Social-, Indenrigs- og Børneudvalget 2018-19 (1. samling)
L 155 Bilag 2
afsagt mandag den 4. februar 2019
Sag 140/2018 og 144/2018
(1. afdeling)
(advokat Lars Buurgaard Sørensen, beskikket)
(advokat Anders Christian Brøndtved, beskikket)
(advokat Inge Houe)
Yderligere parter:
Barnet, tidligere C
(advokat Anne-Birgitte Bjerre-Olsen, beskikket)
Adoptant M og adoptant F
(advokat Lene Sejersen, beskikket)
I tidligere instanser er afsagt dom af Retten i Odense den 4. august 2017 og af Østre Landsrets
5. afdeling den 2. maj 2018.
I pådømmelsen har deltaget syv dommere: Thomas Rørdam, Marianne Højgaard Pedersen,
Poul Dahl Jensen, Henrik Waaben, Kurt Rasmussen, Jens Kruse Mikkelsen og Anne Louise
Appellanterne, B og A, har nedlagt påstand om ophævelse af indstævnte, Statsforvaltningens,
afgørelse af 25. april 2017 om bortadoption af deres fællesbarn, tidligere C, samt af Statsfor-
valtningens afgørelse af 19. juni 2018 om bevilling af bortadoption.
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Statsforvaltningen har påstået stadfæstelse.
Barnet, tidligere C, og adoptanterne har påstået stadfæstelse.
Supplerende sagsfremstilling
Anbringelsen af barnet efter fødslen og samværet med forældrene
Formanden for børn og unge-udvalget i X-by Kommune traf den X. september 2016 – umid-
delbart efter fødslen – foreløbig afgørelse om anbringelse af barnet i familiepleje. Afgørelsen
blev den 29. september 2016 godkendt af børn og unge-udvalget, og den 17. oktober 2016 traf
udvalget afgørelse om anbringelse af barnet i familiepleje samt om, at B og As samvær med
hende skulle afbrydes i et år. Udvalget indstillede samtidig til Ankestyrelsen, at der blev med-
delt tilladelse til bortadoption.
Ved afgørelse af 7. december 2016 stadfæstede Ankestyrelsen børn og unge-udvalgets afgø-
relse af 17. oktober 2016 om anbringelse i familiepleje. Ankestyrelsen ophævede samtidig
udvalgets afgørelse om afbrudt samvær. Som begrundelse herfor anførte Ankestyrelsen bl.a.:
for at ophæve afgørelsen om afbrudt samvær
Vi vurderer, at det ikke er nødvendigt af hensyn til Cs sundhed og udvikling, at C og A
og B ikke har samvær.
Årsagen til det er, at C behov for tryghed og forudsigelighed kan opfyldes ved, at kom-
munen regulerer samværets omfang og tilrettelægger samværene på en anden måde.
Vi henviser til, at A og B er beskrevet med omfattende vanskeligheder i forhold til at
varetage omsorgen for C.
Vi vurderer imidlertid ikke, at der er tale om sådanne forhold hos A, B eller C i forhold
til samvær, at samværet med C skal afbrydes.
Vi gør opmærksom på, at det forhold, at der er proces i gang med hensyn til en bort-
adoption af C ikke i sig selv betyder, at samværet skal afbrydes.
X-by Kommune fastsatte herefter ved afgørelse af 17. februar 2017, der blev meddelt A og B
den 27. februar 2017, samvær med barnet. Det første samvær fandt sted den 1. marts 2017.
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Bevilling til adoption
Statsforvaltningen meddelte den 19. juni 2018 adoptant M og adoptant F bevilling til at adop-
tere barnet, C. Barnets navn blev i den forbindelse ændret. Det er oplyst for Højesteret, at
barnet har boet hos adoptanterne siden den 16. juni 2018. Det sidste samvær med A og B var
den 6. juni 2018.
Procesbevillingsnævnet meddelte den 28. juni 2018 tilladelse til, at sagen blev indbragt for
Højesteret. A og B anmodede herefter om, at Statsforvaltningen suspenderede adoptions-
bevillingen, indtil Højesteret havde taget stilling til adoptionens lovlighed. De anmodede
endvidere om, at der blev etableret samvær med barnet.
Statsforvaltningen meddelte den 5. juli 2018 og den 29. august 2018, at der ikke er hjemmel
til at suspendere adoptionsbevillingen, og at Statsforvaltningens adoptionskontor ville videre-
sende anmodningen om etablering af samvær til familiekontoret, der behandler sager om sam-
vær efter forældreansvarslovens § 20 a.
Statsforvaltningen havde på tidspunktet for sagens hovedforhandling i Højesteret, den 25. ja-
nuar 2019, endnu ikke truffet afgørelse om samvær.
Supplerende retsgrundlag
Supplerende om forarbejder til adoptionsloven og forældreansvarsloven
Ved lov nr. 530 af 29. april 2015 om ændring af adoptionsloven, lov om social service, foræl-
dreansvarsloven og lov om retssikkerhed og administration blev kriterierne for adoption uden
samtykke i bl.a. adoptionslovens § 9, stk. 3, som beskrevet i landsrettens dom, lempet.
I det lovforslag, som dannede grundlag for lovændringen, fremgår bl.a. følgende om personer
med nedsat fysisk eller psykisk funktionsevne (Folketingstidende 2014-2015, tillæg A, lov-
forslag nr. L 121, s. 6):
Adoptionslovens regler om adoption uden samtykke
3.1.1. Gældende ret Betingelser for adoption
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Det forhold, at en forælder har nedsat fysisk eller psykisk funktionsevne og har behov
for f.eks. praktisk hjælp til at varetage deres forældreskab, er ikke i sig selv et udtryk
for, at forælderen er uden forældreevne. Hvis forældre med nedsat fysisk eller psykisk
funktionsevne skal have undersøgt deres forældreevne i forbindelse med adoption uden
samtykke, skal det sikres, at forældrene konkret og rettidigt har modtaget den støtte og
kompensation, som deres funktionsnedsættelse giver anledning til, herunder særligt i
forbindelse med varetagelsen af forældrerollen. Hvis den hidtidige støtte til forældrene
anses for utilstrækkelig, bør det overvejes at udsætte færdiggørelsen af prognosevurde-
ringen, indtil forældrene har modtaget relevant støtte, og det kan vurderes, om denne
støtte vil kunne forbedre forældreevnen.”
Under lovforslagets behandling i Folketingets Socialudvalg besvarede ministeren for børn,
ligestilling, integration og sociale forhold bl.a. følgende spørgsmål fra udvalget (Socialudval-
get 2014-2015, L nr. 121, spørgsmål nr. 5):
nr. 5:
Ministeren bedes kommentere Danske Handicaporganisationers høringssvar, hvor de
skriver, at Danske Handicaporganisationer er bekymret for, at en lempelse af reglerne af
adoption uden samtykke, kan misbruges til at fratage forældre med handicap retten til at
være forældre og have familieliv.
Danske Handicaporganisationer understreger i høringssvaret, at adoption uden samtyk-
ke er et indgribende tiltag, og at proceduren omkring dette må være præget af faglig ek-
spertise og høje standarder for retssikkerhed for både børn og forældre. Organisationen
er bekymret for, at lempelsen af reglerne for adoption uden samtykke kan misbruges til
at fratage forældre med handicap retten til at være forældre og have familie.
Som organisationen således påpeger, er adoption uden samtykke en indgribende for-
anstaltning, idet retsforholdet mellem barnet og dets oprindelige forældre ophæves fuld-
stændigt. Det er derfor afgørende, at barnets og forældrenes retssikkerhed til stadighed
holdes for øje, og at adoption uden samtykke først anvendes, når andre muligheder er
afsøgte og udtømte. Lovforslaget ændrer ikke herved. Forældrenes og barnets situation
skal altid vurderes konkret. Ved vurderingen af forældreevnen inddrages forældrenes
livsforløb for at kunne opstille en prognose for, om der er mulighed for, at forældreev-
nen kan genvindes. Vurderingen skal afdække, om manglende forældreevne alene er en
aktuel tilstand, eller om den har vist sig som et gentaget mønster på tværs af situationer,
tid samt fysisk og psykisk tilstand.
Som det også fremgår af forslaget, er det forhold, at en forælder har nedsat fysisk eller
psykisk funktionsevne og har behov for f.eks. praktisk hjælp til at varetage sit forældre-
skab, ikke i sig selv et udtryk for, at forælderen er uden forældreevne.
I tilfælde, hvor forældre med nedsat fysisk eller psykisk funktionsevne skal have under-
søgt deres forældreevne i forbindelse med en adoption uden samtykke, skal det sikres, at
forældrene konkret og rettidigt har modtaget den støtte og kompensation, som deres
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funktionsnedsættelse giver anledning til, herunder særligt i forbindelse med varetagel-
sen af forældrerollen.
Hvis den støtte, forældrene hidtil har modtaget, er utilstrækkelig, bør sagen udsættes,
indtil forældrene har modtaget relevant støtte, og det derfor kan vurderes, om støtten
kan forbedre forældreevnen.
Ved lov nr. 530 af 29. april 2015 ændredes endvidere bestemmelsen i forældreansvarslovens
§ 20 a, der herefter lyder således:
”§ 20 a. Er barnet adopteret, kan statsforvaltningen i helt særlige tilfælde efter anmod-
ning fra barnets oprindelige slægtninge fastsætte samvær eller anden form for kontakt
med disse, navnlig hvis barnet forud for adoptionen havde samvær eller anden form for
kontakt med den, som anmoder om fastsættelse af samvær m.v.”
I de almindelige bemærkninger hedder det bl.a. (Folketingstidende 2014-2015, tillæg A, lov-
forslag nr. L 121, s. 12-13):
Barnets samvær eller anden kontakt med dets oprindeligt slægt
3.2.2. Ministeriets overvejelser
Som en konsekvens af forslaget i afsnit 3.1.3 om lempelse af betingelserne om adoption
uden samtykke foreslås mulighederne i forældreansvarslovens § 20 a for i helt særlige
tilfælde at fastsætte samvær eller anden kontakt efter adoptionen udvidet. De eksiste-
rende muligheder for at fastsætte samvær eller anden kontakt må således i lyset af de fo-
reslåede ændringer af adoptionsloven anses for at kunne være for begrænsede, da det
efter de gældende regler er en forudsætning, at der har været kontakt forud for adop-
Muligheden for fastsættelse af samvær eller anden form for kontakt må imidlertid ikke
få den virkning, at adoption uden samtykke generelt anses for mindre indgribende.
