Europaudvalget 2019-20
EUU Alm.del Bilag 106
Evaluation of the Communication on Important
Projects of Common European Interest
(IPCEI), in the context of the fitness check on
State aid policy
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Generally on IPCEIs
The European Commission fully supports initiatives of EU Member States working together to enable
Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEIs). IPCEIs are about cross-border ambitious
projects that often entail significant risks, which private investors are not willing to take on by themselves. In
such cases, public support from several EU Member States may be necessary to fill the financing gap, to
overcome market failures and allow such strategic projects to see the light of day. The public support can in
addition unlock or leverage significantly higher amounts of private investments, which would otherwise not
have taken place.
The Commission has put in place more flexible EU State aid rules (the IPCEI Communication) to smooth
the way: at least two Member States – but preferably more – can pool their resources to support an IPCEI
in strategic sectors of the economy, including ambitious research, development and innovation (R&D&I),
the environment, transport, energy, information technology etc. They can provide support in a number of
forms (loans, repayable advances, guarantees or grants) to cover up to 100% of the funding gap, including
for the first industrial deployment of an R&D&I project, i.e. the up-scaling of pilot facilities and the testing
phase while introducing innovative, first of a kind processes and/or products.
At the same time, for R&D&I projects in particular, the full innovation benefits of IPCEIs can only be
achieved, if public funding stimulates rather than crowds out private investments and the benefits are
shared widely and do not distort the level playing field in the internal market. A competitive environment is
in itself an important stimulus for companies to innovate, thus maximising the benefits for consumers,
upstream and downstream industries and European society as a whole.
Finally, IPCEIs complement other EU actions to enable growth and innovation in Europe, e.g. via the
Investment Plan for Europe (expected to trigger more than €350 billion in investments) or Horizon 2020
(nearly €80 billion of funding). Together, these actions aim at helping European industries to seize their full
potential in innovation, digitisation and decarbonisation.
Opportunities for IPCEIs
The decision to design and set up IPCEIs lies in the hands of participating Member States and companies.
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 106: Notat samt høringssvar vedr. evaluering af meddelelsen om vigtige projekter af fælleseuropæisk interesse (IPCEI)
Since IPCEIs are funded from national budgets, Member States are in the driving seat to identify the scope
of the project, to select, following open calls/tenders, participating companies and research institutions, and
to agree on project governance and the terms and conditions of the support. Given the cross-border nature
and size of IPCEIs, this requires significant coordination efforts, in particular to gather essential information
for the approval process. The Commission of course stands ready to play a pro-active role to facilitate
IPCEIs. In other words, a successful and speedy implementation of IPCEIs requires all parties to pull their
weight – Member States, companies and the Commission.
To-date, the Commission has received one formal application from Member States to approve State aid
under the IPCEI framework for a large R&D&I project, namely in the microelectronics sector. The
Commission approved €1.75 billion of State aid for this integrated project involving four Member States in
December 2018 (see further details below).
The Commission welcomes further reflections on how to best make IPCEIs a success. Interested parties
are invited to submit their views on the implementation of the IPCEI Communication as part of the Fitness
Check (see below).
The microelectronics IPCEI
In December 2018, the Commission approved under the IPCEI framework €1.75 billion of public
investment for an IPCEI in the microelectronics sector, which will unlock an additional €6 billion of private
investment. France, Germany, Italy and the UK as well as around 30 companies and research institutions
joined forces to enable new research and innovation in this key enabling technology. The project is
expected to stimulate additional downstream research and innovations in particular in relation to the
Internet of Things and to connected or autonomous cars. The results of the project will be disseminated by
participating companies benefiting from public support.
Possible batteries IPCEI(s)
Innovation in batteries is important for the clean energy transition and the competitiveness of a number of
European sectors, including the automotive sector. The EU Battery Alliance, launched in October 2017,
aims to address the technological challenges for the development of the batteries sector in Europe and to
respond to the expected high increase in demand for e-vehicles in the coming years. Furthermore, in May
2018, the Commission adopted a Strategic Action Plan on Batteries with sustainability requirements and
circularity at its core.
In this context, State aid may be appropriate and necessary to support the development of advanced and
disruptive battery technologies in Europe.
Work on possible IPCEIs for batteries is currently advancing with Member States and companies jointly
deciding on concrete IPCEI project(s) for batteries, which the Commission will assess as a matter of
priority. The Commission is in close contact with Member States and interested stakeholders on their
strategic outlines.
Other strategic value chains
Member States and stakeholders have also raised the possibility of IPCEIs in a number of other strategic
areas, including artificial intelligence and data.
