and figures
Figure 9.1. Gross investment in tangible goods related to circular economy sectors
(as % of GDP at current prices)
Note: Confidential or not reliable data for Czech Republic, Ireland, Luxembourg and Malta.
kom (2018) 0029 - Ingen titel
In absence of 2008 data the following are shown: Belgium, France the Netherlands and Slovenia (2009),
Bulgaria and Croatia (2010), Greece (2011). United Kingdom only 2015 available. In absence of 2015 data the
following are shown: Estonia and Slovenia (2011).
In 2014 the private investments in circular economy sectors in the EU were estimated to be around 15
billion Euro (i.e. 0.1% GDP), an increase by 3% compared 2013.
The share of private investment in the circular economy sectors differ a lot among the Member States,
ranging from 0.04% in Greece to 0.27% in Latvia. After Latvia, the highest share of investments in
circular economy sectors compared to GDP are found in Estonia (0.25%) and Slovakia (0.21%). Seven
Member States (Belgium, Croatia, the United Kingdom, Bulgaria, Poland, Slovenia and Romania)
have a share between 0.15% and 0.2%.
The Member States which have increased private investment in circular economy the most over the
period 2008-2015 are Hungary (+40%), France (+33%) and Germany (+26%), in absolute terms. The
share of the investments compared to GDP has increased by 40% in Hungary. During this period the
investments were cut considerably in most Member States.
Indicator description (definition, interpretation and data source)
The indicator measures gross investment in tangible goods in the recycling sector;
repair and reuse sector. Gross investment in tangible goods is defined as investment during the
reference year in all tangible goods. Included are new and existing tangible capital goods, whether
bought from third parties or produced for own use (i.e. capitalised production of tangible capital
goods), having a useful life of more than one year including non-produced tangible goods such as
land. Investments in intangible and financial assets are excluded. Repair and reuse sector and
rental and leasing sector are defined and approximated in terms of economic activities in the
NACE classification. The denominator is expressed as Gross Domestic Product at market prices of
the current year.
Figure 9.1 reports gross investments as a percentage of GDP to allow comparing
data in time and across Member States.
Eurostat. Structural business statistics (SBS). Annual detailed enterprise statistics for
industry (NACE Rev. 2, B-E)
Annual detailed enterprise statistics for trade
(NACE Rev. 2 G)
Annual detailed enterprise statistics for services (NACE Rev. 2
H-N and S95) (sbs_na_1a_se_r2), collected under the Regulation on Structural Business
. For the denominator GDP and main components (output, expenditure and income)
Commission Regulation (EU) No 446/2014 of 2 May 2014
amending Regulation (EC) No 295/2008 of the European
Parliament and of the Council concerning structural business statistics, and Commission Regulations (EC) No
251/2009 and (EU) No 275/2010, as regards the series of data to be produced and the criteria for evaluation of the
quality of structural business statistics Text with EEA relevance
kom (2018) 0029 - Ingen titel
9 b) Number of persons employed in the circular economy sectors
Facts and figures
Figure 9.2: Number of persons employed in the circular economy sectors
(as % of total employment)
Note: Confidential or not reliable data for Czech Republic, Ireland, Luxembourg and Malta
In absence of 2008 data, 2009 data are shown for Belgium, 2010 data for France; 2011 data for Greece; 2012 for
EU. In absence of 2015 data, 2014 data are shown for EU.
In 2014 there were almost 3.9 million persons employed in circular economy sectors in the EU (i.e.
1.7% of all the employed persons). This is a growth of around 2% compared to 2012. Employment in
the circular economy has increased in most Member States, both in absolute and relative terms, during
the period 2008-2015, despite the financial and economic crises.
Lithuania and Latvia have the highest share, with more than 2.5% of employed persons in circular
economy. However, in absolute terms, Germany has the highest number of persons employed in
circular economy (more than 616 000 persons), followed by Italy and the United Kingdom (around
500 000 persons each one).
