Europaudvalget 2018
SWD (2018) 0034
Brussels, 12.1.2018
SWD(2018) 34 final/2
This document corrects document SWD(2017) 34 final of 12.01.2018
Correction of the cover page instead of SWD(2017) read SWD(2018).
Boosting customs and tax performance in the EU through training and staff
swd (2018) 0034 - Ingen titel
Boosting customs and tax performance in the EU
through training and staff development
EU Learning & Development Action Plan
for Customs and Taxation
(2017 – 2020)
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Table of Contents
Executive summary
............................................................................... 3
Acronyms & Abbreviations
.................................................................... 5
An EU Training Action Plan 2017 – 2020
............................................... 6
14 measures to boost customs and tax performance through
staff development
................................................................................. 9
Implementation 2017 – 2020
.............................................................. 14
EU Training Action Plan – Governance
................................................. 14
.............................................................................................. 16
1. Action Overview 2017 - 2020 ............................................................................... 16
2. Implementation Plan – Project Charts ................................................................... 16
3. Implementation Timeframe ................................................................................... 16
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1. Executive summary
The goal of the present action plan (2017 – 2020) is to support the optimisation of the current
and future education and learning capacity of the European Union's public administrations in the
field of customs and taxation.
Boosting education and training of public sector staff is an essential pillar of efficient and
effective administrative capacity building within the EU.
By providing a framework for a common training and education infrastructure, it supports
Member States in ensuring that their staff has the skills and knowledge they need to deliver
first-class customs and tax services and to prepare the professions as well as their
administrations for the future.
The EU training and staff development initiatives set out in this action plan are intended to be
delivered in close alignment with EU customs and tax policy initiatives. This targeted support is
provided to achieve envisaged common customs and tax policy objectives up to 2020. It
endeavours to respond to the objectives of fighting customs and tax fraud, ensuring tax
transparency to counter tax evasion and avoidance, enhancing customs and tax compliance,
balancing customs control versa trade facilitation or to enhance administrative capacity of
customs and tax administrations across the EU as contribution to a most efficient functioning of
tax systems and the customs union in the internal market.
To deliver on these intentions, this 2020 Action plan targets with its actions 4 key activity
1. Providing EU reference standards through European Competency Frameworks for the
customs and tax professions
2. Supporting common customs/tax educational reference programmes (vocational,
academic, leadership)
3. Fostering shared training and staff development
4. Enhancing common training infrastructure, networking and communication
The Commission together with the Member States and other interested parties intends to pursue
these objectives by launching 14 core training & staff development initiatives under this action
Initiative 1
Initiative 2
Initiative 3
Initiative 4
Initiative 5
Developing an EU Tax Competency Framework (CFW)
Providing for an EU Customs CFW (maintenance and evolution)
Supporting implementation of EU CFWs for Customs and Tax professions
Introducing EU recognition of customs academic study programmes
Providing common educational reference programmes (vocational/academic level)
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Initiative 6
Initiative 7
Initiative 8
Initiative 9
Initiative 10
Initiative 11
Initiative 12
Initiative 13
Initiative 14
Supporting strategic leadership development training (limited)
Proving for EU eLearning development and localisation
Driving Learning innovation
Delivery of annual Common Learning Event Programs (CLEP)
Developing common educational material
Providing a common learning infrastructure
Fostering virtual networking
Fostering enhanced training cooperation: Public-Private / Public-Private-
Academia / with international institutions
Providing for communication & publication support
The 14 initiatives will be delivered through the realisation of identified actions which are further
set out in this 2020 Action plan, together with agreed priorities and timelines, during the years
up to 2020. This implementation will be done under the specific EU training and human
competency building (HCB) mandate of the Customs 2020
and Fiscalis 2020
programmes and
within the legal, financial and procedural scope of those programmes.
Some identified common customs and tax staff development needs cannot realistically, for
resource constraints, be addressed within the timeframe of this 2020 Action plan. They are
nonetheless listed in this action plan for completeness (indicated as ‘priority 3’ actions) to
ensure their consideration in the preparation process for the new generation of customs and tax
cooperation programmes.
The national implementation and/or the degree of national use of the commonly developed
outputs and results of the 2020 Action Plan remain voluntary for national customs and tax
Regulation (EU) No 1294/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2013
establishing an action programme for customs in the European Union for the period 2014-2020
(Customs 2020)
Regulation (EU) No 1286/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2013
establishing an action programme to improve the operation of taxation systems in the European
Union for the period 2014-2020 (Fiscalis 2020)
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2. Acronyms & Abbreviations
AWP 2020
EU Training
2020 Action Plan
EU Training Annual Work Programmes
Customs 2020 and Fiscalis 2020 annual work programmes (AWPs)
Competency Framework
Common Learning Events Programme
European Commission
European Union
European Union eLearning (electronic Learning modules)
EU Training and Human Competency Building for customs and taxation
(under the Customs 2020/Fiscalis 2020 programmes – Art 10)
Human Competency Building
Key Activity Area
Member State(s)
Programme Information and Collaboration Space
Participating Countries (to the 2020 Programmes: EU MS + Candidate
Subject Matter Expert
EU customs and tax training and staff development action plan (2017 –
2020) - under the Customs 2020 and Fiscalis 2020 Programmes
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3. An EU Training Action Plan 2017 – 2020
Making customs and tax professionals fit for the future
Customs and tax education, learning and staff development are the cornerstones required to
build and nurture administrative capacity to stay in line with the latest developments. As the
current global context demands a high-performing, connected, agile and future-proof European
community of customs and tax professionals, customs and tax staff need to be well equipped to
face the rapid changes occurring within their environment.
Already since 2012, the Commission in cooperation with national customs and tax
administrations realises common training and staff development actions. A multitude of EU
training tools have been developed both in customs and taxation during the past years
the scope of the Customs and Fiscalis 2020 and predecessor programmes. These tools
encompassed a wide range of EU e-Learning modules on relevant customs and tax policy,
operational and technical topics of common interest and in multiple national languages (eg.
supporting the Union Customs code (UCC), the Authorised Economic Operator concept (AEO),
the Value Added Tax (VAT), combatting Tax Fraud and more). In addition, multiple initiatives
were implemented in order to facilitate the dissemination of knowledge and nationally existing
expertise across the EU. These initiatives aimed at exchanging customs and tax specific training
and subject matter expertise amongst national administrations and their staff (eg. in form of a
Common Learning Events Programme (CLEP), train-the-trainers events and similar).
In the customs area, the EU Customs Competency Framework (CFW)
is being implemented,
on a voluntary basis, at national level across the union. The CFW is a complete set of commonly
agreed customs-specific competencies, job profiles and training curricula have been developed
for customs professions. However, this EU Customs CFW concept still needs better and wider
implementation in order to generate its full support potential in terms of quality-increased and
most harmonised customs performance.
Despite these common efforts, training, learning and competence development for professionals
in customs and taxation remain fragmented across the European Union. This fragmentation
impacts the quality of training provision or time and the resources allocated to it. This directly
impacts on the quality and consistency of customs and tax performance across the EU.
The developments occurred through the so-called 'Dublin
a short reference for the
common strategic performance development framework for the Customs profession within the EU
for the years 2012 – 2016 (DS), designed during an EU training workshop held in 2011 in Dublin. It
set out a common training and development framework to support Member States (MS) in delivering
the skills and knowledge that people working in the Customs profession need to deliver world
leading Customs services throughout the European Union (in parts also applied in the area of
EU Customs CFW link on EUROPA:
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Moreover, only a limited number of EU training activities have been undertaken in the taxation
area so far. However there is a high potential for common taxation learning activities, linked in
particular to international taxation, fight against fraud, tax evasion, aggressive tax planning, tax
areas governed by administrative cooperation rules and eCommerce – just to name some areas
that are well suited for being best addressed through common training initiatives.
Today, the Commission services are committed to continue to join forces with national customs
and tax administrations and their training department and to work jointly towards the further
optimisation of customs and tax staff performance across the EU. Such an optimisation will
respond to the request of Member States for the availability of more and better structured
common training programmes, standards and support to align levels of skills and knowledge of
customs and tax professionals in the European Union. It will also ensure the competitiveness of
the European Union and its Member States within the global economy.