Statsforvaltningens afgørelse om samvær træffes ud fra, hvad der er bedst for barnet, og
statsforvaltningen har først kompetencen til at træffe afgørelse efter forældreansvars-
lovens § 20 a, når adoptionen er gennemført.
Det er vigtigt for den adopterede at have kendskab til egen historie og oprindelse. Der-
for har adoptionsmyndighederne i alle adoptionstyper fokus på at sikre tilgængelighe-
den af oplysninger om den adopteredes baggrund, herunder forældre, søskende m.v. og
motivet for adoptionen, sådan at den adopteredes mulighed for at få disse oplysninger
understøttes mest muligt. I forbindelse med den politiske aftale fra 2. oktober 2014 om
et nyt adoptionssystem i Danmark blev ovennævnte fremhævet, og partierne bag aftalen
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var enige om at iværksætte forskning, der belyser åbenheds betydning for den adopte-
redes trivsel og livskvalitet.
Der vil fortsat være adgang for de oprindelige forældre til at få oplysninger om barnets
opvækst frem til det fyldte 18. år i form af opfølgningsrapporter. Hertil kommer, at stør-
stedelen af de omhandlede børn vil have en eller anden form for kontakt eller viden om
deres forældre i og med, at der er tale om børn, der inden adoptionen var anbragte børn,
og hvor kommunen derfor har været forpligtet til at arbejde med relationen mellem barn
og forældre. Adoption af et plejebarn vil derfor oftest betyde, at der som minimum er
viden om og kendskab til de biologiske forældre. Samtidig skal det bemærkes, at det
ikke er muligt for myndighederne at sikre løbende viden om den oprindelige familie ef-
ter adoptionen. Der foreslås således ikke med dette lovforslag generelle ændringer i for-
hold til åbenhed i adoptivforhold.
I familier, hvor barnet er adopteret, har familierne mulighed for at modtage forskellige
former for rådgivning, hvor blandt andet forholdet til barnets oprindelige slægt kan ind-
gå. I den forbindelse sondres mellem, om adoptionen er gennemført som en fremmed-
adoption eller en familieadoption, eksempelvis hvor adoptanterne er barnets tidligere
Ved en fremmedadoption kan adoptivfamilien modtage adoptionsrådgivning og støtte
gennem den statslige Post Adoption Service-ordning (PAS-ordning), der hører under
Ankestyrelsen. Med den netop indgåede politiske aftale om et fremtidigt adoptions-
system er det også aftalt, at rådgivningen i PAS-ordningen fremover kan indeholde
spørgsmål om åbenhed i adoptionen. Endvidere er det aftalt, at ordningen skal tilret-
telægges sådan, at det fremover vil være muligt at modtage et rådgivningsforløb frem til
barnet fylder 18 år, samtidig med at der i den forbindelse er fokus på barnets eventuelle
behov for selv at modtage rådgivning som en del af forløbet.
Lovforslag til ændring af lov om social service (Styrkelse af plejefamilieområdet), der
er nævnt i afsnit 2, vil gøre det muligt at støtte en tidligere plejefamilie, der nu er adop-
tivfamilie, i at håndtere den ændrede rolle. Dette omfatter også barnets eller den unges
behov for hjælp til at håndtere samspillet med den biologiske familie.
3.2.3. Den foreslåede ordning
Det foreslås at ændre forældreansvarslovens § 20 a, jf. lovforslagets § 3, om fastsættelse
af samvær eller anden kontakt mellem barnets og dets oprindelige slægt efter adoption,
sådan at der i særlige tilfælde efter en konkret vurdering også vil kunne fastsættes sam-
vær eller anden kontakt, selvom der ikke forud for adoptionen har været kontakt mellem
barnet og den pågældende slægtning. Dette forslag skal ses i lyset af forslaget i afsnit
3.1.4 om lempelse af betingelserne for adoption uden samtykke, herunder ophævelsen
af kravet om at det ved adoption uden samtykke af børn under 1 år skal være godtgjort,
at forældrene varigt ikke vil være i stand til at spille en positiv rolle for barnet i forbin-
delse med samvær.”
I de specielle bemærkninger til bestemmelsen hedder det bl.a. (Folketingstidende 2014-2015,
tillæg A, lovforslag nr. L 121, s. 29):
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”Forældreansvarslovens § 20 a regulerer muligheden for at fastsætte samvær eller anden
kontakt efter en adoption mellem barnets og dets oprindelige slægtninge, herunder bar-
nets forældre. Det er en betingelse for at fastsætte samvær m.v. efter bestemmelsen, at
der har været samvær eller anden form for kontakt mellem barnet og den, der ansøger
om samvær m.v., forud for adoptionen. Endvidere træffes disse samværsafgørelser ud
fra, hvad der er bedst for barnet, jf. forældreansvarslovens § 4. Bestemmelsen gælder al-
le tilfælde, hvor der er gennemført en adoption, og er således ikke begrænset til tilfælde,
hvor den gennemførte adoption er gennemført uden samtykke.
Med den foreslåede ændring af § 20 a modificeres betingelsen om, at der skal have væ-
ret samvær m.v. mellem barnet og ansøgeren forud for adoptionen, før der kan fastsæt-
tes samvær eller anden form for kontakt. Efter forslaget skal der navnlig lægges vægt på
forudgående samvær, når der efter adoptionen skal træffes afgørelse om fastsættelse af
Ved vurderingen af, om der skal fastsættes samvær, giver den foreslåede ændring af be-
stemmelsen mulighed for at tage hensyn til, om der forud for adoptionen har været sam-
vær mellem barnet og ansøgeren.
Med den foreslåede ændring vil det bl.a. blive muligt at fastsætte samvær mellem et helt
lille barn og de oprindelige slægtninge efter bortadoption af barnet, selvom der ikke har
været kontakt forud for adoptionen. I sådanne tilfælde forudsætter fastsættelse af sam-
vær, at samværet kan foregå under betryggende forhold, eventuelt med professionel stø-
tte, og at samværet vurderes at være bedst for barnet.
Bestemmelsen vil også omfatte situationer, hvor der hverken før eller efter adoptionen
har været kontakt mellem barnet og ansøgeren, men hvor der i forhold til et større barn
opstår et behov for eller ønske om kontakt, og en sådan kontakt vurderes at være bedst
for barnet.”
Den Europæiske Menneskerettighedskonventions artikel 8 lyder således:
til respekt for privatliv og familieliv
Artikel 8
Stk. 1. Enhver har ret til respekt for sit privatliv og familieliv, sit hjem og sin korre-
Stk. 2. Ingen offentlig myndighed må gøre indgreb i udøvelsen af denne ret, medmindre
det sker i overensstemmelse med loven og er nødvendigt i et demokratisk samfund af
hensyn til den nationale sikkerhed, den offentlige tryghed eller landets økonomiske vel-
færd, for at forebygge uro eller forbrydelse, for at beskytte sundheden eller sædelighe-
den eller for at beskytte andres rettigheder og friheder.”
Artikel 3, stk. 1, og artikel 9 i FN-konvention af 20. november 1989 om Barnets Rettigheder
(FN’s Børnekonvention) lyder således:
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Stk. 1. I alle foranstaltninger vedrørende børn, hvad enten disse udøves af offentlige el-
ler private institutioner for socialt velfærd, domstole, forvaltningsmyndigheder eller lov-
givende organer, skal barnets tarv komme i første række.
Artikel 9
Stk. 1. Deltagerstaterne skal sikre, at barnet ikke adskilles fra sine forældre mod deres
vilje, undtagen når kompetente myndigheder, hvis afgørelser er undergivet retlig prø-
velse, i overensstemmelse med gældende lov og praksis bestemmer, at en sådan adskil-
lelse er nødvendig af hensyn til barnets tarv. En sådan beslutning kan være nødvendig i
særlige tilfælde, f.eks. ved forældres misbrug eller vanrøgt af barnet, eller hvor foræl-
drene lever adskilt og der skal træffes beslutning om barnets bopæl.
Stk. 2. I behandlingen af enhver sag i medfør af stykke 1 skal alle interesserede parter
gives mulighed for at deltage i sagsbehandlingen og fremføre deres synspunkter.
Stk. 3. Deltagerstaterne skal respektere retten for et barn, der er adskilt fra den ene eller
begge forældre, til at opretholde regelmæssig personlig forbindelse og direkte kontakt
med begge forældre, undtagen hvis dette strider mod barnets tarv.
Stk. 4. Hvor en sådan adskillelse er en følge af en handling iværksat af en deltagerstat,
såsom tilbageholdelse, fængsling, udvisning, forvisning eller død (herunder dødsfald af
en hvilken som helst årsag, mens personen er i statens varetægt) af den ene eller begge
forældre eller af barnet, skal deltagerstaten efter anmodning give forældrene, barnet el-
ler om nødvendigt et andet medlem af familien de væsentlige oplysninger om, hvor den
eller de fraværende medlemmer af familien befinder sig, medmindre afgivelsen af op-
lysningerne ville være skadelig for barnets velfærd. Deltagerstaterne skal desuden sikre,
at fremsættelsen af en sådan anmodning ikke i sig selv medfører skadelige følger for
vedkommende person eller personer.”
Artikel 23 i FN-konvention af 13. december 2006 om rettigheder for personer med handicap
(FN’s handicapkonvention) lyder således:
for hjemmet og familien
Artikel 23
Stk. 1. Deltagerstaterne skal træffe effektive og passende foranstaltninger til at afskaffe
diskrimination af personer med handicap i alle forhold vedrørende ægteskab, familieliv,
forældreskab og personlige forhold på lige fod med andre med henblik på at sikre:
1. anerkendelse af retten for alle personer med handicap i den giftefærdige alder til at
indgå ægteskab og stifte familie på basis af de kommende ægtefællers frie og uforbe-
holdne samtykke,
2. anerkendelse af retten for personer med handicap til frit og under ansvar at be-
stemme antallet af deres børn og intervallerne mellem dem og til at få adgang til al-
derssvarende oplysninger samt undervisning om forplantning og familieplanlægning,
samt at der sørges for de nødvendige midler til, at de kan udøve disse rettigheder,
3. at personer med handicap, herunder børn, bevarer deres fertilitet på lige fod med
Stk. 2. Deltagerstaterne skal sikre de rettigheder og det ansvar, som hhv. tilkommer og
påhviler personer med handicap, med hensyn til værgemål, formynderskab, adoption af
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børn og lignende retsbegreber, såfremt disse retsbegreber findes i national lovgivning,
dog således at barnets tarv altid er af altafgørende betydning. Deltagerstaterne skal yde
passende bistand til personer med handicap ved disses udførelse af deres pligter som
opdragere af børn.