According to the available data, employment in circular economy sectors increased in particular in
Slovakia (by 53%, as share of the total persons employed), Spain and Germany (by around 25% both).
kom (2018) 0029 - Ingen titel
Indicator description (definition, interpretation and data source)
Number of persons employed is defined as the total number of persons who work in
the observation unit, i.e. the firm (inclusive of working proprietors, partners working regularly in
the unit and unpaid family workers), as well as persons who work outside the unit who belong to it
and are paid by it (e.g. sales representatives, delivery personnel, repair and maintenance teams). It
excludes manpower supplied to the unit by other enterprises, persons carrying out repair and
maintenance work in the enquiry unit on behalf of other enterprises, as well as those on
compulsory military service. Same scope of repair and reuse sector as for indicator 9a.
The indicator is expressed as percentage of overall employment, to allow
comparing Member States.
Data source:
Eurostat. Structural business statistics (SBS). Annual detailed enterprise statistics
for industry (NACE Rev. 2, B-E)
Annual detailed enterprise statistics for trade
(NACE Rev. 2 G)
Annual detailed enterprise statistics for services (NACE Rev. 2
H-N and S95) (sbs_na_1a_se_r2), collected under the Regulation on Structural Business
. For the denominator: Population and employment (nama_10_pe) (national accounts
employment estimates).
Commission Regulation (EU) No 446/2014 of 2 May 2014
amending Regulation (EC) No 295/2008 of the European
Parliament and of the Council concerning structural business statistics, and Commission Regulations (EC) No
251/2009 and (EU) No 275/2010, as regards the series of data to be produced and the criteria for evaluation of the
quality of structural business statistics Text with EEA relevance
kom (2018) 0029 - Ingen titel
9 c) Gross value added at factor cost in the circular economy sectors
Facts and figures
Figure 9.3: Gross value added at factor cost in the circular economy sectors
(as % of GDP at current prices)
Note: Confidential or not reliable data for Czech Republic, Ireland, Luxembourg and Malta.
In absence of 2008 data, 2009 data are shown for Belgium, France and the Netherlands 2010 data are shown for
Croatia; 2011 data are shown for Germany and Greece; 2012 for the EU. In absence of 2015 data, 2014 data are
shown for the EU; 2011 data are shown for Estonia.
In 2014 the circular economy sectors generated a gross value added of around 141 billion EUR in the
EU (i.e. around 1% of the overall GDP in the EU). The gross added value in the circular economy
sectors increased by around 6% in the EU during 2012-2014, and it slightly increased (by 2%) as a
share of the EU GDP.
The gross added value (as a share of GDP) in the circular economy sectors differs a lot among the
Member States. According to the latest available figures Slovenia has the highest share of gross added
value in circular economy sectors, being almost 1.3% and it is followed by Croatia with 1.24% and the
United Kingdom with 1.19%
Over 2008-2015 the gross added value in circular economy sectors has increased by 46% in the United
Kingdom, and by almost 30% in Austria.. Slovenia has the highest increase of the gross added value in
circular economy sectors (as GDP share) being more than 19%, and it is followed by Finland, Austria
and the United Kingdom (increase of the share by more than 10%).
Indicator description (definition, interpretation and data source)
Value added at factor costs is the gross income from operating activities after
adjusting for operating subsidies and indirect taxes. It can be calculated as the sum of
kom (2018) 0029 - Ingen titel
turnover, capitalized production, other operating income, increases minus decreases of stocks,
and deducting the following items: purchases of goods and services, other taxes on products
which are linked to turnover but not deductible, duties and taxes linked to production. Value
adjustments (such as depreciation) are not subtracted. Same scope of repair and reuse sector as
for indicator 9a.
Figure 9.3 presents gross value added as percentage of GDP as to allow
comparison of the Member States.
