Europaudvalget 2018-19 (2. samling)
EUU Alm.del Bilag 75
Bucharest, Romania, 23 June 2019
Mr Angel TÎLVĂR, Chairman of the European Affairs Committee, Romanian
Camera Deputaților;
Ms Gabriela CREȚU,
Chairwoman of the European Affairs Committee,
Mr Christian BUCHMANN, Chair of the EU Committee, Austrian
Mr Jani
MÄKELÄ, First Deputy Chairperson of the Grand Committee, Finnish
1. Adoption of the agenda of the Meeting of the Presidential Troika of COSAC
2. Approval of the draft programme of the LXI COSAC
3. Presentation of the 31st Bi-annual Report of COSAC
4. Debate on the draft Contribution and Conclusions of the LXI COSAC
5. Letters received by the Presidency
6. Any other business
1. Adoption of the agenda of the Meeting of the Presidential Troika of COSAC
Angel TÎLVĂR, Chairman of the European Affairs Committee, Romanian
welcomed the delegations of the Presidential Troika of COSAC (hereinafter
referred to as "the Troika") and thanked them for their support and cooperation.
The agenda of the meeting of the Troika was then adopted without amendment.
2. Approval of the draft programme of the meeting of the LXI COSAC
Mr TÎLVĂR then briefly outlined the programme of the meeting of the LXI COSAC to be held
the following day and which would consist of four sessions:
Session I: Achievements of the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European
Session II: Prospects for international trade relations of the European Union; the future
of relations between the European Union and the UNITED KINGDOM in the context
of "Brexit";
Session III: The European Education Area as a driving factor for reshaping and
strengthening the Single Market;
Session IV: Economy based on innovation, technological progress and social European
Union impact; the role of national parliaments in fostering the "New Economy" of the
The draft programme of the LXI COSAC was approved without amendment.
EUU, Alm.del - 2018-19 (2. samling) - Bilag 75: Referat fra COSAC-møde og Trojka-møde i Bukarest 23-25/6-19
3. Presentation of the 31st Bi-annual Report of COSAC
invited the Permanent Member of the COSAC secretariat, Mr Kenneth CURMI,
to present the 31st Bi-annual Report of COSAC based on Parliaments' replies to the related
questionnaire circulated to delegations on 18 February 2019 with the deadline for submitting
replies on 19 March 2019.
Mr CURMI briefly referred to the three chapters of the Report: the first one concentrated on
prospects of international trade relations of the European Union and the future of relations
between the European Union and the United Kingdom in the context of Brexit; the second one
dealt with the European Education Area as a driving factor for reshaping and strengthening the
Single Market; and the third and final chapter addressed the economy based on innovations,
technological progress and social impact and the
role of Parliaments in fostering the “New
Economy” of the European Union.
Before moving on to the next point on the agenda, the Chair thanked the COSAC Secretariat
for their work in compiling the informative report.
4. Debate on the draft Contribution and Conclusions of the LXI COSAC
The draft text of the Contribution and the Conclusions was circulated to delegations on 11 June
2019. One amendment had been received regarding the Conclusions, which was accepted by
the Troika, endorsing the resulting new draft based on the text proposed by the Presidency.
Regarding the draft Contribution, amendments received from delegations by 14 June 2019 were
translated into French and, together with the initial text, included in a table, which had been
distributed to all delegations. A number of compromise proposals elaborated by the Presidency
were submitted to the Troika, with the latter agreeing to a modified text of the draft
5. Letters received by the Presidency
The Chair referred to the following letters received by the Presidency:
- The Chair referred to all the letters received by the Presidency, both before and after the
Chairpersons meeting, namely letters from Ms Karin KELLER-SUTTER, President of the
EFTA/EU Delegation of the Swiss Federal Assembly; Ms Tamar KHULORDAVA, Chair
of the Committee on European Integration, Parliament of Georgia; Mr Fabrice NOTARI,
Chair of the Monitoring Committee on Negotiations with the European Union, and Mr
Stéphane VALERI, Speaker,
Conseil National
of the Principality of Monaco; Ms Tone
Wilhelmsen TRØEN, President of the Norwegian
Ms Aslaug Arna
SIGURBJÖRNSDÓTTIR, Chair of the Standing-Committee on Foreign Affairs of the
Icelandic Althingi; and from Ms Blerta DELIU-KODRA, Chair of the Committee on
European Integration, Assembly of Kosovo
, regarding participation in COSAC. Following
consultation with the Troika, letters of invitation had been sent out. A number of invitation
letters were also sent out to other Parliaments.
