Europaudvalget 2022-23 (2. samling)
EUU Alm.del Bilag 486
(1) COSAC welcomes the prompt support and unwavering solidarity shown by the international
community for Ukraine since February 2022 when Russia upscaled its unprovoked and unjustified
military aggression against Ukraine to a full-scale invasion, and the strong unity shown by the
European Union in this regard.
(2) COSAC calls on the EU and its Member States, to continue to provide political, financial,
technical, military and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine, while respecting the specific character of
the security and defence policy of certain Member States. COSAC acknowledges the continuous
security threats in the Black Sea region, and help strengthening societal resilience in the Republic of
(3) COSAC condemns, in the strongest possible terms, Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, which
is a blatant violation of the Charter of the United Nations. It also condemns Belarus’ involvement in
Russia’s military aggression. COSAC underlines that the EU sanctions policy remains an effective
measure of deterrence towards both Russia and Belarus.
(4) COSAC confirms its unyielding support for Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty and territorial
integrity within its internationally recognised borders.
(5) COSAC reiterates the contribution of the LXVIII COSAC in Prague and calls for the immediate
and unconditional termination of Russia’s illegal military actions and withdrawal of all Russian forces
and military equipment from the territory of Ukraine.
(6) COSAC stresses the importance of the UN General Assembly resolution on the Principles of the
Charter of the United Nations underlying a comprehensive, just and lasting peace, with full respect for
Ukraine’s independence and territorial sovereignty.
(7) COSAC welcomes and gives its support to the work of all actors contributing to the restoration,
recovery and reconstruction of Ukraine. COSAC welcomes the work being conducted regarding the
use of Russian frozen and immobilised assets in order to support the reconstruction of Ukraine.
(8) COSAC calls on all relevant actors involved to incorporate a gender equality perspective in all
reconstruction, peace and security efforts.
(9) COSAC underlines the crucial importance of the continued strengthening of the pluralistic and
inclusive parliamentary democracy, the respect for human rights, including the rights of national
minorities, the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary.
(10) COSAC emphasises the importance of holding everyone to account who has ordered, committed
or participated in war crimes or other extremely serious crimes in connection with Russia’s war of
aggression against Ukraine and fully supports the International Criminal Court investigation in
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EUU, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 486: Bidrag og konklusioner fra COSAC-mødet i Stockholm den 14.-16. maj 2023
(11) COSAC welcomes efforts to establish a suitable judicial mechanism to investigate and prosecute
people who have participated in crimes of aggression in Ukraine. In this regard, COSAC welcomes the
start of operations of the Core International Crimes Evidence Database (CICED), and the
establishment of a new International Centre for Prosecution of the Crime of Aggression against
Ukraine (ICPA) at Eurojust. COSAC supports in the Member States the full implementation of the
principle of universal jurisdiction, aiming at reinforcing our common values that condemn human
rights violations and crimes against humanity.
(12) COSAC condemns the deportation of Ukrainian children by the Russian Federation. It also
condemns the violation of the right of deported Ukrainian children to preserve their identity, as
defined by Article 8 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, with the practice of forced
acceptance of Russian citizenship.
(13) COSAC welcomes and supports the ongoing enlargement process for the Ukraine, Western
Balkans, Moldova and in perspective Georgia, based on the fulfilment of set criteria. COSAC
underlines that the stability in the EU neighbouring countries is crucial for the stability and prosperity
of the entire Europe.
(14) COSAC underlines the importance of increased cooperation and information exchange at the EU
level in the fight against cross-border, organised crime. COSAC welcomes the coordinative role of
Eurojust in this respect and calls for the strengthening of cooperation with third countries.
(15) COSAC welcomes the initiatives taken by the co-legislators to prevent and fight cross-border
organised crime, and emphasises the importance of their timely implementation.
(16) COSAC calls for enhanced and effective action against migrant smugglers and trafficking in
human beings which pose a major humanitarian and security challenge for the Union.
(17) COSAC welcomes new initiatives to fight corruption in all areas. Corruption must be regarded as
organised crime.
(18) COSAC underlines the importance of working to combat corruption at both the national and the
EU level, as well as cooperation with third countries.
(19) COSAC agrees with the Commission that the single market is one of EU’s greatest achievements
and underlines its importance for the development and prosperity of the EU over the past 30 years.
(20) COSAC stresses that people’s wellbeing of people is dependent on well-functioning essential
services such as energy, water and health provision, transport and telecommunications. Focus on the
removal of barriers in the single market should remain, especially in the services sector.
(21) COSAC underlines that a good supply of skills is important for the Union’s competitiveness.
COSAC therefore welcomes that 2023 has been designated as the “European Year of Skills”.
(22) COSAC welcomes measures that can further promote the green and digital transitions and can
strengthen the EU’s competitiveness, while ensuring its open strategic autonomy, on the global arena.
COSAC welcomes in particular measures taking into account small and medium-sized enterprises.
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EUU, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 486: Bidrag og konklusioner fra COSAC-mødet i Stockholm den 14.-16. maj 2023
(23) COSAC emphasises that the single market has been exposed to various crises in recent years.
Disruptions to global value chains during the pandemic led to shortages of important products.
Russia’s war in Ukraine is exacerbating the challenges to the single market. The war has led to an
extensive energy crisis which, in turn, has led to higher prices in most areas.
(24) COSAC underlines how important it is that the EU and the Member States, also in times of crisis,
continue to remove obstacles, lessen bureaucracy, implement and apply existing legislation and adapt
the single market to today’s modern and digital society in order to meet the expectations of the citizens
and of companies. The single market must continue to adapt to new challenges, while extending the
Schengen area to Romania and Bulgaria to consolidate furthermore EU's cooperation and economic
resilience. These are strongly interdependent with strengthening the external borders.
(25) COSAC welcomes efforts to realise all the various elements of the Fit for 55 package. The EU
has ambitious climate goals which are necessary in order to meet the challenges of the future.
(26) COSAC welcomes work with the green transition and emphasises that a holistic approach is
required in order to create a sustainable world.
(27) COSAC stresses that the EU has a central role in the green transition and needs to be at the
forefront of global climate efforts, while recognising the importance of cooperation with third
countries as climate change is a global challenge that knows no borders.
(28) COSAC stresses that the green transition is a necessary step in reducing the EU’s energy
dependence, while respecting the energy mix of each Member State, and that the transition must be
(29) COSAC notes that the green transition involves both challenges and opportunities at all levels of
society, and calls for it to be accompanied by appropriate social and economic support.
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