Data source:
Eurostat. Structural business statistics (SBS). Annual detailed enterprise
statistics for industry (NACE Rev. 2, B-E)
Annual detailed enterprise
statistics for trade (NACE Rev. 2 G)
Annual detailed enterprise statistics for
services (NACE Rev. 2 H-N and S95) (sbs_na_1a_se_r2), collected under the Regulation on
Structural Business Statistics
. For the denominator GDP and main components (output,
expenditure and income) (nama_10_gdp)
Commission Regulation (EU) No 446/2014 of 2 May 2014
amending Regulation (EC) No 295/2008 of the European
Parliament and of the Council concerning structural business statistics, and Commission Regulations (EC) No
251/2009 and (EU) No 275/2010, as regards the series of data to be produced and the criteria for evaluation of the
quality of structural business statistics Text with EEA relevance
kom (2018) 0029 - Ingen titel
Relevance for the circular economy
Innovation plays a key role in the transition towards a circular economy, creating new technologies,
processes, services and business models. The development of innovative technologies for waste
management and recycling will support the competitiveness of the EU industry.
Patent statistics are a proxy to assess technological progress and innovation. The number of patent
applications is also used as an indicator in the Raw Materials Scoreboard 2016.
Facts and figures
Figure 10.1: Patent families related to recycling and secondary raw materials in the EU between 2000 and
(number, share of global patents)
In the EU, the total number of patents related to recycling and secondary raw materials has increased
from 270 to 364 (+ 35%) between 2000 and 2013. (Fig. 10.1). The EU share of the global patents
varied between 8.3% and 10.4% during this period, with a peak in 2005.
Figure 10.2: Number of patent families in recycling and secondary raw materials per Member State,
normalised per population, in 2000 and 2013
kom (2018) 0029 - Ingen titel
In the EU in 2013, the largest number of patents per million inhabitants came from Luxembourg,
followed by Finland, Latvia, Denmark, Belgium, Austria and Germany (Fig. 10.2). Between 2000 and
2013 the number of patents per million inhabitants increased in all Member States, with the exception
of Bulgaria, Germany, Ireland, Lithuania and Slovakia.
Figure 10.3: Number of patent families for 12 selected technologies relevant to recycling and secondary
raw materials in the EU, and EU share of global patent output
Considering 12 selected technologies of particular relevance (Fig. 10.3), it can be seen that in 2013,
the biggest number of patents registered by European applicants concerned plastic recycling (about 42
inventions), or 44% of the global total, followed by paper recycling (about 19 inventions) and bio-
organic fraction processing (about 18 inventions). Additionally, about one fourth of all global patents
for paper recycling and rubber waste recycling technologies were registered by EU applicants. The
respective EU share for the recycling of plastics was 18% (Fig. 10.3). In 2013, the lowest EU share of
patents among the selected technologies was for metal recycling and bio-organic processing
kom (2018) 0029 - Ingen titel
(production of fertilisers from the organic fraction of waste or refuse); only 2.5% of the global number
of patents associated with recycling of metals and of the ones associated with bio-organic processing
was registered by applicants located in EU.
Indicator description (definition, interpretation and data source)
The term 'patents' refers to patent families, which include all documents relevant
to a distinct invention (e.g. applications to multiple authorities), thus preventing multiple
counting. A fraction of the family is allocated to each applicant and relevant technology. The
attribution of patents to recycling and secondary raw materials was done using the relevant
codes in the Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC)
This indicator shows information about:
Variation of the total number of patent families from 2000 to 2013 in the EU for all
categories associated to recycling and secondary raw materials;
Number of patent families normalised by Member States' population. Snapshots in 2000
and 2013;
The number of patent families in 2013 for 12 selected technologies relevant to recycling
of different materials, waste collection, transportation, storage, dismantling and waste
Interpretation of the indicator:
Whereas the indicator provides insight into the most relevant
innovative recycling technologies, it does not cover all technologies related to waste
management, nor other services and business models of the circular economy. It also needs to
be noted that not all relevant innovations are or can be patented.
Data source:
JRC assessment of PATSTAT data. Data were extracted from the Spring 2017
PATSTAT edition, the Worldwide Patent Statistical Database created and maintained by the
European Patent Office (EPO) and processed using a JRC in-house methodology
. There is a
3.5-year delay in the data processing cycle, meaning that the latest year for which complete
data is available presently is 2013. The recycling technologies are selected from the section
dedicated to waste management (i.e. Y02W) of the CPC scheme. The CPC codes used in this
indicator are shown in Annex 4.