Stk. 3. Deltagerstaterne skal sikre, at børn med handicap har lige rettigheder med hen-
syn til familieliv. Med henblik på at virkeliggøre disse rettigheder og forebygge, at børn
med handicap skjules, forlades, vanrøgtes eller isoleres, forpligter deltagerstaterne sig til
at give tidlige og omfattende oplysninger, tilbud og støtte til børn med handicap og de-
res familie.
Stk. 4. Deltagerstaterne skal sikre, at et barn ikke adskilles fra sine forældre mod deres
vilje, undtagen når kompetente myndigheder, hvis afgørelser er undergivet retlig prø-
velse, i overensstemmelse med gældende lov og praksis bestemmer, at en sådan adskil-
lelse er nødvendig af hensyn til barnets tarv. Et barn må under ingen omstændigheder
adskilles fra sine forældre på grund af, at enten barnet eller den ene eller begge forældre
har et handicap.
Stk. 5. Deltagerstaterne skal, hvis den nærmeste familie ikke er i stand til at passe et
barn med handicap, udfolde alle bestræbelser på at tilvejebringe alternativ pasning hos
den fjernere familie eller, hvis dette ikke lykkes, i samfundet i familielignende omgivel-
Praksis fra Den Europæiske Menneskerettighedsdomstol
Den Europæiske Menneskerettighedsdomstol har i en række sager taget stilling til, om adop-
tion uden samtykke er forenelig med Menneskerettighedskonventionens artikel 8.
Menneskerettighedsdomstolens dom af 7. august 1996 i sagen Johansen mod Norge (nr.
17383/90) angik et barn, der blev tvangsfjernet umiddelbart efter fødslen, fordi moderen var
ude af stand til at tage sig af det – navnlig på grund af psykisk sygdom. Moderen fik i den
første tid samvær to gange ugentligt, men da barnet var ca. 6 måneder, besluttede myndighe-
derne, at barnet skulle bortadopteres, og samværet blev standset. Menneskerettighedsdom-
stolen fandt, at beslutningen om bortadoption og nægtelsen af samvær udgjorde en krænkelse
af Menneskerettighedskonventionens artikel 8. I dommen hedder det bl.a.:
(ii) The deprivation of parental rights and access
74. In the applicant's and the Commission's opinion, taking into care should in principle
be a temporary measure to be discontinued as soon as circumstances permit. The depri-
vation of the applicant’s parental rights and access had a permanent character and could
only be considered “necessary” within the meaning of Article 8 para. 2 (art. 8-2) if sup-
ported by particularly strong reasons. However, the applicant's state of health had not
been such that she would have been permanently unable to care for her daughter. The
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argument that the applicant might disturb the calm and stable foster-home environment
could not be decisive as access arrangements could have been implemented outside the
foster home. Having regard to the improvements in the applicant's situation and the
irreversible effects which the deprivation of the applicant’s parental rights and access
had on her enjoyment of family life with her daughter, the measures could not be said to
be justified.
75. In addition, the applicant disputed that the deprivation of her parental rights and ac-
cess were in her daughter's interest. On the contrary, the mother's contact with her child
during the period preceding her placement with the foster parents had been positive and
such contact could have contributed to a stable development of the child’s identity had
it been allowed to continue. The applicant further stressed that the measures had not
been based on proper and repeated reviews of the specific circumstances of her case but
on a general and prevailing view that adoption offered better prospects for the child’s
welfare than long-term fostering. Having been taken primarily to facilitate adoption, the
measures had seriously and permanently prejudiced the applicant's interests by depriv-
ing her of any prospects of being reunited with her daughter.
76. The Government argued that in cases such as the present one the necessity test to be
applied under Article 8 of the Convention (art. 8), rather than attempting to strike a “fair
balance” between the interests of the natural parent and those of the child, should attach
paramount importance to the best interests of the child, a principle which was firmly
rooted not only in the laws of the Council of Europe member States but also in the Or-
ganisation’s own policies (see Council of Europe: Committee of Ministers
Resolution (77) 33 on placement of children, adopted on 3 November 1977; 16th Con-
ference of European Ministers of Justice, Lisbon, 21-22 June 1988, Conclusions and
resolutions of the conference, pp. 5-6). In this connection the Government referred also
to the preamble to the 1996 European Convention on the Exercise of Children's Rights
and to Articles 3, 9 paras. 1 and 3, and 21 of the 1989 United Nations Convention on the
Rights of the Child. In any event, so the Government submitted, Article 8 of the Con-
vention (art. 8) should not be interpreted so as to protect family life to the detriment of
the child's health and development.
77. In the instant case, they maintained, the reasons mentioned above for the taking into
care and for maintaining the care decision concerned in force all suggested that it was
necessary to place the child permanently in a foster home. There was strong scientific
evidence indicating that the placement was more likely to be successful if the child was
adopted by the foster parents.
Reuniting the applicant with her daughter would have required extensive preparation
presupposing good cooperation between all the parties involved. However, the applicant
had shown an extremely hostile attitude towards the child welfare authorities in Bergen
and had actively obstructed their implementation of the care decision in respect of her
son by attempting to take him with her to Oslo. The competent authorities had therefore
considered that there was a danger that she might disturb the daughter's development in
the foster home and try to abduct her if given access. In these circumstances, having
regard to their margin of appreciation, the relevant authorities were entitled to think that
it was necessary for the protection of the child’s best interests to deprive the applicant of
her parental rights and access.
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78. The Court considers that taking a child into care should normally be regarded as a
temporary measure to be discontinued as soon as circumstances permit and that any
measures of implementation of temporary care should be consistent with the ultimate
aim of reuniting the natural parent and the child (see, in particular, the above-mentioned
Olsson (no. 1) judgment, p. 36, para. 81). In this regard, a fair balance has to be struck
between the interests of the child in remaining in public care and those of the parent in
being reunited with the child (see, for instance, the above-mentioned Olsson (no. 2)
judgment, pp. 35-36, para. 90; and the above-mentioned Hokkanen judgment, p. 20, pa-
ra. 55). In carrying out this balancing exercise, the Court will attach particular impor-
tance to the best interests of the child, which, depending on their nature and seriousness,
may override those of the parent. In particular, as suggested by the Government, the pa-
rent cannot be entitled under Article 8 of the Convention (art. 8) to have such measures
taken as would harm the child's health and development.
In the present case the applicant had been deprived of her parental rights and access in
the context of a permanent placement of her daughter in a foster home with a view to
adoption by the foster parents (see paragraphs 17 and 22 above). These measures were
particularly far-reaching in that they totally deprived the applicant of her family life
with the child and were inconsistent with the aim of reuniting them. Such measures
should only be applied in exceptional circumstances and could only be justified if they
were motivated by an overriding requirement pertaining to the child's best interests
(see, mutatis mutandis, the Margareta and Roger Andersson judgment cited above, p.
31, para. 95).
79. The question whether the deprivation of the applicant’s parental rights and access
was justified must be assessed in the light of the circumstances obtaining at the time
when the decisions were taken and not with the benefit of hindsight. That question must
moreover be considered in the light of the reasons mentioned in paragraphs 71 to 73
above for taking the daughter into care and for maintaining the care decision in force.
80. It is also relevant that it was in the child’s interest to ensure that the process of es-
tablishing bonds with her foster parents was not disrupted. As already mentioned, the
girl, who had been taken into care shortly after birth and had already spent half a year
with temporary carers before being placed in a long-term foster home, was at a stage of
her development when it was crucial that she live under secure and emotionally stable
conditions. The Court sees no reason to doubt that the care in the foster home had better
prospects of success if the placement was made with a view to adoption (see paragraphs
17 and 27 above). Furthermore, regard must be had to the fact that the child welfare au-
thorities found that the applicant was not “particularly motivated to accept treatment”
(see paragraph 17 above) and even feared that she might take her daughter away; for in-
stance, she had on one occasion tried to disappear with her son and on another occasion
she had failed to inform the authorities that he had run away from the children’s home
to join her (see paragraph 16 above).
81. In the Court’s opinion, the above considerations were all relevant to the issue of ne-
cessity under paragraph 2 of Article 8 (art. 8-2). It remains to be examined whether
they were also sufficient to justify the Committee’s decision of 3 May 1990 to cut off
the contact between the mother and the child (see paragraphs 17 and 22 above).
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82. In the first place, it must be observed that during the period between the birth of the
applicant's daughter on 7 December 1989 and the Committee's decision of 3 May 1990,
the applicant had had access to her child twice a week in a manner which does not ap-
pear to be open to criticism (see paragraph 16 above).
83. Secondly, as indicated in the Committee's decision of 3 May 1990, the applicant’s
lifestyle had by then already somewhat changed for the better (see paragraph 17 above).
It was rather the difficulties experienced in the implementation of the care decision con-
cerning her son which provided the reason for the authorities’ view that the applicant
was unlikely to cooperate and that there was a risk of her disturbing the daughter’s care
if given access to the foster home (see paragraphs 16 and 17 above).
However, it cannot be said that those difficulties and that risk were of such a nature and
degree as to dispense the authorities altogether from their normal obligation under Arti-
cle 8 of the Convention (art. 8) to take measures with a view to reuniting them if the
mother were to become able to provide the daughter with a satisfactory upbringing.
84. Against this background, the Court does not consider that the decision of 3 May
1990, in so far as it deprived the applicant of her access and parental rights in respect of
her daughter, was sufficiently justified for the purposes of Article 8 para. 2 (art. 8-2), it
not having been shown that the measure corresponded to any overriding requirement in
the child's best interests (see paragraph 78 above). Therefore the Court reaches the con-
clusion that the national authorities overstepped their margin of appreciation, thereby
violating the applicant's rights under Article 8 of the Convention (art. 8).
In this connection it should be noted that less than a year after 3 May 1990 the City
Court found that the applicant's material conditions had improved to the point where she
would have been able to provide her daughter with a satisfactory upbringing. An im-
portant consideration for the City Court in refusing to terminate care was the lack of
contact between the applicant and her daughter pending the proceedings, which state of
affairs resulted directly from the decision of 3 May 1990 to deprive the applicant of her
access (see paragraph 27 above).”