To address the above, this EU customs & taxation training and staff development action plan -
in the following referred to as ‘2020 Action Plan’ - is developed in cooperation between the
Commission services and national customs and tax administrations (TSG
) under the Customs
2020 and Fiscalis 2020 programmes and within the legal, financial and procedural scope of
those programmes.
The 2020 Action Plan will support Member States with the delivery of high quality level
customs and tax education and training based on common standards.
Figure 1: The Common Core to Customs and Tax training
The 2020 Action Plan will contribute significantly to more performance consistency,
harmonising approaches and work delivery standard in the field of customs and tax in the EU.
EU Training Support Group (joint Customs 2020 and Fiscalis 2020 expert group of nationally
nominated training and staff development managers of MS customs and tax administrations)
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This plan will fully respect existing individual national training and staff development initiatives
and the diversity of national organisational structures and needs. It is specifically designed to
support the European customs and tax professions to pool their capabilities and to create a staff
development environment which is greater than the sum of its parts.
To achieve this, the 2020 Action Plan will specifically:
support the
introduction of competency-based staff development principles in
customs and tax administrations
as one aspect of public sector modernisation and to
help member states become more efficient in areas like fight against fraud, tax evasion
and aggressive tax planning or in the area of customs controls, risk management,
harmonised Union Customs Code (UCC) implementation and its related electronic IT
systems, cross-border cooperation and more;
support for administrative capacity building (ACB)
in national customs and
tax administrations in the particular area of staff development (human competency
building), building up on the EU expertise gathered over the past years with regard to
country-specific support measures and Technical Assistance (TA) in the field;
synergies and spill-over effects between the customs and tax areas
to maximize
the Member States' added value deriving from common training and competency
building initiatives, with a view to facilitating practical national implementation, cross-
sector use and levelled progress across the two subject areas at national level;
transforming civil society's historical image of the customs and tax profession
– often perceived of being purely an enforcement function in government - into a more
positive light at national and European level, with the particular aim of attracting
qualified staff into these professions;
engage in customs or tax knowledge and competency building initiatives that
the collaboration between the public and private sector
in the field or by
current and future customs and tax stakeholder groups.
This EU Training initiative further takes on board overarching EU principles like Lifelong
Learning, EU qualification standards (EQF) and supports European initiatives such as EUROPE
, Public Sector modernisation
, European Semester
and the Customs Union Governance
"Public sector modernisation" is a challenging development project in which the European Union has engaged.
Member States and the Commission work together across all public sector areas, to address this challenge and to
make Europe's public sector administrations fit for the requirement of the 21th century and beyond
Customs Union Governance:
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4. 14 measures to boost customs and tax performance through staff
This 2020 Action plan sets out 14 measures within the scope of 4 key activity areas (KAAs),
which the Commission services intend to pursue together with the Member States and other
interested parties to jointly provide structured support to the optimisation of customs and tax
staff development across the EU.
KAA 1:
Providing EU reference standards through European Competency
Frameworks for the customs and tax professions
Target: working towards the provision of a clear and consensual view of the skills and
knowledge required by customs and tax professionals in the EU.
The Commission in cooperation with the Member States will:
Initiative 1:
Develop an EU Tax competency framework
The common development of an EU competency framework for taxation will establish a
consensus view of the optimal skills and knowledge required by tax professionals in Europe at
all levels and in all skills areas, both technical and non-technical, and thus create a mechanism
that can help raise performance coherence and performance quality across all EU tax
administration. Such commonly agreed Tax competency framework will provide national tax
administrations with a powerful staff development tool. It will facilitate targeted and resource-
efficient performance development of national tax staff in general, including in areas of high
European interest (eg: to ensure that tax auditors are appropriately skilled to embark in
administrative cooperation and international cooperation with a view to creating a level playing
field). Tax performance that is based on a common competency framework will this way help
ensure a level playing field between participating countries, where taxpayers are treated the
same way whatever their jurisdiction is.
Initiative 2:
Provide for an EU Customs competency framework (maintenance and
The provision of continuous maintenance, update, further evolution and use monitoring of the
EU Customs CFW (since 2015 available in 22 languages) will ensure that the high quality of
this EU reference benchmark for increased customs staff development and national
administrative capacity building through competency-based HR management is adequately
maintained. The delivery of need assessment-based updating and evolution of the EU Customs
CFW ensures that this comprehensive common view of customs professionals’ competencies
continues to provide a quality base for national HR management. It will serve as a foundation to
develop new targeted learning material, identify skills gaps and requirements and test current
training materials against up-to-date and future-oriented EU reference benchmarks. An in-depth
revision of the EU CFW for Customs will be further based on a research on future task-based
skills for the customs profession ("Skills forecast 2030").
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Initiative 3:
Support the national implementation of EU CFWs for customs and tax
The provision of multiple support measures to facilitate the national uptake of EU competency
frameworks is required to ensure that the full use potential of EU CFWs in terms of enhanced
administrative capacity building and increased staff performance development is generated at
national level. Support actions to foster a most consistent implementation of the EU Customs
CFW and the future Tax CFW will be provided at common as well as at national level
continuously throughout the coming years. This provision will take the form of best practise
sharing EU workshops, common administrative change management training events, country-
specific support measures (Technical Assistance - TA), buddy concepts or similar. The
development of a software application to help national administrations match the EU CFW
components with national components/competencies in national administrations will further
enable and facilitate the drafting of nationalised versions of the EU CFW. It will also provide a
HR management and staff development tool that is tailored to the national organisations specific
KAA 2:
Supporting common customs/tax educational reference programmes
(vocational, academic, leadership)
Target: working towards the provision of levelled customs and tax specific education
programmes at vocational, academic and strategic leadership & management level, recognised
where appropriate against the EU competency framework/s.
The Commission services in cooperation with the Member States will:
Initiative 4:
Elaborate EU recognition schemes for customs specific training
programmes (based on the EU Customs CFW)
The development of EU-level recognition schemes (type ‘EU certificate of recognition’) for
customs training programmes is envisaged. Such schemes will lead to more and more consistent
customs competency developments as laid down in the commonly agreed EU Customs CFW.
To achieve this, the EU Customs CFW and the related EU Customs Training Curriculum will
need to be developed into recognised common quality benchmarks for optimal knowledge and
skills building of customs professionals in the EU. They will also need to be interpreted and
integrated into existing and future training programmes for customs professionals in a uniform
manner by public and private training providers. To start with, this recognition initiative will be
targeted towards academic customs programmes (Master/Bachelor) under this action plan. On a
longer-term perspective it may be further extended to vocational customs training programmes
(post 2020 action). Its extension into the field of taxation is at this stage not envisaged within
the scope of this action plan given the current absence of a common reference base in form of an
EU Tax CFW (see initiative 1).
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Initiative 5:
Provide common educational reference programmes at vocational and
academic level (development/maintenance)
Support measures will be put in place to foster the national uptake of existing customs-specific
EU reference training programmes as common comparative quality benchmark for optimal and
consistent customs competence building across the union. The quality of these common
reference training programmes will need to be ensured through assessment-based maintenance
and future-oriented evolution of the commonly agreed EU customs curricula and related EU
customs vocational and academic reference training programmes. Common curricula and
reference training programmes may be developed in the area of taxation once a commonly
agreed reference foundation in form of an EU Tax CFW is in place (see initiative 1).
Initiative 6:
Support strategic leadership development training (limited)
The provision of support to national strategic leadership & management development (LMD)
training is based on, or aligned with, the commonly developed EU reference LMD training
programmes for customs. In response to a recent drop of support need indicated by national
administrations in this staff development area, EU support will focus on providing a floor for
cross-country best practise sharing and possible joint delivery of LMD training or on facilitating
access to the WCO LMD Programme. Similar support may be provided in the area of taxation
once commonly agreed reference standards are in place (EU Tax CFW to come).
KAA 3:
Fostering shared training and staff development
Target: working towards the provision of training & development content, materials, concepts,
methodologies, mechanisms and shared learning delivery, to support legal, operational and
technical training provision throughout the EU.