Fiorini A; Georgakaki A; Pasimeni F; Tzimas E. Monitoring R&I in Low-Carbon Energy Technologies. EUR
28446 EN. doi: 10.2760/447418
kom (2018) 0029 - Ingen titel
Annex 1
Member States acronyms
Annex 2
Methodology for Sankey diagram on materials flows
Annex 3 - List of NACE codes for the indicator "Private investments, jobs and gross value added
related to circular economy sectors"
Annex 4 - List of CPC codes for the indicator "Number of patents related to recycling and secondary
raw materials
Annex 5
Key characteristics of circular economy indicators
kom (2018) 0029 - Ingen titel
Annex 1 – Member States acronyms
Czech Republic
The Netherlands
United Kingdom
kom (2018) 0029 - Ingen titel
Annex 2 – Methodology for Sankey diagram on materials flows
The Sankey diagrams for material flows are based on the
law of conservation of mass,
which means
that flows for which there are no reported Eurostat data are modelled based on recent scientific
publications to compensate differences in reported input and output flows. As a consequence for some
material flows there are
considerable uncertainties
in the results presented. Nonetheless, the authors
conclude that the data reliability is sufficient to provide a rough but comprehensive assessment of the
circularity of the economy at the level of material groups. Due to the assumptions made,
it is
generally considered that the model overestimates the circular use of materials in the EU
The European Commission Joint Research Centre together with the Institute of Social Ecology in
Vienna (Alpen Adria University) carried out a study to update the Sankey diagram on material flows
in the EU-28 that was included in the 2016 Raw Materials Scoreboard (Indicator 15). This updated
Sankey diagram combines Eurostat economy-wide material flow accounts (EW-MFA) and waste
statistics for 2014 with additional data collection and research. A scientific article is currently under
preparation and will shortly be submitted for publication
The Sankey diagram systematically uses the latest available Eurostat data from EW-MFA
for raw
materials inputs from domestic extraction and imports, and to capture exports to non-EU countries.
The allocation of material flows into the different material categories and the split between energetic
and material use are based on recent scientific publications
. Conversion factors to calculate the
amount of metal vs. extractive waste are based on Eurostat
. Additional research and literature studies
were undertaken, e.g., to determine the fraction of crude oil and natural gas used for material purposes
(e.g., plastics, lubricants, tyres), or to determine the share of materials used in short-lived vs. long-
lived products.
Eurostat waste treatment statistics
are used and, where necessary, are complemented to model the
amounts of waste at end-of-life (EoL), recycling and backfilling flows, and waste crossing into nature.
Because the waste flows are reported using different classifications than the EW-MFA, waste flows
were reallocated to match the material flow accounts (material categories) using a mix of information,
e.g., from the scientific literature and expert judgements. A further distinction between wastes
originating from material or energetic uses is made. Selected modifications are made, e.g., to adjust
the water contents in flows of sludge and effluents.
The Sankey model is based on the law of conservation of mass. It combines reported input and output
data from the Eurostat statistics, and models flows which are not reported in official statistics to
balance differences in reported input and output flows. Estimates of the annual material stock
This annex is a summary of the methodology for the Sankey diagram of material flows in Figure 1. It presents
the methods and assumptions made by the authors of the Sankey. The opinions in this text are those of the
authors of the Sankey diagram and not those of the European Commission.
Andreas Mayer, Willi Haas, Dominik Wiedenhofer, Fridolin Krausmann, Philip Nuss, Gian Andrea Blengini
(forthcoming): Monitoring the circular economy in the EU28 - A mass-balanced assessment of economy wide
material flows, waste and emissions from official statistics. In: Journal of Industrial Ecology
Haas W. et al., 2015.
‘How Circular is the Global Economy? An Assessment of Material Flows, Waste
Production, and Recycling in the European Union and the World in 2005’,
Journal of Industrial Ecology, 19(5)
(pp. 765-777).