- Letter from Mr Václav HAMPL, Chair of the Committee on European Union Affairs, Czech
asking the LXI COSAC to urge the European institutions into action regarding the
exclusion of the Christmas/New Year period from the eight-week deadline for submitting
reasoned opinions. Mr
thanked the Troika for their cooperation on this issue.
This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with Resolution 1244 of the United
Nations Security Council and to the opinion of the ICJ on the declaration of independence of Kosovo.
EUU, Alm.del - 2018-19 (2. samling) - Bilag 75: Referat fra COSAC-møde og Trojka-møde i Bukarest 23-25/6-19
- Letter from Mr
BLAHA, Chair of the Committee on EU Affairs, Slovak
informing participants about the meeting of the Visegrad countries - Serbia held in
Bratislava on 16 - 18 June 2019 and sharing the conclusions adopted at this meeting.
- Letter from Ms Tamar KHULORDAVA, Chair of the Committee on European Integration,
Parliament of Georgia, requesting to discuss the issue of Georgia„s security and sovereignty
during the LXI COSAC. Mr
noted that the President had informed Ms
KHULORDAVA that the agenda had already been adopted by the Romanian Parliament and
also approved at the Chairpersons meeting held in Bucharest earlier that year, meaning that
the matter could not be included as a subject during the plenary meeting. Nevertheless, the
Georgian delegation would have the opportunity to take the floor during the debate to raise
the topic.
- Letter from Mr Jean BIZET, Chairman of the Committee of European Affairs, French
requesting to discuss voluntary civil security work (in relation
to the recent †Matzak„ ruling)
during the LXI COSAC.
- Letters from Ms Mairead McGUINNESS and Ms Danuta HÜBNER, European Parliament,
indicating that they would not be able to participate to the meeting.
- Letter from Mr Pieter OMTZIGT and Ms Renske LEIJTEN, Dutch
Tweede Kamer
delegates for a discussion on transparency in Council.
6. Any other business
referred to the co-financing mechanism and recalled that letters were sent to
Parliaments/Chambers by the Romanian Presidency inviting them to contribute. Thus far, the
Presidency had received 29 letters from almost all Parliaments/Chambers. He added that a
reminder would be delivered during the COSAC plenary.
Ms Gabriela CREȚU
referred to the
proposal made during the Chairpersons meeting in January
by Mr Kristian VIGENIN, Chair of the Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the
European Funds, Bulgarian
Narodno Sabranie,
regarding possible participation at COSAP
meetings. Ms CREȚU recalled that it had been decided to attend in case of an invitiation: such
an invitation was indeed received, and she had attended the conference together with Mr
Mr Christian BUCHMANN, Chair of the EU Committee, Austrian
referred to the
discussion on the Western Balkans, and efforts to bring them closer to the EU. Macedonia had
done a lot of good work to solve its problems, while Albania had also shown a lot of effort in
this regard. Mr BUCHMANN thanked colleagues for their cooperation, especially during the
Austrian Presidency, which had proved successful. He especially thanked the Romanian
colleagues for their good work during their Presidency.
The Chair thanked Mr BUCHMANN in return, and promised the forthcoming Finnish
Presidency the same cooperation offered by the Austrians.
Mr Jani MÄKELÄ, First Deputy Chairperson of the Grand Committee, Finnish
thanked the Romanian colleagues for their work and promised to build upon this, adding that
most of the topics on the agenda would also be on the agenda during the Finnish Presidency,
including Brexit and topical subjects like the economy, Ukraine and relations with Iran.
Ms CREȚU joined the chair in thanking Mr BUCHMANN for the support shown during their
Presidency. Mr
then closed the meeting.