The Commission services in cooperation with the Member States will:
Initiative 7:
Develop EU eLearning courses and support national localisation, in line
with EU customs and tax policy requirements
The structured provision and further optimisation of common eLearning development on
relevant customs and tax legislation, operational best practise and common technical
applications and IT systems will be closely aligned with common customs and tax policy
initiatives. It will build on the achievements made during the past years, as set out in detail in
the EU eLearning use monitoring report 2015 – 2016 (Annex 5). It is envisaged to provide
further enhanced localisation/translation support with the development of a maximum of
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national language version. Specific measures will be taken to ensure a continuous update and
maintenance of the EU customs and tax eLearning portfolio
Initiative 8:
Drive learning innovation
The research of future trends in Learning and Development (tools and methods) will result in
recommendations to be shared with the national customs and tax training departments.
Introducing researched efficient modern learning instruments and formats (eg. mobile, eBooks,
apps, simulations environments, micro-learnings and webinars, etc.) as national and/or EU
training tools for customs and taxation will complement and innovate current training and staff
development measures.
Initiative 9:
Deliver Common Learning Event Programmes (CLEP)
A structured provision, further evolution, optimisation as well as central facilitation of a EU-
wide common learning events programme (CLEP) on customs and tax subject matter topic
courses and train-the-trainer courses will enable national administrations and their staff to share
and benefit mutually from existing knowledge and best practise, training programmes and
training delivery concepts, with the aim of transferring knowledge and skills most consistently
across Europe.
Initiative 10:
Develop common educational material
Under this initiative it is planned to set up a systematic joint development of common training
content (all media types) for customs and/or tax educational programmes at all levels. It will be
based on nationally existing learning content material. The resulting EU Training material will
provide a high-quality training content to be shared across the union in form of
localised/translated language versions, apt for a most consistent skills and knowledge building
for customs and tax professional. A pilot project is envisaged to take place within the scope of
this 2020 action plan. The realisation of such common content development service in form of a
structured EU Training support measure is a longer-term option for possible post 2020
EU eLearning portfolio status, end 2016: 34 EU modules in 334 language versions.
From 2014 – 2016, about 50.000 customs/tax officials were trained on EU modules; additionally,
more than 1 million customs/tax professionals were reported to be trained on publically available EU
module versions (
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KAA 4:
Enhancing common training infrastructure, networking and
Target: working towards enhancing modern collaboration, intensifying networking and
extending collaboration, innovative EU training support measures and shared learning
infrastructure, to support advanced customs and tax training provision, competency
development and cooperation throughout the EU.
The Commission in cooperation with the Member States will:
Initiative 11:
Provide a common learning infrastructure
The analysis, development and operating of an integrative, comprehensive learning management
environment for common customs and tax training and staff development, delivery and sharing
(type EU Learning Management System (LMS)/EU Learning portal) will help to maximising
EU-wide common and cross-country training collaboration. This initiative responds to a
significant need indication by national customs and tax administrations. Such EU learning portal
would provide the longer-term opportunity to be further developed into a full-scale professional
customs and tax knowledge management tool (after 2020).
Initiative 12:
Foster virtual networking
With this initiative it is planned to put in place an online infrastructure that allows for enhanced
EU-wide customs and tax training delivery and networking through video conferencing and
other kinds of virtual interactions (type Skype). It further caters for the longer-term opportunity
of creating an ad-hoc virtual EU Training/Trainer Network (post 2020).
Initiative 13: Enhance training
international institutions
The continuation and further targeted enhancement of customs and tax training cooperation with
trade and academia as well as with international institutions (WCO, IOTA, OECD, CEPOL and
similar) will have multiple purposes. It will help pool capacities, improve the return on
investment of development and delivery of educational programmes and materials, share best
practice cases on targeted customs and/or tax issues and ultimately enhance joint and tailored
competency building of customs and tax professionals. This cooperation may need to start on an
ad-hoc basis before a more structured cooperation can be put in place.
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Initiative 14:
Strengthen communication and publication support
Setting up common communication campaigns will help improve the image of taxation and
customs towards the public, trade, learning providers and within the public sector, and will in
consequence better attract the right talents to the customs and tax professions. A further
provision of communication and publication support will better and wider spread common
customs and tax training and education measures and/or educate wider target audiences on
customs and taxation (eg. addressing young Europeans in their role as future tax payers
5. Implementation 2017 – 2020
The implementation of the Action Plan and its 14 initiatives is planned to be realised through a
series of 34 individual actions which are set out in the Action Table Overview (Annex 1)
together with provisional time indications and priority indications (priority 1 – 3
Given the multitude of the commonly identified, national need-based implementation actions
and acknowledging the mid- and/or longer term nature of their implementation requirements,
priority indication have been set for each implementation action, with one priority category
(priority 3) falling outside of the implementation time scope of this 2020 action plan.
6. EU Training Action Plan – Governance
Legal Basis
This initiative is supported by the European cooperation programmes Customs 2020 and
Fiscalis 2020 within the legal, financial and procedural scope of those programmes. The
Customs 2020 (Art 10) and Fiscalis 2020 (Art 10) programmes endorse and mandate the
principles of "Human Competency Building (HCB)" through customs and tax training and
people development and support that the current common training approach should be
maintained and further evolve into a multifaceted training support programme for the Union.
In 2017, a European Parliament pilot project that provides tax education for young Europeans
(TAXEDU) is launched by the Commission in cooperation with Member States, with support
through EU Tax Training (F2020), comprising the development of an EU Tax Education portal
equipped with multiple tax education material of all media formats (eLearning; videos etc)
3 priority levels distinguish the commonly agreed implementation actions according to their
relevance within or beyond the timeframe of this action plan as follows:
Priority 1: high relevance – for implementation within this Action Plan (2017 – 2020)
Priority 2: medium relevance – for implementation until 2020 or beyond (depending on
resource availability in period 2017 - 2020)
Priority 3: relevant – yet not implementable within the time frame of this Action Plan
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The national implementation and/or the degree of national use of commonly developed EU
Training outputs and results remain voluntary for national customs and tax administrations.
Budget implementation
The Customs and Fiscalis 2020 programme regulations provide specific funding for the
realisation of common customs and tax training and staff development initiatives under budget
line 140201 (Customs 2020) and budget line 140301 (Fiscalis 2020) and further put the full
scale of programme collaboration tools (seminars, project groups, workshops, study visits,
expert teams, studies and more) at its disposal.
A total of 9,256,830.00 € is contractually allocated to EU customs and tax training actions (2016
– 2020)
This 2020 Action Plan represents a jointly developed and commonly agreed training support
measure for realisation in cooperation between the Commission and national customs and tax
The Commission takes a management, coordination and support role with regard to the 2020
action plan towards all involved stakeholders and in particular towards the main beneficiaries of
the EU Training initiatives, the national customs and tax administrations and their staff.
The effective realisation of this 2020 action plan is ensured through coordinated annual
planning, progress monitoring and follow-up of common training activities with the support of
the EU Network of national tax and customs training representatives (Training Support Group -
TSG), which also ensures regular linking back with national administrations requirements.
As 'EU Training' measure within the governance scope of the Customs 2020 and Fiscalis 2020
programmes, the formal follow up of the realisation of the 2020 Action plan is embedded in the
legally required established programme implementation- and management processes (planning,
implementation, reporting and evaluation) of the Programmes 2020 (eg. Annual Work Programmes,
progress reports and evaluation measures).
Constant cooperation with customs and tax policy units within the Commission and the national
administrations ensures that the implementation of this 2020 action plan is at any moment in
time fully aligned with customs and tax policy initiatives and is provided in a manner which is
beneficial at both EU and national level.
Framework Contract (FWC) BTRAIN3, TAXUD/2015/CC/135, for the provision of services
covering multifaceted EU training support programmes, eLearning development and communication
services in the field of customs and taxation (BTRAIN 3)
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Still, EU customs and tax training cooperation under the Customs 2020 and Fiscalis 2020 and
the national use of its results and products remain voluntary. Member states' administrations,
traders/trade organizations as well as academia and equivalent types of education providers,
remain the lead responsibles for all training and education for customs and tax professionals in
the EU.