Eurostat 2013.
‘Economy-wide material flow accounts (EW-MFA) Compilation Guide 2013’.
kom (2018) 0029 - Ingen titel
additions and the fraction of demolition and discard flows from societal stocks to EoL waste
management are based on stocking rates reported in the scientific literature
48 49
Figure 15.4 presents an overview of the different data points for material flows through the EU28
indicating some of the data sources used and an assessment of the degree of uncertainty of the
diagram's different components. Grey and blue boxes indicate flows that are based on Eurostat
statistics, while green boxes represent estimates based on the MFA model developed. The numbers
included in the small circles further present an assessment of the degree of data uncertainty (i.e., the
best estimate ± uncertainty range) and the lack of completeness of data sources. These uncertainties in
material flow data were classified using expert judgements and the scientific literature
50 51
and range
from ±10% (lower uncertainty), ±20% (medium uncertainty), to ±30% (higher uncertainty).
Figure 15.4: Data and sources for assessing the circularity of the EU28-economy, including estimates of
uncertainty ranges and completeness of data sources. *Uncertainty ranges between 10-30%.
Haas W. et al., 2015.
‘How Circular is the Global Economy? An Assessment of Material Flows, Waste
Production, and Recycling in the European Union and the World in 2005’,
Journal of Industrial Ecology, 19(5)
(pp. 765-777).
Krausmann, F. et al. 2017.
‘Global socioeconomic material stocks rise 23-fold over the 20th century and
require half of annual resource use’.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114(8) (pp. 1880–1885).
Fischer-Kowalski, M., Krausmann, F., Giljum, S., Lutter, S., Mayer, A., Bringezu, S., Moriguchi, Y., Schütz,
H., Schandl, H., Weisz, H., 2011.
'Methodology and Indicators of Economy-wide Material Flow Accounting’.
Journal of Industrial Ecology 15, 855–876. doi:10.1111/j.1530-9290.2011.00366.x
Monier, V., M. Hestin, M. Trarieux, S. Mimid, L. Domrose, M. van Acoleyen, P. Hjerp, and S. Mugdal. 2011.
‘ Study on the management of construction and demolition waste in the EU’.
07.0307/2009/540863/SER/G2. Final report for the European Commission DG Environment. Paris: Bio
Intelligence Service S.A.S
kom (2018) 0029 - Ingen titel
For some material groups, such as many metals, fossil energy carriers, and biomass, a broad
knowledge of the material system and solid data exist. For other materials the data situation is less
satisfying and the level of uncertainty is considerable, in particular for recycling rates and flows of
non-metallic minerals (i.e. construction minerals).
Data on stocks, addition to stocks, and the separation between energetic and material use, which are
not reported by Eurostat material flow statistics, are estimated based on available information gathered
in a broad literature survey. Flows that are not reported but estimated, e.g. for the biomass category
(by-products and residues as well as biomass grazed by ruminant livestock) and industrial &
construction minerals (bulk mineral flows), are acknowledged to add uncertainty to the model.
Further, in relation to waste flows, there are three issues that cause a certain level of uncertainty. First,
Eurostat waste statistics, which are collected based on the Waste Statistics Regulation, do not
comprise all flows that are included on the input side (EW-MFA). In order to balance this lack of
completeness, these flows are estimated and included under the category “un-reported waste flows”.
These flows are mainly from agriculture, comprise largely biomass, and have consequently the same
degree of uncertainty as the biomass input data (i.e. 20%). More specifically, these are excretions of
humans and livestock which can be modelled but which are only reported to a very limited degree.
The second source of uncertainty is related to the right allocation of waste flows to the different
environmental media. The outflows into the environment are a matter of simplification. In the
modelling, they are treated as if they all sooner or later disperse as solid or liquid waste into the
environment (e.g. via leachate). In reality, landfills and incineration plants divert a large share into
emissions to air. According to expert assessments, medium uncertainty is assigned to these flows. A
third source of uncertainty is related to recycling itself. While data on recovered flows are more or less
reliable, it remains uncertain to a higher degree, how much of the recovered materials become
secondary material to replace primary raw materials, how much consists of downcycling
52 53
, and how
much become losses during the preparation phase.