Menneskerettighedsdomstolens dom af 28. oktober 2010 i sagen Aune mod Norge (nr.
52502/07) angik et barn, der i en alder af 6 måneder blev anbragt i pleje. Da barnet var 7 år,
blev det af de sociale myndigheder frigivet til bortadoption og blev herefter adopteret af dets
plejeforældre, som barnet havde boet hos, siden barnet var omkring 1 år og 8 måneder. Men-
neskerettighedsdomstolen fandt, at der ikke forelå en krænkelse af Menneskerettighedskon-
ventionens artikel 8. I dommen hedder det bl.a.:
69. The Court observes in particular that A, who is now aged twelve, has been in foster
care practically all his life. He has never lived with the applicant except for the first six
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months of his life, during which he was neglected. During the next five years she saw
him on six of the fifteen opportunities offered, and for approximately a year she did not
see him because of her drug abuse problem. In the autumn of 2003 contact resumed and
in 2004 it became regular. She met A once in 2005, twice in 2006 and likewise there-
after. Thus the social ties between the applicant and A have been very limited. This
must have implications for the degree of protection that ought to be afforded to her right
to respect for family life under paragraph 1 of Article 8 when assessing the necessity of
the interference under paragraph 2 (see Chepelev v. Russia, no. 58077/00, § 28, 26 July
2007; Johansen (dec.), cited above; and Söderbäck v. Sweden, 28 October 1998, § 32,
Reports of Judgments and Decisions 1998-VII).
70. Furthermore, as observed by Mrs Justice Coward and as has already been mentioned
above, A's foster home placement had been of a long term character and was intended to
last for a long period. According to the court-appointed expert, A had no real attach-
ment to his biological parents. On the basis of expert assessments, the County Board
and the national courts found that A had been a vulnerable child since his first year,
born seven weeks prematurely, exposed to aggravated ill-treatment several times and to
the burden of being moved several times during the first months of his life. Because of
this he had a significant need for security, notably to be certain about his belonging to
his foster parents, which was likely to increase as he grew up. His need for absolute
emotional security would become crucial as he became aware of the fact that both his
mother and father had been heavy drug abusers, that they were undergoing methadone
treatment, that he had been exposed to serious ill-treatment and that the parents had
been suspected of this, as well as the fact that the father had spent more than six years in
prison. All these elements had to be integrated into his identity.
71. The Court also notes that A's particular need for security had been significantly
challenged by the applicant's wishing A to live with her father and his cohabitant and by
the great disturbance around his placement with his foster parents. The Court has taken
note of the applicant's submissions that she had accepted that A's foster home placement
was long term. According to her, there had been no disturbance around the foster home
placement since 2003, except for the disturbance created by the adoption proceedings.
She had stated clearly that she would not seek to have A returned to live with her and
that she considered it was in his best interest to grow up in the foster home. There was
no risk that the earlier conflicts would resume. However, from the material submitted
and her lawyer's pleadings to the Court, it appears that there is still a latent conflict
which could erupt into challenges to A's particular vulnerability and need for security.
Adoption would seem to counter such an eventuality.
72. Moreover, for the reasons set out in paragraph 60 of the Supreme Court's judgment
(quoted in paragraph 38 above), the Court sees no reason to doubt that the impugned
measures corresponded to A's wishes.
73. In view of the above, the Court is satisfied that there were such exceptional circum-
stances in the present case as could justify the measures in question (see Johansen, cited
74. A particular issue arose with regard to contact: whilst it was undisputed that contact
between A and the applicant (and his brother) was desirable, in the event of adoption
the applicant would no longer have a legal right of contact with A.
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75. On this point Mrs Justice Coward emphasised that the foster parents had facilitated
contact with the biological family far beyond their entitlements, both as regards the
circle of persons and the extent of the contact. The applicant had at earlier periods not
been fit to have contact, which could not be attributed to the foster parents. G. had not
wished to have contact as long as his situation was characterised by drug abuse and
crime. His mother and grandparents were on good terms with the foster parents and had
kept in contact with them and with A.
76. As to the doubt raised by the applicant about whether the foster parents would con-
tinue to be open to contact, Mrs Justice Coward pointed out that the County Board, the
City Court, the High Court and the court-appointed experts who had heard the foster
parents had found with great, almost absolute, certainty that this openness would con-
tinue. Agreeing with this finding, Mrs Justice Coward considered that the fact that con-
tact rights as such would disappear as a result of adoption could not carry great weight
in the assessment of A's best interest.
77. The applicant laid great stress in her pleadings to the Court on her argument that the
above assumption had been erroneous. However, the Court is unable to agree with this
argument. Contact did take place twice in 2007 (before and after the Supreme Court's
judgment of 20 April 2007), in 2008 and in 2009, and included overnight visits to A's
home and the applicant's home, several times in the presence of B and the applicant's
mother. In the Court's view, the fact that the level of contact after the Supreme Court
judgment corresponded to that which had existed before, clearly confirms the correct-
ness of the national assessment as to A’s foster parents’ openness to continued contact.
This is not undermined by the applicant's various submissions to the effect that the con-
tact arrangements proposed did not always meet her expectations and demands.
78. Against this background, it appears that the disputed measures did not in fact pre-
vent the applicant from continuing to have a personal relationship with A and did not
result in “cutting him off from his roots” with respect to contact with his biological
mother. In the Court's view, the relevant national authorities could reasonably consider
that the applicant's interest in maintaining a legal right of contact was outweighed by the
interest in authorising adoption.
79. Having regard to the circumstances of the case as a whole, the Court is satisfied that
the decision to deprive the applicant of parental responsibilities and to authorise the
adoption was supported by relevant and sufficient reasons and, bearing in mind the
national margin of appreciation, was proportionate to the legitimate aim of protecting
A's best interests.”
Menneskerettighedsdomstolens dom af 31. maj 2011 i sagen R & H mod United Kingdom
(nr. 35348/06) angik et barn, der blev tvangsfjernet umiddelbart efter fødslen. Da barnet var
ca. 1 år, indledte myndighederne en sag om frigivelse af barnet til bortadoption. Spørgsmålet i
sagen var bl.a., hvilken betydning muligheden for efterfølgende samvær havde for beslutnin-
gen om frigivelse til bortadoption. Under sagen for de nationale domstole afgav en ekspert
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(professor Triseliotis) forklaring. Han anbefalede, at der burde være samvær mellem barnet og
de biologiske forældre efter en adoption, og at adoptionsmyndighederne skulle gøre alt, hvad
der var muligt, for at finde adoptivforældre, der var indstillet på et sådant samvær. Hvis dette
inden for en periode på seks måneder ikke viste sig at være muligt, anbefalede han dog, at
barnet alligevel blev frigivet til adoption. Den nationale domstol besluttede at frigive barnet til
adoption uden at afvente, at der blev fundet adoptanter, som var indstillet på samvær, men den
myndighed, som skulle gennemføre adoptionen, tilkendegav, at den ville bestræbe sig på at
finde adoptanter, som var indstillet på samvær.
Menneskerettighedsdomstolen fandt, at der ikke forelå en krænkelse af artikel 8, og udtalte
“2. The Court’s assessment
73. The Court has observed that the applicants’ complaints relate to both the procedural
and substantive requirements of Article 8 (see paragraph 57 above) and it will examine
each in turn. At the outset, however, the Court wishes to underline that, in all decisions
concerning children, their best interests must be paramount. As the Grand Chamber re-
cently observed in Neulinger and Shuruk v. Switzerland [GC], no. 41615/07, § 136,
6 July 2010:
“The child’s interest comprises two limbs. On the one hand, it dictates that the
child’s ties with its family must be maintained, except in cases where the family has
proved particularly unfit. It follows that family ties may only be severed in very ex-
ceptional circumstances and that everything must be done to preserve personal rela-
tions and, if and when appropriate, to ‘rebuild’ the family [Gnahoré v. France,
no. 40031/98, § 59, ECHR 2000-IX] On the other hand, it is clearly also in the
child’s interest to ensure its development in a sound environment, and a parent can-
not be entitled under Article 8 to have such measures taken as would harm the child’s
health and development (see, among many other authorities, Elsholz v. Germany
[GC], no. 25735/94, § 50, ECHR 2000-VIII, and Maršálek v. the Czech Republic,
no. 8153/04, § 71, 4 April 2006).”
b. The substantive requirements of Article 8
81. In assessing whether the freeing order was a disproportionate interference with the
applicants’ Article 8 rights, the Court must consider whether, in the light of the case as a
whole, the reasons adduced to justify this measure were relevant and sufficient for the
purposes of paragraph 2 of Article 8 of the Convention (see, among other authorities, K
and T. v. Finland [GC], no. 25702/94, § 154, ECHR 2001-VII).
In carrying out that assessment, it must be borne in mind that the national authorities ha-
ve the benefit of direct contact with all the persons concerned, often at the very stage
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when care measures are being envisaged or immediately after their implementation. The
Court’s task is not to substitute itself for the domestic authorities in the exercise of their
responsibilities for the regulation of the public care of children and the rights of parents
whose children have been taken into care, but rather to review, in the light of the Con-
vention, the decisions taken by those authorities in the exercise of their power of
appreciation (see Scozzari and Giunta v. Italy [GC], nos. 39221/98 and 41963/98, §
201, ECHR 2000-VIII; Johansen v. Norway, 7 August 1996, § 64, Reports of
Judgments and Decisions 1996 III ). Those considerations also apply to the making of
adoption orders and issues of post-adoption contact (G.H. B. v. the United Kingdom
(dec.), no. 42455/98, 4 May 2000).The Court would also recall that, while national
authorities enjoy a wide margin of appreciation in deciding whether a child should be
taken into care, stricter scrutiny is called for as regards any further limitations, such as
restrictions placed by those authorities on parental rights of access, and as regards any
legal safeguards designed to secure the effective protection of the right of parents and
children to respect for their family life. Such further limitations entail the danger that
the family relations between a young child and one or both parents would be effectively
curtailed (see Elsholz v. Germany [GC], no. 25735/94, § 49, ECHR 2000-VIII, and
Kutzner v. Germany, no. 46544/99, § 67, ECHR 2002-I). For these reasons, measures
which deprive biological parents of the parental responsibilities and authorise adoption
should only be applied in exceptional circumstances and can only be justified if they are
motivated by an overriding requirement pertaining to the child’s best interests (see
Aune v. Norway, no. 52502/07, § 66, 28 October 2010; Johansen, cited above, § 78 and,
mutatis mutandis, P., C. and S. v. the United Kingdom, no. 56547/00, § 118, ECHR
2002-VI). However, mistaken judgments or assessments by professionals do not per se
render childcare measures incompatible with the requirements of Article 8 of the Con-
vention. The authorities, both medical and social, have duties to protect children and
cannot be held liable every time genuine and reasonably held concerns about the safety
of children vis-à-vis members of their family are proved, retrospectively, to have been
misguided (R.K. and A.K. v. the United Kingdom, no. 38000/05, § 36, 30 September
87. On the issue of post-adoption contact, the Court finds some force in the applicants’
submission that the High Court should have followed Professor Triseliotis’s advice and
given the Trust six months to find suitable adopters before making the freeing order: it
is not apparent from the High Court’s judgment why this course of action was rejected.