7. Annexes
1. Action Overview 2017 - 2020
2. Implementation Plan – Project Charts
3. Implementation Timeframe
Annexes 4 (EU eLearning Portfolio) and 5 (EU eLearning use survey 2016) are not attached to this
document. Interested parties may request them directly from DG TAXUD/Unit R3.
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Annex 1
EU Learning & Development for customs and tax professionals (2017 – 2020)
Action Overview – Priorities
KAA 1 - EU Reference standards through European Competency Frameworks for the Customs and Tax professions
Initiative 1
Devloping an EU Competency Framework for Taxation
1.1 EU CFW for Taxation development
1.2 EU Support Workshop/Events on EU CFW for taxation
Priority 1
Priority 1
Q2 2017 – Q4 2018
(2019/2020 roll-out)
Q1 2018 and Q1 2019
Initiative 2
Providing for an EU Customs CFW (maintenance and evolution)
2.1 Continuous maintenance, further evolution and use monitoring of the EU CFW
2.2 Update of the EU CFW for Customs (needs assessment-based) and further extension
2.3 Trends Analysis- Skills forecast 2030: Research on future task-based skills for customs
Priority 1
Priority 1
Priority 2
2017 - 2020
Priority indication:
Priority 1:
high relevance – for implementation within this Action Plan (period 2017 – 2020)
Priority 2:
medium relevance – for implementation until 2020 or beyond (depending on resource availability in period 2017 - 2020)
Priority 3:
relevant – yet not implementable within the time frame of this Action Plan (proposed for realisation under the post 2020 Programmes);
Time indications as set out in this table are indicative and will be further detailed through annual EU Training work plans (AWP EU Training)
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Initiative 3
Supporting implementation of EU CFWs for Customs and Tax professions
3.1 Development of a software application to support the implementation of the CFW in national administrations
3.2 Support of the national implementation for the EU CFWs in the national administrations
Priority 2
Priority 1
2017 – 2020 (AWP)
KAA2 - Customs/Tax Education Programmes (vocational, academic and Leadership & Management Development Programme)
Initiative 4
Introducing EU Recognition of Customs academic study programmes (based on EU CFW)
4.1 Establishment of an EU recognition process for customs specific Bachelor/ Master study programmes
4.2 Annual EU recognition for customs specific Bachelor/Master study programmes process
4.3 Extension of the EU recognition concept to vocational customs training
Priority 1
Priority 1
Priority 3
Q4 2017/Q1 2018
2018 (pilot) /2019 / 2020
Post 2020
Initiative 5
Providing common educational reference programmes at vocational and academic level (development/maintenance)
5.1 Support to the national uptake of EU reference training programmes for Customs, as common comparative
quality benchmark
5.2 Further assessment-based elaboration of current EU reference programmes for customs
5.3 Development of European Tax Curricula (EU Tax CFW based) as common benchmark for existing or newly
developed tax training programmes
5.4 Development of common tax training reference programmes at vocational level (based on common CFW for
Priority 2
Priority 2
Priority 3
Priority 3
post 2020
post 2020
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Initiative 6
Supporting strategic Leadership Development training (limited)
6.1 Support national customs LMD (drawing from WCO LMD Programme)
Priority 3
post 2020
KAA3 - Shared Training and Development
Initiative 7
Providing for EU eLearning development and localisation (in line with EU customs and tax policy requirements)
7.1 Common development and optimisation of EU eLearning materials
7.2 Continuous update/maintenance of EU eLearning portfolio
7.3 Localisation/translation support for EU Training material (eg. eLearning modules) into maximum of EU
languages (and selected 3rd country languages)
7.4 Exploration of the feasibility of central localisation of EU eLearning courses
Priority 1
Priority 1
Priority 1
Priority 2
2017 – 2020 (AWP)
2017 – 2020 (AWP)
2017 – 2020 (AWP)
Initiative 8
Driving Learning innovation
8.1 Assessment/research on future trends in Learning
8.2 Introduction and development of attractive and modern learning instruments, formats, networks (eg. mobile,
interactive eBooks, Apps, simulation environment, knowledge databases, videos, EU Webinars, etc.)
Priority 2
Priority 2
2017 – 2020 (AWP)
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Initiative 9
Delivery of Common Learning Event Programs (CLEP)
9.1 Structured provision and facilitation of an EU-wide common learning events programmes (type CLEP)
9.2 CLEP evolution and extension
Priority 1
Priority 1
2017 – 2020 (AWP)
2018 - 2019
Initiative 10
Developing common educational material
10.1 Common development of training material/courses for experts (through 'expert teams')
10.2 Implementation of a pilot project for the development of common educational material (eg. TARIFF/BTI)
Priority 3
Priority 2
post 2020
KAA4 - Common infrastructure, networking and communication
Initiative 11
Provinding a common learning infrastructure
11.1 Analysis and development of a Common Learning platform / LMS for common learning development,
delivery and sharing (for future extension to an EU knowledge management system 11.2)
11.2 Development of an EU Customs and Tax knowledge management system
Priority 2
2019 - 2020
Priority 3
Post 2020
Initiative 12
Fostering virtual networking
12.1 Provision of an online infrastructure to enhance network video-conference (eg. Skype, Adobe connect) and
other forms of virtual interactions
12.2 Creation of an Ad-hoc Virtual EU Trainer Network (upon request)
Priority 1
Priority 3
post 2020
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Initiative 13
Fostering enhanced cooperation: Public-Private / Public-Private-Academia / international institutions
13.1 Sharing of best practices on 'Cooperation with academia / private sector at national level'
13.2 Pilot Public-Private Cooperation (PPC) on agreed and appropriate training subjects (type: reciprocal
training sessions, eg. provision of seminars for national tax auditors by tax payers associations
13.3 Establishment of structured training cooperation with universities and private companies
Priority 2
Priority 3
Priority 3
post 2020
Post 2020
Initiative 14
Providing for Communication & Publication
14.1 EP Pilot Project 'Digital Tax Education': Tax education provision
14.2 Mapping out of the common vision for learning and staff development (high level mission charter: mission
– what to achieve; what/how to develop; what/how to organise)
14.3 Development of communication campaigns to improve the image of taxation and customs and attract
talents (towards the public, trade, learning providers, public sector), incl. tool kits
Priority 1
Priority 2
Q1 – Q4 2017
Priority 2
Priority 3 actions are listed in this action plan for completeness and to provide the full picture with regard to identified common EU Training support needs. Given the
foreseeable resource constraints that EU Training is facing at central and national level in the period of 2017 – 2020, it is envisaged to consider priority 3 actions in the
preparation of the Customs and Fiscalis 'post 2020' programmes, for possible realisation as of 2020
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Annex 2
Action implementation Plan – Project charts
KAA1 - EU Reference standards through European Competency Frameworks for the Customs and Tax professions
Developing an EU Competency Framework for Taxation
This project drives the development of an EU competency framework for taxation with the aim to
establish a clear and consensus view of the skills and knowledge required by tax professionals in Europe
at all levels and in all skills areas, both technical and non-technical. An EU Tax Competency Framework
will provide a mechanism that helps raise performance coherency and performance quality across all EU
tax administration.
The establishment of such comprehensive common view of tax professional competencies will further
provide a common base to develop new tax learning material, identify competency gaps and staff
development requirements and to test current tax learning materials against such common performance
benchmark. In consequence, this will lead to similar levels of skills and competencies being present in
national tax administrations and amongst their staff.
Tax performance that is based on a common competency framework demonstrates consistency in
performance across the union and thus the provision of a level playing field across Member States, where
taxpayers are treated the same way whatever their jurisdiction is.