In sum it is acknowledged that there are considerable uncertainties in the results presented.
Nonetheless, the authors conclude that the data reliability is sufficient to provide a rough but
comprehensive assessment of the circularity of the economy at the level of material groups. Due to the
assumptions made, it is generally considered that the model overestimates the circular use of materials
in the EU economy.
‘Downcycling’ refers to reprocessing, where the new product from these recycled materials has a lower
material quality than the original product (e.g., plastic bottles become street boundary posts).
Haas, W., Krausmann, F. Wiedenhofer, D. and Heinz, M. 2016. ‘How
Circular is the Global Economy? A
Sociometabolic Analysis’.
In: Social Ecology: Society-nature Relations across Time and Space (Eds.) Haberl, H.,
Fischer-Kowalski, M., Krausmann, F. and Winiwarter V., Springer, Cham Heidelberg New York Dordrecht
kom (2018) 0029 - Ingen titel
Annex 3
List of NACE codes for the indicator "Private investments, jobs and gross value added related to
circular economy sectors"
Proxy NACE Rev 2 codes for recycling
Definition of
the EGSS
Eurostat 2009
E 38.11 Collection of non-hazardous waste
E 38.12 Collection of hazardous waste
E 38.31 Dismantling of wrecks
E 38.32 Recovery of sorted materials
G 46.77 Wholesale of waste and scrap
G 47.79 Retail sale of second-hand goods in stores
Proxy NACE Rev 2 codes for repair and reuse
C 33.11 Repair of fabricated metal products
C 33.12 Repair of machinery
C 33.13 Repair of electronic and optical equipment
C 33.14 Repair of electrical equipment
C 33.15 Repair and maintenance of ships and boats
C 33.16 Repair and maintenance of aircraft and spacecraft
C 33.17 Repair and maintenance of other transport equipment
C 33.19 Repair of other equipment
G 45.20 Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
G 45.40 Sale, maintenance and repair of motorcycles and related parts and
S 95.11 Repair of computers and peripheral equipment
Repair Reuse
kom (2018) 0029 - Ingen titel
S 95.12 Repair of communication equipment
S 95.21 Repair of consumer electronics
S 95.22 Repair of household appliances and home and garden equipment
S 95.23 Repair of footwear and leather goods
S 95.24 Repair of furniture and home furnishings
S 95.25 Repair of watches, clocks and jewellery
S 95.29 Repair of other personal and household goods
kom (2018) 0029 - Ingen titel
Annex 4
List of CPC codes for the indicator "Number of patents related to recycling and secondary raw
In bold are the patent codes of the 12 technologies selected in Fig. 10.3.