However, in the Court’s view, any failing on the part of the High Court was remedied
by the approach taken by the Court of Appeal, which made clear its views that post-
adoption contact was in N’s interests and that the Trust should make every effort to find
prospective adopters who would agree to such contact. Lord Justice Nicholson’s
direction that Lord Justice Campbell should preside at the adoption order hearing was
made precisely in order to ensure that the Trust made those efforts. It cannot be said,
therefore, that the domestic courts allowed N to be freed for adoption without proper
regard for the fact that her interests, and those of the applicants, were best served by
post-adoption contact.
88. Finally, the efforts of the domestic courts to ensure that the Trust found suitable
prospective adopters also means that the Court should attach less weight to the appli-
cants’ submissions that first, they could not be criticised for not consenting to an adop-
tion when that adoption might have put an end to any prospect of rehabilitation and
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second, they were justified in refusing to consent to the order without proper guarantees
that contact would be maintained. As to the first submission, it is in the very nature of
adoption that no real prospects for rehabilitation or family reunification exist and that it
is instead in the child’s best interests that she be placed permanently in a new family.
Article 8 does not require that domestic authorities make endless attempts at family
reunification; it only requires that they take all the necessary steps that can reasonably
be demanded to facilitate the reunion of the child and his or her parents (Pini and Others
v. Romania, nos. 78028/01 and 78030/01, § 155, ECHR 2004-V (extracts)). Equally, the
Court has observed that, when a considerable period of time has passed since a child
was originally taken into public care, the interest of a child not to have his or her de
facto family situation changed again may override the interests of the parents to have
their family reunited (see, mutatis mutandis, K. and T. v. Finland, cited above, § 155;
Hofmann v. Germany (dec.), no. 66516/01, 28 August 2007). Similar considerations
must also apply when a child has been taken from his or her parents. As to the second
submission, had the position of the Trust not changed in the course of the proceedings,
and had the domestic courts not clearly expressed their preference for post-adoption
contact, the Court might have seen greater force in the applicants’ submission that they
were acting reasonably in refusing to agree to adoption. However, the manner in which
the freeing proceedings evolved demonstrates to the Court’s satisfaction that, once the
domestic courts had concluded that adoption was in N’s best interests, they were also
entitled to conclude that any reasonable parent who paid regard to their child’s welfare
would have consented to the adoption. That conclusion was well within the margin of
appreciation that domestic courts enjoy in such cases.
89. For the foregoing reasons, the Court concludes that the reasons given by the dome-
stic courts for the freeing order were relevant and sufficient. The freeing order was
therefore a proportionate interference with the applicants’ Article 8 rights.”
Menneskerettighedsdomstolens dom af 13. marts 2012 i sagen Y.C. mod United Kingdom (nr.
4547/10) angik et barn, der som 7-årig blev tvangsfjernet, hvorefter myndighederne indledte
en adoptionssag. Barnet blev anbragt hos den familie, der skulle adoptere barnet, og samværet
med de biologiske forældre blev afbrudt. Menneskerettighedsdomstolen fandt, at der ikke fo-
relå nogen krænkelse af artikel 8. Vedrørende baggrunden for den nationale domstols afslag
på samvær efter adoptionen fremgår det af dommen:
The domestic proceedings
5. Subsequent events
91. On 5 May 2010 the applicant made an application to the court for contact with K.
pursuant to section 26(3) of the 2002 Act (see paragraph 102 below). This was refused
on 16 September 2010. No court decision has been submitted to the Court but it appears
that there were ongoing concerns about the level of the parents’ separation. In a state-
ment to the court the social worker said that K. was forming a positive attachment to his
prospective adopter and that he had unhappy memories of his life with his parents. In
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her professional opinion direct contact would undoubtedly cause K. stress and anxiety
which would impact on the stability of his placement. The guardian filed a report along
similar lines. It is unclear whether the applicant sought leave to appeal.”
Menneskerettighedsdomstolen udtalte i sin begrundelse for, at der ikke forelå en krænkelse,
The Court’s assessment
a. General principles
134. The Court reiterates that in cases concerning the placing of a child for adoption,
which entails the permanent severance of family ties, the best interests of the child are
paramount (see Johansen v. Norway, 7 August 1996, § 78, Reports of Judgments and
Decisions 1996-III; Kearns v. France, no. 35991/04, § 79, 10 January 2008; and R. and
H., cited above, §§ 73 and 81). In identifying the child’s best interests in a particular
case, two considerations must be borne in mind: first, it is in the child’s best interests
that his ties with his family be maintained except in cases where the family has proved
particularly unfit; and second, it is in the child’s best interests to ensure his development
in a safe and secure environment (see Neulinger and Shuruk, cited above, § 136; and R.
and H., cited above, §§ 73-74). It is clear from the foregoing that family ties may only
be severed in very exceptional circumstances and that everything must be done to pre-
serve personal relations and, where appropriate, to “rebuild” the family (see Neulinger
and Shuruk, cited above, § 136; and R. and H., cited above, § 73). It is not enough to
show that a child could be placed in a more beneficial environment for his upbringing
(see K and T., cited above, § 173; and T.S. and D.S., cited above). However, where the
maintenance of family ties would harm the child’s health and development, a parent is
not entitled under Article 8 to insist that such ties be maintained (see Neulinger and
Shuruk, cited above, § 136; and R. and H., cited above, § 73).
b. Application of the general principles to the facts of the case
146. … While, as the Court has explained above, it is in a child’s best interests that his
family ties be maintained where possible, it is clear that in K.’s case this was out-
weighed by the need to ensure his development in a safe and secure environment…”
Menneskerettighedsdomstolens dom af 30. november 2017 i sagen Strand Lobben m.fl. mod
Norge (nr. 37283/13) angik bortadoption af et spædbarn. Moderen og barnet blev efter føds-
len placeret på en familieinstitution, men barnet blev tvangsfjernet efter ca. 3 uger, idet mode-
ren efter institutionens opfattelse ikke var i stand til at varetage omsorgen for barnet og der-
ved bragte det i livsfare. Moderen fik efterfølgende samvær 6 gange 2 timer om året. Samvæ-
ret blev senere udvidet, men da det forløb dårligt, fandt myndighederne, at samværet var til
skade for barnet. Da barnet var ca. 3 år, blev der truffet beslutning om, at plejeforældrene
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skulle adoptere barnet. Menneskerettighedsdomstolen fandt med stemmerne 4-3, at der ikke
forelå en krænkelse af artikel 8. I dommen, der endnu ikke er endelig, idet den ved beslutning
af 9. april 2018 er henvist til Menneskerettighedsdomstolens Storkammer, udtaler flertallet
“2. The Court’s assessment
(b) Proportionality
(i) General principles
104. The margin of appreciation so to be accorded to the competent national authorities
will vary in the light of the nature of the issues and the seriousness of the interests at
stake, such as, on the one hand, the importance of protecting a child in a situation which
is assessed as seriously threatening his or her health or development and, on the other
hand, the aim to reunite the family as soon as circumstances permit. When a considerab-
le period of time has passed since the child was originally taken into public care, the in-
terest of a child not to have his or her de facto family situation changed again may over-
ride the interests of the parents to have their family reunited. The Court thus recognises
that the authorities enjoy a wide margin of appreciation in assessing the necessity of ta-
king a child into care. However, a stricter scrutiny is called for in respect of any further
limitations, such as restrictions placed by the authorities on parental rights of access,
and of any legal safeguards designed to secure an effective protection of the right of pa-
rents and children to respect for their family life. Such further limitations entail the dan-
ger that the family relations between the parents and a young child are effectively cur-
tailed (see K. and T. v. Finland, cited above, § 155).
106. In cases where the authorities have decided to replace a foster home arrangement
with a more far-reaching measure, such as deprivation of parental responsibilities and
authorisation of adoption, with the consequence that the applicants’ legal ties with the
child have been broken, the Court will still apply its case-law according to which “such
measures should only be applied in exceptional circumstances and could only be justi-
fied if they were motivated by an overriding requirement pertaining to the child’s best
interests” (see, for example, Johansen, cited above, § 78, and Aune, cited above, § 66).
It should also be reiterated that in Gnahoré v. France, no. 40031/98, § 59, ECHR 2000
IX; see also Görgülü v. Germany, no. 74969/01, § 48, 26 February 2004), the Court
“it is clear that it is equally in the child’s interest for its ties with its family to be
maintained, except in cases where the family has proved particularly unfit, since
severing those ties means cutting a child off from its roots. It follows that the interest
of the child dictates that family ties may only be severed in very exceptional circum-
stances and that everything must be done to preserve personal relations and, if and
when appropriate, to ‘rebuild’ the family.”
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107. As to the decision-making process under Article 8, what has to be determined is
whether, having regard to the particular circumstances of the case and notably the serious
nature of the decisions to be taken, the parents have been involved in the decision-making
process, seen as a whole, to a degree sufficient to provide them with the requisite protect-
tion of their interests and have been able fully to present their case. Thus it is incumbent
upon the Court to ascertain whether the domestic courts conducted an in-depth exami-
nation of the entire family situation and of a whole series of factors, in particular of a
factual, emotional, psychological, material and medical nature, and made a balanced and
reasonable assessment of the respective interests of each person, with a constant concern
for determining what would be the best solution for the child. In practice, there is likely
to be a degree of overlap in this respect with the need for relevant and sufficient reasons
to justify a measure in respect of the care of a child (see, inter alia,
Y.C. v. the United
cited above, § 138).