Development: mid 2017 –
mid 2018;
Translation: 2
half 2018
1.2. EU Support Workshop/Events on EU CFW for
Priority 1
National roll-out:
taxation (parallel to 1.1)
- To establish a common view of optimal professional tax competencies as a basis to develop targeted
and consistent training provisions;
- To provide national tax administrations with a common competency-based HR management tool;
- To ensure on a longer-term basis that tax professionals are appropriately and consistently skilled to
embark in administrative and international cooperation with a view to creating a level playing field
across the EU;
- Analysis of as-is situation (survey on national tax administrations’ HR, training and skills building
- Development of common tax role definitions with specific competency profiles (delivered as
nationally adaptable role-mapping matrix);
- Definition of common tax competencies (delivered as nationally adaptable EU tax competency
- Reality mapping exercise (on-site reality checks of the EU concept (tax roles and competency
profiles) against national reality in preselected representative Member states;
- Guidance on the national implementation of the CFW, including HR change management training
activity and step-by-step guidance;
- Organisation of EU workshops/events to support the development of the EU CFW and to create
ownership within the national administrations;
- Translation of the EU CFW for taxation (full material available in all EU languages)
- Preparation of a communication campaign in support of a widest possible national implementation
and acknowledgment as an voluntary EU reference standard for building optimal tax competence.
- Analysis of synergies of EU CFW schemes for taxation and customs and assessing on a longer run
the potential added value of a merger of the EU CFW schemes for customs and taxation (for post
2020 implementation).
The project development will be services by an external consultant (under FWC BTRAIN3) and
supported by a project group of national tax experts under the lead of DG TAXUD/R3.
Proposed Actions
1.1. EU CFW for Taxation development
Priority 1
Implementation details
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KAA1 - EU Reference standards through European Competency Frameworks for the Customs and Tax professions
Providing for EU CFW maintenance and evolution (Customs)
This project caters for continuous maintenance, update, further evolution and use monitoring of the since
2014 in 22 languages available EU Customs CFW, to ensure that the high quality of this EU reference
benchmark for increased customs staff development and national administrative capacity building through
competency-based HR management is maintained and further evolved. The delivery of need-assessment
based updating and evolution of the EU Customs CFW versions shall ensure that this comprehensive
common view of customs professionals’ competencies continues to provide a quality base for national HR
management and to develop new targeted learning material, identify skills gaps and requirements and test
current training materials against up-to-date and future-oriented EU customs reference benchmarks.
A further in-debt revision of the EU CFW for Customs will be based on a research on future task-based skills
for the customs profession (skills forecast 2030).
Proposed Actions
2.1. Continuous maintenance, further evolution and
use monitoring of the EU CFW
2.2. Update of the EU CFW for Customs (needs
assessment-based) and further extension
Priority 1
Priority 1
2017 - 2020 (AWP)
2019 (2
2.3. Trends Analysis - Research on future task-
Priority 2 2019 (1
based skills for customs (Skills forecast 2030)
To ensure continuous maintenance and evolution of this comprehensive common view of professional
customs competencies in line with new task requirements to ensure that the EU Customs CFW remains
an up-to-date and future-oriented EU reference benchmark
Continuous tracking of corrective updating and evaluative maintenance needs (documented at EU level);
Annual assessment of documented amendment requirements and use monitoring results (at TSG level)
Development and rolling-out of a continuous content maintenance and use monitoring concept;
Review and updating of the EU CFWs (based on needs assessment results and research);
Exploration of the need for further extension of the CFW to e.g. adapt roles to more specific job
Skills forecast 2030 – anticipative research on future task-based skills profile requirements of customs
professionals (outsourced service project) and implementation of resulting commonly agreed change
requirements (eg. sector consequences of digitalisation and eCommerce)
Implementation details
The project development will be services by an external consultant (under FWC BTRAIN3) and supported
by a project group of national customs experts under the lead of DG TAXUD/R3.
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KAA1 - EU Reference standards through European Competency Frameworks for the Customs and Tax professions
Supporting the implementation of EU CFWs for the customs and tax professions
(operationalisation & implementation support)
This project foresees the provision of multiple support measures to facilitate the national uptake of EU
competency frameworks and to ensure that the full use potential of EU CFWs in terms of enhanced
administrative capacity building and increased staff performance development is generated at national level.
Support actions to foster a most consistent implementation of the EU Customs CFW and the future Tax CFW
will be provided at common as well as at country-specific level continuously throughout the coming years in
different formats (eg. technical assistance/EU support events); the project further plans for encompasses the
development of a software application to help national administrations match the EU CFW components more
easily with national competencies/components in their administrations with a view to enable and further
facilitate the drafting of nationalised versions of the EU CFW’s that provide a HR management and staff
development tool that is tailored to the national organisations specific situation.
Proposed Actions
3.1. Development of a software application that
facilitates the implementation of the EU CFWs in
national administrations
3.2. Support of the national implementation of the EU
CFWs in national administrations
2017 – 2020 (AWP)
To support widest possible national uptake of EU CFW’s for customs and taxation and further facilitate
national administrations’ use and nationalisation of the common competency-based HR management and
staff development tools;
To foster the EU-wide use of the established common reference competencies and curricula as a basis to
develop targeted and consistent training provisions
Need analysis of the type and the degree of national implementation support requirements across member
Definition of most appropriate common and/or tailored support activities of various formats – tailored to
the particular common or country-specific need - be it in form of best practise sharing EU workshops,
common administrative change management training events (CLEP), country-specific support measures
(TA) and similar; Introduction of ‘buddy concepts’ that provide for mutual support and experiences
sharing across subject areas (customs/tax administrations) and cross-border best practise sharing;
Grouped target countries support (building on EU-wide need analysis and one-to-one agreements with
individual administrations);
Structured roll-out of agreed support measures (TSG monitored);
Spreading of support actions across the time frame of this 2020 actions plan (further managed under
annual EU Training work programmes);
Enhanced support through a software application to be developed based on most frequents national use
cases (following use- & needs analysis) and providing EU/national CFW components matching
configurations and interlinkage with training and further HR management processes.
Implementation details
The project development will be serviced by an external consultant (under FWC BTRAIN3) and supported by
a project group of national experts (part software support tool development), under the lead of DG
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KAA2 - Customs/Tax Education Programmes (vocational, academic and Leadership & Management Development
EU recognition of referenced training programmes (for Customs)
This project encompasses the development of an EU-level recognition scheme (type ‘EU certificate of
recognition’) for customs study programmes that lead to the establishment of optimal customs competencies
as laid down in the commonly agreed EU Customs CFW and its related EU reference training programmes.
The recognition of customs study programmes at EU-level is supposed to provide a strong incentive for
public and private training providers to ensure that their customs training programmes reflect the level of
customs competency building that promoted through the EU Customs CFW and the related EU Customs
Training Curriculum. The EU Customs CFW scheme will thus develop into a common quality benchmark for
optimal knowledge and skills building of customs professionals in the EU and is interpreted and integrated
into training programmes for customs professionals in a uniform manner by public and private training
providers, thus guaranteeing a high consistency of customs training programmes and related competency
building results throughout Europe.
To start with, this recognition initiative will be targeted towards academic customs programmes
(Master/Bachelor) under this action plan and may on a longer-term perspective be further extended to
vocational customs training programmes (post 2020). Its extension into the field of taxation is at this stage not
envisaged within the scope of this action plan given the current absence of a common reference base (EU Tax
CFW, to come).
Proposed Actions
4.1. Establishment of an EU recognition process for
customs specific Bachelor/ Master study programmes
4.2. Annual EU recognition for customs specific
Bachelor/Master study programmes process
4.3. Extension of the EU recognition concept to vocational
customs training
Q4 2017/Q1 2018
2018 (pilot) / 2019 / 2020
Post 2020
To provide an incentive for training providers to focus training programmes on customs on agreed
competency development standards (EU Customs CFW), that ensures that high quality and needs-based
customs training programmes are provided across the EU;
To promote and boost a broader and more positive perception of the customs profession that draws the
right talents into this profession
Development of an EU recognition process for customs specific academic (BA/MA) study programmes,
starting with fine-tuning and finalising a current draft EU recognition concept document (for finalisation,
legal clearance and management approval);
Preparation of a communication campaign supporting widest possible awareness raising on this
innovative EU project amongst public and private training providers and potential future
Establishment of an EU-wide customs training provider database that can on a long run be further
transformed in cooperation network of customs training providers (as baseline for closer collaboration
amongst Learning & development managers and experts);
Implementation details
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Preparation of the implementation/rolling-out of the EU recognition concept as annual process (as of
Establishment of a Recognition Assessment Board composed of national public and academic customs
and training experts (as standing Customs 2020 programme PG).