Y02W 10/00 - Technologies for wastewater treatment
Y02W 10/10 - Biological treatment of water, waste water, or sewage
Y02W 10/12 - Anaerobic processes with biogas recycling, capture or flaring
Y02W 10/15 - Aerobic processes
Y02W 10/18 - Constructed wetlands
Y02W 10/20 - Sludge processing
Y02W 10/23 - Anaerobic processes with biogas recycling, capture or flaring
Y02W 10/27 - Aerobic processes
Y02W 10/40 - Valorisation of by-products of wastewater, sewage or sludge processing
Y02W 10/45 - Obtention of bio-polymers
Y02W 30/00 - Technologies for solid waste management
Y02W 30/10 - Related to waste collection, transportation, transferor storage, e.g. segregated
refuse collecting, electric or hybrid propulsion
Y02W 30/20 - Related to waste processing or separation
Y02W 30/40 - Bio-organic fraction processing; Production of fertilisers from the organic
fraction of waste or refuse
Y02W 30/43 - Aerobic fermentation, e.g. composting
Y02W 30/47 - Anaerobic fermentation, e.g. methanation combined with capture,
recycling or flaring
Y02W 30/50 - Reuse, recycling or recovery technologies
Y02W 30/52 - Dismantling or mechanical processing of waste for the recovery of
materials during separation, disassembly, pre-processing or upgrading
Y02W 30/54 - Metal recycling
Y02W 30/56 - Disassembly of vehicles for recovery of salvageable parts
Y02W 30/58 - Construction or demolition waste
Y02W 30/60 - Glass recycling
Y02W 30/62 - Plastics recycling
Y02W 30/64 - Paper recycling
Y02W 30/66 - Disintegrating fibre-containing textile articles to obtain fibres for re-use
Y02W 30/68 - Rubber waste recycling
Y02W 30/70 - Recovery of polymers other than plastics or rubbers
Y02W 30/72 - Recovery of luminescent materials
Y02W 30/74 - Recovery of fats, fatty oils, fatty acids or other fatty substances, e.g. lanolin
or waxes
Y02W 30/76 - Recovery of tanning agents from leather
Y02W 30/78 - Recycling of wood or furniture waste
Y02W 30/80 - Packaging reuse or recycling
Y02W 30/82 - Recycling of waste of electrical or electronic equipment
Y02W 30/84 - Recycling of batteries
Y02W 30/86 - Recycling of fuel cells
Y02W 30/88 - Nuclear fuel reprocessing
Y02W 30/90 - Reuse, recycling or recovery technologies crosscutting to different types of
Y02W 90/00 - Enabling technologies or technologies with a potential or indirect contribution to greenhouse
gas emissions mitigation
Y02W 90/20 - Computer systems or methods specially adapted for waste reduction or recycling of
materials or goods
kom (2018) 0029 - Ingen titel
Annex 5. Key characteristics of circular economy monitoring indicators
kom (2018) 0029 - Ingen titel
Quality rating
Indicator and area
Production and consumption
EU self-sufficiency for raw materials
Green public procurement
Waste generation
• Generation of municipal waste (per capita)
kg per capita
kg per thousand euro,
chain linked volumes
every year
t-1 year
All EU MS +
Number, % GDP
European Commission
European Commission
every 3 years
every year
t-1 year
t-1 year
EU level
All EU MS +
Data Provider
Fequency of data
Most recent
• Generation of waste excluding major mineral wastes, per GDP unit
every 2 years
t-2 year
All EU MS +
• Generation of waste excluding major mineral wastes, per domestic material consumption
every 2 years
t-2 year
All EU MS +
Food waste
Waste management
Recycling rates
European Commission
Not regular yet
EU level
• Recycling rate of municipal waste
• Recycling rate of all waste excluding major mineral waste
Recycling for specific waste streams
• Recycling rate for overall packaging
• Recycling rate of plastic packaging
every year
every 2 years
t-1 year
t-2 year
All EU MS +
All EU MS +
kg per capita
every year
every year
every year
every year
every year
every 2 years
t-2 year
t-2 year
t-2 year
t-2 year
t-1 year
t-2 year
All EU MS +
All EU MS +
All EU MS +
All EU MS +
• Recycling rate of wooden packaging
• Recycling rate of e-waste
• Recycling of bio-waste
• Recovery rate of construction and demolition waste
Secondary raw materials
Contribution of recycled materials to raw materials demand
• End-of-life recycling input rates for raw materials
• Circular material use rate
tonne / thousand euro
European Commission
every 3 years
every year
every year
t-1 year
t-2 year
t-1 year
EU level
All EU MS +
All EU MS +
Trade in recyclable raw materials
Competitiveness and innovation
Private investment, jobs and gross value added related to circular economy sectors
• Gross investment in tangible goods
million euro, %GDP
Number, % employment
million euro, % GDP
Number, % world
European Commission
(Joint Research
Centre based on
every year
t-4 year
All EU MS +
every year
t-1 year
All EU MS +
• Number of persons employed
• Value added at factor cost
Number of patents related to recycling and secondary raw materials
kom (2018) 0029 - Ingen titel