108. Where children are involved, their best interests must be taken into account. The
Court reiterates that there is a broad consensus, including in international law, in support
of the idea that in all decisions concerning children, their best interests are of paramount
importance (see, among other authorities,
Neulinger and Shuruk v. Switzerland
[GC], no.
41615/07, § 135, ECHR 2010). Indeed, the Court has emphasised that in cases involving
the care of children and contact restrictions, the child’s interest must come before all
other considerations (see
Jovanovic v. Sweden,
no. 10592/12, § 77, 22 October 2015, and
Gnahoré, cited above, § 59).
109. The best interests of the child dictate, on the one hand, that the child’s ties with its
family must be maintained, except in cases where the family has proved particularly
unfit. On the other hand, it is clearly also in the child’s interest to ensure its development
in a sound environment, and a parent cannot be entitled under Article 8 of the Convention
to have such measures taken as would harm the child’s health and development (see,
among many other authorities,
Neulinger and Shuruk,
cited above, § 136). When a “con-
siderable period of time” has passed since the child was first placed in care, the child’s
interest in not undergoing further de facto changes to its family situation may prevail over
the parents’ interest in seeing the family reunited (see K. and T. v. Finland, § 155, cited at
paragraph 104 above, and, for instance, Kutzner, cited above, § 67). It is also recalled
that, in R. and H. v. the United Kingdom, no. 35348/06, § 88, 31 May 2011, the Court
“... it is in the very nature of adoption that no real prospects for rehabilitation or
family reunification exist and that it is instead in the child’s best interests that she
be placed permanently in a new family. Article 8 does not require that domestic
authorities make endless attempts at family reunification; it only requires that they
take all the necessary steps that can reasonably be demanded to facilitate the
reunion of the child and his or her parents (Pini and Others v. Romania, nos.
78028/01 and 78030/01, § 155, ECHR 2004 V (extracts)). Equally, the Court has
observed that, when a considerable period of time has passed since a child was
originally taken into public care, the interest of a child not to have his or her de
facto family situation changed again may override the interests of the parents to
have their family reunited (see, mutatis mutandis, K. and T. v. Finland, cited
above, § 155; Hofmann v. Germany (dec.), no. 66516/01, 28 August 2007).
Similar considerations must also apply when a child has been taken from his or
her parents.”
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110. In determining whether the reasons for the impugned measures were relevant and
sufficient for the purpose of paragraph 2 of Article 8 of the Convention, the Court will
have regard to the fact that perceptions as to the appropriateness of intervention by
public authorities in the care of children vary from one Contracting State to another,
depending on such factors as traditions relating to the role of the family and to State
intervention in family affairs and the availability of resources for public measures in this
particular area. However, consideration of what is in the best interests of the child is in
every case of crucial importance. Moreover, it must be borne in mind that the national
authorities have the benefit of direct contact with all the persons concerned, often at the
very stage when care measures are being envisaged or immediately after their imple-
menttation. It follows from these considerations that the Court’s task is not to substitute
itself for the domestic authorities in the exercise of their responsibilities for the regula-
tion of the care of children and the rights of parents whose children have been taken into
local authority care, but rather to review under the Convention the decisions taken by
those authorities in the exercise of their power of appreciation (see, for example,
K. and
T. v. Finland, cited above, § 154).
(ii) Application of those principles to the present case
(y) The decision to remove the first applicant’s parental authority and to authorise the
122. Authorising the adoption meant that X would lose his legal ties to his biological
mother. In that respect, the City Court took account, however, of how, despite the first
three weeks with the first applicant and the many subsequent contact sessions, X had
not bonded psychologically with the first applicant, despite having been told that she
was his biological mother (see paragraph 58 above). Moreover, the City Court empha-
sised that X was three and a half years old at the time of the decision to authorise adop-
tion and had lived in his foster home since he was three weeks old. His fundamental
attachment in the social and psychological sense was to his foster parents (see paragraph
57 above)
123. In essence, the above remarks show that the City Court found that the social ties
between X and the first applicant were very limited. The Court has previously held that
a finding to that effect had to have implications for the degree of protection that ought
to be afforded to the applicant’s right to respect for her family life under paragraph 1 of
Article 8 when assessing the necessity of the interference under paragraph 2 (see
cited above § 69, with further references to,
inter alia, Johansen v. Norway
(dec.), cited
above). In the instant case, the City Court also emphasised that if the adoption were not
authorised, it was in any event envisaged that X’s placement in foster care would be
long-term (see paragraph 57 above and also
cited above, §§ 70-71).
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124. As to the specific issue of contact between X and the first applicant, the Court has
observed that the City Court did not fix any such legal rights, nor was it competent to do
so (see paragraph 61 above). The adoption thus implied that the first applicant and X no
longer had any legal rights to access each other. The City Court took into account, how-
ever, that although the established access arrangements had been far from successful,
the foster parents were nevertheless willing to let X contact the first applicant if he so
wished (see paragraph 59 above). In the Court’s view, it is less certain what may be
inferred from the foster parents “openness to continued contact” in the present case
compared to in that of
cited above, §§ 74-78. The Court still considers that it was
not an irrelevant matter.
129. Against the above background, the Court observes that the City Court was faced
with the difficult and sensitive task of striking a fair balance between the relevant com-
peting interests in a complex case. It was clearly guided by the interests of X, notably
his particular need for security in his foster-home environment, given his psychological
vulnerability. Taking also into account the City Court’s conclusion that there had been
no positive development in the first applicant’s competence in contact situations
throughout the three years in which she had had rights of access (see para-graph 51
above); that the decision-making process was fair (see paragraph 112 above), and ha-
ving regard to the fact that the domestic authorities had the benefit of direct contact with
all the persons concerned (see paragraph 110 above), the Court is satisfied that there
were such exceptional circumstances in the present case as could justify the mea-sures
in question and that they were motivated by an overriding requirement pertaining to X’s
best interests (see paragraphs 106 and 119 above).
(iii) Conclusion as to merits
130. In light of the foregoing (see, in particular, paragraphs 112, 117 and 129 above),
there has been no violation of Article 8 of the Convention.”
Mindretallet, som fandt, at der var sket en krænkelse af artikel 8, udtalte bl.a.:
“IV. Whether in the present case the standards established in the case-law were met?
17. In our view, it has not been demonstrated in the instant case that the relevant stand-
ards in relation to adoption have been met.
18. As a preliminary point, it is stated in the majority judgment that it is not for the
Court to assess whether there were relevant and sufficient reasons for placing X in care
first as an emergency measure and subsequently for a longer period. While this is, strict-
ly speaking, true (the first applicant’s complaint relates to the child’s adoption), it can-
not be forgotten that those decisions fed inexorably into the decisions leading to adop-
tion, created the passage of time so detrimental to the reunification of a family unit, in-
fluenced the assessment over time of the child’s best interests and, crucially, placed the
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first applicant in a position which was inevitably in conflict with that of the authorities
which had ordered and maintained the placement and with the foster parents, whose in-
terest lay in promoting the relationship with the child with a view ultimately to adopting
him. It is not our purpose, in this dissent, to call into question the decisions of the do-
mestic authorities regarding placement given the evidence that the first applicant, par-
ticularly as the aforementioned conflict spiralled, had difficulty placing the interests,
experience and perceptions of the child above her own loss. However, it is not possible
to ignore the sequence of events which preceded and led to the adoption and in the con-
text of which that conflict appeared to grow. As the general principles outlined above
clearly state, a care order should be regarded as a temporary measure to be discontinued
as soon as possible where circumstances permit and States have a positive duty to facili-
tate reunification.
19. As regards the deprivation of the first applicant’s parental responsibility with a view
to authorising adoption, the majority judgment endorses the City Court decision of 22
February 2012 according to which there were “particularly weighty reasons” to allow
the latter (§ 120 of the majority judgment). Those reasons emerge in the majority judg-
ment as follows:
20. Firstly, the fundamental and psychological attachment of X to his foster parents giv-
en the length of time spent with them and the lack of psychological attachment to his
mother despite the many contact sessions is considered important (§ 122 of the majority
judgment). Relying on Aune v. Norway, the majority held that those limited social ties
between biological mother and child “had to have implications for the degree of protec-
tion that ought to be afforded to the first applicant’s right to respect for her family life”
(§ 123 of the majority judgment).
21. Although the adoption meant that the first applicant and X no longer had any legal
rights to access each other, the majority pointed secondly to the City Court’s reference
to the willingness of the foster parent’s “to let X contact the first applicant if he so
wished” (§§ 59 and 124 of the majority judgment). For the majority, this did not corre-
spond to the guaranteed access at issue in Aune, where no violation of Article 8 in an
adoption context had been found. However, the willingness of the foster parents is nev-
ertheless considered either a relevant or a sufficient reason in the instant case.
22. Thirdly, throughout the decisions of the domestic authorities and the majority judg-
ment, X’s vulnerability is referred to. In the Board’s decision of 2011 authorising adop-
tion, it is stated that the Board “finds it reasonable to assume that X is a particularly vul-
nerable child” (§ 43 of the majority judgment).
The child welfare authorities, in their opposition to the first applicant’s appeal against
the adoption report him as being a vulnerable child (ibid, § 46), a description also used
by the City Court (ibid, §§ 49 and 57). The majority judgment refers to these sources
and concludes that the City Court was guided by the interests of X, notably his particu-
lar need for security in the foster-home environment given his “psychological vulnera-
bility” (ibid, §§ 125 and 129).
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23. Finally, the tension and conflict during contact sessions between the first applicant,
the authorities and the foster mother and the child’s reaction to the latter, which were re-
lied on by the domestic authorities to extend the placement in care, are also relied on to
justify deprivation of parental responsibilities and adoption. Once again relying on Au-
ne, adoption was seen as a means to counter such risks of latent conflict.
24. Given the legal and social effects of adoption, its irreversibility and the exceptional
circumstances standard announced in the Court’s case-law and ostensibly adhered to in
the instant case, do these factors suffice? In addition, are there other factors absent from
the majority’s assessment given the material in the case file?