Exploration of a possible extension of the EU recognition concept for academic customs training to
vocational customs training (post 2020);
Exploration of possible funding/co-funding schemes for experienced customs staff participation in EU
recognised customs specific study programmes (post 2020).
Implementation details
The project development will be services by an external consultant (under FWC BTRAIN3) and supported by
a standing project group of national public and private sector training and customs experts (Assessment
Board), under the lead of DG TAXUD/R3.
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KAA2 - Customs/Tax Education Programmes (vocational, academic and Leadership & Management Development
Common educational reference programmes (vocational and academic) for customs and tax
This project takes measures that support the national uptake of existing customs-specific EU reference
training programmes as a common comparative quality benchmark for optimal and consistent customs
competence building across the union. It will ensure the quality of these common reference training
programmes through assessment-based maintenance and evolution of the commonly agreed EU customs
curricula and related EU customs vocational and academic reference training programmes.
Similar common curricula and reference training programmes are envisaged to be developed in the area of
taxation once a commonly agreed reference foundation in form of an EU Tax CFW is in place (post 2020).
Proposed Actions
Priority Timing
5.1. Support to the national uptake of EU reference
training programmes for Customs, as common
comparative quality benchmark
5.2. Further assessment-based elaboration and in-
depth version development of current EU
reference programmes for customs
5.3. Development of European Tax Curricula (based
Post 2020
on common CFW for taxation) as common
benchmark for existing or newly developed tax
training programmes
5.4. Development of common tax training reference
Post 2020
programmes at vocational level (based on
common CFW for taxation)
- To foster consistency in skills building across the EU through a body of educational reference
programmes for customs professionals at all levels;
To enable consistency in tax staff development by providing common reference standards as a quality
benchmark for tax training programmes;
Maintaining the current body of EU customs reference training programmes - that are based on agreed
and targeted competency profiles for customs professionals at vocational and academic training level
(part of EU Customs CFW) - at the disposal of national administrations and further interested parties
(EU Training Toolbox);
Maintenance in form of quality assurance related to content appropriateness and/or identification of
updating requirements will be carried out on an annual basis – and for the first time in 2018 – under the
monitoring and with coordination at the level of the TSG;
Providing a continuous floor for cross-national best practise sharing related to the use of the EU
reference training programmes as common benchmark for existing and newly developed customs
training programmes amongst customs administrations training departments, their trainers and further
academic and/or private customs training providers (online);
Assessment of the need for the development of further enhanced, ‘deeper-dive’ versions of the current
common customs education reference programmes, including on demand the support provision to cross-
country cooperation actions (eg. benchmarking/comparison of national curricula);
Implementation details
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Implementation details
Longer-term planning perspective for the development of a European Tax Curricula with related
common tax reference training programmes at vocational and/or academic level once a commonly
agreed reference standard (EU Tax CFW) is in place (post 2020 initiatives).
The project development will be services by an external consultant (under FWC BTRAIN3) and if
required supported by a project group of national customs and training, experts under the lead of DG
KAA2 - Customs/Tax Education Programmes (vocational, academic and Leadership & Management Development
Strategic Leadership development training for tax and customs leaders (limited)
This project provides support to national strategic leadership & management development (LMD) training
that is based on or is aligned with the commonly developed EU reference LMD training programmes for
customs leaders. Similar support may be provided in the area of taxation once commonly agreed reference
standards are in place (EU Tax CFW to come).
Proposed Actions
Priority Timing
6.1. Support national customs LMD training measures
(drawing from WCO LMD Programme)
- To support and complement national LMD training measures for senior strategic or future strategic
managers in order to equip them with the required skills needed for leadership and decision making in the
Maintaining the current EU LMD reference training programmes (based on agreed senior manager’s
competency profiles – part of EU Customs CFW) at the disposal of national administrations (EU
Training Toolbox) and providing a floor for cross-national best practise sharing in delivering LMD
training (online);
Facilitating national access for interested MS to the comprehensive WCO Customs LMD Programme and
coordinating – on specific national demand via the TSG – in cooperation with the WCO Training team
the provision of an LMD training at EU-level for the Europe Region (under the Customs 2020 joint
actions programme)
Implementation details
An initially planned stronger engagement of EU Training in this field is at this stage no more pursued by the
Commission, given the decreasing need for such common support measure due to the considerable
enhancement of national LMD training provision in the majority of the Member States over the past few
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KAA3 - Shared Training and Development
Provision of EU eLearning and localisation support (in line with EU customs and tax policy
This project covers the structured provision and further optimisation of common eLearning development on
relevant customs and tax legislation, operational and technical best practise application and related IT
systems, closely aligned with common customs and tax policy initiatives and providing further enhanced
localisation/translation support with the development of a maximum of national language versions. Ensuring
the continuous increase, update and maintenance of the EU customs and tax eLearning portfolio (44
eLearning courses in 334 language versions
) forms part of this project.
Proposed Actions
7.1. Common development and optimisation of
eLearning materials
7.2. Continuous update/maintenance of EU eLearning
7.3. Localisation/translation support for EU Training
material (eg. eLearning modules) into maximum
of EU languages (and selected 3rd country
7.4. Exploration of the feasibility of central
localisation of eLearning courses
2017 – 2020 (AWP)
2017 – 2020 (AWP)
2017 – 2020 (AWP)
To provide systematic support of common policy initiatives and their implementation through EU
To ensure EU wide usability of common Learning modules (localisation)
To enhance traditional training programmes and therewith Customs and Taxation knowledge and
competencies, by using extensively multimedia interactive educational content;
To contribute to a most consistent application of customs and tax policies, regulations and their
implementation throughout Europe through common training content development;
To provide best cost/benefit training delivery solutions (eLearning) suitable to train a broad and EU-wide
dispersed audience (administrations, trade representatives, academia, etc.).
Implementation details
The project implementation will be further managed and coordinated through jointly established annual EU
Training work programmes (AWP). It is at this level that the specific alinement of EU Training actions (eg.
topic selection and priorisation) with customs and tax policy initiatives takes place and ensures a tangible
contribution to the achievements of customs and tax policy objectives through EU Training.
Annual common and needs-based customs and tax topic selection for common eLearning development
(part of Customs/Fiscalis 2020 programme management: establishment of annual work programmes with
contribution from MS and TAXUD policy departments);
Development of an average number of 3 – 5 EU eLearning modules per year (further detailed on an
annual basis: AWP), in line with a commonly agreed EU eLearning development process (cooperation
projects between TAXUD and MS);
See EU eLearning portfolio in Annex 4 (state of play: end 2016)
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EU eLearning development requirements optimisation in line with latest common findings:
maintaining multi-modulated courses (eg. UCC eLearning Programme) for most targeted trainings
and to facilitate training delivery;
introduction of micro-learnings and eLearning nuggets, to respond to urgent training needs (eg. new
policies, new skills required);
considering multi-usability of EU learnings, to enlarge use case beyond pure training (eg. further use
as working place support tools);
exploring options for ‘quicker’ response to training needs (both for eLearning development and for
Implementation details
exploring de-centralised common training material development (eLearning development under the
lead of MS).
Production of a maximum number of high quality national language versions of commonly developed
EU customs and tax eLearning modules (master version produced in EN), under the application of the
by-default de-centralised localisation concept; the ‘de-centralised concept’ encompasses an EU-managed
production of national language versions, acts on specific request of national administrations (based on
project-specific Partnership Agreements between the Commission and a MS) and requires the national
contributions in form of text translation and quality assurance per localisation project.
Exploration on alternative localisation schemes to further facilitate in particular the role of national
administrations in the EU eLearning modules translation process;
Structured release and publication of EU eLearning modules to the member states and further target
audiences: EU-wide dissemination via a shared online repository for national customs and tax
administrations and their trainers (PICS) and – whenever appropriate – public dissemination for trade and
public use via the Commission’s internet site (EUROPA).