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 106: Notat samt høringssvar vedr. evaluering af meddelelsen om vigtige projekter af fælleseuropæisk interesse (IPCEI)
In the context of the Renewed EU Industrial Policy Strategy, the Commission has set up the “Strategic
Forum for Important Projects of Common European Interest”, involving Member States and industry. The
role of the Strategic Forum is to identify key strategic value chains that require well-coordinated actions and
investments from industry and public authorities from several Member States (making use of IPCEIs as well
as other instruments).
The Strategic Forum defined key strategic value chains for which it will develop recommendations for
actions (Batteries; High performance computing, Microelectronics; Connected, clean and autonomous
vehicles; Smart health; Low-carbon industry; Hydrogen technologies and systems; Industrial Internet of
Things; Cybersecurity). Its report will be published in September 2019.
Fitness check on the Communication on Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEI):
List of evaluation questions for the targeted consultation of the members of the Strategic Forum for
Important Projects of Common European Interest and the State Aid Modernisation (SAM) Working
Why we are carrying out a Fitness Check
In 2012, the Commission launched the ‘State aid modernisation’. This initiative had three main objectives:
1) Foster growth in a strengthened, dynamic and competitive internal market; 2) Focus enforcement on
cases with the biggest impact on the internal market and 3) Streamline rules to enable faster decision
making. Since 2014 the Commission has revised a number of State aid rules. The aim of this ‘Fitness
check’ is to evaluate whether these State aid rules are still fit for purpose and establish if they have
contributed to achieving the EU 2020 policy objectives (see
Communication from the Commission, Europe
2020, A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth
). In addition, this consultation seeks views
concerning the effectiveness, efficiency, coherence, relevance and EU added-value of these State aid
rules. This ‘Fitness check’ takes into account: a) the general objectives of the ‘State aid modernisation’
initiative; b) the specific objectives of the legal framework as well as c) the current and (already known)
future challenges.
How we are consulting on the IPCEI Communication in the context of the Fitness Check
First, a general, public consultation on the Fitness Check of EU State aid rules (including the IPCEI
Communication) took place in the form of an online questionnaire, via the Commission’s Better Regulation
Portal (open from 17 April to 19 July 2019).
Besides the general public consultation, we are by means of the present list of questions performing a
targeted consultation of stakeholders, namely the members of the Strategic Forum and the State Aid
Modernisation (SAM) Working Group. This targeted stakeholder consultation aims at asking supplementary
questions in order to gather stakeholders’ views on the implementation of the IPCEI Communication and
receiving insights about potential lack of clarity, gaps, overlaps or excessive regulatory burden. 
Duration of the consultation and technical details
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 106: Notat samt høringssvar vedr. evaluering af meddelelsen om vigtige projekter af fælleseuropæisk interesse (IPCEI)
This targeted consultation will be open until
18 October 2019.
You can contribute to this consultation by filling in the online questionnaire. In addition to replying to the
multiple-choice questions, you can also add open text comments per question or even upload a longer
document with your views and proposals. Please note that only the last two versions of Internet Explorer,
Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome are supported by EUSurvey. Using other browsers might cause
compatibility problems. If you are unable to use the online questionnaire, please contact us as soon as
possible via email:
[email protected]
The questionnaire is available in English. However, you can submit your contribution in any EU language.
Please submit only
one contribution per stakeholder
. For your information, you have the option of saving
your contribution as a "draft" and finalizing your response at a later time. In order to do this you have to
click on "Save as Draft" and save to your PC or e-mail to yourself the link to your draft contribution in order
to be able to edit and/or finalize your answers late. Please note that without this new link, generated and e-
mailed to you by EUSurvey, you will not be able to access the "draft" again to complete the questionnaire.
Important note
: please remember that the system requires a “Save” before every 60-minute mark. Thus
we advise to “Save as Draft” frequently, otherwise you risk losing the data you have already entered in the
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I agree with the personal data protection provisions (see document in link below).
General Information
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Czech Republic
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 106: Notat samt høringssvar vedr. evaluering af meddelelsen om vigtige projekter af fælleseuropæisk interesse (IPCEI)
United Kingdom
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"Other", please specify
of respondent
Member State/Public authority
Private company/business organisation
Research Organisation/university
Trade Association
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"Other", please specify
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100 character(s) maximum
Muff Enevoldsen
200 character(s) maximum
of public authority/company/research organisation/university/association
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 106: Notat samt høringssvar vedr. evaluering af meddelelsen om vigtige projekter af fælleseuropæisk interesse (IPCEI)
Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial affairs
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[email protected]
you give us permission to contact you if we have follow-up questions?