(1) As regards the lack of social and/or psychological ties between the biological mother
and the child, while the former was clearly at least partly responsible for the quality of
the contact sessions which took place, a mother who has been deprived of access to her
child, aged three weeks, albeit for legitimate reasons, is held solely responsible for the
inevitable decrease and even degradation in their social ties. Norwegian access rights
are notably restrictive and limited access rights have a particularly detrimental impact in
the first weeks, months and years of life. By April 2010, the first applicant’s contact
rights had been reduced to four two-hour visits per year. In addition, reliance on Aune
v. Norway is relevant only to a certain extent and should have been very clearly quali-
fied in our view. In that case the child who was later the subject of adoption proceedings
aged 12 years had been placed in care aged six months following serious physical and
psychological abuse which had culminated in a brain haemorrhage. His parents, both
drug users, continued to abuse drugs after his placement. His biological mother fre-
quently failed to attend contact sessions and disappeared entirely for one year. In con-
trast, while there is no doubt that the first applicant neglected her child in the first weeks
of its life, it is difficult not to see very fundamental differences between the factual ma-
trix in Aune, where some of the legal principles applied by the majority in this case
were developed, and the actions of the first applicant and her extended family since X
was first removed from their care.
(2) It is undisputed that the adoption put an end to the legal ties between the biological
mother and the child and the access rights of both. It therefore seems extraordinary that
the foster parents’ willingness to contemplate contact “if the child so wished” is fac-
tored into the legal assessment given that this willingness had no legally binding force
and that the child in question was aged three and a half years at the relevant time. Refe-
rence is made to the provision in Norwegian law for a form of open adoption but there
is no discussion of the need for the formal consent of the adoptive parents to such an
arrangement or their ability to withdraw it. Aune is once again relied on, this time to
highlight a fundamental difference between the two cases – in Aune contact had been
guaranteed and willingness proved. However, this difference is dismissed as not rele-
B har supplerende anført bl.a., at bortadoptionen er i strid med Den Europæiske Menneske-
rettighedskonventions artikel 8, FN’s Børnekonventions artikel 9 og FN’s Handicapkonven-
tionens artikel 23.
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Det følger af praksis fra Den Europæiske Menneskerettighedsdomstol, at medlemsstaterne
ved adoption uden samtykke ikke har samme skønsmargin – som ved anbringelse uden for
hjemmet – til at vurdere, om indgrebet er nødvendigt. Bortadoptionen er unødvendig, og
Statsforvaltningen har ved sin afgørelse handlet uden for den skønsmargin, der tilkommer den
efter Menneskerettighedskonventionens artikel 8.
Myndighederne har ved deres tilrettelæggelse af sagsbehandlingen forsøgt at sikre, at betin-
gelserne for bortadoption ville blive opfyldt. Dette ved at tvangsfjerne barnet kort tid efter
fødslen og herefter først etablere samvær med forældrene efter ca. et halvt år, hvorved relatio-
nen mellem barnet og forældrene reelt blev afbrudt. En sådan bevidst tilrettelæggelse af sags-
behandlingen med henblik på at sikre, at betingelserne for bortadoption blev opfyldt, er ulov-
Menneskerettighedskonventionens artikel 8 skal fortolkes i lyset af FN’s Børnekonventions
artikel 9, hvorefter myndighederne er forpligtet til at opretholde en regelmæssig, personlig
forbindelse mellem barnet og forældrene fra fødslen og fremefter. Statsforvaltningens undla-
delse heraf er en krænkelse af såvel Menneskerettighedskonventionens artikel 8 som Børne-
konventionens artikel 9.
Den omstændighed, at der – efter at der er truffet beslutning om bortadoption uden samtykke
– efter forældreansvarslovens § 20 a i princippet er mulighed for at etablere samvær mellem
barnet og de oprindelige forældre, er uden betydning for lovligheden af Statsforvaltningens
afgørelse, idet spørgsmålet om samvær ikke som et vilkår eller på anden måde indgår ved
afgørelsen af, om der er grundlag for bortadoption uden samtykke efter adoptionslovens § 9,
stk. 2 og 3. Forældreansvarslovens § 20 a giver i øvrigt ikke de oprindelige forældre nogen ret
til samvær, da samvær efter bestemmelsen alene tillades ”i helt særlige tilfælde”.
Statsforvaltningen har på trods af, at bevillingen om bortadoption blev givet den 19. juni
2018, endnu ikke taget stilling til, om der kan etableres samvær i medfør af forældreansvars-
lovens § 20 a.
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Menneskerettighedskonventionens artikel 8 skal endvidere fortolkes i lyset af FN’s Handi-
capkonventions artikel 23, hvorefter medlemsstaterne er forpligtet til om muligt at sikre han-
dicappede personer retten til at udøve et familieliv med relevant støtte. Denne forpligtelse har
Statsforvaltningen ikke iagttaget i tilstrækkeligt omfang ved som sket alene at yde støtte un-
der samvær og ved at tildele en støtteperson efter servicelovens § 54, stk. 1. Han er dermed i
strid med Handicapkonventionens artikel 23 blevet adskilt fra barnet på grund af sit handicap.
A har supplerende anført bl.a., at bortadoptionen er i strid med Den Europæiske Menneskeret-
tighedskonventions artikel 8, idet båndet mellem forældre og børn alene i ekstremt exceptio-
nelle tilfælde og under tvingende hensyn kan brydes. Sådanne helt exceptionelle omstændig-
heder foreligger ikke.
Sagsbehandlingen har været præget af, at myndighederne stedse har arbejdet for, at barnet
skulle bortadopteres. Dette ved først at afbryde og efterfølgende at minimere samværet samt
ved at gennemføre tvangsadoptionen, inden Højesteret har haft lejlighed til at tage stilling til
lovligheden af Statsforvaltningens afgørelse af 25. april 2017 om bortadoption. En sådan til-
rettelæggelse af sagsbehandlingen med henblik på at skabe rammerne for bortadoption er
Statsforvaltningen har på trods af, at bevillingen om bortadoption blev givet den 19. juni
2018, endnu ikke taget stilling til, om der kan etableres samvær med barnet.
Statsforvaltningen har supplerende anført bl.a., at afgørelsen af 25. april 2017 om adoption
ikke er i strid med hverken Den Europæiske Menneskerettighedskonvention, FN’s Børnekon-
vention eller FN’s Handicapkonvention.
Det krav, som er etableret i praksis fra Den Europæiske Menneskerettighedsdomstol vedrø-
rende Menneskerettighedskonventionens artikel 8, hvorefter der skal foreligge helt exceptio-
nelle omstændigheder før der kan ske adoption uden samtykke, er opfyldt, idet begge biologi-
ske forældre varigt er ude af stand til at varetage omsorgen for barnet, og idet adoption under
hensyn til kontinuiteten og stabiliteten er bedst for barnet.
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Barnets bedste kan ikke konkret tilgodeses i tilstrækkelig grad ved en tvangsmæssig anbrin-
gelse efter serviceloven. En tvangsmæssig anbringelse vil indebære, at barnet vil blive place-
ret hos en plejefamilie, der mod betaling skal sørge for hende, og som vil kunne opsige pleje-
forholdet. Barnet vil således ikke få mulighed for at udvikle grundlæggende familiemæssige
relationer, som er af afgørende betydning for hendes trivsel og udvikling.
De familiemæssige relationer, som A og B ville kunne tilbyde i forbindelse med samvær,
særligt henset til deres muligheder for følelsesmæssigt at tilgodese barnets behov, er util-
strækkelige. Hertil kommer, at en hjemgivelse af barnet må anses for at være helt urealistisk.
Ved vurderingen af, om adoptionen er i overensstemmelse med Menneskerettighedskonven-
tionen, skal det i øvrigt tillægges betydning, at adoptionen ikke nødvendigvis medfører, at
kontakten mellem A og B og barnet ophører, jf. forældreansvarslovens § 20 a om adgang til
samvær efter bortadoption. Statsforvaltningen har endnu ikke truffet afgørelse herom.
Indgrebet er på baggrund af det anførte både nødvendigt og proportionalt og dermed ikke i
strid med Menneskerettighedskonventionens artikel 8.
Der foreligger af samme grunde ikke nogen krænkelse af FN’s Børnekonvention, der be-
stemmer, at børn kan adskilles fra deres forældre og kontakt afbrydes, når det er nødvendigt
af hensyn til barnets tarv.
Handicapkonventionens artikel 23 forpligter deltagerstaterne til at støtte forældre, så de kan
udfylde deres forældrerolle, og sikre, at forældre med handicap ikke får frataget deres foræl-
dremyndighed udelukkende med henvisning til deres handicap. Bestemmelsen indebærer
imidlertid ikke en forpligtelse til at afprøve eller forsøge at afprøve støtteforanstaltninger, når
det i det hele er urealistisk, at foranstaltninger skulle kunne sætte forældrene i stand til at ud-
fylde deres forældrerolle. B er blevet tilbudt den støtte, som er relevant set i forhold til hans
massive vanskeligheder, og bortadoptionen indebærer således ikke en krænkelse af Handi-
capkonventionens artikel 23.
Barnet og adoptanterne har tilsluttet sig det, som Statsforvaltningen har anført.
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Højesterets begrundelse og resultat
Denne sag angår, om Statsforvaltningens afgørelse af 25. april 2017 om frigivelse til adoption
af barnet, som dengang hed C, og dermed den adoption, som efter landsrettens dom blev
gennemført ved bevilling af 19. juni 2018, skal ophæves.
Efter adoptionslovens § 9, stk. 2, kan adoption i særlige tilfælde meddeles uden forældrenes
samtykke, hvis væsentlige hensyn til, hvad der er bedst for barnet, taler for det. Efter § 9, stk.
3, kan adoption efter stk. 2 meddeles, hvis betingelserne i servicelovens § 58, stk. 1, nr. 1 eller
2, for anbringelse af barnet uden for hjemmet er opfyldt, og det er sandsynliggjort, at foræl-
drene varigt er ude af stand til at varetage omsorgen for barnet, og at adoption af hensyn til
kontinuiteten og stabiliteten i barnets opvækst vil være bedst for barnet.