Ensuring continuous update/maintenance of EU eLearning portfolio (including concept development)
The project implementation will be serviced by an external consultant (under FWC BTRAIN3) and supported
by case-specific project groups of national tax or customs experts, under the lead of DG TAXUD/R3.
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KAA3 - Shared Training and Development
Drive Learning Innovation
This project puts the focus on researching future trends in Learning and Development (tools and methods),
with resulting recommendations to be shared with the national customs and tax training departments. It
supports a reflection process on the modernisation of Learning and learning delivery as well as the
introduction of researched and agreed efficient modern learning instruments and formats (eg. mobile, eBooks,
Apps, simulations environments, micro-learnings and webinars, etc.) as national and/or EU training tools to
complement and/or replace current training and customs and tax staff development measures.
Proposed Actions
8.1. Assessment/research on future trends in
Priority 2
8.2. Introduction and development of attractive Priority 2
2017 – 2020 (AWP)
and modern learning instruments,
formats, networks (eg. mobile,
"advanced" eBooks, Apps, simulation
environment, knowledge databases,
videos, EU Webinars, etc.)
- To provide learning material which is time and location independent and offer convenience and
flexibility to the learners and thus to further adapt the delivery of common and national learning to the
users' needs.
To introduce innovative possibilities to learn in order to make use of the IT tools available in the national
administrations (tablets, smartphones, etc.) and to reach out to the new generation of customs and tax
Launching a research on ‘Future trends in Learning’, including a comparative analysis with currently
used learning concepts (tools/methods) in customs and tax training at national and EU level and the
establishment of recommendations for future enhancements in customs and tax training; to be performed
by an external consultant, further supported by a joint customs and tax training experts group under the
lead of the TSG;
Assessing the research findings and recommendations from an EU and national training providers
viewpoint (TSG) and agree on possible improvement measures to be pursued on a longer run; this may
re-definition of Learning (from process to result)
shift from picture (= today) to video (= tomorrow)
concept change towards ‘work-based learning’ and ‘Business as a learning place’
In parallel, introduction of innovation tools and technics that are already commonly identified as bringing
added value to today’s customs and tax learning landscape, such as eBooks, mobile formats and apps,
webinars, starting as of 2017:
concept development and pilot project for EU eBooks production (2017)
concept development for EU Webinar use in EU Training (2017) and pilot on customs/tax specific
topic (Q1 2018)
concept development for EU Apps (tbd)
Structured introduction of webinars, eBooks and mobile formats in EU Customs and Tax training
(2018 – 2020)
Implementation details
The project development will be serviced by an external consultant (under FWC BTRAIN3) and whenever
appropriate supported by project groups of national customs and/or tax experts, under the lead of DG
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KAA3 - Shared Training and Development
Common Learning Events Programmes (CLEP)
This project caters for the structured provision, central facilitation as well as further evolution and
optimisation of an EU-wide common learning events programme on customs and tax subject matter topic
training courses and train-the-trainer courses (CLEP), that enables national administrations’ staff to share
and benefit mutually from existing knowledge and best practise on customs and tax related topics, related
training programmes and training delivery concepts with the aim of transferring existing customs and tax
knowledge & skill consistently across Europe.
Proposed Actions
9.1. Structured provision and facilitation of an
EU-wide common learning events
programme (type CLEP)
9.2. CLEP evolution and extension
2017 – 2020 (AWP)
2018 – 2019
To build common customs and tax training expertise (technics, methodologies, concepts and material)
within national administrations, enabling them to benefit mutually from existing subject matter
knowledge and training competencies on customs and tax related topics;
To transfer knowledge and skills on customs and tax topics most consistently across Europe.
To optimise training resources at EU level by sharing established training and learning expertise
available in the domains of customs and taxation;
Establishment of annual CLEP work plan, based on prior national need- as well as expertise/training
availability indications of national administration, under the management and coordination of the
TSG; the individual training events are organised and delivered throughout the year under the
responsibility of the organising national administrations (training content, trainers, delivery concept)
and in within the scope of the Customs 2020 and Fiscalis 2020 programmes and using the joint action
tool: workshop;
Further assessment of optimisation and evolution requirements for CLEP based on a prior gathering
of experiences made by the training providing customs and tax administrations, to be performed
under TSG coordination in 2018; this will include the assessment of already identified optimisation
aspects such as:
definition of multi-annual critical topics for national administrations and for customs and tax EU
wide policy support
creation of an CLEP catalogue
extension of customs and tax specific topics CLEP topics to e.g. HR topics (recruitment, ageing,
induction, talent management, mobility)
combination of traditional CLEP learning methods with modern tools (webinars, videos)
extension of target groups or delivery parties (trade/academia)
combination of CLEP events and study/working visits, eg. combined CLEP training & job
shadowing, in application of the ‘learning by doing’ methods and to reinforce the combination
between theory and practice
cooperation between national administrations ("joint" CLEP events e.g. host differing from
measures responding to the need for more and wider systematic involvement of training staff
measures to foster national support from the management (allocation of resources to organise and
to participate)
Implementation details
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KAA3 - Shared Training and Development
10. Develop common educational material
This project caters for a systematic joint development of common training content (all media types) for
customs and/or tax educational programmes at all levels, based on nationally existing learning content
material, to be shared across the union in form of localised/translated language versions. A pilot project is
envisaged to take place within the scope of this 2020 action plan (most probably on the topic of
Proposed Actions
Priority Timing
10.1. Common development of training
Priority Post 2020
material/courses for experts (through 'expert
10.2. Implementation of a pilot project for the
Priority 2018
development of common educational material
- To enhance the sharing of expertise/material available in national administrations
- To support legal, operational and technical training material provision throughout the EU, based on
shared development
- To support on a long run EU-wide staff mobility
Piloting the joint development of common training content from existing national training material on
the topic of Tariff/EBTI (pre-agreed with the EU working group of national Heads of customs tariff)
within the scope of this 2020 action plan (2018);
Analysing the results of the pilot project in view of the potential added value of extending such joint
content material development initiative systematically across customs and tax training programmes;
The realisation of a larger-scale common content development in form of a structured EU Training
support measure (development under the Customs/Fiscalis 2020 ‘Expert teams’ scheme) is
considered to be a longer-term option for possible post 2020 implementation; prior considerations
may however already take place under the current 2020 action plan, such as reflecting on:
possible limitations of joint training content material developments
linkage to EU CFW’s and EU Curricula
combination with CLEP
maintenance of joint material
Identification and assessment of the specific customs and tax training areas that could profit from
the development of common training material for direct use in national basic and/or advanced
training programmes
Implementation details
The project development will be services by an external consultant (under FWC BTRAIN3) and
supported by a project group of national tax experts under the lead of DG TAXUD/R3.
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KAA4 - Common infrastructure, networking and communication
11. Enhancing common learning infrastructure
This project aims at developing and operating an integrative, solid and consistent Learning Management
Environment for common customs and taxation training and staff development measures through the
delivery of an EU Learning Portal, to support advanced consistent customs and tax training provision,
competency development and cooperation throughout the EU.
The project encompasses a provision for a future evolution of such EU Training portal towards a fully-
fletched European knowledge management system for customs ant taxation (post 2020).
Proposed Actions
11.1. Analysis and development of a Common
Learning platform / LMS for common learning
development, delivery and sharing
11.2. Development of a European knowledge
management system (Tax and Customs)
Priority 2
2019 - 2020
Post 2020
To support advanced consistent customs and tax training provision, competency development and
cooperation throughout the EU;
To overcome current limitations linked to the creation of common customs and tax learning, its
delivery and sharing (eg. improved sharing space for material between national administrations);
To prepare the ground for a future EU customs and tax knowledge management system.
The common Learning platform / LMS for common learning development, delivery and sharing project
will build on the current EU customs and tax training situation and experiences made, taking particular into
account currently encountered technical limitations and known training collaboration optimisation
obstacles. The project will therefore start with an analysis of the as-is situation before launching the
development process:
Analysis to explore potential of a shared Learning Infrastructure (including tool selection exercise)
Analysis-based development of a Common Learning platform / LMS
Scope (depending on outcome of analysis/study) includes
- common learning development, delivery and sharing, incl. technical support.