Questions for targeted stakeholder consultation on the IPCEI
1. Does the IPCEI Communication have the potential to meet its overall objective of
facilitating the emergence of IPCEIs and giving Member States a tool to address
market failures in financing large transnational projects of a strategic importance for
the EU?
I don't know
Please specify the reason for your answer, if possible with information on
experience gained/real life examples.
5000 character(s) maximum
Are the eligibility requirements of the Communication (e.g. concept of ‘integrated
project’, minimum number of participating Member States, positive spillover effects,
co-financing by the beneficiaries, specific criteria on R&D&I and First industrial
deployment projects) appropriate to meet their objectives?
I don't know
Please specify the reason for your answer, if possible with information on
experience gained/real life examples.
5000 character(s) maximum
3. Are the Communication’s positive indicators (e.g. open nature of the project,
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 106: Notat samt høringssvar vedr. evaluering af meddelelsen om vigtige projekter af fælleseuropæisk interesse (IPCEI)
Are the Communication’s positive indicators (e.g. open nature of the project,
active coordination role of the Commission in the project’s design and/or selection
and/or governance, co-financing by a Union fund) appropriate to reach their
I don't know
Please specify the reason for your answer, if possible with information on
experience gained/real life examples.
5000 character(s) maximum
The IPCEI Communication establishes that “in order to address actual or
potential direct or indirect distortions of international trade, the Commission may
take account of the fact that, directly or indirectly, competitors located outside the
Union have received (in the last three years) or are going to receive, aid of an
equivalent intensity for similar projects” (point 34). This is referred to as the
‘matching clause’. Is the matching clause appropriate to meet its objectives?
I don't know
Please specify the reason for your answer, if possible with information on
experience gained/real life examples.
5000 character(s) maximum
5. Is the IPCEI Communication well-structured and sufficiently clear?
I don't know
Please specify the reason for your answer, if possible with information on
experience gained/real life examples.
5000 character(s) maximum
6. Are the eligibility criteria sufficiently clear:
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 106: Notat samt høringssvar vedr. evaluering af meddelelsen om vigtige projekter af fælleseuropæisk interesse (IPCEI)
Definition of a project (single/integrated)(section 3.1 IPCEI Communication)
Common European interest: Important contribution to Union objectives
(points 14-15)
Positive spillover effects (points 16-17)
General positive indicators (section 3.2.2)
Specific criteria for R&D&I projects (point 21)
Specific criteria for projects comprising of first industrial deployment (point 22)
Specific criteria on environmental, energy or transport projects (point 23)
Importance of the project (section 3.3)
I don't
Please specify the reason for your answer, if possible with information on
experience gained/real life examples.
5000 character(s) maximum
7. Are the compatibility criteria sufficiently clear:
I don't
Necessity and proportionality of the aid (section 4.1)
Prevention of undue distortions of competition and balancing test (section
Please specify the reason for your answer, if possible with information on
experience gained/real life examples.
5000 character(s) maximum
Individual companies participating in an IPCEI must provide a funding gap
analysis for their individual project in relation to which they apply for aid (point 31).
Are there particular difficulties in identifying the funding gap of such individual
I don't know
8.1. Please specify the reason for your answer, if possible with information on
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 106: Notat samt høringssvar vedr. evaluering af meddelelsen om vigtige projekter af fælleseuropæisk interesse (IPCEI)
8.1. Please specify the reason for your answer, if possible with information on
experience gained/real life examples.
5000 character(s) maximum
Are the requirements on eligible costs (notably those related to first industrial
deployment projects – outilned in the Annex including footnotes) sufficiently clear?
I don't know
Please specify the reason for the answer, if possible with information on
experience gained/real life examples.
5000 character(s) maximum
10. Is the spreading of information on ongoing or potential IPCEIs in relation to
identified strategic value chains via the Commission’s IPCEI Strategic Forum
(managed by DG GROW) sufficient or should additional channels / platforms be
used? If so, please specify which channel.
5000 character(s) maximum
Is the IPCEI Strategic Forum sufficiently integrated with existing policy/business
I don't know
Please specify the reason for your answer, if possible with information on
experience gained/real life examples.
5000 character(s) maximum
Can the gathering of the necessary information and administrative coordination
for the Commission’s assessment be improved?
I don't know
12.1. If yes, how?
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 106: Notat samt høringssvar vedr. evaluering af meddelelsen om vigtige projekter af fælleseuropæisk interesse (IPCEI)
5000 character(s) maximum
If yes, how?
Final comments and document upload
Is there anything else you would like to add, which may be relevant for the
evaluation of IPCEI Communication?
5000 character(s) maximum
Please find enclosed the Danish response.
 If you wish to do so, you can attach a relevant supporting document.
The maximum file size is 1 MB