Ved lov nr. 530 af 29. april 2015 blev kriterierne for adoption uden samtykke i § 9, stk. 3,
ændret. Efter lovændringen er det ikke længere en betingelse for adoption uden samtykke, at
forældrene ikke vil være i stand til at spille en positiv rolle for barnet i forbindelse med sam-
vær. Af lovens forarbejder fremgår, at denne ændring betyder, at barnets eventuelle samvær
eller anden kontakt med forældrene ikke i sig selv vil være til hinder for at gennemføre en
adoption, der anses for at være til gavn for barnet. Det er anført, at i en situation, hvor foræl-
drene ikke vil komme til at kunne varetage omsorgen for barnet, men hvor forældrene måske i
nogen grad formår at gennemføre samvær med barnet, eventuelt med professionel støtte, vil
barnets behov for stabilitet og kontinuitet i opvæksten bedst kunne tilgodeses gennem en
Lovændringen indebar endvidere, at det ikke skal være ”godtgjort”, at forældrenes manglende
forældreevne er varig, men ”sandsynliggjort”. Det fremgår af forarbejderne, at begrundelsen
for ændringen var, at kravet om, at det skulle være godtgjort, at forældrene varigt er uden
forældreevne, unødigt komplicerede anvendelsen af adoption som den rigtige indsats for ud-
satte børn. Formålet med ændringen fra ”godtgjort” til ”sandsynliggjort” var således at fjerne
en barriere i forhold til at anvende adoption uden samtykke i tilfælde, hvor der reelt ikke er
udsigt til, at forældrene kommer til at kunne varetage omsorgen for barnet, og dette er sand-
synliggjort, men hvor det ikke kan dokumenteres endegyldigt, at forældrene varigt er uden
forældreevne. Forarbejderne beskriver endvidere en række situationer, hvor betingelserne i §
9, stk. 3, kan være opfyldt. Højesteret finder, at det kan udledes af denne beskrivelse, at der
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skal være en høj grad af sandsynlighed for, at forældrene uanset støtteforanstaltninger ikke vil
blive i stand til at varetage omsorgen for barnet.
Af de grunde, som landsretten har anført, tiltræder Højesteret, at der er en høj grad af sand-
synlighed for, at A og B uanset støtteforanstaltninger varigt er ude af stand til at varetage om-
sorgen for deres barn, og at væsentlige hensyn til kontinuiteten og stabiliteten i hendes op-
vækst indebærer, at adoption er bedst for hende. Af de samme grunde er betingelserne for at
anbringe hende uden for hjemmet i medfør af servicelovens § 58, stk. 1, nr. 1, opfyldt. Høje-
steret tiltræder derfor, at betingelserne for adoption uden samtykke efter adoptionslovens § 9,
stk. 2 og 3, er opfyldt.
Adoptionslovens regler om adoption uden samtykke skal dog fortolkes i overensstemmelse
med Den Europæiske Menneskerettighedskonventions artikel 8 om ret til familieliv, og adop-
tion kan således kun ske, hvis det er foreneligt med konventionen. Spørgsmålet er herefter,
om beslutningen om adoption er forenelig med konventionen.
Det følger af Den Europæiske Menneskerettighedsdomstols praksis, at bortadoption af et barn
uden forældrenes samtykke kan være forenelig med konventionen, men at dette forudsætter,
at der er tale om helt særlige omstændigheder (”exceptional circumstances”), og at adoptionen
er begrundet i tungtvejende hensyn til barnets bedste (”an overriding requirement pertaining
to the child’s best interests”). Det fremgår af flere afgørelser fra Menneskerettighedsdomsto-
len, at Domstolen i sin proportionalitetsvurdering har lagt vægt på, at adoptionen i den kon-
krete sag ikke fuldstændigt afskar relationen mellem barnet og dets oprindelige slægt, idet der
også efter adoptionen måtte formodes at være kontakt (”post adoption contact”) mellem bar-
net og den oprindelige slægt. Det er ifølge disse afgørelser ikke en betingelse, at samvær eller
anden kontakt indgår som et vilkår for beslutningen om frigivelse til adoption, eller at der på
tidspunktet for denne beslutning er sikkerhed for, at der vil være samvær eller anden kontakt
efter adoptionen, jf. herved dom af 31. maj 2011 i sagen R og H mod United Kingdom (nr.
35348/06), præmis 87 og 89, og dom af 28. oktober 2010 i sagen Aune mod Norge (nr.
52502/07), præmis 75-79. I de nævnte sager lagde Domstolen imidlertid i den første sag til
grund, at myndighederne gjorde alt for at sikre, at adoptionen skete til adoptanter, der var
indstillet på fortsat samvær mellem barnet og de oprindelige forældre, og i den sidste sag lag-
de den til grund, at et hidtil velfungerende samvær ville fortsætte. Menneskerettighedsdom-
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stolen har endvidere i dom af 30. november 2017 i sagen Strand Lobben m.fl. mod Norge (nr.
37283/13), præmis 124, udtalt, at spørgsmålet om kontakt efter adoptionen ikke er irrelevant
(”not an irrelevant matter”). Sagen verserer nu ved Menneskerettighedsdomstolens Storkam-
Som anført finder Højesteret, at det med en høj grad af sandsynlighed må antages, at A og B
varigt er ude af stand til at varetage omsorgen for deres fælles barn, og at de heller ikke med
støtteforanstaltninger vil kunne blive i stand til dette. Alternativet til adoption vil derfor være,
at barnet med en høj grad af sandsynlighed vil skulle tilbringe hele sin barndom hos en pro-
fessionel plejefamilie med den usikkerhed, dette indebærer bl.a. med hensyn til, at plejefor-
holdet kan blive opsagt.
Højesteret finder derfor, at der foreligger sådanne helt særlige omstændigheder og tungtve-
jende hensyn til barnets bedste, at adoption uden samtykke som udgangspunkt er forenelig
med Menneskerettighedskonventionens artikel 8.
Spørgsmålet er, hvilken betydning det skal tillægges, at A og B fra få timer efter fødslen den
X. september 2016 og frem til den 1. marts 2017 ikke fik samvær med barnet, og at der endnu
ikke er taget stilling til spørgsmålet om samvær eller anden kontakt efter forældreansvars-
lovens § 20 a, efter at det hidtidige samvær bortfaldt som følge af adoptionsbevillingen af 19.
juni 2018.
For så vidt angår spørgsmålet om samvær inden adoptionen, bemærkes, at Ankestyrelsen ved
afgørelse af 14. december 2016 fastslog, at det ikke var nødvendigt af hensyn til barnets sund-
hed og udvikling, at forældrene ikke havde samvær. Kommunen traf herefter afgørelse om
samvær, og det første samvær fandt sted den 1. marts 2017.
Adoptionen er begrundet i, at A og B er vurderet varigt at være ude af stand til at varetage
omsorgen for deres barn, og Højesteret finder intet grundlag for at antage, at det manglende
samvær i barnets første måneder har haft betydning for denne vurdering. Højesteret finder
derfor, at tilsidesættelsen af deres ret til samvær i denne periode ikke kan føre til, at der ved
bortadoptionen af barnet er sket en krænkelse af Menneskerettighedskonventionen.
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For så vidt angår betydningen af, at A og Bs samvær med barnet ophørte ved adoptionen, og
at Statsforvaltningen endnu ikke har truffet afgørelse herom, bemærker Højesteret, at der først
kan træffes afgørelse om en anmodning efter forældreansvarslovens § 20 a om samvær eller
anden form for kontakt, når adoptionen er gennemført. Højesteret bemærker herved yderlige-
re, at det som anført ovenfor ikke kan udledes af Menneskerettighedsdomstolens praksis, at
samvær eller anden kontakt skal indgå som et vilkår for adoptionen, eller at der på tidspunktet
for adoptionen skal være sikkerhed for, at der vil være samvær eller kontakt efter adoptionen.
Samtidig fremgår det dog af Domstolens praksis, at spørgsmålet om kontakt mellem barnet og
dets oprindelige slægt kan indgå i proportionalitetsvurderingen ved afgørelsen af, om en
adoption uden samtykke er forenelig med artikel 8. Højesteret finder på den baggrund, at det i
almindelighed må kræves, at afgørelsen af, om der efter adoptionen skal være samvær eller
kontakt mellem de biologiske forældre og barnet, træffes i så nær tidsmæssig tilknytning til
adoptionen som muligt.
Ved vurderingen efter forældreansvarslovens § 20 a af, om betingelserne for at træffe be-
stemmelse om samvær eller anden form for kontakt er opfyldt, finder Højesteret, at bestem-
melsen må fortolkes i overensstemmelse med Menneskerettighedskonventionen. Der skal
således tages hensyn til, at Menneskerettighedsdomstolen i flere afgørelser om adoption uden
samtykke har tillagt det betydning, at adoptionen ikke fuldstændigt afskar relationen mellem
barnet og dets oprindelige slægt. Højesteret finder derfor, at det næppe vil være i overens-
stemmelse med konventionen, hvis samvær eller anden kontakt efter forældreansvarslovens §
20 a kun er en mulighed ”i helt særlige tilfælde”. Afgørelsen skal i alle tilfælde træffes under
hensyntagen til, hvad der er bedst for barnet. Det må således ved afgørelsen om samvær ind-
gå, om det bl.a. i lyset af forløbet af et samvær forud for adoptionen kan antages, at forældre-
ne, eventuelt med støtte, vil kunne spille en positiv rolle for barnet i forbindelse med samvær
eller anden kontakt, herunder ved at barnet får mulighed for at kende sine rødder, muligt gen-
nem et samvær, der er mere begrænset end før adoptionen.
Statsforvaltningen bør så hurtigt, som det er muligt, træffe afgørelse efter forældreansvarslo-
vens § 20 a, om det er bedst for barnet, at hun fortsat skal have samvær eller anden kontakt
med A og B.
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Sammenfattende finder Højesteret, at adoptionen uden samtykke ikke udgør en krænkelse af
Menneskerettighedskonventionens artikel 8.
For så vidt angår forholdet til FN’s Børnekonvention og FN’s Handicapkonvention bemærker
Højesteret, at afgørelsen om adoption ikke er begrundet i Bs handicap, men i hans og As
manglende evne til at varetage omsorgen for deres barn. Som anført finder Højesteret, at det
med en høj grad af sandsynlighed må antages, at de uanset støtteforanstaltninger varigt vil
være ude af stand til at varetage omsorgen for deres barn. Herefter, og da beslutningen om
adoption er truffet ud fra hensynet til barnets bedste, finder Højesteret, at afgørelsen om
adoption uden samtykke er i overensstemmelse med FN’s Børnekonvention, og at den ikke er
i strid med FN’s Handicapkonvention.
Højesteret stadfæster herefter dommen.
Thi kendes for ret:
Landsrettens dom stadfæstes.
Ingen part skal betale sagsomkostninger til nogen anden part eller til statskassen.