Support through an expert project group of customs & tax training/IT experts dealing with
eLearning/national LMS (all MS included)
Elaboration of specific portal requirements planned to take account of a variety of technical,
operational and administrative aspects (subject to further assessment prior to development):
provide direct access to the training material available at EU level and in national
administrations (avoid downloads of EU eLearning modules onto national LMSs)
support EU-wide /knowledge sharing,
enhance the collaboration and follow-up/monitoring options
training skills data base linked with CFW
LMS training catalogue for all MS per topics derived from competency frameworks (tax,
customs, general, it topics)
support national implementation/linkage to national LMSs
set up of a EU ‘LMS’ community (technical support) + network to train (CLEP events)
on how to make optimal use of the new LMS
Possibility of sharing of learning material available on that space via external links
Share curricula/learning paths of staff development in LMS
Implementation details
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Implementation details
Log-in from national administrations via a link on their own platform (secured intranet
page, same login, easier access, etc)
sharing of learning material available on that space via external links
Secured: Stance on data protection (investigate restrictions on personal details that
remain in IT systems/ security settings in national administrations). Bearing in mind that
data protection rules are different in every country, EC platform should apply the
strictest rules.
Maintenance of the platform to be done centrally by Commission, updates by national
administrations providing the material (e.g. outdated courses to be taken out after 2
years, include contact details and data for transfer content)
Copyrights issues to be taken into consideration
The project development will be serviced by an external consultant (under FWC BTRAIN3) and supported
by a project group of national experts, under the lead of DG TAXUD/R3.
KAA4 - Common infrastructure, networking and communication
12. Foster virtual networking
Putting in place a virtual networking infrastructure that allows for enhanced EU-wide customs and tax
training delivery and networking through video conferencing and other kinds of virtual interactions (type
Skype), as well as the longer-term opportunity of creating an ad-hoc virtual EU Training Network (post
Proposed Actions
12.1. Provision of an online infrastructure to enhance
network video-conference (eg. Skype, Adobe
connect) and other forms of virtual interactions
12.2. Creation of an Ad-hoc Virtual EU Trainer
Network (upon request)
Post 2020
To enhance networking possibilities between experts at EU level
To complement face-to-face meetings for efficiency reasons by distant online meetings using modern
tools (save time and costs)
Assessing the current situation of national customs and tax administrations and their training
departments/trainers regarding virtual networking opportunities and possibilities as well as limitations
(security restrictions; lacking technical equipment; lacking competence etc);
Assessment-based creation of an ad-hoc virtual network for EU training project support and sharing or
material co-creation: provision of a tool for online video-conferencing (skype, Adobe connect and
Ensure incorporation and/or alinement of this virtual networking infrastructure with the larger-scale
EU Learning Portal (LMS) – see initiative 11;
On a longer run, creation of a virtual EU trainer network, with contact points in each country (post
Implementation details
The project development will be serviced by an external consultant (under FWC BTRAIN3), under the lead
swd (2018) 0034 - Ingen titel
KAA4 - Common infrastructure, networking and communication
13. Enhance training cooperation: Public-Private-Academia and with international institutions
Cooperation with international institutions, trade and academia already exists to a limited extend and needs
to be fostered to enhance joint and tailored competency building of customs and tax professionals (public
and private sector).
This project caters for the continuation and further targeted enhancement of customs and tax training
cooperation with trade and academia as well as with international institutions (WCO, IOTA, OECD,
CEPOL and similar), to pool capacities, share expertise and to improve the return on investment of
development and delivery of educational programmes and materials. This cooperation enhancement may
need to start on an ad-hoc basis under this 2020 action plan, before a more structured cooperation can be
put in place (post 2020).
Proposed Actions
13.1. Sharing of best practices on 'Cooperation with
academia / private sector at national level'
13.2. Pilot Public-Private Cooperation (PPC) on
Priority Post 2020
agreed and appropriate training subjects (type: 3
reciprocal training sessions, eg. provision of
seminars for national tax auditors by tax payer’
13.3. Establishment of structured training
Priority Post 2020
cooperation with universities and private
To enhance vocational customs & tax educational Training-Business Cooperation (TBC), whenever
based on common objectives
To improve the return on investment for development/delivery of educational customs and tax
Case-by-case cooperation enhancement with academia, trade and international institutions working in
the field of customs and/or taxation will be pursued under this 2020 action plan, before a more
structured cooperation can be put in place on a longer run (post 2020).
Under the current 2020 action plan, cooperation may take the form of:
providing a floor for exchanging experience on national cooperation practises for customs and tax
administrations and supporting MS with building on national example of partnerships (eg.
customs administration/university training cooperation in France);
increased EU/national participation in international customs/tax events (eg. WCO capacity
building events; IOTA training conference and similar) in order to avoid silo positions for EU
customs/tax training.
increased customs/border guard training cooperation with Frontex in form of ad-hoc exchange of
experience on targeted issues of mutual interest and common training material development (eg.
CELBET Training project);
Implementation details
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exploration of similar cooperation schemes as with Frontex with further customs/tax training
providers, with the aim to share cost and effort through appropriate sponsorship development;
Implementation details
working towards the validation of curricula for customs in universities (eg. EU recognition of
academic customs study programmes);
enhanced sharing of customs/tax learning research results (eg. supporting results sharing through
promotional events);
supporting university classes delivered by customs and tax professionals to help develop the right
level of competence amongst students and to attract talents into the customs and tax professions;
supporting study visits and traineeships between private sector and national administrations.
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KAA4 - Common infrastructure, networking and communication
14. Strengthen communication and publication support
This project provides for the joint elaboration of a multitude of measures suited to help improving the
image of taxation and customs towards the public, trade, learning providers and within the public sector,
and thus to better attract the right talents for the customs and tax professions. It encompasses the setting up
of image-improving communication campaigns as well as further targeted EU-wide communication and
publication support actions to better and wider spread and share common customs and tax training and
education material and measures and/or to educate wider and/or new target audiences on customs and
taxation (eg. addressing young Europeans in their role as future tax payers).
Proposed Actions
14.1. EP Pilot Project 'Digital Tax Education': Tax
education provision
Q1 - Q4 2017
14.2. Mapping out of the common vision for learning
Priority 2018
and staff development (high level mission
charter: mission – what to achieve; what/how to
develop; what/how to organise)
14.3. Development of communication campaigns to
Priority 2019
improve the image of taxation and customs and
attract talents (towards the public, trade, learning
providers, public sector), incl. tool kits
To support educating wider target audiences on customs and tax topics in Europe
To facilitate the national recruitment of informed best talents into customs/tax professions
The implementation of this project under the 2020 action plan will require a maximum of
responsiveness to communication support needs for a wide range of customs and tax relevant topics, in
form of ad-hoc communication and support actions throughout the period 2017 – 2020.
- The common focus point of this activity will lay on:
customs/tax education, targeting the wider and/or new audience groups involved with customs/tax
(EU public, trade, young people, international public etc)
customs/tax image improvement, to overcome the historical prejudice of ‘control bodies’ and
support building a ‘service oriented’ organisation image
- Already identified initiatives that the commission intends to pursue under this project are:
Realisation of a European Parliament Pilot Project on 'Digital Tax Education', that provides tax
education in form of EU electronic tax educational material as well as national communication
& learning material and a supportive online platform for young people and schools in the EU; it
further includes the establishment of an European network of national and local digital
promoters of tax education, evaluation and assessment of the impact of digital tax education and
social media have on future tax payment behaviour as well as the support through an extensive
EU-wide communication campaign and promotional launch event (for realisation in 2017);
Common establishment of a high-level mission charter for customs and tax training and staff
development that provides a customs and tax training vision that is suitable for common as well
as national training in the field and that can be used, shared and widely promoted amongst
customs and tax training providing bodies (common reference benchmark/common vision);
and similar initiatives (to be specified in annual work programmes).
The project development will be serviced by an external consultant (under FWC BTRAIN3), under the lead
Implementation details
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Annex 3